Jose Rizal College Journal


Part of Jose Rizal College Journal

Jose Rizal College Journal
Official organ of the JRC Student body
Issue Date
Volume I (Issue No. 4) December 1946
Jose Rizal College
College student newspapers and periodicals
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Place of publication
extracted text
=-c:~:~i:ss J!JSE ~ff rtff~LLEG[ OF'l"JCL\L OHIL\:'.'\ OF THE .JJ{(' ~'ITDE:\'l' IJ.OIYY PICK t.;P .\LL \\',\STES DO:\'T THRO\\' DOWN VOL. 1-:"0. 4 ALUMNI PERSONALITIES /Jy "C. 0. 11." Alumnm" Eduu1·dQ ion of a hank employ<>cs asang'-'O of lhe wealthy Coju- soeiation. In three preliminaangeos ol Tarlac is reported ry mC'ctings held thus far, the to he \.Pl)." husy 11:.CsC davs foilowini;r ll'lffiCS Which .'Ire with his lumber outfit-th" I quit(> familiar to Riz:ilians Intemutional Veneer nnrl we're m('ntionf'cl: C:onznlo H.iH::fl·dwood Compnn;.·. whil'h :i\p. actin!! lllan::i~cr ot' the he acquired from 11.C. Hr.aid F'nrf"ien Dena1-tmC'nt of tl~c of Ba~uio sometime late last ' Philippine Trust Company. year for a reported sum of I Professor Donato A1·cllano hair-a million pesos. NohlC'. ('hie[ cxHmincr of the J.R.C. bo;.·s arc reported I B:u1k of th<' Philippine IsYcry active in the organiza- (t:o11titi11ed 011 pa!JC 8) AlumniC~~voc:ation iHS Tdke Exdms 1 seniors.HoldDeba.te I -- 'l'IH• 11.S. ~ClllC'slral Ex- >' ··'.l'l11' trials of om· ?\1..>xt on th<' pro, gT;nn of aminations, "·hi<'h lwraklc.d ·1 J olitu•al ( ollahoratu1-:-;.shoul,~ tl~e .Jos" Hirn\ Colh•,!r<' Alum- t\:(' end of !he fi1·.:;t l}(lrfi('s- oi· .-ihould llot he <'Ontmued ni Association will h<' 1ht• tN· of the ~C'hool-nitfr 19-16- as the issrn.•. the Senior 'B' convocation to he held in l!).l.7, were giwn' last ::-:o\·-1 ~tudcnls. held _a debate ~Ul'­ whi<·h Prc~ddin~ .Jud~<' .Jo<;c ember 20, 21 ·i.nd '?2. 1~1:{ t!H'1 ~. Ilistor.v l~r10d. i\Iaria Parede8 o[ the Coul'l )fort• tl1;m ;a WC'<'k l:>t'fol't' 1 .1·oi·('~iJ 1 rn.:odii and Florl'nof Tndustrial Hr·lations will 11w ('Xamini/ion. the offiee ''.'IO . '1..·111.0~·~ srokr :or the h<' the spC'akN'. 1.'hr datr :rnd anno11n<.·ed f)1r schedule of a.~f11·11~:1tr~·e side wlulc P~­ pll!t<' shall he announ('l.'d Jn- thP IT'sts. wlfi(·h <>'ave the sin- tli I .idrl!n and Artcnuo tc1-. Tt is the inlt•ntion of !hi.' dents C'nou'!ih ti.;;c to review. J\sia Jd<'ndC'd 1h<' 'negative'. Dirctto1s to hohl it in llw D t\l' in)? the> cxamiua1ion. F.w·h sprakt'r A/'l\'C points Commci·cc Hall so as to JlC'l'- <.;;frir~;:1ws.<; \\-as oh>1r1"<·cd hy · st1·('-;...;ing !h(' importance of mit,)hc stucknt body to hr- tlw tcarhC'1's ~idn)? th rx:nn- l~i.s sidC'. After the debate, IH"fit hy .Jud~" ParcdC's' talk. inatio11s. (Co11tin11cd .m pa9e 5) I L I T E RA To A Lost One I 'l'hCie~~f=~~o sweeter Ry MONJCO PERFECTO WOJ'd, WC [eel lllOr<' Sil fc and 'J'hl· ,c,11"" hn\e <Olll(' ,\n(l I cut \Olll mo1t,1\ hll' to' ll\01(' em;il~ uttC'1ed 111 nn,passcd 11110 l'll'tlllh 'l'hr shtNls I ust(l to \11md1't \1 ll\ Oil(' s tongnc th.m ment10~1 years sh,111 com• :111cl ('Omc ti .11 (,od should h.i\t ihe Ill'! the \\Old mother \\'h,1t ngsim, hut ihe' sh.ill .1lw.11s 11'.!;ht to tl',11 'on 110111 the .1 s11eet-sound111g 1101d II ii; fleet hv me ,rn<l thr1 sl all 101011-; 1001-i ol ltfe th,11 \OU Js 10 nw 11 onh T cnn be Jeni<• unhapp) ('(hoes thnt hie[ t1u1 1l to sm], so <h'<'P ,mcl .1 poC'l 01 n 1e11tnhll 1111te1 whisper all tlw thm:,.!;s that ho11 ii<' could h.111 chosr•n I 111 put rnto 11ol(]s 11h,1t s might have been hut no11 1ou to listen to llH s1mpho· 111th111 tl11s 1101d mothu shall IH'H'l' p:alll tlw :mh- n.\- of JC'alh :md lm·knt'S'-' :-in<l Oh, yt·s its 1-alhC't" too rnf's.tam•c of rC':l.lit~·. since you It ohlh·ion that slwll 11('\"C'l' I !odious to ull<'r .always the haw ~one awny. And lik0 <'ntl. Why, 0 (iod! ( I :lskcd) word mother. ) [y molh<"r, tllC' J('H\'l'S that fall and wit- did You not takC' me in hcl' SOt'!<'body's. mothel', C\·e1·yl•er till 1he\· cmmlM into stead. so that sh>, not J,' hody's mothc1· <loes'nt rnea?l vou shall nc\'er come wonld IHI\'(• to hatlw, with any dit'fe1·cnC'C'. Yet it's a back ~gain. J\ nd only wind hiller !cars 1h11t know no l'C'S- rcgn'l to nanght llrnt most an<l musie faint nnd sad- pi\('. the thorn:-' i·osrs on a or us don't r(•alim what om· voircd mcmory shall e\'t'l' gl'aw! 0 Loni foq:d\'e me mothcr·s sacrifiecs arc. Wonsini? of nil the hcauh· nnrl and lhC' hitterncss 1hat wells de!' if tl:erc C'ould be sueh tlw glory that haw fk<l. in me. T rcalizC' thnt lifr is scnselC'ss individuals w110 The\• sa-v the d<'ad C'OnlC' back t~ life 0rt'!?ain: and I haw gonr into tlw dC'ndfnl silrncC' of. tllC' ni!!hl. nnd sNl!'C'hin!? spC'cd1lC'ssl,\· haw toped thnt somehow. somewhet'C, I might find yon st:mding- 11nd<'r11enth th<· hlnzin~ <'~mopy n( stars, tnn!!il~h., ml<'hani:?:c<l Rut \'Oii ha\'(' lH'\'C'I' risC'n frou1 °th<'_ c·o]dnC'ss of the graw; and yon haw n('\'('l' IC'ft the <'hill ('nc]osnrc that cnwonnd<.; YO\l likC' a nrnmm\·sl•roud ihat keeps you from thC' world of \if(' m1d lo\'I' and hin!!htcr lhat ~·on used lo chC'rish in ~·onr hC'ar1; for you have {?one nnd nc\'('l' s:hall eomC' bac·k again. ThC' mournful spirits plnC'k the strin!?!' or m('mory 's lyre, and in tlw plrnntom-pref?'.nanl darknC'SS Of the night, the wistful dirg-C' of care-free youth rises up to haunt till ihc tcnrs and laughter <'Orne, come and lea\·e me with a griC'f that cr1wifiC's me to the cros.<; of recollection. Ah, those happ~- days. whrn the ma1?ic and f\l(' ~old of youthful low cnrompris.<>cd us within a happy world of our makinf?, when ~·ontl~ to ns was like a hnhbling hrook !bat had no (·lid, when love for n~ was l ikC' a rose that bad no thorn. am.l cla~-s and nights were wown with the magic fobriC' of our d1·cams I use<l to doubt the wisdom :md justice of the Goel that de:ith and DC'ath i'l life for- think bad of their own mo<'\'('t' more! I he1·. I hope. t hC'rc w011 'I be You wcr(' sununoiwd to the one of us now in our postland • hc:\·ond, hC'fOl'C' om· war era to think edl of ou1· youthfnl dl'rams conld be own motllC'r. Of course:, how (·ompmmdcd into 1 wliity. unfortunatC' are those who Yon r1·os.<;cd the Great Di- han> lost tlwi1· own mothel', \°id(• and h·ft mC' g-azin!'.! af- with nobody to lake the IC'l' ~-on, alonr nnd hlplC'SS placa of the vet'Y tender l f · 1 t ti I tourh th<'y used to feet. f;1~,(, ~~01;~~ y;~u !!;:wk n;:)~~;~~ Whni a wonderful womnn with YOU th1• ('""Pll<'l' of (liYi- nw motllC'r is, what a beau· nily ·with Rhieh r (·amC'. n tifnl mother I \·e got, 01• how god. in1o this ('nrlh: yon left lucky I am to haw a kind nw hl'l'<'. n izod with t'el'I that ;incl indu~trious mother. All owrni.<.rh1 ha<I tumNl to (']11 y; lhC'SC' nnd a hudred more ;1 <.rntl who feC'ls a pain tl'.at phrnsc>s bein~ heard and cxaC'lws but will not kill. An elaimrd hv most of us while :whing- lwru•t will neYer heal 1nlking- ahout each of our ~1i1C' only halsam that will nwn motbC'1-S. Well. T ean s:n· ens<' this el'U('] pain is Deatb. h,· mn;('Jf I 'm lnckv lo ha\;C But why is it that Death a· be~utiful, loving mother, mnsl do his reaping far thoug-h l don't mean the irn'ny l ph_,·siC'al senSC' of describing Sleep wC'll, my < kar, in \he eternal twilight that mourns and hidC's you from the light of garish day. Slumber pcaecful. in thC' quiet of ~·om· solitary tomb that holds the limits of nw world within its cooped c>on.[ines, The dnrkness thal C'llJ!ulfs my :-;onl sb1\l die and wither into not hingncss somedn~·. Thi' scar imprinted on my soul shall g-loss and fa<lC', when heavy da,,·s aud dl'C'nmlrss nii:rhts shall hlend into a ~Jon· whirh ncv('1' shall he tainted h\· the shadC's of dnsk. . her. Ifowc\'cr, even just tl:e mc1·c thoughls of making her hnppy, C'\'er.v good little act l 'm doing for her, still - I can "t repay her. 1 r onlr all of us know how to realize the bitter sa,..l'ifieC's she lms done for us from childhood to adolescensc. Of coursC' a child owes nothing at all to l:is parents; bein~ a mother, she knows she hns lots ol rcsponsihilit i('s to fit him for th~ world. .Just think of numerous sncl.'C'SSful men. with 1hcir mother's inexplicahle joy to theil' succes.s. On the This lifr is d('ath, hut <'Ontrary how difficult it is <lcath i.~ life fore\·cr mo1--e!!! to fa1hom a mothr's grieC Preliminary ... (Continued frQm page J) when l·<'r son dies 01· is even siek. I t's not eas\' to watch onC' ·s <'hild from ~ hahc to a man then in a sudden lose birn. There were some moC'rs whoc;e g-riefs never snlr sides hrcnm;C' their son pcl'isllC'd in tllC' ha1tl<'fiel<l. Pt~1·haps, if the\· could hn\·c hern sid<' hy side wit!' their postponed thir cxnms. the Pl'Of('sso1 ·sdismisscd their Mr. Halili, our kind hcnl'I- <'lnss('s C'owlier. cd Registrar wf'nt nround So far. according- to som(' t11C' C'las.<irooms to pl'1·11mad(' l'eporl!-1 from th<' au1horities thC' stud('ll!S to wait for :i COIH'('l't1Nl. thC' preliminary furtlw1· amtolil\('l'ffiC'llt from exams ha\·r hl'cn very suetheir ProfN,ol's nhou\ t!JC' cessfnl us far as the st~1dcnts fak of thci1· l'Xams. 8onlC' of art• dil'<'clly coneerned. (Ca11thmed on page r;...., DC'ecmher. l 946 R y TO MY :-IOTHER- IREXE By ILUMINADA NICANDflO 1-t seem~ 011ly but ye.<:lcrday, When in lhc cradle of yow· brw.<:t: ht t~ars of joy I we11t to pfo,11, Seeking the glory there to 1·c.~t. R-ecalling f/11).~e mmnc11t1> so .~wcrt, 'J'hat life did gii·e tfl !JOU and me. ll'hy sho1ild I nnt Ill a/ad fn muf 1"uu n·(i·y d11y, your ('yes lo .\If! E...:.....t·cr your child happy 11111 /, 'l'hue i.~ no ca11sc fnr me to .~iyh, N or i;lrnll I /;now sorrult' with you 1\'hose trnduness so p111·c and Intl! 11'-cvcr fm- fame, pO!l'er crnd gold 8lto.uld I forsake the lo!'( yo11 told; Por MuTl1o"s love iii my real charm ,lfoki11g my heart cvu .~o warm! E-i•e1· yow· child am I 1o be, lrlwtcver be 1ny dcsli11yj A ll these strivings I viakc. A rc beccwsc of you, 0/1 you! Ml' .l/O'l'IIER D,EAR! BITTER MEMORIES By CARMEN ·FURTER Sill fay l1y my o1<1 man's gra1·c Keeping t•igil ·while Jit sleep~· Tear:-; streaming down 'slo1dy Murmuring 11 praye1· softly. ![ere amid.~{ the dead 1 sat Thoughts of the past engulfed me - -~ H ow he 11s£d to si11g jor his little one S011gs filled wilh 1o1•c which J~c hacl mf wo11. Early ri.w;I' he alil'ays was F.l'en before the .~m had risrn Of to ntass lie dressed qufrkly F'o1lowed by the little maidcu .~'>/fly. lle was a jolly fellow as one can see Always si11yi1ig u·hen alone Never saw him falter, fears in his eyes ilfel"l'ime11t within him always lie.~. Life was always filled with .rnnshi11c If near my father was l Never thingki11g that i11 the morrow Sadness would piel'ce my he"l'I c1s <111 anow. The Moment l First Sighted You The poem that i11to my heal'f flru·, Th e moment I fir.<:t sighted you. Was of a nwgicol moonlight, No mortal hand dared dream to 11•rite. A nd the m11.~ic my scn1l da11ced to, 'l'he mome11t I first sighted you. Was su·eetcr than those Bcetliovcns, Still trn}Jlu!ftd by harp.<: of heoi1ens. No wondfr I 'm bluer tlurn blur, 1're(l.\ttring that first .~iyhl of you. Oh, to !told bad: th(lt (lffrnwo11, W ill furn clurl. moonlr.<:s 11igM to 110011! That 1i!l111C z;oo11 i.~ ,\lift in my hem·/, Same music, my i;r,ul, dli1-r not part; Poem and music 11rm•(d lo bc true. The moment I first sigliffd you! ·. Cadet Sad Sack (Contim1c1• from. page J) tesy, stressi11g l:is topiC' prin. ''at any rate, let us adhere to eipally on the proper wear- the saying. ' ]n MSC of a ing or the uniform antl the <loubt. salute'." "How about eoncct hand salute. "'l'hc kissing- his ·bonds, Sir?" rcSuperintendcn't had is:mcd a torted Sa<l Sack. '" Memo to this effect," he im· '~lanmed fool", answered th" plied, '·and an:vhod.'· amOn!! instrnetor. "thcte is no such you who will be caught wear- thing as kis.<;ing the hands ing the uniform not in com- fo1· saluting in the Army." forrnity with rules and 1·cgu- " [ kuow it, Bir.'· said Sad lations, or who. while wear- Sack. "bnt thr Ottirer I 'm inl!' the uniform forego<':-; 11'.c rci'<'nin:t to is In~' FArequirc<l hand snluk to per- 'T'llER." sons cntiile>d lo it, will lw "Sit down. Sad ~aek," dealt with arcording-ly .. \n,\· 1-oarC'd the instructor. "You <JU('stions!'' Cad('t Sad Sack raisPtl his hand. ; ·Sir,'· he Jwirnn with a hi:th pitch as soon 11s lw was ,(!iwn the floor, "is it apµro11riatc to i:;alutc an Ofiie>cr comin!?'.' to youl' house?" "Of eonrsc, ., said illf' in· sll·uctor in 1111 sC'riom;nrss, News Roundup { Contin1ud fr<Ym p<1ge 1) Nactions towards th reunion. So far, according to the> Pr('sident, most of the members arc in fayor of fhe scheme. .Another meeting maybe called by Prof. Santial!,'o, the adviser to discuss fully the plans fot• t11e nffnir somctim<' hefore thr final rx, .. ;II'(' a wisP gll,\' and fol' your Pxcellent wisdom I hcrebv nwnrd YOH thr<'r d('nlf'rils for <listi~rhing tht' class, one dcm('rit for !raving 1l:osc swampy shirt-poC'kets of ~·our ,·011r nnhottoned and J 'n oN'T WANT TO SEFJ 1'1JOSF. unr,y RTBS OF YOURS AGAIN." l Cadet Sad Sack sat down in ulp10st confusion for his uneannv wits and mnttcrcd to him.'self, "I should have kr>pt m~· trap shut in the fir::;t plaC'r. But. tliai 's alright. I ha,·e dYiv('n my point l10me anyway." T he next dnr Cadet Sud Sack's name topped them all ngnin. of rourse, in the order of demerits. JOSE RIZAL .JOURNAL Pug(' 7 Mother Bull's Eye . (Continued from page i') (Continued from page 6) sons in battle, they could nior Bo~·s h:n·e everything. elarc~d wur is still goin:! on have wished both of them But not in P-Il-Y-S-I-C-S. with i\lr. Tuazon and his would die or sacrifice hc1- For Seniors' sake, give me Economics ~tudcnts, cspccialsell'. for the lil'c of his be- air. There, there, wba'.t a re- ly Senior 'B', since the beJo,·ed son, At times her ex- lief. Well, Cabrera ithould ginning of the school-year. tremc Ion~ to her children have out-pointed I,eo de! Ro- The 'Qucmi Compan~-' have makes them think and do sario during their first game. clrnnge<l tlwir tactics from otherwise. She simpl~· doesn't His choice for the Seniors' coming late to atlendin)!' the want b:r ehildren to give spo!lSOl'S was denied tl·e ho- 'roll call' and then vanishing hc1· a chance just because nor and this caused him from the class. But "tlfr. TuatlH'.'y might m('et ;wci<lcnts, c-r-r. What? Uninspii·cd. zon is VCI'\' sensitin>. As 11 liumiliations, IH•111·tachcs or Y<':-:, that ·sit, unispired. countcr-ntiack he shifted something-somehow, she's "Muy bieu, gracias. ,. B- from his '·Is the ('ollege slm'<• keen and quick for adjust- e-eh hayc we met before?- thol'ou:rl!l.'· deancd?''to''l'll men ts when her thild doesn't Carm~n Fuster?! ?-Oh, ye<;. sec to it that ,\'('11 'ri~ su~}lend­ fccl well oi· is in a foul l'm so1Ty, I am so for{!etful. cd" stratc~.r. ·1 g-uess thf're mood. Yes, :-.·on 're the. g-il'l who wai:; ,,.iJJ be a deeisivc hatll<'. 'Veil. 11·hat can we do for rending an. ''Engli<ih an<l Who Imo\•:<;. Only thr 'Comout· mother's J:appinc:;..<;,.. I American "'riters" and ~t mander-in-chirf': Mr. Jfalili, snppose we ought to show to the same time looking- at thr. knows. 11Cr that thi;-: saC'rifircs sh<' game Llurin[\' th(' Intmmural. Xow, h<'l'C <'Oln<'S our 'Chishad for us were not just -Please-! Put that "ba- moso·. What's th(' news-~ mer<' in niin hut something kia" down. I don't mC'an to IIm-m-m. 'rl1c name of th~ wol'lhwhilr for her to be offend you.-I don't mean Seniors' organization will b(' proud of, to he as her dream that on<' of your eye~ wac;: fa- elinngcd to "Balas-l'has"·rome lnl('. as a !!.uecessful eusecl.. at tl:c book nnd 1he How eomc?--Wh'ln l 'l'h.e Semen aJHl women. IIo,pe other at the gamP. Of couMe, n ion;' affair had been po:;;tt here ·ll he none of us to not! Anywa:v, there ·s no- pone<l due to !Jek of eontrithink of !:er as a burden-a thing wl'ong with it-there's lmtion from its ~inhe1'S.-l thing we want to get rid of nothing wrong with commit- seC'.-Don't yon w1wry it will when she'll bC'. too old, but a ting to mcmor~' some pass- he "sa a tin dalowa laman{?" rhC'rish. to whom we owe ages with the tune of lhc -You, yourself ha,·en 't wlmt we arc now. Dear croakin!! of the C'D-;--C·CJl, I gi\'Cn :-.·our contribution~­ Friends isn't she- "The I mean, yells around ~·on, "~h.v, yon. :-.·ou-. hnnd t1lfli roc1.·.~ the cradle. rit'her. Tsk-tsk-tsk! What a le~! rocks the world?" My, my. \fhat a world to Daddy's long leg? No! It's JoseJ1"na Q,uija1io Ji,·c in. Whcrd is Peace? T~e Tarcila 's. I 'll bet with anyJV·A war was ow•r and an undl'- (Continued on page 8) ESTABLISHED 1898 DY BUNCIO & COMP/\NY; INC. MANILA, P. I. Importers, Exporters & Manufacturers' Representatives Manufacturers Of Vegetable Lard, Edible Oil Etc. · HE.\I> on·1cE : 609 LA VEZA RES :MANif_,A TE!,EPHONE 4-92m BRANCHES I!' SAN FRANCISCO CALIF., U. S. A. & T'.'\ PRINCIPAf_, PIIIT .. IPPTN'E • CITIES And Paper Products SHIPPING AGENTS GENE~AL CABLE ADDRESS: "DYBUNCIO" CODES: BENTLEY'S WESTERK UNIOK 5-J,ETTERS A. B. C. 5TH EDITION ACME JOS1' RIZA\, .JQl'H:\AL Dl'ccmhcr, J 946 ,.-.------------------.,.. Alumni . . . · Correction lo . . . ! A.lumni Personalities ... (Continued from va9c 1) I (Continued from pflgf 1) (Continued tN>m page 1) .JOSE RIZAL COLLEUE .JOt:RNA\, VICENTE V. GARCIA GENEROSO S. ONDOY t:dito1· in Chief ,.b.~ocia~e Editor RECAREDO CALVO 811siness Manager Newi;-1\fariano Ronas, Collegiate; Teodoro Rafols, H. S. Jose Quintos, Rodolfo Guam:on, H.S. Litff•tl'!f-Soledad Ocampo, Collegiate; Gloria Cruz, H.S. Society-Teodora S. Santiago, Collegiate; Monserrat Carreon, H. S.; Alejandra Hernandez, II. S.; Luz Asensi, Collegiate SJIQrts-Hamon Avedillo, Collegiate; Celerino Cabrera,Jl.S. ROTC-Alejandro de la Rosa . lld ,.,,._~i.~tant-M. Delingon, E. Unson, Cuna. ,1 1/1•i.,<r.~: Mr. M. Flores & Mr. T. Tones F:/JITORIAL Gl\'E THEM.\ FAiB DEAL 7"11t wur ha.~ 111f11 ot•er fflr more than a year iww, yrl i11 all /h, 1·.i1·11r1-.~ of Ilic world there still uists mircst rrnd /)fomlsl11d. \re do not hf'fi•c tr) qo 11ay {al". llac iii lhi.~ ·1fa·1rnlfy /" a('(ftll land of ot11·.~ !hue has nn·u been 11101·c 1rnn.~/ rrnrl l."illiny, <luring a pcrio<l of infcn111ticnwl pcnrr, Omn 11f)/I". \rhy. do we a.\li our.~rft·es i.~ 011r sitwrtiun so pre("(l;·i~' • .? in the Cit~· Hall, 1hc diffr1·- siw ;ic>1idlil'S '\LU'h as stl"ikri; laud-;, L'lessrtS. Jllal'iano Rccnt army iHlS('S in the Js- fol' tlu•il' .'wlt'ish muliw•s tlie yC's ;md Gregorio )lain of the lands whe1·c Rurplus pi·oper- members have Ol'Jlanized this Philippine Bank of Commuties are located will he pro- assoc·iation ful' a better mu- nirations, Prof. X. Orosa of vidcd with similar 01·~aniza- tual u11J.c1·standi112 hdWl'<'ll the HonQ;kon:r Shanghai lions. An agrccmcut sil-(ucd I the <·mployrrs thl'JnsC'lves. Bank, l\fr. Sah·:uJor o[ the by the 1-ep!'escntativc;;: of the 'l'he w-;soC'iation was ori:rnniz-1 Neth·l'landsC'h [ndh;che Hantwo countries fast September cd hcenusc of tb' dC'sii·t· nr d<'il'hank. :\Iessrs. Babst, Un11 afft'l'll'd app1·oximatt'ly bank C'mployccs to have a ·son. Badnria ::m<l 'fcnorio of P300,00{),000 wo1·th of l'. S. means 11·1\crl'in to l'XJm'sS I thf' .\'ational City Bank and .. \i-rny and '.'\a\'y surplus mn- 1 th('ir Yif•11·-; and idNh 11mon!!. o1hC'1-;_ Ewn P1·0£t'ssor Tolt'rials in the Philippines. lht'm~wl\'t's. 'l'lwil' idt·a is mas oi' th• Philippine Ilank So for, the PhilippinC' go1·-, tlint should lhl·t·1• Jl{' anything I (Jf i'onuncl'ec is said to be emmcnt has l'l'('ei1·t'<l surplus in h:wk" 01· hankiH!.!: pra<'li<'c · sn111°nth('1i(' to thf' ;.C'ansc" . from th ('11\irl' annv base I !11;1! !lwv thiuk 1"011ld stand I Tlu· same is said about alumin /;(>bu; two dcpnts. in La SfJl)I{' n·i·orm for 1he hctter- l'l!S L. \'{']ilia or thl, PC'oplr~ l'nion and ahout ?17,000.000 111<'nl ol" all l'O!lf'l'l'll<'d. they Bank & Trust Company. It wol'lh of l'ailroad l"9llinp- would lliwlLSt-> i1 fil'st :imong ;q11wars that onl~· the two s1ot'k. me<lil':ll C'quipnwnl and 1l·pm•wln•<.; ihrnul!h tlw as- !!Owrnment Banks (P .N. B. supplies, nhieles and pnhlii' !irwi111in11 nnd lhC'n thC'Y aml \.J.B.) ha\'e not yet works C'quip1~u>n\. Otht'r \"a- would makt' thr proper ar)- indic·aterl theit• stand. Here lnahlc malC'rials are 110\\" pr011tl1 to the lnrnk cxecn- is h1 1pini:r the Association ready at itau<l for \H'O<'lll"('- liw's. Tlw nproaPh wou\11 not SlH'<'Ms and good luck. ment as was rl'ieascd h.v tht' he in ;IJ\\" wa.1' hcllig-f'H'Ut I . 01· the five post-war addil<'l i<' among whiC'h arf' somr hut would he in 1111· ~pi1·i1 of 1 1 ions to tht' .J. R: ('. faculty, ?re~~~,1'.;: !a:;:~~~~-ga<'1~;11;~:·;:: ~,r~1~~1 i;:::!~,,~,r. i~·11;~i\::'.~~ :~~~;{'1~~= ;~~~i~:i~ ( ~~~~1';,~~i,;~'tc~~~~ of the t, S. hrr<'. 11a11c·t' ;11·0 selw1lull•rl II) l!i\"t' limnrnit (Jnsuranr'r) Babst the mtmlwrs \'ahmhh' point- ( .\c•('ntm1in~) anrl Antipordn Lf'I 1•.-: gf) baf!.- a few yew·.~ fJe/f)rr Ilic war. 7'hc lfll)or- (Con'iinned f'rQm poye .o lkt.a was once a member of ri·s iii liiy lrricioHfos II'(/"(' ~·cpt in (lbjcd porrrty. 'J?iry han• done thcil" bit. Tl·<'~' f.adels Go On . . . lll<' t"acultv and th<'ri>forc not Entries · . · <'l's in 11wir rf'spri•.tiw Jin<''>. I (Booklm.'pin~). P1·or. F'ormiI ll d · d l 1 t fioC'ked to :\landaloyon and ~.:..·ontinm:tf from 1mr1e 1) 'l lll'W(·omif to tlie rolle!!P. lie hare always been 1.cpf by tfir {1)1( or -~ 111 r )t Sfl t w distrihulell C'ookic" and ap- ('up1. CC's<ll' Hodrigncz, Sig- h111.cll<'s ·"faxnlion ~nd Inter· lTuy, flir 1mtdford.~. could dicta((, their will on fhrm. Tu pll'S among the disabled ve- 1 1 mil Corp HOTC Stal"f; C'apt. [ nal TI:cwnl-1<' Laws . . ~lwrt, ti/(' lalwrus u•ri-e sliri·rs nf the laud7or<ls rrnd that terans.. Is thnt n~~ doin~ Bduat·do. Holim<11_1, C'omman- .}iH·ino LOrf'llZ•). 11111 ii te-~·tulr oj drlil 1111d .~lm·cry pas.~ed down f1·om f(lthfi' lo ~un '>Omcthmg for them i tlant ol thl' ~. U '. ROTC et•ntlv 11 meml,er of thf' Bo..'lrd /mm r1e111 mtiuu ff) (/Cllrralion. ('o.~e.~ nf /1cnti11q.~ and One ('tin sec the humor of) l-nits. Direr·toi· .lose Heman- uf .\~conntan<''" i~ now {Parh· <'nullir.,· wtrt< 0 Jlf1·petrafrd liy fhc ricli. yd 11•1/Jody did tt11y• ::nr. )lt>dina. He too frt'ls dt>z: '\lrs-;rs. '.\!. 'l'olJlns, i\. in11 t l p 1~o~Ml~~ thiny to rnr,·r d thiij out raff<'. c·omy1i1ssi~n fo1· the .nnwash- I.l~tn1·io, .\. J•'ahe~ln,. f'. J-Ja. ('n.ia .• Jo~t· ,\lindogan is re<'~1 :1nd !?1· ~he unlort~mate l1h a_nd _~L Enriquez._ 4flor!rd to h<' ())1 tllC' Alem'o -r1rn ll'ttl 11rfl1oc otd s11ddr117u rrnrl tlii.~ lC!linrcr, t11i$ nC'tml!> o[ this wa1·. \\ c all I Anrnl sunple (·t'll'lnOntt•s t!u' l·';wultv nnd .\t?ustin C'nha-~fo1•e, fhi.~ mflrlyr of in.iuMia was tltr /inf ttJ fake up flrms w;1·c 1 1·ictims o.f . the war. the Cadet __ Sponsol's_ handed 1 in)!~ is df'an of the C".oll<':!<' iu dr(rnrc of flrnt lil>crfy wliich 11e hml always been de- \\cren t you a victim of the I to the of[1Ct'l"S 1hr1r swords nf rr;1;imci·C'<' of the Bal<lan 1Jl'i1•ed of. lfc did nut yield for more than thrre years and Fortf ~ . . und .ttwn pass('d undcl' an )f1•mOJ"inl Collt':!C'S. Dean Clni· (1fte1 the l1l1cl(lltnn he snur1ht for tfwsc nglds he lwd News ]•,chtor Mariano S. at"t'h formed hr th('se swords. pit '''" thC' K. l' C'ollegr of fu11q/il fm nf such great ~ac11/1rr Yrs, he as~cd fo1 a II ~~o;~is~;~~~~~\1;~~'tir~~~v sa~~~!· I 'fr1~~10~~?~t ~~i~~o~r,, :z~ r.1:1~ f'ommM•('<' ic; :mothe1• .J. R.C. fn11 drol he a~hrd for the land that 1m~ 1ml1tf111ly 111~. \Yl' wonder to what oider of Ascnsi \\l'IC' Amalia {;C'roso, rnan lHl'll('(l rdnC'ittol'. \Ve lfc asf.ed, he t1ppcafed, he 1enw1ulratcd but to 110 fH'Oll sam1s 1t belongs We know lm1sa P1ll01 nos\(' )laJdona;:.~,~~r<>l::~::;l #i:~,\.;.~i111~~~ ~1;~ Dmf ca1i; 11rrc twned to a1l J11s pleadings Can we blame not 11hC'rc it came but it do, Gcne1os.t So1lllno; AH- hnw• .l.H C:. nwn Oll their lam 11m1, 1/ blmded by pnsion at such an out1agco1n m-1 re,ilh must be holy Holy lma dt C.1st10, f',11m<'11 Fnsfra<'hi~~ .:;t(H. ~nmrthiu:r to 11ullce hr foul. llJ> those arms he had used agarnst the Cow' tet, 1,omdcs Hnf't.• '\lonsrt hr 11ro1ul or fmcign 111u1do. to iHe them agmnsl tlm cte11wl etiemy of fJlC'";~.~:!S~~1:~f ~1~;~b~~t~! ~;1~ Cai i<'on, Dolm rs Dm rn i\,;;~~~(~al D. ~~1'.11:::::b11:~a~~1;1~1; 111~ U1c la11dlo1d' 11111 Ad~c1tismg )[ana"'CI Re- - - - - - But now that he fights f01 /us iights he 1s bemg hunt· caic<lo Caho, q~1otc ~ 11.1me Internal Reoe1111e ~:~)'~;mi;~1:~:~ ~ ;·,~:;o~~<'~:o~~ rd, 11w~w1c1ecl, 'IWJUStl!J pc1scc1tfrd lil,c mi ouflan \re unt~ lu.msC'lf nnqi1olC' an~C01;~~~:d ~~:rn ~:~~a:/mg <;lon• 'nili11g. "'l'hC' Tl'ec. tho (ld1111t that he Tws becoi~t~ a little un1~uijonable but that 1s 1 C'll~~l~a~~~::~l hl~~~ ;~~ : ~~~~l Bri~: 1md 1 he Crah'' was puh· the fa11it of om· authorities wJw_pcrmittcd all tire 011tmgr' coin-ei'Sationa\ist. All too ~r:~~cn~~~on;.,l'if'~1~;~~ r:l~t~~! ~~~~ic~f it~w11~,-~~:~~1~:~·\,;·si:~ hcttpr<i 11po11 him, and who 1eent as far, sometimes, a.'l to soon the afternoon worc must ulwavs exi~t is their turdriv Mmwzinl'. 'l'hr :..:tol')' ''.clJ> t.he ri<h -~.ubd.11c the 1.1oor. There i;; no remcd.y for lhis\ ".vay until we remembered !{ttiding p1~inciple. One of the · · siliwlum but _nulirr. 7'hi;; sore spot of our 11atwn e<rn1wt \\f' had to he at the school. most sig:nal clrnraetcristics of 'T"il" iuilt' ml<'tX'strng-. and jl will no! be healed 1iy i·iolcncc. It crrn only be cw·- "rt, lt>ft the. plac.e so many the dub lies in the fact that -- - • - - 1 I 1 an1· member's motion could [ ul by urrnnlinq jintice, by yiti11r1 to the 1.aborcr tJwt land pomH" '.{'an<'r. - he. C'anicd out without the A Sponsor ._ .. ll1nl is riqhtfully his fiy hrrilayr 1rn<l l1tbf)t. (.'fre it (f) hint I Bu/f's E11f' . , , ne<'i'ssai:v mf'c•tings so Jong I (~ontilrned from P(tge l) hodv tlt:11 Mal"ir1w Di('ll"ic-h"f' d.v's appl'ornl. \Vithout ,any se_n to eompos<' 111<' ~aid Corp!ll IJecatHI" all /Ir a.,fos is fol" (t fail" dcfll. (C()11ti11•1ed fi·om page 7) ;is thl' 11101io11 is 10 <'Y('l"\·ho1 h1d1C's whom thry l•a\'(' <'110Timpalak /Jiqkasan ~;~~t ~·,~~--~~t r~~1i;~<'~i·~!.1it~:~~; ~:.1~1~~~rai~:;017~~:c?. ;;!.a1;h~'J cl~it ot 1~::0:~~~~01~ wei'l' prt'sC'nt(Karugtong ng nasa pah. G) · \ \ t r· · that host> on. !low ahout it :ncmhers. J rd in a sim,p <' m 1ttm!! 7. Juana Hernaez 8. Della Morelos 9. Ramon Prospero 10. Pedro Padilla 11. Liberata Pabilonia 12. Baltazar Tercias 13. Angelina Ruiz 14. Pedro Bataclan 15. Benjamin de ls Paz Ang lnpong pamunnan Ill-!: Kndyapi na si~·ang punong ahala ng paghahanJang ito I ;iy .... ina: 'fa1·('i]a 1 Displa_,- ~-our lei!. Jn complianre to tl•e f'las.<> <'t'l"f'mouy hel<l at the .JRC Teodoro Rafols-l'anyulv just for 01wC'. Come on, giw 01·gnnization rampaiqn, the (".ollcgf' last Sunlla~-. Lourdes Rh-era-Panvalawo m<' a hrcnk 10 win this tfmr, Rani:t;l'l'S Cluh did not h<'si· t ~o the young ladiC's 1•0111Gloria Cruz-.Kalihim will ~·otd 1111r to form thPir own. Thr I posm)! th<' Corps of SponIluminadaLorico '<'use mf' Polk~. 1TeiX' Rr!'.!:istnir is ~lad to sec the sors-We hope 1hcy will lio -Ingat·yama" "omrs onr Xews Bdilor.--· college uniting through . the wha1 is ~·ighlfull~- expected Dominador Guevarra Yrs.- Y1's, )Ir. Bdilor. J 'I) cliffrrf'nt ol'ganizatio11.., form- of the.m m order that tl!e -Taga pagbalita tlo it in11nC'cliateh·. Sol'l'v l cd within and he wisl1cs tn purpose for which it has Dominado Camat ha\"<' 10 leriw YO\;. He w~n!~ eoni;i:-ratulatt' lhe offi1·ers ;mdl hren l"cl"ivcd may ~ I'Caliz-Taga pamayapo mC' to wi·itP. ahout the- . nl<'mh<'rs of th<' ('lub and <'X· ed. If othC'rs can do 1t, (why Belen Gorospe TT<'.''· wait- who's 1he Ne-.~ tend his f>est wi~l~r<1 io 1]wm f'lln't wc7) we also can-and, -Lakimbini ng Samaltan F.dito1· anywa~-. am I 1 for great success. more!