The Coconut Journal Vol.I, No.7 (July,1941)


Part of The Coconut Journal

The Coconut Journal Vol.I, No.7 (July,1941)
Issue Date
Volume I (Issue No. 7) July 1941
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
MANIL \ p ' , HIUPPINES - C(5he.,; c 0 c 0 N u T .J 0 u R N A L' \~ti! e copt/ ) JULY, •9·1• ~-~ ~ AN AN~\J.--- .. •. - ·---We are glad to announce that we. are-fh~ exclb, pine distributors of the following American and Ert7 ufactures: \ ' HOBART Arc Welders-In various sizes and models, portable 01· ary. . HOBART Automotive Equipment-Battery chargers and paint spraying· outfits. CROSSLEY Gas Plants-Different types and sizes, using various fuels. CROSSLEY Diesel Engines-All types, ranging from 5 to 3000 BHP. COLUMBIA Generators & Switchboards-In all types and capacities. FAIRBANKS Scales-In capacities ranging from ounces to tons. SMITH Concrete Mixers-In all standard sizes and models. KOHLER Electric Plants-0.8 KW to 10 KW, A.C., or D.C. CASE Ag-ricultural Machinery-A complete line. And various kinds of machinery not listed above, but which we can supply. Finally, we are proud to announce that our staff of experienced and highly competent engineers and mechanics will be glad to discuss any engineering problem that you may have regarding agriculture and industry. Write for particulars regarding any of the above equipment. Or just telephone-today. We assure you prompt attention. CEBU SMITH, BELL & CO., LTD. l\Iachiner;r Depal'tment P. O. Box 311, Manila 229-18th St., Port Area ILOILO Smith Premier Typewriters Are Dependable Typewriters The SENIOR PORT ABLE This model has every desirable feature that provides ease and speed of operation, a precision construction that assures perfect typing. The attractive black wrinkle, non-glare finish, the heavily chromium plated metal parts, emphasize the extraordinary beauty of this portable typewriter. The superior operating features of this complete portable include: Extended line space lever . • . Twocolor ribbon, with stencil cutout ..• Margin release<"; on keyboard ... ParagTaph key for convenient tabulating ... Adjustable paper side g·uide ... Easily removable from --carrying case for use anywhere ..• Light weight, only 13 pounds including case. Price ............ . .... P120.00 MODERN TOUCH REGULATOR Superlative t yping ease and comfort are provided b y an improved Touch Reg ulator. Keybar t ension may be instantly adjusted to suit light, medium or heavy touch of the user. American Office Equipment, Inc. 110 Escolta Manila _. -..- - _. I iments COMPLIMENTS of of TAN TUCO GROCERY STORE Bttrroughs, Inc. • Adding, Calculating, Billing WHOLESALE & RETAIL: Grocers, Hardware, School and Electrical Supplies etc. nd Accounting Machines • Cash Registers • Typewriters • Correct-Posture Chairs • Roll Pdper • Ribbons • Carbon Rolls Tan Eng Tiak Manager • All Kinds of Carbon Paper Talavera Corner P. Gomez St. Manila, P. I. 123 Juan Luna Tel. 2-34-65 Tel. 161 Sariaya, Tayabas COMPLIMENTS OF UN SING TABLERIA AND HARDWARE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Building Contractor for Private, Government Corporations Road Construction Cable Address: Manager H. S. GOMEZ P. 0. Box 6 Washington Street . ""' onan, Tayabas, Philippines Dealers in all kinds of Philippine Lumber and galvanized sheet. Black Pipes Plumbing fextures, Building fixture, agency Petroleum, Gasoline Diesel oil and flour Sampan Brand . Page 1 THE COCONUT JOURNAL Official Organ Of The National Coconut Corporation Benjamin Salvosa Editor Pedro M. Gimenez Business Manager Godofredo Zandueta Associate Editor Pi1blished once a month by the 'National Coconut Corporation in :Manila, Philippines. Address articles and communications to the Editor, Coconut Journal, P. 0 . Box 290, :Manila. P2.oo a year. $2.00 in 'U. S. $3.00 'Joreign. ,,20 the copy. Printed in the Philipprnes. VOL. I Manila, Philippines CONTENTS Copra And Coconut Products Review By E. L. Gonzalez Bi-Monthly Variations of Coconut Crops By Pedro A . David Understanding Copra Market Reports By E. L. Gonzalez Brother, Can You Spare A Peso 7 By Douglas Vernon Developments of Spinning . . . . . . . By Hernando G. Cosio Raising Livestock in Coconut Plantations By Patricio S. Mangonon At The Sariaya Coconut School By D emetri a T. Flaviano Coconut Statistics . . . . By Ricardo Bonilla The Housewife . . . . . . . By Virtudes M. Gui nto No. 7 2 3 6 10 II 13 14 16 21 Spanish Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Un Estudio de La Ley Que Controla La Exportacion de La Copra y El Aceite De Coco . . . . . . . 23 Como Ayudarian Las Cooperativas A La lndustria Del Coco . . . . . . . . . 26 Por Vicente G. Lava Nacoco Abre Nuevas Escuelas Un Juego De Te Curioso . . Por Jaime C. de Veyr a July 1941 Page 2 29 31 Manila COPRA.-Resecada prices in June aim cated the impressive advance recorded I t Bids started at seven pesos but with local operating reluctantly, Resecada hurriedly di P6.50 in the first weE:k. In the subsequent da arrivals taperdd off, coinciding with the a tendencies of fats and oils in the United Sta ably cottonseed and soyabean. As holders the market hastened to recoup previous loss hand activities at attractive prices lending s values. With the theatre of war in Europe by the outbreak of hostilities between Germ Russia, anticipations of lib;:::r~! the expor law to the Soviets pushed Resecada tu th0 Pll.00. In the meantime, cottonseed oil in th States made much progress. Alarmed by t increase in the price of cottonseed oil at the m 4.4 to 11.5 cents, attributed largely to specul tivities, Leon Henderson, Chief of the Office Administration and Civilian Supply, predic ceilings for cottonseed oil at "considerably b market." Although the Henderson statement ed no specific reference to copra and coconut values fell off abruptly, the market closing u at P9.00. The average price of Resecada in June m which was Pl.70 lower than the May average. ing the seasonal low production period of t copra arrivals in June declined to 456,428 b about 28 per cent as against May. F. M. M. on the Pacific Coast netted a gain during the month. There were buyers sellers at 4.00 cents at the close, the trade that shipments to Russia were resumed. Buyers, per 100 kilos, delivered: Opening Lowest Highest Resecada .. .. . P7.00 f'6.50 111.00 Average Prices for June, Resecada per 10 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 P7.75 P3.38 P5.92 P5.31 'Pll.81 P7.82 'P8.37 Copra Arrivals at Manila: This month ..... . . Previous month . . . . . June, 1940 .. .. . . .. . COCONUT OIL.-Reflecting the strength of appreciation in values were reg-istered for coc Offers in Manila started at 16 centavos whic trimmed by 1/ 2 cen.t~--· •. ______ _,,- · successful~y r-reached 07 sure of,}' f / / Bl-MONTHLY VARIATIONS OF COCONUT CROPS IN THE DIFFERENT COCONUT EST A TES OF THE PHILIPPINES By PEDRO A. DAVID Of the Department of Agronomy . College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines (Released by the U. P.·Information Service) BI-MONTHLY variations in coconut crops with particular reference to fruit production has been studied in twelve typical coconut estates in different parts of the Philippines. A knowledge of such variation may prove of some use to coconut growers in forecasting the extent of their future crop, and to middlemen for business purposes. The yield records analyzed in this paper are of twelve commercial coconut estates in Laguna, Tayabas, the Bicol provinces, J olo, and Mindanao. The data are based on actual yield records of full-bearing trees in each estate, covering a period from one to ten years. Object of the present work The main purpose of the present work was to analyze the actual yield records in different years of observations in commercial coconut estates in the Philippines, and to determine the bi-monthly variations in the yield. Time and place of the study This study was conducted on the yearly field trips made from 1937 to 1940 in Laguna, Tayabas, Bicol provinces, and Jolo and Mindanao islands. Field observations were made and interviews were held with the different plantation owners and managers. In addition to furnishing the necessary information and yield records of their plantations, these men offered their services, and thereby made this work possible. Materials and methods The actual yield records for different years of all full-bearing coconut trees in each estate visited were analyzed. The number of trees in each estate varied from 500 to 250,000. Some of the plantation owners made monthly harvests, but the majority harvested their coconuts at regular intervals of two months, beginning with January. The actual percentage of the crop every two months based on the total annual crop was calculated. Results and discussions The percentages of bi-monthly distributions in yield based on the total annual crop for the period covered by this study are given in table 1 and illustrated in figure 1. Monthly variations in the yield are known to all coconut growers in the Philippines. Generally the major portion of the crop in the year is harvested in six months, from May to October. Table 1, shows that between 51.7 and 64.2 per cent of the annual crop matured during this period. From November to April, a period of six .months also, the crop was low. The minimum yield was obtained in two month:; from March to April. In Laguna, Tayabas, and th~ Bicol provinces, this minimum yield varied from 11.5 to 13.0 per cent for the same months. In the island of Jolo, it is only 10.4 per cent. These variations point to the effect of a seasonal factor on the yield of the coconut trees. Figure 1 shows that the bi-monthly differences were not so marked in Mindanao, especially in the provinces of Davao and Zamboanga. The minimum harvests occurred also in March and April, as found in the provinces of Luzon. During these months only 14.9 per cent of the total annual crop, the lowest, is obtained. This low production in l\Iarch and April may be attributed to the limited amount, irregularity of the rainfall and to the low production of bunches and female flowers per bunch during March and April of the previous year. If the bi-monthly variations in yield of the Mindanao provinces are compared with those of Luzon, figure 1 shows that in Laguna, Tayabas, the Bicol provinces and J olo, where there are distinct rainy and dry seasons, the fluctuations in yield were greater than in places where the rainfall is rather uniform throughout the year, as Davao and Zamboanga. These bi-monthly variations in the yield of the coconut trees can chiefly be attributed to weather conditions. The monthly variations in yield differ in different countries. For example, in the West Coast of Ceylon, the maximum crop is gathered during the very rainy months, March to June. The crop from September to January is very low. In South India the heaviest cropping season coincides with the season when other agricultural work of the farmers is at height. In Malaya, the smallest harvests occur in the wet season. The annual yield of the different estates visited varied from 20 to 80 nuts per tree, depending on various factors, such as variety, soil, climate, cultivation, and distancing. In some of the estates visited, however, 100 nuts per tree a year was not unusual. Knowing the number of bearing trees in a given coconut plantation and the number of nuts harvested from each tree during the last picking, with the information given in this paper, one can readily estimate his following crop and can guard himself from unscrupulous speculators. This percentage of yield every harvesting period is a practical index for the farmers anti business men in forecasting the possible crop any time of the year. A plantation owner should Page 3 Tho COCONUT JOURN Al 30~-------------------------------------------, 20 t- 15 z UJ u a: UJ 10 a. s Bica/ FrovinuJ Jolo Toy~as /.tiiUna. -----~--}f1ndanao ~--- - Bica/ Provinces ~·-·-·Jolo ----- Tayapas ---- Lo9una Figure 1.-Bi-monthly percentage production of coconut in Laguna, T ayabas, Bicol provinces, Jolo and Mindanao, based on the total annual yield. be able to calculate the yield of his estate, especially when this is run on a share system so that his tenants or manager cannot take advantage of him. Summary and conclusions From the results presented in this paper, the following conclusions may be given: 1. Marked variations in the bi-monthly yield of coconut trees were evident. 2. The major portion of the coconut crop was obtained from May to October; 51.7 per cent in Davao and Zamboanga and 58.7 to 64.2 per cent in Laguna, Tayabas, the Bicol provinces, and Jolo. 3. The yield was at its lowest in March and Page 4 April. 4. The variations in the bi-monthly harvests from commercial coconut plantations in the islands of Luzon, Jolo, and Mindanao appear to be influenced by a seasonal factor, possibly rainfall. 5. Slight bi-monthly variations in the yield of coconut trees were found in Davao and Zamboanga, where the rainfall is more or less uniform throughout the year. But in the provinces where there is a distinct rainy and dry season, marked variations in the yield of coconut trees every two months, beginning with January, were observed. (Please turn to 11 ext pa[Jc) JULY, 1941 Bi-Monthly Variations .. (Conti nued from page - 1) TABLE I Bl-MONTHLY PERCENTAGE OF THE YIELD BASED ON THE TOTAL ANNUAL CROP FROM REPRESENTATIVE COCONUT PLAJ;llTATIONS IN LAGUNA, TAYABAS, THE BICOL PROVINCES, JOLO, AND MINDANAO Place Laguna: San Pablo ... . ........ . .. . Calamba ...... .. ... . .... . . Los Banos College ... . .... . Alaminos ...... . .. . .. . .. . . Avera ge Tayabas: I Candelaria . . . . .......... , . Bicol Provinces: Albay . . . . .. .. .. ... .. . . . · . Sorsogon .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Camarines Sur ..... . , . . . . . Jot~pak .... . ............... / Mindanao : Davao . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . Zamboa nga . . . . .. ... .. . ... . San Ramon, Zamboanga . . . . Records in Ye<1rs 6 2 9 1 10 1 1 6 5 6 Average .. , .... .. ................... . .. · . Jan.-Feb. per cent 10.0 11.8 12.8 7.9 10.6 12.0 12.9 15.3 14.0 12.5 15.7 15.6 16.5 15.9 Mar.-Apr. per cent 10.0 12.5 10.6 12.8 11.5 13.0 11.7 13.0 12.0 10.4 15.7 15.2 13.8 14.9 May-June per cent 15.0 15.1 15.6 18.5 16.1 14.0 13.6 16.9 14.0 16.7 16.0 14.5 17.2 15.9 COMPLIMENTS OF July-Aug. per cent 25.0 20.6 23.5 28.6 24.4 24.5 22.9 22.4 19.0 25.0 18.8 17.2 19.5 18.5 Sept.-Oct. per cent 25.0 26.2 20.6 22.9 23.7 22.0 22.9 16.7 28.0 20.8 15.9 18.3 17.5 17.3 VADILLO & ALBAYDA Civil Engineers - Contractors Manufacturers of Spinning Machines and Hand Loom for the National Coconut Corporation VADILLO & ALBAYDA Office and Shop : 409 Tayuman, Manila Nov.-Dec. per cent 15.0 13.8 16.9 9.3 13.7 14.5 16.0 15.7 13.0 14.6 17.9 19.1 15.5 17.5 Page 5 Understanding Copra Market Reports By E. L. GONZALEZ Daily marl{et reports on copra always contain a brief statement on the market situation. The tone of the market is indicated; the trend pointed out. But not infrequently, the marl1:et terms and phrases employed to describe the copra market are not understood by many producers. If a single button is enoug·h for a sample, the market term "nominal" is typical. Veteran traders of copra are familiar with this term, but many producers are not. Hence, lack of definite concepts on the correct meaning of the market terms used is a serious setback to the advantageous marketing of copra. Understanding, therefore, the common market terms and phrases is worthwhile. COPRA producers, as a general rule, are neither" businessmen nor town merchants even on a small scale. Being more concerned with their coconut plantations and the incidence of agricultural ways of life, the coconut producers know little of common market terms used by the copra trade. Much less are they cognizant of business practices of th~ coconut industry. Hence, in some cases, the farther they are from the centers of commercial activitie!'and the less informed they are, the more pronounced is their handicap in understanding copra market reports. Consequently some claim that, unjustifiedly perhaps, they have always the shorter end of the bargain in the marketing of their crops This article, therefore, is written in the interest of the busy farmer. This is primarily for the coconut planters. The Manila quotation on copra is based on Resecada per 100 kilos net, delivered at the buyer's warehouse. Unless otherwise indicated, the quotation is buyer's price. Sacks, bags, and other containers are returned to sellers. Deliveries of copra which fall below the Resecada quality are discounted in weight. On the other hand, the quality known as Resecada de Bodega commands a premium of 2 per cent over the prices of Resecada. The discount in weight for each grade of copra is more or less based on the moisture content of each grade. The purpose of the discount in weight is to convert the copra delivered to its Resecada equivalent. Thus, a larger percentage of deduction is made on Copra Corriente than Buen . Corriente or Semi-Resecada. The Manila mills use the following scale in converting each grade of copra to the Resecada equivalent: Page 6 Grade of Copra Corriente . . . . . . . . Corriente Mejorado . . . . . Buen Corriente . . . . . . Buen Corriente Mejorado . Semi-Resecada . . . . Resecada ...... . Resecada de Bodega . Resecada Factor .80 .85 .90 .925 .95 1.00 1.02 Let us illustrate the above conversion table. Assuming that the copra delivered is classified as Buen Corriente, the weight in kilos is multiplied by the corresponding Resecada factor. This converts the copra delivered into its Resecada equivalent. Thus, if the Buen Corriente copra weighs 1,000 kilos, this weight is multiplied by .90. The result· ing product of 900 kilos constitute the Resecada equivalent and this will be made the basis of computing the amount to be paid for such copra. At the risk of repetition, let us illustrate another use for the above table. Instead of dis·· counting the weight, the price of Resecada may be the one reduced. For example, the price of Resecada may be multiplied by the corresponding Resecada factor of the kind or grade of copra delivered Thus, if the price of Hesecada is 'Pl0.00 per 100 kilos and the copra delivered is Semi-Resecada, the sRid price of r10.oo is multiplied by .95. The product is 'P9.50 which constitutes the price for which the Semi-Resecada copra should be paid. There are no more discounts in weight. Daily market reports on copra always contain a brief statement on the market situation. The tone of the market is indicated; the trend pointed out. But not infrequently, the market terms anrl phrases employed to describe the copra market are not understood by many producern. If a single button is enough for a sample, the market term "nominal" is typical. Veteran traders of copra are familiar with this term, but many producers are not. Hence, lack of definite concepts on the correct meaning of the market terms used is a serious setback to the advantageous marketing of copra. Understanding, therefore, the common market term,; and phrases is worthwhile. The following terms and phrases are commonly used in the local copra reports. A warning is however advanced not to swallow "hook, line, and sinker" the corresponding explanation given for each market term or phrase. They may not be conc!Usive on the matter and the reader may have a better concept and understanding as regards such terms. But as applied to the local copra market reports, the explanation which follows each phrase and term may be considered as the nearest approach, and, therefore, may be used as a guide in understanding copra reports. .JULY, 1941 Market quiet. - There is little interest from buyers and small offers from holders of copra. . Volume of business, as a rule, is small, but there is nothing certain as to the immediate and new developments. Market stea.dy. - Prices are maintained 011 satisfactory levels and fluctuate within narrow rangP-s. Sellers and buyers of copra come to terms easily. Market firm. - There is a growing optimism based on beliefs that prices would stage further upturns. Copra holders do not readily accept current bids on the expectation that values may increase any moment. When the market is firm, sellers mmally have the upperhand which enable them to secure liberal concessions from buyers of copra. (Courtesy of the Div. of Publications, Dept. of Com. & Agri.) Sacking copra preparatory to marketing Market easier. - Prices may suffer slight downward revisions and hence sellers of copra usually accept current bids. In other words, the market has lost its steady trend. Market with a w eak undertone. - There is a growing pessimistic feeling among traders due to uncertain position of prices which are expected to decline. Market wea7c. - Prices may decline further and buyers believe that some holders would be induced to sell at lower than the current levels. Mar7.:et nominal. - The prices quoted are neither bids nor offers. The quotations are simply nothing but a general idea of prices. In most cases, however, the nominal prices are based on the past recorded position of the market. Business nil, largely due to traders' lack of understanding of the true position of the market. Mar7.:et dull. - The market is lifeless, devoid of transactions of any size taking place. Market paralyzed. - There are neither buyers nor sellers as they have withdrawn temporarily . Market bullish. - When most of the traders in the market are those who buy on the belief that prices will continue to advance. Market bearish. - When in a market the majority of those who sell, act on the belief that prices will continue to trace a downward course. The copra and coconut oil markets in the United States also require close scrutiny when reading market reports. It should not be overlooked that copra fluctuations locally are influenced largely by factors in the overseas market, in addition to conditions obtaining in our country. The influence generated by the American market over local copra prices is inevitable. Copra and coconut oil enter the world markets. Our coconut industry is essentially tied up with the United States. Philippine copra is mostly traded on the Pacific Coast of the United States, while coconut oil generally finds its way to the Atlantic Seaboard. Quotations on copra coming from America are always in United States currency per pound, cost, insurance, and freight. They are buyer's prices, unless otherwise indicated. The abbreviations F. M. M. stand for "Fair Merchantable Manila" and are used to indicate Philippine smoke-dried copra. On the other hand, the term "Cebu sundried" stands for Philippine sun-dried copra. London quotations are in English pound sterling per long ton, cost, insurance, and freight. Thus, when the London market was not yet closed on account of the European War, one finds the following quotation as an example: "London steady. F. M. M. £ 10-5-6; Cebu sun-dried, £ 10-15-6." The figures mean pound, shillings, and pence, respectively per long ton of smoke-dried or sun-dried as the case may be. Prices of coconut oil in the United States have a close affinity to copra fluctuations in the local market. Oil quotations in the American market are also in United States currency per pound, which may be on the basis of cost, insurance, and freight, or on the basis of f. o. b. tank cars. The spread of prices between tank cars and bulk quotations vary between 1/ 8 to 1/ 4 cent, depending upon positions. Quotations of coconut oil in bulk are usually lower than those for tank cars. The explanation is simple: Coconut oil, f. o. b. tank cars, is ready oil for delivery, while bulk is not. An additional expense is incurred in selling or buying the latter. Equally important also while reading copra reports is the market situation of copra meal and cake in the United States. Prices for which cake and meal are traded determine to a certain extent the price of copra locally. The bulk of our cake and meal is absorbed by the European market, (Continued on page 22) Page 7 The COCONUT JOURNAi, Markets For Copra And Coconut Oil By MELECIO MONTEMAYOR Foreign Trade Division Bureau of Commerce Foreign Trade Division THE Philippines is the world's principal exporter of coconut products and has to its credit a little more than one-third of the world copra trade. Philippine coconut products, mostly in the form of copra and coconut oil, are exported to no less than 24 countries all over the world. In point of production, the Philippines is considered the second biggest producer of coconut in the world, being excelled only by the Netherlands East Indies. Copra is the coconut meat, ripped loose and dried. It is the most important product of the coconut. It is well known in world trade for being the source of the cheapest and most popular vegetable oil-coconut oil. Though for all purposes its principal use is in soaps, the coconut oil is a ready base of both edible and inedible kitchen and household items of daily consumption among the rich and poor alike. Copra Principal Buyers.-In recent years, it is estimated that from 40 to 70 per cent of the Philippine total production of copra goes into the export trade which is distributed among a wide area of consumers, mostly industrial countries, such as the United States, Germany, France, Denmark, Netherlands, Mexico, Japan, Sweden, and even Egypt a nd other minor countries. The annual copra exports constitute around 10 per cent of the total value of Philippine yearly exports. In 1940 Philippine exports of copra totalled 341,930,371 kilos valued at 1"18,802,722.00, showing decreases of 14.2 and 29.8 per cent in quantity and value, respectively, from the previous year. During the year there was a marked change in destinations of copra shipments on account of the present war. As usual, the United States was the biggest purchaser. In 1940 the United States accounted for 71.2 per cent of the total copra export for the year, against 55.9 per cent for the preceding year. While shipments to the United States during the year showed an increase in quantity of 9.3 per cent, they showed a decline in value of 17.8 per cent, the figures being 243,601,478 kilos valued at P12,382,764.00 in 1940 as against 222,961,847 kilos valued at P15,060,132 in 1939. Shipments to other purchasers increased very shar ply. This is particularly true of our exports to Great Britain and Spain. From 406,100 kilos valued at P25,152.00 in 1938 (no purchases in 1939), Great Britain increased her purchases to 8,079,473 kilos valued at N25,305.00. While Spain bought only 1,524,000 kilos valued at 1"100,000.00 in 1939, war requirements in 1940 also increased to 5,080,000 kilos valued at 1'250,971.00. Page 8 Our principal markets that showed a moderate decline in their 1940 purchases were France and Sweden. France decreased her purchases by 26.2 per cent in quantity and 15.7 per cent in value over the previous year, figures being 34,182,505 kilos valued at P2,615,805.00 in 1940 as against 46,290,571 kilos valued at 1'3,104,337.00 in 1939. Sweden bought only 12,126,695 kilos valued at 1"857,978.00 in 1940, as compared to 13,833,988 kilos valued at P945,709 in 1939, representing decreases of 1,707,293 kilos in quantiy and f'87,731.00 in value, respectively. Among our best overseas markets that showed very sharp decreases in their 1940 purchases were: Denmark, Mexico, Japan, and Egypt. The following figures show their reduced purchases as compared with the preceding year: Denmark . ... . lVIexico . . . . . Japan Egypt .. 1 9 3 9 Kilos 17,144,855 27,292,795 2,145,183 2,328,996 Pesos 1,160,636 1,873,571 145,362 163,367 1940 Kilos 5,384,000 2,336,800 210,289 51,690 Pesos 369,520 160,000 6,080 5,000 Decreases Kilos Pesos 11,760,855 791,116 24,955,995 1,713,571 1,934,894 139,282 2,277,306 148,367 During 1940 some of our very best and principal ma rkets, which previously were substantial buyers, did not buy any copra from us. Among these may be mentioned Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Gibraltar, Turkey in Europe, Chile, and British East Indies. The conflict still raging in Europe is the direct cause behind the curtailment of our copra shipments to those markets. New and Potential Outlets.-Despite the heavy · loses suffered due to the closure of the European area as a result of the war, the Philippines was able to make shipments in 1940 to new markets which may be considered potential buyers of our copra if properly developed. These new and potential markets together with the amounts of their purchases in 1940 a re given hereunder: Kilos Pesos Spa nish Africa . : . . . . . . . 4,927,600 388,000 Russia in Europe . . . . . . 10,566,400 369,641 Republic of Panama . . . 724,648 34,206 Italy and China are two potential markets capable of development. For a number of years pr ior to 1940 these two ma rkets had not made any purchases of copra from the Philippines. However, in 1940 Italy bought 2,635,449 kilos valued at Pl 73,012.,JULY, 1941 00; and China urchased 101,600 kilos valued at P4,200.00. Coconut Oil Principal Markets.-The coconut oil production in the Philippines is mainly for export, mostly finding its way to the American market. It is estimated that over 90 per cent of the coconut oil produced in the Islands is exported. Coconut oil exports represent about 12 per cent of the total value of Philippine annual exports. During 1940 Philippine exports of coconut oil totalled 185,902,157 kilos valued at f'19,823,681.00 as against 167,702,182 kilos valued at f'18,342,207.00 in 1939. Both quantity and value show substantial increases of 18,199,975 kilos and f'l,381,474.00, representing 10.9 and 7.5 per cent, respectively. Norm;illy, practically all our shipments of coconut oil go to the United States as the largest market. In 1940 exports to that country were 158,917,997 kilos valued at f'l6,247,895.00 as against 156,212,472 kilos valued at Pl6,820,688.00 for the preceding year. Although the quantity shows an increase of 2,705,525 kilos, the value fell P572,793, owing to much lower prices which prevailed during the year under review. Shipments to other markets increased very sharply during 1940, the leading buyers being Canada, Hongkong, and Sweden. Other purchasers that showed substantial increases in their requirements include China, Cuba, and Dutch East Indies. The following table will show the extent of the increases of the purchases of the chief buyers of our coconut oil: Canada ..... . Hongkong .. . . Sweden ... . China ... ... . Cuba .. .. . . . Dutch East Indies . Kilos 3,846,833 2,053,765 1,483,253 482,047 304,800 122,292 1 9 3-9 Pesos 405,929 362,495 221,104 75,489 34,247 29,051 1940 Kilos 8,089,875 6,402,042 3,776,342 730,129 508,000 189,476 Pesos 799,429 894,998 475,001 110,539 47,290 48,458 Increase Kilos 4,243,042 4,348,277 2,293,089 248,082 203,200 67,184 Pesos 393,500 532,503 253,897 35,050 13,043 19,407 Only two among our principal markets declined in their 1940 purchases, and these are British Africa and British East Indies. Shipments to British Africa during the year totalled 1,321,756 kilos valued at P143,553.00, while during the previous year the same were 1,863,290 kilos valued at 1'179,752.00, representing decreases of 29.1 and 20.1 per cent in quantity and value, respectively. Likewise, British East Indies showed decreases of 62.6 and 60.2 per cent both in quantity and value, respectively, the shipments during 1940 being 135,583 kilos valued at P25,262.00 compared with 362,323 kilos valued at P63,492.00 in 1939. Other countries which were substantial buyers of our coconut oil prior to 1940, but which did not b~y during 1940, include Germany, Netherlands, and Smgapore. A total of 640,000 kilos were the last purchase of Germany and Netherlands in 1938. On the other hand, the last exports to Singapore were made in 1939, totalling 316,412 kilos. Minor Markets.-There were other small buyers of our coconut oil which made no purchase during the last two years (1939 and 1940). These minor markets are Panama, French East Indies, and Kwantung. Last shipments to these countries in 1938 totalled 18,735 kilos valued at P4,386. Both Thailand (Siam) and Japan partook of our coconut oil trade in 1940 but only in insignificant quantities. Thailand's requirements amounted to 94,450 kilos at Pl 7,007.00, while Japan took 5 605 kilos worth Pl,247.00. ' New Outlets.-An analysis of export statistical data on coconut oil readily reveals that during 1940 the Philippines was able to find new markets for coconut oil. These new outlets, judging from their substantial purchases during the year, seem to be capable of turning into profitable markets if only properly developed. The following table will show these new outlets together with the quantities and values of the shipments made to them during 1940: Italy .. France . Switzerland . Belgium . ... Russia in Europe l\!Ialaya .... . Portuguese China Egypt .... Argentina . India . Burma . . Kilos 1,627,807 1,549,253 903,117 609,020 304,800 469,971 167,476 53,676 20,108 18,674 7,000 Competitive Aspects Pesos 272,872 255,358 136,958 101,680 27,000 76,776 21,535 11,898 4,958 2,647 1,320 Copra.-In the American market, Philippine copra faces competition with copra coming from the Netherlands East Indies, Australia, British Oceania, British Malaya, and French Oceania. In the face of this competition, records over a period of years show that the United States gets her supply of copra chiefly from the Philippines. Available statistics show the following comparative standing of Philippine copra in the American market in relation to other suppliers of the world: United States Copra Imports (1928-1932 Average) Philippines . . . . . . . . . . . British Malaya . . . . . . . Australia .... . . ... . British Oceania . . . . . . . Netherlands East Indies . . French Oceania . . . . . . . . . ( Pleacc turn to page 18) Per Cent 57.3 10.7 5.3 6.9 12.8 3.7 Pagi' 9 Brother, Can You Spare A Peso? The Cooperative System 'Vorks at Silliman University ·By DOUGLAS VERNON Secretary, Silliman [:n ivcrsity Credit Union Editor's Note: Although this article does not strictly touch upon any phase of the cooonut indu~try, it is herewith published for its value in showing the way to our coconut planters in the organization of coconut cooperatives. S CHOOL teachers are human, even as to the frailty of on occasion becoming borrowers. Indeed, so often does this necessity to get a loan arise, especially in the zero period of the month, the last few days before pay day, that some teachers including the writer become embarrassed. It is not pleasant to approach, time after time, the same old friends with the unchanging melody, "Brother, can you spare a peso?" So it happened that over a year ago, in February, 1940 about twenty members of the Silliman community responded to a call to form a study group whose inquiry was to be about credit unions. Miss Helen Topping of cooperative renown, Professor Carbonell of Union College of Manila and several cooperative-informed Silliman faculty members served as leaders in the discussions. After each discussion conviction grew that a credit union was the haven we bonowers had long been wanting. This conviction resulted in the appointing of a committee to bring in a tentative draft of a constitution. Before the end of March, 1940, such a draft was presented to and adopted by the study group. In this manner began the Silliman University Credit Union. The directors decided that no loans should be granted, however, until the 1940-1941 academic year opened in June. When June 1940 came and school opened, a campaign was launched to bring in new members. As seen in the fact that only 12 faculty members, who deposited !>141, were willing to start the credit union, not every ,me was sympathetic. Th~ remarks of two such unsympathetic persons are representative. Said one, "don't send me any of your credit union literature." Warned another "watch out for this credit union or you'll be left holding the bag." Notwithstanding, the membership roll and the deposits did increase. By September, 1940, there were 36 members and deposits had mounted to f>559. Now that a full academic year has passed, several accomplishments stand out. The Silliman University Credit Union has 58 members who have deposited a total of P1228. These members have been spared the usual borrower's path to the extent of 41 loans totalling 'P3098, loaned at 6% interest. These loans have gone to retire other loans with 'high rates of interest, to pay hospital debts, to meet insurance premiums, to cover school expenses for children, to buy land, and towards the erection of new homes. One of the most useful features of the Credit Union is a circulating fund of 'PIOO from which P5 and 'PIO loans for the extent of 15 days can be drawn at 1¢ per peso interest. This fund is heavily drawn on in the last few days before every pay day. :Members find that they can spare many pesos for this cooperative. Through it, they can aid fa1· more friends to a larger extent than would be possible for most members acting alone as individuals. In return they earn 3% interest on all their deposits. Their savings are protected for every loan is granted only after the borrower grants power of attorney to attach his salary up to the amount of his loan should he default. That means that every member can borrow only up to the amount of his monthly salary plus his deposits in the S.U.C.U.. Copies of the constitution and by-laws of the S.U. Credit Union will be ma iled to any one requesting the same from the author who is the secretary of the S.U.C.U .. Members of the S.U.C.U. have found their cooperative a happy answer to the question they all have occasion to ask, "Brother, can you spare a peso?" * COMPLIMENTS of * Main Office Rizal St., Sariaya, Tayabas, P. I. * Page 10 T ABLERIA SARIA YA J,U~IBER DEALER LUMBER AND FURNITURE STORE Sariaya, Tayabas, Philippines We sell all kinds of Modern Furniture at low price Batibot chair Agent. * General manager M. Rodriguez explaining the operation of single spool spinning wheels to Mrs. Pura Villanueva-Ka!aw and others at the opening of the spinning club of the Lico Home for women and children in T ondo last May 24, 1941. Sandbags For National Defense: PROGRESS BULLETIN By HERNANDO G. COSIO Bulacan Nacoco Industrial Organizer Cenen A. Cajucom reports from his temporary headquarters at Buenavista Estate that the province of Bulacan has been systematically organized into 25 industrial groups, 14 by municipalities and 11 sub-groups by barrios. This was made possible largely through the cooperation of the Buena vista Estate manager, Mr. Jose Sanvictores, and other provincial and municipal officials. The Buena vista School for Home Industries, with a large number of student-workers actually engaged in spinning and in buri braid-making, was converted into a training center for coir yarn spinning. The Estate Manager saw fit to stop less urgent activities and concentrate the efforts of his industrial students towards serving the needs of national defense. Within a short period, San Ildefonso, Baliuag, Plaridel, Sta. Maria, Calumpit, San Miguel and other neighboring towns had hundreds of trained spinners and weavers actively engaged in spinning. According to Mr. Cajucom, the people evince more interest in coir spinning than in buntal weaving. There is a great demand for spinning wheels in Bulacan. Nueva Ecija A new note in Nacoco's sack-making campaign for the CEA was struck by Nueva Ecija. The people of that province call it "the most practical and direct application of the Social Justice policy of the Commonwealth government." The Nacoco program, reports Organizer Cajucom, is lauded by Nueva Er.ijanos because it reaches their homes directly, makes them true industrial partners of the government, and solves in part their labor problem. Page 11 Marinduque 350 women and children were taught how to spin and weave sack-cloth out of coir fiber in Marinduque after a month's campaign. No less than 59 are qualified to spin commercial yarn and have been provided with spinning machines. By the end of June, Industrial Organizer Esteban Alcazar anticipates that Marinduque will be able to produce 150 kilos of yarn daily, covering the quota assigned to that province. By July, he expects that that quota may easily by exceeded if sufficient spinning machines can be distributed in Marinduque on lease basis. Mindoro Some 150 women and children have been taught how to spin and weave coir sack-cloth. Thirty of these people have already leased spinning machines from the N acoco and are ready to produce commercial yarn. Mindoro expects to cover its quota of 150 kilos of yarn daily by the end of June. Rizal Spinning activity was hampered somewhat by the seasonal need for labor in the rice-fields, it being harvesting and planting season. Pililla, with its 250 students showed irregular attendance at the training centers. However, Teacher-in-charge Alfonso Capellan, who may be remembered as the first salutatorian graduated from the Sariaya Coconut School, reports that some 38 students are proficient enough to be furnished with machines on lease basis. Industrial Supervisor for Rizal, Emilio C. Gimenez, reports that Barrio Concepcion, Malabon, has been organized, with some 50 persons taught and equipped with spinning wheels. Barrio Julio of Malabon has likewise been organized, with about 50 persons taught. Caloocan has 150 student-spinners. Other center units have been established in Tanay, Baras, Morong, Quisao, Longos, and Palajala. Teachers and machines are needed in those towns. In all these towns, the majority of student-workers are women. Bataan From a stage of instruction and demonstration, The COCONUT JOURNAL Bataan has progressed to actual production. In th~ towns of Balanga, Dinalupihan, Hermosa, Orani, Sama!, Abucal, Pilar and Orion, some 500 people, mostly women, are now under productive training. About 50 spinning wheels have been distributed among the ten-odd industrial circles. Industrial Organizer Ricardo B. Bonilla reports that municipal officials have been most cooperative. Albay-Sorsogon A new teacher, Augusto Lumbas, was appointed to help Industrial Organizer Jose Agudo. About 40 wheels are now in use, and 500 kilos of coir yarn produced up to this time of writing. The municipal council of Sorsogon have given the Nacoco free use of a bodega near the market for purposes of storage, demonstration, and instruction. The towns of Tabaco, Malinao, and Malilipot (in Albay), Pilar and Bulan (in Sorsogon) are now producing coir yarn. Nevertheless, about 400 more spinning wheels are needed in Albay, and 300 in Sorsogon. To supplement the deliveries coming from Sariaya, Tayabas, Organizer Agudo ordered local carpenters in Tabaco to manufacture spinning wheels. Ta ya bas According to a report from Florencio Salvacion, production superintendent for Tayabas-Batangas, foot-spinning machines exceeding 500 have been manufactured in Tayabas province alone, and distributed in this wise: From Sariaya . . . . 226 Distributed in Tayabas . 117 " " Laguna 60 To Central Office . . . 44 To Marinduque . . . . 5 from Talaba (Atimonan) . . . . 316 To Tayabas . . . . . 163 " Marinduque . . . . 100 " Central Office . 53 From Private Contractors . 29 To Tayabas . . . . . . . . 14 " Legaspi, Albay . . . . 15 (Please turn to page 22) (Coor,rtesy ol the Div. ol Publications, Dept. ol Com. & Agri.J Comparative picture of the different sacks employed for sandbags: coir-maguey, coir, jute, and hemp. Note the sturdy appearance and strength of the coir sacks second from the left. Page 12 RAISING LIVESTOCK IN . COCONUT PLANTATIONS By DR. PATRICIO S. MANGONON A T this time when the price of copra is very low, increasing the income of coconut growers from other sources to meet the cost of production becomes a problem. If properly carried out, livestock raising in coconut plantations will bring extra income to the planter. It will tend to conserve and distribute uniformly the fertility of the soil. It will reduce the cost of operation as the animals control the growth of shrubs by trampling upon and grazing in them, thus keeping the vegetation close to the ground. Uncontrolled weeds retard the growth of the trees and reduce nut production because they compete in the absorption of plant food. One of the greatest advantages of raising livestock under coconut groves is that it encourages the fair and uniform distribution of labor throughout the year and insures for both planters and laborers enough milk, eggs, and meat for healthful living and sufficient animals for work. We are importing annually over IP'l6,500,000 worth of meat and meat products, milk and milk products, eggs and animal by-products such as leather skins, glue, leather-manufactured articles, etc. The raising of animals in coconut plantations, therefore, will help to supply our own needs and to keep these millions within our own shores. Cattle for both beef and milk are being raised in a more or less intensive way in many big coconut plantations in Southern Luzon, Negros Oriental and in several provinces in Mindanao. Where the soil is rich, grasses abundant, and the rainfall well distributed throughout the year, one head to a hectare can be kept provided the trees are spaced from 8 to 10 meters apart. We have on record a plantation with an area of 2,000 hectares wherein 2,313 head of cattle are being kept. The Manager of this plantation estimates that three head per two hectares can still be successfully raised. Goats can be successfully raised under coconut groves. This animal is gradually assuming an important role in contributing to provide man's food supply. It is raised for both milk and meat. It is hardier, more economical and convenient to keep and less susceptible to tropical diseases than the imported dairy cow. The production of milk from goats does not req.uire much land and capital to start it. As such, people of moderate means can engage in it. Goat milk is easily digested and has a high food value. In many regions of the Philippines, goat meat is well liked by the people. Its consumption is rapidly becoming very popular. Goat-skin, if properly treated and tanned, is a good source of upper leather in the manufacture of shoes. We are importing annually Pl,200,000 worth of upper leather. With goat-skin as a principal raw material, it might be developed into an important home industry. Opportunities in raising other kinds of livestock in. coconut plantations are also great. The demand for good horses is constantly on the increase. In places near government or privatelyowned breeding stations, the raising of horses will be appropriate and remunerative. In plantations where the soil is sandy loam in nature, the raising of sheep for mutton and wool can be profitably undertaken. Near big cities and other large centers of population where eggs, chickens and pork are in constant demand and marketing facilities are easy, the raising of hogs and poultry is recommended. With the present price, the feeding of grated coconut to hogs is found more economical than turning it into copra. Hogs and chickens are already being raised on a more or less big scale in many coconut plantations in Davao To conserve and improve the pasture in coconut plantations, judicious grazing, pasture rotation and the planting of forage crops and grasses should be applied. Mungo, tapilan, velvet beans, indigofera, and other legumes will both improve the pasture and the fertility of the soil. In moist regions, the planting of Dallis grass, kikuyu, and guinea grass will greatly improve the pasture under the trees. Activities in coconut plantations should be diversified. One way of carrying out this diversification is to raise animals under the trees. INTERESTING FACTS ... COCONUT CONVERSION TABLE 1 kilo of copra resecada = 4 to 5 nuts 1 liter of oil = 7 to 8 nuts (home-made oil requires more) 1 liter of oil weighs 920 grams. 2.25 kilos of copra produce 1.2 liter of oil 1 kilo of desiccated coconut = 5 nuts Average quantity of tuba obtained per tree daily = 0.67 liter 1000 nuts produce 160 kilograms of shells 1 ton of nuts = 890 whole nuts or 1,200 husked nuts 18,900 nuts yield 1 ton of charcoal 6,600 nuts yield one ton of spinnable coir fiber Page ta AT THE SARIA YA COCONUT SCHOOL They Came From Far And Wide By DEMETRIO T. FLA VIANO EDITOR'S NOTE: We are publishing this article to give our 1·eaders an idea of hiow the School for Horne Industries of the Nacoco a,t Sariaya works. AUhough references are made bo 1~he ambition of students to find employment with the National Coconut Corporation after finishing their cou1·ses in the School, it should be stated that the principal objective of the School is not to enable students to find employment with the Corporation but to teach tlwm a useful and possibly, in tinies to come, a lucrative trade. H .ow do the students at the Sariaya School for Home Industries like the place? How do they like their studies? What brought them there? With these and other quetsions in mind, I approached a number of students to get their opinion and reactions. Let me start with the delegates from the different towns of Tayabas inasmuch as the model school is in this province. From Lucena, the capital of the province, I interviewed beauteous Miss Corine Orth, of German blood on the side of her father and a Filipina on the side of her mother. This is what she has to say on the questions I asked her regarding her objectives in studying at the Nacoco Model School, what subject she likes most and why, and what she was doing before coming to this place. "I came here to study the uses of the various parts of the coconut tree. I can readily profit from this knowledge by disseminating my experience to my people at home. I can also do business on a small scale and possibly in a larger way if afforded the netessary capital. I might even accept a position as instructor or demonstrator if our administration deems it wise to draft me. And I am not particular about the place." To the second question, her ma}or subject, she preferred Spinning and Weaving. She foresees a great future for the trade. And to the last interrogation I found out that she is still attending school being a second year high school student. At the Cotralco factory in Atimonan, I interviewed Mrs. Pilar Amparo-Leonor, a chemistry graduate from a Manila university. To the first question, she replied: "I was sent over by the Superintendent of the central to observe and further my knowledge of Spinning and Weaving, Soap Making and other allied subjects." She stopped for a while and then continued, "I have been offered a job in the fact·ory several times as a chemist but I always turned it down. Finally, however, I was prevailed upon for no other reason than a desire to help my husband earn our daily bread Page H and possibly save some for the future." For Gumaca, Miss Maria Capito, came in a!'i a handy representative. "My primary aim in studying here," according to her, "is to get a position as teacher. Preferably though I would like to teach Home Cooking i1wsmuch as it is my favorite subject." After further questioning the writer learned that she is a high school student though not a graduate yet. - Laguna, an adjacent coconut producing region comes next in our list. From Alaminos, where a school branch will be opened very soon, I selecled Miss Dolores Cosico as representative. She said she aims to teach. She likes especially to handle the course in shoes and slippers. It is more Students at work in the Sariaya school control laboratory. to her liking. From Sta. Cruz, Mr. Apolo Z. Lateo, who ran for municipal mayor but was unfortunately defeated bobbed up as the most logical man for the place. He has several interesting things to say. "My main purpose in coming here," with a r;i ise of his right hand exhibiting in no uncertain terms that he is every inch a politician, "is to propagate the Nacoco objectives." He paused for an instant as if to give weight to what he has just said and then went ·on. "I want to help th.e unemployed through the knowledge I have gained. Right now so many people just hang around in barbei· shops or merely engage in games of chance just because they have nothing to do. I like to remedy this sit uation.;, The writer further unearthed in the process of the interview that his mother was opposed to his f:tudies due to the uncertain conditions now existing as JULY, 1941 a result of the war scare. This, however, did not deter him from carrying out his plans although his mother meant so much to him. Mr. Lateo by the way specializes in Tiles and Insulation Board because he sees business prospects for this industry. Mr. Felipe Roaza of Luisiana has this to confide on the other hand. A class in braid-weaving. "I was idle in my hometown. A relative, the municipal secretary of the town, advised me to study at the Nacoco. So here I am," he dramatically S<lid. According to him he is specializing in charcoal making and wants to km:>w how the charcoal kiln is being made. He will be more than willing to teach, if given an opportunity, he finally concluded. A very good example of a student who wants to spend his vacation time profitaly is Mr. Jose Balagtas of Cabuyao, Laguna. It would not be amiss t:.:> mention here that Mr. Balagtas is a younger brother to the one in charge of the tiles and insulation board charcoal making and charcoal retort sections. A high school student at present in his home province he came here to specialize in soap making and intends to use it for business purposes. Mr. Gil Burlaza, of Liliw, and a chemistry graduate has this to say in turn. "I am a temporary Grade III teacher at Pagsanjan. I am schooling once more to broaden my . experience in soap making. I have, frankly .speaking, majored this course in college. Modesty aside, I am interested in everything related to chemistry." "What are your plans?" I asked him. "If my plans do not miscarry I like to teach, help pr.:>pagate the soap industr~ to the people of the islands. It is •.:>nly through this way that I can be of real help and service to the country." Batangas has also contributed to the student population of the school in the person of Mr. Pedro Mara lit. By way of elucidation Mr. Maralit is a welltravelled man. He has been in practically every part of the Philippines. Has been in Japan, China, Mexico, United States, and Europe. This part may be out of place in this article but this merely justifies the fact that the Nacoco institution has attracted all and sundry irrespective of age, experience, education, sex, and position, whether financial ·.:>r otherwise. "What subject are you specializing in?" I questioned. "Novelties. This appeals to my imagination because I have taken Fine Arts at the U. P. Besides I see a business demand for it, that is, as far as the foreigners are concerned. In all the foreign countries I have visited novelty stores are making money. I do not see any reason then why it will not also become lucrative locally." As to teaching aspirations he says that he may either teach or go in business. In short he is ready to choose between the two. Mr. Manuel Sarabia, of Caloocan, Rizal, said: "I am studying here primarily to be independent. I do not like to be a burden anymore to my parents. I am majoring in Insulation Board. It has good prospects. Soap, lard and butter making come next in my line." Like Mr. Maralit of Lipa, Batangas he is disposed to select between teaching or going into business depending naturally on the favorable circumstances. Aparri, Cagayan has a lone representative in the person of Mr. Cesario La Centeno. Right now he has his own business. He is just studying to broaden his experience and knowledge. The things he has learned • .:>r will learn from his stay in Sariaya he plans to use for the business end of it. In short he has no teaching ambitions. He is in and out a businessman. As a matter of fact, he confided to me, he has been checking the prices of the finished Nacoco soap being cut into blocks. products here with that of the prevailing o~es in Manila. He has also investigated whether it pays. to carry certain lines in the city and at the same time compete with other allied g.:>ods. Lingayen, Pangasinan has a deserving an.d able representative in the person of Mr. Recardo Sison, a relative of Secretary Teofib Sison of the Department (Please turn to page 20) Page 15 COCONUT (Continued I COCONUT FARMS REPORTING, AREA PLANTED AND TOTAL PRODl NUMBER OF COCONUT TREES: 1939 PROVINCES Non-Bearing Trees Farms Area Total Number of Reporting Number Bearing Nuts Gathered -Population Planted with (Hectares) of Trees No. of Farms For All N Coconuts Trees Trees Reporting Purposes ] ---- --- ---- --41. Rizal ........ 444,805 1,150 381.81 49,721 19,973 29,409 847 201,686 42. Rom bl on . ... 99,367 12,327 24,688.98 3,223,301 2,197,418 1,000,283 9,697 48,341,271 43,~ 43. Samar . ...... 546,306 43,582 75,926.68 10,200,372 5,738,841 4,427,676 37,611 150,246,576 140,4 44. Sorsogon . .... 247,653 26,671 43,490.57 5,391,409 3,286,354 2,096,359 16,737 97,354,467 88,ll 45. Sulu . .. .. ... 247,117 16,128 19,460.07 2,559,284 1,104,666 1,453,719 13,709 38,019,929 31,''., 46. Surigao . .... . 225,895 22,975 34,284.69 4,209,732 2,002,551 2,186,992 19,328 69,894,052 67,~ 47. Tar lac . ..... 264,379 6,935 775.11 107,116 68,171 38,845 4,433 703,853 48. Tay a bas . .... 358,553 45,665 149,241.76 25,272,85"1 18,539,135 6,726,353 29,121 482,342,362 426,')" 49. Zam bales ... . 106,945 5,603 1,421.19 187,468 115,032 72,327 3,471 1,546,599 1 50. Zamboanga - . 355,984 20,635 51,242.03 5,825,484 2,682,867 3,127,1081 18,039 107,652,815 92,1 ·COCONUT PROD DESICCATJ.;D OR SHREDDED COCONUT - -·-1940 1939 Country of ·- ·~ Quantity (Peso,) Qua ntity V alue Dc:->tinntion (Kilos) (Pesos) (Kilos) Va Ju., u. s. A. . ... 40,431.884 7 ,369,049 41,553,600 8,813,407 Hon}!kong- 82,650 11,987 19,809 3,520 Chinn 2.540 680 4,128 1,210 Cnna<la 824 146 169. 769 19,358 Total 40.517 .898 7 .381.862 41.747,306 8.837 ,495 Coconut Oil (inedible) u. s. nnd Territories 158.283,670 16,192.280 155,587 ,480 16, 734,044 British Africa 1,321,756 143,553 1,863,290 179,752 Cu.nndn ..... 8,089,875 799,429 3,846,833 405,929 Sweden ..... 3,776,342 475,001 1.483,253 221.104 Italy 1,627 ,807 ~72,872 45,138 6,231 Frnnce 1.378,754 227,608 9,785 1,375 Switzerlnnd 903,117 136,958 Belp:ium .... 609,020 101.680 Chinn ······· 449,441 59,665 482,047 75,489 Cuba ........ 508.000 47 ,290 304,800 34,247 Russia 304.800 27 .ooo Thnilnnd (Sinrn) 48.900 9,600 77 ,436 11,268 British En~t Indies 44,7!l2 9,157 309.548 61.167 Hong'kong ... 49.814 7,426 93,211 15,296 Mnlnyn 27 ,868 5,587 316,412 57 ,826'ntintt ... 20.108 4,958 25,780 5,710 Dutch Eust Indies .. ..... 14.79fi 4.176 Jnpnn 5,006 1.089 Germnny I 273,614 29,000 French Enst Indies. 177 ,458,863 1 5.994 1.213 ----T otnl 12,525,329 164,724,711 17 ,839,651 NOTES: Figures compiled from the records of the Bureau of Statistics. By Ricardo Bonilla Page lH COCONUT OIL-(Edible) I 1940 1939 Country of Qua lity Va lue Qua lity ) Value Destination (Kil_ o•) _ (Pesos) (Kilos) (Pesos) ------ ========== Hongkong ... 6,352,228 887 .572 2,054,555 361 ,490 Ma laya 442,103 71.189 30.771 6,030 U.S. & Territorics .... 634,327 55.615 648,612 90,758 China Dutch East 280,688 50,874 3,255 544 Indies ..... 174,683 44,282 122,292 29,051 France 175.499 27,780 China (Portuguese) 167 .476 21.537 British E ast Indies ..... 90,791 16,105 47,771 10,337 E gypt 53,676 11,898 Thailand ((Siamm .. 45,550 7,407 6,440 1,016 India ... .... 18,674 2,647 Burma ...... 7,000 1,320 Japan ....... 599 158 Total ····· 8,444.294 1.198,352 2.913,696 499.226 ---COPRA U .S. T er r itori es .. ... 243,601,478 12,382, 764 225,076,847 15,060, 132 France ...... 34,182,505 2,615,805 46,290,571 3,104,337 Russia ···· ·· 22,188,144 1,1 29,881 Sweden 12.126,695 857,978 16,578,194 1,108,828 Great Britain 8,079,473 425,305 Spanish Africa 4,927 .600 388,000 Denmarck ... 5,384.000 369,920 17,144,855 l ,160,636 Spain ... .... 5.080,000 250,971 l ,524,000 100,000 I taly 2,635,449 173,012 27,292,795 1.873,571 Mexico 2,336,800 160,000 P a nama , Republic of .. 724,648 34,206 J1tpan ....... 210,289 6,080 2,151,183 145,362 E gypt ....... 51,690 5,000 2,328,996 153.367 China 101,600 4,200 499,060 32,280 Germany .... 5,853,213 367 ,163 Malaya 459.817 26,926 Netherla nds 50,269.688 3,284,163 Turkey ... ... 610,759 54,490 Chile 2,292,121 163,740 Gibraltar .... 2,295.038 167,500 Total ..... 341 ,930,371 18,802,122 400,667,137 26,802,495 STATISTICS from June issue) JCTION OF NUTS, NUTS FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES, ~RODUCTION OF COCONUT OIL AND COPRA: 1938 VALUE OF COCONUT PRODUCED II Coconuts For Making Copra o. of Farms ~fats Reporting --- -----~20,526 10,492 l43,020 28,330 ~2,497 15,108 1 n7,475 7,542 l00,638 15,350 3,840 8 f27,557 36,168 f40,681 627 335,101 9,181 Coconuts For Making Oil No. of Farms Nuts Reporting 366 10 1,277,751 7,293 865,097 5,623 2,060,245 10,724 1,451,874 6,235 328,334 2,642 121,125 2,549 3,720,302 19,179 72,510 1,906 1,135,853 4,983 •UCTS EXPORTS Copra Produced Smoked Total Copra (Kilos) (Kilos) -10,340,536 9,088,005 38,709,502 36,547,477 23,136,220 22,734,864 8,512,157 4,115,289 16,923,779 l0,73r>,0·1-2 965 680 106,946,450 06,905,000 168,522 43,882 24,832,060 17,013,666 Sundried Copra (Kilos) - - 1,252,531 2,162,023 401,3561 4,396,868 6,188,737 285 41,450 124,6,10 7,818,394 - - 1 Value of Manufactured Products Coconuts Smoked Used For Copra Food (Pesos ) (Pesos) - - ------4,164 - - 32,351 313,65 107,725 1,298,54 83,935 946,93 41,246 149,87 25,016 378,38 14,139 3 124,932 3,912,29 11,145 2,19 18,489 616,21 6 6 5 3 7 4 5 6 0 Sundried Copra (Pesos ) 40,017 85,613 19,135 171,916 I Coconut I Oil Made \I On Farm (P"°'' 611 27,02911 15,893 I 36,214 37,142 221,369 6,526 14 4,252 I I 1,503 56,115 I 6,232 1,322 1 1 314,262 _ _ 2 51 COPRAMEAL & CAKE PRODUCTION OF COCONUT OIL DURING 1940 Country of Destination United States & Ter ritories . . . ... . Denmark ... . Sweden .... . Canada . ... . Hongkong .. . Germany ... . Netherlands . Belgium Norway • • .• . Total . . . .. COCONUTS Hongkong . . . China .. . ... . U.S. & Territories . . . Total • . . . . COCOHONEY U.S. & Terr itories .. . Hongkong .. . Total ..... CHARCOIL U.S. & Territories . .. Great Britain France • . ... . Japan •.... •. Dutch East . Indies Total . .... COIR U.S. & Territories . .. Buttons. Coconut Shell. U.S. & Territories . .. Qua ntity (Kilos) 194 90,879,566 10,854,285 2,426,206 408,820 459,486 105,028,363 6,137 2 6,139 11.028 93 11,121 4,056,399 J.822,551 363,835 49,580 1,416 6,293,781 500 0 Value (Pesos) 2,285,351 339.528 96,679 10,869 8,836 2,741 ,261 314 1 315 8,277 89 8,366 262.860 94,326 25,345 1,300 85 383.916 7 1,024 . 1939 Qua ntity (Kilos) 46,320,839 37 .609 ,994 8,028.830 1.752,425 14,040 16,398,863 3,207,525 1,016.030 50,800 114,399.346 10 132 142 18,728 18,728 232.681 534,947 332,030 G0,095 1,159 ,753 96 Value (P esos) J.S8;j ,905 1,230,402 311,407 58,763 350 528,506 156,097 ~7 . 1 2 5 1,591 4,250,146 100 108 14.654 14,654 8,587 35,634 8,877 1,492 54,590 100 All compa nies in the Philippines J a nuary . . . . ... . . 15,715,71 6 kilos February . . . . . . . . 16,235,262 " Ma rch . . . . . . . . . . 16,743,166 April . . . . . . . . . . . 18,912,504 May . . . . . .. . . . . . 17,960,616 June . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ,376,690 July . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,106,222 August . . . . . .. . . 19.453,238 September . . .. . . . 17,929,414 October . . . . . . . . . 22,444,999 November . . . . . . . 17 ,366,186 December . . . . . . . 29,889,392 All com1nm ies in Ma nila I 3,808, 131 Kilo• 12,164,595 .. 12,532,046 .. 14,094,817 .. I 2,627 ,850 " 12,332,490 .. I0,052,3fi4 " 11 .986,722 .. 12.li3.333 .. 17,161,744 .. 13,213,224 •• 13,904,403 .. Total . . .. ... 227,433,003 Kilos Total · · 156'051' 709 COCONUT PRODUCTS EXPORTS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1941 Products Coconut, des iccated or Shredded . . Coconut oil, Inedible .. . . . Coconut o i I, edible . . ... Copra . . . .... Copra cake or med . . . . . . . Charcoal (coconut) .. . . Exports to all Countries Quantity Value (Kilos) (Pesos ) 7,786,852 1,635,273 20,329,657 2,455,172 776,945 163,474 33,492,145 2,981 ,956 8 ,338,218 143 ,884 1,04 7,74 7 59,Zl4 Exports to the United States Quantity Value ( K ilos) ( Pesos) 7,784,507 1,634,873 18,666,521 2,223,266 52,100 10,255 17,744,856 1,323,698 8,335,928 143,840 1,04 7,747 59,214 Page 17 U. S. T. RED CROSS DAY CANTEEN + JOIN THE U.S.T. RED CROSS DAY CANTEEN at the Manila Jockey Club, 9 A.M. to 12 P.M., Saturday, Aug·ust 2 Gl\'E GENEROUSJ,Y THIS YEAR This space is donated by the Chairmen and members of the different committees appointed by th" Rev. Fr. Eugenio Jordan, 0. P., actinrr rector of the University, Chairman of the U.S.T. Red Cross Day Canteen to be held at the Manila Jockey Club all day on Saturday, August 2, 1941. - - - o - - Very Rev. Fr. Eugenio Jordan, 0. P. Chairman EXECUTIVE CO:\DIITTEE: DR. CONSUELO R. BELMONTE, General Manager DR. REMEDIOS DE OCAMPO, Asst. Gen. Manager MEMBERS: COMMERCE Chairman: Dr. Luz Diokno Members: Mrs. Rosario D. Jose Mrs. Mary B. da Silva Mrs. Paz Chavez Dr. Dominador Rualo PHARMACY Chairman: Mrs. Ca rmen M. Belmonte Members: Miss Dolores del Gallego Miss Bernardita Alzona Mrs. Justina Ca mpos NORMAL SCHOOL Chairn1an: Mr. Jose Motomal Members: Dr. Estela 0 . Avena Miss Ca rmen Larracas Miss Leonor Piiion PHILOSOPHY Chairman: Dr. Paz Latorena Members : Dr. Jose V . Panganiban Miss Helen D. Carbonell LAW Dr. Pompeyo Diaz Dr. Norberto de Ramos PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Chairman: Dr. Paz Latorena M embers: Dr. Josefa G. Estrada Mr. Dionisio K. Yorro Dr. Josephine B. Serrano INVITATION COMMITTEE Chairman : Dr. Ricarda Sian Members: Miss Lourdes Altonaga Mr. Aquilcs Mossesgeld Dr. Mercedes G. Santamaria and ZS other students Page 18 MEDICINE Chairman: Dean B. Mencias Members: Dr. Virgilio Ramos Dr. Nora D. Casas Dr. Remedios G. Arellano Dr. Barcelon EDUCATION & FINE ARTS Chairman : Ur. Concepcion Gil M embers: Dr. Esperanza Alvendia Miss Lourdes de Veyra C•/l1s< Maria de Veyra Mr~. Josehna Escueta Mr. Galo B. Ocampo LIBERAL ARTS Chairman : Dr. Antonia P. Gabriel M embers: Dr. Florentino Pason Dr. Carolina Garcia Mrs. C. V. Mossesgeld Mr. Luis Alcuaz ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE Chairman: Dean Alberto Guevara Membe rs : Mrs E. G. Tirona Mr. Julio V. Rocha HIGH SCHOOL Chairman: Dr. Socorro Llanderal Members: Dr. Rosario Monreal Dr. Leticia A. Valeriano ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Chairman: Miss Mina Cus todio Members: Dr. Emilia Villaceran Mrs. Paz Pasicolan GA TE COMMITTEE Chairman: Dr. Ricarda Sian Members : Dr. C. J. Colayco Mrs. L. Samaniego Miss Paz Borja Miss Pilar Borja '.rhe COCONUT JOURNAL COPRA AND COCONUT ... (Continued fro in page 2) centavos per kilo, a net gain of 5 centavos having been made during the month. In the United States, this item recovered losses of previous month.. After business was consummated by mid-month at 5-3/ 4 cents, f. o. b., tank cars, Pacific Coast, prices gradually advanced to 6-1/2, influenced by the general strength of fats and oils. Spot in New York was purely nominal at 7-1/2 cents in view of the new developments in the international picture. How far the Henderson statement on price ceilings for cottonseed oil would affect Philippine coconut oil beam close watching. Manila, sellers, per kilo, delivered in drums: Opening Lowest Highest Closi•ig P0.16 P0.15-1/ 2 P0.23 P0.21 DESICCATED COCONUT.-There was nothing new in the American market. Dealers appeared c0nfident of plentiful supplies and anticipated reduction of copra costs as a result of the licensing system. Trade takings were reported somewhat better than seasonal. COPRA MEAL.-Local offerings were unchanged at PZ0.00 per ton, ex-warehouse. The American market closed firm and quoted nominally $36.00 on the Pacific Coast, delivered. MARKETS FOR COPRA (Continued from page 9) Although a greater proportion is being supplied by the Philippines and competition does not seem to be so keen, the copra situation is menaced by the threats from certain agricultural interests in the United States, especially the cotton growers. Under normal conditions it is safe to expect that the present course wil I not be materially altered, specially so when it is taken into consideration the fact that the logical tendency is for the European possessions in Oceania to send their copra to the mother country. During 1933, of the total quantity of 660,872,000 pounds of copra imported by the United States, 442,168,000 pounds or 67 per cent came from the Philippines. The other suppliers were Asia and the East Indies which supplied 29 per cent of the copra import into the United States, the South Sea Islands with about 5 per cent, and the rest from the West Indies and Central America. Available figures show the following to be tht! most important copra producing countries in 1935. shown together with their respective exports: Java and other Dutch East Indies Philippines . . . . Straits Settlements Southern Islands Ceylon . Zanzibar Tons 483,456 252,883 180,761 130,000 48,661 15,000 JULY, 1941 Coconut Oil.-The American market, the largest buyer of our coconut oil, is at present plethoric of various kinds of fats and oils. On December 31, 1939, stocks of lard in the United States showed an increase of 53 per cent over the 109 million pounds at the end of 1938 and over 88 per cent increase over the five-year 1933-1937 average of 89 million pounds. Shipments of lard to the United Kingdom, the leading United States customers, greatly declined as a result of the war in Europe. Sumatra palm oil was also available in the United States at lower prices. This situation brings forth as excess of supplies over the demand. One ruinous effect as a consequence thereof was that prices of copra and coconut oil shared in the drop of values among other fats and oils. In 1930 when the economic depression was felt throughout the world, the American cotton planter and dairyman saw that the markets for their cottonseed oil and butter were dwindling. Hence, they began to agitate for restriction of the free entry of Philippine coconut oil into the American market. ~s a result of their persistent appeal to Congress. in May of 1934 a law was enacted imposing an excise tax of 3 cents for every pound of Philippine coconut oil entering the United States. Obviously, this tax was intended to protect the American farmer by dive1iing coconut oil from the manufacture of oleomargarine. That this purpose has been definitely achieved may be indicated by the fact that ever since 1934 cottonseed oil began to challenge the predominant position of coconut oil in the use of fats and oils in margarine industry of the United States. The comparative contribution of each of the cottonseed oil and coconut oil in the American manufacture of margarine from 1933 to 1938 follows: On Million Pounds) Year Cottonseed Coconut Oil Oil 1933 18 150 1934 55 124 1935 100 174 1936 108 150 1937 174 74 19:38 143 90 From the above figures, it will readily be seen that by 1937 the cottonseed oil had completely wrested the leading position from the coconut oil in the manufacture of margarine, in that over twice as much cottonseed oil was consumed for edible purposes as was coconut oil. During said year, the quantity of cottonseed oil consumed in the margarin industry went up to as high as 174,000,00 pounds as against only 74,000,000 pounds for that of the coconut oil. These figures represent an increase of 66 million pounds, of 59 per cent, over 1936 for cottonseed oil and a decrease of 76 million pounds, or 51 per cent, in the case of coconut oil. Although declining by ~n million pounds in 1938, cottonseed oil, with 143 million pounds, was again far in the lead of the fast and oils used for this purpose, thus continuing the displacement of coconut oil that occurred since 1933. The coconut oil situation was further aggravated by the steadily increasing use of other oils. from less than 1 million pounds in 1933 to 40 million pounds in 1938. Likewise, Brazilian babassu oil jumped from 2 million pounds to an average of 14 million pounds during the period from 1936 to 1938. Effects of the Tydings-Kocialkowski Act Coconut oil is chiefly dependent upon the protection which it now enjoys under the free trade with the United States. It is not expected to be able to withstand the imposition of export taxes beginning 1941 until the end of the transition period in 1946. Hence, in order to give the industry a chance to a djust itself, the Joint Preparatory Committee on Philippine Affairs recommended its exemption from the export taxes and in lieu thereof to place it under a declining duty-free quota. In view of this recommendation, the TydingsKocialkowski Act, otherwise known as the Philippine Adjustment Act, passed in 1939 provides for an original quota of 200,000 long tons of Philippine coconut oil that may be exported to the United States during the calendar year 1940. For each calendar year thereafter through the calendar year of 1945, each of the said quotas shall be the same as the corresponding quota for the immediately preceding calendar year, less 5 per centum of the corr esponding 01·iginal quota. For the period January 1 to July, 1946, said quota shall be one-half of the corresponding quota specified for the calendar year 1945. The quantities that we shall be allowed to ship under this quota, therefore, will be as follows: Year 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946, Jan. 1 to July 4 Long Tons 200,000 190,000 180,000 170,000 160,000 150,000 75,000 Our exports of coconut oil to the United States during the period 1930-1939 averaged 150,468 tons. The biggest shipment was in 1935 with 162,444 tons, while the lowest was recorded in 1932 when only 110,120 tons were shipped. Basing on a very conservative estimate of an average export of 150,000 long tons per year, as may be gleaned from the foregoing figures, it is believed that there will be little or no reduction at all in our exports of this product during the transition period. As regards copra, this item being in the free list of the United States tariff, no reduction is expected. Page 19 Prospects New Outlets.-Although Philippine coconut oil has suffered from extremely low prices during the last few years, there have been two encouraging and favorable trends in the coconut oil trade. The first is the actual expansion in the volume of exportation and the second is the addition of new markets. The new markets include Italy, France, and Singapore. As to whether the first two countries will continue to take a share of the Philippine export trade in coconut oil is regarded doubtful in view of the war still raging in Europe. However, the Oriental market has shown some expansion lately, while the North American market has become increasingly dominant because of the rise of Canada as a buyer of this product. Sweden has become the largest outlet for coconut oil in Europe. According to reliable reports from Canada, it is said that a local company has been incorporated in British Columbia, planning to bring in about 2,000 tons of copra each month from the South Sea Islands, for the manufacture of oil to be used in soap manufacture. It is also reported that some of the copra will be processed for cattle feed. Likewise, if conditions warrant, said company will eventually produce edible oils. This matter is being brought out in this connection so as to indicate a prospective outlet of Philippine exports of copra and coconut oil. Favorable Factors.-In spite of the excise taxes on our coconut oil and on its equivalent in copra, there are indications tending to show a rosy outlook for these Philippine export products. The current war now going on between the democracies and the totalitarian countries, the undeclared war between China and Japan, the increasing cost of production of Brazilian babassu oil, the various sitdown strikes among the far labor elements in the United States, the gradual increase of Philippine bottoms for international shipping, the probable repeal of the United States Revenue Act of 1934 insofar as the same applies to the Philippine coconut oil and its equivalent in copra, and the apparent growing interest being given the coconut industry by the Philippine Commonwealth are sufficient indices of favorable prospects for the Philippine copra and coconut oil trade. Unless, of course, some unforeseen world events should occur as to alter altogether the present world economic set-up, the foregoing factors will surely play an important part in boosting the exportation of Philippines copra and coconut oil. Foreign markets for our copra and coconut oil seem to carry good and further possibilities of being developed into more extensive and profitable ones. In addition to the United States as the chief buyer, these coconut products are very much in demand in industrial countries, especially in Europe and Asia. Our exportation of copra and coconut oil to Europe and Asia are not handicapped by tariff barriers. Except in Great Britain, India, Italy and Spain. Philippine copra and coconut oil are admitl'agc 20 The COCONUT JOURNAL ted in almost all countries of Europe and Asia either free of duty or subject to non-prohibitive duties. Furthermore, we have another added advantage with regard to the continent of Asia because of geographical proximity. SARIA YA SCHOOL ... (Continued from page JJ) of National Defense. This is what he told me: "I will establish a cooperative store with province-mates as partners at our place. There is a good prospect for it." Asked on what he intends to carry as stock in his propJsed business he readily replied that hats come in first. There is money in it, he assured me. The other products come next in importance. At present he has his own business already--a recreation hall. Mr. Amado Costes of Maiigaldan, of the same province, has this to confess: "I was sent by the municipal council of •Jur town to study the various uses which coconut can be made of. I am specializing in Novelties not because of business reasons but simply for the love of it. It is so good to look at. They can very well serve as presents, foo." Questioned as to whether he has any ambition to teach he immediately answered in the affirmative. From Bulan, Sorsogon I interviewed Miss Dely Vargas. Her objectives in studying she divides into three, namely: to spend vacation time profitably; to have adventure; and to study Soap Making. I have gathered from her that her father is planning to open a soap factory. Miss Vargas who is not in ::my way related to the right hand man of our Commonwealth President, finished her high school only last .March. Indang, Camarines Norte is represented by Mr. Eugenio Balon and this is what he has to say: "I came here to learn, to acquire a means of livelihood by which I can be independent. I also want fo serve my parents, my community and the Filipino people as a whole. This desire I can put into realization by knowing and mastering the secrets and ways of converting coconut by-products into finished ones." A fourth year high scho-Jl student he has plans to teach and engage in business later on. Mr. Marcelino Alcancia of Calapan, Mindoro who received his high school diploma only last March says that he was sent by their provincial governor to •Jbserve and study; that he was promised a job as instructor in the branch that will be opened very soon in their place; and that he is majoring in Spinning and Weaving with Soap Making as minor. From far away Leyte in the town of Dulag I selected Mr. Fortunato LakandaS'J to be its delegate. A graduate of the Leyte Provincial Trade School he is inclined to major in Novelties. Said this student "I want to help the province as a whole in utilizing the unused coconuts." JULY, 1941 T H E HOUSEW F E Edited by VIRTUDES M. GUINTO VEG ET ABLES - apay ... 6 gabi stalks 1 onion sliced 1 c diced g. abi 2 c coconut milk 3 sliced ripe tomatoes salt and pepper Remove the outer skin of the gabi stalks cut in pieces 4 or 5 cm. long and mix with the gabi, tomatoes and onions in a pan. Cover with water and boil until tender. Add the coconut milk and cook for 5 minutes then add the salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot. blossom with coconut milk ... 1 l>anana blossom 2 ripe wmatoes 2 tbsp. vinegar 2 pi,eces garlic 1 onwn 1 tbsp. Purico or leornar1 c pure coconut milk garine Boil the banana blossom in ·water. Chop the tender part into very fine pieces, wash and squeeze till dry. Fry the garlic in a pan. Add the tomatoes, onions, the blossom and vinegar. Add the coconut milk and boil for two minutes more. FISHcrabs with gata and jackfruit .. . 2 alimango or crabs 1 c nangca (jackfruit) 1 onion sliced 5 c coconut milk pounded garlic salt Bar.:igo, Leyte is represented by Mr. Julio Villasin. A normal graduate having been a teacher for four years he is now retired from the force and is now actively engaged in business. According to him he is not interested in teaching. He is studying for purely business reasons. He has strong leanings, I have gleaned from him, for soap. lard and butter making and tiles and Insulation board. The region of the sugar barons has its own contribution in the person of Mr. Isidro Benedicto. He comes from La Carlota, San Carlos, N egros Occidental. Mr. Benedicto who is a businessman dealing in rice and gaS«lline states that he is here to study the business angle of the things being taught him. He believes he can make use of his new knowledge on soap, lard and butter making as well as home cooking. He plans furthermore to establish his own school patterned after the Nacoco model institution. There are also enrJlled in the school, students from Iloilo, Romblon, Marinduque, Mindanao, and of course other towns not touched upon in the interview from Tayabas, Laguna, Batangas and Pangasinan. Bulacan, too, has a lone representative. Because •Jf lack of time and also due to the fact that many of them had left for their home towns, it was not possible for the writer to interview them. . Cut the crabs in halves and put in boiling coconut ~ilk. Add the nangca that has been sliced into small pieces, then add a little salt to taste and boil until cooked. Shrimps may be added. fish with coconut and sitao . .. 2 c coc?nut milk fish (fresh, fried or 2 c sitxw or batao dried) medium- sized Cut the sitao into small pieces and boil in a small amount of water. Add the fish and a little salt to taste to the sitao. When cooked, pour the coconut milk and cook for little more time. Remove from fire and serve hot. MEATcari pata de vaca . . . 1 ox knuckle 2 l>anana blossoms (of seeded l>ananas preferred) 4 eggplants 1 tsp. salt 3 sections of garlic milk of one coconut string beans Boil the knuckle (cut in short lengths) in sufficient water until soft. Remove the bones and cut the meat into small pieces. Fry the garlic in 3 tbps. lard and add the meat of the knuckle. When brown, add the coconut milk and the vegetables. Remove from the fire when the beans become soft. Cari is very delicious when eaten with bagoong cooked in oleomargarine. POULTRYchicken royale ... 1 fowl, disjointed 1/ 2 c flour 2 c coconut milk cold water 1-1/ 3 c pi,neapple tidbits 1/ 2 c grated toasted cocosalt and pepper nut Dress and season the chicken, then add the coconut milk, cover and simmer slowly until tender. Remove the skin and bones from the meat. Thicken the broth with flour mixed to a paste in cold water. Cover bottoms of 6 individual cups with pineapple tidbits. Place pieces of chicken over the pineapple, pour gravy over all, then sprinkle with grated coconut. Bake in hot oven 400°F for 2G minutes. chicken curry I ... 1 chicken cut into pieces 6 red dry chilies a sm,all piece of saff mn the size of an almond ole.orna.rgarine or bu,tter 1 tbsp. of coriander 1 big onion Grind the chilies and saffron and coriander well. Mix with the chicken meat then pour the coconut milk. Add salt and boil well till the curry is dry. Add the sliced onion, then 1 big tablespoon oleomargarine or butter and stir well till the onions have turned brown. Serve hot, plain or with rice. Mrs. Pura Villanueva-Kalaw "THE COCONUT COOK BOOK" Page 21 SANDBAGS FOR NATIONAL (Continued frorn page 12) Manila Nacoco Inspector for National Defense Rafael Gonzales discloses the following report on the comparative efficiency of various types of spinning wheels used in Manila spinning centers. The various types are: Maramba, Siltocruz, Malacaman, and Bayan. By actual test, it has been noted that the Bayan, Maramba, Siltocruz and Malacaman (in this order) enable skilled, semi-skilled and beginner types of labor to produce decreasing quantities of coir yarn. The Maramba and Siltocruz types are "easy" to operate, Malacaman is "heavy," whereas the Bayan Double-Spool spinning machine is "light and easy." All the types are suitable for adults, but only the Ba_ yan type is adaptable to children and to women in the family way. Observes Mr. Gonzales- "The Bayan Double Spool spinning machine, because it was constructed at a later date than the others, has solved the defects of the other types and consequently is lighter and easier to operate. Even children find it easy to handle. Its lightness is due to the pair of pedals used. It is cheaper because it is two machines in one. One Bayan machine occupies less space than two of the others." Mr. Gonzales recommends it for use throughout Manila. -Compliments of ESCUDERO & COMPANY, INC. Manufacturers lmpol'ters & Exporters San Pablo City Philippines P. 0. Box 23 Tel. 34 Page 22 The COCONUT JO URN AL UNDERSTANDING COPRA . (Continued from page 7) particularly by the Low countries, as these items are being used for feedstuffs in the livestock industry. Since the Nazi aggression in Europe, our shipments to that sector have shrunk and have been checked by double bars. The Americau market apparently cannot absorb our production of meal and cake in view of the presence of competing feedstuffs. When there is no market for cake or meal, the price of copra locally is adversely affected. This is so because in the process of manufacturing coconut oil, the copra crushed yields about 33-1/ 3 per cent cake and meal. Hence, the price of cake and meal in the overseas markets beai' watching. Quotations on copra meal on the Pacific Coast are in United States currency per short ton of 2000 pounds, cost, insurance, and freight basis, unless otherwise indicated. The following quotation is an illustration: "Copra meal quiet, $32.00, Pacific Coast." In the local market copra meal is also quoted for domestic consumption. Our quotation is per metric ton, ex-warehouse. But in our country, owing to the presence of cheaper substitutes, we seldom use copra mea l as feedstuffs for large cattle or hogs. Quotations on desiccated coconut also need a little explanation. The prices in the United States are also per pound, cost, insurance, and freight . There are several kinds of cuts or threads, namely, Macaroon, medium, and coarse cuts; Fancy thread; Chips, and Long thread. The desiccated market to a certain extent permeates its influence over the copra market. When prices of desiccated coconut is sufficiently attractive in the United States local desiccators pay better prices than in terms of 'copra. Hence, in Southern Luzon when desiccators pay good prices, coconut growers do not make copra but sell coconuts instead to desiccators. The shift to desiccated channels favorably affect the price of copra, particularly so in times of low production. Arrivals of copra in Manila dwindle; offerings from sellers become small. Operations of local mills are disturbed, unless they are adequate~y stocked. Hence, when crushers are keen for supplies, liberal concessions are usua lly granted resu lting in higher bids for copra. As a number of varied factors influence copra price fluctuation in Manila, it requires no argument to assert that it pays to read and understand local reports on copra and coconut products. If in doubt as to the status of the market, coconut producers should consult the nearest reliable broker and pay him for the service. The Nationa l Produce Exchange, operated by the Bureau of Commerce, renders the same service at a nominal expense. JULY, 1941 Un Estudio de La Ley Que Con .. trola La Exportacion de La Copra Y El Aceite De Coco P OR medio de una resolucion conjunta de! Congreso de los Estados Unidos Ia ley sobre exportaci6n fue enmendada extendiendose su aplicac10n a los territorios y posesiones insulares de los Estados Unidos incluyendo Filipinas. Esta Resoluci6n conjunta fue firmada por el Presidente Roosevelt el 28 de Mayo de 1941. El mismo dia el Presidente Roosevelt tambien firmo una proclamaci6n extendiendo a Filipinas todas las proclamaciones y ordenes que se habian promulgado bajo el inciso 6 de la Ley de Exportacion. El 29 de Mayo 1941, Ia proclamacion del Presidente Roosevelt juntamente con la Resolucion conjunta sobre el control de Ia exportacion fue incluida en una proclamacion promulgada por el Presidente de Filipinas. El inciso 6 de Ia ley de exportacion autoriza el control sobre la exportacion. En la lista de articulos que seran puestos bajo esta ley de exportacion se incluyen la copra y el aceite de coco. La copra y el aceite de coco son materiales importantes belicos. De ellos se deriva la glicerina, un ingrediente basico en la fabricacion de explosivos, hasta ahora no se ha podido encontrar sustituto para la copra y el aceite de coco como materia esencial por su contenido de gliceri·· na. Filipinas es uno de los paises que mas producen coco en el mundo. Varios paises se quedarian afectados por este sistema de licencia. Las dos siguientes tablas demuestran el voluman da nuestra exportacion de copro y aceite de coco para los ultimos cinco afio..; (1936 a 1940) asi como los paises de destinacion. (Vease Tabla I y II) La tabla No. III demuestra el volumen de la copra y aceite de coco en Japon y Rusia desde 1913 a 1935. (Vease Tabla Ill) De las siguientes tablas se desprende que no hubo exportacion de copra a Rusia desde 1913 a 1939. Solamente en 1940 hubo importaciones a Rusia de Filipinas cuando una cantidad excesivamente grande de 23,000 toneladas metricas fue enviada a dicho pais. Mientras no se envio ninguna copra a Rusia durante la primera guerra mundial y los aiios siguientes, una gran cantidad de aceite de coco se envio a este pais en 1916, pero esto fue seguido con cantidades insignificantes en 1930 y 1931. En 1940 un ano despues de Ia apertura de hostilidades en Europa Rusia fue uno de los compradores mas grandes de la copra Filipina. De hecho que Rusia era el tercero entre nuestros compradores de copra en ese aiio. Ademas, se enviaron a Rusia mas de 300 toneladas metricas de aceite de coco en dicho aiio J apon ha sido siempre uno de nuestros parroq u ianos regulares de la copra y aceite de coco con la excepcion de los aiios de 1918 a 1923, a 1927 y 1936 a 1937, cuando muy poco 6 casi nada se envio a dicho pais. Sin embargo en 1938 la exportacion de copra al Japon llego a un total de 1,800 toneladas metricas que se au men to approximadamente 18 % en 1939 y despues bajo en 1940 a unas 210 toneladas. Las estadisticas de los primeros cuatro meses de 1941 demuestran que Japon ha importado 13,715,042 kilos de copra y 12,677,201 kilos de aceite de coco. Alemania no pudo obtener copra de Filipinas 6 aceite de coco en 1940 debido al bloqueo Britanico. Sin embargo su socio del eje, Italia, de una manera u otra consiguio obtener de Filipinas unos 2,635,449 kilos de copra y 1,627,807 kilos de aceite de coco en mienzo de la presente guerra Europea, Alemania habia sido uno de nuestros parroquianos grandes. Page 23 The COCONUT JOURNAL Los demas paiaes en Europa continental no han podido importar casi nada desde el comienzo de Ia guerra. Mientras el sistema de control y licencia en la exportacion significa una gran merma en el comercio con paises extranjeros los plantadores de! coco Filipinos se conforman con la situacion pues saben que Ia perdida de mercados es un sacrificio insignificante comparado con Ios beneficios que se derivan viviendo bajo la proteccion de las instituciones democraticas. TABLA I EXPORTACION DE COPRA FILIPINA (KILOS) PAIS 1936 1937 1938 1939 Estados Unidos . . .. . . . .. . 182,522,706 207,471,095 227,441,657 225,076,847 Gran Bretana ... . . ... . .. 406,100 Dinamarca . . . ....... . . . 1,830,663 10,617,200 17,144,855 Francia ............... 20,309,872 5,963,920 35,162,156 46,290,571 Alemania ....... . ...... 19,105,196 4,285,457 7,020,860 5,853,213 Italia ....... .. ......... 17,684,942 2,838,859 Rolanda .... . . .... . . . .. 33,774,154 12,912,595 45,872,400 50,269,688 Norwega ........ . ...... 457,873 Suecia .... . . . .......... 2,590,800 16,578,194 Turkia en Europa . .. . . . . 1,007,140 1,918,811 1,011,668 610,759 Turkia en Asia ...... . . .. 195,692 Chile .. . .. . .. . ..... . . . . 1,397,471 2,292,121 Mejico ..... . ........... 2,537,000 7,052,739 27,292,795 Indias Britanicas del Este 215,359 70,480 Japon ...... . .......... 1,600 1,823,703 2,151,183 Africa Inglesa . ......... Egipto ..... .. ......... 1,628,797 52,008 1,599,489 2,328,996 Rusi a . . . .. . ... ... .. ... 590,479 Espana ........ .. . . . . . . 9,194,800 1,524,000 China . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . 1,031,290 499,060 Malaya . . ...... . ... . . . . 459,817 Gibraltar .... . ...... . .. 2,295,038 Colonias Espanolas en Africa ... . .......... Panama .... . .......... Belgica ................ 50,119 TOTAL ... . . . . .... . . . 291,087,730 236,543,566 342,067 ,023 400,667,137 TABLA II EXPORTACION FILIPINA DE ACEITE DE COCO, INEDIBJ,E ( Cantidad en Kilos) PAIS 1936 Estados Unidos y Territorios 150,928,370 Africa Inglesa .......... . Canada ... ... . ........ . 3,339,015 Suecia .... . .......... . Italia .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . Francia . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . Suiza .. . .. . . . ....... . . Belgica .. ... . . . .. .. . .. . China ... . . . . .... . .. . . . 328,2fi7 Cuba . ....... . . . . .... . Rusia .. . .... .. ....... . Thailand (Siam) ....... . 51,670 Indias Britanicas del Este . 159,008 Hong-Kong . . .. . . . . . . . . 28,415 Malaya . .. ......... ... . Argentina . .. . ........ . Indias Holandesas del Este 3,302 Japon . . . . .. . .... .. . . . . 67,71 5 Alemania . . . ... ... . . .. . 1,079,069 lndias Francesas del Este . Kwantung . ... . . . . .... . 2,629 Rolanda .. . .. .... ..... . 2,918,732 Corea .. ....... .... . . . . 2,179 TOTAL 158,908,371 Pagt> 24 1937 160,325,232 786,676 269,156 74,01& 226,045 9,000 23,095 29,152 1,021,0&6 1,768 1,230 1,360 162,767,818 1938 159,629,291 358,755 1,499,677 800,000 772,508 891,032 51,822 336,041 22,675 30,292 7,548 320,000 16,168 1,230 320,000 165,057 ,039 1939 155,587,480 1,863,290 3,846,833 1,483,253 45,138 9,875 482,047 304,800 77,436 309,548 93,211 316,412 25,780 273,614 5,994 164,724,711 1940 243.601,478 8,079,473 5,384,000 34,182,505 2,635,449 12,126,695 2,336,800 210,289 51,690 22.488.144 5,080,000 101,600 4,927 ,600 724,648 341,93(1,371 1940 158,283,670 1,321,756 8,089,875 3,776,342 1,627,807 1.373,754 903,117 609,020 449,441 508,000 304,800 48,900 44,792 49,814 27 ,868 20,108 14,793 5,006 177,458,863 JULY, 1941 Atil'O 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 TABLA III Exportaciori "Filipina de Copra y Aceite de Coco a Japon y Rusia dm·ante 1913-1915 en kilos JAPON 568,117 1,309,458 1,450,273 2,394,563 983,635 95 3 148 113,080 52,821 226 101,107 527,985 1,152,345 2,049,937 2,175,759 5,612,583 10,699,188 1,346,466 COPRA RU SIA Nada NACOCO PARTICIPA DEL DIA DE JAPON 1,145 152,988 10,010 583,803 20,360 152,928 465,018 10,399 71,361 164,532 177,301 244,345 295,834 329,637 265,174 266,88!1 6 31,422 73,394 EN LA PARADA LEALTAD RUSIA Nada 488,898 Nada 23 4,000 Nada La participaci6n de la National Coconut Corporation en la Parada de Lealtad llevada a cabo el 19 de Junio ultimo en Manila, encabezadas por el mismo Gerente General, Hon. Maximo Rodriguez, el Director John R. Schultz, el Contralor Pedro M. ~imenez y el Secretario- Tesorero Benjamin Salvosa. Page ·25 Como Ayudarian Las Cooperativas A La Industria Del Coco Por VICENTE G. LAV A B11r6 de Ciencias ( Traducido al Castellano) EN un articulo anterior hemos seiialado que entre todos los factores causantes de los actuales apuros con que tropieza la industria cocotera, solamente dos se encuentran a nuestro alcance de remediar con facilidad, y estos son: ( 1) Nuestra antigua perspectiva de depender casi enteramente de! aceite como producto principal de la industria de! coco, la cual perspectiva podremos transmutar en la nueva perspectiva en donde el aceite desempeiiara un papel secundario en el conj unto industrial; y (2) el poder adquisitivo bajo (low purchasing power) de la gente que podriamos concientemente tratar de elevar. En el mencionado articulo hemos demostrado que son amplias, desde el punto de vista tecnologico, las posibilidades de una nueva perspectiva. Desafortunadamente, sin embargo, las posibilidades tecnologicas permanecen como meras posibilidades hasta que fu2ren traducidas en accion; y en vista de la magnitud de la industria cocotera y del gran numero de personas que quedarian afectadas por los cambios adversos en la industria, lo mas importante es acci6n y esta nec1;;sariamente tiene que ser Acci6n Colectiva. NECESIDAD DE UNA ACCION COLECTIVA No se trata aqui de criticar a la clase adinerada entre los filipinos. El pais siendo lo que es-una colonia y un pais atrasado- sus nacionales adinerados se ven forzados a desempeiiar el papel de! pasagero en el asiento posterior que meramente observa al que lleva la manivela, sin adquirir gran experiencia en la direcci6n y norma de administraci6n. No teniendo experiencia en la estimaci6n de las posibilidades, y con i".olo unos cuantos individuos competentes para dirigir en cuanto respecta a la tecnologia de cualquier problema u organizaci6n, a un fiilipino adinerado no se le podra .esperar que invierta ciegamente su dinero. El resultado es conservatismo, timidez, intereses elevados s0bre el capital, y condiciones que generalmente favorecen ·al grupo acUnerado para compensar perdidas incurridas :debidas aJas razones arriba citadas. Esta es la raz6n porque es necesaria una acci6n colectiva. En una acci6n colectiva, ningun individuo coloca al azar todos sus ahorros 6 acumulaciones; antes al contrario todos aportan su grano contando con la formula de que muchas contribuciones pequeiias torman una unidad grande. Pero la acci6n colectiva no significa meramente la reunion de ahorros individufJ.les pequeiios en una unidad grande; significa tamb1en interes en la organizaci6n, de parte de muchos individuos, aportando su grano de arena para alcanzar el Page 26 exito, poniendo a conocimiento de todos sus virtudes etc. si triunfare. Pero lo mas importante es el hecho de que la acci6n colectiva, puede ser dirigida hacia empresas cooperativas que daran por resultado elevar el pooer adquisitivo (purchasing power) del pueblo. Veamos pues como puede la acci6n colectiva obrar para la industria del coco: Supongamos que existe una region cocotera donde la gente vive principalmente de los ingresos derivados de! coco. Asumamos tambien que al presente su unico ingreso proviniente del coco se deriva de la production de copra de calidad inferior que se vende a corredores. Asumamos ademas que a cambio de su copra ellos toman otros articulos de varias otras tiendas al detal en la region. La acci6n colectiva puede incorporar cualquie1·a 6 todas las formas de las actividades siguientcs: 1. Una cooperativa para resecar copra. 2. Una cooperativa para vendt:!r copra. 3. Una ccoperativa para convertir la copra en aceite, venta de aceite y "copra cake''. 4. Una cooperativa para la fabricaci6n y vent<! de! coco desecado. 5. Una cooperativa para la fabricaci6n y venta de aceite comestible que se obtiene directamente de la carne fresca de! coco y de sus derivados. 6. Una cooperativa para comprar articulo~; a cambio de la copra y demas productos y derivados de! coco. Vamos a tomar el caso de las dos ultimas actividades para servir de ilustraci6n de como obraran estas cooperativas. COOPERATIVA DE PRODUCTORES Tomemos por ejt:mplo, de que unos veinte agricultores inician la empresa de la Cooperativa de Productores, aportando de P5,000 a Pl0,000 cada uno. Estos iran buscando suscripciones de Pl0.00 para arriba. Advertitim a cada uno de los miembros en perspectiva de la cooperativa de que cada individuo tendril un voto, sin tomar en cuenta el numero de acciones que ha comprado, pero que la distribuci6n de las ganancias dependera de! numero de acciones de cad a uno. ( Este es el Plan Cooperativo Rochdale). Los organizadores de la cooperativa de Productores haran a que se comprometan Jos presuntos miembros de la cooperativa a vender todos sus cocos a la cooperativa, por un periodo especificado de aiios. El precio garantizado en que se ha de convenir pue· JULY, 1941 de basarse sobre el precio de la copra al momento de la entrega de los cocos, o sobre la siguiente distribucion que esta basada en una minima de 95 kilos de aceite comestible obtenido de cada 1,000 cocos: Por el aceite co-j Precio garantizamestible del coco do concedido al vendido al por ~ a[lricultor miem/Jro mayor a (P ) de la cooperativa cada kilo @ 4:i% de ingreso 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 del aceite (P ) vor cada 1,000 cocos 3.45 3.85 4.30 4.75 5.15 5.60 6.00 6.45 6.85 7.30 7.70 8.15 8.55 9.00 9.40 9.85 10.25 10.70 Cantidad minima de la antici11ada ganancia bruta de la cooperativa del aceite solamente, @ 5.5% de los ingresos dcl aceite (P ) por caila 1,000 cocos 4.15 4.70 5.25 5.75 6.30 6.80 7.35 7.85 8.40 8.90 9.40 9.95 10.45 11.00 11.50 12.05 12.55 13.50 Los organizadores de las cooperativas advertiran tambien a los presuntos miembros que despues de deduci1· el costo de fabricacion, las ganancias de la cooperativas se distribuiran entre la cooperativa central y los agricultores, a base, digamoslo, de, 60 por 40. Veamos ahora como este sistema de cooperativas de productores funcionara para el agricultor que haya invertido Pl,000 en la cooperativa que cuenta con un capital pagado de P500,000. Con esta capitalizacion, podremos moler con facilidad 30,000,000 de cocos o producir 3,000 toneladas de aceite cada afio (un calculo mas exacto seria 6,000 toneladas, pero se espera que parte de este capital sera utilizado para operar la cooperativa de consumidores). Asumamos tambien que nuestro agricultor ha entregado 100,000 cocos durante ese aiio, y que el precio medio al por mayor de! aceite comestible del coco durante el afio sea 'P0.16 por cada kilo (unos P0.17 por kilogramo en Manila) .. En primer lugar, con un precio garantizado de P6.85 por cada 1,000 cocos si el precio medio al por mayor de! aceite es de P0.16, el agricultor obtendra P6.85 por sus cocos. El ingreso bruto de la cooperativa despues de deducir el costo de los cocos, sera unos P252,000 para dicho afio, y con el costo de fabricacion de unos IP105,000 al afio, la ganancia neta, excluyendo los productos accesories de! aceite, sera de P147,000. Entonces todos los agricultores que entregaron sus cocos recibiran 40/ 100 de 'P147,000 o sea P58,800. Nuestro agricultor que contribuyo 100,000 cocos de los 30,000,000 de cocos molidos, obtendra 1/300 de los 'P58,800 o sea unos 'P196. El mismo agricultor que contribuyo Pl,000 de los P500,000 de capital pagado recibira ademas 1/500 de los f88,200 o sea unos Pl 76. En total nuestro agricultor recibira entonces Pl,057. Si el hubiese dependido en vender s~ copra al corrector, hubiese el obtenido, con el prec10 actual de P3.70 por cada 100 kilos (Buen Corriente) ;* unos P660, despues de deducir los gastos por la resecacion de la copra. Aun deduciendo la ganancia de Pl76 sobre su inversion de Pl,000, el agricultor hubiera percibido la cantidad de P881, uniendose a la cooperativa o sea unos 33 por ciento mas de lo que hubiera obtenido si hubiese persistido con su metodo viejo de vender su copra a los corredores. Ademas, debe ser recalcado que la base de! calculo para la distribucion de las ganancias era el minimo de 95 kilos de aceite por cada 1,000 cocos. Si los cocos rindiesen 110 kilos de aceite habria un ingreso adicional de P72,000 para la cooperativa, el cual, para nuestro agricultor que invierte significaria un ingreso adicional de IP182. Pero esto no es todo. Hay varios productos derivados que se pueden obtener en la fabricacion de! aceite comestible extraido de la carne fresca del coco. La cooperativa puede moler el bagazo (coconut meal) en harina y venderlo a los consumidores de harina a razon de 'P0.05 por kilo; con este metodo puede obtenerse un ingreso bruto adicional para la cooperativa alrededor de unos P45,000 al afio. 0 sino la cooperativa puede disponer de! bagazo al mismo precio a los miembros de la cooperativa como alimento para la cria de cerdos, y hacer de la region cocalera el centro de la crla de cerdos. La cooperativa puede asimismo vender el producto accesorio de proteina resecada como alimento, o para la cria de cerdos y gallinas a razon de f0.05 el kilo, y obtener otro ingreso bruto adicional de unos P12,000 al afio. Ademas, la cooperativa puede fabricar vinagre nativo dcl "gata" que es un producto derivado despues de extraido el aceite; venderlo a P0.01 el litro, y tener otro ingreso bruto adicional de unos P60,000 al afio ; o sino puede tambien convertirse este "gata'' en leche o leche en polvo y obtener de este modo un ingreso bruto adicional de unos P225,000.00. Del todo se puede obtener un ingreso adicional bruto de los productos derivados de! aceite comestible extraidos directamente de la carne fresca de! coco, seria entre Pll 7,000 y ¥282,000. En otras palabras, este ingreso adicional seria alrededor de la mitad o mas de los ingresos brutos que la cooperativa obtendria del aceite unicamente ( despues de deducir el cos to de los cocos). Aun asumiendo que el 50 por ciento de este ingreso bruto adicional se gastare por los trabajos extras, administracion, comision, impuestos, etc., aun habria un ingreso neto adicional de unos P60,000 a f140,000 al afio para la cooperativa. La cooperativa dividira este ingreso adicional entre los capitalistas de la cooperativa y los miembros agricultores de la cooperativa que ingresaron sus cocos a la cooperativa, en la misma forma como se ha descrito en el caso de nuestro agricultor tornado por ejemplo mas arriba. Este agricultor recibira un ingreso adicional de lo menos P155 al afio de estos productos derivados. Pero aun no hemos terminado con nuestros productos derivados. Desde luego que se vera que cuan* Este articulo se escribio el mes de Enero, 1941. Pago 27 to mas productos accesorios fabricamos, mayor com-· bustible y fuerza motriz hemos de necesitar, y no podemos esperar economizar, para otros fines industriales, mas de! 20 por ciento de las chiretas. Pero aun asumiendo que la cooperativa usare todas las chiretas para su fuerza motriz y requirimientos de combusibles, aun queda los bonotes por disponer. Los quimicos e ingenieros de la Corporaci6n Nacional del Coco ya han estado trabajando sobre este problema; solamente hace falta seii.alar aqui, que parece haber grandes posibilidades de exportar a los EE. UU., esteras, colc!-tonetas, etc. confeccionados de las estopas de bonote, y que solamente los ingresos procedentes de este fuente serian tremendas si solo se consiguiese un mercado estable para dichos productos. COOPERATIVA DE PRODUCTORES Y CONSUMIDORES Esto nos lleva a Ia discusi6n de la cooperativa para la venta de productos y productos derivados de! coco y para la compra de articulos de consumidores. Si la cooperativa que hemos discutido mas arriba fuera meramente una cooperativa de producci6n, se encontraria a menudo con tantas dificultades en un mercado competitivo qu?-un productor individual. Desde Iuego que tendril la veritaja de una capitalizaei6n mayor que muchos productores, como tambien contara ccn la cooperaci6n de muchos propietarios individuales no tendran necesidad de depender de! revendedor. Pero el vender es dificil; y para obtener exito hay necesidad, no solamente tener productos de buena calidad y metodos efectivos de co.nseguir ventas, sino tambien habilidad en regatear. Desviemos un poco para explicar lo que queremos decir. De la inversion total en la industria del coco que asciende alrededor de 440 milliones de pe~os, todo un 95 por cient0 es invertido en terrenos y poseidos por filipinos, mientras que unos 20 milliones de pesos son inverticlos en molinos pertenecientes a extrangeros. La pal'te extrafia y triste de la industria de! coco, es quc mientras los nacionales filipinos poseen 95 por ciento de la industria, el 5 por c1ento que corr esponde a extrangeros domina los negocios. Considerese el caso de la quota de! aceite para los EE. UU., por ejemplo. Es bien sabido que mas de! 80 por ciento de nuestra exportaci6n del aceite van a los EE. UU. y que dependemos grandemente de! mercado de los EE. UU. Pero con el sistema de quotas en vigor, son los extrangeros, los dueiios de las fabricas, quienes poseen el monopolio de estas quotas; ni halagando y mendigando se podra alterar ese hecho de parte de los nacionales filipinos. El resultado es, que las fabricas extrangeras siempre pueden imponer sus condiciones a. los plantadores filipinos. Ahora, supongase que contamos con una cooperativa de Productores y Consumidores. No solamente se cowcani la prnducci6n sabre una base cooperativa y racionalizllda, los revendedores eliminados, y una ganancia mayor pu.ra loi:i plllntadores obtenida, sino que la cooperntiva tcndni mali fue1·zn p<Lra conseyuir la extenci6Ji de i:ill inercado, tanto domei:itico como extrangero. Podemos ver el dia, por ejemplo, cuando Jos plantadores percibiendo su trance apurado y vienPage ~8 The COCONUT JOURNAL do una salida, simplemente rehusaran por medio de sus cooperativas de productores y consumidores, a comprar articulos americanos hasta que el aceite producido en sus cooperativas es permitido a entrar en America, aun fuera de la quota asignada, y de esa forma colocar finalmente en manos de los nacionales filipinos el control de la industria de exportaci6n de! coco. Ademas, con las cooperativas de Productores y Consumidores esparcidas entre las diferentes regiones cocoteras, y comprendiendo la mayoria de la gente en dichas regiones, esta gente no necesitaria cornprar ningun otro aceite comestible que procede de Manila ii. otros centros de fabricaci6n de aceite. Es un triste comentario sobre la habilidad de los filipinos, de que son primeramente obligados a vender su copra a las fabricas extrangeras en los centros industriales, y despues son obligados a comprar aceite de estas mismas fabricas a precios muy elevados debido al costo de trasportaci6n, comisiones, etc. No es mas que logico que en vez de enviar su copra a los centros industriales para volver a sacarla despues en forrna de aceite comestible, los productores del coco deberan convertir directamente en sus respectivas regiones el nii.mero necesario de cocos en aceite y derivados de aceite para cubrir lo menos sus propias necesidacles. Tomando en cuenta de que el 25 por ciento de la poblaci6n filipina de! pais se hallan en las regiones cocoteras, y tomando en cuenta de que el consumo domestico diario de la naci6n de! aceite del coco es de 75 a 100 toneladas; esta claro que, con el establecimiento de las cooperativas de Productores y Consumidores, P.I dominio y disposici6n de la producci6n domestica asi como de la venta del aceite del coco podra asegurarse en manos filipinas en el futuro. SU MARIO 1. Los apuros de la industria cocotera ha11 sido analizadas, y de entre los factores responsables de estos apuros, solamente dos pueden considerarse dentro del alcance de los filipinos para remediar. 2. El primero de estos dos, es el hecho de que nos hemos acostumbrado a aceptar la idea de que el aceite es el producto principal del coco, y por tanto estamos forzad0s a competir en el mercado mundial sobre la base del a,ceite del coco. Esta perspectiva es trillada y debe ser suplantada por la nueva perspectiva que considera al aceite solamente como un producto derivado de la industria del coco. Desde el punto de vista tecnologico esta nueva perspectiva puede considerarse practica. 3. El segundo de estos factores es el poder adquisi tivo indudablemente bajo del pueblo filipino, lo cual Jes impide consumir mas productos del coco, y Jes incapacita a entrar en actividad plena para desarrollar nuevas industrias. Un esfuerzo conciente puede hacerse para aumentar los ingresos de la gente, no solamente en la industria del coco, sino tambien en las otras industrias. 4. El establecimiento de las cooperativas de Productores ayudara mucho a los productores de! coco comoquiera que las ganancias de los revendedores, iran en sus manos. 5. El establecimiento de las cooperativas de ProJULY, 1941 Vista parcial de nuestra escuela en Ayuquitan, Ne<; ros Oriental, durante el periodo de construccion. Naeoeo Ab1•e Nuevas Ese11elas A NEGROS Oriental le corresponde el honor de ser la segunda provincia que cuenta ahora con una escuela para industrias caseras al estilo de la que NACOCO posee en Sariaya, Tayabas. De la noche a la mafiana se han construido los edificios, no obstante el hecho de haberse cambiado los pianos para que el costo de la construcci6n no pase de! presupuesto aprobado por la Junta Directiva. Reina un gran entusiasmo y un interes inusitado de la gente por la realizaci6n de sus deseos de contar con un centro docente exclusivamente para Ia industrializaci6n del coco. La mejor prueba de este entusiasmo es el hecho de que centenares de j6venes se han matriculado en la escuela antes de que esta estuviese en condiciones para dar cabida a tantos j6venes que no tienen mas que otro objetivo que el de saber utilizar el coco o cualquiera de sus partes a efectos vendibles. Todo este interes, todo este entusiasmo que reina principalmente entre los plantadores y la decidida c:oductores y Consumidores no solamente eliminara las ganancias de los corredores sino que dara a los productores del coco, quienes comprenden el 95 por ciento de la industria, mas poderes para controlar la producci6n y venta de los productos y productos derivados de! coco en los merc:ados domesticos y extrangeros. 6. Basandose en la nueva perspectiva de la industria de! coc:o, se hac:e una descripci6n de c:omo func:ionaran las cooperativas, asegurandoles a los produc:tores un precio de la copra, y haciendoles participes de las ganancias que las centrales cooperativas de los productores rindieren. 7. La acci6n expresa mas que las palabras mismas. (Action speaks louder than words) El momento clama Acci6n, y no debemos perder tiempo en colocar a la industria de! coco sobre una base estable y progresiva. operaci6n que estan prestando ellos y las autoridades provinciales y municipales no demuestran mas en c:onjunto sus ansias para la pronta rehabilitaci6n de la industria cocotera de! pais. La N egros Oriental Coconut School esta establecida en Ayuquitan, el lugar escogido por el personal tecnico como el mas apropiado para dicho fin. Tiene un area total de 260 metros cuadrados, excluyendo Im; areas ocupadas por los otros edificios, como la administraci6n, desecador de copra, hornos para convertir las chiretas en carbon, bodega y el local para la maquina desfibradora etc. Pero Pangasinan no seta a Ia zaga de las otras provincias, pues apenas N egros Oriental anunciaba la terminaci6n de la escuela, San Carlos, tambien daba cuenta a la oficina central de la NA COCO que ya se han abierto las clases para las diferentes industrias caseras. Es el tercer centro docente que esta en funci6n y cuya inauguraci6n ya se ha anunciado. Por largo tiempo las autoridades correspondientes y los plantadores de cocos de Pangasinan han estado urgiendo para la pronta emplantaci6n en dicha localidad de una instituci6n pero no se pudo dar cima a la labor inmediatamente por haberse tenido que escoger un sitio apropiado para la soiiada mejora. Despues de Pangasinan estaran en verdadera actividad las escuelas de Boac, Marinduque y de Calapan, Mindoro, lo mas tardar dentro de! presente mes. A todo esto y a la chita callando, la provincia de Lag·una muy pronto tendni su escuela. Esta situada en Alaminos, el lugar m<iS centrico de la localidad seg(111 los expertos, el sitio mas apropiado para un centro docente educacional, segun otros, pero que en realidad el beneficio sera para todos, en particular a los plantadores de coco por tener cerca muchos medios para industrializar SU producto. No se sabe aun las futuras aotividades que tendra esta escuela porque todo dependera de la politica que trazara la Junta Directiva, pero con respecto a las que estan abiertas, se enseiia la confecci6n de! jabon para el lavado. Se Page 29 Resecador tipo Ceylonese y parte de la escuela en Boac, Marinduque. han construido homos para convertir las chiretas en carbon, tipos resecadores de copra el mas reconocido y mas eficiente en el extranjero y en el pais para servir de modelos para los plantadores de cocos con el objeto de tener copra de alta calidad. Con las cuatro escuelas en funci6n, la Sariaya Model School for Home Industries dejara de ser centro docente vocacional en el futuro y sera un verdadero centro de actividad comercial. Construidas estas escuelas se ha cumplido un deber primoldial de educar a un sin numero de gente, The COCONUT JOUHNAI, Vista de la escuela del coco en Calap:in, Mindoro. quienes en donde quiera que esten, pueden acometer lo que han aprendido para la industrializaci6n del coco y sus derivados. Un estudiante despues de recibir su diploma puede comenzar a trabajar por su propia cuenta, porque ya esta completamente preparado para dedicarse a un pequefio negocio propio. Por esta raz6n se ha conceptuado de erronea la idea de no pocos j6venes quienes creen que una vez que ellos hayan terminado sus estudios, la Corporaci6n Nacional del Coco tiene Ia obligaci6n sine qua non de emplearles en cualquier ramo que ellos han estudiado. Vista parcial del edificio principal de nuestra escuela en San Carlos, Pangasindn. Page 30 ,Jl;LY, 1941 Un ]uego CVe Cbe C<;urioso Por Jaime C. de Veyra MUY curioso. l De que materia creen'rn ustedes que se ha hecho este juego de te, a que quiero . referirme? Loza de! Japon o China es lo que todos conocen; creemos que hasta se puede tallar o tornear de alguna de nuestras famosas maderas (kamagong, tindalo, molave o narra) ; pero, l de coco? l de la chireta de! coco, c6mo hacer un juego de te? Ahi esta el "busilis." El hecho es hist6rico, real: el Sr. Maximo Rodriguez, presidente de! Nacoco (National Coconut Corporation) ha regalado un juego a dofia Aurora A. de Quezon. Hemos visto y examinado los objetos, que no habriamos creido pudieran existir, si no los hubieramos tenido entre manos. Cons ta de dieciseis piezas: tetera, azucarera, cremera, 6 tazas, 6 platillos y una bandeja: todo hecho con la nue de! coco, excepci6n hecha de la bandeja, que tiene por "alma" alguna plancha d~ metal. . . pero no aparece, porque toda ella, por anverso y reverso, va cubierta por tiras entretejidas de chireta. Maravillosa, labor maravillosa: Jes digo a ustedes que hay que verla para creer en ella. La tetera es el objeto de mayor volumen: es un coco de tamafio ordinario; siguen en pequefiez, la azucarera y la lechera (10 cm. alto y 9 cm. diametro); la primera con su tapa, y la segunda (figura de jarrito) sin ella. l Y las tazas? Siendo pequefiitas, por su tamafio (5 cm. x 7 cm.) debi6 de representar trabajo en buscar cocos liliputienses, porque este material es de fruto maduro. Los platillos son en proporci6n, tallados para adoptar las formas, filetes y molduras de sus similares. Otro problema aqui resuelto es el dotar de las colTespondientes asas a tazas, tetera y demas, tambien con trozos de chireta labrados. Todas las piezas se presentan al natural, pulimentadas y ligeramente barnizadas, para no empecer el efecto. Ahora, diganme ustedes si no me sobraba raz6n para considerar este juego de te maravilloso. Es una prueba de habilidad manual. Es un credito para la industria naciente de! coco (sin aprovechar el contenido). La labor de abeja, en finura y perfeccion, recuerda las famosas palilleras de los buenos tiempos de Exposici6n. Pago 31 The COCONUT ,JOURN AI Ill pENSAMIENTOS Ill Mai'iana es la destrucci6n de todos los buenos proyectos ; mai'iana esta siempre delante de nosotros y jamas llega; mai'iana engai'ia y tranquiliza la conciencia de los perezosos. El discreto y activo triunfa de las dificultades, con solo a traverse a ellas ; el perezoso y el tonto tiemblan y huyen a la vista de! trabajo y del peligro, y hacen la imposibilidad que temen.-Rowe Con la experiencia hallamos un camino mas corto tras largo vagar. El aprendizaje nos ensei'ia mas en un ai'io que la experiencia en veinte.-Ascham Lo que mal se gana, jamas se consumira bien, porque hay en el una maldici6n, que lo malgastara; y las mismas disposiciones corruptas que inclinan a los hombres a los medios pecaminosos de lograr, Jes llevara a emplear los mismo medios malo de gastar.-H enry Si el estafetero se entretuviese en patear a cada perro que le sale Iadrando al paso, nunca llegaria a entregar Ia correspondencia.-F. C. Allen Announcing to the Public the transl er of MALAY A HOTEL to its new location downtown Quezon Ave., Lucena, Tayabas Andres Mendoza Manager Caterer to Banquets, Parties, Excursions, Balls, etc. First Class "Eats" and Drinks. EFFICIENT and COURTEOUS SERVICE Page 32 Uno de los mas tragicos fracasos de la imaginaci6n en la era industrial ha sido el <lei infeliz consumidor. Los productores-tanto capitalistas como obreros-se han organizado con la mayor eficacia. Los obreros se han organizado para elevar los jornales. Los capitalistas se han organizado para aumentar los arranceles, conseguir subsidios velados, y extraer ganancias. Solo el consumidor ha permanecido descuidado e indiferente. Su imaginaci6n no ha podido mostrasle la fuerza de su posicion. El colmo de la burla de su condici6n es este--que el es la misma persona <lei obrero y la misma persona de! capitalista. No es el tercer lado <lei triangulo econ6mico; es simplemente una tercera funcion.-Richard Dana Skinner Las grandes iniciativas y firmes resoluciones equivalen a golpes de Estado de la voluntad sobre ias ideas raquiticas y cobardes que quieren administrar nuestra conducta. Asi como las hormigas no se dirigen a los graneros vacios, asi tambien muy pocos amigos se hallaran merodeando el lugar donde la riqueza ha desaparecido. LEA ~he COCONUT JOURNAL SE PUBLICA UNA VEZ AL MES POR LA NATIONAL COCONUT CORPORATION ¥2.00 al aiio E. U. $2.00 :::::::;::::::::::;::::::::::::-~:- ll~~LS··· : seJN~tNG '\'Vth Improved IF IT JS A k for e, T pe Always 8 oC RV Z' y "SILT --- * * * * * * * For inquiries, apply to A. G. CAYETANO Offkt·: 'l't'lt'phOllt': 2-llH-12 00 ~tll'hnran, Manila Dealer, Manufacturer and Importer Shop: Hizal Exknsion 86 Eight St., G1·an' Park, Caloocan, Rizal COMPLIMENTS of EASTERN TAYABAS BUS COMPANY Genuine Filipino Capital BOARD of DIRECTORS: Dr. RAMON SOLER, President & General Manager Don LEANDRO ALVAREZ, Vice-Presidente & Asst. General Manager Mrs. MATILDE SOLER-PAREJA, Treasurer Miss PURIFICACION PAREJA, Secretary Mr. MANUEL SOLER, Member " SIMPLICIO GARIN, " " EUSTAQUIO SAN JUAN, " " GREGORIO ROMUALDO, " " CECILIO MARTINEZ, " VICENTE FABELLA & CO.-Auditors MANUELL. LAZONA Regina Bldg., Escolta, Manila Accountant • Safe • Comfortable • Courteous Service Main Office: ATDIOXAX, TAYABAS Manila Office: 6~0 Azcarraga St. Philippines ATIMONAN ICE PLANT CO., INC. ATI-MONANG DRINKS Manufacturer of Pure Crystalline Ice for the Province of Tayabas The Best Drink in the Whole Tayabas Region .. ~-· Pure water from the famous Quezon National Forest Park 100% Filipino Capital Board of /Jirectors: Dr. Ramon Soler, President & Manager Don Leandro Alvarez, Vice-President & Asst. Manager Mrs. Adela S. Romualdo, Member Mrs. Matilde S. Pareja, " Mr. Victor Degracia, " Mr. Manuel Soler, " Mr. Esteban Montenegro, " Mr. Eladio Romualdo, " Mr. Vicente Maroon, " PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE ATIMONAN, TA YABAS, PHILIPPINES Printed by RAMON ROCES, Inc.