

Part of The Philippine Educator

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' J •' . ~-:·~ .-: ~~-:~ ~ ;.". :~~ :~' .: ~'i.:# ~~~ ~ ~ ;. .. , ~ ~RECREATION . .. . (Con't. from ·p. 26) ·'· 1t might be well to study. the aids to, the activity loses its recreational vaiue. or opportunities for, these wholesome re. When one plays to show a feat or spec~ crellltions which within the teach o! tacle and with the idea of popular ae- the pupils. Are there parks, librariea. cl~ afterwards, his activity is not re~ playgrounds, community centers, organ.. 'creation. izations and clubs, museums, and other Below are a few suggestions on how ~to ~e leisure time wisely. In guiding the pupils to pursue these activities, t::\e teacher should remember the points just • discussed. The classification of these activitie-;; is based on the participation which the individual makes in each. -A. Recr~.ations in which one does things: . l. gl'oup games 2. - sports 3. outdoor activities aids in the community? How could the school lead in the establi'shment-of sucli aids where there are none? Our working hours are decreasing in contrast to our hours of leisure. It ia very important tha.t we t~ach our pupils the \vise use of their leisure time if we are to help them to become efficient citizens and not social liabilities and misfits . END 4. artistic activities Ref. Hannon, Using Leisure Time. -5: other games H. Recreations in which one makes thing;;: 1 . the crafts (making articles by hand or machines) 2. the arts (making dra~gs, po~ ry, stories, music, etc.) 3. others C. Recreations in which one collects things: 1. stamp·;; 2. pictures 4. etc. l.J. Recreations in which one learns thmgs: 1. fin~ arts 2. social studies 3. science and mathematics 4. practical arts PERMA_NE~r ,( ... [..;,}.._ FOR : ALL -~·. ~"fJ · ·'WRITING. WHICH M_ UST ... BE PRESERVED. When ·you wont records to be· lasting, lnlht Some of these activitie;; may be en- on Permanent SKRIP ... withstands time, _;, gaged in in groups; others, individual- even boiling water. Get SKRIP and tak• • ly; or in both ways, depending upon the_ chances. You'n be more then satisfied. individual. It is said that the best E xclusicc Di"tributora recreations are those which are engaged Atkins Kroll & Co. Inc. in by very few people,. 124 Myer's Bldg. , Port Area, Manila FOR MODERN OPTICAL NEEDS-SEE KEEPSAKE OPTICAL-80 Escolta ..