Jose Rizal College Journal


Part of Jose Rizal College Journal

Jose Rizal College Journal
Issue Date
Volume I (Issue No. 2) October 1946
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
.\R~IS JL\ \"E WO:\ Tim \\'All }'()OD WILi, P.llBSERYE TUB PEACE ===== JOSE ~ff itff N~LLEG( DI THE son, IS OUR SALYATION KO~ f'Cl/rIYATE THE LAND VOL,. 1-~0. 2 -NEW CLASS ORGANIZATION OFFICIAL OROAN OF THN JRC STUDENT BODY OCTOBER, 1946 STAFF TAKES OVER I - - C 0MMAN0 ANT'S ,--H-o_N_O_R--R0- 1 - 1 --f GARCIA, ONDOY CONFERENCE-PARTY l RONAS AT THE The Jooc Rizal Uollcgc Journal takes pride in preHEAD ... senting the list of Honol' Students for the Cirst Quarter Last Saturday morning, ending last September 27. The :Jose Rizal Coli<'gc is With the approval of the In compliance with the 12ti' October, the Superin- mighty proud lo say, "l:Iats off to the following stn- ~khool authol'itics our ncwscampaign by fellow 1>tudent::> tendent of ROTC Units, dents":. oq.,\'an, "'l'iie .Jose Rizal Jout'" arornic\ th(' eompounJ 11f the i\lajor Manuel T. Flores, Students takiiig 9 points ielwsc <wcmgc.~ (UC 2 or na!" is ofr the pl"('SS again to Jose Rizal College fol' all and his staff officers, and 'abo118 with .,w grades lower than 2.5: lwrald fresh JJC'ws around 1:;1wts ol organizatiuus to thl' commandants of ROTC ]. Tupa.<:, Josepr.. D. 1.16-2/3 th(' eampw; .. \ttys. Modesto brin~ about mutual mufor- Units in the various univer· 2. Ascnsi, Luz l.2!i l"loi·es and 1'. Torn-s are the standiuj! hetwecn thC" stu- sities and colleges held a 3. Silvestrf', Cornelio i.41_2;3 ad\·iscrs with the editorial dents, last quarter two dass eouforence in the Jose Rizal 4. Santos, Calixto A. . .. 1.58·l/3 s'laff aro!-1nd them. or~anizations were formed .. Coll<>gr. Following the eon- Ondoy, Uencroso ].!)8~ 1 .-3 Somet_im<· ag·o last <JUa.rter With eC"rtituJe, orwtnization fC"retlC"e, the eadct officers f>. Soriano. Oen<'rosa 1.S(i-213 1 the lkg1stri11· made an ani" one of the foremO!'lt TI<'<'<'S· headetl by Cadet Major Re- 6. Celso, Clemente , , . . . . . . . . . . . 1 T nounetment lo all students sitit·s in our eolkge. Out of rart·dv A. Calvo and backed Calolot, Patririo . , . , . . . . . . . . . . 1· 7·.~ intcl'cstrd in qnalifiying for .ru. ori.;anization. ~tudrnts up hy the College officiabt. Santos, Domin!'.;'o ..... , . . . . . . . . 1· ... ~ 1 th Rdito1•ial Staff to wbmit will ha\"c the hil!J.:"('St oppor- t('ndl;'rcd the conferees a tr&Y 7. flojnngC'O, Pnrifiro . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 :~~-l/3 tu·ti:Jcs from whi<'h their ca-: tunit:'' \.0 m<'d their hrothr l('(('JllWn and dance wherein R Brrzahal, Emilia 1 91 _.,/3 ,pa('1f.r wus to be based. anJ lil."lft'r Rizaham It ls on1 tlw traditional .JRC Rpmt of 9. l<~stnnislan, 8iilpi<·io · - · 1 Count]('S'i students tried their I;\· tht>n that \\"P o;hall prove rqidiaht, and hospitality Navia, ~·\:rapito ('. ., \'l'I'\' lwst to writ<' their masr._ Ht~_ Tb '!lut' and \\US 111lll more maml'e&ted Andaya, Brn<'lli<'lo . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 tniliCf'('!>! with th<:. dotcrmidin.u,.,/ r11t JJd.'Jt. -4 I Tl1 pa1tv h' · JN ptr · nation to ht a member of the nl1r:;1t ·n~~~ti:e,h:D~ ... 1attend· f -- ----- - -~'!!·.1~(1 rm pngi:_~'-- ~1ff. A· r nm wedl of To ORGANIZE 1 I be t JRC THOUSANDS OF rt11't"lo;I a11tl 1•11·t"utn"~" mm.' ~:,,a·;· ,~;;~ent ~~;~usg~iety. Coach Aclao 1.,.,;, 01 ,~1 ,,,,,;('S hy the LEGJON I'" the oifai,. The eonfe'<e.~J BOOKS ARRJVJNG N>T!'>f'OHdin" autlwritiPS, mul f"ollege official" who at-\ _ _ Selects Senior.. 1hc gditor-iu-ChiC'f was of:·~;:~'.,'E~:~~,:i: f~:0:J;,~;: ~;'.,''.,'~,;.~~; ~:i:.~F • ~'.;'. ~:1~!::i'!~~.:~~i;~~~~:,~I Junior Varsity f ~;~~~~:~i~;~:~~;;~~:,;,~g in~ tn or~~mizr a kg-ion for ('i~)t. IJ. Rodriguez, Asst. ht· USf·d in the f'oll('gc of Com- The trvouts for the Senior tlw r!·hil'th of our ncwsorgan all hrotlwr Rizalian-s who took S-.), and Capt. P. Fernan- mo·1·r haw• arri\'Nl recently and Junior Va1'Sity Teams is none othct· than th~ bep:n·t in the n•sistancf' mow· 1lez. S-1; the various com- from lh<' Stal<'S. After th.e ,, mrnt <luring tlw .fapan<·<i<> l'<'• mim<lants, viz; Major M. lih<'ration conditions \\'C'l'<' so lrnw~ just ended and out of sprrta(·lC'd, Vi<'C'lltc (farcia. ... '!irn'·· W(> Hl('Hll th(' "~"\H't·i- f'akd, UST, Maj. V. Luna, •+aolic> thnt n('an Vicente ::;~snti~~rwh~l~c to~~ni~~.lCR~r~k !~~en:~ast~h~~l('~~\'('l~~~crte';.~ ~'.'.~~:1~·1 1:.i\~ ';~!'f~;'.;~~~~t~~ 1~.: \~I~.;.·· ~~~j. :f~n&~~'.110'c~~'. ~;~~;:~aind~~.:11~1;1 \: 7~0~0 ~~~ foul'IC'cn ma<lc ,the team. On hl'rs of his staff. The E in t!'.is qnni·'+·r .. i-io. hi' on tlw f'apt. F. Oliveras, .JRC, mall'J·ials n<'<'Pssar:v for the the other hand sixteen rnadc C ha<l a dit'fi('n]t timl.' in n]prf "fplJow i..!llt'l-illa-;'' (('0 ntin11cd 1m pnqf' ..j.) (('nnlimird 011 1 mqc 4) the .Junior Bct1h out of S<'lll'('h for the most qualified • THE FOUNDATION OF THE J. R. ~. The Fc\R E . .\STER'.\ COLLF.fa:. whi<·h lat('r Leeanw tlw .Jost; RIZAr_, COLI~J.~OI~ mhl lh<' FAR E..-\S'l' l~~n-.: 1 ·xJYBRSITY Wa:i ronreh·('d arnl «stahlish('d h,\· the lil>st Filipino C('rtific<l Puhlil' . .\eeountant ~11". Yi<·l·JJtc Palwlla in 1h(' s11mnwr of • tlw \'CUI' 1919 and was loruted ~t .Al'iegui )Jo. 606, Quiapo, :\lnnila. ThP first offi<·ers of the adm.ini~lration were tte following: ~fr. Vil'ente Fabclla, Pn·sident; ).fr. Filemon Pohlador, Oean of Student,:i, and ~[r. Xicanor Rcyf's, Dircdor of the School of Aceounts, Commrrec and Finan<'(', while the following Wt'l'<' the members of the faeulty for the 1919 summer <'0111'/.;C: )h. Vi<'<'lllC' Fnbella. A.B.. Ph.B., C.P.A.; Mr. NicaMr H<'WS, A.B .. B.C.S., )1. S. ; :\Ir. Salvador Unson, B.C'.H., i\l.S.; Mr .• Jose Hf'l'nandcz, A.B., B.S.C.; /\fr . .F'ilemon Poblador, Mr. Raymundo Pan~ilinan. A.B.: )lr. Buenaventura Adriano. During the :vear 19191920. the year the College was fonntled the following lly Rndnlfo !/. 011n11zon courses were giwn: ElcmQnts or Bookkeeping, Accounting I, Accounting III, Principles ot' Business Organization, Economicn I, Commercial Gcograph:'', English I and Spanish I. fo tl:e year 1920 the High School Department or the Far Eastern College was established and it was also in the same year that the Coll~gc was recognized by the Government in the Government Recognition executed b:v the then Secretary of Puhli<' Instnwtion Mr. Charles (Contillurd on paf!f' 3) tw<'nty [ive. s,taff as wns ('Yidenred by Coach Adao a former thC' ('()l'nt,!!atrd linings that haskctball rveteran and a mnrred I! is phrsiognomy .Jose Rizal Alunmus was in durinv thos(' da,\·s. Ile was charge o[ the sclc('tions fo1• l'<'ail· wol'l'ied. heing a both the Scnio~and .. Tnnior fi·c~mnn and not knowing Teams and he is working almost anyhod_v around the lrnnl to put hoth t.eams in campus in whorn he could A-1 condition. On him rests entrust sneh dc>li<'atc tasks. ti•(' r('sponsihilit~· of guiding Tlurnks to our lmkv star afbnth teams to victory or de- kr many tries and failures feat. h<' was able to pick the staff Those who qualified arc as follows: th(' following: As..,oeiate Editor, Mr. GeScniors: R. Calvo, S. F'a' f'lerosO S. Ondo:'·; News Edi· bio, A. Avedillo, E. Fulgcn· tor, Mr. J\Ia1,iano Honas; eio, .J~ Fernando, B. Maceda, I Sports J<Jditor, lllr. Ramon K. Buena£1or, T. ... GaJLiaaga, Avcdi!lo; Sorict_v Editor, ~·cl~·~:i,~'.·e~;a:i~. c;~t~~oSai:~ ri;~~/)~,;·~.t c~ 1~:~~~~a ~e i·;~ tiago, P. Gustilo. Rosa. (Conti11ued on. pane 4) -(Conti1~ucd mi pnge 4) CULTIVATE THE LAND Page 2 [ .JOS!l RIZAi, COLLEGE JOURNAL Oetober, 1946 L I T E R A R y C!orregidor (By Alhina L, Enriquez '46) 1'hat miylily bu.~liun. }1'rrnfom'.~ syutbof ln11 Frll prey to flu i11nidi119 fyrunf linnlf.,; So Pradom fr ft !ht' lnnd: sad ll'tlS llH d11y. .. tnd llW11 INIS lrfl to 1·1·111'1 ll!)Jll'(.~sio11 "~ .~l!'<I,!/ 1'o bear tht prrng., of ll'Of mid ayrmy; To .\loOIJ to thr fun- of thr basfords yol.-r. 7.'hr 11111.-ind tormc11f nf i11J11rn1<rn ln'.11tr s. Until hi.~ spirit died 1111cl flc~·h dfCayed . Rut Frudom nct•fl' rliul; if fh/'Obbe<l and buni<d In the hurrts of nu it whrJSC spirits stout lrtn rousrd fo [11ry to 111·1 nqr the 11•ro11g The b(lft/t'.~ o'rer, and F'rec1lom reig11s once more, Dtfr11d the right if ii be right to 11iee, DefMt bul sui·es lo riqht the wtony you .~ec. Lost Love Ry Ramon Prospero Dowu drq1 in my h111rt i11 if,, lust rnlm .~tc1 p, A dead lo1·l' lits burird deep; l cluspfd ii m1r1in11 lo11y 1·mbmc1, And 11".~crl ti/(' cyo 1111d rd/1 d flu fu11, I nerrr 11yafo mi[fht .~1c. I brwlh 1JIJ U'onl 1111</ I .~/i('(/ 1111 f1 rir, /?ut the 01111•11td years looJ.-1d < ,.,, 1111 ' '1J ku-. ,""il'!f'" ;r,, 1nrurM of 11wl·t11l puin. lr1111ld i11 lif1. 1·01111 lmrl; lo me. "A11d drwms of lhr 1111.•I. li!J 1·•m.•, .\fill .~1Hd Their fmgnmce 11ra11ud my ditrishcrl dwth, 11'hilr tcnn that crcr <ire [11!11'11g t111.~re11. Like .~riff su.mmu r11iT1, kap it.~ mrntory grern As the f11l'f of lltf' cl11nch·yard .~od, And, ll'rev:11y and wafchinr1, I pmy w1d wflil That on anqcl may open the golden qate; For I think that the lot'e of long ago, Thoti!Jh cold and drffr to me hrre below. Wifl be mine fo tlrn rest of God." C('.)he GJ3ridge By Glori11. D. Cruz, Senior! B-J.R.C. 1 stood on tlie b1-idge by midniyht As the clock was stril:ing twelve, And the moon rises beyfJnd the hillsidt And not a sound seems to be heard. I c1111 see lier bright reflection In the u·ate1·s 111idcr me, hike a queen's plate of exception bi the mirror of the sea. Tl1< n a mist of coW winds come rushing CQrtyi11g with ller dim .~hadouw of the niahl, Lik1· rt king in his kingdom rriyning 01·n· ]JOWfriny the moon ll'ith alf his mir11tf. L1 fl i.\ the moo11 u1i/h it.~ brokrn rcflution Ami flte niqht wa.~ turned to night, Tiu n my heatt was filled with pr1ssions As l stood on the bridge by midnight \ The War Is Over -But Where Is The Place? (A CHALLENGE) After the almost snail-like passage of so many years, an· otht'l' world conl'liet passed in!o the realm of history. Years from now, ihe blood that d\•cd the battlefields, the toil: sweat and tears that we1·c shed at r.ome will be just so many wol'ds between the covers of a book. 'l'en V('Hl'S from now, the miracle ~f Ounkil'k, the battle of Brilain, the battles of Stalingrad and 1\lo>:cow, the sneak attack on Pearl llarbor, the seigc of BatRan, the Death March, n-Da \' on tlw bt'act:eq of Xorm~ndy, the battle of the Bulge, the Allied race to· wards Berlin, the libcrntiou of Ley!(', the rape of• lifani· la. the le,·elling of Hiroshima, Tokyo and Na~oya-all thl'sr shall he just so many eH•nts, so many pluccs to he l'l'mcmbt'red :ind recited hy 1 rl.r.s"r.oom hi.'!toria11s w Ito I sl1all Ya inly feel for the pnl;;l' or hca1•l lonq dead. I ~~:~11·~~\t. Yl~~ll'('~~~:~ ~t~~i~'. i\rcArthur, lialsrY. Nimitz, 7.:huko\', Eiscnho~\·cr, Afoot· g-om('I'.'·· Rieha nl Bonq, .John Basilone, Rodger Young will l'.le just so many names in th<' list of those wl'.O once we1·c ll,'rcat. And a few years from today the graves of hel'O<'S will be .inst so many white cross<'s tliat few of us will rcmC'mb<'r with white~ wash nnd flowers once in rYe1·y 365 days. These men who spent :rears or anxiety over the faith o( nations, these men who left tl!e precious years or their lives bu1·ied ju the snowy wastes of Europct the barrt'n sands of Africa and tl:c volcanic ashes of Iwo· .Jima. 'l'hesl' men who came back <>rippled, maimed and mutilated, shadows of their j ~~~.;,:'~'<I~;~~~;:t(~:,n~t ~;r,s~;''~~ thrs<' nu•n the wise, tl·e dal" in~ aud the il!'ave, it matter1' not wlwther they an• rememhel'ed 01· forg"o!ten, for it is not in qm•st of honor and ~Jory tlwt the:--· left tlwir country a11d tht•ir homt·s, they did not fight for lifeless m011m1H·uf-; nor did thcv fi!d~t fot· <ll•eorations, the~ dirl not bh-l•<l to uphold on.e rz5wilight B~· Mariano S. Ronas I-like a fire the su11 arises. Jn the slllil's of golden hcaroi When t1.1;iliglll comes slightly setting, At the bud· of a mau11tai11 hiuh. 'l'he old bclfa to the tinu chimmi11y And Jiu. Angelus to peal anno.uncing My mother with tcal'f11l eyes ~·uelt, In· f1:onl of .!ci;u,, n·ucificd. And thni from that room I heard Mother's soft and gentle whisper; "Deal' Lm·d, keep it in thyself 'l.'he safct11 of rny dear child." "lldp him to see the right road Where the light of o-ur Lord shi1•erfi, So that the child whom I dearly love Will reach the stairs of olden success." She made the siy1~ of the cross A11d looked at wte with tearful eye.~. To the pray'r of my mother Only my soul dare to give the ons111cr. Sa I(abataan ~ i 3oLed8.d Eugenio 3.A llalimbawfl 'y bafo /;u pa 't ngayou µa lang nu[J·flamf, And rwis mo ay m11hdo ng maraminfJ karumrngan, Di kim,q guyo'y m11[Jsikap ka't rrnq lnnd11.~i'y l.:asipagan. Upang i.11onq mal11mo m1q lnrnqfl JH/ iy0119 pnJ,:ny. Kung iknw ay t11nwliuo di mo l1~mrrnq k11m11yula11, J(wndi ckmgal dill ng bayan, 11{! lahi't mo'I 11r1 »waulany. Subali't kuna d-un~1rno11g ka, miy lugi m()ny .~faikapin, Ay fomakad na may ilrtw sa m(lt1iwid 1w land(lsin, Ang lahat ny lwlmtihan ang .m~imdft't iilawin, At m(),f}langgol sa lahat nang d111'akilrmg simuklili, Ang •mabuting nwnrnmaya 'y di pabiyat sn 1)(1sani11 Ng bayan mong nornmrr'lmf fiilung11J1 pa'f dakilain. Sa 11Uirilag na adhikn m1q /Jl1.~o mo ihihilig. At alindon ng krdmuinrn <m,g sr1 diwa'y i1wkit. 1'11brn.ya11 ang kuµura mo11g J111mihinyi no trmgkilik At kutl!O{J monq 7mg-nr11lirn 1lltf/ gawainq prrnglwhnmig, 'tfmtrurm ku 1111Jnr1 kaya1iwnn'I. paq aJl.'l fmrlhi ay ma1-ungi.~ .~lahuti pa -rnq p1il11bi11g /;0(11oba11 ay ma1i11i.~. At h11w11g mono ipagpalit iymig iyonq karrnigalun, Sn ningning ng ginto't pilr1k 11n madflli11g napaparam, ll1t•1•c1.q l.:a ri11 mrwokit sf/ loarikfflng ]1011,'l·ibaba!I' Pt1qkn 't d,1-fos na magd11lot 11(} muraminy /;asa111 fo11. Swmuqf)(i, lm't s11 11nq.<N.1ba'y namon a11r1 hmrnfayan, T'miln11 b1'f .~1i pan·ilflg 11m·oo11 nno i·ali,qfasan. form of government against PeaCl' in th~' hear·ts of men. anoliiC"r, they fought and 'T'hr war 1s over a~1d won; h\Nl, they died for pf'aec. ~lllt sudden death ~t 11ll stavlks Pe:H'l' ncaec for the Yif'- m tlw :-itn'('ts ant] In ls of etors us ~\'('II iL'l the \'Ullf]Uish~::·,~·L.ICt1;Jo~~1{~~11~1i1~a~<l PJ~~; eel, pra<'q'. for the poor, Jll'a('e imd tho apparently distant for the rich, peace for both I and fat· awa.v, a distinct but ~he youm.( .and the o!cl, peace disr·ordant notr of unrest !11! the field ;1s well as U:c- !nuns in om· \'Cl',\' cars, here hom('. Peace in thtc- skies. on in n rountn· !Pat has twice the oceans and the seas. (Coniini;ed 011 w1ge 4) J October, 19.Jli JOSE RIZAL COLLEGE JOURNAL Page :~ ENTRIES :-: SPORT TIDBITS :-: By Buck ·well, well tlw mu('h-talk- eomplete without tl:e came- ' - - - - - - - - - - ~------------------"" ed-ot' affair of the year raman arollnd. The folks Dive Bombers I came.thru with flying co- r A.A.'s, is :~n?ther who will '\ canw or£ without a hit<>h. wanted something or lasting In Review loi-s. Twice <.'hoscn in .th<' ~.m·c _the p.r1v1lege to use t~c September 30th, a dark anJ value to rcmemh('r the day Junior N.C.A.A. selection, f1ghtmg dl\'e bomber~ uru·ainy night did not seem an hv. 11 would give them The most pro~able to .lead he will now don thC' Blm· form this year in wl:atever ea! ni::d•t for tlw Inaugn- pieasUl'l' anti something to the HQUadron tins year is R. an<l Gold color. ma~· come .. A brilliant. piration of th<' ,J. R. C'. Alum- look ovei- iu tlwir dotage. ( llandsome) CALVO, a ve- vol man with a eool and efni Cluhhouse. Jn u wa.\7' th<' And looking- h1wk would 1·c- tcran of two N.C.A.A. wars. K. (Kirja) m·p,;o.,-.\F'LOR fieient head that can hy_pnowt•atlwr !'iC'('mC<l appropriate minisc·t' . . . Ah! !host• wcrc What he lack$ in hei~ht he former Rgl) LION star, an ti%f' a guard and swizz a tn thf' oe<·iision. Thert' was the days, th<• old <'OllC~{' ',",,~\r1~· a'~~a1,:,,u'ro, .. mtcpcn0~0 tl!.~::~~ old veteran of so man.\· N.C'. pass and gN_ away with it. rain tii ('J1riskn tlw O('<'asion 1lan; now ~Oil<' and out of , , " " • .Althongh wt' ar<· not yet th1: kC'1'ping of man W<'l'l' it shnt, a brilliant floor wol'lt The Foundation . full pJl'd•Yt•tl a}UlTilll We 110\ for Sll('h lll('llH'lltO<'S. llntl <\ fight in~ Spirit. (rrmfiJlU('d from 7><igc 1' v;Cll' pt~Ilt'g-cd 10 lw with Pt•t:-;oi1.1iilll•s .ind lumma1 E l•'l1L<11~NC'10 anotht'I E Yt·afr~· on tlw :!.Jtb day o( 'l'hc coursl.'s offer<"d by th('" the alunmi that night \V(' lits of tJw husmess IJ1ma- h<'ro of the last NC.AA' Mur(•h l\120. Tlw offi('Cl~ of .JJH' then and now have been lik<' tu think wc shall lit' Ont! men! 111 attend.m1•c WCI'C wars 1.<; an c-ffl('l('llt hall t.!'. ': Admi1iistrntion I h c n appt·owd hy !ht> Department in th' future. D!l't'dui Josl' \' l L ei nundez, handlN, a com~ta.nt scorc1 wc1·c, Mr. Vieen1P FahC'lla, of Puhli<' Instruction, and Th<' Alumni. sludcuts and I not a duncmg; Ian, wa ..... seen from !'lhort range who makes Pr('sid~nt; Mr. ;:\. ;\laronilla, the sC'hool was authorized b'1.ll'sls present, WC'I'C' sho\\n fmdmg timt• to chat wit!': the USP of hts spcNl to carry Hir·cetor and Mr .. Tose V. tu i,.:-rant de~T<'''S. the Cluh'lwusc. The mlC'11or ulumm .rnd the stndcnls hnn thru the slightest open- Ikrnand<'z, ScC'rctiin·-TrC'a- B<>sidcs thc government rcas wdl as the decor of the• H.e•,.is1rar Cayetano Hahli lllft. sm,•r. Tlw followin1t were COJ?nition, th(' cour!\es taken pfoee, I am sun', will Ii\'<' to I ju:l ehose to look in on ~he .l. (Thunderbolt) FBR- the members of lhc first fa- at thc .JR~ at tlrnt time the expectations of all eon- 1 dirnel'l"s.. W<' <lid not fmd NAr:-rno one of. trosc w_ho culty for thr HS: F't•licidad wt•r(' alrt'ady giwn full erecenwd. Tt exudes congt'nilil1 time to talk to )Ir .. Jose 0. ~t'<'<'1vcd thC' ha.pt1sm of fire Ah·arcr., Fraiwisro t\l. Atri- d,,'. 1 1. 00 in 1 N~;v ~~~m~~;~·.e 1-s~~~ i\,v an<l it is n•r)· 1·elaxing "'anen, hut we .(' rn the prc-wnr season and ca, (lregorio Anona~. \'i<'<'ll- • I (' B P l r l... <'Ot1t1ts and finant'e, as well to the n('nCS. J:t"Ot a glimpse of !um wlule le '· Hunua~1, <'1/;o -1( n~ in manv other uni\'CrsitiC'S Thanks to the t'fforts or \H' were dancing. If ;-.·ou are lege... Ramon (Romeo?) ~~~nisio 0<~\.~'~~.- F;~;~~1~[~ in tlw l1nitcd States of Amcthe Pn-sidenti a1~d H:;; C'o-Di- a l'aring enthusiast he is th.e Dizon was Nery b~sy dan~- ric.a. rectors the affair was done hig man to sc<' at the 'Mam• ing. We wonder 1[ he still ~:1~:r~~1~~~·e ~~~1\ico ~~~~ Frnm that time up to the ~~r~:;g~~;nb!~1:r '~~: J:1~ 1 ;~n',1"::'YS•::~, ;:r:~.~v:~ ;~:~.~~~,,~oc~~·~~ingp~t'.~;"th N. l~:·,~~~~a ~'.:' inwmtanl t~~~~~~ a~~ r~!~crhaudp'~~~~ !~1~~· ~~e~~1~r~~c;~~t1~~ p~~~~-1 ~~~-1 ~c:'.ir ~~~mJ<; · j0~11ke8y:~ ~~t;0 e;e~:rcs f:;~;~•is h:on~~~ rnmt took placc which gave tlrnt todav there is no doubt in!! in. 'l'lwre too, to add 1 made a lo\•cly pair dancing. out and a broad grin to go ~~~~ i~ist~:~u~~~~ c~h~al~{o;~ ~~ut~:ct 1~:~~ ~~~~~~{1~~~ir~ pmwh to th t' heavenly )II". RL•yes is fondly known with ... Mr. Amndo Riman- HTZAr, ('()LLl~(;J~ and ·the 1.F.frr. 01'' COl\IMl~Rf'E. "moosie" Wt'l"C' two lo<'al I to all as l\l. .Judge .lose dn, our instructor in Phy- FAR EAS1'ERN L');"J\'ER- The total numlwr of st.n· sini.;1•rs, }ili ..... .,.t·s )larta Dizon )Jn1·ia Pa1'<'drs of thc Cla."3 siC's, winked at lL~ in greet- SITY. The newly Ol~anizcd dt"nts at th onihr<'ak of the and l\l l' re.\ Hannegan. of I~l wa~ ''l'l'"." <'Ye-C'atC'h· ing .. • On·.~ <111iet soul was .I RC Wl.18 tnrnsftorcd in its wal" in nc(·. 19.u wus not -:,..\·i,.Jt!i'i..; hit: hato?1 '"'''" th11: ll~i.t with th" tri-('oloml rib~ll'. Donato N. Arellano pn'St"nt -.41'int.i-iu..--'!!i.l.ay _aJ_l~~'.!..... 2.'.100 t~~"i>W\:Ckst musit• this si~l<' o[ 1 hon 011 ]~is left laywl. Prn- .Alfredo. ·,·Soc'' Pcfialosa,· IOG!} R llidakll. ~lanila, I k!iatt• ;m11IfS:"" ~~~~:1~·n=~~s Ol~~i:m:va.~'et~ ~~:~~rwa~\{!ol{~~iic{"~!~~~~~cei~':~· 1~:~l~~nn~~.·~tl~o~i:1ma~~~:a~ nrnl rrmaine<l in tl:e able neente F'aht•ll;1 who is still familiar figure whC'rewr the f'han<'l'llor of lhl' Exchequer l"ound of applam;e followed ~~a~;~n;t~~un:i:';1 1~~:~a~;·~~~;1:; ~;c l~et~~c~~ t~:~ ii;~~itn~i~~c~ Colll'g"t' orchestra was in at- l\[onitor L. EnriquC'7. and his d1·umming.. AnJ, of F1.1bella, who unlil todfl~' slill 8ta.tes searching for n:w'. Yon o£t:n hca~d }-;mico B. Rnriqu<'z were <'Olll-se,. Pete, with. his l~aton lwa<l.<1 this disting:uisll<'d <'Om- tcrials und other cqmpmcnt h!m m st~gc·show mtcrm1s- ther<•. The f~thc1• and the '.<>at. tune .. He lS serious· merrial institutjon. Tn that for the purpose of suppling s~ons t.hll'lng the 0<'eupa- son are nlumm of the qol~ook111g at time<i, we woml:r. same year. wlwn the ;JRC the students of tl:is institution. lcge, the son probably being 1f he can be as gay as lz:Js was established indcpcml<'nt- tion with the most modern In a shor1 spec~h deliver-, the youngest .alumnus pre- music.. Carling Reyes was ly on R. Hidalgo st. its total an<l most complete of things ed on1· the public address sent that mght. Luz tl!C're too. but for some rea- ;nroll nent totaled around with t'Cgards lo Commercial system, Director .Jose V. Asensi, da.ncing with her un- son or other he went home ~.400 1 studcnt<i. uhout less science. We should further Hernandez launch(.>(} the cle Mr. N1Cola<t Y. Orosa nc- early ... We had a good look thrin a half of which were include that, i( there is unyAlumni Clubhouse, so to vcr~ looked as sweet as she at the Mystery Singer when TIS students. bodv who deserves to be conspeak, on its maiden voy~e. did tl-!at night. A spray of he sun~ some numbers foi• The first officers of the gruiulated on the mwarellelPrcsident of the Association white flowers framf'd her th" ~'llthcring. · · The Com· Administration in 1922 were ,ed pi·ogress of this college Mariano M. de los Reyes lovely face.. Mr .. Jose M. mandunt 's o.mee was amply tl!c following: Mr. Conrado whieh bears U:e name of our address d we It on thr Hilario, for whom the or- rl'presented m the persons Bmitez Dean. Mi•. Vicente greatest national hero, D1•. Ri· inauguration o[ tl:e club> chestra members dcd1catt~d of Lieutenants Jose -M. Fabella' Dircct'.or. 1\Tr. Jose ~al, he is none other than that house. He was assisted Oy a song is still the young m Aq1lino an<l RiC'ardo Bscue- V He~·nandez ' Re,,.istrtir. famous respeC'ted successful Mrs. Reyes in doing the 11cart. .. Danein~ with ~~is.~ ta who were "at ease" that l\ir. !Monitor 'L. Ei~riquez' etlucator and business authosoeial amenities required of Maitha Dizon and kcepmg night. By the W'll:_Y folks, Ca..~hier· Mr. Franci->eo San: rity Mr. Vicente FabC'lla. one in his position. Much up a conversation too, was don't get a~ mLXed UJ.l. tiago, A'eeountnnt. Ml'. Fahella is girted with of the sneeess of the affair Mr. .Jo s c Y. Orosa.. Tll<' handsome stxfooter is The .JRC was established the ability to piek th: best is due him. . Alumnus N('r Hcodica new- " IC'ftcnant" Aquin~ a?,d the in re:~ponse to a widespread fJtinlified and experienced Ther<' wen• <lrmks to go <'<ii addition to fh(' Faculty very swell dan<'Cr ts lcftc- demand for sC'i<'ntifii· bnsiness authoriti('S to comatound 'Vcll, at least, dunc>cd with his "kinakapa- nant" Escucta. tion and trainin~ for busi- pOsC' the fucult~- of 1lris dlscuongh to make everybody tid", a former student of '!'here were so many ~co- ncso:; <'arcer~. tinguishcd husin<'~s insiituhappy hut not drunk. There tlw sthool whosP spirit is pie around we did not get Its work was hast'd on t Jw tion. was much !-!and-shaking and still will• the <'Olleg<'. l\!r. to Sl'<' everybody present. belief that throu~h a study And Jastl.\- w1' mav still hack-patting among fellow- Ramon Uandionco asked his But W(' !ti'(' positive that of <'OmmeN.'ial methods and ndd that r.\h•. Pacit'ieo L. Vealumni "<'ompadre's"· dau~htcr to ewn·bodv had a nic<' time. ceonomi<' forC'e~ the students Jilla, a B.~.C'. gradual<' of "How arl' you old hoy! do a turn with him. Mr. Aft~r th~ one hour's grace ma:v obtain mental discipline the New York Pni,·ersity, Havf'n't seen you in ages." ?\i('imor Tomas, always a which the orC'hcstra allowed aml acquire t<'ehni('al know- l'S.\, and th<' Secrctary or The~· toasted c>aeh other's !?nod danrer, was never in thr dancr.1'S, Home Sweet ledge t.hat makt• for · sueecss Kummer 1rnd ('ommins, eomhealth. Thcv laughed OV<'l' fiiw form as h<' WM1 that llomr was plavcd. Relu('- iu htL'lilh'<.i". The .JR(' had mentinµ; on thC' pr<'srnt da.\• old jokrl'I upd p1·.anks shared. ni!.!:hl. Mr. Patri<·io Fajar- !anti.\·, tht· alumni and two point<i of ''iew in !.{iving enrollment and present C'lassThC'y ft•lt light and carefree. ilo was sittin!? it out when gwsts rl'ady to go. It tht· school of a<'<'Otmls. com- rooms n1u·kcd conditions Thc-rf' was l'<'Vi\·ed that night \\'<'saw him Ur. PNlro L. \\"/JS 1·1iining softly. Groups nwr(·u and finauN·; first, to (with 1111 SN\ls tak('n and a. "Jlirit of camaraderie bom Tnpas. wh<'n kidd<'d by o:r:1thl'rNl at tl~c corridor and i1wrt'ase tl·c stmll•nt 's know- mnin· mon• slml<>nls standof V<'aN of constant as.<ioria· "!::;rwa.k" ~alita just srmtd1- ·imids1 adieus, each left t-0 led!t~ 1if husines<.; operations; in~ C.sJle<'iall~· in his class)cntio~. And a <'loser bond was ('1l his head. nonzalo Ma- ill'ing home to family and .<l('<'OnJ. to tmin nwn to think tln1siusli•·a\h· uttt·recl, '·T11is knilfPd. nnel is as young looking as fri('nds tirl-hits of the Alum- <'ll'ltrly about husinc-;-; pro· is indeed \:~'!'_\· <'nC'oural!in!.{ . .An;y 01.'('asiou is sC'\dom lw wa<> 11~c da~· hr IC'[t col- ni _!!afhering hlem., (C'onfimtcd mi PflfJC 4) l'age -l JOSE RIZAL COLLEGE JOURNAL October. 1946 . JOSE RIZAi, CQf,Lf,GE .JOUR'IAL STAFF • \~ic('IJ!c Y. C:nrcia Editor.i11.--1Chief Generoso S. Ondoy .4 ssociate Editor Section Editors: News-Mariano Ronas; Literary-Soledad Ocampo; SportsRamon Avedillo; Society-Dorotea Santiago; ROTC-Alejandro dela Rosa; High School-Monserrat Carreon, Gloria Cruz, Ce. lestino Cabrera. .1/odcrators-P1·ofs. )[. F'lores & T. Torres EDITORIAL TIIJS THING CALLED SPIRIT Class Organization . . . The War Is Over . . (Continued from page 1 ~ (Continued on vage 2.) th1.: true meaning of the been a battlefield. Selfish- build for peace for which word ''cooperation'' ... With ness, intolerance, decadence, they fougl~t, bled and died . cooperation as our principal Jealousy, greed ambition al'c If we do not, think of aim, we invite all classes in 1:>JH'inging like weeds in a those who returned to their the Jose Rizal College to act garden sowed with the hero- homes only to be haunted by without hesitation to organ- ism, gallantry, self-sacrific~ the whine of shells overhead, ize their own in each class and nobility of Allied fight- the blood-curdling cries o,dnl'ing this quarter. 1ng men. the enemy on a death cl:argt J_,ast quarter tl.te first two 1'hey have won the war; the , darkness or the jungle classes ·io form thciJJ own or· it is for us to win. the peacc. I lhat falls like a hood at '!anizations were the Fresh- Let us not pc1mit ourselves nightfall, t he woodpecker mens Accounting Club and to be blinded by tbc sudden rhythm o[ guns on a sandy the Freshmen's Club. I blush of pleasures long-dcni1 lwach. Think of t.hosc who I Offic<>1'S of the first were ed. Let us prO\'C to them left thrir limbs, pieces of thr followini.t: that we arc and sllall al· torn flesh, their sight and At last <111r .J. H. C . .Journ(l/ has e11me 01tt. It h<M I ~l'anrisco S.antiago, .Tr., wuys be worthy of the high thci1· memory in some foxfo~·rn id 7rnsl 011 r montli mul 11 lwlf to p'lt'blish this Col- Prcsidt>~~t: ~ra.rrnno S. ~o.- price of liberation. T.i~t us hole or sh_cll crater a: Tarafrt f. m· rr11 .~inee fhc ~fiiff was orgflnizc<l----01tc month a1id nus: . 'icr-Prrs1d<'nt: Miss :ihow them that even if we \1·a m· Okmawa. Thmk of .I g · . Feltc1dad O(•a:nno, 8<'<·rcta- al'C n.ot heroes, at least we thos~ who were starved, tora half wnsltd. Btd why the delay! The stu.dcnts ask. ls it ry: :\liss Man·lin MnngasC'r, are not <'OWards. Let us con- till'f"'l and burned at Bclsen flrnl n. sdwol organ i.~ so insiqwiffranf, or thal it is some- Trc!l!'!Hl'rr: ,/\lfrcdo Tgnaf"io, \'incc them that we could and Burkcnwnld. ~Think of thing not worth bothering abautf No. 01t the contrary Publicitv i\Janagrr;_ Juan Si- conquer out indolence and tho<.:•' who lie serenely bcthe .~clwul 01·r1a11 is one of the school'.~ m()sf important acti- erra and Jos<' Rodriguez, ggt. ca.<.;t off parasitic traits. Let 1wath I h c white <'rosses i•itir.~. If i.~ all impol'l<tnf mean.~ of trnifying a school; it at urms. us make them realize tllat we 1 f1:0~1 Onadalcanal to IwoA<lviscrs lo both clubs W('J'(' Id k r h d l n l All of them shall be is tlrr i11sfif11tion whe1·ri11 the .~tndcnf.~ may cxpaund thcfr ?ifo~«l'l'I. Frimri'><'O Rantia~o ~~uwe ':~~Id 0 :i1~:~c~0~\i:t:- ·p~ii:t·ing at ~·ou with scorn idrcu, tlufr tlwuqlils. their rmnpfoinls. It is the instnim!mt and Cavctano Ilalili rcsp<'c- ry. r_.ct us pl'ove to them that) in their eyes that snv: "WE for fn.~trrinq and m1rf11ri11q J,}1r siJJirit fl{ the school. tivel.v. . we arc not J)('yond forgettin~ I JTAVR WON .THE WAR. our petty differences and 'l'HE WAR JS OVER___ .,___ New Slaff rakes .. · jealousies, that 1vc could BliT WHERI·: IS THE (C'o1ttinued from page I) ckl!>c runks and join hands to PJ<iACE:!" :\'I) f't)OPERATIO:\- ***High School-i\fonscrrat £arreon, moria Cruz, Celiut 111as 1t·e do not get rn•n1gh conp<mtirm 11ot mi1y' les~~o1;tl~~~l'a.most awaited fnmt fhc .~l·lwol a<lmi11i,~ll'utfon b-ut al$O from tltt alumni. chance for all the student X11bod11 urni.~ fr) tnl<f' rrny info-Ci<t in fl!c It took body of the J.R.C. WllS re· f/1r rrdmi11islru./im~ (of emir.~r rnmvosrd nf alumni) one aliz<'d-tl:e ehancc to excrm1mfh fl/If/ " 11nlf to 11wloe their drfi.~i1111 to 1rn1•e the Jrrur- ('isc the freedom of the 1lfll p11/1fi</1rd. If .~c('ms th11t ()'lfr fllumni do 1wt want thf' press. The Editor-in-Chief 9r.q1111. 1'/u11 nu11 fo .\0111f 11.~. f•1 mod;; 111tr rfforf,<;~ to di.~­ __ c.t]JU'!·;;c..~-J.l i~~f--!'J-ttr 11t1r1,us1 W711t1r iiifii'any kind .,f nmtm1·1 rsy, h11t bilfrr tr-11th .~wrrb f"r it.\tlf. On a rrrfoi11 1Tc11i11q we •tppnmchrd 1111 1i71111rni tr1 a,~k him for nn t1rlfrf,, ,.,)11r<r11inq tlrr alumni. 1'11 rmr 11reat chagrin he n11swu·H1 11.<1 in 1111 (l~/111).~t mfJrf;iuq f1111r • .. Yr.<> an arlfr7e 1wt if ynur or,qrrn Ifill <-nmr mil 11/trr t1ni nr t1irec 11umths. it i~ l/.'I~ fc.'l.'I. •· 7'.lrnt is fhr .~fund 11/ sM1u alumni---that, 1 should .~11_1(, is llrcfr .<1pirit. .1/rrny rdumni 1111d studrnts. for that m1tttcr, seem to bclin•t t!llll eoll('ge .~pfril is [11.~fc rr1l 1111d .,1in,.1•n in . 'locial gathrriny.\, d11ncrs, brrnqucts 11ml the like. All they ca:n seem trJ thinl; nf is (lljoymrnl. Thry f.11r11 l>lind eyes to the frtd tlr<lf fo.~tui11r1 f'oll1qc .~r1il'it oitai7.'I 11 qre(lt deal of sacrifiu'. Thi.'I gfJ<.'I but t11 .~how a grrat dwl of selfi.'lhne.<1s. It is f/S flte .w1ying y1us, wr fir.~f, "we scc1md, we third. the school la.~t." Sholl lf'C f/0. 011 with t/l(lt spirit and kill that fef'ling of l>l'ollurhood l>etwcrn fllumni and students1 We lcr11·t flii.~ queRtiun tn yrm dNll" al1m111i wfw prcadi so in1vh rr1lfrar .~pfrif rrnd /Jrolherlwod. WE "'.\'f·~l·:n ('<JOPEH.\'f!OXnsk<'d the stuU.C"nt body, chrr('iore, rn ('ont1ihutc arti<'ll•s, manuscripts. lif<'rary fcatur<'s etc. for lhc J.R.C. Journal which is to be pub· Jishcd twice a month from now on. The contributions must be handed in one week before its publication either ~~c th~e:~it~dii~~~l:~~f ~~P~~ wriHc·n form to minimiz<' the arduosity in goinA" over the articles for rcctirica· tions. Thousands of Books ... (Continued from pciae l} rehabilitation of the College of Commer('e to its pre-war status. The hooks arc s<'nl Crom the States at low prices and the administration makes th(•m availabl<' to lhc students at vc1y 1·C'asonahlo prirci:.. From informalion l'C'Cciwd. more books and mat<'rinl !lr<' alrC'ad.\· on the wa~ to r<'plf' nish th<' pr<'sent s11nnh·. All 1\'e (·11111wt publish tt ~drofJl ll'itli mere words. A the hooks l'P<'l'ivNl thns for pulilif'11tirm prr.rnpusfs an crpcnditure r111d ir< need to cover arc for the different ac<'Ountllwt. . 'fo we oill .upon. all fllrrnrni ftlJ!e to help us in this ing courses in('luding tl~c malt(I· to .~/,ow some i11ler1st find good will. We need news .. c_. r_._A_._R_c_"_.•'-"-· - - - - ilrms em1cc1·11ing alumni ocliritirs so that .~t·udents and alumni ·may be brought closrr toqcthcr mul so any c01tlri1JUtion in this respect .~hall br (JrNifly appreciated. Jn this conn·ectfrm of cooperation 11'1' 11•ish to take (!U,r hat.~ off to Messrs. lfolili and Flores u•ho are s1wwiny 1LS their in· tuest in the J. R. C. Ji:nmial 11ot by mere word.~ b1d by deeds. It i.~ principally the.~o two men who 7uwe 11iade possible this issue of the Joitr11al. We have the school, dear al:unnn", shmv u.i llie .~pirit. Conch Adnn Selects ... ( Co1ttin1ted from vaf1e 1) J·uniors: G. Victoria, J. EnsPhio. A.· Cruz. F. Vento.~,. F. Ambrosio, A. Buan, S. rl<' la Rosa. ,J. Campa$, .J. Roxas. F. Calilan. N. ~nntos. R d<' Jn Rosa. R P11rulan, W. M()('l~to. T. de1 JWsario, E. Santiago, R. Avedilfo. Commandants . . . I The Foundation ... (Continued from page l) (Continued from p«!]c 3) Capt. E. Soliman, NU, This shows, just how the Capt. R. Angeles, MIT, younger gcncr•.ition o[ 1oday Capt. J. Cardenas, SBC, drsii·cs :m murh lo lcam." Capt. B. Villanueva, A. de Mr. Velilla, a veteran it1~­ M, Ca.PL C. Pcfiaflol', UM, trnetor of the .JRC is \"ery and U. F. J_,lamas, Ab; L-,1d ('!rcmcl:v a.dmirl'<l by n~ _ _ .M! thr .JR(' col kg<' ••l'fi, i<Lls slmlcnrs speeiall,\· tJi<:'- ne\'V' were Din•ctor ,J. V. lier- <'0Jn('t·s for his wr~· \"CTy nandcz, Rc~istrnr C'. T-Talili, rk•ar. thorough and hrillinnt T1tasurl'r M. J,. Enl'iqucz, lectures and explanations on and Professors TT. Hilario Business l\lnnn~cmcnt and and Modesto T. Flore!'!. Trade. COLLEGIATE HOLL OF HOI\OH {Continued from page l) 1 Students taking 12 points w1iosf' (ll'fl'(lfJl's 2 nr above with 110 grades loiNr than 2.5: L llalili, Hamon CL 2. Lcvcriza, Alicia Honas, Mariano 3. <:allar<lo, Zacarias S. Ocampo, Soledad 4. Batan, Clemente Castro, Ricardo !)_ C:arcia, Vicente 6 . • Jf"sus, Virginia de Lim, ,Jose Dagohoy, Alfredo C:rcgorio, Benjamin i\lc<lnlla, Simeon 1\"atiddad, Arscnio n,•llosa, Marciano Diuz de Rivera, Renato 7. Diaz, .Jose .i\ranzancandcz, Godofrcdo Atienza, .Juan A. Banayat, Scgcfrido R Dani. Briccio Castro, Avelina 9. Ajcl'O, Bdilbcrto Franco, Antonio f:arcia, Mariano l\f. Manalo, Pedro Ohnl, f;ope Barreras, Noe Vnlrlcz. Ambrosio 10. Maldonado. Rosa .Juani:rro, Pedro 0. 1\hclcda, Romeo f'aBmrno, Jose t.:lJ-1/4 l.43-3/4 1.41-3/4 l.f>6-l/4 Lf>6·l/4 1.62-1/2 1.62-1/2 1.68.J/4 l.7fi 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.7!l 1.7:-i 1.7:-i t.75 1.81-1/4 t.81-1/4 1.81-1/4 1.81-1/4 1.87-1/2 1.87-1/2 1.93.a/4 1.93-3/4 1.93-3/4 1.93.a/4 1.93-3/4 1.93-3/4 1.93-3/4 2 .. ... 2 2