Espana - Europa puesta al dia


Part of Espana Boletin Informativo

Espana - Europa puesta al dia
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ESPANA: EUROPA PUESTA AL DIA Madrid: Ordt·n ,. Crt·a<·it;n ··For our own sil ke. and in the inrcrcst s of this column we like to get the opinions of world tr<1\'dt·n~ 1111 the various countries they \"isit. What M;rnibn s tr.1 - "eli119 ;1broad hil \'C 10 sav of the lll('fib of \"<Hious 1..·mm - trics is. howe,·cr. no longer newsworthy. lt"s alw.1vs dh· so1mc . All of the letters we rccch·c .1111..l all of 1h1..• 1r.1wl - crs ,,.c talk with s:lv .. Sp;iin is 1hc h1..·s1 of all · Ed and Cryswl Milans returned from ;i round-the-world trip Sundav .111d bv now must ha,·c c\h.1u.;tt•d supC'rlativcs in their dcsniplion of the lovely bnd of Sp;1in. the ch;irm of its people. ,"Ind the ;1lmost unhelit',-.1hlt• h11spitalit y <'-"lt'1Hlt·d forC'i ~Jtl ,·isitors. As Crysrnl Mitrn.-. s;1ys it hardly seems neces~ary for Sp;1i11 I<' h;1n• ;1 hllH · ist hnrcau . Visitors of Spam ad\'Crlise the d1arms of thar co1111try to the point th<1t Spain is j;un-p;u.·kcd ,,·1th 1011ris1s of all 11ation,1lilics (princip;1lly Americans) 1h(' \'(';1r around. Inex pe nsive livin9 is no lon~er S p:un ·s dr.iw - 111~1 ,·ard . Spain's is less ,· -.:pensiq" th;111 mouw Europe0111 rountries hut it is hy no mean s "" inc .\pensi,·e" <Ill\' nH,rl" In ;1dditiou lo rh,· he<IUI\' and qreat .irt the ,·isi1or finds ;ill ;1hout him in Spain. < rnd wh1d1 \,lllrh)I h111 1111 pn·ss ,.,.,.n th,· mnst unknowin~ and insen . ..;itive. ~n'<lt ;1pp,•als lie:; m the ,·ourtcsy of the people of the ,·nu ntn This \'(\llrll'SV 1 s a l'.h;ira\h'nsfi,· not onlv of mcmh, .. rs of the Sp;mish aristonacv hy whom so m;111\· f\1.111.l.111..; h,1\t' h,•,•n l"llll'ft<1innl h111 of the humhlcst shopkt.·c pt•r in the humhl,•st side street. ;ind of ,;II who ..;.,·n·l· W,• han· mt•t onlv 01u· p('r..;.1rn who didn't like Sp.tin. She """" there e19ht d.1v..:. "Th<'\· d1d11 "1 ..;p,-.1k ntl J;1n~111a~,· m tht• .:.hops.'' slw ..:..1v..:.. Of ,-,,ursl' she d1dn '1 spc.1k their J,;u~ua~c c llh('r ... I Not;1 dl'I ·· n.11,·-!11,nq·· d,· ~lrs W1ndr,·d H1:--"llhJ•'r "'The Ewn1n9 N,•ws ··· dl· f\1 :1nd.1. 2i O,·tuhr.- l •l~i1 ESl'As.-\