A back pay bill


Part of The Philippine Educator

A back pay bill
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A BACK PAY BILL EXPLANATORY NOTE The first fundamental law of any society that will certainly do justice tu all its members lis the uniform treatment of all. Any law, any decree, any arrangement that seeks to give favor to some and deny it to others is not only unjust, it is not only undemocratic, but courts trouble and undermines the very spirit with which that society is conceived and founded. Such a law, or such a decree or such an arrangement, if it will continue to go on uncorrected, will sooner or later drive a wedge of discontent emong the people. Discontent, we must realize, is always the psychosocilil disease that undermines the stability and security of any society from within. fn this particular case, the subject matter of this bill herein attached, 1 wish to be of record that I detest discrimination as a root of great and dangerous social evils. It is for this reason that I present this proposed piece of legislation calling for the grant o! right to the small men, a right already granted to "the great." MANUEL T. CASES Congressman, 2nd District La Union AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT TO PRE-WAR EMLOYEES SERVING THE COMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENT UP TO DECEMBER SEVEN, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FORTY -ONE, THE AMOUNT EQUIVALENT TO THEIR RESPECTIVE SALARIES FROM JANUARY ONE, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FORTY-TWO TO JANUARY THIRTY, NINETEEN HUNDRED · AND FORTY -FIVE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: Section 1. The Government of the Republic of the Philippines recognizes a:; an obligation and will pay salaries and wages of pre-war employees, whether local or national, or to their heirs, who were on active service u;,~ to December seven, nineteen hundred and forty-one. Sec. 2. For the purposes of this Act all payments shall be computed from January one, nineteen hundred and forty-two, to January thirty, nineteen hundred and !forty-five, provided that all payments shall be made in the following manner: a. The amount equivalent to three months backpay be made payable in cash. b. The remaining balance must be paid in bonds bearing two per cent interest and maturing at the end of ten years from the date of the issuance of the said bonds. Sec. 3. Any holder of this bond may be paid at the date of its maturity half in c~t•.>h and half in stocks of any o:f the Government-owned corporations. See. 4. The Government shall provide a sinking fund for the redemption of these bonds as provided in this Act. Sec. !J. This Act shall take effect upon its approval, Approved. FOR MODERN OPTICAL NEED5-SEE KE£PSAXE OPnC~O Escolta 18