The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province. Vol. XIII, No.1 June 1936


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province. Vol. XIII, No.1 June 1936
Issue Date
Volume XIII (Issue No. 1) June 1936
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
- - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UT 0 MNES UNUM SINT ~XXXIII International Eucharistic Congress Manila, P. I. February 3-7, 1937 [HE LITTLE APOSTLE OF THE MOUNTAIN PROVINCE ~1111111111111 CATHOLIC SCtiOOL PRESS. BAGUIO. P . I. The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province The orsza.,. of the Missionaries of the immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheut,·elrl) Fathers in the Mountain Province of the Philippines. ---«»--Edited and published monthly Editor-Rev. JOSE DE SAMBER, P. 0. Box42,Baguio,Phillslands. Business Manager-Rev. JOSE DE SAMBER, P. O. Box 42, Baguio, Phil Islands. Publishers-THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL PRESS, Baguio, Philippines. Yearly subscription price: { Pl .00 for the Philippines. $1.00 for tke U.S. and Foreign Countries. Life subscription price: { PlS.00 for the Philippines. $15.00 for the U.S. and Foreip Countries. All checks and money orders should be made payable to THE LITTLE APOSTLE, Baguio, Philippines. Notice regarding change of address should be sent promptly. All communications must be addre&sed to: THE LITTLE APOSTLE, P. O. Box 42, Baguio, Philippines. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Baauio, Mountain. on February 5, 1925 "YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Modern Accommodations. Perfect Hotel Service. Rooms Well Ventilated and Comfortable. BUILD YOUR HOME USE OUR EQUIPMENT OF SUPREME QUALITY CEMENT MINING SUPPLIES BUILDERS HARDWARE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES GALVANIZED ROOFING IRON, PIPES PLUMBING, PAINTS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS DELIVERED TO YOU AT CHEAP PRICES FLORENCIO REYES & Co. IMPORTERS & DISTRIBUTORS CABLE ADDRESS-FLOCIORECO MANILA OFFICE: BAGUIO BRANCH: 424 AZCARRAGA. MANILA MARKET PLAZA. P.O. BOX 176 TEL.-4-95-74 TEL. - 328 --~(7'-APARTMENTS FOR RENT Located at the Sessioi1 Road and Harrison Streets REASONABLE PRICES PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS l A little T agurol goes a long way in Skin Diseases \\'ATSONAL TAGUROL is a proYed success and a real result-getter. 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'.\lo. 1 - 1 't Om11es Unum !•;i11t ·_ JU'.\iE 1936 XXXIII INTERNATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS INVITATION The Philippines, the only Catholic nation in the Orient, has been selected as the country in which the XXXIII International Eu-:haristic Congress will be ce:ebrated-the first in the Far East/ Manila, the nations capital, modern and beautiful, offers the up-to-date accommodations for the pilgrim. The Churches and shrines of this Catholic country are a delight to artistic as well as pious eyes. The subject, appointed by His Holiness Pope Pius XL for the solemn discourses is: "The Holy Eucharist and the Missionary Work especially in the Far East. " Come, adore the Eucharistic God in the beautiful Archipelago of the Orient Sea. Executive Committee The Philippine Hierarchy His Excellency, The Most Reverend William Piani, D.D., Titular Archbishop of Drama Apostolic Delegate to the Philippine Islands. His Grace, Most Reverend Michael J. O'Doherty, D.D., Archbishop of Manila and Primate of the Philippines. Our Family Circle is a 2 - Ft 011111es Unum Sint !His Grace, Most Reverend Gabriel M. Reyes, D.D., Archbishop of Cebu. His Excellency, Most Reverend Alfredo Verzosa, D.D., Bishop of Lipa. His Excellency, Most Reverend James P. McCloskey, D.D., Bishop of Jara. His Excellency, Most Reverend Santiago Sancho, D.D., Bishop of Nueva Segovia. His Excellency, Most Reverend Sofronio Hacbang, D. D., Bishop of Calbayog. His Excellency, Most Reverend Francisco Reyes, D.D., Bishop of Nue·va Caceres His Excellency, Most Reverend Constant Jurgens, C.l.C.M., D.D., Bishop of Tuguegarao. His Excellency, Most Reverend Cesar Ma. Guerrero, D. D., Bishop of Lingayen. His Excellency, Most Reverend Casimiro Lladoc, D.D., Bishop of Bacolod. His Excellency, Most Reverend Luis del Rosario, S.J., D.D., Bishop of Zamboanga. His Excellency, Most Reverend James T. G. Hayes, S.J., D.D., Bishop of Cagayan. His Excellency, Most Reverend William Finnemann, S.V.D., D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Manila. Rt. Reverend Victoriano Roman, A.R., Prefect Apostolic of Palawan. Rt. Reverend Joseph Billiet, C.I.C.M., Prefect Apostolic of the Mountain Province. Manila, P .1.-0fficial Program-Feb. 3-7, 1937 February 2nd (or some other day before Feb. 4th) 7:00 o'clock - HARBOR OF MANILA-Pier No. 7. THE PAPAL LEGATE'S ARRIVAL Addresses of welcome by the religious and civil authorities. Solemn drive in open carriages from harbor to Cathedral. All the Bishops and the clergy await His Eminence in the Cathedral. A Visit to the Blessed Sacrament. No addresses. After the visit, the Legate is conducted to his residence. Soon after he pays an official visit to the President of the CommonFilipino-Catholic Organization - Ut Omnes Unum Si11t!- 3 1HE CATHEDRAL OF MANILA The first buildi11g was erected i11 1581 but was destroyed by earthquakes. The present edifice dates back from 1879. In this church, most of the more important religious ceremonies of the XX XIII International Eucharistic Co11 gress will be held. in close affiliation with 4 -Ct 011111cs C1111111 Si11t !His Excelle11cy, The ;\Jost R e1'. 11: Pia11i, D.D., Apostolic Delegate to the P.l. wealth, who repays this visit according to diplomatic rules. P.M. No Formal Congress Activity. February 3rd A.M. No Formal Congress Activity. P.M. 5:00 o'clock-LUNETA. FORMAL OPENING OF THE XXXIII INTERNATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS. Reading of the Papal brief. the Miss'.onaries, Priests and Sisters, - l't 011;11cs C1111111 S.11t!- 5 The salutation of the Papal LEGATE. BE>:EDICTIO>: OF THE BLESSED SACRAMEI':T. The HYM'.\I of the XXXI J I.E.C. 9:00 o'clock- THE CARD ~~-..: AL LEGATE "at home." A REMARK: from WEDI\:ESDA Y night to SC:'.\TDA Y morning, the Blessed Sacrament tl'ill remain exposed in three of the most central Churches in Manila. February 4th WOMEN'S DAY A.M. From 4:00 o'clock to 6'.30 A.M. -ALL THE CHURCHES an<l CHAPELS. MASSES celebrated by various Cardinals, Bishops, Prelates and Priests. 6:30 A.M.-LUNET A. GENERAL COMMUNIO'.\J FOR WOMEN-Low Mass. 9:00 A.M. - AT VARIOUS PLACES (Churches or Halls according to convenience.) FOREIGN NATIONAL MEETINGS (in their respective languages.) PHILIPPINE SECTIONAL MEETINGS (Details later). P.M. 4:00 P.M.-CA THEDRAL. His Grace, .\lost Re·v. Jf.J. O'Doherty, D, D., Archbishop of .\fanila PRIESTS' INTERNA TIONAL MEETING. Same Time. PRINCIPAL CHURCHES and CHAPELS. GENERAL HOLY HOUR, inv:ting the faithful to "pray for numerous and saintly vocations." 6:00 P.M.-LUNET A. THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY. Tu.·o addresses, one in Spanish and one in English. laboring in the Apostolic 6 -Ct 011111cs c·1111111 Sint !His Grace, :lfost Rev. G. ilf. Reyes, D. D., Archbishop of Cebu. BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. The HYMN of the 33rd I.E.C. February 5th MEN'S DAY A.M. 12:00 Midnight-LUNET A. GENERAL COMMUNION FOR MEN. From 4:00 o'clock to 6:30 A.M. -MASSES, as yesterday in ALL THE CHURCHES A::\D CHAPELS. 6:30 A.M.-LUI\"ET A. PO::\TIFICAL MASS. 9:00 A.M. - AT VARIOUS PLACES. FOREIGN I\'.A TIO::\AL and PHILIPPII\"E SECTIO:.\"AL MEETINGS, as yesterday. P.M. 4:00 P.M.-CA THEDRAL. His Excellency, .lfost Rev. A. Verzosa, D. D., Bishop of Lipa. Prefecture of the Mountain Province, -Ct Omnes Unum Sint!- 7 His Excellency, Jfost Rev. J. P. McCloskey, D. D., Bishop of Jaro. SPECIAL HOLY HOUR for Bishops, Prelates and Priests . . Same Time. PRINCIPAL CHURCHES and CHAPELS. GENERAL HOLY HOUR, as yesterday, "for numerous and saintly vocations." .6:00 P.M.-LUNET A. THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY. BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. The HYM.:\" of the 33rd I.E.C. February 6th CHILDREN'S DAY A.M. From 4:00 o'clock to 6:30 A.M. -ALL THE CHURCHES and CHAPELS. -MASSES, as yesterday and the day before. 6:30 A.M.-LUNET A. GENERAL COMMUNIO.:\" FOR CHILDREN. Low Mass for children. His Excellency, ]\fost Re'1..'. S. Sancho, D. D., Bishop of Nuem Segovia. so that the members of the former 8 -l 't 011111es l'1111111 Si11t!His Excellency, Most Re-v. S. Hacbang, D. D .. Bishop of Cal bayog. BREAKFAST for the children on the LUNET A. CONSECRATION of children and parents to the Blessed Virgin Mary. P.M. 4:00 P.M.-CA THEDRAL. PRIESTS' INTERNA TIONAL MEETING. Theme: "De Eucharistia in Mis, sionariorum sacerdotali vita." Same Time. PRINCIPAL CHURCHES and CHAPELS. GE:\'ERAL HOLY HOUR, 6:00 P.M.- LL:\'ETA. THE THIRD INTERNATIO'.\:AL ASSEMBLY. BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAME'.\iT. The HYM:'\ of the 33rd I.E.C. February 7th A.M. From 4:00 o'clock to 7:00 A.M. - ALL THE CHURCHES and His Excellency, ,l'/ost Re<t'. F. Reyes, D. D., Bishop of Nueva Caceres. are ASSOCIATES of the latter -Ut Omnes Unum Sin!!- 9 His Excellency, ~Most Rev. C. Jurgens, C.LC.M, D. D., Bishop of Tuguegarao. CHAPELS. -MASSES, as yesterday and the days before. 1:00 A.M. (sharp) LUNETA. PONTIFICAL MASS by the Papal Legate. P.M. 4:00 P.M.-SOLEMN PROCESSION with the BLESSED SACRAMENT. Lay Procession will start at 4 P.M. sharp. 5:45 P.M.-Clergy and Liturgical part of Procession will start from De La Salle College. 7:30 P.M.-LUNET A. BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, given by the Papal Legate. 8:00-The POPE'S PERSONAL BLESSING, received by radio. 8:10 P.M.-Closing SPEECH by the Papal Legate. The HYMN of the 33rd I.E.C. His Excellency, Most Rev. C. 1\,fa. Guerrero, D. D., Bishop of Lingayen. and share in common all 10 -Ct 011111es C.:11u111 Si11t!EL HIMNO OFICIAL DEL CONGRESO EUCARISTICO INTERNACIONAL CORO iGloria a Jesus que se encierra En la hostia de bendici6n! iPostraos, cielos y tierra En rendida adoraci6n! Venid pueblos del Oriente, Naciones todas, venid: Y en abrazo de fe ardiente A Dios-Hostia bendecid. ESTROFA la. ESTROFA 2a. Hace ya cuatro centurias Que esta tierra filipina El sol de la Eucaristia Surgi6 aqui tan refulgente Se nutre de la doctrina De Cristo divina Luz, Pueblo amante de Maria, Antes que sus mantes de oro, Forman su rico tesoro Los tesoros de la cruz. Que a otros pueblos del Oriente Alcanz6 su resplandor. Y hoy queen su cenit fulgura, Irradiando bendiciones, A esas paganas regiones Envia beso de amor. ESTROFA 3a. Hoy el orbe es volcan vivo De mil odios y rencores; Envidias, celos traidores 1 o destrozan sin piedad. Santa Hostia que en esta noche Delmundo fulgente brillas, Quema esas negras rencillas Con fuego de caridad. the spiritual benefits thereof. -Ct 011111es C1111111 .':>.int!- 11 THE LU.VETA Formerly marshy land, it has been filled and made into one of the most scenic spots of the Far East. This is the scene of the Open Air SertJices of the Congress. This Family or Union has 12 -Ct 011111es C1111111 Si11t!The Holy Eucharist In The Mountain Province ''I AM the bread of life. "The bread that I will give is My flesh, for the life of the world. ''Take ye and eat; this is My body, which shall be delivered for you; this do for the commemorat.on of Me. "He that eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood ab1deth in Me, and I in him. "Come to Me, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you". These are the words of Christ, the Eternal Tmth, though not all uttered at one time, nor written in one place. This Gift of Our Saviour and His invitation to all to co_ne to Him and to receive liis G,ft to refresh the labor,ng and burdened children of men, no one can fully gaining our hearts, than to enter mto them by Holy Communion, and thus unite and transform us into Hims2lf. -e;cc)~A young man finishes his studies at the college; he stands at the crossing of many roads that may lead him successfully through life. What will he do to make himself useful to God and to humanity? This morning he received Holy Communion. Bending down in adoration, overwhelmed with the joy of Jesus' presence, he hears the sweet, lamenting voice of His Saviour, "Sitio!.... I thirst for souls!" The young man understands that Jesus calls him to the mission field, because very softly the Divine voice continues whispering, "Majorem charitatem nemo habet ut animam conceive. suam ponet quis pro amicis suis". St. Augustine says that God, "Greater love than this no man though all-powerful, can bestow hath, that a man lay down his upon us nothing greater than life for his friends". Himself, which in the Blessed --e;cc)Gl<!lSacrament He gives us; though Seven years later we find this most rich and liberal, can yet young man, ·now a priest and misdispense to us nothing more from sionary, in a far-off little town of the treasures of His bounty, than the Mountain Province, because this one Gift of His body and he has answered Jesus' call with blood, His whole self; and though these generous words, "Dear Jesus, the uncreated and in::arnate wis- Thy Will is my will. I will go and dom of the Father, yet cannot in- proclaim Thy Holy Name! I will vent a more efficacious means of go and find a multitude of immorfor its twofold object -Ct Omncs Unum Sint.'- 13 His Excellency, .\lost Rev. C. Lladoc, D. D., Bishop of Bacolod. tal souls to quench Thy thirst! I am not worthy to be called the least of Thy servants, and Thou hast chosen me, 0 Lord, not to be Thy servant but Thy friend (non servus, sed amicus)". --. And with the fervor of an enthused friend of Jesus, of an enthused friend of Jesus' poor, he studies the native language, works, travels, writes letters appealing for material help, and daily spends himself to the utmost of his He has gone through many trials, hardships, and privations; he has suffered many a disappointment, but he faithfully remained at his post for twenty eight years ... Many times he has been rebuked; many times his heart has been pierced with sorrow and grief on witnessing the unwillingness of those for whose eternal welfare he left his country and the house of his fathers. He suffered and prayed, he fai!ed and succeeded, while the year1' were passing... He remaine<l, because of his Friend Who His Excellency, 1 lfost Rev. J. T. Hayes, D. D., strength .... Bishop of Cagaya11. the ever increase of a 14 -Ct Umncs U1111111 Sint!His Excellency, Most Rev. IV. Fi11nema1111, S. V.D., iJ.D., Auxiliary B!shop of }lJanila. was with him in this lonely place: Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, Jesus Whom he daily offers in the Holy Mass, Jesus Whom he daily receives in his priestly heart. So many times Jesus found him at His feet imploring His mercy for his adopted people, "Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do"; there he found Jesus' and blessings on this poor people he loves as his own; there he rejoiced and exulted when he offered to Jesus the fruits of his hard labors: regenerated souls, well prepared to receive their :Saviour in Holy Communion. uh, thtn his missionary heart was jubilant! A holy satisfaction was hi.>, because he had been able to give his Beloved to drink.... ~irio! I thirst for souls! own strength to support his weak- Rt. Re<t•. V. Roman, A. R ., ness; there he besought his Friend Prefect Apostolic of Palawan. to bestow an abundance of graces living Catholicism in the Philippines, -Ct 011111es Unum Si11t!- 15 It is on a Sunday of the year 1936. The missionary finishes his thanksgiving after his Holy Mass. his church is clean and beautiful in its simplicity. Hundreds of Christians have assisted at holy Mass. Now he hears the joyful shouting of happy children playing in the pateo: innocent hearts who received their Friend in Holy Communion. Through the window he sees several groups of adults who are eating their "halon'', because very early this morning they started crossing the steep mountain to partake at the Celestial Banquet of the Angels. He appears at the door of his church, and from everywhere resound the cheering greetings of young and old, "Good morning, Father!".... What a joy, what a consolation for his missionary heart! He is happy indeed. He smiles a smile of love to all and every one: to the playing children in the plaza, to the young people, boys and girls, gathered near their dormitory, to men and women sitting in the shadow of the schoolbuilding.... These are the many souls he has given to Jesus, to quench His thirst for souls ... Sitio! I thirst for souls! He enters again his church. He kneels before the Tabernacle to express his gratitude to Jes us, his Friend. And again he hears that sweet, lamenting voice of his Lord and Master, "Sitio! I thirst for souls! .... " Yes, in this Ifugao province, his mission, thousands are still wandering in the darkness of paganism, are still the unhappy slaves of Satan ..... . Bending low his head in adoration, the missionary prays, "Lord, strenghten my weakness, bless my endeavors and those of my valiant Confreres who are working with me here in Thy vineyard .... Oh, we long to give all these immortal souls to Thee, to quench Thy thirst for souls, to make them all together with us One in Thee through Thy Blessed Sacrament: Ut Omnes Unum Sint! That They All Be one!" And from the Tabernacle comes a comforting answer to his prayer, the answer of a Friend, a Godmade-M11n, "I am the bread of life; I am with you till the end of time". and the conversion of the 16 -Ut Omnes Unum Sint!The Eucharistic Congress of Baguio 4,200 Holy Communions in three days ON Thursday, April 23, at of Baguio was certainly the zeal 5:30 p.m. the ringing of and good example displayed by the church bells an- Mrs. Aurora A. Quezon. She nounced the opening of the Baguio readily agreed to be the President Eucharistic Congress. The Music of the Ladies' Committee, and Band of Tubao, La Union, Catho- she spared neither time nor exlic School played in harmony pense to assure the success of the with the pealing of the bells to fill activity of the fifty generous ladies the atmosphere with joyful ex- who with enthusiasm put thempectation. At 6:00 p.m. the church selves under her guidance and was crowded with people, eager command. to join in the "Veni Creator", to At 10:30 a.m. conferences were implore the Holy Ghost's guiding given at the church. Rev. Fr. and inspiring Light during the Francisco del Rio, O.P., Ecclethree days consecrated to the siastical Assistant of Catholic Holy Eucharist, and to receive Action in the Philippines, spoke Jesus' blessing on what they were eloquently on the Holy Eucharist, to do to honor Him in His Sacra- the Food of the soul. Dr. Gabriel ment of Love. La 0, Professor at the Sto. Tomas On Friday, April 24, the first University, showed us with strikday of the Eucharistic Congress, ing examples the efficacity of the the Holy Mass at 6:00 a. m. was Holy Eucharist in the formation celebrated by Rev. Father Fl. of true Christian character. Carlu, C.I.C.M., parish priest of On Saturday, April 25, the Baguio. The choir was conducted second day of the Eucharistic by the Sisters of Charity. Holy Congress, the Holy Mass at 6:30 Communion was distributed to a.m. was celebrated by Very Rev. nine hundred communicants, of Father M. De Brabandere, which the majority were women, C.I.C.M., Sui::erior of the Scheut because it was their day for Gen- Fathers, Missionaries of the eral Communion. The first Mountain Province. The choir woman to receive Holy Commu- was under the direction of the nion was the First Lady of the Benedictine Sisters. Eleven huncountry, Her Excellency Mrs. dred Holy Communions were disAurora A. Quezon. One of the tributed to young people and outstanding features of the whole children, the first to receive Our event of the Eucharistic Congress dear Lord being the son and lgorrotes and other pagan tribes. -Ut Omnes Unum Sint!- 17 Opening of the procession: Tubao Catholic School Band. In furtherance of these ends 18 -C't 011111es U1111111 Si11t!Rt. Re'!.' . .!. Billiet, C.l.C.JJ., Prefect Apostolic of the .lit. Prov. daughter of our worthy President of the Commonwealth. At 10:30 a.m. conferences were given in the church. Rev. Father German Villazan, C.M., gave a lecture on the Holy Eucharist and the Missions. He told his audience how the Holy Eucharist sustains the heroic endurance of Missionaries in the mission field, and how the naturally restricted mentality of new converts from paganism is brought to grasp the highest and most abstract truths of our Holy Faith through the supernatural operation of the Holy Eucharist, especially in Holy Communion. He paid a highly deserved tribute of gratitude to the memory of the Spanish Missionaries, members of various Religious Orders, who christianized the Philippines and made of these Islands the Catholic country of the Far East, the Pearl of the Orient. He invited Filipino Catholics to prove their gratitude towards the Scheut Fathers who continue the work of christianization in the Mountain Province, to pray daily for the speedy conversion of the lgorrotes, and to help Her Excellency :Hrs. A. A. Quezon, in the procession with 1 llr. and 1 l1rs. Teahan. it enjoins upon its members -Ct Om11es ["1111111 Sil/fl- 19 The Reli~ious Communities of lVomen in the procession. a spirit of true Catholicism 20 -Ut Omnes Unum Sint!the Missionaries in supporting their mission work in order to blot out as soon as possible the still existing black spot of nonchristian tribes. Attorney Emeterio Barcelon professed the faith of the country in the Holy Eucharist, and laid stress on the fact that the Holy Eucharist is the greatest safeguard for human society in general and for the Philippine nation in particular. His words went straight to the hearts of many when he said, Decoration of the houses. Missionaries in the procession. The laity escorting the Religious Communities, w i t h burning candle in their hands a s t h!e symbol of their faith. "Nowaday Filipino rulers have rightly adopted the slogan of less politics and more government; but we Catholics have to adopt this new slogan of more government and still more religion, much more religion." The Catholic religion, the one true religion and the religion of our people, is to inspire our rulers to make this country prosperous and happy. May these words of Christ ever resound in the hearts of our present and future rulers, "Every and true Patriotism; -Ut Omnes Unum Sint!- 21 one therefore that shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But he that shall deny Me refore men, I shall also deny him before my Father who is in heaven." On Sunday, April 26, third day of the Eucharistic Congress of Baguio, Masses were offered like on other Sundays: 5:15; 6:00; 7:00; 8:00; 9:00; and 10:00 a.m. During the four first Holy Masses, Holy Communion was distributed to two thousand and two hundred communicants, of whom the majority were men, because this last day was reserved for their General Communion. At the Holy Mass of 6.00, the first man to receive Holy Communion was Hi~ Excellency Manuel L. Quezon·, President of the Commonwealth; at the Holy Mass of 7.00 the first man to receive Holy Communion was His Excellency Frank Murphy, American High Commissioner to the Philip;Jines, while at the Communion rail we noticed His Excellency Sergio Osmeiia, Vice President of the Commonwealth, receiving Holy Communion with great devotion. The Angels in heaven rejoiced at this wonderful good example given by the highest civil authorities of our Philippine Government. Instantly my heart went up in thanksgiving to our beloved Saviour for having given us such model leaders at a time we are in such great need of them; Jesus' words quoted by Attorney E. Barcelon came to my mind as an answer to my hymn of gratitude, "Every one that shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven", and repeatedly I prayed, "Lord Jesus, keep them to us for many, many years ... ad multos annos!" The Holy Mass of 7:00 was celebrated by Msgr. J. Billiet, C.l.C.M., Prefect Apostolic of the Mountain Province. The choir during this Holy Mass was held by the Missionary Canonesses of St. Augustine. At 9 00 His Excellency Msgr. M.J. O'Doherty, D.D., Archbishop of Manila, was the celebrant. At the end of his Holy Mass His Grace addressed the faithful, pointing out that countries like Russia who abandoned God naturally come to nothing. The Philippine nation is what it is today because of the faith in God the Filipino people have kept alive in their hearts. Let this faith of the people be f o s t e re d and strengthened by the common endeavor of Church and State for the greater glory and happiness of this country! The Holy Mass offered by His Grace was officially assisted at by Their Excellencies Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Osmena. From 8:00 to 9:00 a. m. the Blessed Sacrament remained exposed, and how pleased Our dear Lord must have been seeing at a sincere desire to see 22 -Ct 011111cs C1111111 Sin!!the foot of His Throne of Love multitudes of adoring and loving people who with all their hearts claimed to be His for ever! At 9.00 a.m. came the climax of the Eucharistic Congress: the procession through the city of Baguio with the Blessed Sacrament. The Tu bao Catholic School Band opened the procession. Then came a crowd of devout people, walking four by four in silent recollection and prayer. The sight of Christian lgorrotes stepping side by side with Christians of Manila and of almost all the Provinces of the Philippines, made us realize that the Catholic Religion, the faith of our fathers, is to unite the whole nation in one family of common interests and aspirations, a sacred union of hearts and souls. Then followed the Religious Communities of Women: the Missionary Canonessesof St. Augustine, the Benedictine Sisters, the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres, the Sisters of Charity, the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Mary, the Dominican Sisters, the Maryknoll Sisters and the Holy Ghost Sisters. Behind these Religious Communities solemnly marched different groups representing the "Ave Maria" and the Little Flower of Jesus, and a group of young men singing hymns to the Blessed Sacrament and the Sacred Heart of Jes us. Then came the different Religious Orders of Men: the Dominican Fathers, the Jesuit Fathers, the Dr. Jose JI. Delgado, President of the Execufi<ve Committee B. E. C. Franciscan Fathers, the Augustinian Fathers, the Paulist Fathers, the Scheut Fathers, the Fathers of the Divine Word, the La Salle Brothers, and a number of secular priests. All these groups were flanked on both sides of the road with an hedge-line of lay people: men, women and children bearing in their hands a burning candle as the symbol of their faith. In front of the Blessed Sacrament came the group of Vigan Seminarians singing with manly voice and priestly devotion the love and glory of Jesus in the Holy Host; then a group of thurif ers, and finally the Blessed Sacrathis "Pearl of the Orient" -Ut 011111es U1111111 Si11t!- 23 be the bulwark qf 24 -Ut Omnes U1111m Sint!ment carried by Msgr. J. Billiet who was assisted by the Superior of the Scheut Fathers and a S.V.D. Father who represented the Superior of the Fathers of the Divine Word. Stalwart Cadets of the young Philippine Army, in gala uniform and bayonet on arms, escorted Our Eucharistic Lord, the King of kings. Behind the canopy came, first, His Excellency Sergio Osmefi.a, followed by Dr. Jose Delgado, President of the Executive Committee, with all the members of the Executive and other Committees of the Eucharistic Congress of Baguio, and a long line of four by four of prominent people of Baguio, Manila and of many Provinces of the Islands. The procession was closed by the Music Band of the Cadets of the Philippine Army, attired in their splendid uniform. Leaving the church the procession wound past the Post Office, on the Session road, to the Government Center, passing under two arches beautifully decorated by the Maryknoll Sisters and the Sisters of Charity. At the Government Center, on an elevation in front of the Speaker's House, an altar was erected and decorated by the Benedictine Sisters. The procession stopped for the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Then the procession returned following the Harrison ave., Governor Pack road, Session road to the plaza of the church, passing under three more arches artistically decorated by the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Mary, the Dominican Sisters and the Missionary Canonesses of St. Augustine. The general view of the procession was magnificent, but still more magnificent was the devotion displayed by the people. Never have I assisted at a procession where silence and recollection were so well observed. The crowds preceding and following the Blessed Sacrament prayed. What a triumph, what a consolation for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist! And these people knew why and to whom they prayed. Every one was filled with the same feelings: Lord Jesus, bless our. country, keep our country always to be Thine! A great number of Public School teachers from Teachers' Camp took part in the procession, and their presence made one think of the thousands of poor Catholic children committed to their care. The new slogan of Attorney E. Barcelon passed as naturally through my mind, "More Government, but still more Religion, much more Religion!", and from the bottom of my heart welled up a fervent prayer to the Almighty to infuse in the hearts of our rulers a heroic courage and to raise on the path of their political career Providential opportunities, so that they may succeed in securChristian Civilization -Ut Om11es Unum ,'i'int.'- 25 in the Extreme Orient, 26 -Ct Om11es C1111m Sint.1ing our Catholic youth attending the Public Schools the essentially needed instruction of religion. The many groups of the procession gathered on the plaza in front of the church where an altar was erected. Rev. Father John J. Lamond, O.S.A., gave the final discourse giving glory and honor to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and assuring that the Eucharistic Congress of Baguio was only the precursor of the immensely greater splendor which will be displayed at the coming International Eucharistic Congress of Manila on February 3-7, 1937. Before the Blessed Sacrament, Msgr. J. Billiet recited the official prayer for the success of the XXXIII International Eucharistic Congress of Manila. Dr. Jose M. Delgado, President of the Executive Committee, read the act of consecration of the people to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Jesus' triumphal march through the city of Baguio was concluded with the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. From 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. the Holy Hour took place in the church, conducted by Rev. Father Arthur J. McCaffray, S.J. It seemed that Our dear Lord wanted a proof of the affection of His people. From 4·30 to 5:00 p.m. a torrential shower poured on Baguio. At 5:00 the church was almost empty on account of the rain; but the shower stopped, Altar erected 011 a hill in the Gover11111e11t Center. and in less than fifteen minutes all the seats in the church were fully occupied. The people were attracted to Our Lord in His Sacrament of Love. They wanted Him, because more than ever they felt that they needed Him. And Jesus was well pleased, accepted their hymn of thanksgiving, and bestowed on them and on their country the abundance of His blessings. I have heard a thousand say it, and I am still hearing it today, these laconic but expressive words of holy satisfaction, "It was splendid!... It was magnificent!" and an outsp:>ken interest -Ut Omnes Unum Sint!A Sunny Glance Over the Blooming Hills 27 I T is the time when the wild of his heart, of a longing desire. white hedge-bells are bloom- "Our little, old man is very ing. The slopes are in their wise", say his neighbors. "Very festive season of yellow subusub- wise indeed", they explain, "beflowers. Down below the little cause he is never at a loss in findhut of Kudyapow, in the surround- ing the true means to settle our difing fenced plots, maize, burdened ficulties, an expedient to satisfy with glittering flaps and ripening opposing parties, and a solution to spikes, gleams in the radiant sun, any very embarrassing question." and along the rustling river the In the municipalcounciloldDulio's rice-fields look darkgreen. advice is welcome. His accustomThe mid-day glow hangs over ed sentence, "That is not so bad; the Benguet mountains, and the it can be settled all right" comes heat of the burning sun magically naturally from his smiling lips. flickers on top of the grass-blades The most complicated cases are on the hills. presented to him, and his remarks Kudyapow is sitting near the are always to the point. Not satwooden fence, in the shadow of a isfied with giving his advice, he is mulberry-tree. Kudyapow is a the first to help with action where good old man. Many call him he has assisted with word. Against "the pious man." The day he was the headstrong he uses an innocent baptized he received Gregorio menace which always strikes home, for his Christian name. No Igor- "You do not like to be wisely led, rote can pronounce such a name, then you will have to suffer the and they call him Duldio, or simply consequences of your stubbornDulio. ness." Dulio Kudyapow is a wonderful It is the time when the wild little old man indeed. His big white hedge-bells are blooming, bald head is nearly always bowed and Dulio.Kudyapow is sitting on in reverence for the unseen God a trunk near the wooden fence, in everywhere present; he seems to the shadow of a mulberry-tree. be always wrapped in deep He prays his rosary, he prays for thoughts, and when he raises his Ankelin Bayusa. head his gaze is lost in wandering Who is Ankelin Bayusa? Who meditation over fields and mount- is she whose name old Dulio so ains.... It is as if his spirit is gad- frequently mutters in his prayers ding about in search of the object saying, "Lord, have mercy on Anin the Christian Civilization 28 -Ut 011111cs U1111111 Si11t!kelin Bayusa. Jesus, bless Ankelin Bayusa?" She is a poor pagan child of the mountains; her life is the life of hundreds, nay thousands of other pagan children of the mountains, with its sunny days of joy and play and its mourning days of rebuke and sorrow. I say the life of pagan children, but the life of children anyhow, with a craving for love and sympathy, with a longing for happiness that suffers no release: Group of forty Catechists w h o are working in the A p o s t o 1 i c Prefecture, M t . Prov. Group of the Ladies Committee of which Mrs. Aurora A. Quezon was the President. a life which shines in their bright, attractive eyes and unconsciously claims for the possession of their Saviour. Good and kind old people are an attraction for children. Ankelin Bayusa has witnessed many times how good and kind old Dulio is, and one day she shyly approached him and asked, "Arna Dulio, is it true that we all have to die?" "All of us, my child, have to die one day", answered the pious, old of those Filipinos who are -Ct Omncs Cnum Sint.'- 29 Cadets of Phil. Army escorting the Blessed Sacrament. Jfusic Band of Cadets closing the procession. still in the darkness of paganism. 30 man. -Ct 011111es C-1111111 Sint.1The Blessed Sacrament carried by Msgr. J. Billiet, Prefect Apostolic of the Mt. Prov. for the infinite and appeals for "But why, Arna, must we die? eternity ..... I for one, I do not like to die. I And now is the time when the wish to live always; yes, always wild white hedge-bells are bloomhere in Tudingaan. Say, Arna, ing, and our pious, old Dulio is why should we die?" sitting in the shadow of a mulberRaising his bony hand, the old ry-tree, praying his rosary for his man pointed to the bright, blue little friend, Ankelin Bayusa. This sky above them and said, "It is the time of a glowing sun over fields holy will of the Creator of our life, and mountains, is the month of my child, that we all should die. the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The He has made us for Himself, and infinitely loving Heart of Our we have to return to Him and to Saviour, who invites all children enjoy with Him His eternal happi- of men to come to Him, the Heart ness." of the Divine Lover of children "But, Arna, I am perfectly hap- whose Spirit hovers over the Benpy here. No, the Creator of our guet mountains in search of the life may not take us away from little ones in these poor, adobe Tudingaan. Tudingaan is good huts, the pagan children whose enough for me, and I like to live hearts are craving for Him .... for ever in this happy place." Old Dulio knows the love and Old Dulio stared at the pure, mercy of his Saviour's Heart. He open face of Ankelin Bayusa; on it experienced it the day he was he saw the golden reflection of the baptized and felt for the first time sinking daylight, and in the black, the inner peace of a redeemed brilliant eyes of the child he read child of God. The day he receivthe longing of a soul that hungers ed for the first time his God in The Motto of Our Family Circle - Ct 0 11111es Unum S int !- 31 ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ... ..;; -:::~ ~ ~ " " :::"' "' "' ~ ~ "' ~ ;: ~ "' " ... :::"' ~ ~· " ... c:;· ;:: ~ ~ ?>~ ~ ""' !'> I:> ;:: ~ ~ "' " c ~ "' ~ ~ ~ "' ii c:;· ;: "' ~ :: ;! ;: ;:: ::;: ;;;· ~ "' -- ;.;'-"'''"'-~t.:tl~:~--~ :-.: is "Ut Omnes Unum Sint!" 32 -Ut 011111cs U1111111 .'ii11t. 'Holy Communion, he went to see the missionary and seriously asked him if it is possible to feel more joy and to enjoy greater happiness in heaven. He loves Jesus in His Blessed Sacrament. One Sunday, old Dulio had passed a long time on his knees beforethe Tabernacle, and the priest asked him how he prayed to t~e Lord. Our little old man bowed his big, b3ld head, and said, "Apo, I was not able to utter a single word; I looked at Him, and He looked at me ..... and I felt in my heart that Jesus was much pleased." Every Sunday he crosses the swift Agno river and comes to Itogon to assist at Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion. When at eleven he opens his "halon" to take his meager breakfast, he says, "A few years more and it w!ll be an eternal Sunday for me." The Sacred Heart in the Blessed Sacrament has changed Dulio Kudyapow so much, has transformed him, has made of him His Excellency Sergio Osmena, Vice-President of of Commonwealth, in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. a little old saint ..... . On this hot day of June, Dulio sits in the shadow of a mulberrytree, saying his beads. After every decade he lifts his big, bald head towards heaven and says, "Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on little Ankelin Bayusa.'' Then he smiles, because he knows that his prayer is heard. Somebody comes near, slowly, shyly.... It is a child, a little girl. The old man raises his head, and sees standing before him Ankelin Bayusa. "Arna", she whispers in his ear, "you are praying. And what are you praying for?" "I pray for Ankelin Bayusa; I pray for you, my dear child." "And why are you praying for me, Arna?" "Because, my little friend, I wish you to know the sweetness and happiness of being a Christian, of loving Jesus, the Friend of children." "That They All Be One!" -Ut Om11es Unum Sint!- 33 Tears tickle down her rosy cheeks, and sobbing the little girl asks, "What must I do, Arna, to become a Christian? Where is Jesus, the Friend of children, that I may go to Him and love Him?" "Sit down near old Dulio, child of my heart, and I shall teach you the way to Him." The mid-day sun glows over the Benguet mountains, the wild white hedge-bells are blooming, the slopes are in their festive season of yellow subusub-flowers, and old Dulio Kudyapow's heart exults, leading another immortal soul to Jes us, his beloved Lord and Master. A Catechism on O(IF(IC(I WHAT is the meaning - of O.F.C.? -0.F.C. are the initials of Our Family Circle. -What is Our Family Circle? -Our Family Circle is a Filipino-Catholic Organization in close affiliation with the Missionaries laboring in the Apostolic Prefecture of the Mountain Province, so, that members of the former are ASSOCIATES of the latter and share in common all the spiritual benefits thereof. -Which is the object of Our Family Circle? -Our Family Circle has for its twofold object the ever increase of a living Catholicism in the Philippine Islands in general, and the conversion of the lgorrotes and other pagan tribes in particular. -What is requested to obtain this twofold object? -In furtherance of these ends Our Family Circle enjoins upon its members a spirit of true Catholicism and true Patriotism; a sincere desire to see this "Pearl of the Orient" to be the bulwark of Christian Civilization in the Extreme Orient, and an outspoken interest in the Christianization and Civilization of those Filipino citizens who are still in the darkness of paganism. -What is the meaning of "Ut Omnes Unum Sint"? -"Ut Omnes Unum Sint" is the slogan of Our Family Circle, which translated into English means "That They All Be One", united in the same spirit of Faith and Patriotism. -From whom and where can further information be obtained concerning Our Family Circle? -From the Editor of The Little Apostle and El Misionero, P. 0. Box 42, Baguio. -Why is Our Family Circle organized by the Missionaries of the Apostolic Prefecture of the Mountain Province? -Because Our Family Circle is essentially a Missionary work. -Explain in a few words the great utility of Our Family Circle. -The Pliilipprrre·-'Nation is in great need of the united prayers 34 -Ut Omnes Unum Sint!and united action of all Catholics residing on these Islands. Action is certainly needed, but prayer is much more needed to assure the spiritual and temporal welfare of this country. Without God's help and blessing all our combined endeavors are spent in vain. United prayer is the strongest means to obtain God's help and blessing. The slogan of the Catholic Church is: Ora et labora! Pray and work! Action becomes effective through prayer. Holy Providence has blessed our country with model rulers; fervent CathoHcs all over the country are united in Catholic Action: they all deserve the fulness of our cooperation. Our Family Cir~le does the prayer, while they do the work. In this sacred union of prayer and work lies the assurance of the success of this young Philippine Nation. Every Catholic on these Islands should be member of Catholic Action and of Our Family Circle to render to the utmost the best of his services for God and country. -Is there not a visible soniething by which we know that we are united in prayer? -The monthly Novena of Last Resort. This Novena begins on every first Saturday of the month. -To whom is this Novena made? -In general to the whole Heavenly Court, our Patron Saints and Guardian Angels; in particular to Our Lady of the Atonement, St. Theresa of the Child Jes us, and to St. Jude. This Novena is based on the dogma of the "Communion of Saints". For other Novenas and devotions observed during the year in Our Family Circle, see leaflet on the Constitution of Our Family Circle. -Which are the intentions of the Novena of Last Resort? -There are General Intentions for the spiritual and temporal welfare of the Philippine Nation; and for the conversion of the nonChristian tribes. There are Special Intentions: these are the intentions sent to Our Family Circle by members who desire them to be included in the Novena. -Who are observing the Novena of Last Resort? -All members of Our Family Circle are invited to join in the Novena. If for some reason a member is not able to join in the Novena, he partakes of the benefits of the Novena for being a member of Our Family Circle, for being united in the same family. The Carmelite Sisters of Lisieux unite themselves with us in prayer during the monthly Novena of Last Resort. This Novena is monthly observed in the church of Baguio, at the Central House of the Scheut Fathers, in all the missions of the -Ut Omnes Unum Sint!- 35 Mountain Province, and in twenty one Religious Communities. -Are there special prayers used in the Novena of Last Resort? -Yes, and any member can obtain them free on request from the Central Office of O.F.C., P. 0. Box 42, Baguio. Also leaflets on the Constitution of Our Family Circle can be obtained free on request. -Has O.F.C. an Official Organ and a diploma of Membership? -The Official Organ of 0.F.C. is: The Little Apostle and El Mis10nero. 0.F.C. gives a beautiful diploma of Membership. -Is 0.F.C. approved by the Ecclesiastical Authorities? -0.F.C. is officially approved by Right Rev. J. Billiet, C.l.C.M., Prefect Apostolic of the Mountain Province, and received the high commendation and blessing of His Excellency Msgr. W. Piani, D.D., Apostolic Delegate to the Philippines, the representative of the Holy Father, Pope Pius XI, in this country. -How can you become a member of O.F.C.? -Subscribing to The Little Apostle or to El Misionero you become ipso facto a member of Our Family Circle. Taking a Life Subscription to one of these mission magazines, you become a perpetual member of O.F.C. -What is the practical conclusion of this Catechism on O.F.C.? -The practical conclusion is: Join Our Family Circle to better cooperate for the spiritual and temporal welfare of your beloved country. Be an apostle of 0.F.C. making others join it. For God and Country! + ................................ !+ ABSOLVE, we beseech Thee, Lord, the souls of Thy servants: Very Rev. Damian Ravaga, Iriga, Camarines Sur; Fermin Mariano, Caloocan, Rizal; Victor Osorio, Dalaguete, Cebu; Martina Enriquez, Manila; Aniceta Bantolinao, San Carlos, Negros Occidental; Iluminada S. de Duterte, San Fernando, Cebu; from every sin, that in the glory of the resurrection among Thy saints and elect they may arise in the newness of life, through Christ our Lord. Amen. !---------------·---------------+ 36 -Ut Omnes U1111111 Si11t!Ut Omnu Unum $iat My dearest Brethren, The little Flower of Jesus and the Holy Eucharist is what we will consider in this letter. The Divine Eucharist had all her love; Holy Communion was her Heaven here below. During four years she prepared herself for her first Holy Communion. She longed so ardently for Jesus' coming in her little heart! Perhaps you know that when she was a child the custom then in force required that children should complete their eleventh year within the year of their first Holy Communion. "Had I been born only two days sooner", she sighed, "I could have received the good God a year earlier!" Her ardent desire to receive Jesus increased so much that one day she whispered to her eldest sister: "What if I followed you, Marie! Oh, do let me! No one would see me; look, there are numbers of people; they would not notice it." At last there dawned the most beautiful day of all the days of Sta. Teresita's life: her first Holy Communion! "How perfectly I OUR FAMILY CIRCLE remember," she writes in her Histoire d'une Ame, "all the smallest details of those sacred hours! The joyful awakening, the reverent and tender embraces of my mistresses and older companions, the room filled with snow-white frocks, where each child was dressed in turn, and, above all, our entrance into the chapel and the melody of the morning hymn: 'O Altar of God, where the Angels are hovering.' But I would not and I could not tell you all. Some things lose their fragrance when exposed to the air, and so, too, one's inmost thoughts cannot be translated into earthly words without instantly losing their deep and heavenly meaning. How sweet was the first embrace of Jesus! It was indeed an embrace of love. I felt that I was loved, and I said: 'l love Thee, and I give myself to Thee for ever.' Jesus asked nothing of me, and claimed no sacrifice; for a long time He and little Therese had known and understood one another. That day our meeting was more than simple recognition, it was perfect -Ut Omnes Unum Sint!- 37 union. We were no longer two. Therese had disappeared like a drop of water lost in the immensity of the ocean; Jesus alone remained-He was the Master, the King! Had not Therese asked Him to take Rway her literty which frightened her? She felt herself so weak and frail, that she wished to be for ever united to the Divine Strength. And then my joy became so intense, so deep, that it could not be restrained; tears of happiness welled up and overflowed. My companions were astonished, and asked each other afterwards: 'Why did she cry? Had she anything on her conscience? No it is because neither her Mother nor her dearly loved Carmelite sister is here.' And no one understood that all the joy of Heaven had come down into one hea.rt, and that this heart, exiled, weak, and mortal as it was, could not contain it without tears." After this first visit f nm her Lord, she "longed for nothing more than to receive Him.'' It is certainly remarkable to hear her say at a time when frequent Holy Communion was still limited by a then existing custom, "It is not to remain in a golden ciborium that Jesus comes down each day from heaven, but to find another heaven-the heaven of our soul, in which He takes His delight." She will put scrupulous souls on their guard against the artifice of the demon who "seeks to deprive Jesus of a loved tabernacle, well knowing that he will then have won the victory over this poor heart, empty without its Lord.'' Her cousin, Marie Guerin, was suffering from scruples and, oppressed by fears of imaginary sins, she dared not to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Sta. Teresita was but fifteen when she wrote to her afflicted cousin: " ...... Remember, little Marie, that this sweet Jesus is there in the tabernacle for you and you alone. Remember that He bums with the desire to enter your· heart. Do not listen to satan. Laugh him to scorn, and go without fear to receive Jesus, the God of peace and of love. 'Therese thinks all this', you say, 'because she does not know my difficulties.' She does know, and knows them well; she understands everything, and she tells you confidently that you can go without fear to receive your only Friend. She, too, has passed through the martyrdom of scuples, but Jesus gave her the grace to receive the Blessed Sacrament always, even when she imagined she had committed great sins. I assure you I have found that this is the only means of ridding oneself of the devil. When he sees that he is losing his time he leaves us in peace... Dear sister, go often to Holy Communion, go very of ten-that is your only remedy." This letter concerning the doctrine of the Eucharist, so certain 38 -Ut Om11es Unum Si11t!in itself but so overlooked at the time, was later to evoke the admiration of His Holiness Pius X. "Opportunissimo! Opportunissimo!" he exclaimed, on reading the opening lines; then, addressing Msgr. de Teil, Vice-Postulator of the Cause of our Saint: "This is a great joy to me, gaudio magno ... We must use all speed in dealing with this Process." Later on, the venerated Pontiff did not hesitate to say, indicating a picture of the Servant of God: "Behold the greatest saint of modem times!" Sta. Teresita teaches that our daily frailties and faults are not even a reason to withdraw ourselves from Holy Communion. A novice had committed a fault which had caused Sta. Teresita much pain, but of which she had deeply repented. As to punish herself the novice intended to deprive herself of Holy Communion, wrote to Sta. Teresita of her resolution, but this was the reply: "Little flower, most dear to Jesus, by this humiliation your roots are feeding upon the earth. You must now open wide your petals, or rather lift high your head, so that the Manna of the Angels may, like a divine dew, come down to strengthen you and supply all your wants ... " Her own way how she prepared herself to receive Holy Communion, and how she performed her thanksgiving is certainly a lesson that contains a great encouragement and consolation for us. "What can I tell you, dear Mother, about my thanksgivings after Communion?", she wrote, "There is no time when I taste less consolation. But this is what I should expect. I desire to receive Our Lord, not for my own satisfaction, but simply to give Him pleasure. I picture my soul as a piece of waste ground and beg Our Blessed Lady to take away my imperfections-which are as heaps of rubbish-and to build upon it a splendid tabernacle worthy of Heaven, and adorn it with her own adornments. Then I invite all the Angels and Saints to come and sing canticles of love, and it seems to me that Jesus is well pleased to see Himself received so grandly, and I share in His joy. But all this does not prevent distractions and drowsiness from troubling me, and not unfrequently I resolve to continue my thanksgiving throughout the day, since I made it so badly in choir. You see. dear Mother, that my way is not the way of fear; I can always make myself happy, and profit by my imperfections, and Our Lord Himself encourages me in this path ... " Sta. Teresita longed for daily Communion and, this is also remarkable, she fervently prayed that the Church might return to the ancient practice, fallen into abeyance.of allowing the faithful to daily partake of the Eucharistic Banquet. Oh! to take advantage of the allowed days of Communion, she proved such a heroic courage! It drew tears from the - Ut Omnes Unum Sint !- 39 eyes of those who knew her secret which was granted without delay. suffering, when they witnessed \Vould it, then, be rash to think how she dragged herself along to that her intercession, made on bethe chapel at the cost of such half of the entire Church, conpainful exhaustion! But time tributed towards obtaining the came that she could no more drag blessed decrees of Pius X on the herself along, that haemoptysis frequent and early reception of and persistent suffocations forced this divine Sacrament? her to deprive herself of the visits My dearest Brethren, our beof her beloved Eucharistic Jesus. loved Sta. Teresita invites us from This trial lasted for five weeks till Heaven to the salutary practice of the day of her death. But did frequent, nay daily, reception of Jesus, who "fulfilled all the desires Holy Communion. To all our of Therese", deprive Himself of objections this letter contains her "so loved a tabernacle?" Cer- ready answer. All those who tainly not; He rather inhabited it wish to follow her "little way of in a mysterious manner, thus perfection", among whose number granting this audacious request of we desire to be, she most earnestHis beloved: "I cannot receive ly urges from Heaven, "Dear little Holy Communion as often as I souls, go often to Holy Commuwould, but, Lord, art Thou not-' nion, go very often, go dailyalmighty? Remain in me as in that is your only remedy." the Tabernacle, and never leave Lord Jesus, Divine Prisoner in Thy little victim of love." the Holy Eucharist, come Thou to Nevertheless, the privation of us, dwell in us and we in Thee, sacramental Communion was for bless us, make us all one in Thee! Sta. Teresita a real martyrdom, Ut Omnes Unum Sint! and on her death-bed she promised Yours fraternally in Jesus, to ask God, as soon as she reached heaven, the privilege of daily Communion for the Community, our Father and King, Joseph De Samber. Novena of "Last Resort" (Saturday, June 6, to Sunday, June 14, 1936) GENERAL INTENTIONS pagate Our Family Circle in their surAN INCREASE OF ZEALOUS roundings. Last April an appeal for PROMOTERS. That the Sacred Heart Promotership has been sent out to all of Jesus raise an army of zealous Pro- our readers, and we have put all our rooters who readily volunteer to pro- hope in their generous response. 40 -Ut Om11es U11u111 Sint!OUR CATECHISTS' FUND. Nine generous benefactors provide for the salary of nine adopted catechi;ts; the thirty one remaining catechists receive their salary from the Catechists' Fund which has for only resource the charity of our readers. This Fund is almost exhausted, and the monthly contributions to it are at such a decrease that we are in great anxiety for the future. Let us pray for the revival of Catholic charity towards the work of catechists, of so great importance in our missions in the Mountain Province. SPECIAL INTENTIONS AND THANKSGIVINGS We· have received hundreds of special intenticms .• Jor spirit_ual and temporal favors. All these intentions are carefully included in the daily devotions and Novena of June, and the Director of Our Family Circle includes them in his daily Holy Mass. We have also received thirty very interesting letters of thanksgiving for favors received. This issue of The Little Apo3tle is a special edition. Every one readily understands that in this issue most of the space must be given to illustrations, to make propaganda for the XXXIII International Congress of Manila, and at the same time to give to hundreds of not-yetsu b~cribers to The Little Apostle an MONTH OF JULY The Novena of Last Resort for the month of July begins on Saturday, July 4, and ends on Sunday, July 12. The General Intentions for the Novena of·.July are: The success of local Eucharistic Congre;ses celebrated in preparation for the XXXIII International Eucharistic Congress of Manila, P.I., February 3-7, 1937. The increase of Catholic Schools in the Mountain Province and all over the Philippines. Two things are considered quite impossible: 1) To educate a recently converted people without the help of Catholic Schools. 2) To keep the Faith in a Catholic people without Catholic Education given to their children. The Spec'.al Intentions will be those you will send to the Office of Our Family Circle, P.O. Box 42, Baguio, P.I. opportunity of becoming acquainted The First Holy Mass offered on these with the high and lofty ideals of Our sunny Islands: the Philippines. Family Circle. ---©·--Mountain Bakery ABANAO STREET NO. 2 BAGUIO, P.I. GROCERIES HARDWARE LIQUORS CIGARS ETC. ETC. P. 0. Box No. 112 Telephone No. 352 CHINESE BAZAAR Wholesalers and Retailers Dry Goods ... Liquors ... Groceries •.. Hardware A Decidedly Up-To-Date Department Store Catering To All Your Needs BAGUIO'S LARGEST The Completest Linc of SHOE P AL'\CE Dressing Articles Ang Tibay... Max Factor's ... Esco ... Hike... Juliette ... People's Blue Walt: ... · Cosmopolitan... Silvaray ... Up-To-Date... Tangee .. Vi-Jon .. Baguio Cold Stores Cold Storage, and Meat Products Fresh Fruits and Groceries Quality Foodstuff ... from America, Australia and Europe Excellent Service ... Dry Goods Departmen~ ... Glass ware-Porcelain Bazaar Goods etc ... P. 0. 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Please ask for our free catalogue. LA CENTRAL 29 Escolta, Manila P. 0. Box 1174, Phone 211-12 ·---------------------------------------------~6 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS J.M. J. A. ST~ THERESA'S COLLEGE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE BELGIAN CANONESSES MISSIONARIES OF ST. AUGUSTINE 212, SAN MARCELINO.STREET, TEL. 21110 MANILA. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS T HE OBJECT of this college is to offer to children and young women the advantages of a course of study, religious in character and followI ing closely the most approved modern educational methods, as well as to I promote their I PHYSICAL- MENTAL- MORAL i development, and thus to fit them to enter the manifold aYenues of I thought and activity which today are open to them in the Philippines. I The language of the College is English, but Spanish is taught in all I departments. The curriculum follows the Government regulations. I Courses of Study Recognized by the Government KINDERGARTEN FOR BOTH BOYS AND GIRLS PRIMARY GENERAL COURSE INTERMEDIATE GENERAL COURSE SECONDARY: 1) GENERAL COURSE 2) DOMESTIC SCIENCE COURSE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS: Two years for the Title of ASSOCIATE I:'\! ARTS (A.A.) Four years for the Degree of BACHELOR IN ARTS (A.B.) COLLEGE OF EDUCATION: Four years for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE I:'\! EDCCATIO~ (B.S.E:) HOME ECONOMICS: Two years for the Title of ASSOCIATE IN HOME ECONOMICS (A.H.E.) Four years for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS (B.S.H.E.) COMMERCE: Two years for the Title of .AS,SOCIATE IN COMMERCIAL SCIE:"ICE (A.C.S.) Four years for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMMERCE (B.S.C.) MUSIC: Four years for the Degree of BACHELOR IN MUSIC (B.M.) EXTERNS, BOARDERS. HALFBOARDERS FOR MORE INFORMATION WRITE TO REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR. PATRONIZI'; OUR .i\PV~RTISERS 7 i I I t i i t I I t t t I t t i j I ''REFLEX'' A Superior Product IN A NEW PACKAGE obtainable at your dealers Agent The Ault & Wiborg Co. (Far East) 30-32-34 Bazan St., Quiapo, Manila P.O. Box 1353 Tel. 2-12-79 42 Phone us. We 'II deliver it. 43 MOUNTAIN SUPPLY STORE 1 MARKET PLAZA (OPPOSITE GAS STA TIOl\'.) LIQUORS ... q.ROCERIES ... DRY GOODS ... CANDY ... CIGARS ... CIGARETTES ... ST A TIONARY ... ETC ... MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES HARDWARE & PLUMBING MATERIALS PAINTS AND OILS ... ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES A:\'D MA:'.\'"Y OTHERS ... RIZAL CEMK'.\11.' ... Prompt and Courteous Service Prices Decidedly Reasonable 8 PATRONIZF OUR ADVERTISERS • HOLLAND -EAST -AsIA • • • LINE ••• By Fast Comfortable Freighters From Manila to your Home Country. Passage Fare £.-52-/- only from Manila to Genoa or Marseilles or £.-56-/from Manila to Rotterdan1. 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