
Part of The Philippine Educator

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
us • • • At the last meeting of the Board of --to statemanship and sees achievement Directors, PPSTA, we were asked if the beyond roads and bridges and the vote Philippine Educator is now strong they get? Nor .to the pharmacist and enough to assure life for itself for more her drugs, the doctor and his pili's and months and years of shouting the teach- scalpel and iodine, the faP!Tler and his er's shout. We assured the Board that rice, the blacksmith and. his tongs? It at the rate the magazine is widening is our ta·sk to convince teachers that its circui'ation, we now ·have both a they are the chosen ~roup that hold sostable magazine and an effective organ. ciety together in their unselfish enWe also informed the Board .that about .deavors so that the youth may hope for half the new subscriptions are paid in better days: In their hands is enfull; that the other half are pledges- trusted the shaping of a country in that is, copies are being sent on the w.hioh the adults and the leaders are promise that remittance would be made themselves badly in need of the basic on the next pay day. We have been virtues. It is our task to make teachsending these copies in advance of ers conscious of this mission, and ha'Vpayment because, l>eing a teacher our- ing convinced them, to make them beg, self. we have not the slightest doubt that ask, demand if need be, for freer and these teachers would pay their obliga- larger chances to continue working untions not only to .the PE but to all thosP. selfishly for the youth and the futur!! others out there who arc helping to that they hold. · support the magazine. And we shall Our simple mi·ssion, then, is educanot lack suporters • as long as we have tion of the Plhilippine educator so he men who realize that on the adequa~ may be a more effective instru~ent for support of education and those who sociai rehabilitation. We shall contimake it possible depends real progress. nue to give him articles of general inFor this is our paramount aim: To terest so he may broaden his mind beconvince those teachers who feel and yond the drudgery of lesson planning. behave like slaves that they are th~ We shall continue to give him aids in real masters and rulers of the land, and hi teaching so he may grow in practo convince those who hold power that tical techniques. And we shall continue that country is nothing which does not to persuade him and other teachers, as value its chii'dren and -its youth and the we are doing now, to knit themse'ves men and women who teach them to together so they can be a power for dream fairer dreams for their country. good. These seem simple enough to us teach- We believe that in the heart of every ers, for we are steeped in idealism anrl teacher is this trinity of aims, three have the larger grasp, but how can it in one, secretly giving meaning to his be clear to the dentist unless he is ::t. sacrifices, inspiraton to his successes man of broad vis·ions and ·sees value in and consolation to his despair. Thos; things other than tooth pulling? No: who believe in them al-so are flocking to the engineer unless . he sees value in now to join the brotherhood of the beyond building and road construction? Ed~tcator and the PPSTA. Nor to the politician unless he soars (Continued on page 43) FOR MODERN OPTICAL NEEDS-SEE KEEPSAKE OPTICAL-80 Escolta 19