Research on alcohol as fuel for military vehicles


Part of The Philippine Educator

Research on alcohol as fuel for military vehicles
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.l 0 ~f1P~~l for Military Vehicles · • By Major EULOGIO G. GALANG HE earliest known research on the use of alcohol as motor fuel was conducted in 1915 in the United States. In the Philippines, othe earliest known work on this subject was carried on by Dr. A. L. Teodoro of the College of Agriculture, U.P., in Los Banos in 1931. Dr. Teodoro's finding~ can be summarized as follows: Engine Be,\avior - Compared to an engine powerc.d with gasoline, one that is fueled with straight alcohol is diffi. cult to start because of the lower vapor pressure and lower inflammable unit of alcohol. Starting. from cold with alcohol ts not as fast as in starting with gasoline, but automobile and tractor engines can be started without difficulty. Around Canlubang and Los Banos, where Dr. Teodoro conducte! his experiment, the coldest temperature is not less than GOOF. This temperature (6QOF) is the critical temperature in cold-starting 6n• gines using alcohol as fuel. · When the engine is not yet warmed up to maintain a steady running operation, it was found necessary to close the choke partially fo.1 a few seconds. Acceleration - Acceleration with limits is dependent on the distillation curve in the region between 30% and 70%. The lower the position of this region in the curve the better the acceleration. With proper carburetion and relative valve and ignition timing, acceleration is greater when the engine has been warmed up. It was observed that the operation of automotive engines with alcohol as fuel was smooth at all speeds. The detonations that occur under certain condi,tions in engines using gasoline were not observed when alcohol was used. It was also found that an engine that is properly adjusted for the use of alcohol does not overheat more than one in which gasoline is used. ' Power - With carburetor and spark set for maximum power, alcohol will enable the engine to deliver more power than gasoline can under the same compression ratio. The cylinder is more easily kept cool when using alcohol so that more power output and" efficiency are produced. Fuel Economy - With the use of Ricardo's variable compression enginE\ it was shown that for the same compression ratios alcohol shows about 3% greater thermal efficiency than gasoline due to the lower cycle temperature. Dr. Teodoro found that 1.33 gallons of alcohol could cover the same distance as one gallon of gasoline a vehicle could travel only 17 kms. on one gallon of alcohol, while it could cover 26 kms. with the same measure of gasoline. This means larger fuel orifices in carbUl·etors for alcohol fueled engines. It was also found that contrary to the belief then prevailing, water in alcohol does not increase the corrosive effect of alcohol fuel and commercial alcohol with certain denaturants have les1) corrosive effect than gasoline. Corrosion can be overcome with proper adjustment in the carburetor to ensure complete combustion and with the addition of alkaline compounds such as aniline and pyridine. Scale and Caroon Deposits - Alcohol gave rise to considerably Jesses carbon deposits than gasoline. This is due to the fact that alcohol is completely oxi41 i i ,I I 42 PHILIPPINE ARMED fORCES JO[JRNAL dized. The scal.~s that are found in the tanks, tubes and other fuel lines after prolonged operation with gasoline fuel are made up of iron oxid~, dust, rubber particles and cotton linters cemented togeln('r with the gummy oxidation product of the gasoline. These scales do not occur when alcohol is used because they are soluble in alcohol. Furthermore, w,hen alcohol is blended with gasoline or other fuels, gummy or tarry substances are produced. The use of straight alcohol does not produce these substances. Other Observations - In all the tests conducted by Dr. Teodoro, the viscosity of the crank case oil increased with the Jse of alcohol as fuel. N.o oil dilution was also observed unlike when gasoline was used. There was therefore, a little more oil when using alcohol as a fuel, an increase of about 10 per cent more. As to safety in the use of alcohoi, it was found out that fire alcohol can be extinguished by water, while gasoline flames can not be so put out. The flash point of alcohol (60°C) is higher than that., of gasoline (10°C), so that storage of alcohol is much safer. U. S. GOVERNMENT RESEARCH In the early months of the l~st war when the fuel situation became serious for the Allies because of the operations of enemy submarines, the National Bureau of Standards of the United States Government undertook a comprehensive study of the problems involved in the use of alcohol as a motor fuel substitute for gasoline. These investigations were carried out at the request of the Board of Economic Wa-rfare and included studies of the following special problems: 1. Effects of variations in compression ratio; 2. Knocf. ratios; 3. Power and fuel consumption with standard-type automotive engines; 4. Engine tests of gaseous fuels; 5. Effects of mixture distribution on engine performance; 6. Starting characterirtics at !.ow temperature and at altitudes; 7. Fuel pump life, cylinder wear and corrosion; and 8. Vapor lock with blends. The rsults of the research can be e1ummarized a~'\rollows: It was found out that engines operating with alcohol as fuel develop from 2% to 4% mor~ power than with the use of gasoline,( but require 60% to 70% more fuel. The amount of fuel needed is inversely proportional to its heat of combustion. Mixture distribution is somewhat less uniform with al'cohol than with gasoline. • Distribution of highly volatile alcohol fuel is better than those of low-proof alcohols. , It was indicated that a .075-inch jet with an idle t&be about 50% larger will give an acceptable performance with 95% alcohol. A desirable maximum starting .time was 15 seconds or 0.250 minute, within which time a start should be made. ' The minimum starting temperature of alcohol is slightly higher than gasoline. Starting difficulties wer!\ noticeable using 95% ethyl alcohol at 59°F. Starting tests under altitude conditions also showed a further reduction in starting temperature. Fuel pumps may be operated without · failure for 3,500 hours over a period of five months which is equivalent to 200,000 miles operation. This is (considered a satisfactory performance, as it exceeds the life of the average automobile. Cooling effect i!l approximately 5 times as great with alcohol as with gasoline during similar operations. Evaporation loss is materially less than when gasoline is used. The wear with alcohol is about onehalf that occasioned- by leaded gasoline. The tests gave no indication of any significant difference in the oil l:onsumption in the use of the two fuels. There was no dilution of the lubricant when alcohol fuel was used, while a dilution of 2% by weight was observed in the use of gasoline. Unblended 190 proof alcohol (95%) is not subject to vapor lock at any atmospheric temperature. The ether-alcohol blend proved satisfactory for starting at low temperatures. The relative rate of evaporation, combustion chamber deposits, and crankcase' oil dilution is less with the use of alcohol than when operating on gasoline. The disadvan'tages of using alcohol as r-- • RESEARCH ON ALCOHOL I ' 43 ·., II ·I i •! • ~ . ·. f--·~-,- ,- -· 1-· ~ E c ~ r ';. h t r1 ' • r' I + ;.+-;-~( T- ,. -~ .~ 1 ~· 20 Fig. 1-Fuel consumption using gaso_ line and alcohol compared graphical!·.a motor fuel are that the range of atmospheric temperature of operation is less than when gasoline is used and there is greater consumption of alcohol. AFP RESEARCH All the tests condulted here and abroad have shown that alcohol is the best fuel substitute for gasoline. They also in'dicated that the problems attendant to the use of alcohol can ' be co\npletely solved by proper adjustments in carburetion and starting. In the Armed Forces, the Research and Development Division has conducted a research on the U!l,e of alcohol as fuel for military vehicles with satisfactory results. The phases of the RDD research may be outlined as follows: A. Mechanical Changes in Engines. - Certain changes had to be made in the ' ) I (I 44 PHILIPPINE ARMEf' FORCES {OURNAL engines that were used in the tests, particularly in the carburetor jets and metering. rod. In the "low speed circuit" the idle wen jet w~ removed, while in the "high speed circuit" the metering ro{l jet was increased to about .098 inch with a corresponding increase in the diameter of its tip by using soldering lead. In the "Pump Circuit" the pump jet was increased to about .059 inch. A pre-heating eadget was installed to insure starting time within the range of from 15 to 20 seconds. A prony-brake dynamometer was made fo : a 4-cylinder Le-Roy gas engine. Preliminary runs were made using gasoline and alcohol. Brake Horse Power (BHP> developed by both fuels and the corresponding fuel consumption by volume and by weight wer ecomputed. The BHP and fuel consumption were plotted as shown in Figure 1 B. Economic Study. - The RDD research was based on the following assumptions, facts, and figures: 1. That in times of war or in the event of a desirous deterioration in the the international situation, the supply of gas"line to the Philippines from abroad may be totany cut off and the country may have to resort to the use of other fuels like ethyl alcohol, or dematured alcohol (95% or 189° proof). 2. In 1951, a total of 523,828,406 liters of ordinary gasoline was imported by the Philippines. Fifty per cent of this figure, or roughly about 262,000,000 liters may be assumed to be the controlled overan emergency requirement of the country a year. Of this quantity, at least 45,800,000 liters will be required by the Armed Forces, leaving only 216,200,000 liters for the use of other government agencies and the civilian population. 3. This estimated yearly requirement of 262,000,i100 lters of gasoline will have to be replaced by at least 445,400,000 liters of denatured alcohol <189° proof), based on a factor equivalent of 1.7 under similar conditions. 4. Alcohol can be produced partly from waste cane molas~rus from the manufacture of sugar and partly from straight cane juice. 5. The distillation of alcohol will take about ten (10) months. The present capacitiel of the country's distillery plants " f.will have to th inc1eased. Based on the above assumptions, facts and figures, th~, fonowing computation were arrived atf 1. Additional C d~illery columns required. - ~ Average daily alcohol (189° proof) production over a period of ten (10) months, allowing 5% evaporation losses: " 445,400,000 X 1.05 = 1167,670,000 10 X 30 300 ' = 1,558,900 G. Ltrs. Present total, daily capacity of all distillery columns in the Islands . 183,bOO G. Ltrs. Number of additional columns ,required with a daily capacity of 10,000 G. ·Ltrs. each: 1,558,900 - 183,000= 137.6 or 138 10,000 or, columns at 20,000 G 1 Ltrs. each daily: 1,558,900 - 183,000 = 69 ' 20,000 < 2. Quantity of sugar cane required to produce alcohol ana sugar needed for domestic consumption (sugar for export &nd for reserve stock was not considered): Sugar for domestic consumption · . . . . . 279,505.505 short tons or 4,015,426 piculs Cane to produce the above sugar at 1.75 piculs per to• cane: 4,015,426 = 2,294,529 metric tons 1.75 Molasses (waste) produced from the manufacture of the above sugar at 5.~38 ·gallons per ton cane: 2,294,529 x 5.238 = 12,0~,743 gals. Alcohol <1890 proof) recoverable from 90% of the above molasses, \allowing 10% molasses for miscl. domestic con· sumption), at 1.70 G. Ltrs. alcohol per gallon of waste molasses and with 5% evaporation losses of alcohol: 12,018,743 X 0.90 X 1.70 X 0.95 = 12,018,743 X 1.4535 = 17,469,240 G. Ltrs. Allowing 2,000,000 G. Ltrs. for medi· cinal and other uses, only 15,469,240 G. Ltrs. of the above alcohol from molasses will be available for fuel. Cane needed to supply juice for direct distillation to produce the balance of total alcohol rr.quirement, based on 65 G. Ltrs. alcohol per ton cane: · · 01, I' c rcttel !,l\4 !. Al.tti Clt!,lan 1100!) I U~J ~: roo h~ ~ :im~ I f;r I> ·~rt ttt.t· • 1 • fiESEARCll,ON ~LCOHOL 45 ) 467,670,000 - 15,469,240; = 6,956,935 ) 65 metric tons Therefore, the total 91-n required to produce the country's Uequirements of alcohol and sugar wiH b.\: 6,956,935 + 2,294,529 = 9,251,464 metric tons or, allowing 10% for bad crop, the actual cane needed will be: 9,251,464 x 1.1'e = 10,176,610 metric tons • 3. Additional area to turn into sugar cane • plantation to take care of the increase in cane requirement over present production, based on 48 ton~ per hectare: l0,176,610 - 189,048 = 22,965 ha. 48 · 4. Probable Net Income per hectare: From sugar cane planted purposely for alcohol : a. Share basis: Assuming an average produce per ,. h.:ctare conc~ding the present average production and that expected under the same cultivation methods used in pre-war days, the yield per hectare may be placed at: 48 -+- 80 = 64 tons 2 Rec;overable alcohol (189° proof) based on cane with an average sucrose ~ontent of 12.85%: 65 X 65 = 4160 G. L. Planter's share: At 65:35 share· basis'·and @P.20 G. L. .the planter would get: 4160 X 0.65 X P.20 = P450.80 Less: Cultivation and harvesting expenses at P4.90 per ton cane, or 64 x P4.90 313.60 Net Income per he:ctare on share basis of 65:35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P227.20 Central's share : Gross income on 64 tons cane: 4160 X 0.35 X P.20 . . . . . . . . . P291.20 Less: Distillation and hauling exp., based on average for 1950-51 crop: 4160 X P.077 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320.32 Loss per 64 tons cane Assuming, however, share ba11is, the would get: ....... <P 29.12) a 50:50 planted 4160 X 0.5 X P.20 ......... . • Less: Cultivation, harvesting and hauling exp. at P4.90 per toll, ·ot • 1 416.00 64 x P4.90 313.60 Net Income/Ha. on a 50:50 share basis . . .. ·t . . . . . . . . . . P10~.40 And the Central would get: 4160 X 0.5 X P.20 . . . . . . . . . P416.&b Less: Distillation and hauling exp., based on average for 1950-51 crop: 4160 X P0.077 . . . . . • . . . . . . . 320.32 Net income on 64 tons cane milled and distilled . . . . . . . . P 95.68 b. Outright purchase of cane: By the central: . Buying planter's can at P6.50/ton, p1cked up at railroad side: Cost of cane - 64 x P6.50 . . . . P416.00 ~ Cost of hauling and distillation of 64 tons cane (yield= 4169 G. L. Alcohol): 4160 X P.077 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320.32 Total cost to Central in processing to alcohol 64 tons cane ...... . .............. •. P736.32 Gross income: 4160 x P.20 . . . 832.00 Less: Materials and processing exp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736.32 Net Income/64 tons cane ..... P 95.68 Planter's Side: Gross income per hectare by selling the 64 tons cane to the Central at P6.50/ton: 64 X P6.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P416.00 Less: Cultivation, harvesting and hauling exp. at P4.90 per ton: 64 X P4.90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313.60 Net Income/ha. P102.40 These figures on the production of sugar may be compared to U.! production and income from rice production as follows: ' If upland rice, based on the harvest/yr. @ 25-30, or 27.5 cav. palay/Ha. and at P10/ cav., the planter would get: Gross Income - 27.5 x P10 . . P275.00 Less: Cultivation and harvesting exp./ha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 Net Income/Ha. . . . . . • . . . . . • ~ 75.00 > c 4(i ( (l PHILIPPINE ARMED(fi'ORCES J(J,URNAL ' or, net iA·come per year: 2 X PlOO .............. . P200.00 2. If lowland rice, based on two harvest/yr., 35-45 or 40 cav. palay/ha., and at PlO/ cav., the plante~· get: Gross income - 40 x PlO .... P400.00 t"..ess: Cultivation and harvest(Note: Most \cane fields are upland; hence, rincome must be based on( upland rice for comparison with that of sugar cane.) ing exp./Ha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00 c. by Extensive test runs were conducted the RDD in its research and experiNet Income per harvest ...... PlOO.OO 30 Noveobe\: 1952 l. AICOHOLr; (l) (2) (3) (4) I (5) I (6) ! (7) (a) (9) ! FUEL !AVERAGE !A ~GE !T'!XP'ERA 'l'URE! CHARACTER ROUTE IIILES !HOURS RUN !CON&JIIl>'I![ON SPEED i~GE:ATYO~ERIC:RO~ ~ ~~E REYARI:S SERIAL RUN ! ! 1n GALL-I IOH ONS I Good Stop at Cubao, Balin' 20. 49 740-860 Concrete ! tawak, Ma.landay . Fairly l. Libie-Malolos 29. 30 j lH-26N 3.00 9·TI Asphalt ! heavy tra:ttic. Idlins I increase at Ha.lQnd!!:l• ...... I traffic very heavy 2. Waloloe - 860-900 Good I 1n Apal.l. t & au> Fernando ! 18.80 ! OH-42Y l. 75 26. a6 ! 10.74 ! Idling needle opened San Fernando Concrete I 1[8 turn. I ' 3· 9ln Fernando: 34.15 I : U.3a 900-920 Fairly good j Pat"tly rolling. Gene - 'rarlac, '!Rrlac ! lH-llM 3. 00 28.94 Asphalt, con-4 1 rally down grade. I I I crete,gravel ! needle open 1/8 tU\n. ! lairl,y good i Eai\-ly level. 4. nt.rlac - I ' ' 920-~0 i 30.80 j OH-57Y 2. 75 32. 21 ! ll.20 Concrete ! Norml. trafi'ic. Villasis Asphalt I i 5· Villasis - I I ' ' 94 °- 90° hirly good I Farly rol.ling. Junction i 28. 95 j lH- Olf 2. 75 i 28. 95 i 10.53 Asphalt & ! Norml tratfi c. I Concrete ! Fairly good 6. Vunation - ' 2.50 ! 15,55 I 1·9' 900-84 0 Asphalt & ~~~d:,;;:m'e. • 19.90 lH-l7Y PM A ! ! I Gravel Total. e •. ••. ;u1.90 ; 'H-33M 15.75 !DADS I Libis - Tarlac, Tar lao •. • • ••• i35 lba. tarlac - P Y A ··············· 535 l ba. u. GASOLIIIE (l) (2) (3) (4) ( 5) ! (6) (7) ! (at (9) ROUTE MILES ! ! Yl1EL lA VERAGE!A VERAGE !TEMPD\A TURE! QIARACSERIAL RUN !HOURS RUN !CON SUVPnJ.'tl! SP!ED !IIILEAGE!ATYQSPHERIC! & TYPll OF RBMARKS I Ill .SAL- rml ! MPG ! F ! ROAD & GRADE LONS I ! Stop at wiifi'hy, dUbio Good I !aliotawak & Walanday. 1. L1bis-t6Uolos 29.30 1H-26M 2. 25 20. 31! 13.00 74 °-86° Concrete I n.irly heavy traffic. I Asphaa ! Idling increase at ! Mahnds y ! Tratfi c very heavy in 2. !laloloa - 26.86 i 18. Ell .: ! 86°- 90° Good ! Ape.;Li t 4: San !'ema.ndo San Fernando 18 .80 OH-42Y 1.00 Concrete ! Idling nee&.J.e open ! 1 8 turn. Fairly good 1 Partly rolUng. ~ene3· San Fermndo - 34 . 15 lH- UM l. 25 28. 94: 27. 32 900-920 Asphalt , con- ; rally down grade. IdTar lac, Ta:rlec ! orete, gravel; ling needle open 1/8 " I' !tum f' ' 920-940 Fairly good I Fairly l evel . .. 'IQrlac - 30.80 OH- 57M 1.50 31·"! 20.53 Concrete ! trattic Ville sis Asphalt I ' 94°-90° Fairly good ! Partly rolling. 5· '/illasis - 28.95 ll!- OM 1. 50 28. 95 i 19. 30 As;>halt do I tloroal traffic. ' Junction i' Co~re'te ! I I ' ! 90°-84° Fairly good j Up grade - 6. Junction - 19. 90 1\l-l7M j 2.00 l5. 5lj 9o95 Asp.~al' & j Uorr:al trat.fic p y A Gravel I I To1oals ••. •• ~ 161. 86 fti!- 33Y 9. 50 LOAD S: Libia - 1Brlac 600 lbo. T&rleo - PW. .......... 530 lbe. ,. tFig. 2-Akohol and Gasoline Consumption Compared in 1\Aurphy-Baguio test .run. } . . c;:l ! d~itd ~~~ IIC, t:tiltll ~ ~~ ii'r J tmtce rtt::lllliln El!lflll!~l 1!5 t;;J; .. ~.r ... 't.::: L.:'iz· ...!:L. );.! . l: =-· ~1-.:: l:i':l 111:". _, - ... ...a ... l t. ~ 'itl1;lj !l:!; ---"l.p,. ~ "" ~. • l i JESEARCHr(JN ALCOHOL 47 , ments. Similar. road test ~uns had been 1 ment of jets had to be made. On 30 conducted in 1948 with an old stan- November 1952, a road/test run was condard army jeep using ~coho! as fuel, ducted from Camp Murphy to the Philbut the results were not' atisfactory due ippine Military Acad1my in Loakan, Ba, to the dilapidated cohdit n of the jeep. guio. Two jeeps were used, one of which It was therefore found necessary to have was fueled with 95% ethyl <190° proof' reconditioned army jeeps for the aicCJhol alcohol and the other with V-72 gasoline. experiment and modifications and adjust- The jeeps were with about 600 pounds \, (l) (2) ROUts I SERIAL ! IIILES ROll l. 11- p, - J Junction 2l.l0 2. ~unction - 59-75 'Dlrlao ,_ 'Dlrlao - San J'eman4o 33.95 4. San Fermndo18.75 Maloloa 5- llaloloe - I 29.30 I Libio I I !'o'lala ••• 1 162.81 Fig. '.3-.:Aicohol • BAGUIO - ~UR!Il.Y RUN (3) (4) ! (5) ! (6) (7) FliEr. !A ~GE!A VERAGE!TBYPERATURE! !HOURS RUB !CONSIJl!PTION! SPEED IIIILEAGE IATYOSI'HERIC! ! ! in GALIDNSI JIP!I I liPG ' oF ! I lll~711 0.75 18.95! 28.10 700-820 lH-5611 2.75 30.91! 21.72 e2°-94° 0 ' OH-5511 2.00 37-45! 16.97 94 -93° OH-3311 l.OO :! 34.00: 18.75 93°-92° lll~211 l-25 28.34: 2J-44 92°-91° I 511-3311 !I 7.75 LOAD: lllCt -l 2 December 1952 • (e) Cl!ARACTER & TYPE OF ROAD & GRADE Fairly good Asphalt Concrete & ravel Good Concrete Good concrete a: asphalt (e) aiARAC1m! & TYl'E OF ROAD & GRADE Good Asphalt & Concrete Fairly good Aspbal t & Concrete Fairly good AspbaJ.t, Concrete ~ Gravel Good, Concrete Good Concrete & A!!fla.).t 500 lbs. (9) REMARKS j Partly rolllJ18 j Normal traffic 1 Partly rolling j Upgrade ! Normal traffic Level. l'airly~Heavy traffic Heavy traffic up to Bonifacio Monument. Partly rolling. (9) REMARKS Do1fllgrade Partly rolling Norma~ traffic Partly rolling Generr )lY upgrade Normal ~ra:ffio Level. Fairly Heavy traffic. Heavy tra.ti:io up to Bonifacio Monument. ! Partly rollins. and Gasoline Consumption Compared in Baguio-Murphy test run. 1 '" • ( c 48 PHILIPPINE ARME(D FORCES \TOURNAL payload each, but at Tar lac, Tarlac the 1' payload was red110ed to 530 pounds. Instruments use~. were a Taylor wet and dry bulb templ:rature gage and the jeeps' panel instruments like the milel-ge gage and the temperature gage. A fuel measuring rod divided into 1-gallon interval was devised for approximate reading of fuel consumption. These tw., • jeeps have eacll, ~ compression ratio of 6.48 to 1. The route, Murphy-Baguio, was divided into six serials as follows: (1> Libis-Santolan - Malolos (2) Malolos - San Fernando <3) San Fernando - Tarlac, Tarlac (4) Tarlac - Villasis (5) Villasis - Junction <6> Junction - P.M.A. This was considered necessary as the grade, character and type of road for every serial more or less varies. This will, as was found later, give a better MEAN or AVERAGE mileage and speed when the data were arranged sta.tistieally. ~t every stop, time, mileage, fuel consumption and atmospheric temperature readings were taken and recorded for both jeeps. It was observed that poth the alcoholfueled jeep and the gasoline-fueled jeep, climbed the Zig-Zag Road to Baguio with ease on second gear. · While in Bagujo, starting in cold tests were conducted at midnight and dawn Temperatures at midnight of 30 November and 1 December 1952 averaged 60°F, while the temperature between 0200 hrs. to 0300 hrs. averaged 57.5°F. Starting without difficulty in alcohol with the preheater ga~get ,was observed. Ordinary road test runs were also made in and around Baguio. The operation was normal. The Baguio-Murphy route, was divided into five serials onlY. as the road type from Junction to Tariac, Tarlac is almost uniform. The serials are as follows: (1) Baguio - Junction (~) Junction - Tarlac .... ~t (4) San Fernando - Malolos · ~~~ \ (3) Tarfac - San Fernando (5> Malol~~ - Libis, Santolan. , At every ·stliJp, time, mileage, fuel con- ( sumption and ltemt>era.ture were also recorded. In this run speed was accelerated. The data and the resulting statistical averages are as shown in Figure 2. D. Consolidation of Results. The preliminary comparable roaG test runs showed ,that the ratio of alcohol to gasoline consumed averaged 1.77. The U.S. Bureau of Standards tests using finer and better instruments found the ratio to be from 1.6 to 1.7. The slight difference of .07 may be due to inaccuracies of the instruments used. However, the results tallied almost exactly with the results of the tests conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Standards. 'J:'hey showed that more power is developed by alcohol than by gasoline. Moreover, while using alcohol as fuel, cold starting at 57 .50F was not difficult with the preheater gadget. Cooling was also faster in the alcohol-fueled jeep than in the gasoline-fueled vehicle. With stationary engines using a pronybrake, it was shown that the ratio of alcohol to gasoli~e at 1/2 load is 1.38. This tallies closely with Teodoro's ratio ·· of 1.33. No appreciable amount of carbon deposits were found in the alcohol jeep. < See Figure 1 ) More Extensive Tests Necessary The results of the preliminary tests conducted by the RDD as well'as the re- . suits of the extensive tests by the U.S. Bureau of Standards and by Dr. Teodoro point to the necessity for more extensive tests in the use of straight 95% <190% proof) ehtyl alcohol as fuel. A service test employing 50 jeeps would be sufficient. HRI 1!.11 00 I!!! f''~~r in Fru«, ~ t~~«~,ih! ' , kii atl!ttil:l kati;g ten r;·~!i .. : Mll~j!c ~lltlu l1fi m; ltl~-~ . ~ltril~ IDI!f!ri~ llJ ph!li~ tlltl,• w 1.\:ds,llti d!l!Oga!fun titnlinM lllort~nte t:nt'hn of lhjlll!l!i .It! lii!Ur !ff((dlhd Ofb~, ~ f~~~ ~~~ [7..s ~Itt t1 ~~ ( torll. ij~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~:ll-.!i!e Q ~~~~~of l<eiifi It is likewise imperative that the study be extended to other types of military vehicles, such as the power wagon, or weapons carrier, 2-1/2 ton truck, staff · cars, etr. so that their performance with the use of alcohol may be determined. ~~~~ . or ·I