Presidential table talk


Part of The Philippine Educator

Presidential table talk
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• 'l'T! fll man a ., /..~y f~ .33 PRESIDENTIAL TABLE TALK v' I ) 1\;f), J Marcnlino Baut:sta LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS . of this servic'e credit is a vested right which has acc~~e.sf to teachers through the yexrs. The recent government policy to Substitute service credit ior E!sewhere in this issue are b9ls pr oposed for submission to the next .. s1 .s-- ' f C W ,... •. . ··• ·'t'J ·t h · the proportional vacation pay is a dis!.•Oll c ongress. e mv1 e eac ers . . . :md Parent-Teacher Associations 'to dis'-· · t~nct disservic~ .. ,to the schools and to cliss and criticize these proposals.·. It. the teachers. A reversal of publi~ polthey meet with the approval of repre- icy which is not based on justice is ~entative groups, resolutions may i?e £ent to the Con bressme~ representing the diferent divisions asking them to SU! pe:rt the bills. obviously a repudiation of the higb ideals of governm"ent that have been dan15led as worthy goals before the e"·es of the youth, the teachers, and the public. , · The most import..nt bill is . the one , . proposing to revise tb.¢ Educatioxial .. A reque~ has ~been sent to nutborAct. of 1940. '!here woul~ seem to be lties concerned to do the same thing t:nanimous approvul of the provisions that is now proposed in this bill. The t:> revise the present curriculum. Th~ he~ein -·-~roposar will ·be sent to Conmost conrtoversial provision. is ~hat·pne gret:s . in' case ·rio action is taken on :!bout the financing of 'the intermediate . • our request. classes. While it is true that any bill ·. · .-. · ; , calling for additional taxes would be · -Th'e bill proposing the establishment unpopular, it is believed that with prop- of · a general retirement system for er build-up, the people will be con- all government employees was previnced to share a little more of the pared by the Office of the Governsupport of education. Can the govern- ment Service Insurance System and the n1ent spend more? If not, would the Budget Commission. It seems • that it people be willing to continue with the will be most difficult to revive the inndequate school system that we now Pld pension system for teachers behave, or would they rather directly cause other government employees sha!"e a little more of the burden of V{ill object to a special legislation for sunporting better· schools? teachers, especi2illy one as desira'J~e The proposal to improve salary al- as a pension system. On the assumplocation needs no defense. Teachers tion that it will not be J>C?SSible to and school officials might wish to r~ss pension le~isfation for teachers study the relative importance of the po- only, we are in favor of the approval s: ~ions and determine if there should nf this reneral retirement plan. Before be chan~es in fhe salary rates pro- the bill is officinlly taken up with posed . Please note thnt the clerical Congress, however, - teachers should positions have been included in this study the plan and suggest ways ot proposal. The proposal to convert into cash the service ~redit gfven to for the proportional vacation pay earned in 1941 also needs no elaborate defense. The right to the cash value improving it. The provisions ma:y not be as liberal as th'bse of the old pension system for teachers,· but this bill seems to embody features which make the proposed general retirement fund actuarially sound .