

Part of The Philippine Educator

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
' k • us . . ~ . . by:, ~ ... ('l • The other day, . higher, au~oritie~ called us to answer a charge ~hat w~ have been camt)aigning for Dr. Cam:Io Osias for senator. The tumult and the passion of election have ceased, so w<>. feel that higher authority need not gEJt cross if we let out a little squeaky note of news to the rest of US. Well, w~ did not deny that we would vote for Csias. Neither did we deny that we would vote also for Imay Pecson. We vote Osias not because he is opposition t ut because he is Osias the educator, the man who can perhaps give light to this groping for educational policy in ow· !>Olitical leaders. We vote for Pecson because we feel that although her voice will not be absolutely hers, still we hope she retains the memory of the fact that once she was a teacher and, though no longer, retains the l-_indness that resides in the heart of a real teacher. Thus we explained. Which reminds us of the fellow who said th'lt love is a crime but nobody gets hanged for it since the hangman himself is in love. . ~ . The PE .has been given into the of ·a new printer, the Kayumanggi Press, 633 Legarda. This press is new, but it !)romises to serve the PE with more promptness and enthusiasm than the previous one. The first issue may be just a shade delayed, because the Kayumanggi Press has just moved to its ::-resent location, but even then it has managed to come out earlier than the !'revious isrue. • • • 1\ir. Marcelino Bautista ,our president, went , on leave beginning October 1 in order to use his own time to org:mized the office of the PPST A and to campaign for more .membership. We visited him a number of times 1md found him hale and healthy, sleeves rolled, mouth crackling · w ith dictation in the direction of an experienced stenographer, sparks of wisdom and protest and campaign stab-· bing out from 1289 Dos Castillas, office force scurrying to catch up with the new schedule, me dropping in of mornings to get a moutpful cf enthusiasm and plans that sop~1etimes sound good and sometime·s don't sound so good. Which reminds me of the. Arellano Torres basketball game two Saturda~s ago. Those boys put up a lot of fight &nd fouled each other more than necessarily and worked up plenty of" excitement in the bleachers, but there were a few unnecessary motions, some l!Ilintentionally harmless, some--sorry na lang. . . very intent~onally harmful. But there is no coubt about the fighting spirit and the will to win. What was lacking was the experience of the professional. When you call at 1289 Dos Castillas, you will perhaps have contact with a boy named William. (Nevermind the other half of the name.) He is the geenral utilitY men of the PPST A.:_· messenger, bookkeeper-to-be, paymaster, clerk, hewer of wood, drawer of water. But he is a GI ("Genuine llocano") and can t~ke lon~ and heavy (Cantinued on page 50) FOR MODERN OPTICAL NEED~ SEE KEEPSAKE OPTICAL-SO Escolta