Jose Rizal College Journal


Part of Jose Rizal College Journal

Jose Rizal College Journal
Issue Date
Volume I (Issue No. 3) November 1946
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
'1=1~~~~ _JOSE ~ff ~Nc;[LLEG[ DO A GOOD Tl1R".'J DAILY. GIVE TO 'l'HE PRC 'l'II,L IT HURTS. YOJ,, 1-:\U. lH'Fll'lAL umu.x UF TUE .11{(' H1'UDENT BODY HIGH SCH. OOL ROLL OF HOHOR \BENEFIT DANCE FOR PRC FUND 'l'J,t .Tosc llmir College administration, facul1.v, and DRIVE .Journ<1' take ~l"\'<ll ph>a:·mre and pride in' JH'l'Sl'llting the followin!! High ~(·hool stud('nts as the most d<'scning: fo1 I he mont h-c. of.St'ptC'ml.Jei-October l!J.l6-J947 Stude,.i_~ tak<11fJ ' 1•r mr>rc .~ttbjed.~ t!'ilh lowtr than NI% FIH~T Yl~AIL l. Culaguas, Yirgilio ~. Unson, Hernan J. Kaalim, H0t1ue .J. Calin, Frmando 5. t ;udoy . .i\ tanasio ti. Halvador, Leroy i<J<:l'O"ilJ YEAR, 1. Rivera, Rosita \""C'r~ni, Pablo ............. , . .... Morah·~ •. Jr., Pedro 3 Crnz. Ll·unor 4 Marquez, Frarwi:;eo RC'yP-.;. Ed,!!'ardo Ml•n<loza. lfrrminia 5. Dom:in;::-o. Yeronidia 6. Cru~. Oeneroso 7. Rivna, Lotndt"!'! - -- -~~ P."c,.'!"1-;~,, .. n 9. i;ta.mlia, Fr:nwis\·a 10. L~·wriia, Rodolfo , . 11. J...afortc?-a, ,Jose iCrrntiluitd on Jlaf/C 3) ------JRC Graduates Excel Jn Field Of Business Ry Rodolfo lfizon nua11zoi~ lrgr is giving- a danrc, ?\ov· 11 '1 fl1 ""lc ;~:hcl~a~~· t~19~l~ f1~1~{11~~s~~:~ I Conuncret• Hall of !ht' saml' '-l--! f)f'' building. Th<'l'l' will hr abm ~'l 4: '~~< an d\'dion of tlw ''1:\ll'::-)(!:'' ~J-."J~~~ • foi· tlw Colkpl' hy popnl:1ri· ~:j~i .~;; t~-. '·ott's. _Tlw 1~1·o('('~'ds l'l"Om ~~-.ii;,% :11~.:,s,. \l~c\\~~1 ~·1:1i~i/~;~in1(~1~~~~ :-;i.:J ';l':f Cl'oss lll.'a(lqnm·l('J"s as ''tihm88 % ;:~;;:a:~~;~'11.'i~:~tlion~r~1:17irn~~~1r~ H8 % Hi-4 :i% Sfi-4/5% ~-l--l!;,t;f 8-l-4-i!V}~ R-l-4 ;ir;,84.3/5% 84..2 1 :)% --l':J".'f ."\2.1,:;~;, st-1 ~1i:--(I wl~ost• S<'rYi<'<'S arr for tilt' notional Mm~e. Cnmlidall'S arc the followinp:: :\li:-s Rosi(' Maldonado, .Mis., .Jovita Vt>rdClt('. ~liss Awlina. <l(' (';1'1_.\ff<'r weeks of wanrn~ nnd asking the fir::>t issu<' of th• ./RC .Jrm1wil appra1<>J off lhl' pn·ss 1m<·ke'1 wiir, th1· news of lhC' do:•. 'l'hl· first is.,Ht' wus h<·artily wr>l"omC'd hy tJw stmh·nt hody 11s wa'I proven h~· their Established in the summcl' !'(·s1weli,·c organizn1ions. glowin:.(' "uthusiasm to o:rrt a oi 1919, in r<'.s.ponse to a /.Ir. Toribio Teodoro. Cen. t'('JlY from the ofli<'c. wide,,pre;ld demand for scicn- ).lg-r. and Prnp. of the famous To <'limiirntc any diserotific p1·eparation and train- ,\ng- Tibay Shoes wrote in p;nH·ics in th<' cit('u!ation af ing for business careers, the J)<1rl: ··~'fy cxprl'icnce with lhf' .Journal among- the stuJRC ha.<;, since that timo \·our graduates is vel'Y plea- 111~1:-::, /'.\fr. Halili pro,·i<lcd been supplying the world o[ sant. Mr. Vic1>nte Sabalvaro. p,·rrv student "·ilh 11 suh· business with EFFICIENT. now Asst. Oen. Mgr. of this s<'riPtion <'ard. Tl~r stud<'nfs PRACTICAL, L 0 YA L, firm, has been of the great('st ·<'rOw~1Nl in tli<' office whik PROr.RESSIVE. and VER- help to me. The traininp he the <listributol' krpt on SATILE husincs.-smen to tac- 1weived in tlw .JRC hns en- punching the subscription )de the various eeonomie abh'<l him to U('<)unint him- i•arJ.<i with a rusty nail. 'I'ho problems. self immediately with the hustling and hui;tlina; was That the .JRC is at'com- various aspects of the busi- l'!XJ)('ril'n<·c<l h~; thr studrnt'-1 ptisl?.plishing the p.seful pur- nPss of this firm and to offer while others shPdding J!l'Nll pose !or which it was estali- me valuable suggestions on heats of perspiration ~-ellrd ]fa:hed, is evidenced by the questions of polic:r and more for lht'ir share :md after all eloquent testimonials of well- parti<'ularly in C'onncetion those frenzied moments tl:r known h'l(sin<'SS executives with the reCl"nt expansion of pns'-lt'~<;ion of a .foumul l!fl\'(' who have had close contact this firm." rMh an<l <'\"Cl'yo1w a swelling with our students and i:i;ra- Hon .• J. l\£. Elizalde of llw relief. The stud1•11ts lutd a duates even be.fore the war. ElizaldC' &i Co., Tne. wrotr in grea.t time rt'Rdin,!!' r:VCl'Y Business executives of va- part: "I ha\·e no hC'sitanl'y <>olnmu in lhl' .Journal. so rious big eommereial firms in I in saying that T find, the mu<'h so, thal the Professors the Philippines have written JRC graduates in our em- had to "nil their attention to the JRC to extend their pro- _ploy. performing their work th1• fnt't that class was goin~ found appreciation on the wry satisfa<"torily, and up to on in the classrooms. magni!iCEnt showing of the expectation. No doubt they Howrw•r, all was not satisgraduates of the JRC in their 1 (O>nti1iucd on '/>49C S) (C<>ntimtcd 011 page 6) PRELIMINARY EXAMS LOOM In ('OOlll'l"U(io11 with thr R··d Cros'l nation-wide futtd l1riV<', our Colleµ;c will unhc!iilat ing}y ;mswc1· its <'all agaii1, 1i1rn11~h !l~c ~mspfrt·s of the .J . R. C. ·('ad et Corps. With the apvroval of Capt. Cmcial Days Slated From 13 lo 16 As announced by the Uc· gistrar om preliminary exams for the :!ml Quarter is schrdulcd to begin on Nov. 13. It is evident that the moot llllawuite<l tlays for the student~ arc npon tl~em to revolutionize their satiate minds once ogain. Uevicws with the <l<'companimcnt of the unde11iab!C recitntions have been ('on<luctcd by ... ome Profes8ome of the students ai·<' hl'ginning to cmm, we ref pr to those ·' fr<>e anti ea8Y stud('nts'' while those intellit?;cnt students are on their way to "burn their lids" reOlivui·t•s, comlllandunt, a Cadet Hprec will be held on November 24: 1o rais'tl the ,JR(' 1•ontrihution fund for tlw PUC. The su3wr <lnpcr affair· wi!J be licld at the Commrrc·c Hall opcnin~ the highlig-hts with a '"rca Danzant" from !i to 11 o'<>lock in th' <•vrning. Th.., "Tea Dan:mnt '' will dirnax with th<' 1w~·st·ntatio•1 of the Corp drwiug- their k~'iOm:i. Sponso1'1>. The spon~ors will .According to the librarlan, !Jc !;(•lc('tl'<l from the bevy of the librnry room needs some ~lnmo1·1111-.; 1rnd 1:aptiva1in~ more ch<1irs :md 1ables to \;!Jlctt:l'. Tlw ;111·1·om0ll}~C tlw sludents will lw fur-1 poul"i1i~ m lo l'e\:if.!W tJ.iejr . :1io;J 1'<l I.\' 1hc fo~ous Phil- k.~s·Jns. the~c days, Sozne of •(Jlltt' :\;··1·• H;i.i.·i ;:·,,,~_...1.lhr ,"1£i_dcn1s ha..:_ll' resorted I out <111.1· 1louht thC> musi1· will lo st<1ndin~ 'd11k• tt.~·.i:uJ.·· be to fhP hNn·ts' rontC>nt ot' tunutc stuJcnts who eHryonC'. chairs con<'cntratc on what In this paiti1·11lal' 1·debra~l;e.r t'~~:~.~~~~id~1::1•~1· ~:~;~~~~: :/.~:;· "~~~11~a~!::t~h;'/1~1111~7ro:~~~ tria~s ~lrf ~o b~ m~t ~Yw~!~ Diffl·r('nt committees were ~h~~-c~av~0 1~~u·neo<l a;:er half ~:a1;;~~1!cJ ,:~~ ~·~io~~lu~:fai~ a qual'tel'. This uff:i-ir is expected to be AlrNt<l.v, m:rny Profe~-<;ors so1m·lhing different, some- have pre.pared t11cir test !hin~ that will add to the 11ucstio11s which are to give t•huin of mcmorahl('s the .JR(' lhc Mtndents a terrible hea<lhitd in tlic by-gone days_ nehe. But statistics prove, "~1·11, w(> cannot conceive the MtmlC>nts <n·e in perfect of an:v 1'C'ason why any cadet trim to face with a smile the or ~tudt'nt <'an afford to miS.'i• inevitable event ... The seholll<> hi~ opportunity that Jics Jarship news has persuaded ahead lo sl~are with their most of tl:.e students to stubrothcr a11d sistel' Rizalians dv harder this Qtlartcr to be (Continwrl on pr!ge 9} • (Continued on page 3) SCHOLARSHIPS AT ST AKE A ,·cr_:r wise and limcly decision wa-; tak<'n by the school administration in a recent meeting in the gmnti»g of full and half ~cholan;hips to desening students. A blarin~ bulletin was recently published announcing that full Sl'hola1·ships would be granted to those oblaining first honors amon~ tl:oS<' taking up twelve and nine points respectiw~ly, and half schola1'l'Jhips to those obtainifig second honol'li under the ijftmc elassifiPations. With thc.<ic .iuccutiHs a great. impl'ow~mcnt is being not()d in the clas>i1·ooms as $tudcnts arc fi~h1 ing hard for the coveted honors and reward. tl\fore Sf'riornmes.<i with respect to studies is discemcd all around. wiS4' measure will do mucl! to boost Up the standaril of the school to it.-.: Jll't"war ~tatns l)l" even sm·pas.s it, Puge 2 JOSE RIZAL COLLEGE JOURNAL November, 1946 LITERARY c;Jallen Stars (Dedicated to the fallen. heroes of JRC's ROTC, who fought in Bataan, by Albina L. Enriquez '46) Ji'alle11 stars lliat shone with ft1ll delight, Upou this land bef(Jrt the storm did break, Where arr yo11 now we lon.g to see your light The land has 11ccd of you, 'tis bart and bleak. You u•crc the hope, the life of this sweet land, Upon your light O'UT joys increased untold, But 1w1t• the l<md i.s cold and dark the strand, A-nd gloom·y forebodings cloud O'Ur weak mould. But <1ll's 11ot lost uncertain though life be, This land will yet be saved from swift decay/ J' our brother stars with. cheery rays we see, In yon clear sl;y where storm has pa.ssed away. LN1d them you1· 1i,qht tlwt thry may .~hfoe in joy, Tliry only lil'C who bfst the light enjoy. Unremembered Soldiers By Gloria D. Cruz, Senior B Th!' night iras d11rl; and dreary Whc11 the min started to fall,1'he first night that was stormy 1'/iat gc11·c fwr to u11e and all. An~~;t t~::e 1~;'~7'.1~:.;·d~,;~ /ii1::~'.~i11%11d dying, ' r.rrnt ll'rre thc~1 mn1 for their noble deed;; f"~·111ill'll anif ill!l'f'~l!_Cm~ /fJ:p a 11J6y:.-i.H, W6t•1. Gont wo·c those day.~ whCll th.o.y were together Lm•in,q each other like sons mid fathers, Oonc were those mountains where they used to roani Hunting and exploring places which are unkno1t•n. Now 011 the bare cold ground they lay breathless Prayi11g and whispering words that seem the sweetest, To I.he Land of Paradise they will have to sail Tn the boat of happiness where peace prevails. CGhe 613eggar The man was bent and ta~tered and gray And worn with griefs of dreary years But 1~ roams the streets fr<>m morn Oil! night For begging and wandering are t•itul w his plight. On Ids tired shoulders a knapsack is slung For grairis sometimes fares the mercifiil ham/.; A walking sNck. make.s 11oft Owd11 on the road His weight does i~ support aml his heavy load. Calls he at the rich and the poor alike Oft' com.e the ahn.8 from proletaires And aftJer the day's toil ho-ive'er hard it may bs Would he cla.~p Ids hand.~ ttnd murmur, "Father, I thank Thee." W or Thus day by day, resolute, confident, goes on The struggle to U11e and be a part of manki'l!J! WiM God's unwearing Leve falls night for repose and ptaoe Then breaks the daWl1 with its prcnn:ises of hopts for a day of bliss. SOLEDAD T. OCAMPO Commerce '49 CGhe Lie....i 1Jemocracy ?n CGhe By PUBITA F. Bows cPhilippines CGoday The sun had withdrawn and the evening breeze had started to move gently from the lowland towards the ilis· ant hills. The church bell rang.It was six o'clock. All nt'Ound was gray, quiet and motionless. Pepe had been by the window. His eyes followed the winding road that led from the house. fre waS anxiously watching for his father's familin1· fif?ure. In another room ol the house his mother lay helpless in bed, her head and lids heavy with pain. Once in a while her faint ,·oice came to Pepe. asking ii his father was com· inf?. And ehch time Pepe would gentl)' tell her that sl:.e must slee.p and not worry because his father would be comin~ very soon. Pepe knC'W only to well the critieal condition of his mo· ther. Ik k1H'W that thC' erisis woulJ. come bt"fo1•t• dawn. Ile knew also that lh<' slight· C'St agitation wonM s1wl_l death for her. For tlw first time lw rc~lh· ft\~· tlumkful that thC'V Ji,:c<l in such un isolated PlacC'. l\ow it !'.ad grown murh darker. PC'pC' tiptoed to the dour :rnd look('d out, straining hi-; eyes. 8till there was 110 :sign of his fathct·. Ile went down the few steps and sat on the lowest rung. Ile rould not help feeling bitter as he thought of his father, tl!c fa· ther who gambled and drank nnd bt'Ought nothing but misc1·y to their little hut. Indeed he was the very cause of the sufferinl? that Pepe's mother was l?Oing through. She had worriC'd so much over their drbts until she had fallen ill. l\ow, his father had gone to town to j?Ct a doctor. Prpe could not im· aginc what was keeping him tl·erc so long. Maybe the doctor was not home, maybe an :1rci<lmt-he hoped not. So manv maybies filled his mind und 0bdor~ he knew it, he was crying. Ed.'s Note :-This is a JFUrely person<tf opiitiou and the Editor and school admini.~lration ass-ume 110 1·esvonsibility for if. Democracy has bec11 de fin- depeudent nation. Y cs, we cd as <;that government by are freo--frce from the shathc people; a ioMn of gov· cklcs of foreign domination ernmcnl in· which tl!e SUP· which han frttered us for rcrne powN is 1·etained by ecnturics. At long last, our the people and exercised flag flies aloft--majestica.lly either directly O!I indirectly alone and furling in the tht·ough a system of rcpre- breczt" which is now ours sC'ntation and delegated an- .:ilour. thority pcl'iodically renewed, 'l'his sense of frecdomllS in a con<ititutional rcprc- this escape from bondage, sentath·e g<wernment, or a obtuined at so great a sacri· republic." fice, should have made us Millions of lh•es-livcs of overly jealous of its ''alue. libcrly-lodng peoples all over But arc we 1 Or rather, are the world-have . been lost the people wl!Offi we have set and sac1·ificcd in the name in powt>r, those whom we and cause of democracy. The have. thru the democratic I as t global conflict was ballot, elected to act as the fought so that democracy guardians of our new found would smviv<". Our heroes of liberty doing anything to UP· Batl'Hln and Corregidor- hold that for which OUl' forfhl'y all fon~J·t and died for bC'ars, as aforesaid, have died dcmoel'ncy. uncl s]a,·ed for? We haw Ileen luck~· in the Let us look around us. Let st•nsl· that we, as a nation, us glance at. out brief histohaw hcrome the srat of cfo- IT as a.frC'<' reopj.g... -L<:t _,_ ___ - mvct·u-:.:; in t'he Far East. I put ~he administra.t.ion at the 'l'ha1 <lcmorrnry which we cr_ue1blc ~or a while and we now enjoy has bN'll hal'd will realize tl:at these same won. It is a priccles J1erit- people whom we have enail' steeped in the blood or trusted with the duty of preof ou1· ancestors, a legacy serving democracy here ar~ hallowed by the lives or those the very ones '~h? ar? slow· who, that we may enjoy its ly hut snrcly st1flmg it and blessings. gi,·e up their lives padng tllC' way for commufor it. nism and racialism to gain a And our said heroes should firmer foothold in the Philnot hnvc died in ,·ain, for ippines. we arc not now come to the Let us first examine our realiz11tion of tl:e ideals they locul problems. J .. et us go to fouglit and died for? onr· sor·e~t problem-the Hak • 'Vt" are 110w a free and in· (Contini1ed on page 3) 613e CGhe 613est <9f 7.Vhatever You lf you cf/n 'l be a pine on the top of the hill. flt a seru/1 in lhe n1llcy-buf be The /icst li/111 .~cn1b at the sidl of the rill: 1Jc a bush if you urn'I be a free. Pepe stopped cl'ying and started to rise as he saw a light approaching from the field. He could make out three va~uc fig-ures. He went inside, l90k a lamp and walked towards the gall'. At th(' gate hC' stopped. Y cs, it I was his fotl:er, hut not alone. There were two other men with him. But they were not (C<>ntlnuc.d on page ') lre can 'I IH 1111 rnpllli11.~, u•r 'i·e ,qot lo be rrew, There's something fnr all of ·us here; Then' '::J big work lo do, aud tliae's lcssrt to do, rlud Ilic las!~ 111e m11.~1 do is Ille nMr. f{ yon um 't i" a liighwc1y. lhn1 ,iu.~/ be a trail Tf you rnn't be s1111 be a slur; It 1"s11 ·1 by sizr that yo11 1ri11 ur JJ011 fail But Oic best of whatever 'YO'!I are. -Emma Reafio Commerce, 4 49 Nowmher, 1946 JOSE RIZAL COLLEGE JOURNAT, Page 3 WITH MALICE TOWARDS NONE ... By XYZ Mr. Editor: Do vou kuow: That J. F'el'l.lando was onrc seen in the College store frying to convince a pretty waitress to pay for his because he had lost a!\ his money in a shooting .contest 1 That Rosy Maldonado is having a hard time keeping the woh'cs at bav1 'l'hat f.lrs. Tonui.s romplains that her husband lectul'cS against the Parit,\· Bill e\'Cll in his sleep' TJ~at the News Editoi· snhrnits but one news item per issue nnd thinks that's still too much? That l\L Pcrfctto eomf's to all his classes just five minutf's before they arc O\'Cr1 'J'hat J. Quintos has fallen in Joye and is now just learning how to hold hanJs 1 That our Registrar ha.;; a habit or climbing down the window of ! room when he is fast aslecp1 That Mr. Flores wns onee he'.l.rd accusing Mr. Pclaf'z of sending- a beautiful damsel to prison and we at'C still wondcrin~ the reason fo1\ his solieitousness1 That .:U1• .. J. Orosa uses !111lf a hottlc of pomade every da.\· to keep his hai1· in place? That .fos<' 'l'amhnnling is in low• hut has found out that he has to· make loW' first to his .Juliet's grandmother in order to he abk to ernss 11:-c thrl'shold of her hous('? 'J'hat a student ab.~cnt in a C'lass may be pre.~ent in a mo\·ie7 Democracy In . . . (Conti1wC<l fr1>m page 2) prOblem. Time was when ou1• lit.t]e farmers were no more than Yeritahle slaves. Uneducated, cowed into submission by the long years of economic enslaYcment, oul' poor peasant folk never, in tl:e days gone by, C'\"('l' C'\·cn thought that they were part o( that social institution of men where cn•1·~·one had the same equal right to the tour freedoms. Now, howc\'el', 1hey }:ave awakened from their lethargic thoughts of long ago. But now that a sOCial cmancira.· tion is in I he making. now that lhf'y have b('1•omc conscio11s of their rights as human beings, what, we ask, bis our g"O\·f'rnmcnt done and still is doing to them 1 I am no eommnnist. I do not arkoeafr nn,\- government otlwr tlmn that whi(•h wc 1 in :weordanec with our eonsti! l !ution, are supposed l:> have. Open Letters To The Editor 11 °~1'- ~'"'".'' ""'' •o'"'""'~<;n' wln<'h 1:-; .wst and hon('st to - 1hl' eommon man, one pa.t·JJcai· Sir: 11.-ium·lcdyr the /)Cliirnt tearh- h•rnr·d in lh<' 11•np1s that maki· This !/Hlf 1u l11H'C indlled crs fry In impress "on tltrir frir <h'Tn<lf'l't1<'.\'. But, if in O~e fwfl excdl(')lf baskt:/b(lll tem1~s young 1111"11ds. nnmf' of 1l<>mOl'l'al'~'. peo,plo hut u11fort10V1ldy Urrre. is In lhr clm~.~ro~>ms it is not <·;111 lw hn\\'hf'1'1•d and slangh· not gorng to be a11 .V.C.A.1L an irncnmmon .~1.r1hf to .~rP t('1·i•d Jikt• pies in th<' pen- --I-l•11cr.:t•.:r, this rlucs not ntetm st11drufs cumi11g i11 a11d out ii' hllm:m hf'in!!'l likf' Yon :md llrnt our sclwnl cannot purti- of fhfir :·l".~}Jutfrc room.~ nw, whnsP onh· fault:ir fault 1ipt1lc fo somt' of /fir mcrny duriua rrl'il1dio11 period. ii <'all lw (•llll;·11. is their dcTrnrpus 1id11g planned frJr llie 'l'his fhry do u·itltoul JH'rmi.~- <:ir,• fnt' soeial nplirtmentnrnr f1tlurc. ire scarl'rly sec sim1 from lhdr tutors. Smnr- !->lmula b" hunt('<] and shot n11y vracticcs mid nf!t much ti nus whrn fl sl11d1 nt. c.~pr- fo1· it- -tlH'll T would haw' i-~ said in rf.rJanl to sports. dally <t girl, rise,; to rmswrr norn• of·that dcmoi'1'1H'V. \\'II!! doesn't Coacl1 Adtw say r1 qur.~lion or comr to the \Ve ha\'<'. in our df';nocrn..~11111elhi11g of his plan.~ fo_r llrmrd,' it is 1·rry cmnnwn for ti1· sehook hP1'n ta111:d:t to the future of our teams acl1n· the boys to u•histlr. 1'hi.~ fight. to fr.rht for 0111· riel~s tics if there Ol"l any! .ll't" lf'hi.~llina bu:;iur.~.~ 1u1wct•r1·. to lifo. liherty and the pursports fa11s are really an,pou.~ wl1frh is 111m• in l'(}{lllC, u•lien suit ot happiness nnd, if ,to hrnr so111Uhi11q or lo iiat'e 11.~rd 11y a pu.~011 slwws fhal ll('('J he, (li(' for it. W'e have ,,rmrdhing from that corner. hr vossf.~M·s a lo11• moral cha- h1·('n mark' to heliM'(' that \\"c fould hai·e. for c:rrrntplt. mcfn nnd in addilirm he i.~ om· ri)!lit to it is inhN·ent HJ111£thinq like thr (/renm c1a.,·sifird as infrrif!1· b11 hi.~ a111l inalicnaht". Th(' TT11kH, gnmr hefu•ten Afc11M and t'{m.~mafrs. Sf! boys lets put so i! !l('('ms, arc doing nothing.'i1111 Bula. lfow (1bo11t ii. a sl<;p to all these ungentle- hut (i~ht for their said ri~ht llcrc is hoping we heal' or 1111rnly maunrrs nnd rep{acr to liw. tl:<'ir right to1 lihcrtv. rrad somethillg alon{J this lhrm u•ilh 1·efi11ed ll'ays. ft lhf'ir right to !hf' pursnit ~f 1iM!. is now high tim(' for u.~ tn lrnppi1wss. Ro wh~' 1l1is marl J'ours for Sports, 1rn1·r 1·rfol'ms both moral and Or'!,\' o[ killin::t on 1he part A Sports fan ./RC naliona7. of our ~owrnment 1 DN1r Sir: Jt i.~ indred 1·rry rcgrrlful /n mrntion, that at p1·esent, .vm1c .~f11dl'nl.~ arc bccominq mthrr dfsrourtcous ond fh1J11y1iflrss in iheir dcfllinas ll'illt their superiors an<l fellow .~ludrn/.~. This awklt'ard 11rlim•iors lunce1·(r, shonld br i11sfnnlly dtcckrd while still i11 its ffll"iy devclo1mtcnt by .\lrict discipline. Jlnny sliulcnls seem to c1mu• fo school just for p1ras11r1' or u .~art of a past time which is indud 1·ery lamcnlolile r.~pecinlly for those who srnd lhcm lo school fo yet a ,r111od rduralimi <tt s,uch g1'cat s1ruifirrs. 'l'his howevrr, the11 r(Jmplrtrly iq11ore. They do nul take 1ulra11tage of the Rrmrmb<"I" we nrc now ltll But perhaps we, or onr nc1i11drpc11drnt p<'ople strr.ndin(I ministra!ion, ha\'c a Lctfrr alone on our own fret, and brand of democracy up its ns lnte Filipino.~ u·c arc I slce\·c. It has advocatrd and boirnd to improt•e our pte- ha" hern 1 rying to get Consent aenemtion lo a highrl' p:rcs:'!ional a[lproval of H1P lel1 rl for Uir aood of the me- pa1•it\• bill giving Ameri<'ans err<lfoa nrnrratfo11.~. 'l'o n>~th<' ;arne privilegrs as Filif1Jnn •nwrally is not a diffi- pinos in the deYclopment of cult task so let ~rn all {idly our natural rcsourecs. What coopera1c ani1 mnke a good better proof of dcmorracy name Jor aur school, as u•ell can tl•crc be than thisas for our coutry_ when we try to give equal Yours tr-uly, nrivileg<'s not only tn our Rosita Ri!'rra. II,') people but nlso to peoples of Preliminary ... (Cbntinucd fl'om page 1) one o[ the honored scholnr<>. It has been or"dictNl 1 hat n stiff <'OmpPtition will eulminat(' this Quartn for the S('holarsltips, oth('r eonntries! Yes, this is truly democratic. But in try· inr~ to overdo ourselves we Im\"<' forgotten llrnt fo1· us to ~'urvive flS a nation, we lune a right to sclf-prcserva1ion. fC(l11lim1,.rl on page G) HIGH SCHOOL ROLL OF HONOR (Continued from page l) THillD YEAR, l. Eugenio, SOiedad 2. Lorieo, Ligaya ............... . 87-2/5% 84-4/5% 84-3/5% 8±·3/5% 83-4/5% 83-1/5% 82-4/5% 3. Hemandez, Alejandra Lorico, I.Jolitu 4. Lopez, Angelina 5. Villaruz, l?clina 6. Paner, Rosendo FOURTH YEAR, 1. Pineda, Proccso •J Talusan, H.osario 3. Rafols, '1'eodo1·0 4. I<\1stcr, Carmen 5. J;igunas, Paz B. Lortco, !.Jl11mi11a<la Cruz, Gloria 6. Pascua, Iluminado 7. Prr·ono, Cleofas l\largallo, Clcof'e J RC Graduates ... (Continued f1·om page J) 86 % 85-4/5% 85-3/5% 83-4/5% 83-1/5% .... 83-1/5% ... 83-1/5% 82-2/5% ... 82-1/5% 82·1/57o Cadets Spree (Continued from page 1) nrc well prepared for the the big moment to give a WOl'k that has been assigned share foi· the PRC. \Ve canto tl:em." not deny the fact that the )Ir. l\l. de C'ortahitarte. PRC has gone far enough nwnagrr of the Centml L11- since tho liberation to feel zon :Milling- ro., fnc., <'Om· proud of the services the 01·mentini: on thr work of th(' ganization has rendered es.JRC i:radnates in his employ pecially in relief, nursing, has this to sav; "J must 1w1l- safety and military welfare. h· ('Onf('SS tl:at I wns some- \Ve might as well recall \~hat skcpli<'al about the the <la~' wh<>n our late Pres. Pt"Jf•lir:rl YahH' of the train- Manuel r.J. Quezon looked fol'in;.! in <'ommrl'I'(', as heing ward-1o the day when he had giw11 hy <·ollf'A"('S, 11nt ii I lmd~vantcd an Ol'g:ini~tion sccontal'l, thru this firm, w1t1r pt11·ated---fnnTr-+tte--.Ameri<·mi__ a m1mhr1· of ,\'Olll' ~radnatrs Red Cross; wrll, the da'!f has This eonl:\C't .l:as eonvin('ed come for tlw realization of mt• that tht• fraining theY hi~ d1·cam.. A campaign haw r1•<·Pi,!'11 in !he JR(' is has started lo raise its finantlwo1·1•fiealh- sound and emi- rial needs to support its acnently prn~ti1-:1l." th·itif's as an ind('pendent cnHon. Yi('(•nfC' )la<ll'igal the l1C':id of tlw vast )fadrigal C'nteqwis<'<; wrote: "Your gr:irluater; in mr employ are doin~ vp1·y sati;>fueto1',\' work, nartieulal'iv. Alt·. Francisco R1111liHf!O, f'omplrollcr of the <'ompan.\-, whose suggestion nnd eooperatiw disposition have IK'er~ very IH'lpful to the manaJ!ement. A.:; a g-cncral rule. t!~e~- arc quil'k in undc1·st;mdimr 1 he work a!",:ign<'d to !hem, whi('h shows 1 hPil' g-t'1l'>P of husiness fundameritals an<l departmental r<'lationship.'' ';In m.\- opinion, the seh"me of maintaining- ,\·om• interest 'in those who have stuclif'd in the :rnr. i<: as praisrworth.\· as thr academic prPparation the\; 'h:vl reeeived." l\fr. 1\. IJoYC't', Viee Presid<'nl of the l:\fanila Cas C'orporulion, wrot(': ''J ha\·e invariably found your gradualei. versatile in tlwir grasp of fundarnrnta!<i of business Urn t enahlc tlicm to underS!rl'Hl at on<'!'\ any prolilcm, and to present <'l<'Q..r and logieal sn~gestions.'' 'l'hc Pn>si<lent of ti:!'\ Phi~. National Bank wrote "I tif,\' and our College is in, so it i.~ ow· paramount duf y to support Jicr ... 'Ve therefO'!'C call on the stndmt bodv to act as a Rizalian family. to giw its sl~a1·c so that the.PRC' ma.v rf'ach i1s J?O~l. Let m: live np to I he old tradition of om· C'olt('i:rc-"coop<>ration for chnrity.'' Tirkets' for the Cadets ~pl'C'I' ar(' now available nt lhe Department of Militarv Sti('n<'e and 1'aet ics. "H m:ry bPforc it is too late to rnYE!" know of1 no one iu this inslituion who came from Tour eollep:e that has not in ~one form or another givon ,proof of the good tr:iining received by him. To mention a fow thnt in a comparatively short. tim(' have forged ahead and at'C now a('fuall.v oeeupayinx ''er.'' important key positions, we haw Dt>lfin Ruencamino, Julio Mri:<'ttja, Hector Palma, .lose Rel'fo, .Jose Carmona and ,Jose V. Abanilla." ''The prog-rrss made by these men speaks well of tte acadcmi<' prepara1ion antl training- J'('('('i\·ed by tliem from thc-JRC." Page 4 JOSE RIZAL COLI.EOE JOURNAL Xovember, Hl4ti SPORTS LEDGER TEAM FORMED doctors. Tl1cy were in uni-· I HIGH SCHOOL Th(~ •• ~.!:;,d from page 2) By Buck form and he saw that his '..---------~------------------' After a hard fryouts Coach father was trembling, wheR Calvo has finally submit- ther with fear or shame, Pc-A. ·(Stonewall) .A YEDILLO a t'ol'mcr Zamhoanga star who is ulwavs there when nt'l'.!<'<l. An i;,C.A.A. player for two year.; !:e wHI again :-;hat'C his ability with his kam. Although not a constant SCOl'Cl' he USua0y comes llt"'hind to paek the w~llop that will decide the winning tt'am. L. ( RubbC"rman) GAVIEH Es an old timer in this ~ame will ha\"<'. his elmncc to l i:rl:t for his new color. He n111 Sf!Ul'cze himself into a 1 i!?hl dcft'11sc an<l SUl'prise a ... 1i,1t from under the basket 1hat will kt'ep the crowd gtll''i.o;ing. Others that bcur watching I our Munila's finest, A. Buan, tcd his chosen team to repre- pe could no-t tell. His fatl~c1• tl:is yea.r are the -following: with a silent type of floor sent our High School Al- spoke first-told Pepe that S. l<'ABIO, B. MACEDA, work and an accurate shot though the team is limited these men were agents of the L. GALLlANGAS, TAYLO, around the foul line we can to twelve playC'rs, Coach Cal- law and that he had been P. (:IJSTILl.JO AND THB go places. Here comes our ''O chose the best men that caught along with many ONE AND ONLY ';BOY" tractor. W. PamboY Modesto, arc good not only in ,playing ot~~rs, at a gambling den. SANTIAGO. who can put any opponent to the game but as a future ma- Take good care of your rest at the wrong time, and tcl'iul for our Varsity that I mother, son," he manage!] Jt;NIOR VARSITY... bo,·! keep tl~c distanccf The will b<' affected, hy g;·adua- to say as ~he two policemen l'C~t of our players are not lion. Those who were quali- dragged !nm away. Before With A. Adao, our [ormc1· lll'W in this game of basket- fied are the following: San- I Pepe could answer or pro· lcft-l!anded basketball star hilll such as .J. usrbio, A. tos dC' la Rosa, Capt. Augus-1 test, he was_ attracted by t_he coaching from the bench, our Crnz. I<'. Ventosa. }<"", Am bro- to <lei Rosar\o, Rodrigo Garn- 1 soui;id o~ bs mother;s YOH'<' Junior Va1'SitY will easily go :io, .\. Campas .. T. Roxas, N. boa, .Jrsus C"'arangan, Jose I callmg !um. placC's for an.r dual meet that ~:ml(IS, E. de la Rosa, K Pa- Bucnaflor, C'a~·C'tano Halili "Yes," he told his mother will take place lids year. 1 .,111Jan, 1'. drl Rosario and .Ji.., F'lorc1wio \-entosa, .J:ii- in reply to the unsi;iokeJ1 licading our Junior cohorts is E. Santiago· arc all hack for me Roxas, Hamo~. Arcilla, , question in her e.ves.''Fathcr ~-.C<.l\~~\~?~~1• ~~:~1.Jor~~~~~ the limrli~hL :md Valle. j ~::s ~~'\~e~~;,~ut~i ·;:l~~le~~ is still in condition to stop I he had found a job a goocl a11v ambitious forward. Un- /Jene/ii Dance For . . . job so worthwJ:ile for a d1•;. him are old timers who (Conti111ml from p<ige J) man.'' Tears stung his eye~ saC'rifi<·c playing in the_ Ju- lro, )Ii~'> Luisa Pidoy and sinC'ss managr1·; Benjamin\ when he saw his rnothf'r nior J)h·ision in order to 1\liss Lm; .\S('llsi. I lhegorio, m1cli1or; K PagniI close J:cr ews. A contented I keep up .the_sll'Cngth of our 'l'ltC' t'ollowin~ offil"Cl'S o( l'igan, press l'C'lation o[fit'cr; ,smile hon•1:ed about her lips . . Junior \ nrs1ty, such as G. 1111:: l·lub arc· mairngin~ the I F'{'lipc /,amdaf.{an; peat'<' and l He knew that she was think~­ ,JOE CA.Bl.SAO 1'wice N.C. Yictoria el~osm most valua- a ~f<tir: )laximo R ~l{'jia, order office!'. ;\Ir. C' I in!? happily . . \ .. \. Sl.'leetir:m and twice hie player in the N.C.A.A. JH'Psid1'nl: Brncdil'lo drla Babst, advis('1' of the elnh. "Now we <>an pay our :.kipper of lhC' Blue & !:old in 1941 ctncl at the same time ,Par., • •ic,·-p1·1·'ii•h•n1: )!i'is Ho- The resnlt of the counting debts," his mother re.plied._ Bantams in the j)l'C·war sea- fil·.,J tC'am forwar<l in th<' mv- si1• ;'lfohlonado, dr·t"'-prrsi- of vo!C'S will h(' diwlos<'d on Tear<; fillrd again Pepr's son is still around to give 1hit'i1\ sch•diou . .Another fcl- dt"'11t; L\liss lluminado ~i1·11n- :\o\·C'mbC'r 2.'~, 19-tG and the e.vt"'s, for l~C' k1ww that C'VCrytro11blc. 8tC'ady, cool and J,)w who will try to surpas..; drn, seercta1•y; }.liss So<'ort·o win1w1· will lll'.Jll'O<'laimc<l thing was a LTB. 'Vith a. \t'l":V dC'Jll'n<lal~le, the Senior his fot·mcr l'N'or<ls is F. (\:1- ''t.•ln<><'O, nsst. <><·<·r('tar,\·; )liss :\liss .Jos<' Rizal l'111le~e and happy face Pt"'pe's mother Mhol'IS ha'"e p;ot a scoring lilan, a <lead shot in any an- .Jo\'ila Vcrdote, treasurer; <·mwtHTeullY )lis'i RN1 Cross <'los('d lwr t•\·rs, C'losed and 1hal is ahrnys tlr;idly in. any qi{'. :i.ny r•ourt and nuy nmgc Miss .\n-lin11 1k• C'a<1trn, ;i..s1 of th<' said i11slilufion of fo1·<'w1· 1·lrnw~l fo1• that was~anw. ;1t tlmt. \\'<' haw nnC' from 1 ll'r:1s11r1·r; ll11fugi<1 Lim, Jiu- l••nrniu).{. fut· 1lw yt•a1· l946. - death. -.,,i31.'i!iV~Mii\.r1,1r,fij!111wir,1w11'il11nijr1r1J1r1rw11!1i\lllii!1.liJ\llliil1ll/j\1J!Jill11Jii1,1w1,141111w111011,1!ii!JliiJ~!ii1·1i~~m1ffi1i!1lJi\1lf![i.il11!.J!i\f[IJi•11J1Jffi!.lf<1ii!lll!i!!l!i\1!1111i\1lli\!i!lil!ITJi\fl!Ei\TJTJi~\lJil!ili\1J!fillll!i!lll!i!~ SCHOOL DAYS A~E HAPPY DAYS ... KEEP.\ :IIDIOIH OF THESE DAYS WITH PICTURES TAKEN BY A MASTER PHOTOGRAPHER. OFFICIAL Pl!OTOGRAPIIER FOR THE JOSE RIZALCOLLEGE. Sl:.E lJS FOR E\'EHYT!llXG Pl!OTOGHAPHIC. FOR YOUR EVERLASTING PICTURE COME AT THE "HOME OF MODERN PORTRAITS" MANILA 464-466 DASMARINAS L-i1~GW&'1\li!!llli)J\Tfi'i!lli1filli]lfili)l)jl1~1ffiTi1Jl\TUID'fTf·'T,·?~ilrlflil1~1i1\1J1l·.l''l!1~'1!!1ID!JjlJi!tlTlfi\T!Il!l\l'IJ: 'l\!!illilTfffi\li1J.ffi.'l.i!Ji!liil!i'J1tlil.W!'.!l!fiTilliililli[i)l)j]j 'mJ'B'l!l1iiill'l'JililDl1l\TJ.imlim!mil1!ilil'lffillll!i!'Jilim'llli\lmmim~ November, 1946 JOSE RIZAL COLLEGE JOURNAL CADET SAD SACK By Alejandro de la Rosa Cadet Captain, J RC Came along Cadet Sad Sack, his feet carrying him lousily like lehabod Crane going fad~ing, his pants and shirtsleeves rolled up like a "canto boy", and his overseas cap slightly plaeed and very much tilted over bis head. He was indeed very late and the preliminary formation was through. The Cadets ,.-ere already profusely swr-ating from marching, and tl1e platoon leader was shouting, "By the right flank, Marcl:.·; By the left. flank, March; Platoon .... '' Cadet Sad sack, not realizing that his time had diminished and his demerits increased, paused to think for a dcfil'lite strategical ap· proach to his platoon formation without the platoon lender noticing "him at all. The whistle blew; it was Officer's call. Cadet Sad Sack cased at heart, realized Cc was in luck. Ile had alwavs been in "luck", that his ;iame always appeared on the bulletin hoard on the list o~ Ca<lct:-; late at fonnation and hi~ demerits were weekly cm the ercsrcndo. "Phi.: ~n leader comanded, "J<'Af,I~ OUT'1, am) as soon as h(' walked off towanh; thr Commandant. Ca· dct Sad Sack came to 1 i fe, bis (cet earrving him faster than he exp<;ctcd toward hi:-; disassrmbled unit. Then he seated himscli comfortably witr. them on the soft green grass under a tree. "As I say'', he said to the cadet in front of him, "you 're all too very 'mahilig' ! Why. throughout all this month I have never come on time and 1 'U bet you all m.v pants the 'goddamned' Cadet Loocy will Rcver notie<' me cbming late," his cigarette smoke forming rings in the air. Suddenly, "FALL IN" burstcd through t"-e air like lighting throwing Cadet Sad Saek from his scat and making him lrap surprisingly hi.sth from the ground. Cadet Sad Sack was third in the race toward the formation and, surely cnoug-h, his prayer-s were answered-the platoon leader did 'nt notice tP.e ''n('weomer''. "FREBZK Y-0-U'', the platoon leader thundrred pointing towards \?ifistcr Sad Sack and at the same time approaching him, "What the. . arr you moving around for?'' he ('Ontinuod. "Bnt Attention" had not been 1given Sir," waq the immediate retort. "Oh-no, smart, wise guy. huh? And, by the way, where did I see your mug before! '' and with dagger-sharp eyes, Sad Sack was scrutinized from head to foot. "A stranger it seems to me" the Cadet Loocy muttered to him.self. This time Sad Sack realized he must resign to hi.s fate. ''NAME1'' the questioner roared, pulling out from his pocket a sheet of paper! he roll. The name was given, with some r..esitation, and the questioner looked at the roll. "Well, Mister, now I see the reason why you were waiting for 'Attention' after the command 'Fall in' ''Sergeant,'' the leader called the platoon sergeant,'' take these down for our good stranger." A long dictation followed· '"Answering back in ranks 6 demcril'i; Moving the hear1 after falling in, 1 demerit; late at formation, 1 demerit; Absent from roll call, one . ''; And, looking down on the poor misfit, "ROLL THOSE PANTS DOWN'', this same· leader suddenly hlurte<l." who do you thin~ you ar(', Olivc1· Hardy'! Button ti'ose pockets, fix that cap, ('l\in in, chest. .. " C'adet !=;ad Sack, more alive than ever, didn't <'ven know where and how to begin fixin~ himself but finaJly he succeeded ('lumsily. The mental regior had temporarily ended; the platoon leader had left him to continue with the instructions for the group. Tl:crc was a sign of relief presently, and from the corner of his mouth, Cadet Sad Sark muttered to himself, "My ~~~,V~f s~a~~:dth~~ ;~: t:~ outwit him again.'' At eleven hundred lhirh· hours, Cadet Sad Sack wished he was already homC'. His mind was beginning to imagine tbngs and his eyes W<'l'C seeing roast beef, tC'n· derloin steak and mashed potatoe..'>. Jlis stomaek was so empty he felt as if tigers \\WC clawing his small inl<'stines. Finall.\· the bugle sounded ''R<><'all''. Cadet Sad Sack, his perspiration as big as a-rnins of rorn rolling down his fa<'(' and glittering like pearls when the ravs of the snn shone upon th~m on his 1('mplcs. He had never been cons<'ious of relief until he actuallv heard tl:e bu~le 's (Contintud on ( 6) ON BEATING CLASSES On the whole, beating classes, which is the fondest favorite of many a college student, is both beneficial and disastrous. Beneficial when you beat a class, for example, to attend a formal convocation in which a prominent citizen or political leader is a guest speaker. In which case, if you- know how, you could leam a lot of things which, technically, one professor could not gi\·e you in the space of one lcctul'C hol!I'. But this is not disparaging the professors. to be sure. On the other hand, beating classes is disastrous the minute you spent your valuable class hours for cl'atting or drinking. Well had it been said before: "LoBd, between 1J1mri1Jt and Bun.set, 60 golden tJtinute~. TIO reward i,; offered. -FOR THEY ARE GONE FOREVER!"" But of cours(', each ind~i­ dual student has an opinio1'\ of hL'I or her own. F'o1• us, we heliew that in the latter ratt.>gory. We shall C'luridak Time i.s for evr1·ything-. There il'I time fo1· rcrrcation a-, mneh as then• i'I timC' for study. \\'h-'n one is in the midst of his studil'S, he studies, he should h(• tlwre-and there is no !'('flson ~t gcttin~ out o~ it. Otherwise, he has no husiness in <'lasses. Again, one who has devoted himself most .in his studies is the same and one who will sueee-ed, far better ti'an the student who take.'! time so ea.<:y. More often than not, a student who doesn't take hi;; r-tudies seriously finds himself alwa.vs cramming- before examination daYs and as is the immutable law of com· mon SCIL'>C. fails most of his subjects. On the othel' hand. one who devotes his time to his studies finds th(' ('Xflminalions none too i:ln<l for him. Thcr« is the rulini:i: adage that " All work and no play makc'i .Ja('k a dull hoy." Right. But if this is taken too lightly an·d not in its proper intentions and pcrspe('tive,.,will it be far-frtched t'o assume that the result is ohvious ? Thus, w~ see in the theory and the thesis of tHs subject !hf> only valied eon<'lusion: It docs not pay to beat our classes. Whateve1· the reasons are for the practicability of beating classes every now ( C~tinued on r>age 6) ENTRIES b-y t. e. s. Folks, folks whther you~ Better polish up your ·'Gu· want to or not we have been ten Tag". doing some sleuthing around One unknowing elassamte the campus. Ooing out .to mi.stook my pater fo1• an el· meet people, one finds out, der brother. What to say? is rather a pleasant job. Can do. People are SllCh interesting 'l'here once was a time copY. when Ador Dizon "PerishOF PEOPU: Swains hea\·e a sigh as a pretty maid passes by. There are 'hurried whispers around. The poor fellows would like to meet the lass. Luz Asen· si, in case you do not know, is that cute bundle of sweetness and intelligence. We do not see much of a certain ''Blue and Wl:ite'' boy at present. But we have it from someone that this Col'mer classmate in Accounting A is entitled to ~ "dcspe<lida de soltero". H intelligence reports are iu· areurate, please contact 0-2 lft•adquarters. Edith Palma is so thin 1 lwse days, she remincb us of a lady pining within the wall1; of a tower. Why t11e wanness, Edith Y Ah('mm. mrnmm ... Solcda<l T. Oea m po who Jwlongs 1o tlw intelligentsia <'LIS'I of t l:e ('olll•ge i" seldom Sl'<'ll without a nt'wspaprr. .\ cross·word puz:d(' addiet, she nC\"('/' misses an issue. Puzzlts se1'\·c as int(')l('('tual 1li;;traetion fo1· tireJ minds. Jn Virginia d(' .Tesus we find 1lw hest ('Xponent of f:r('ek al't - the npswcpt huir·-do. Eduvigis P. Santos, a \•cry quiet and cons('ientious gfd, holds u joh at n downtown brokerage firm. 'I'he job, mind ,\'On, is one that i!i not to hr sroffrd at. A sweet girt in whom one's heart warms up is Rosir Maldonado. She resembles a1• ('ljllall,\· S\\'CH girl WC know. ed" nightr in and night out at brother Romy's •'Tale of San Pablo''. Romy waxes poetic o'er the coco grove beside a picturetiq_ue lake. Who wouldn't, especially when the moon gracefully makCH its appearance behind the Mt. Banal1ao. A touching seen(' that would melt one "s heart, hul- ·/ We'd like to hear him sing "Malinao, 'My Own'' in au off-key tune. OF PROFESSORS For Prof. !Modesto T. Flo. res, Moderator of the school ,paper, we have penned the sobriquet Modest. Flowers. 'Vl~at flower can answer to that quality except the vio~ let? The name, however, Ls wn· inconsistent with his pro.fession. Who ever heard of an agg1'Cssive violet? It is an expression that is in total violation of the lang-uagc of flowci;s. Because of his difficnltY with his glasses, Prof. Trinidt1d 'l'orr('s gives the air of a vrr,\· prCOC('Upied sage of old. (El es muy cu Ito.) His cnrh- hair adds to tl~ceffeet. He,. being Utopian in tcndcnC'Y, we aro in accord witb liis beliefs. We, too, would lik" to liYC in a world devoid of st rife and greed. After m('cting stimulating people like him, one goes away with a new lease on Ii Cc. The names of both l\fodcrators rh~·mc, or hn,·en 't you noti('cd? Prof. ]~mili:i Warren's knack f o 1· remembering names is invaluable. People are flattered when their niun('s are i·cmcmbercd. But Yer,\· ('ngrossed in a game . WO(' to the student who of tic·tae-toe during a lull in knows not his lesson. 'Vith clas<s wcr(' Paz l\fufios lmd UIJ('rrinp: snrcness l:e is eall.\licia Lenriza. Tn Awlina Castro, om· <;('fll'('h for the id<'al girl of to·day is <'l1lminated Her glowing heal! h a!'> evidenced hr l~Cl' petal-smooth complexion and her winsome smile help mak<' her a Radiant J)('rsonalit~·- M~, ! i<:n 'I she "harming. Rnoug-h to nrnkc any bathing- hraufr contestant blush ar(· ROTC CadC't Officer Bn)!ene Unson 's neat gnms. Why ? Hr took or takes his Yitnnlins regularly. Any! ime, an~· pla('C, an.v OC('asion, we are sure to rc<'('i\·e a greeting from .Jose ''Pi toy·' Fernando or c1se .. · wl on to recite. Learning a langnage otl1er than one's own goes a long way in fos· tcrin¥ good-will among nations. The simihu•ity is So striking one can't hrlp hearing the students ('Xclaim that oul' national hero, .Jose Rizal, is <'Om(' to life on<'e more in th(' ,person of law prof~­ sor ,Juan Balonkita. It is 1101 cv<'l'nlav one meets one's double. · PAS/I/ON SCOOP Bed rnom sli ppcrs has overstepped its bounds. :It has in\"adcd t.he classroom scene. "rr ('Oulcl hardlv be(Continued on P<IV6 s): 7 P""°e 6 JOSE RIZAL COLLEGE JOCR:\AL November. 1946 • JOSE RIZAL COI,LECTE JOUR:'>IAL STAFF \'iccnl<' V. Garcia Generoso S. Ondoy Associate Editor Section Editors: 1\(W''-J\lai-iano Ronas; Litcraly-Soledad Ocampo; SportsRamon Avedillo; Society-TeodOra S. Santiago; ROTC-Ale· jandro dt::la Rosa; Hi9h School-Monserrat Carreon, Glora Cruz, Celestino Cabrera, Alejandra Hernandez. .llodcrafors-Prof:s. :M. F lore's & T. Torrl's EDITORIAL \YE A:\'D THE JOUR.\"AL TTH first i.~.rnc fl{ the./. R. C' .. Jou1·11nl camr flul lll•o 1ud;.~ a:1oi a11ri the 011J111siasm 1t'ifh lt'hid1 it u·a.~ r('ctircd 1111 tlir 1<luv.'. lit bod•1 a~ a wlwlc s1irw1s.~cd ortl' m()st ()p/i. I Cadet Sad Sack I Democracy Jn ... (Continued fro-m page 5) (Continued /r<YTn. page 8) notes whieh to him came I A fow American capital- Philippines-both politically from heaven brought down its, business tycoons, see in and economically. But up to to ea1·th hy his ~uurdian an- the Philippines a rich field now he has been a disa,pg('I. . ripe for exploitation. f:('n. pointmcnt to his people. 'l'h(' Callcl Licut('nant Burt and his cohort~ have May he wake up in time, shou!C'J ··DISl\l lSSED". lwgun tl:cit• "infilthy-ra- may he arise, not loo late, B''('1·yhodv in lhe rnnks 1 ion" ).lore like Hm. busi- to SU\'C us fl'Om destruction. faec(i aho.ut and, as if mag-- ncss \'uliurc-s in their own May he not mortgage our functizcd hv a eertain i'oJ'Ct'., will follow. One ca1:P ture and the future of our stal'fcd r{uminp; towards the 110t hut slrndder when he children and our children's' 'vaiting hus('s. But Cudrt thinks o[ the outC'ome for chil<ll'en to our vultme-like Sad Sack, his mind still tit'ar ohl Philippint'l:' if they Amci·ican visitors. May he t'ensting- on Aladin 's mag:ie should l'(!lllain unrhecked. no! lcm·c them a partrimomcss tablt' and his i'C'ct so But what has the gov<.'MI- tny of obligations from which wean· ;md tired (1ould no men! done about it? Nuthing they ('01\ld not rise. l\1ay he Jong-~r run. II"(' drn~g:ed l1is l111t ahct it. so far mak(' our government 01;ecshurnin~ f('t'\ to"'ard<: fr" Tt may he argued tl:at the tablshed for the benefit of n1•a1·('st hus. :-;d·up will only be l<•mpora. om· people and not for a few misfic 1111!i< ipafions. \\'c rnitld 1wf IHll> fuliny mol•cd 111 ifh (':.ukt SaJ Satk went to prirlr to ·'H ihr sfttd< ufs flo1.killg in, eagtrly yclli11g for !school the ncx1 Jlly, boustin!( Owir rnpics. But tlic c11tfwsia811t u•a.~ not limited to .~CCIII'· he woukl try again puttin~ i11r1 " f()J>:1. ht thr cla.~.ffoollis Pmffsso1·s. so they them- onr over his officer. "I tell -~dl'r.~ fm11plnin, fwd a l'cal hnl'd time culli1lg tlie stwloit.~ you", he said to someone," r.v. Bnt we must hear in sclrish indi\•iduals wl::.o think min(l tli:il om· resom·rrs i1r(' ?Joi incxhallstiblr. Tt will no' take Ion~ to drain us of it and ufterwnrlls what-tlw ltJ aftrnfi1m. Reading Ifie Jo1mwl .~rimed the order of lhc !~a~~~\/ :~,\11 b~wcat~~ll~t 1\~~~ d(']~fi~7 man nt the helm of d11y; 1W 1'fritati01t or l1du1·c WIH 111()/'C i11tCl'e.~ti11g Uwn the whC'n T'm no lcm~C'I' hl'f'ath· our ship o( stale is a great pupa. S/otdrnts ll'rnf ,,o /al' as lo l'i.~k rqm'mcrnds jiist lo ing-its just a mal1er o( .~~1~~·1J ' i!u~t~~!1h ~~~ s:~m~~: of uo1 hing but their own in· divid1rnl interests. May our people ever be free to enjoy thC' blessings of life, liberty aud pursuit of happines. For I hen and only then can dcmor1·aC'y, which we are sup11oscd to !~ave, thrive ill the Philippines. difTUi! th': 1'1mfe11t.~ nf tliat four-page chroi1!cfr. }'c.~. fcl- wits, you know" fig-ht for fl'('edom foi· the low .\f11drnts, u·e tl111111.: you for Your ob1•iou.~. tho11gh .~ilcnt ··o wah 1" 1lw sound ___ _:_ _______ -...:S:..:·::.J:..:.O:.:. appr1,rol: 11·c only wi.~h in .•ay, "keep it up. '1 <'meked 'as if it had pierced E i " Tlic i,1fcrest wa.~ 1rndonldedly (/l'flll-fao 9rraf for the S~d Sn('k's ribs. "C'ome her~ (Continu;~' f~;;s page S) limited r11,if111ts of a fmir-pat/f' popu. \\'ifh U1P rnt/111.~iasm wise gn:v and µ:cl a load of . sho!('n, 11·r fefl bound to incr~Mf the iu.tmbp1· of pa(IC'll in thr vonr inS<'parnble ."luck"; lieH' our cyef> when we saw I during practice s,porting a f11t·11rr. JJ11f 1111fort11u!lfcly tl'I' rflnnof do tlti.~ wit1;ouf your ~·sl a f~rntte~·J· 0!. wits .1~~lh? onC' the day, ~.nn hag fushioned QUt of a help. YM1 11al'e ,1;/w1r11 grrnt i11trrcst readiuq the Joul'lwl•ti~\~ .. \.:1:\·(' :ot ::~1~~~~d~(''~j I(/).\/' 1'JJE FIELD J1l'seu·de~ h basketbal~ com· . . . . · ..., · · '· ·' A1'l/Lli')1'1CS p el<' wit talon fastener do not (Jf cvrnlt 11t with tl!at. 8how '.'s some rntcrnl m 1111- The1·1·1 :-; alwa,\'s an ('JHl lo .-\ populai· :md fa\'oritl' 'l'h:it ·s ingenuity for vou. · prot'i11g the p(l,per. A.fie~ a1l this is 11011r J}«/l<'I'. JI 11•ill bii ('.n·1·:·thing: m,, ho::. :'·en to g<llll(' <if the pr,•sent day is lf/{;ff NOTES ~ a.~ good a' you ca11 m.111.·e 11. We 11tt1sf malir ()JO' .fmunnl one ~n~~:~l ;;~;1~·1!1;,~ ;~~~,' m~1: h:iskc1h:dL lt is so, per- lt is a sad thing the stull'f .~hall Uc able fo bo<Hf a11d bf proud of. ahlC' wits O\.('l' :iunin and haps, hf'C'1l\\se of its t•o1mt- d'·lll!i dQ not r~.~ tin: }low 1111011t it Pfdr" 11r .fturn m· Jlari11 ('lorn ol' 11'/4.,r1·u von '11 find ,\·onr "RSC" di~:;s t~;::~~l\\~\~:~sl~~·o fa~~~· ~~:~ ~~:.~4~~ed:~.~~~·l\"s o ,.',· Yl)l1 n11 wl.o i.~ readi11y I.I.isl \rill !JUU iwf .~nul in your nm· ~lll~.:~'~ns\1;t('k('~lu~pot~1·~~:~:~;;~~ "aha.n~tos·· ~o Sil'. When is, he has his hands ~uite trib11fiu1t f11r the nut iss11esf "t..,ct•s (Id ou the IJ111f" fillnw.~ at ti\(' ('lose of thC' J'<'al'. ~JJ('·<'r sex .is s~cn cheer- full witC two naughty girls and mal;c mtl' s(·1wol pro11d of 11.~. You s1H"dy lral'f- some 111g from thC' side-lines, well, in his clas<i in Social fofe. idea 01· prriblon whfrh 1tow-a-days i111111datc the world. You f'ad('t Rad Sark wa<: ne· tlw ho.vs aJ'l' inspired as nc· How appreciuti\•e they are may wish to ha1·e some reforms to made or somP Cl'ificism~ Yer so <dlisillusion('<,l,., ·,''i',.",]ll h11i~ ''1•1· l)('t'or('. of your sense ol humor can fo git•e. LPt us hai•e them and by it let us make ou1· College lif<.' an l'('a]I~· "" ~- 1t has .ll('l'll rnmor('(l hut only be gauged by their conorgan a rrnl part of ourscll'cs. . had ne,·er been horn 10 liw not C'onfmncd that .J.R.C. rnlsi\•e laughter. Uirls, girls 7'o thine who hal'c brc1t rrc11ero11sl!/ helpi11rr us $0 far ti•c in this infernal wo!'ld when, hoopstel'S may play ag-ainst dou 't ever let him cateh you :.1 :.1 pceking at the hulletin nnoth<'I' school somctim(' soon sketthing. The sket(•h might lt'is11 to say "thank you t·rry much"; to the rc.~t we say hoard. hi' saw again in hi~ 11t th(' Rizal Stadium. Take makt• the Art Gallci·y. If so, "let u.~ 1111i·c your h·i11d viopcration and help 11s ma};c the ranital letters his nnmc with out th collet?e y<'lls and furn<' and recognition is J. Jl. C .. f1n.o'1ial nof gond or better, hut Jwst. Olli' prriii- fl(hlitional 1l('merits plus n ··l11•i>rs nnd polish th('m to I thinf'. ces.~ors did a good Jom of it hut w1fort1rnately the war has ~~l'~'h ~~l~:~~~~I~nt~ommcnt 1~e1~:~i~~~l~rl;i 's 11 date then, I <>f?ila 11o;eue\uiRkau~~o, p~~~~,'.',d,8ear rrushed thrir' progrhs. We hare been chosc11 to revive flwf '' " flickeriitg tnrch a11d we mustnot-io caJ1?11}f fail. Chitonit ''Alikabok'' Ga- wows his studf'nts with his On Beaiinq Classes ,.i<.'rcs plays the role of Su- tl'rwhing te<·hniquc. Proof: (Continued fr<rm page 5) pel'man in the cou 1 ·t, not Tlw students speak with proFir~l Issue . . . and then 1 wish to reitel'ate that Ji(' wi111ts to but l1ecansc · fici('ncy the language of Ba. . (Continue~ fro~ page l) . the im li'cations of the afol'C'· IH' can not do othcr•wise. Ifo lagtas. fadmn as J'. sermed. A shp being t11e case we oh~1ge t~e lll('Jltio~<'d notes tlrnslv: ('QVCJ"S up distance in lrss 'l'he beauteous Filipina of the. tongue r~achcd our st~1<1ent body to f'tcnd m their "Los\ q ' · 1imc than it lakes a mortal ,\•ith the patience of Job is Pars m . Yt>rhat1m, "Tr..e w~sh~s or what real!! throbs between iumri:te to see. 1\fiss Gaerlan . . Journal JS not worth the w1tbn them, care of the] d One can ucwr b<.' sure o[ Bv the way folks, do You ~o we ~a,·e etc.". We dare Editorial Staff. We shall np- ;~ st;;.set, . t j prople. .Jose Cabusao sur- not feel the ('hilly Winds say the fellow w3:8 right or prrcia.te any crit icism!'\ he· 110 ~:111;:d1nrnu es. 1~1·i~<'~ ns with his SPl:olast ic from the North whiC'~ means ~~~:e 0~!~ t~: ;:;:~ i~u:1!£ ~~~~~ct~>~m1~\~;.e ~~ ~~~~~n':i i~ offered, :;,~:1~1f.~t Ttho~~~t'~1rn1~~1a~~ !~~~md ~~;i~~~,~~r? ~m~-~~ fhP paper for only time will to your advantage and plea- -F'OR THEY ARE GONE, ,,1· . ., <'an hP intellectuals too. mm Christmas! Be with you proYe its worth .... " Thns i::nre.... FOREVER!" "f111inntan" can he seen ""flin in the C'hristmal'i issue. UNDERWOOD * Ser,rctarial Conrse * Clerical Course * Typewriting *Spanish I Be9i1111er's Classes\ Now Goitig Ott CLIP INSTITUTE ~ FJSTABLISHED 1923 Authorizetf hy the Govr.rnmrnt MORNING. AFTERNOON AND EVENING SESSIONS This ad. Send Y with. yo-11.r nQ.11W a.nd addrells ~: UNDERWOOD BUSINESS INSTITUTE R. Hidalgo, Quiapo, Manila * Busin('SS Correspondence * Stcnorraphy (English) * Bookkeepit1g & Accounting * Dressmaking & Embroidery