Malaria rampant in the Philippines


Part of Philippines

Malaria rampant in the Philippines
Philippine III (4) June 15, 1943
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
During the Philippine-Japanese war, Malaria outbreak caused the death of 50,000 persons in the Philippines. This is because the lack of quinine which is only available in chinchona tress found only in Japan.
Selected Current Literature Books :md Pamphlet~ 1. Abend. HaJlcrt. Paciri.: Ch:irtcr: ,,ur dcstim· in Asb. N. Y .. Dvu~leJay Doran Co ... 19-L~- _,02 p. $2.:5.0. ""' ~forquar.:it. Frederi( 5. Bef,.,rc BJ.ta•m o.tnll After. lndioin~1polis. Bo~!-s-i\!mill Co .. 19-B. :H 5 pp. $2.50. 3. Quez,)n. ~fanuel L. Rcr1..'rt ro the Filipino Pcork: bro.hkJst w the Philippines ,-ia sh~)rt w.we from \'X ... u::hin~t1.)tl. D. C., Feb . .;o. 19-13. \\':1sh .• D. C .. Orllce of Srcci:il Scn·ircs. Commonwealrh of the Philirpincs. 19-i3. 10 pp . .\fay be obtained free of charge upon request. 4. Thompson. Pad \\~. and orhers. How the .hr Army N. Y .. Pen.i:uin Books. lnc.. cl<l-i2. 169 rr. 25c. (Sec Chap. VI: .. Lessons of Baraan ... br Col. .\lilton A. Hill.) 5. l'nired Nations Information Office. N. Y. The Vnired Nations -Who Th<r Are--What They Are Doin.~. N. Y., U.N.1.0., 1943 .. 20 pp. 6. \\-hire.\\-". L. Queens Die Proudly; a scory of rhe flying fortresses which foughr in rhe skies above rhe Philippines. J.tva anll Australia. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace & Co .. 19-l.\. 52.50. (To be oi;r !!-oon.) Perioclil'al Literature !. Buaken, :\!anuel. Our Fi.chting Love of Freedom. Asia and the Americas. June 19~). v. -!.>. pp. 357-359. l\Ialaria Rampant in the Philippines LACK of quinine has resulted in che deach of 50.000 pc-:sons in the Philippines since the outbreak of the war, according co a scacemenr of the Japanese, as broadcasc by the Japanese-conrrolled Manila radio. This deach coll is in sharp contrast wich rhe annual race of Jess than 9,000 deaths from malaria in che Philippines in 1940. The deach race from chis disease was definicely on the decline before the war. This news report is causing grave concern among PhilipPHILIPPINES is published by the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. Filipinos who desire to receive it regularly are requested to notify: The Editor, PHILIPPINES 1617 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. 2. Buck. Pearl S. Peo1,Jc, East and \\lcsr. Asia and the America., June 19-0. v. 4,, pp. 328-329. >. Bulo$;H1, Carlos. B:u;\:tn; poem. Saturday Re,·icw of Literature, !>.farch 20. 1943. v. 26, p. 20. -t Bulos;m, Carlos. freedom from \'\:ram. $;1rurday E\'cning Post, Mardi 6. 19'1'\. v. 21 ~- pp. 12· I .l. 5. Ch;rn~lr;, S. Food and popubtion in A~i,1. Asi.1 and th·~ Amc:>ric.1s. June 19(1), \'. '15. pp .. 13i-I· )·'!.?. (~. D,l\·is, 1-klcn McL.rnghlin. The \'(.'omen of The \\'oman, June 1943. pp. 11-15. 7 G~1usc. o~ll11l.Hl J. Escap(• from Corrcgidor's 1-kll ~L'W York Times ~fa.i..:.lzinc. 1'for 2. 10-B, pp. 12, 3·L 15. 8. Hcrrundc1., J:11mc. Philippint· F1n.1ncc.s; rcxr of a~ adllrcss hrn.1dust to che Fi\1prnn pl·ople on April '· 11)-"i ~- United N.mons Rc.·\·icw. April 15. J!>i;. \'. ;, p. 167. 9. ~fendce. Sl'kkn C J.1p.u1·.s (~lohJI Cnnu:it :\"1.1 .1n,l 1he AmerilaS. June Jl>H. \' ·P.. rr. );O .. ).~.?. 10 Osmcfo1, ~<:f,L?.10. Annt\"L•rs.u-~· of ChL· Tvd1n,c:~-i\flD1.i1i:;.; Ad, tflL tl:xr of \'1c..t•·PrcSh\cnt (_)..,OKi1.1·.;,, 't.Ht·:l'l(.:nt 11n rh1.: '>ch .1nn1\'l'r~.1q· ~,f the Trdin.cs-~l10t1llt« t\,r on ~f.1"h .. ' l. 1·> 1 ~ Vnircd N.wnn\ Rc\·1('\\, :\prd I~ J•.Ji~,' ;, I' j(d1 11. Quc1on. ;\f.rnut·I L Qm·1.on\ hr0 i.1.h.1 ... r. tC\:f ot tht·. ii r,, rhc Philrppin<.·c;; Fehru.1~\ ~IJ. l" 1 '· l '.n1r<:t~ ~.1.r1' .r , R1.., ~{"\'. Arril 1). 19·"i1i, ,. '· rr 1r,~. Jr," 12_ Sr·inks. Charll.-5 ~d'''n D11.t.1t.;r 1.,1,1 :\ ... 1.1 .11hl tb. ·\:·N:: .. 1-.... Junl' 1 lJ.1 ;, v. ·i ;, pp . .:, '; ':.r. z.;· \\'.llsh. Rid1.ird J Rc·pc.t! l·\:1 l11<\11•n L.1\•., ~11\\ ,t .•r1: rh~· Amc·n(,1". June 10·H, v. ~ i, rl" -.:....... ':. pine Govcrnn1cnr offili.d~ in \\'.t":>h1n,L!1un. be, .1U'-l. a •" wdl known tha( h.1 .... under it':> LcHJtn1l .dn.ll'.'1£ .iii ·if che world's cinchon.1 crees. which furni'h the l-.1rk tr<•m which quinine is m.1dc·. IT IS possible chat rhe .Japanese m.1y he ind1tkrcnt .•b.,uc rhc face of che occupied rerricorics. or chac dwy m.1y be· withholding quinine from the Filipinos m rcr.di.1ci,>11 for their lack of cooperation in the ""Japaniz.uion' pr.>gram. There is the further possibility that the enemy has lost so many ships co United N,1cions forces chat he will not risk cransporrs even for such vital non-bulky commodities "' quinine or cinchnna bark. Sec. 562, P.L.&R. U. S. POSTAGE PAID WASHINGTON, O. C. PERMIT No. 5045