Problems in the news


Part of The Philippine Educator

Problems in the news
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PROBLEMS ·· -in the NEWS f I 1 "'< , I .- I , , BY Sll..VINA C. LAYA 1. A systematic campaign to attract American capital into the Philippines so as to take ;1dvantage of the parity law will be launched jointly by the Philippine government and the Beyster advisory group on Philippine industrializa'tion. The Beyster report points out that Philippine capital alone cannot adequately handle the possibilities of Philippine natural and mineral resources. This campaign is also aimed at counteracting discouraging reports about lack of peace and order in the Philippines. The government campaign aims to prove that the Philippines is the best place for investment in the Far East. a . Why do you think American capital is slow in coming to the Philippines? b . Is Philippine capital not enough to develop our resources or is it only timid? c. Should the government conduct this campaign in America? d. Is this cc.m;~ign necessary? e . How may our natural resources be developed without foreign capital? 2. Public bonds bearing 4 !h per cent interest will be floated by the R.FC (Rehaoilitation Finance Corporation) to capitalize one-fourth of the government partnership with Westinghouse International on the establishment and operation of an electrical pla[)t in Manila for the manufacture of incandescen·• bulbs and fluorescent lamps. This bond series will be redeemable at the beginning of the fifth year of a ten-year amortization period. 30 a . ·Do you think these bonds are good investment? \Vhy? b. Is this partnershiD with a big foreign firm beneficial to the Philippines? How? c. What are the dangffs of this partnership? d . Would not the ¥eralco be a better project than this Philippine Electrical manufacturing company? 'why? ' 3. Pres.ident Roxas ordered the Department of Finance and the Bureau of International Revenue to 'prosecute .ax evaders. President Roxas was most emphatic in the· prosecution of war-profit tax evaders · who ate alleged to have amassed· wealth during the occupation. a. How may the Department of Finance and Bureau of Internal : Re'venue a'pprehend ·tax evaders? b. Will this measure improve our finances? c . Should those who amassed wealth during the Japanese occupation be he?vily taxed? Why? d . What are the taxes which are most often evaded? Can y~u suggest ways of preventing evasion for each particular tax? 4 . .. Modesto Farolan, Consul General for H:a,'l"aiij said that the once-flourishing million-dollar rattan furniture and cigar trade in Hawaii died as a result of dumping below-standard products by some local exporters. a. Why have goods of inferior quality been dumped into Hawaii? 'b. 'May .we say that failure to meet specifications when orders are many is a weakness of our manufactur~rs and e<'porters? PHILIPPINE EDUCAT.OR d. What' measures ·can the Govern- · c . Should' the government tolerate ment 'adopt to prevent further ex- ·~criticiSms? Why? po'rtation' of · inferior products? d'. The government owns and opere. Give an example of countries ates KZFM, a '!lOwerful radio whose ·export trade was stimu- station. Should this station be lated by high·-quality goods ex- made purely a pro-administration ported? mouthpiece? Is it actually so 5. U. S. Ambassador Emmet O'Neal now? urged the youth of the Philippines to 8. Mayor Fugoso reprimanded Chief strengthen and 'perfect the 'democratic of Police Manuel de la Fuente for reway of life which "is the highest plane fusing to obey Secretary Zulueta when to which civilization has climbed, and the latter ordered the reinstatment of without it no education can be devoted Patrolman · Alfonso Layog, who was to the search for truth." found guilty by the Merit and Trial a. What part ' may the Department Board of connivance with crooks. of Education play in developing Chief de la Fuente said: "I do not the democratic way of life? t:-1e intend . . . to dis:oute the law or disobey schools? the teachers? orders. But above all these, I have to b . Can truth go hand in -hand with protect public interest and preserve totalitarianism? Give reasons f0r the dignity of the department of which your answer. I am the head." c. In what ways is democracy su- a. What must have been the reason perior to, say, communism? 0f Layog's exoneration? 6. President Roxas in his rally speech b . Has politics anything to do with in the Manila Jockey Club on October the case? 18, 1947, took the Nacionalista Party to c . Do you favor de la Fuente's stand? task for ~res~nti~{themselv-~s as.cha~L . < ': : ,' ~W~at . ar~ your reasons? pions of collaborators. 9. It is believed that Russian-trained a. Should the Nacionalista Party be Chinese communists from Amoy China condemned if it favors some !:Ol- · have been steadily getting into the Phil~ laborators? Why? ippines. They are specially trained to b. What important "collaborators" help the Huks, it is said. are influential in the government a · How d? these Chinese Reds get in today? · illegally? c . Should amnesty be granted to so- b · If· they do get in, what is the Bucalled collaborators? reau of Immi~ration doing to 7. The Philippine Newspaper Guild prevent their illegal entry? and the Civil Liberties Union denounced c · Why do Communists go into such the sus9ension of the broadc~sts of trouble to extend heb to the Arsenio Lacson as an infringement of Huks? the constitutional right of free speech. d · Are some sections of the PhllipLacson is one of the most fearless crit- pines fertile ground for commuics of the government. . Lacson had to nism? Explain your answer. stop broadcasting or else the station's 10. An "Eastern Bloc" to be comcharter would be revoked. · posed of Turkey, Persia, India, Pakisa · Why are radio stations ·willing tan and Afghanistan is being discussed censors of radio programs? as a defense of the Middle East and b · Should the broadcasts of Lacson Moslem World against future aggresbe stopped? Why? sion. FOR MODERN OPTICAL NEEDS SEE KEEPSAKE OPTICAL-80 Escolta. 31 PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR It is said that communism lost what it gained for seven years in these coun- -tries in the one hour during which the Soviet representative in the UN supported the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. Mustafa Al Umari, deputy president -of the Iraqui Senate, said: "Neither the Americans nor the Soviets are really the guaridans of !)eace. Any nation must depend on itself for freed?m_.and independence." a. Why has Soivet Russia lost ground in the Middle East? b. Do you believe in what Umari said? Has the Philippines learned this lesson already? c. What can the Philippines do to help maintain its freedom and independence? What is it doing now? 11. A group of British parliamentairaru claimed that Josef Stalin advocateiO close political and econmic relations with the U. S. and Great Britain and has no thought of making war. a. Do the actions of Stalin support this statement? P1 1·ove your an' swer. b. Granted that it is true, what can Stalin get from the United States and Great Britain as a result of closer political and economic relations? 12. The Anti-Franco group in UN plans to ask the members to refrain from any commercial arrangement with Spai.n. a. Why is Spain unpopular in the UN? b. I! the plan of the Anti-Franco group goes through, what should the Philip.pines do? 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