An evolving bill of rights for teachers


Part of The Philippine Educator

An evolving bill of rights for teachers
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
An Evolving Bill of Rights for Teachers . ~· . (From the NEA Jou~I. Nov. J946) ; It is interesting to know what teachers in the United States consider their bin of rights. How do teachers in the Philippines fare when we compare their "rights I~ (which rights?) with the teachers of America.? 1. The right to teach classes that are not too large-in general. from 10 to 20 pupils .. 2. The right to have time in the school day for planninz_ 3. The right of a 45-hour week. 4. The right to an adequate amount of helpful and constructive IU}>el'.,.ision. 5. The right to adequate compensation for the full year o! 52 weeks. Teachers' salaries l~s than those demanded by strikers. More than $1,000 less. Average $1,786. 6. The right to have good materials and enough of them. 7. The right to work in a room that, with the help of the students, can be made pleasant and appropriate to the task to be learned. a. The right to the same personal liberties which other respectable citizens assume for themselves as a matter of course. 9. The right to an internship. 10. The right to a realistic program of in-service education. 11. The right to participate in modifying the curricu1um and methods and in formulating school policies. 12. The right to keep from being lost in the professioa. Good news to the masses .·. and employees THE ACEBEDO OPTICAL CO. tak~s pride Ia anooonclag Its lew and easy rayment plan with the a.oe o! Ita new optical &!Jpe.ratus. We examine your eyes care!ully and tit your gla.,.es t:Orreetly. We o!fer d3y and night service Including Sundays and Holidays. Com.e to u.. for your eyeglass problems and get them within your means. Acebedo Optical Company 428 Rizal Avenue (in front of IDEAL THEATRE) Tel. 2-65-53 :n