Letters from the field


Part of The Philippine Educator

Letters from the field
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
•' . LETTERS from the field · J. The Editor Sir: I have been closely following with interest the PE since its first issue. 1 am now positively convinced that my conclusion when I first read the magazine was correct - that it aims to serve and promote the interests an_d well-being not only of the 57,000 public school teachers but also of the more than 1000 clerks and janitors in th~ Bureau of Education. Since the PE is the official organ of the Philippine Public School Teachers' Association only: will it not be advisable to change the name of the association to a new name that will embrace all groups of under-privileged public school servants that the PE bas been and is now valiantly and splendidly serving? If so, may I suggest that it be named BUREAU OF EDUCATION TEACHERS AND EMPLOYlEES ASSOCIATION or BETEA. The change may benefit ~oth the association and the organ in the following manner: 1. Formal recognition and acknowledgement will be ;given the PE by the groups of employees concerned for PE's steadfast devotion and sacrifices for and in their behalf; it will give more inspirations to the PE and at the same time assures itself of a solid backing by the Bureau of Education people. 2. Membership for and subscription to the association and magazine respectively may be increased from the grateful clerks and janitors in the Bureau of Education, who it is believed, will not hesitate to join the association. By now, I am sure many clerks and janitors in the Bureau of Education are convinced of the imperative need for a militant organization tbat is far30 reaching and national in character, if they want to improve their lot through the benefit Olf progressive legislation. Only they do not know what to do and where to · go. The PPSTA is their answer and the PE their only hope and means! ( By force of close contact and the related nature of the functions being rendered by both public school teachers and school clerks and janitors, these groups of public servants should and ought to band together for common end~;. Editor's Note: Sincerely yours, PLACIDO L. LUMBAY According to the Constitution of the Philippine Public School Teachers' Asrociation, all personnel in the classified civil service of the Bureau of Public Schools can become members. Since janitors are not in the classified service, they cannot become members. This does not mean, however, that janitors will not be included within the scope of our endeavors to improve the workers' welfare. We are making a study .. of the salaries and qualifications of derks in Division Offices to the end that we shall be able to supply authorities concerned with information which will convince them of the need of improving the welfare of clerical workers. In the last session of the Congress of the Philippines the PPST A introduced a biiT to improve the salaries of educational personnel including the clerks. Unfortunately, the proposal did not go through .. . This does not mean that we a.,.e through with this bill .. . We shall revise its objectionable features and submit it again. And again!