The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province. Vol. XIX, No.13 September 1950


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province. Vol. XIX, No.13 September 1950
Issue Date
Vol. XIX (No. 13) September 1950
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
Vol. XIX, No. 13, Sept. 1950 LITTLE APOSTLE P. 0. Box 55, BAGUIO, Philippines Entered as secood-cl:8ss mail matter at tbe Baguio City Po!l Office on January 3, 1950 Vol. XIX, No. 13 September 1950 A monthly mission magazine published by the Immaculate Heart of Mary Missionaries in the Philippines. PURPOSE OF THE MAGAZINE: to foster the mission spirit among our Readers, to spread the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. EDITOR Rev. Alf. Claerhoudt C.I.C.M. ASSOCIATE EDITOR Rev.M. De Brabandere C.I.C.M. BUSINESS MANAGER Rev. F. Lambrecht C.I.C.M. CIRCULATION MANAGER Rev. C. Aerts C.I.C.M. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year : 1" 4.00 Life : 1"50.00 Foreign : $ 3.00 PRINTERS: Catholic School Press - Baguio Published with Ecclesiastical Permission OUR COVER And the smoke rose slowly, slowly; First a single line of darkness, Then a denser bluer vapor ~._.. ____ ,_,._,,. _____ ,._,. ' ' i i I for passage to Europe TAKE MESSAGERIES MARITIMES. • SAILINGS I I I I I i i i ' ' i from MANILA i' to MARSEILLES: j I MS "LA MARSEIILAISE" : I August 31, 1950. I "FELIX ROUSSEL" Oct. 23, 1950. MS "LA MARSEILLAISE" : November 21, 1950. • For particulars CALL or WRITE: I i t i 1 EVERETT I I i STEAMSHIP CORPORATION 223 DASMARIN AS Tel. 2-98-46 MANILA i i i i I j I I I - - ' Then a snow-white cloud unfolding Till it broke against the heaven. ·-----..-·------~· [From the song of Hiawatha] PHOTO C. AERTS -2COMPLIMENTS OF Yutivo Sons Hardware Co. Manila PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS -3i 1 i I i FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE I IT'PAYS TO BUY THE BEST: I Ii I I • • "ACME" Fire Bricks-all sizes and standard types "BOND"-Truck Casters, Hangers, Flat boxes & Ring Oiling Pillow Blocks, Collars (solid & split) Couplings (plate & compression) "FAFNIR" Bearings-Ball and Roller, standard types and sizes "MT. VERNON"-Filter Cloth, Sewing Twine, all sizes "NEW ARK" Steel Wire Brushes-all types and sizes ''PALMETTO" Packings-Sheet Packing, Self.Lubricating Packings, all types and sizes 'cROEBLINGS" -Centrifagal Screens, all sizes & meshes "RUSCO ACE" Brake Lining-asbestos woven m rolls of different sizes "SCHIEREN"-Leather Belting, Hydraulic Cups, all sizes "SIMONDS" Abrasive Wheels-all shapes and sizes IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SRURDUT MILL SUPPLY CO., INC. Hardware Mill Supplies 446-448 Dasmarinas Manila Machinery Tel. 3 -33 -15 PATRONIZE OUR AOVERTIZERS -4i I i . . Did you invite your friends to take a subscription to the ''Little Apostle?" If not, do it now. Do it for God and for your country. Every subscription helps the cause of the conversion of the lgorotes. We're Back LEJOS, QtJIAPO at 1104 CASTIL We're all under one roof once more-for your convenience: RETAIL STORE • EDUCATIONAL DEPART- -Come, see us l\IENT • WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT (School soon - in our and Office Supplies & Equipment; Magazines & completely reConfectionery) • "lcCULLOUGH PRINTING CO. novated home! PHILIPPINE EDUCATION COMPANY box 620 teL 3-22-51 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS -5i BO TICA DE ST A. CRUZ Established 1861 • Drugs • Pharmaceuticals • Biologicals • Chemicals • Laboratory & Hospital Equipments • Kelly-Koest X-Ray Apparatus • Photographic Equipment & Supplies 1:fo/t 9eto 1Jr11/ianf while liOM from f/,is Efficient ant1Beauf1ful ~ Coleman K.eROSENE~-TABLE LAMP SOLE DISTRIBUTORS Ed. A. KELLER & Co., Ltd. 178 JUAN LUNA MANILA PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTIRERS -6PHOTO A. VERANNEMAN 0 little souls! as pure and white and crystalline as rays of light direct from heaven, their source divine ... . Renew your Subscription Promptly, and MAKE SURE NOT TO MISS ANY ISSUE of the LITTLE APOSTLE of the Mountain Province. All readers who subscribed last year irt September are invited to renew their s11b- · scription with this issue. ' A convenient blank is provided for you enclosed in this issue. · Please return it promptly. Circulation Department. [If your checli has already been ·~nt plea~ disregard this notice] EACH CONTRIBUTION MADE TO THE LITTLE APOSTLE IS ACKNOWLEDGED PROMPTLY. IF YOU DON'T HEAR FROM US, PLEASE CHECK ON IT, OCCASIONALLY A LETTER GETS LOST. -7EDITORIAL THE STRUGGLE TO DEATH. The modern world faces and witnesses a real STRUGGLE UNTO DEATH, between Communism and Religion. It is visible everywhere. The antagonists, they say, are U. S.A. and Russia. This is true, still for the moment, but soon may be no longer true. If U.S.A. is leading in the battle against Communism, this is more from the Financial and Political Standpoint. From the religious standpoint, the great opponent of Communism, or better said the ONLY serious opponent, is the Roman Catholic Church, and the, Roman Catholic Religion. Let everywhere the 400,000,000 so-called Catholics LIVE AND PRACTISE their Religion, and there were no fear, that Communism would win and make any headway amongst them. No lies, no threats will ever win over their allegiance to Communism. A practical Catholic CAN NEVER be a sincere Communist, as well as a devil never can be an Angel. American Political leaders have tried to capture and assuage the fierceness of Communism, by giving up much of their sacred patrimony of religion, inherited from their forbears; but the result is that Communism is striving to engulf and destroy America with her sacred legacy of Freedom. There is simply no CONVENTION or PACT possible between God and Belial. The one who is not WITH ME is AGAINST ME, said Christ. And the world, if acting wise, must choose: CHRIST or THE DEVIL .. Let Catholics be aware and convinced. Let them live integrally their Faith, accept completely, the tenets of their faith, and practise their faith 100%, and communism never will be able to find even the smallest split or rift through which to enter to DIVIDE AND RULE A result of that trying to serve TWO masters is the COLD WAR, and another will be the HOT WAR, perhaps. Let America, the Philippines, yea the whole world, believe this, and peace will remain on earth, amongst the men OF GOOD WILL. Alas! they are TOO FEW. FIRST LESSON At the Sulpician church in Paris the Prince of Conde found himself next to a seminarian. After observing the young man for a time, the dignitary's curiosity was aroused sufliciently so that he leaned close to the student and whispered this question: "What are you taught at the seminary?" There was no answer to this question forthcoming, even when the prince had repeated it several times. But at length the young man was goaded ipto saying something. With no trace of human re~pect, but with more than a trace of acidity, he whispered: "In the seminary we are taught to keep silence in church." -8NOVENA OF LAST RESORT. SEPTEMBER 1950. PHOTO C . AERTS (from September 2 till September 10) General Intention: To obtain from Heaven the conversion of the "Powers of darkness" the enemies of the Catholic Church, and of Catholic Religion and Catholic Instruction HERE IN OUR PHILIPPINES. We hear so often how Filipinos (some) have an inveterate hatred against the church (which is mostly the church of their baptism) and would readily, if they could, abolish that church or render it unable to fulfil her mission. We can at least all pray; we know how prayer well done is really infallible. So, let us all use that magic weapon which God has deposited in our hands, and pray for our persecutors, who are mostly misled and blinded, to obtain that they, too, may see, and acknowledge and love and keep the Truth, as well as we do. Special Intentions: To obtain more supporters of our Catechists. The intentions of all our Readers. - 9CATHOLIC FACTS AND NEWS WORLD'S LARGEST CHURCH TOO SMALL. St. Peter's Basilica, the world's largest church (she can hold from 50,000 to 60,000 people) was hopelessly too small last June 24, the day of the solemn canonisation of St. Mary Goretti, the Virgin-Martyr of Rome; and there being no other way, the H. Father decreed to hold the canm~.isation ceremony in the open St. Peter's Square. At l~st 200,000 people applied for tickets, to be able to attend. His Holiness proclaimed the girlmartyr Saint, from a . throne on the steps of the huge Basilica, in the presence of Assunta Goretti, 84 years old mother of the new Saint, and the FIRST mother to see her child canonised at a formal ceremony. The body of St. Mary Goretti had been previously brought from Nettuno, where she had been buried 48 years ago, to the Passionist Church of St. Paul & St. John, where a solemn triduum began immediately after the canonisation. PHOTO C. AERTS HOPELESS SITUATION TURNS MANY TOWARDS RELIGION. In several countries living behind the Iron Curtain, as in Hungary, Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, even in Red China, conditions are growing so hopeless, even financially; that Catholics flock to churches in greater numbers than ever before, to obtain from God a providential outcome in all their worries. Even in China, PAGAN CHINA, throngs of people, who felt little or nothing towards the Catholic Faith have since the Communist Liberation of China given their names and enrolled amongst the Catechumens. Even communists are surprised and . say: ONLY THE CATHOLICS are the only real strength that opposes us; we do not attach much importance to all other religions. Beautiful is the sun, o Strangers, when you came so far to see us! ail our towns in peace await you all our doors stand open for you; You shall enter all our wigwams, Fc6 the heart's right hand we give you. (Song of Hiawatha) ENGLISH CATHOLICS FIGHT GALLANTLY FOR THEIR PRIVATE SCHOOLS. News from England shows .how all English Catholics united closely are fighting desperately to keep their own schools, for which they have made so many financial sacrifices. It appears that this coming year they will have to raise by free contribution 50,000,000 Pesos or even more, to keep their schools open and approved by Governm~nt. Yet the English Catholics number barely 4,000,000 out of 44 millions; and most Catholic English appear to belong rather to the labouring class. What a lesson fOr our Filipino Catholics! PHOTO r.. AERTS HAIL! MARYKNOLL. Maryknoll, the great American Mission Society is 39 years old. Started on June 29, 1911. Consists of Fathers, Brothers and Sisters. Today Maryknoll counts 477 priests, 109 Brothers, 763 Students and 964 Sisters. They have missions in Japan Korea, South China, Hawaii, Bolivia, Central Africa, Peru & Chile, Mexico &. Guatemala; Panama & Nicaragua, Ceylon, Manchuria & the Philippines. They litterally cover the whole missionary world, and teach everywhere to love God. • @. -IITo The Catholic Youth of the Philippines THE Immaculate Heart of Mary Mission Society (C.I.C.M.) was founded at Scheut-Brussels, Belgium, in 1863 and has its Headquarters in the Philippines at Baguio City. It trains missionaries to preach the Holy Gospel in pagan countries and to work among abandoned Catholics. At present, the Immaculate Heart Missionaries are working in China, Japan, Indonesia, Africa, the Philippines, the United States of America. In the Philippines, the Immaculate Heart Missionaries are working in the Archdiocese of Manila, the Diocese of Vigan, the Diocese of Tuguegarao and the Apostolic Vicariate of the Mountain Province. SCARCITY OF PRIESTS IN THE PHILIPPINES The Philippines suffers from scarcity of ecclesiastical vocations and stands in dire need of priests to take care of so many spiritually abandoned and thickly populated parishes and to propagate the Catholic Faith among thousands of pagans. In this Catholic country, the Philippines, there are only about 1700 priests for 18,000,000 people. If the number of priests were proportionally equal to that of other countries, there should be at least 17,000 priests. A PROVIDENTIAL OPPORTUNITY To help relieve this dearth of priests, the Mission Society of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will open. A MISSION SEMINARY IN THE CITY OF BAGUIO, on lune 13, 1951. Candidates should be High School graduates. -12The members of this religious Society are bound by the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, as well as by the rules of the Society. They are IN THE SERVICE OF THE BISHOPS OF THE COUNTRY and fulfil their sacred duties dependent and guided by their religious superiors. Thus, while working out their personal sanctification, they can devote themselves to a zealous and generous apostolate, free from all cares attendant to illness and old age. "COME AND FOLLOW ME" Did you hear the voice of our Lord: "Come and follow me"? Do you wish to be, as priests and religious, in the service of the bishops of your country? in the service of Holy Mother the Church wherever she calls you? Write, then, for further information to the Very Reverend Father Provincial. Imm. Heart of Mary Mission Society P. 0.Box42 Baguio City -13FAMOUS CHINESE EDUCATOR DIES A CONVERT. Dr. Wang, famous chinese educator, former president of the famous Canton University died recently in New York, not before he had been converted and baptized in·the Roman Catholic Faith. After his deatfi, they found a message written by himself to his (pagan) wife and 6 children left in Hong Kong, saying: "I am recovel'ed. I am going to Heaven. I want You all to follow in my footsteps." A smile is worth a million dollars and doesn't cost a cent. ~.. ·. ROOT OUT RELIGIOUS INFLU. ENCE IN HUNGARIAN SCHOOLSThe Communist Government of Hungary is planning for this coming school year, to "communize" the whole educational setup of the country, and to "root out". the "CLERICAL REACTION", as they call it. It attei.cked severely all teachers of religion in the public schools, accusing them and blaming them of lacking and failing to unmask the activities of the Catholics and thus inflicting serious harm UPON THE CAUSE OF DEMOCRACY. . (The devil is the same everywhere, and uses the slogan of democracy to steal away the faith of the masses who accept often this slogan. May~ ?e we may soon hear the same story m our Philippines.or did you hear it already?) • AMERICA PERMITS ENTRY TO DISPLACED PERSONS. U.S.A. has in principle accorded permission to. about 350,000 D.P's,coming from countries behind theRedCurtain (or £Fam Communist dominat=d countries) to f md admission in Ameri9a" the Land of the free,;. PHOTO C. AERTS ~HOTO C. AERTS SHOULD U.S.A. RECOGNIZE RED CHI.NA? Many voices have been raised to appeal to the U.S.A. Government in particular and to the Great Powers of .the world, to suggest that RED -=:r TU_ should be recognized only on condition that a FREE ELECTION duly supervised by the U.N. be.held all . over .Red China. Ii the iinparti?1.l result should show that the majority of the Chinese really want Communism, by. their own free will, nobody should make . obstacles · then on the recognition of the Red Government. But freedom should be enforced. I love God and little children "says a German poet"-The good are ever attracted and made happiet by the presence of' the innocent and lovely. (H. Greley) MANY COMMUNISTS ARE COMING BACK TO CHURCft Reports· from, many places, special• ly from Italy, mention the returning home of many misled communists, forrner- catholics who had. belie:voo the fallacious doctrines of c?omm1i1:n·. ism. HuI1dreds d ltp.liau Com~ munists have lat~ly renoul'}ced_ th$ party . and returned to the churoo. Many of them, whO' were indu~ to see the H. Father at St. Peter':S in Rome spont~meously give Him their party card and asked for pardon: after which they all went fo Confession. · -15PHOTO C. AERTS THE LITTLE c A M I N E R 0 by Rev. F. Alfonso Claerhoudt (Continuation) The night had fallen when Chayusan reached his home .... During the rainy season a wild storm swept across the mountain region and the waters thundered down the slopes and cut deep gullies and fell in torrents in the ravines. And then someone came from Paway to the hut of Chayusan and said: "Saiching, the son of Tchaya lies wounded in the hospital and asks for you." And he told Chayusan how Saiching had been pinned beneath a huge landslide during the storm, and how he had not ceased calling for Chayusan. Chavusan looked towards Salinga who sat listening in silence and he found her eyes cold and her face unmoved, yet Salinga wondered why her father had been to see Tchaya some time ago and why her mother had asked her how she liked Saiching. When her father and the messenger had left, her mother con-16tinued to speak of the sad accident, and a cold shiver ran down Salinga' s spine .. her heart was full of tears . . . In Baguio Chayusan hesitated on the threshold of the hospital ward, a long white room with rows of while beds. . A nurse beckoned him and brought him to the bed on which Saiching lay, the gray pallor of death already on his face. Chayusan bent over hi;111 ?-nd whi,~pered" Saiching .... Sa1chmg .... Slowly Saiching opened his eyes and fixed them on Chayusan, full of question. "Saiching. . . I am Chayusan ... from Bakbakan ... " It was long before Saiching finally whispered "Salamat. . . I am glad you came." OFFERINGS for masses and the many needs of the missions are gladly accepted and dis~ posed of according to the wishes of the donor. PHOTO. C. AERTS An hour later Chayusan left the the hospital as if in a daze. He muttered to himself as he went, and the people he passed looked after him a moment and smiled and said. "He is drunk". But Chayusan was not drunk. . . He was stunned by what the dying Saiching had disclosed. "Chayusan" he had said, "I am a thief. . . Tainan . . . his money . . . Taine.n's money.. . in Paway .. . " Saiching then had called for the nurse and asked for the package that had been found on him after the accident Giving it to Chayusan, he said: "Chayusan. . . take it. . . take it to Tafoan. . . It is his money." Chayusan walked on, unmindful ©f the rain that beat down upon him ... He still heard the painful moan uf Saiching when he, Chayusan, refused to take the money, saying he had to give it himself to Tainan ... And as he saw how fast his end was coming, he had bent lower over the miserable Saiching, and he had promised as Saiching begged with his remaining breath: "Promise, Chayusan ... swear you will give ... the money, ... to Tainan" And Chayusan had answered, trembling: "I swear it ... Saiching ... I will . bring it to T aihan . . . . " On the last slope befo:r:_e . he reached. the valley of Bakbakan, Chayusan sat down ·on the wet trail, too tired and too. miserable to notice how the rain tricked .in little streams down his body. "O God!," he sighed ... "O my God", and a wave of burning shame and remorse swept over him as -he remembered that hour in Paway when he had cursed Tainan ... when he had refused to believe his money. was stolen ... He had cursed him because he believed Tainan had squandered the money and he scorned Sa-linga, his daughter ... and again, on reaching home, he had cursed Tainan before the weeping Salinga and h~ had torn the beautiful wedding dress to shreds ... Chayusan felt wretchedly unhappy ''God, 0 God,'' he moaned again as at length he struggled to his feet, wishing he did not have to go to Bakbakan, wishing he had never been born. . . He plodded opward, bent beneath the weight of his shame and remorse. . . The night had fallen when he reached his home and the d09 barked as he pushed open the door of his hut. He pulled off his wet1garments and sobbed aloud as he sank to the floor beside his wife and daughter. The next morning Salinga climbed the mountain path to Pantangsal. She had sat listening until late last niqht to the tale her father -told, and as she heard, a boundless pity had stolen into her heart. At length her father had said: ''Salinga, my child, I am the cause of all your pain .. , How can I. give You back the light and joy your young life knew .... ? Go to Tainan, Salinga, and give him the money. . . . Tell him how I have wronged him, and ask him to forgive me" ... and as she walked, she saw the skies, crystal cle9-r after the recent ra.ins, and the valley steaming beneath the noon-day sun, the blue smoke curling above the huts and the women on the trail to the camote fields their baskets 01'1 their heads .... and her heart-grew light and sang within her .... Change of Address If you should change your address please send us your OLD and NEW addresses. Moving. marriage, and mortality affect our address files; a card from you would straighten us out and assure your prompl receivin~ of the LITTLE APOSTLE. -~18When Salinga returned to Bakbakan Tainan accompanied her, and as Sugayna followed them with her eyes as they skirted the hill, she reflected happily how they'd both be her children now. And she thanked God who in His infinite goodness had taught them early the value of suffering and the paternal love of Him who sends it .... Sugayna wept because of the great joy in her heart, and softly she whispered the words: "O God, how great is Thy love for us Thy children .. . " A Beautiful Thought A little girl while walking with her father on a starry night, absorbed in the contemplation of the skies, asked of what she was thinking, replied. "I w a s thinking if the wrong side of heaven is so glorious what must the right side he!" PHOTO A. o'HOOGE 1-Iow true it is that the man, however broken by grief, will find peace in God's love if he will but wait without despair for God's help! God watches over us. The noblest man is he who in joy as well as iii pain can say, "It is God's will . .. Blessed be He, my Father in heaven" .... When Sugayna had heard' the glad tidings Salinga brought she blessed God and kneeling with Tainan and Salinga before the little crucifix on the sooty wall. she prayed: ''Our Father, who art in heaven .... " One day the Little Flower of the Infant Jesus was told by the Sister nurse of her convent to take a walk in the garden everyday for a quarter of an hour. Being very sick, this advice nevertheless looked like an order to St. Therese and she was faithful in keeping it, notwithstanding the sufferings caused by the exercise. -"But what are you doing there?'' asked one of the sisters who saw her pitifully advancing. "It would be much better for you to keep quiet and rest iri a chair." -"It is true" answered the Little Flower. "But do you know~what gives me strength to do this?... The thought that I am walking for a Missionary. In my imagination, I see one of them, far away~ e~hausted by his errands and, to lessen his fatigues, I offer mine to the good God." Dear reader, if you have a devotion to the Little Flower, what have you done to show it? Do you in imitation to St. Therese make some sacrifices for the Missionaries among the pagans? For instance: do !you regularly pay your subscription to "The Little Apostle?" Do you try to find some new subscribers to this magazine? PHOTO C. AERTS \ CARmEnCITA To Lily: Dear Lily, Momma says I must thank you for the pictures you sent us. and Father Nivardo too who made them. Do you know, Lily, what Momma said: Father Nivardo is very · kind to make those for you, so that you now see Lily your friend. She-is Father Nivardo's little lamb." Then Tony said: ''Let me see that Lily." Mammq cilways calls you our little mountain Flower. Tony was mixed up and we had fun when he said: "She is a girl; not a flower. " You see, Tony always pointed at the flower in Sein Antonio's hand and used to say: This is Lily who writes letters to Carming. " It took time to explain him and he was satisfied when Mammo told him: "You are a flower too: a small rose bud." He said "l want to be a BIG rosebud." And Momma said "yes." and she kissed him and said "Buddy". The trouble again was that Tony cut one of the beautiful rose buds from Uncle Pepe's CONDE-roses; and broughtit to Mammo. Last Wednesday Uncle Pepe went to Mass. ''For San Jose," he said. Maybe you have been praying harder for his conversion? But, . . not yet . .. . He did not go yesterday, and it was Sunday. Do you know why he went to mass Wednesday? he went in my place, when I was sick. He told Momma. So, my dear Lily, please help me to pray for him that he will also go on Sundays an'd make his Easter Duty. We all love him; he is so kind. He must not go to Hell. And how about Kolas? -22Your friend, Carmencita. Dear Father: . From Our ·Mailbag To the EDITOR o,' "The Little Apostle" 2227 O'Donnell, Mani/a July 12 1950 For several months now I have had the opportunity to read your line magazine on the subscription of my daughters who study at the Santa Theresa's College here in Manila. I find your little magazine so well done, full of interesting articles about your work among the people in that familiar place which brings no little nostalgic feeling for others who themselves have lived there once before. Your photographs (/mean by the fathers) are full of artistry and drama: they have that human touch for appeal and they are simply wonderful! I wish to congratulate you all for this splendid work and let us have more of your beautiful documentary pictures to grace the futvre pages of this magazine. I hm'e occasion to show your pictures to my students in this University, and they appreciate with interest the meaning of vo·1r foils and efforts. Here is more appreciation for the editorial staff ol the 'Little A;::JOslle". • Dear. Rev. Father Yours very sf,:cerely. M. G AMP/I ProfeSBor o f Audio Visual lnstrnc.fion Col/eae oi Ed•Icalio~; · University of Santo Tomas Dagupan City July 20; 1950 I was deeply touched by the-stories printed in your "Little Apostle", I en• joyed reading it. Because of the pitiful plight of your flock, please enter my name as one of your subscribers. I am enclosing a money order check of Pl0.00. Kindly forward a one year subscription to the person mentioned below. Mr. Frank Hiohey T Prospect P. K. West Brooklyn 15. New York, U.S.A. Please inform him that the subscription collies from me as a gift for the help he has given our Legibn of Mary. Miss Librada 0. Simjoco Dagupan City. -23A good joke is the one ultimate and sacred thing which cannot be criticized. -G. K. Chesterton ALL FUN: DEA TH WAS A FRIEND The followinq description, printed by the New York Times, details the remedies with which King Charles II was treated in his last illness by his physician. "A pint of blood was extracted from his right arm, and a half-pint from his left shoulder, followed by an emetic, two physics, and an enema comprising 15 substances; the royal head was then shaved and a blister raised; then a sneezing powder, more emetics and bleeding, soothing potions, a plaster of pitch and pigeon dung on his feet, potions containing IO different substances, chiefly herbs, finally 40 drops of extract of human skull, and the application of bezoar stone; after which His Majesty died." A TRUSTING PUPIL The missionary was instructing a group of small children, and he turned to one little fellow in the front row. "Now, Johnny, suppose you died in a state of mortal sin. Where would you go?" "To hell, Father." "That's right. And what would you do then?" Johnny hesitated. Then he said: "Go to confession, Father." "Indeed! And to whom do you think you would go to Confession?" "To you, Father." PHOTO C , AERTS Bear through sorrow, wrong and ruth, In thy heart the dew of youth On thy lips the smile of truth. And that smi1e, like sunshine, dark Into many a sunless heart, For a smile of God thou art. (Longfellow) Come to me, o ye children, And whisper in my ear What the birds and the winds are singing In your sunny atmosphere. Ye are better than all the ballads That ever were sung or said, For ye are living poems, and all the rest are dead. (Longfe110w) PHOTO C , AERTS FOR THE HEATHEN A collection was being taken up at the Sunday Mass for the foreign missions. The usher held his box in front of one individual at the end of a pew, but the man shook his head. "I never give to t!i.e missions," he whispered to the usher. The usher leaned over and whispered in his turn: ''Then take something out of the box, sir. The money is for the heathen." SOFT ANSWER The housewife looked with severity at the tramp standing on her doorstep. "Why have you degraded yourseli so far as to go around begging from people?" she demanded. "You're strong enough to work." "Ah, Madam," replied the tramp. "you are beautiful enough to be a film star in Hollywood. Why, then, do you stand over a hot stove all day in your kitchen?" · It is said (perhaps with exaggeration) that the tramp received the best meal he had had in many a day. PORTRAIT OF SHAME _ A certain peor artist was commissioned by a wealthy man to paint his portrait, but the rich man took advantage of the fact that the artist was poor and unknown and offered him only a very small sum for his work. . The artist had to accept, but had his revenge in this way. When the portrait was finished, it showed only the ha-::-k d the sitter'E head. - 25My dear Boys, Many of the pilgrims going to Rome on the occasion of the Holy Year, marvel at the many and beautiful monuments which adorn the big' church of St. Peter. On either side of the central nave they see a series of'· niches occupied. by the founders of religious Orders, whom our Mother Churcp has raised to her altars. The niche · reserved for me .is situated directly abOve the well known statue of St. Peter, the Prince ol the Apostles and the first Vicar of Christ. While I. was on earth I once dreamt .that some day I would be given that most enViable position. On one occasion I imagined that I was in the Basilica of Saint Peter, when I felt myself suddenly elevated on high, placed in a niche and left there alone. In great fear I called out for some one to take me down as the closing hour was approaching. This niehe was exactly the one where now my statue stands and from where I look down on the thousands of pilgrims who come to pay homage to Simon Peter, the Rock on which Christ built His Church. Boys, I am sure that you would be quite mistaken if you were to guess the size and the weight of this statue. In its elevated position it seems to be of an ordinary size, yet it measures ncit less than eighteen feet high and weighs nearly twenty tons. The fact, I wish to draw your attention to ,is the presence of the two boys besides me to whom I point out the grave of St. Peter. Who are those boys? One of them is an Italian boy, already known to you, your friend and model. Blessed Domingo Savio, about whom I wrote to you in my last message. By the way, Domingo smiled when he saw so many of you requesting from the Central Office of Don Bosco's Boys' Association, a small picture of his with a precious relic attached to it. You did very well in asking for it. May it help you to imitate this wonderful boy who simply did what any one of you can do: he was faithful to his resolutions and at any cost he tried his best to avoid sin, mortal sin in particular. The other boy who stands besides me in . the group-statue is an Indian boy, Zeffirino Mamuncara by name, the son of a pagan chi.ef. I could write you much about Zeffirino, but for now, let me give you just a few biographical facts. Zeffirino was born in Patagonia (Argentine) in 1888, just a 'few months before I left the world for my eternal reward. His father, Manuel, was an Indian chief, and a terrible one at that. After having put fear into the hearts of all the people _._;26--with his numerous and unexpected raids, and having caused much trouble to the Argentinian soldiers, he surrendered and received Holy Bapt-. ism shortly afterwards. From a wild Indian chief, he became a most faithful Catholic man. His baby son, Zeffirino; was baptized on October 24,. 1888. As. a young student he . a..stonished his teacher::; by his understanding, responsiveness and courtesy. He soon showed himself a leader among his companion$ ·and_ in~pjred them with zeal for the conver$ion of his own people. On account of his personality, his physical power and his intellectual gifts, he had a great command over his Gompanions and he took advantage .of iUo give them good ap.Vice. His great ·ambition was to _ be P: priest. At the, age of sixteen Zeffirino was serit to. I~alr.. Imagine his joy when he kn~lL.before lhe altar of our Lady, Help of Christians·in Turin. Imagine his iqi.pressions when a few months later,. in September 1904, he was introduced to the Holy Father, Pope Pius X. Zeffirino pleaded before the Pope with such faith and insistence ror the-conversion of his follow Indians fa Patagonia, that Pt us X was profoundly moved. Before giving Zeffirino His Apostolic Blessing, the Holy Father conferred upon-him the honor of the gold medal ad principes'. -27After the audience, Zeffirino went to pray at the tomb of Saint Peter. If he had then boked up at the vacant niche above the statue of the Prince of the Apostles, 'little would he have surmised that thirty-two years later he would stand there be3i.:J.e Blessed Domingo Savio and myJelL Shortly after this, full of enthusiasm in the pursuit of his holy vocation, Zeffirino started his theological studies. But, like many another Domingo Savio, he was not meant for this world. Within eight months he became sick, was taken to a hospital in Rome and there, on May 11, 1905, he died a very happy death. My dear Boys, how I wish you all to tread the footstep3 of those saintly boys Domingo and Zeffirino! Be faithful to the four · resolutions you have taken when you were received as my boys and you will succeed. God bless you all! Affectionately yours, MISSION INTENTION. (For September 1950) FOR THE SOUTH AMERICAN INDIANS. Many of our readers don't know that in the so-called South America, being listed as 100 % Catholic, there are still millions of Indians, living in the darkness of Paganism. The greatest number of those Indians have been simply abandoned for centuries. The Spanish .Friars, following on the heels of the Conquistadores, succeeded in converting the greatest number of South American Indians; but others went hiding East of the Cordilleras and of the Andes in places almost inaccessible, and when later on the missionaries had detected them, they had become already too few to start missions amongst them. As the number of priests diminished still more, -28during the XIXth Century, they had to confine their activities to their already Catholic flock, so that forcibly the Indians became more er less neglected or forgotten. Only since a few years, many Missionary Congregations, amongst them the Maryknoll Fathers, volunteered to take over large tracts of this old missionfield. And from the deep jungles of the Orinoco as far as the frozen lands of Patagonia, there are now missionaries trying to convert the long forgotten or neglected Indians of South America. Let us, too, offer, specially during this month of September, our daily prayers and sacrifices, to obtain from Heaven that South America, from the Canal of Panama to Cape Horn may hear the good tidings of the Redemption, and that all remaining pagan Indians may soon be our Brethren in Christ. St. Peter Claver, whose feast we celebrate on Sept. 9, was one, of the great missionaries of South America! * Fair young faces all ablush Perhaps you may have seen some day Roses crowding the seifsame way Out of a wilding wayside bush ... (A. Cary) PHOTO C. AERTS OUR Family Circle Whenever we read the lives of the Saints, we observe not only that most, if not all of them, were real Vases of Election by God, souls dearly loved and protected by God's grace, but not fess souls who knew how to correspond, too, to that Election and those signal graces. And should we ask : What was foremost in them all : the 'great favors which they obtained PHOTO C. AEflTS from God, or the eagerness they showed in corresponding iaithfully to those graces? I think we should understand a little clearer the mystery of Holiness which we so often read about or meditate. Saints became Saints because God called them and prepared them to Holiness in a most particular way; and Saints became Saints because they knew how to profit of all those heavenly Graces. Remember the Parable of the Talents: Saints were all persons who knew so well how to trade with the talents given to them by God, that they were all able at the moment of their death to say: Lord, You gave us 2 talents and we have earned 2 more FOR YOU by our skill and activity, but mostly byour LOVE FOR YOU. Could we, too, not try a little the saine game? -30The Mystery of the Rattan Strips (Summary of the foregoing) PHOTO C, AEftTS Bindadan, the well known /fugao go-between, beginning an inquiry of his own, in order to find out whether Tuginay had been killed by an 1/ugao and not by the hereditary enemies as everybody thought, first consulted a certain Bantiycin, the so-called magician of the community. He made him come to his house and told him to perform his mysterious rites and invocations with his magic rod. Should this performance confirm the general opinion, Bindadan simply would admit that his suspicions were unfounded, but .... -31And so Bantiyan continued, calling one by one the Harassers of the Underworld and Skyworld as well as of the other abodes of gods and spirits. Every time he made twice his measuring operation. There seemed to be no end to his invocation, and yet he got no results. They, therefore, had nothing to do with the killing. Then came the invocation to the Harassers of Mount Amuyaw. This aroused the interest of Bindadan, for he supposed that they could well have been involved, since they had their abode in the neighborhood of Chupak. Bantiyan too was aware of Bindadan' s special interest and therefore proceeded slowly, letting his finger ·slide mysteriously along the rod. At every name, however, the finger could reach twice the other end of the rod. He kept it so for a while that both might look and ascertain the fact. The last in the series were the Harassers of lfugao. "Thou Harasser of Dukligan .... Thou Harasser of Alimit .... Thou Harasser of Ligligan, did you bewitch the spear of an lfugao?" Bantiyan pressed his thumb and let his finger slide along the rod; pressed again, and lo' the rod had become longer. Bindadan ascertained the fact, took a burning piece of wood out of the fire, moved it to the rod .... Indeed the rod was longer. "Press", he exclaimed. "I do press", replied Bantiyan. - "But your thumb does not press the other end". "It does, look, exactly! ·still the rod is longer." Truly! The conclusion was at hand. It was the Harasser of Ligligan who had bewitched the spear that killed Tuginay ... and as the length of the rod told it, that spear was the spear of an lfugao. "Good work," exclaimed Bindadan and jumping up, he took down a small jar that· contained ricewine and offered a coconut-cup full of the yellowish drink to his good Bantiyan, while he too emptied another cup. Next he placed the cover on the ritual box invoking the Harassers and telling them that he would call them back in the morning and offer another chicken for them. Carefully Bantiyan took up his magic rod, put it back info his hipbag; and after having taken his supper, he silently took the rest of the chicken as his well deserved salary. During the few hours that Bindadan could sleep, he had a dream: He saw lfugaos gathering .somewhere on a houseyard. They didn't go home at night but all of them entered the house, bolted the door and performed secretly some rites. He couldn't remember what kind of rites they had performed, but it seemed to him that they now and then had pronounced his name. This dream made him change his sacrificial plans. Was this dream not a warning? Perhaps the Harassers, who had proven that they were well disposed toward him, made him see all that in his sleep. ''No doubt'', Bindadan concluded, "those who are guilty of that murder will sent the Harassers against me to bewitch Practice charity by subscribing to "The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province" -32PHOTO C. AERTS me, that I would - talk nonsense, that I would be misled and be unable to find out who was guilty. Wait, I shall offer a small pig for the BrightBeing, the Sun, and his allies, so they may control those Harassers, their subordinates. Yes, and I shall give them also one chicken, no, two chickens, one for the Harassers of the Underworld, the Skyworld and the Downstream and Upstream Regions, one for the Harassers of these neighboring villages." The two chickens he had them in his chicken's baskets, the small pig .. .. well Oltagon, Tuginay' s wife, had one , and he would call Oltagon, .explain the matter in secret and send her back to fetch that pig. Rice wine for the ghosts of his ancestors and all the other deities he would invite for safety sake, he had enough, though only half a small jar. So he did. T awards the evening .all things were ready and in the silence of the night the performance went its way. Besides the Eartha little Mountain Flower quaker and the Thunderer and all the other deities, he invoked solemnly the Bright Being and Bugan wife of the Sun, the Moon and Lingan wife of the Moon, the Big and Small Star gods, and finally the Harassers. He killed the victims and carefully scrutinized the bile sacs. All of them foretold good fortune. The two wives, his and Tuginay's, cared for the cooking, while Bindadan passed his time sipping now and then some rice wine and making plans. When everything was ready, they scooped the cooked rice into a sifting basket and placed above it the larger portions of pork and chicken. Bindadan moved nearer and prayed: "Ooooo oweeee, here then is our offering for you, Bright-Being and Bugan wife of the Sun, Moon-god and Lingan wife of the Moon, Star gods of the Skyworld, and ye all Harassers, take ye the soul of this pig, the souls of these chickens, the soul of this rice and this rice wine, -33go ye to the houses of our enemies in these neighboring villages and make your curse adhere to their chickens and pigs, to their rice and rice wine, so that they may swallow your curse, swallow their death, their rottenness, all of them husband and and wife and childreil' altogether!" Then Bindadan drank a mouthful of rice wine, and narrated the proper magical tale: "Are living, Bugan and Wigan at Dukligan, they are married happily, their chickens and pigs and children are healthy, their rice fields yield abundant crops. When the night had come they lie down to sleep and lo! they see (in their dream) their rice wine getting full of worms, and their meat, and their betelnuts, and their enemies convey to them their bewitched ritual box. When the morning was morning Bugan and Wigan offer a grand sacrifice: they invite the Earthquaker of the Underworld, the Thunderer· of the Skyworld, the Growth-Givers of the Underworld and the Skyworld and of the Downstream and Upstream Regions and give them each one pig, they give a very fat pig, the father of the pigs of the Ifugaos, to the Bright-Being and Bugan the wife of the Sun, to the Moon-god and Lingan his wife and to the Star-gods of the Skyworld, and they give a chicken to the Harassers and Witches, to the Stomach-ache Deities and Hunters. And in the afternoon Wigan narrates the Magical Tale. The morning had become morning again, and Wigan takes his knife and his spear and goes away, he goes to invite the Bright-Being."Am I invited by you, says the BrightBeing;- "why did you come here, Wigan?" Wigan safd: "I came because our rice wine gets full of worms, and our meat and our betelnuts, and our enemies bewitched their ritual box and conveyed it to us". "Wait!" exclaimed the Bright· Being, "I will manage that, for you gave me your fat pig". And the Bright-Being goes to the spring where Bugari and Wigan's enemies have to fetch water and he blocks the flow of the water, and their spring gets dry and they have nothing to drink and nothing to cook with, and this lasts one month and a half. Again the Bright-Being takes a calebash and fills it with dirty water, and mixes in it all kinds of worms and little stones. With that he goes to the olace where the enemies of Bugan and Wigan use to sit, and there he places the calebash. And lo! the enemies of Bugan and Wigan come, they see the calebash "Hello, waterJ" they exclaim. And they drink. And when they come home their stomach swells and they die. And the Bright-Being looks down on the Ifugaos, Wigan and Bugan of Dukligan. He dives down from the Skyworld and lo! he stands before Bugan and Wigan: "Your enemies died", he said, "be happy again at Dukligan and I shall multiply your pigs and chickens and children, your crops and your rice fields". (to be continued) Not what we give but what we share, for the gift without the giver is bare; who gives himself with his alms feeds three: himself, his hungering neighbor and ME J.L. Lowell -34---------------· A flawless Photo-Engraving will make Your Advertising )lessage Complete and do a better sales job for you. There IS a difference in Photo-Engraving craftsmanship. Let UEPlJBLIC show you that difference. REPUBLIC---• Photo · Engraving Co., Inc. 1029 R. Hidalgo Manila Official Photo-Engraver of this Magazine. 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ESCOLTA, MANILA TEL. 3-20-81 LOCAL 54 We cater toBANQUETS AND PARTIES Try our; •Original JAVANESE DISHESby Pate Alfon.•o • MALACANAN & SPELLBOUND CHICKENS • MALACANAN SPECIAL Tl ES (DISHES-PASTR IESl • LECHON DE LECHE •COURTEOUS SERVICE ADVERTISERS -35SAINT MARIA GORETTI News from Rome tell of the extra· ordinary interest the people of Rome, and all Catholics the world over have taken i11 the canonisation of the little Virgin-Martyr cf the 20th Century: Maria Goretti, last June 25th, at St. Peter's Basilica. All Catholics seem to realize better than ever the treefold lesson taught in this solemn canonisation: First, the pciwer of a fervent catholic home, even where utter poverty seems to reign, to foster the virile Christian virtues. Second, the unspeakable power of a saintly, unlettered mother, who nurtured in the heart of a young child a purity stronger than death. And lastly, the moral strength of a girl, only 12 years old, to face squarely the greatest evil and sin at first hand, and to vanquish it, even by death. Maria Goretti, like her mother Asunta, could neither read nor write; never had the chance to attend.,;chool. She worked, as soon as she could, to help support the widowed mother, and the younger brothers and sisters. Yet, she knew perfectly well to say: "NO" and she allowed herself to be murdered in a most brutal and savage way, rather than commit sin. On the very day of Maria's canonisation a Solemn Triduum was started in her honor, at Corinaldo, her birthplace; the whole town together with many surrounding towns was present at the prayer. They understood that Maria is the most precious asset of their place and province and race, casting a new lustre on the whole of Italy, and esp. on all young womanhood lovelier and more precious than ever before. Maria's picture is now in all homes; she is invocated by all, specially by all young maids, who have learned from her, how their virtue unspoiled is and remains the most sacred inheritance committed by God and by baptism to their vigilant care. God's designs are most wonderful. In an age where lust and pride try to dominate the Young generation of this XXth Century, a little child of 12 years has been found to teach the coming ages "that sin especially the sin of impurity, is the most dreaded scourge of the human race" and "that no price is too great to be paid to preserve unspoiled that treasure, given by God to men, (when they they are willing to give ALL THINGS THEY HAVE, EVEN BLOOD AND LIFE, t-o keep this treasure for God, who gave it to them.) We, too, we have to call Maria Goretti, the Virgin-Martyr," OUR TREASURE''. 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