Activity guide in arithmetic grade


Part of The Philippine Educator

Activity guide in arithmetic grade
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ACTIVITY GUIDE IN ARITHMETIC GRADE SIX Marcela B. Garcia !. Drill A . Group remedial drill on addition of like fractions. Note: Grouping of the children is based on the results of the diagnostic test on addition of like fractions, p. 29, The New Curriculum Workbook. B. Abilities Involved: 1. Group I. Addition of like fractions with answers not reducible to lowest terms. Type: 1/3 -1- 1/3 =2/3 2. Group II. Addition of like fractions with answers reducible to lowest terms. Type: lf4 -1- lf4 = 2/4 lf4 = lh 3. ·Group III. Addition of like fractions with answers reducible to whole or mixed numbers. Type: % -1- lf4 = 4/4 = 1 4. Group IV. Addition of whole numbers and fractions or mixed numbers. Type: 7 - 1 - 7/12 = 7 7/12 5. Group V. Addition of mixed numbers, the fractional sums of which are proper fractions. Type: 6Vs -1- 15fs = 7 6/8 = 7% 6. ·Group VI. - Addition of mixed numbers, the fractional sums of which are imprope~:· fractions. Type: 7% - 1- 4¥4 = 114/4 = 12: C. Procedure 1 . Provision is made for thoSe pupils · who scored perfect in the diagnostic test. They solve problems given on the board2. Corrective drill exercises based on the different abilities; are placed on the board. 3 . The teacher takes up corrective teaching with one group at a time, starting with the simplest type of exercise missed. 4 . While one group recites with the teacher, the rest of the class study the exercises corresponding to their respective groups. II. Problem Solving A. To develop the ability to solve mental problems involving everyday arithmetic. 1. Specific abilities involved in: a. Making changes. b. Buying and selling. c. Finding averages. d . Finding increases or de-' creases in weight. 2. Mental problems (samples) a. Yesterday, Jose bought 2· notebooks at !"0.20 each. ' If he gave the seller a 50-centavo piece, h ow much change did he re- · ceive? b . At recess, Mrs. Dungo ordered 2 cups of soup at , PO. 15 a cup and 2 special sandwiches at f'.15 each.' If she gave the seller a peso, how much change did the seller give her? FOR MODERN OPTICAL NEEDS SEE KEEPSAKE OPTICA.l.r--:80 Escolta 33. c. Mother went marketing ;: . this morning and bought 2 ot a triangle when the base and the altitude are given. kilos o! sugar at 1"0. 60 a ·B. 'kilo and a dozen eggs at 1"1.40 a dozen. How much did she spend in all? d. A dress material, 3 yards long costs 1"4 . 20. What is the cost per yard? e. Last month Pedro's weight w·as 28 kilos. Y e~terday, while waiting !or the dentist, he weighed himself. J. ~ "His present weight is 32 "kilos. What was his increase in weight? 3 . Procedure a . The teacher reads aloud the mental problems. b . Pupils solve these problems mentally and write down the answers. c. The pupils check their answers. { 1) The teacher reads the answers aloud while pupils check their own papers. (2) The teacher finds the frequency o! errors end takes up with the class those problems missed by the majority. Procedure 1 . Drill on arithme"t1cal terms. Filling the blanks. a . Area means----b. Area should always be ex pressed in -'f......__· c. Perimeter means '·----d . The dimenswns of a parallelogram are its and-----. e . A parallelogram with a base of 9 dm. and an altitude of 5 dm. has an area of---. 2. The teache-.. presents a triangle to the class and asks the pupils to show its dimensions; the surface; and the perimeter. 3. By comparison, the teacher makes the pupils realize that a triangle is one-half the area of a parallelogram of the same dimensions. 4. The pupils are then led to discover and formulate the general principles ior finding the area ot a triangle. 5. The teacher takes several examples by illustrations to generalize the idea. TII. Development Lesson 6. The teacher takes up exercises and problems calling for the applicati<;m of the principle just formulated. ·' A. To know how to find the area Your 34 GLASSES HOW ARE YOUR EYES? ·For dependability of service-Consult Dr. A. P. REYES for any eye ailments. eyes examined and your vision tested by scientific methods precision apparatus. SEE US AND SAVE Y_OUR SIGHT! • Exclusive Distributors of American Optical Co. Raon Corner Sales, Manila Tel . 2-80-86 Branch-'722 Rizal Ave. cor. Azcarraga and ~1