Military training through correspondence


Part of The Philippine Educator

Military training through correspondence
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----------- ------------,------I ' Military Training l .\R clr !J!!!, 918), M{\, Through Correspondence ) ,,, ~l! j to: • FFICERS, specially reserve of10 B ficers in inactive status, who jpp have clamored for training !t c! courses tu keep them abreast 't! t,) 'of developments in military science will Jnur have their yearning answered soon: The m· army is opening extension courses this mqnth, and thost! officers who enroll in the courses will soon be receiving a regular dose of lessons in military tactics and developments - by mail. The army extension courses program is the fruit of several months of planning at headquarters and culminated in the approval last month of the plan for the AEC by Maj Gen Calixto Duque, AFP chief of staff. Applications for enrollment in the courses are now beinx received at general headquarters. All officers, regular and reserve, have been urged to enroll and to take advantage of the new train· - ing opportunities afforded by the AEC Enrollment, however, is purely on a voluntary basis. Applications are being processed by The Adjutant General. Another incentive for officers 'to enroll is the opportunity for promotion, even __.-> for reserve officers in the inactive status, afforded by the extension courses. The courses will be conducted by the Philippine Army School Center of the Philippine Army Training Command with the assistance of Army service schools' not under the control of the 'P A TC. Following are the details of the AEC Program as finally approved by the Chief of Staff: GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CONDUCT OF ARMY EXTENSION COURSES 1. COURSES TO BE OFFERED - . An extension course will be offered for each branch of service. Each course will be divided into five series, as follows: Series Designed for Credit Hours Resident Crse Esquiv. ~ 10 2nd Lieuts. 300 Officer Basic 20 1st Lieuts. 300 Branch Basic 30 Captains 300 Branch Advanced 40 Majors 300 Branch Ad'Janced 50 Lt Colonels 300 General Staff Off Within each series, subjects will be grouped into units of instruction called subcourse, which will be divided into lessons (Example: Lesson 1, S/C 20-1 (lnf) is the first lesson of the first subcourse in the 20-series of the Inf E~nsion Course). The 10-series will consist entirely of basic subject common to officers of all brv.nches. In the 20-series, 30-series, and 40-series, officers will follow courses appropriate to their respective branches of service. The 50-series \ 37 38 PHILIPPINE ARMED FORCES JOURNAL will be branch immaterial. 2. AGENCIES TO CONDUCT ARMY EXTENSION ~,OURSES - a. P ASC, P ATC, assited by all P A Se!vice Schools not under the control of P ATC, will prepare, revise, review and conduct army extension courses for all army branches of service and for all series, except 50-serif-s when the Command and General Staff School shall have been established and in operation. b. The Command and General Staff School, when established and in operation, will prepare, revise, review and conduct an extension course for 50-series, tsi.cing over these functions from P ASC, P A TC if the latter had already assumed these functions by then. 3. ENROLLMENT - a. Enrollment in the Army Extension Courses will, be voluntary for all officers, both Regular and Reserve. However, only such number of officers as the appropriation for the conduct of AEC will allow'; will be enrolled according to the following order of priorities: 1st priority-Reserve officers who are in inactive status and have not had any pre•1ious service schooling or tour of active duty 2nd priority-Reserve officers who are in active status but who had no previous service schooling 3rd priority-Reserve officers who are in active status and had previous service schooling; Regular officers who had no previous service schooling 4th priority-Regular officers who had previots service schooling. b. A roster of officers, Regular and Reserve, will be published and maintained up-to-date by G-1 Div, GHQ for each series of all branch extension courses, indicating in each roster the following: (1) Names of officers, by priorities. (2) Rank and branch of service of r----~~~~~ eatt officer. " tl ( 3) Branch extension cQurse enrolled in. (4) Post office (llddress of each officer. Military Areas mry b,e required to assist in the preparation of these rosters as far as the Reserve officers assigned to reserve units within the jurisdiction of ea:!h MA is concerned. • c. Guided by these Rosters, each agency charged with the conduct of AEC will notify by mail such number of pr'ospective student "'officers as can be supported by their respective current appropriations for AEC that they (the student officers) are enrolled in a certain extension course, effective on a date the an· nouncement of which will be mailed to the student together with the first lesson of the course. Generally. enrollment will be effective on the date of mailing tiiP first lesson to the student. Each student officer will be required to acknowledge receipt of the letter notifying him that he is enrolled in an extension course. 4. CONDUCT OF THE COURSE - a. As soon as possible after receipt of the letter of acknowledgment from the student officer, the conduct of the exten· sion course -~'or t~~t particular officer will begin. b. Any officer who fails to complete any subcourse or a complete series (extension course) within the prescribed time limit, will be made to explain in writing his failure. Depending upon the explanation of the student officer, he may either be <1) made to pursue tt.e next lower series for his branch of service, if it is found in his explanation that he does not possess the requisite military qualifications to pursue his present course successfully, (2) made to continue his present course, allowing him more time to complete the course, if it is found in his explanation that during the course he suffered reasonable delays, or (3) recommended to be dropped from the Roll of Officers and assigned to a reserve unit as a private or non-com, if it is found in his explanation that his failure to complete the course within the prescribed time limit was due oto deliberate and . intentional neglect on his part to pursue the course. 0 MILITARY TRAINING THROUGH CORRESPONDENCE 39 c. The time, limit ithin which to' complete a sub-course and a complete se.ries (extension course) fiill be determined by each AEC agency. Before such time limit is put into leffect, however, prior approval of GHQ, AFP will first be secured. of Officers in the possession of the AEC. agency forwarding the report may likewise be corrected by the AEC agency concerned to credit)each graduating student with the course completed. The new course which the graduating stuc{!nt is to be enrolled in will be forwarded by GHQ, AFP <Attn: G-1 Div) to the AEC 5. ADMINISTRATIVE - • a. Reports - Each and every agency charged with the conduct of AEC will render the following reports to GHQ, AFP (Attn: G-1 Div) a! frequently as indicated: (1) Names of students officers enrolled, indicating ranks, branches of service, courses enrolled in, and dates on which enrolled. - (quarterly). • agency concerned. Upon receipt of the new courses for students who have just finished their courses,~ the AEC agency will enter the new course opposite the names of the officers concerned in the Roster of Officers in the possession of the AEC agency. Names of newly commissioned officers together with their post office addresses and the courses they are to be enrolled in, will be entered :n the Roster. An up-to-date roster will be furnished each AEC agency every quar\'2) Names of student officer!! who have ~;ompleted satisfactorily certain serii!S course, indicating ranks, branches of service, courses completed, and dates of completion of course - (Monthly). q> Names of student officers who fall under par 4 b <3) above- (Fortnightly). (Note: This report is rendered at short intervAls in order not to pile up cases for disciplinary action by G-1 Div, GHQ. This report should be forwarded to GHQ, together with the written explanation of students concerned regarding their failure to complete a subcourse or a complete series course within the prescribed time limit). b. Maintenance of Officers' RostersAs soon as the report mentioned in par 5 a (2), above, has been received, the officers reported as having completed certain courses will be credited with having completed their respective courses and the new courses in the next higher series appropriate to their respective branches of service will be indicated in the appropriate Roster of Officers. The Roster ter. In the upper series courses, such as the 40 and 50-series, the number of officers to be enrolled in any series course will be determined from the requirements of the service for- officers to be assigned to positions requiring certain professional qualifications. The selection of officers to take the upper series courses, especially the 50-series, will be influenced by the showing of officers in their pursuit of the extension courses and in other respects. c. Printing of Extension Course Materials - Pending the establishment. of printing plants for each agency charged with the conduct of AEC, the printing of extension course materials which cannot be done by these AEC agencies will be done by the printing plant under the control of the C, CE. Direct coordination with the C, CE for printing assistance is authorized. d. All P A Service Schools not under the control of the Supt, P ASC will render assistance to P ASC in the \)reparation, revision, review and conduct of army extension courses as pertain to their respective fields. The Supt, P ASC is authorized to coordinate directly with any and all of these Service Schools for their assistance. • \