The Coconut Journal Vol. I, No. 11 (November, 1941)


Part of The Coconut Journal

The Coconut Journal Vol. I, No. 11 (November, 1941)
Issue Date
Volume I (Issue No. 11) November 1941
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
Money For ChristmasThe SWEEPSTAKES may give you the answer to your prayers for a MERRY X’MAS—one which will bring good cheer to you, your family and fellowmen. LAST SWEEPSTAKES OF THE YEAR CHRISTMAS DRAW — DEC. 21 P877.500 in PRIZES on sale basis of PI,500,000 ONE FIRST PRIZE OF P200.000 Second Prize of 100,000 Third Prize of 50,000 Fourth Prizes at 8,000 50 Fifth Prizes at . 3,000 £ 00 Sixth Prizes at .................... 1,000 20C Seventh Prizes at ............... 500 95 Eighth Prizes at 200 CO SOLATION PRIZES TO tickets the last wo digits of the numbers of which are xhe same as the last two digits of the number winning First Prize, at ...... P8.00 MORE, AJ < THE PE CEBU MAI E MA BUY YOUR TICKETS EARLY AND HELP COV­ ER THE SALE QUOTA SO PRIZES MAY NOT BE REDUCED FORTHCOMING DRAWS FOR THE YEAR 1942 J eb.. 15 — For the benefit of the Filipino Veterans FIRST PRIZE — P75,000 Watch for announcement of issue of tickets: April 19 — June 21 For the benefit of Charity and Welfare Institutions BE AN AUTHORIZED RE-SELLER AND make ex­ tra money, the regular commission of P3.76 for each booklet of 12 tickets sold at P2 per ticket, plus sellers' prizes, from P5.000 down to PI00 if tickets sold by you win any of the five major prizes in the draw. SAVE A LIFE AND WIN A PRIZE Philippine Charity Sweepstakes P. O. Box 141 National Charities Building Manila ALL E ARE IN PRICES THE OP THE Mi Ml 460 Das For dei lions n problei Reac Natl 201 B NOVEMBER, 1941 USE NACOCO WOOD PRESERVATIVE and protect your HOUSES from ANAY and other wood-destroying insects “Keep The Termites away” NACOCO WOOD PRESERVATIVE protects costly houses at a very cheap price. Manufactured and Sold by National Coconut Corporation Banco Hipotecario Bldg. Plaza Cervantes, Manila Compliments of S. STADLER CONSTRUCTION AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER For The Coconut Industry A P. O. Box 1380 Telephone: 5-55-43 Manila COMPLIMENTS of Tableria La SUERTE Dagupan, Pangasinan PAGE 1 THE COCONUT JOURNAL The Coconut Journal Published monthly by the NATIONAL COCONUT CORPORATION Benjamin Salvosa, Editor Pedro M. Gimenez, Business Manager Godofredo Zandueta, Associate Editor VOL I Manila, Philippines No. 11 CONTENTS ENGLISH SECTION Copra and Coconut Products Monthly Review ... 2 By E. L. Gonzales Coconut Pests And Diseases 3 By F. Q. Otanes Good Times Ahead For The Coconut Industry 6 By Bernardino Ronquillo A Practical Program for Home Industries in Baler 7 By Cenen Cajucom The Role of Coconut In Our National Defense. ... 8 By Dr. Isabelo Concepcion The Mineral and Vitamin Content of the Coconut 8 By Ruth Darby Nutritive Value of Coconut .................................... 9 By Alicia Palma Bautista Coconut Oil as Shortening ...................................... 9 By Maria Orosa Expanding Markets For Philippine Vegetable Lard and Butter ....................................................... 10 Something Out of Nothing 11 By Maria Orosa The Month in Pictures ......................................... 14-15 Coconut Journal Making Headway 19 With Our Correspondents ...................................... 19 Statistics Section 16 Question Box 21 SPANISH SECTION Tablones "Cocotex" Fabricado Del Bonote ............ 24 For Angel B. Abad Sabe listed ............................................................... 25 For M. R. Quinto De Nuestro Buzon ................................................... 25 Noticias Del Extranjero ........................................... 27 Address articles and communications to the Editor, Coconut Journal, P. O. Box 290, Manila. Subscription rates, P2.00 a year. $2.00 in U. S. $3.00 Foreign. P.20 the copy. November, 1941 Manila By E. L. GONZALEZ Bureau of Commerce COPRA.—Resecada traced an irregular course in October, with price oscillations during the month closely hinging on the availability of ware­ house space at local mills. But average price for the month not only made a new high for the year at P10.54, which is 6.35 per cent over September, but also exceeded the five-year (1936-1940) month­ ly average for October which was P7.52, or repre­ senting an improvement of 40.15 per cent as against the average of the preceding five year period. At the same time, October’s average this year is still the highest since August, 1937. The local market opened firm at P10.75-P11.00 in the absence of offerings, but the reluctance of holders to do business at this level did not prevent prices from gradually sliding to P10.50 in a week. On the 10th of the month, however, bids were re­ vised upwards to touch anew at the 11-peso mark, maintained at this point for week, following the firming up of the American market on the Japan­ ese Cabinet change. After considerable sales were made at about this price, local mills became hardpressed for warehouse space to cope with day-today arrivals, with the result that values shaded to P10.00-P10.25 in the succeeding days, with some buyers temporarily refraining from active partici­ pation in the market. At the close of the month, although the situation was fundamentally un­ changed, a better sentiment was felt, with Reseca­ da steadying at P10.25, with a strong indication that buyers might concede a little more for good sized parcels. Copra arrivals this months slackened to 758,407 bags. Despite the drop of about 10 per cent as against those of the previous month, receipts in Oc­ tober stood as the highest still for any year corres­ ponding to the same month. Cumulative receipts for the first ten months of the year amounted to 5,904,569 bags, thus breaking all precedents and the totals for any past year, with two more months to go until the end of the year. On the Pacific Coast, after F. M. M. made an advance of 10 points to 3.50 cents, buyers’ space, at about mid-October, bids sagged off to 3.35-2.40 cents, buyers’ space, the market closing at levels. Manila, buyers per 100 kilos, delivered: Opening High Low Closing Resecada .. P10.75-ll.00 P11.00 P10.00-10.25 P10.25 AVERAGE PRICES FOR OCTOBER, RESECADA PER 100 KILOS 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 ( Please turn to page 23) PAGE 2 Ccccnlt Pests And Diseases By F. Q. OTANES Asst. Chief, Plant Pest and Disease Control Division Bureau of Plant Industry ALTHOUGH the coconut palm is considered a herby plant and grows or thrives in differ­ ent types of location, yet, like certain other palms, it has one great disadvantage in that nor­ mally it has only one growing point. Once this growing point (the cabbage or “ubod”) is vitally hurt, the plant succumbs. This fact is important to bear in mind in the control of coconut pests and diseases some of which, unfortunately, attack this vital part—the cabbage or “ubod”. The maladies that damage this vital part of coconuts are the black beetle or “uang” and the so-called coconut bud rot disease. There are several others, however, that attack other parts of the plant to such an extent that its vitality may be impaired temporarily for several years or permanently as to cause it to be unproductive or sterile as to be practically useless. Among these are the coconut leaf miner, scale in­ Different stages of the black beetle or "Uang” Oryctes rhinoceros. (Courtesy Dept, of Agri. & Com.) sects, slug caterpillars and stem bleeding disease of coconut and the so-called “cadang-cadang” disease. The Black or Rhinoceros Beetle or “Uang” and Red Beetle This insect is so common that every coconut planter is familiar with it. Its body is horny and has strong jaws or mandibles and legs and strong projection on top of its head which enable it to dig into piles of decaying organic matter where it lays its eggs or tearing its way into the crown of coconut where it feeds. The favorite breeding places or media of tkvis. beetle are dead coconut trunks, compost, manure and sawdust piles. Hundreds, nay thousands, of the grubs are often encountered in such places. In lo­ calities where these media abound, many coconut trees often suffer from serious injury and later suc­ cumb. The life cycle of this insect is estimated to be about a year. Control The first requisite in the control of this pest, therefore, is cleanliness in coconut groves. In or­ der to protect coconut trees, the Government, through the Bureau of Plant Industry, has promul­ gated an administrative order by which all parties concerned can be compelled to keep their premises and coconut groves free of all decaying organic matter in order to prevent the breeding of the in­ sect. Sawdust piles in particular breed countless numbers of grubs and, therefore, sawmill owners can be compelled to dispose of their sawdust piles. It is only by keeping the coconut groves clean that it pays to get after the beetles that are in the trees. These can be collected from the trees with hooked wires or rods and traps. One way of trap­ ping the beetles is to construct rectangular pits in in the groves. Compost, pieces of coconut trunks, etc., are put into the pits and these are provided with covers with slits in the middle which will al­ low the beetles to get into the pits but will prevent their getting out. Such traps should be examined now and then so that the insects caught therein may be destroyed. The Red or Asiatic Palm Weevil Another destructive beetle — a weevil — is the so-called red or Asiatic palm weevil, known in science as Rhynchophorus ferrugineus. The insects lay their eggs in the trunks of the trees, especially in injured portions of coconut trees, and the re­ sulting larvae or grubs may tunnel their way into the young or growing portion of the coconut. Trees attacked by the grubs usually succumb. To prevent attack by this beetle, coconut trees should not be injured in any way. Where the beetles are prevalent, the practice of making cuts on the coconut trunks should be stopped as this predisposes the trees to attack. Trees in which larvae are presPAGE 3 THE COCONUT JOURNAL ent may be treated with carbon bisulphide to kill the insects. The chemical may be injected into the trees by means of syringes. The beetles may also be trapped as in the case of the black beetles. The Coconut Leaf Miner Because of its extensive ravages in Laguna, Tayabas and Batangas during 1929, 1930 and 1931, no other insect of the coconut has received as much publicity as the coconut leaf miner, known in science as Promecotheca cumingi. The insect is a yellow­ ish brown beetle of the size of a firefly. The in­ sects lays its eggs in the coconut leaflets and these hatch into footless, flattish and whitish larvae which feed within the leaves causing blotches or mines; hence the name of the pest. ¡jThe adult beetles feed on the surfaces of the leaves. If the beetles and their larvae are abundant their combined attack cause the rapid drying up of the coconut leaves and the trees may not bear any fruits for one or two years. The methods of control employed under the Bu­ reau of Plant Industry and which are recommended to coconut planters are as follows: 1. Systematic cutting off of the infested leaves under close and expert supervision in order to des­ troy the larvae and pupae. 2. Collecting the beetles. 3. Spraying infested trees and those around them with soap solution and lead arsenate to des­ troy the adults. 4. Rearing and liberation of the parasites that attack the eggs, larvae and pupae. Scale Insects There are several scale insects that have been observed rather harmful to coconuts. One of these is the Florida red scale. The insects suck the juice of the leaves. In some places, they often become abundant and cause the drying up of the leaves of many trees. Closely allied to the red scales are mealy bugs and white flies. These also suck the juices from the leaves. These are quite common and destruc­ tive in certain provinces. Control The chief method of control against these in­ sects is periodical spraying with soap solution or oil emulsion. Cutting of the badly infested leaves also helps. Under proper technical supervision, the rearing and liberation of the parasites that attack the insects may be undertaken as has been done and is being done in other countries. Caterpillars There are at least four kinds of caterpillars that at times become abundant as to cause consi­ derable destructions. Two of these are two kinds of caterpillars, known as slug caterpillars, because they resemble slugs in shape and in habits—being slow moving. These are green in color about 2y2 centi­ meters long when full grown and with spines, which when touched, cause skin irritation. The other two caterpillars are the young of certain moths known PAGE 4 as skippers. These are light greenish or whitish caterpillars which fold the coconut leaves. Control 1. Spraying with soap solution either with lead arsenate or derris. 2. Collecting the caterpillars and pupae. 3. Encouragement of insectivorous birds in the plantation. 4. Rearing and liberation of insects that are parasitic and predatory on the eggs, caterpillars and pupae. Oriental Migratory Locust The Oriental Migratory Locust is not a regular pest of coconuts. However, whenever there is an outbreak coconut groves, especially those along the paths of invasion, often suffer from the attack. The defoliated coconuts may not bear any fruits for one or two years. The migratory locust is known to breed into enormous swarms chiefly in the out-of-the-way places, that is in the vast isolated grasslands, es­ pecially in Mindanao. Outbreaks of this pest oc­ cur at intervals of ten or eleven years and each outbreak usually lasts for several or many years, depending upon natural factors and the campaigns waged against the pest. Between outbreaks (that is when there are no migratory swarms in cultivated and populated areas), the insects are known to live as solitary lo­ custs, like ordinary grasshoppers. When certain un­ usual conditions of climate obtain, such as drought conditions, these solitary locusts are known to come together in certain areas and their getting together apparently stimulate their mating instinct and they Coconut trees des­ troyed by both black­ beetle and leaf min­ ers. (Courteay Dept, of Agri. & Com­ merce} NOVEMBER, 1941 produce small or loose swarms called transiens. Where conditions appear to be most favorable for their multiplication, these small swarms go on in­ creasing into huge migratory swarms, which invade the cultivated and populated areas. Such swarms persist for sometime, the length of the period of their existence depending on natural factors, such as those of weather, natural enemies and the cam­ paigns waged against the insects. When their num­ bers are greatly reduced, those that are left sooner or later produce progeny consisting of solitary forms that live and behave like ordinary grasshoppers. Such solitary forms look so different from the mi­ gratory that they were previously considered as a distinct species, when in reality they constitute merely a phase of the same species to which the mi­ gratory forms also belong. Control Measures 1. Catching the flyers with nets and coralling the hoppers into pits. These methods are effective, especially in more or less well populated provinces and where the people comply strictly with the pro­ visions of the Locust Act (Act No. 2472). 2. Spraying the hoppers with contact poisons, such as soap solution. 3. Dusting with poison, such as calcium ar­ senate, derris powder, etc. 4. Application of poisoned bait—such as ba­ gasse bait. Factors Essential to Locust Control 1. Better compliance on the part of the pro­ vincial and municipal officials with the provisions of the Locust Act. 2. Wider application of the scientific methods of control, such as the use of various effective poi­ sons. 3. More financial outlay for the locusts at the sources, that is at their outbreak or breeding places. The locust evil should be combatted at its very roots, so to state. Other Pests of Coconuts Rats cause considerable damage at times to young coconuts. These can best be controlled by the use of poisons such as white arsenic, strychnine, etc., which are mixed with attractive baits, such as boiled rice and fish or grated coconut. Wild pigs, like rats, also cause havoc to young coconuts in many places. These can also be con­ trolled by certain poisons, like phosphorus com­ pounds, strychnine, white arsenic, etc. Hunting them will also help minimize damage. Fencing is resorted to in some places. Large fruit bats are at times harmful in some places by eating the young fruits. The most effect­ ive way of controlling these is by shooting them in their roosting places during the day time. Poi­ soning against these is not considered practical. The use of certain devices to scare away the bats is also practical. Coconut trees show­ ing leaf miner de­ vastation. (C o u r t esu Dept. of Agri. & Com.) Bud Rot Disease The most serious disease of coconut is the socalled bud rot disease. It is so called because it attacks the bud causing it to rot. The causal or­ ganism is known to be a fungus. Control The most effective control for this disease is sanitation and persistent cutting down and thorough burning of the affected parts, for it is known that the disease is infectious. Proper cultural measures should be practised so as to increase the vigor of the trees. Spraying the healthy trees around infected ones with Bordeaux mixture may also be practised as a preventive measure. The control of insects, such as black beetles, will also help minimize, if not prevent the dissemination of the disease. Cadang-Cadang Disease This disease manifests itself in the general yel­ lowing and stunting of the growth of the trees. It is known to be chiefly a physiological disease ow­ ing to water-logging, malnutrition, etc. The chief remedies are proper drainage and application of fertilizers or green manuring. Concluding Remarks In the control of pests and diseases of coco­ nuts the preventive and cultural measures should be given due attention. Remedial measures are, of course, effective but because of the size of the trees such measures may entail considerable expenses. They should be timely and properly applied and un­ der expert advice at first. All coconut planters should co-operate especially with the Government (Please turn to page 21) PAGE 5 Good Times Ahead For The Coconut Industry By BERNARDINO RONQUILLO Staff Member, Manila Daily Bulletin WAR conditions notwithstanding, good times are ahead for the Philippine coconut indus­ try. This is not only because of the higher prices now being paid to planters and producers and the broadening market for coconut products abroad but more so because of the increasing util­ ization of the by-products of the industry. In the very near future, the full benefits of the govern­ ment’s industrialization program are bound to be felt by coconut planters all over the Islands. Recently, Dean Conrado Benitez, assistant manager of the National Coconut Corporation, spoke on the coming “revolution” in the coconut industry which will give employment to many peo­ ple and improve considerably the lot of coconut planters all over the country. He painted this pic­ ture before members of the Foreign Policy Asso­ ciation of the Philippines at the Avenue Hotel dur­ ing that organization’s monthly luncheon meeting. Dean Benitez’ speech covered essentially the NAhe received for his copra six months ago. In connection with the promotion of the coir industry, Dean Benitez disclosed an ambitious pro­ gram of the NACOCO to distribute spinning wheels in the coconut regions for the production of the coir fibers. To help boost this industry, the cor­ poration has already ordered a defibering machine in the United States. This plant will be installed at the heart of the coconut region from where the distribution of the coir to spinners will be made. The coir fiber has been found to have several uses, and the by-products obtained from this raw mate­ rial have already found a growing domestic mar­ ket, with possibilities of developing a potential market abroad. Incidentally, during these war times, the coir has come to occupy a. strategic position in the national economy, the NACOCO having found it useful in the large-scale production of sandbags to be used by the Civilian Emergency Administra­ tion in the country’s preparations for national deHead table at the monthly meeting and luncheon of the Foreign Policy Associa­ tion held at the Avenue Hotel on Oct. 20. COCO’s contribution to the industrialization pro­ gram and also the effects on the industry of va­ rious major factors arising from the war, includ­ ing export control, shipping shortages and world conditions. This coming revolution, he said, will be brought about by the industrialization program mapped out by the government some time ago to solve the pro­ blems confronting coconut planters and producers. He singled out the coir industry particularly as growing into a major industry giving employment to thousands of people. Although he also pointed out the benefits being derived by producers from the standardization of copra, he gave special em­ phasis to the fact that this industrialization of the by-products of the industry, particularly the coco­ nut husks, will give the planter more than what fense. Reflecting the bright outlook of this industry is the increasing demand noted for the fiber from abroad as well as from the domestic market, Dean Benitez revealed the NACOCO also will buy from local producers “buri” braid (a product belonging to the coconut family) in any quantity. Owing'to the closing of former sources of similar fibers suit­ able for making women’s hats and other allied products, the United States has been inquiring into the possibility of importing from the Philippines buri fibers in commercial quantities. Other essential by-products enhance the posi­ tion of the coconut industry in America’s war econ­ omy. The coconut charcoal is the most important raw material in the manufacture of gas masks. It (Please turn to page 22) PAGE 6 A PRACTICAL PROGRAM FOR HOME INDUSTRIES IN BALER By CENEN CAJUCOM Nacoco Industrial Organizer BALER, situated in northern Tayabas, is an ideal seat for home industries. The people have the spirit of industry which has been handed down from father to son through genera­ tions. A small but progressive town of more than 12,000 inhabitants, these simple people are very adept at the art of home industry—the spinning and weaving of coconut coir into sacks for commercial purposes and sandbags for national defense. Un­ der the management of the National Coconut Cor­ poration, a great impetus is being given to a once declining industry which in its day may yet prove to be the key to the economic salvation of the coun­ try. Spinning Coconut Coir, a new industry Spinning and weaving is as old as history it­ self, but the spinning and weaving of coconut coir is a new. industry in the Philippines. But any in­ dustry in its incipient stages is always confronted with problems of its own. In this particular case, the people of Baler want to work and yet they cannot always to do so. It is not because of lack of labor. They have spinning machines and weaving looms and the willingness to work, but the problem arises from the fact that the raw materials they are to work on are not enough for the trained scattered corps of weavers and spinners whose humming wheels and busy looms echo from one home to an­ other; for Baler depends for its supply of coir ma­ terials on Sariaya, Tayabas and on Calasiao, Pangasinan. And yet, this need not be the case. Baler has enough nut-husks to produce 105 tons of coir fi­ ber every three months, or over 1000 kilos a day and this rate of production can be maintained for many years to come. Should she want a greater out­ put, the neighboring towns of Casiguran and Polillo Delivering copra to the Spencer, Kellog Co., in coir sacks manufactured at the Baler Industrial Center. Copra producers of Baler are now using coir sacks to transport their copia. There is now a heavy demand from Tayabas planlers for these sacks as they have been found more durable. can jointly supply her with around 90 tons of coir fiber at every quarterly gathering as shown in the figures below based upon the following statistics: Town Baler Casiguran Polillo I I I I I Total Area ¡Total No. of|Nuts Gathered Planted | Trees Bearing| Quarterly 1,482.00 Ha. | 100,671 | 700,984 703.79 Ha. | 55,000 | 190,000 2,783.67 Ha. | 180,000 | 473,000 Mechanization After a careful survey of the situation in Ba­ ler, a proposed plan whereby the continuity of coir supply may be effected has been drawn and ap­ proved in principle by the people of Baler. The plan consists of having the Corporation establish a defibering plant which is to be managed or owned by a planter or group of planters. This plant will be supplied with husks gathered from the entire dis­ trict. Once defibered, the produced coir will be sold to the Corporation which, in turn, will distri­ bute it among the spinners and weavers. The fin­ ished products will be bought by the Corporation to be sold in the form of sacks or sandbags. Such mechanization will utilize countless numbers of husks which are usually thrown away as wastes and will also utilize the idle hours of the people for a profitable industry in the homes. Pioneer One of the leading planters in Baler, Mr. Pe­ dro Lopez, has voiced his willingness to put up a defibering plant as planned above. He has asked the Corporation to install a defibering machine on his estate on -a credit basis with his coconut crops pledged as security and paying in equal monthly installments for it until the account is fully paid. Thus, the people of Baler are assured of a steady supply of coir which the National Coconut Corpora­ tion has contracted to buy from Mr. Lopez for re­ sale or distribution to spinners and weavers. In assuming the risks of production, Mr. Lopez is induced by the prospect of a reasonable percent­ age of profits as well as the expectation of owning his own defibering plant. Following is a brief pros­ pectus for a defibering plant with a capacity of 350 kilos a day: Capitalization .. P4,500.00 Daily Expenses 14.50 Cost per kilo . .04 Selling price rate p. k. ... .07 Net profitper kilo ........ .03 350-kilos capacity Daily production 10-hours. Spindable coir. At this writing, there are already 150 spinning machines in Baler. Some 150 more are still needed. This means that, at the rate of a little over one kilo of coir per machine, the total production of Mr. Lo­ pez’ projected plant has already an assured market. (Please turn to page 18) PAGE 7 THE COCONUT JOURNAL THE COCONUT The Role Of Coconut In Our National Defense By Dr. ISABELO CONCEPCION Consultant in Nutrition Magnolia Dairy Products Plant MODERN war as well as modern defense in­ volve mobilization of the entire population and adjustment of the whole economic struc­ ture of the nation. Since food is a vital element in the lives of people, proper nutrition is therefore of paramount importance in the defense program of any nation. It is now acknowledg­ ed by military strategists that the value of food as a vital factor in life is much more significant in times of war than in time of peace. The need for a well fed army requires no argument. To be strong and sturdy the soldier must be well nourished. In times of emergency it is equally important that the civilian population should be well fed to main­ tain the morale. A diet, therefore, consisting of local materials which will offer the essential re­ quirements but at a cost within the reach of the poor people should be sought by the govern­ ment. According to the lat­ est statistics, we are im­ porting a monthly average of 3,247,896 klios of ve­ getables and 1,231,495 kilos of fruits and nuts. This volume must be reduced if not actually avoided. Ours is a tropical country where vegetables and fruits grow easily and luxuriantly all year around. We have a fruit grown abundantly in this beauti­ ful isles rightly called the “fruit of life”. This fruit is coconut and is entirely neglected by many of our people. I am not going to speak of the several uses of coconut for war purposes. Because of the limited time at my disposal I shall limit myself to say a few words on the food value of the coconut. Human being requires for satisfactory nutri­ The Mineral and Vitamin Content of the Coconut By RUTH DARBY Asst. Professor of Home Economics University of the Philippines It is surprising how little work has been done in the Philippines on the nutritive value of the coconut. Some investigations, however, are in progress at the present time. As a source of minerals, the coconut contains an appreci­ able amount of phosphorous, a smaller amount of calcium and a very small amount of iron (1). According to the work of some investigators, the young coconut or “buko” is slightly higher in these minerals than the mature coconut (1). The availability of these minerals to the hu­ man body when they are furnished by the co­ conut is still unknown. Coconuts also contain a small amount of some of the vitamins. Investigators have re­ ported the presence of vitamin B, and ribofla­ vin in the coconut. Analysis also show that some vitamin C is found in the water of the green nut having soft pulp (2), (3), (4). The juice of the coconut palm is higher in vitamin (Please turn to page 22) tion and growth air (oxygen), water and food. The food that we consume must contain the following factors:— proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. The kernel of the co­ conut contains all three of the major constituents namely, protein, fats and carbohydrates, though it is not equally good source of all of them. By special process, it has been found possible to extract the protein from coconut in a pure form. This protein is va­ luable in animal and hu*man nutrition. Unlike a number of plant proteins, (such as those of corn and barley) that of the coconut is fairly satisfac­ tory. Studies in America have shown that the glob­ ulin fraction of the pro­ teins of coconut produces normal growth when used as the sole source of pro­ tein in an otherwise com­ plete diet. But the coconut’s highest contribution to human and animal nutri­ tion is its oil or fat. Among many other va­ lues, coconut oil has been found to be the most easily digestible of all the edible fats in general use, and that margarine made from this oil is more readily digested even than butter. Recent work on. the rate of digestion of fats by Miss Hartwell of King’s College, London, seems to corroborate the above view. Coconut oil may prove a more valu­ able food than has hitherto been supposed. Coco­ nut oil as a source of fat in the diet is more satis­ factory than other fats in economizing vitamins E and Bv Estimates from various sources indicate that (Please turn to page 22) PAGE 8 NOVEMBER, 1941 IN FILIPINO DIET Nutritive Value Of Coconut By ALICIA PALMA BAUTISTA Home Economics Department Far Eastern University ABOUT a year ago I spoke on the radio regard­ ing the good qualities of our good friend, Mr. Coconut. To show the value of proper nutri­ tion, I pictured a woman “with a flight of double chins, and who waddles through a room instead of walking across it.” To­ night, I have brought to you her sister “Skinny”. You can picture her to yourselves. She is all bones, whether she is tall or short, her waistline is so small you can encircle it with your two hands. She looks fragile so much so that you feel that a strong windy blast may carry her off any minute. She is flat chested, with high cheek bones, and her arms and legs dangling like a twine of rope sus­ pended from a flag pole. To put some flesh into this walking skeleton is bound to be a nutritional achievement and here is a steady job for Mr. Coco­ nut. It was sheer luck which took me to the Bu­ reau of Animal Husband­ ry on a morning when one of the doctors was cutting up a hog which had been on a hundred per cent coconut diet for some time. Coconut Oil As A Shortening By MARIA OROSA Chief, Plant Utilization Division Bureau of Plant Industry Our recent experiments proved that COCO­ NUT OIL may be satisfactorily used as a sub­ stitute for expensive shortenings. We found that an average nut when grated measures about 3 cups and gives about 1/3 cup of oil. If pandan leaves, grated lemon, orange or lime peel is added to the COCONUT milk while it is being made into oil, the natur­ al COCONUT OIL flavor is masked. Cakes made with this oil are very palatable and can­ not be distinguished from “butter cakes” baked with butter. Dozens of experiments in butter cake bak­ ing were performed using the COCONUT OIL as shortening. Some of these were flavored with caramel, with coffee, with chocolate, with vanilla, and in all cases, when compared with those made with butter or other expensive shortenings, the samplers all agreed that the cakes baked with the COCONUT OIL cannot be distinguished from those baked with butter. The procedure used in baking with the CO(Please turn to page 18) The doctor told us that it was an experiment which they had undertaken to determine whether coconut, being as cheap as it is, could be utilized in hog-rais­ ing intended for hams and bacon. He cut up the hind legs for the ham, he trimmed the flank for the bacon and there was our coconut fed hog with practically no steaks of pink, almost pure white fat clear through to the skin with only a very thin streak of lean meat. It’s no “go” for sure in hog raising, but it is never wise to live on a one­ sided diet. But to one on a fattening diet it would be very effective. If we were to put “lanky bones”, whether child or adult on a coconut rich diet, couldn’t we expect similar results from the experiment? This state­ ment is not without a scientific basis. It is a fact, that granted a per­ fectly normal body free from parasities and a will power exerted to the ut­ most in the desire of in­ creasing one’s weight, coconut would be a per­ fect ally of milk, eggs, cod liver oil, whole cereals, fruits and vegetables. (Please turn to page 20) Expanding Markets For Philippine Vegetable Lard And Butter RADICAL changes have taken place in our lard and butter trade during the last two decades. While Philippine exports of vegetable lard and butter have increased tremendously, our imports of animal lard, lard compounds and lard substitutes, oleomargarine, and frozen and canned butter are fast shrinking to insignificance. Locally produced lard and butter, with coconut oil as base raw ma­ terial, have become not only very popular to Fili­ pino homes thereby replacing to a considerable ex­ tent the imported ones, but also have gained favor and approval in the overseas markets. When our coconut oil industry was still in its infancy and local production of lard and butter re­ garded as an experiment, Philippine imports of lard in 1921 reached as high as 3,143,997 kilos, lard com­ pounds and lard substitutes, 107,022, oleomargarine, 64,386, and canned and frozen butter, 331,277 kilos. These imports constituted the highest on record and were valued at over two million pesos. But from that time on, Philippine imports of these items, with certain exceptions in the case of frozen and canned butter, have declined steadily in quantity and value. Last year, total imports of the same articles shrunked to a little over 600,000 pesos, with lard amounting only to 14,937 kilos, lard compounds and lard substitutes, 47,358, oleomargarine, 10,780, frozen butter, 566,260, and canned butter, 64,204 ki­ los. Import figures for the first seven months of the current year are very much lower. Lard imports, for instance, have barely reached 7,259 kilos and lard compounds and lard substitutes, 21,541. Oleo­ margarine has dropped to 8,324 kilos and canned butter has lagged behind to 33,054 kilos. But frozen butter may be considered an exception. Imports of this item from January to July, 1941 have a slight edge over those for the whole period of 1940, the quantity 581,469 kilos, or 15,209 kilos more than those of last year. Owing to war conditions at pre­ sent and the generally unsatisfactory shipping con­ ditions throughout the world, imports of lard, but­ ter, and oleomargarine will be very much lower this year and for the duration of the war. Table I of this article shows the declining importance of the Philippines as a market for imported lard, butter, and oleomargarine. Prior to 1924, Philippine shipments of vegetable lard and butter were insignificant and for this rea­ son these items were not separately classified in the list of Philippine exports. It was only in 1924 that exports of lard and butter in commercial quan­ tities were made. In that year, 202,944 kilos of lard and 14,359 kilos of butter were recorded as exported to the United States and her territories, British East Indies, China, Hongkong, and Canada. These quan­ tities exported gradually expanded and the list of Philippine customers lengthened in the subsequent years. Our annual exports of vegetable lard from 1924 to 1941 fluctuated from a low of 141,958 kilos in 1925 to a record high of 3,347,855 kilos in 1936. From 1924 to 1934, Philippine shipments were less than 500,000 kilos. But the shortage of various fats and oils felt the world over in 1935 pushed our lard exports to 1,349,806 kilos and these were almost trebled in 1936. Our exports for the last five years had been steady at about one and a half million ki­ los. The first seven months of the current year deserve special mention. Despite the shortage of ocean going bottoms, exports have already reached over 2-1/2 million kilos and there are indications that before the year is over, the peak made in 1936 would be duplicated, if not exceeded. The following Table II shows the quantities and value of our lard exports from 1924 to 1941, while Table III indicates the first three leading buyers of Philippine vege­ table lard. Vegetable butter exports of the Philippines were small previous to 1930. In 1924 only 14,359 kilos were shipped to the overseas markets, declining abruptly in 1925 to 3,159 kilos, and eventually scratched off the list of exports from 1926 to 1929. In subsequent years, however, shipments rose stead­ ily. Starting in 1930 at 11,985 kilos which were ab­ sorbed wholly by the British East Indies and Hong­ kong, exports exceeded 3 million kilos in recent years. Vegetable butter exports from 1936 to 1940 varied from a high of 3,801,802 kilos in 1938 to a low of 1,887,422 kilos in 1936. Shipments from Jan­ uary to July of the current year are already over 1-1/2 million kilos. Table IV shows the growing ex­ ports of vegetable butter and Table V indicates the principal countries of destination in the order of importance. Philippine shipments of vegetable lard and but­ ter prior to and during the present war are shown in the Tables VI and VII. It will be observed from the above tables that lard exports for the first seven months of the cur­ rent year have exceeded the totals in 1939 and 1940. Shipments of vegetable butter have approached the levels made in 1940 and 1939. The list of Philippine customers is lengthening at expanding volumes. Latin American countries are now included among our buyers of lard and but­ ter. Costa Rica has to her credit for the current year 38,220 kilos of lard as against 22,588 kilos in 1940. The Republic of Panama purchased last year 30,847 kilos of lard and for the current year 7,350 kilos. While so far no exports of butter have been (Please turn to page 12) PAGE 10 SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING.. COCO-MEAL By MARIA Y. OROSA OF WHAT use was coconut sapal before? I mean, grated coconut after extracting the milk from it. Well, for one thing we fed it to the pigs. Then, some very resourceful housewife would polish her bamboo floors with it. Most of the time we threw it away. Coconut sapal is still just coconut sapal. Only today we may bake delicious cakes and cookies from it because we can turn it into flour by a very simple home method. We had many uses for coconut oil, but whoever thought of using it as shortening in place of butter or margarine and as salad oil? The Plant Utiliza­ tion Division made attempts and found it as reliable and good and, very definitely, more economcal. Wonderful emergency stand-bys, aren’t they? How To Make Coco-Oil Grate coconut fine. Squeeze the milk, using hand pressure. Add small amounts of hot water; work with hand to extract as much milk as possible, and squeeze out milk. Repeat this opperation twice. For every 3 cups of grated coconut use about 1 cup of hot water. (Use 1/2 cup of hot water per operation, or 1 cup for the two operations). Com­ bine all extract (milk) and cook over a slow fire. When the oil begins to appears, add to the formula 1 pandan leaf, or about 1 teaspoon of grated lime peel or lemon peel and continue cooking until all oil is extracted. From many experiments made, the following re­ sults have been obtained: One regular sized coconut yields about 3 cups of grated meat, and about 1/3 cup of coconut oil. The oil made by the above process is very pleas­ ant, and may satisfactorily be used as a shorten­ ing and as salad oil. Cakes and cookies were made with this oil and proved to be very palat­ able. They cannot be distinguished from cakes made with butter. Mayonnaise made with this oil was found to be as tasty. How To Make Coco-Meal After extracting the milk from the grated coco­ nut, the residue or sapal may be washed with hot water, dried in the sun or in a slow oven, ground to flour-consistency and there you have coco-meal or coconut flour. Cocomeal hot cakes Cocomeal Cake COCONUT “SAPAL” CAKE WITH COCONUT OIL 3/4 cup coconut-sapal flour 1/4 cup cassava flour 1/3 cup coconut oil 4 eggs 1 cup sugar 2 1/3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup coconut milk Pinch of salt Beat egg yolks and add oil gradually beating continuously. Add sugar and mix well. Sift coconut flour, cassava flour, baking pow­ der, and salt three times. Add to first mixture al­ ternately with milk. Add vanilla. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour in greased cake pan and bake in moderate palayok-oven 20 minutes. COCONUT MAJA BLANCA 1 cup cocomeal 1 cup corn flour 1 cup sugar 4 cups coconut milk Anis and latik to garnish Mix cocomeal and corn flour. Add coconut milk. Stir well, and cook in an open vessel, stirring while cooking. When half done, add sugar and con­ tinue cooking until very thick. Place on a well greased plate. Garnish with latik and anis. COCOMEAL HOT CAKE 1 cup cocomeal 1 cup flour 1 cup water 1/2 cup milk 2 eggs 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons melted purico or butter 2 teaspoons sugar Beat eggs, add sugar, salt, milk, purico, water and mix well. Then add the sifted flour, cocomeal, and baking powder. Grease a hot frying pan and drop the dough from a spoon. When the dough bubbles and shows holes, turn pancake upside down to brown the other side. Remove from pan. Serve with coco honey or syrup and butter. PAGE 11 THE COCONUT JOURNAL EXPANDING MARKETS... (Continued from page 8) made to the Republic of Panama, it is gratifying to note that 30,491 kilos went to that sector last year and 10,324 in 1939. Venezuela bought last year 6,259 kilos of lard, while Ecuador was contented with a trial shipment of 111 kilos of lard and 26 kilos of butter. Gua­ temala imported from the Philippines last year 1,828 kilos of lard, already increased this year to 2,940 kilos, representing an improvement of 60.83% over the previous year. China, Hongkong, and Malaya are competing with each other for first honors in displacing the United States and her territories as our principal lard buyer. China is normally an exporter of ani­ mal lard, but war conditions in her country doomed to extinction her hog industry which consequently reduced lard for export. Thus, the necessity of in­ creasing her fats and oils purchases from a next door neighbor—the Philippines. For the first se­ ven months of the current year, China has become our leading buyer of lard, having imported during the said period 748,793 kilos, valued at P156,160. Demand for lard from Hongkong has picked up rapidly. Her imports from the Philippines last year amounted to 444,188 kilos. This year the totals from January to July have reached 530,600 kilos, or 86,412 kilos more than those of last year. Malaya is among our new list of buyers. Her first imports of Philippine vegetable lard and but­ ter were made in 1939. Starting with 251,614 kilos of lard and 584,918 kilos of butter in 1939, these volumes expanded rapidly in the case of lard which totalled 434,174 kilos in 1940 and 420,536 kilos for the current year. Philippine exports of butter to Malaya last year were slightly lower than those made in 1939. Exports in 1940 amounted to 850,011 kilos as against 584,918 in 1939. Expectations this year, however, are bright, shipments to Malay for the first seven months of the current year having reached 440,203 kilos. Of the larger countries which have turned to the Philippines since the outbreak of the present war, India merits special mention. Importing from the Philippines for the first time in 1940 which con­ sisted of 95,758 kilos of lard and 39,819 kilos of but­ ter, these quantities have attained new high marks for the current year. January to July shipments to India have reached 124,267 kilos of lard or about 30% more than those of last year, and 88,519 kilos of butter which represent more than a 100% gain over the 1940 figures. It may be pointed out, therefore, that unless the shipping situation improves, our imports of lard, oleomargarine, and butter will decline to lower le­ vels and eventually these imports may be reduced to a minimum quantity. Domestic consumption of Philippine vegetable lard and butter is increasing. We are now fast making up for lost time in patron­ izing made-in-the-Philippines products and the steadily growing popularity of our vegetable lard and butter in Philippine homes is a juicy example. The new outlets for our vegetable lard and but­ ter in the overseas markets may eventually find per­ manence in those sectors. The termination of the present war will create new demands from Europe. Our old customers will also likely remain in the list of buyers of vegetable lard and butter. In other words, the expanding markets for Philippine vege­ table lard and butter may cushion, to a certain ex­ tent, the expected fall of the coconut industry when the curtain drops in 1946 terminating free trade relations with the United States. PHILIPPINE VEGETABLE BUTTER EXPORTS BEFORE AND DURING THE PRESENT WAR 1941(x) 1940 1939 TOTALS .......... 1,544,277 461,224 3,628,523 1,112,046 3,801,802 1,119,138 Destination Quantity (kilos) Value (Pesos) Quantity (kilos) Value (Pesos) Quantity (kilos) Value (Pesos) U. S. & Territories 546,558 189,839 1,598,618 497,616 1,467,810 434,726 Dutch East Indies 66,746 20,149 892,779 304,629 1,236,376 445,962 Malaya 440,203 127,829 580,011 179,586 584,918 172,828 British East Indies 19,687 6,200 209,055 47,106 296,684 83,137 Thailand 67,730 16,101 131,386 34,680 113,383 37,173 Hongkong 237,204 53,570 125,774 25,782 52,376 10,482 India 88,519 21,995 39,819 9,367 — — Panama, Republic of — — 30,491 8,075 10,324 2,396 Burma — — 8,457 1,937 — _____£. British Africa — — 4,525 1,190 2,284 603 West Indies, Dutch 47,212 14,431 3,543 906 — — French East Indies 24,178 8,136 1,485 500 28,561 9,808 China 6,240 2,974 1,551 390 8,830 1,940 Great Britain — — 1,003 272 — — Ecuador — — 26 10 — — French Oceania — — — 256 83 (x) January to July, 1941 only. PAGE 12 NOVEMBER, 1941 LEADING BUYERS OF PHILIPPINE VEGETABLE BUTTER YEAR FIRST SECOND THIRD 1924 United States and Territories Canada China 1925 Hongkong Egypt 1926 No exports No exports No exports 1927 99 99 99 99 1928 »» 99 99 99 99 1929 1930 British East Indies 99 99 Hongkong 1931 99 99 99 China 1932 99 99 99 99 1933 99 99 99 99 Dutch East Indies 1934 • Dutch East Indies British East Indies Thailand 1935 ” n >> 99 99 99 99 1936 United States and Territories Dutch East Indies British East Indies 1937 ” ,, n >> »» » >> 99 99 99 1938 Dutch East Indies United States and Territories 99 99 99 1939 United States and Territories Dutch East Indies Malaya 1940 United States and Territories Dutch East Indies Malaya 1941(x) United States and Territories Malaya Hongkong PHILIPPINE IMPORTS OF LARD, OLEOMARGARINE, AND BUTTER Lard Compounds and Year Lard (Kilos) Lard Substitute (Kilos) Oleomargarine (Kilos) Frozen Butter (Kilos) Canned Butter (Kilos) 1941(x) 7,259 21,541 8,324 581,469 33,054 1940 64,973 47,358 10,780 566,260 62,204 1939 99,862 44,909 32,537 505,346 107,587 1938 85,575 59,798 40,746 671,028 83,149 1937 159,793 41,988 48,617 502,919 97,905 1936 139,809 132,034 65,698 634,944 81,766 1935 131,969 100,731 50,865 634,819 77,179 1934 307,873 69,660 39,761 554,461 211,956 1933 853,482 40,250 65,969 522,024 93,098 1932 2,603,591 42,324 114,382 494,085 111,996 1931 2,680,313 71,544 396,436 654,187 143,303 1930 2,134,741 61,846 346,672 357,951 180,700 1929 2,657,773 85,472 503,392 425,101 181,955 1928 2,221,006 143,032 460,442 445,740 194,928 1927 2,370,215 179,048 363,696 314,256 171,939 1926 1,899,493 148,146 386,289 305,547 233,520 1925 1,735,359 138,456 296,829 (a) 449,438 (b) 1924 2,093,252 185,542 278,022 588,649 (b) 1923 2,034,251 104,723 177,400 387,028 (b) 1922 2,333,806 82,118 167,995 468,206 (b) 1921 3,143,997 107,022 64,386 331,277 (b) 1920 2,080,891 191,671 111,898 593,690 (b) 1919 2,342,675 93,655 35,956 522,298 (b) 1918 1,061,014 115,401 10,235 242,291 (b) 1917 477,064 299,063 34,747 239,034 (b) 1916 461,047 531,377 70,247 222,751 (b) 1915 1,107,665 854,709 69,638 268,406 (b) (x) January to July, 1941 only. (a) Not separately stated prior to Jan. 1, 1926 (b) Including Frozen Butter. (Please turn to page 17) PAGE 13 monm^picTURES REHABILITATION OF TOCONUT INDUSTRY. Nacoco float which cipated in the Sixth monweaith THE COCONUT JOURNAL STATISTICS SECTION By RICARDO B. BONILLA Table 1—ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PERSONS DEPENDENT ON THE COCONUT INDUSTRY 1/ OCCUPATION Total Laguna Tayabas Cebu Zamboanga Leyte Misamis Misamis Oriental Occidental Albay Other Provinces Total .......................... 3,080,000 181,120 256,610 272,430 100,880 203,030 101,855 61,605 121,590 1,780,800 Percent ....................... 100.00 5.88 8.33 8.84 3.28 6.59 3.31 2.00 3.95 57.82 ——» — —— ■ —— — — ■ ■■ ■ — — — — AGRICULTURE: .................... 1,485,000 97,100 190,600 53,000 60,100 101,200 72,700 38,700 67,600 804,000 —- - ■ — — — ■ — ■ — ■ — ■ —------ ■— - Farmers and farm managers ... 750,000 46,500 99,600 18,500 28,300 55,000 38,700 24,300 32,900 406,200 Farm laborers ................... 735,1)00 50,600 91,000 34,500 31,800 46,200 34,000 14,400 34,700 397,800 61,000 20,930 7,440 3,920 2,320 380 30 150 250 25,580 MANUFACTURING: 2,000 — ■ - — - — - ■ — ■ ■ — —. —■ Brooms and brushes ........... 200 — 100 50 200 —— 50 1,400 Breweries ....................... 2,500 50 — — — — 2,450 Candle .......................... 1,000 30 100 30 60 50 30 700 Candy and caramels ........... 7,500 150 20 120 10 100 100 7,000 Coconut oil ..................... 10,000 750 — 3,150 — — 20 70 10 6,000 Desiccated coconut ............. 21,500 13,500 3,400 — 2,200 — — — 2,400 Fats 2/ ........................ 2,000 — — — — —— — — 2,000 Liquor and beverages ........... 1,500 30 — 50 —— 20 1,400 Soap ............................ 3,000 220 1 20 400 30 20 10 30 40 2,230 Laborers (industry not stated) . 3/ 10,000 6,000 4,000 — — — --. — — — DOMESTIC SERVICE: 1,047,000 29,400 27,400 119,900 21,000 85,900 23,800 17,900 37,800 683,900 ■ - ------- — - — — ■ - — ■ ■ — — ■ - PROFESSIONAL SERVICE: 59,000 13,000 13,200 25,800 7,000 —- —— — •— — ■ —. -- - ------- — —» — ■ ■ — — —— CLERICAL: 23,000 3,000 3,500 13,000 3,500 — — — — TRANSPORTATION: 363,000 16,600 12,000 49,300 6,600 15,100 5,200 4,300 7,300 246,600 —------ . —----- » ■ ■ - — - ~ - — Bus and truck 4/ .............. 52,000 3,000 1,600 5,500 1,000 1,500 1,300 1,000 1,600 35,500 Calesa 3/ ....................... 59,000 8,000 2,200 9,400 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 200 34,200 Chaffeurs (private) 3/ ........ 75,000 3,000 1,900 7,500 1,500 3,000 1,700 1,100 2,400 52,900 Railroad 4/ ..................... 24,000 2,100 3,200 1,000 — — — — 1,100 16,600 Water 4/ ....................... 153,000 500 3,100 25,900 3,100 8,600 1,200 1,200 2,000 107,400 TRADE: 42,000 1,090 2,470 7,510 360 450 1,200 1,200 2,000 shrc 450 125 555 8,640 20,800 Candy and caramel ............ 1,000 40 10 60 10 50 5 5 20 800 Coconut and copra ............. 5,000 850 1,460 350 50 100 50 120 20 2,000 Warehouses ..................... . 4/ 36,000 200 1,000 7,100 300 300 70 430 8,600 18,000 ENGAGED IN THE COCONUT INDUSTRY Table 2—PERSONS DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY OCCUPATION Total Laguna Tayabas Cebu Zamboanga Leyte Misamis Oriental Misamis Occidental Albay Other Provinces Total ..................... 6,16,029 36,253 51,385 54,549 20,120 40,630 20,418 12,302 24,289 356,083 AGRICULTURE: ................... 297,045 19,418 38,132 10,605 12,016 20,242 14,565 7,739 13,513 160,815 — — — - — - — -__ _ __ Farmers and farm managers ... 149,927 9,284 19,915 3,700 5,654 10,989 7,735 4,848 6,569 81,233 Farm laborers .................. 147,118 10,134 18,217 6,905 6,362 9,253 6,830 2,891 6,944 79.582 MANUFACTURING: 12,131 4,207 1,546 773 450 58 4 25 34 5,034 Brooms and brushes ........... 353 32 __ 14 9 26 __ _ _ 1 271 Breweries ...................... . 523 5 __ __ __ 518 Candle ......................... 179 4 __ 15 4 10 __ 5 3 138 Candy and caramel ............ 1,498 30 3 , 22 1 18 __ 19 1.405 Coconut oil .................... 1,933 145 629 3 15 1 1,140 Desiccated coconut ............. 4,311 341 2,707 687 431 — 486 Fats 2/ ....................... . __ -_ _ _ . _ __ __ __ 341 Liquor and beverages . ......... 311 7 - 13 __ - - — 3 288 Soap ............................ 597 45 3 80 5 1 5 7 447 Laborers (industry not stated) 2,085 1,232 853 __ DOMESTIC SERVICE: ” (2) 209,481 5,886 5,489 23,984 4,223 17,195 4,770 3,584 7,564 136,786 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE: 11,756 2,588 2,642 5,153 1,373 — — — — — CLERICAL: 4,702 648 697 2,676 681 — — — — — TRANSPORTATION: 72,598 3,290 2,406 9,855 1,307 3,055 1,054 844 1,460 49,327* Bus and truck ................. . (3) 10,490 620 338 1,115 206 317 278 196 323 7,102 Calesa .......................... . (2) 11,708 1,570 435 1,883 159 409 197 177 33- 6.845 Chaffeurs (private) ............ . (2) 15,023 604 372 1,507 310 611 330 224 475 10,590 Railroad ....................... .. (3) 4,731 403 632 172 _ — 216 3,308 Water ......................... .. (3) 30,646 93 629 5,178 632 ‘ 1,718 254 247 413 21,482 TRADE: 8,316 216 473 1,503 70 80 25 110 1,718 4,121 Candy and confectioneries ..... 219 8 3 13 2 10 1 1 176 Coconut and copra ............. 980 165 291 66 9 18 9 23 4 395 Warehouses ..................... . (3) 7,117 43 179 1,424 59 52 15 86 1,709 3,550 (1) Hat manufacture in Manila only. (2) Data correspond to 32 coconut producing provinces only. (3) Data correspond to 32 coconut producing provinces and Manila. PAGE 16 NOVEMBER, 1941 EXPANDING MARKETS... (Continued from page 13) PHILIPPINE Destination Malaya Hongkong U. S. & Territories China Dutch East Indies British East Indies India Thailand (Siam) Egypt Panama, Republic of West Indies, Dutch Costa Rica Venezuela China, Portuguese Burma Guatamela Japan Ecuador British Africa France French East Indies Kwantung VEGETABLE LARD EXPORTS BEFORE AND DURING THE PRESENT WAR 1 9 4 I (X) 1 9 4 0 1 9 3 9 Quantity (Kilos) Value (Pesos) 420,536 86,686 530,600 117,206 576,755 135,638 748,793 156,160 4,067 974 5,821 1,237 124,267 27,083 30,205 4,658 7,350 1,671 11,759 3,268 38,220 7,265 4,088 1,042 2,940 568 272 60 — .-----■ - 2,932 720 1,466 315 Quantity Value (Kilos) (Pesos) 434,174 89,760 444,188 86,110 320,503 65,435 198,358 38,198 115,668 33,821 132,947 29,853 95,758 26,253 63,276 12,515 46,074 11,405 30,847 8,208 22,588 5,362 22,204 4,699 6,259 1,671 7,350 1,430 6,700 1,320 1,828 404 544 126 111 19 — — — — Quantity (Kilos) 251,614 291,481 839,503 48,438 136,622 36,607 53,895 6,222 14,700 Value (Pesos) 53,139 59,714 177,015 10,485 38,479 6,637 12,069 1,647 4,200 TOTALS (x) January to July, 1941 only. 340 47 4,934 3,532 150 15 1,200 683 544,553 1,949,377 416,589 1,687,935 365,433 LEADING BUYERS OF PHILIPPINE VEGETABLE LARD United States and Territories YEAR FIRST 1924 United States and Territories 1925 British East Indies 1926 United States and Territories 1927 1928 »» >» ,> ,, 1929 1930 British East Indies 1931 Dutch East Indies 1932 » » »> 1933 ” »» „ SECOND British East Indies United States and Territories British East Indies 1934 1935 Dutch East Indies United States and Territories Hongkong United States and Territories Dutch East Indies THIRD Hongkong China Japan Hongkong Dutch East Indies Hongkong British East Indies Hongkong 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941(x) Hongkong Hongkong China Malaya United States and Territories Dutch East Indies Malaya United States and Terri­ tories Hongkong (x) January to July, 1941 only. PAGE 17 THE COCONUT JOURNAL COCONUT OIL AS ... (Continued from page 9) CONUT OIL is as follows: Beat 1 cup of sugar with 4 egg yolks. Add gradually 1/2 cup of COCONUT OIL, beating constantly until smooth and lemon colored. Add in small amounts at a time, and alternately, 1-1/2 cups of flour previously sifted with 3 teaspoons of baking powder, and 1/2 cup of diluted evaporated milk. Fold in 4 egg whites, stiffly beaten, and bake in moderate OROSAPALAYOK-OVEN 15 minutes Another procedure that may be used is as follows: Beat 2 egg yolks and add 2/3 cups COCONUT OIL, and beat until smooth. Add 2 cups su­ gar and beat until creamy. Then add 2 egg yolks and beat until fluffy. Add 3-1/2 cups flour previously sifted with 4 teaspoons bak­ ing powder, alternately with 1 cup diluted evaported milk, adding small quantities of each at a time, and fold in 4 egg whites stiffly beat­ en. Bake in moderate OROSA-PALAYOKOVEN 15 minutes. A PRACTICAL PROGRAM ... (Continued from page 7) Role of the Nacoco The National Coconut Corporation has a triple role to accomplish: first, as an industrial partner supplying the machines and technical assistance; second, as a contractor for the coir produced by the plant; and third, as an organizer of home industries. The Corporation covenants with a planter or a group of planters forming a cooperative to put up a small defibering plant. If the necessary cash is not available, the Corporation offers small produc­ tion loans to the planter or cooperative, who pledges his or its coconut crops as securities. The machin­ ery will then be paid for by the planter or cooperat­ ive in equal monthly installments until the whole amount has been paid. Installation of the machin­ ery up to the time of its operation will be super­ vised by a technical man sent over by the Corpora­ tion, whose salary will be paid by the Corporation, but whose transportation expenses and per diems will be paid by the planter or cooperative. When the machinery has been installed and the owners of the plantations are familiar with its operations, the planter or cooperative can then take over the full management. Everything produced from the machines will be bought by the Corporation, provided of course the fiber is of the stipulated quality. The coir fiber is in turn distributed to the spinners in domestic fac­ tories. Following are figures showing how home industrialists will be benefited: Price to be paid by spinner per kilo for material .................................... PO.07 Amount to be paid spinner for labor .. P0.15 Amount received by spinner for material & labor ....................................... P0.22 If material is furnished on credit: Price per kilo of material ................... P0.07 Amount to be paid spinner for labor .. P0.15 Amount received by spinner ............... P0.15 Note: In this case material is supplied and not paid by spinner. The Corporation has a Field Agent or Organ­ izer in charge of coordinating these activities. He sees to it that the defibering plant is working ef­ ficiently and producing the expected quantity of coir of standard grades. He supervises the distrib­ ution of coir among the local spinners and weav­ ers and sees to it that homes are supplied with materials, that labor is contented, and prevents dic­ tation of prices by either party. Farmers’ Financing Agency Coinciding with the work of the Corporation, the Department of Labor is extending aid to indigent FUNDAMENTAL FACTS The program for the Home Industries in Baler includes the following points: 1. The National Coconut Corporation will establish a plant for coir production. (a) Total amount of the plant will in­ clude cost of machinery, shed (camarin), and installation in the amount contracted by the planter or cooperative. (b) Management and operation of the plant will be under said private concern. (c) Manufactured coir will be con­ tracted by the Corporation. 2. Organization of Baler as center for the Home Industries program. (a) Baler can be easily supplied with husks from the towns of Casiguran and Polillo. (b) Organization of the inhabitants for a specific activity. (c) The Corporation’s Field Agent will supervise. 3. Joint cooperation of the National Co­ conut Corporation and the Farmers’ Financing Agency (FFA). (a) Economic and efficient adminis­ tration. (b) Consignment of the Corporation’s saleable products to the FFA Cooperative Store. 4. A cooperative system of activities is instilled. (a) Socialized distribution of income. farmers and workers in Baler by opening a unit of the Farmers’ Financing Agency. This agency can be of immeasurable help to the home industries program by acting as sales medium for our finished products. The coir spun into yarn; the yarn woven into sack-cloth; and the cloth sewed into finished sand­ bags or copra sacks, may be consigned to the Farm­ ers’ Financing Agency (FFA) Cooperative Store PAGE 18 NOVEMBER, 1941 Coconut Journal Makes Headway Indicative of a growing interest in the progress and possibilities of the coconut industry in the Phil­ ippines is the steady increase in the number of sub­ scribers to the Coconut Journal. Among the sub­ scribers to this publication are public branch libra­ ries, throughout the city and the provinces, and the libraries of both private and public schools in many parts of the Philippines. Director Salvador of the Bureau of Education has endorsed the inclusion of the Coconut Journal in the Approved Library List for general reading of teachers and students in the high school. The Coconut Journal is coming to be recog­ nized as a scientific publication of general interest and as a medium of educational value. Among the schools subscribing to the Journal are the follow­ ing: Assumption Convent of Manila; Bicol Insti­ tute, Naga, Camarines Sur; Naujan Farm School, Naujan, Mindoro; San Jose No. 1 Int. School, San Jose, Mindoro; San Jose No. 2 Elem. School, San Jose, Mindoro; San Agustin Elem. School. San Agus­ tin, Mindoro; Borbocolan Int. School, Borbocolan, Mindoro; Pinagsabangan Int. School, Pinagsabangan, Mindoro; Anuling Int. School, Anuling, Min­ doro; Pola Elem. School, Pola, Mindoro; Bongabon Central School, Bongabon, Mindoro; Masaguisi Bar­ rio School, Bongabon, Mindoro; Paclasasan Elem. School, Paclasasan, Mansalay, Mindoro; Mansalay Elem. School, Mansalay, Mindoro; Bulalacao Elem. School, Bulalacao Mindoro; Abra de Ilog Elem. School, Abra de Ilog, Mamburao District, Mindoro; Libang Central School, Viga Barrio School, Malilig Barrio School, Tagbac Barrio School, Cabra Bar­ rio School, Binacas Barrio School and Tilic Barrio School, Mindoro; Silliman University, Dumaguete, Or. Negros. The Coconut Journal reaches the different branch libraries of the National Library in Iloilo, Zamboanga, Camarines Sur, Bohol, Tayabas, Ilocos Norte and Tondo. for resale to the people and copra producers of Ba­ ler. Other products of the National Coconut Cor­ poration such as soap, hats, slippers, handbags, etc. may also be displayed and sold at the store. This coincidence will save the Corporation con­ siderable organization, sales and personnel ex­ penses. As has been tentatively agreed upon, the FFA Store personnel is willing to undertake the job of paying the spinners and weavers their piece­ work, crediting same to the Corporation. With the National Coconut Corporation as its connecting link, there is a cooperative system of in­ dustrial activities in progress in Baler. The planter, responsible for the production of coir fiber, receives a sound income for his product; the industrial work­ ers (the spinners and weavers) with human labor as their invested capital, receive an income and net gain for utilized time; while the Corporation initiates the home industry and utilizes one of the principal by-products of coconut—the coir fiber. The Editor, The Coconut Journal Sir: So much has been said and written both in the public prints and over the radio about “quality soaps” manufactured from the so-called “costly oil” that a few words to correct the misleading impression creat­ ed by this propaganda are called for. What is a soap? Soaps are alkali salts of fatty and resin acids, soluble in water and capable of giving a lather. In­ asmuch as they are generally made from vegetable or animal oils, they consist of the alkali salts of such acids as occur in these oils. In other word? costly olive oil is no olive oil any longer when made into a soap, but saponified acids and as such, they do not have the beautifying properties and superior qualities of a good soap made from our own coconut oil. All eminent authorities on the subject of soap­ making agree, that no oil in the world can beat coco­ nut oil as a prime material for soap. The reason is plain. Coconut oil contains LAURIC ACID, an acid of the HIGHEST SAPONIFIED VALUE. “Costly olive oil” contains no Lauric Acid, consequently does not give the rich lather of coconut oil soap, ergo, it is not the prime material for the best quality soap. Now let the truth be stated. Prime olive oil is never used in soap making. What is used is the “ba­ gasse oil” or sometimes called “enfers” very high in free fatty acids. This oil is the last expression of the fruit and is not costly at all, as it is not edible, but residual oil suitable only for cheap soaps. No oil in the world gladdens the heart of the soap maker more than our own good coconut oil. The desired action of a good soap is that it be a good detergent, or in plain language, it must emul­ sify greasy material and increase the brownian move­ ment. Soap made from “costly olive oil” does not do this as well as the “cheap” coconut oil. In fact “costly oil,” or what goes into soap of this fruit, is not costly at all, but the refuse part of it. Yours truly, E. M. GROSS, Ph. D. Chemist P. 0. Box 154 Davao, Philippines The Editor, The Coconut Journal P. 0. Box 290, Manila Sir: The Information Service of the University of the Philippines desires to have a complete file of your excellent magazine, The Coconut Journal. On looking up our records, we discovered that we lack (Please turn to page 23) PAGE 19 THE COCONUT JOURNAL ROLE OF COCONUT... (Continued from page 8) 90 coconuts per capita are consumed annually in the Philippines compared with 150 per capita in Cey­ lon. The importance of utilizing coconut as a sup­ plementary food in our daily diet may be summar­ ized as follows: First, and foremost, the contribu­ tion of fat to the diet, is considerable. If we take into consideration that the main defect of Filipino diet is the low fat intake, the increase consumption of coconut oil or fat by our people will supplement this deficiency. Furthermore, fat as you all know, is high in caloric value. One gram of fat yields 9.3 calories, compared with 4.1 calories for each gram of either carbohydrate or protein. This country is importing fat for food purposes to the value of many thousands of pesos annually. A large part of this amount can be saved by utilizing coconut fat and oil as food in our daily meals. Second, coconut pro­ vides, biologically, good protein, some carbohy­ drates, particularly sugar, and little water soluble vitamins B and C in toddy. On the other hand, it contributes little or none of the fat-soluble vitamins and mineral salt requirements of diet, which must be provided by other foodstuffs particularly milk and eggs. I believe the great majority of our people are yet to realize the value of good nutrition. Some­ how or some way, as a nation, we have to adjust our food habits and our diets to the newer knowl­ edge of nutrition. This adjustment, even if it takes a long time to filter through the entire population should be continued. We need to make the Filipino people nutrition­ conscious in terms of nutritional science of today. If the great mass of our people could be brought to understand the relatively simple, basic principles of the modern science of nutrition and understand our deficiencies, the unsatisfactory nutritional status of no less than 50 per cent of our population may be improved. The human resources of the nation must be maintained to a high degree of reserve status, so that it can give its best if called upon in time of emergency and national crisis. If this nation should be forced into war, it is absolutely necessary that every man, woman and child in this country should be prepared by being in the best physical and mental condition to maintain, preserve and defend our de­ mocratic ideals. We can only accomplish this if our people are properly fed. NUTRITIVE VALUE... (Continued from page 9) One of the facts known about coconut is its oil content. A single mature coconut yields in oil alone about 116 grams or in terms of calories about one thousand and forty-four calories. From its protein we could get sixty calories and from its sugar con­ tent about forty-two calories. This gives us a total of one thousand two hundred and forty-six calories. Each person requires a particular amount of food for perfect health and vigor—which means so much in terms of calories. We take any person and know­ ing his age, height and occupation, we determine the total calories required. Let’s take a girl of eighteen, five feet two and we know that she needs from 1,800 to 20,000 calories from food a day. If she is “skinny,” she is probably twenty or thirty pounds underweight. If she took to eating any of the va­ ried coconut confections, she would be getting addi­ tional calories not only from the coconut itself but also from the sugar used in the confection. She might take her coconut in the form of a refreshing glass of the young spoon or “buko” and taken three or four times daily this would insure her the much needed additional calories. To a thrifty housewife with the limited allow­ ance of sixty cents, eighty cents or even a peso a day, this food is certainly a God-send. For every two or three centavos invested in a coconut she gets one thousand and two hundred calories. A table­ spoon of the coconut eaten with our rice cakes could give us two hundred and eighty-four calories. In preparing diets for our poorer classes we have found the greatest problem in providing sufficient calo­ ries for the whole family. There are usually so many members, and a family of twelve living on sixty centavos a day finds a great difficulty in ad­ justing food needs with the money on hand. Where one half of the money is spent for rice, the three centavos spent for coconut could give her as much heat as five pork sausages which might cost her from eight to ten centavos. In case of emergency, the coconut would be a worthy substitute for whatever we may have to fore­ go. The other speakers have given you all plenty of things to think about and so, I close asking all to join hands together in building up our youth with proper food habits and urging them to maintain the attitude that whatever eventuality may take place, it shall be faced with faith and courage. PAGE 20 NOVEMBER, 1941 COCONUT PESTS AND... (Continued from page 5) in its efforts to prevent the spread of such maladies as leaf miner, locusts, black beetles, scale insects and bud rot, which may vitally affect the coconut industry if they occur as epidemics. This is bound to occur if planters in particular slacken in their joint efforts to stamp them out while still greatly localized. In no other phase of agriculture is cooperation more greatly needed than in the control of plant pests and diseases. The efforts of any individual planter in controlling beetles, bud rot and the like in his grove may not be of much avail if his neigh­ bors neglect the infestations and infections in their own groves. Slug caterpillars attacking coconut leaves. (Courtesy Dept, of Agri. & Com.) The General Manager, National Coconut Corporation Manila. Dear sir: I write to seek information with regards to the cur­ rent price of buri-braids as paid by your Corporation. I am of the information that at present you are paying a good price for such merchandise. For this reason, I beg to ask you the prices for the different kinds of braids, and if possible to furnish me with the detailed list of them all and the dates of good prices. As the braid industry here is our important source of livelihood, I am requesting you for their exact prices as you buy them together with the quantity you need in case we intend to send them to you directly. Thanking you in advance and hoping for your kind attention and reply, I remain, Very respectfully yours, Antonio M. Rose In reply to your letter, please be informed that we are in the market for the following buri braids; 1. Apatan-Khaki 20 mm. wide and 60 yards long @ P.28 per roll-already pressed and packed. 2. Siyaman-Khaki 18-to 20 mm. wide and 60 yards long @ P.45 per roll-already pressed and packed. As we will need about 10,000 rolls of each type men­ tioned above, please let us know as soon as possible if you could supply us these braids ad the prices quoted and also indicate how many rolls you can supply in one month. The National Coconut Corporation Manila. Dear sirs: In your “Coconut Journal” of April, 1941, my at­ tention was called in the article MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP AT HOME THE NACOCO WAY. Since then I have tried to buy Nacoco Sosa and Nacoco Langis Ng Niyog (beer bottle size) but sorry to inform you that I cannot find any in the market. In this connection, I hereby respectfully request that I be furnished with the names of persons or stores from where I can be able to buy the above mentioned articles. Furthermore, I want to inform you that I want to try the SIMPLE METHOD of soap making you have published in that Journal, which interested me more. Very respectfully yours, (Mrs.) Mercedes Pagtalunan We are selling Nacoco Sosa right in our office. You may buy your coconut oil from Chinese stores or direct from oil manufacturers like, Spencer Kelloff & Sons, Philippine Refining Co. and Luzon Industrial Corporation. PAGE 21 THE COCONUT JOURNAL GOOD TIMES AHEAD ... (Continued from page 6) is understood the Philippines is so far the only source of United States requirements. According to Dean Benitez, the production of charcoal from coconuts is already a big industry here, and the military authorities in the Philippines have been assured that the NACOCO can step up output and turn out the product in any quantity should the necessity arise. In improving the position of the major indus­ tries, particularly copra production, the coconut cor­ poration has done, and is still doing a lot, for the benefit of planters and producers. While the ap­ preciable pickup in prices during the fast few months has been due largely to the bullish influ­ ence of the overseas markets, to a certain extent the improvement in the method of production here has been an important factor, having maintained the good name of Philippine copra in the world’s market. However, copra produced in Luzon is con­ sidered the poorest in the world, and the corpora­ tion is therefore doing all it can to improve the present method of drying and thus eliminate this grade of the product for the good of the industry as a whole. Coconut planters in the Islands can now ob­ tain crop loans from the National Coconut Corpo­ ration. It was disclosed that most of these loans are around P500 and below Pl,000. These loans have been found to be a powerful weapon against usury, fast eliminating middlemen who heretofore have been responsible for the miserable plight of the coconut planters. Copra and coconut oil are major items in Am­ erica’s economy which may assume increasing im­ portance as they are also vital raw materials in certain industries, particularly in the manufacture of munitions and explosives. So far they have not been accorded full priority, but it was reported some time ago that the Office of Production Management in Washington were considering revision of the priority schedules to include these commodities. Tn spite of shipping shortages, however, the Philip­ pines has actually shipped larger quantities of these products to the United States. For one thing, demand in the United States has broadened consi­ derably, more than offsetting the loss of the Europ­ ean market. The diversion of P. I. ships previous­ ly calling at Atlantic ports to unload their cargoes only on the Pacific coast has been decided by the U. S. Maritime Commission to remedy the shipping shortage. Although there have been less bottoms, therefore, there have been more voyages. It is be­ lieved, however, that the industry has not been able to take full advantage of the heavy demand for copra and oil in the United States. Besides feeding American industry which is now being geared to the defense effort, the Philippine coconut industry is actively doing its part in Amer­ ica’s economic warfare against the Axis. Since the outbreak of the war in Europe, no copra, copra cake or meal, or coconut oil has been shipped to GerTHE MINERAL AND VITAMIN ... (Continued from page 8) C than the green kernel (5), Although we do not emphasize the use of coconuts for mineral and vitamin content, we do recog­ nize the value of the coconut as a source of fuel for the body, for the value of coconut fat in sparing vitamin Bi in the body, as a source of vegetable protein and for its value in enhancing the flavor of products made from other foods. (1) Handbook of Philippine Agriculture, Los Banos, Manila Bureau of Printing, 1939 (2) Biswas, H. G. and Ghosh, A. R. Investigator on the Vi­ tamin C. Content of the coconut. Science and Culture vol. I, p. 518 (1936) (3) Ganguli, S. K. Chemical Examination of Water from Co­ coa Nucifera Science and Culture vol. 2, p. 224 (1936) Chemical Abstracts rol. 31, p. 4694 (1937) (4) Banerjee, H. N. Ascorbic Acid Content of Some Plant Fluids Current Science vol. 4, p. 28 (1935) Chemical Abstracts vol. 29, p. 7385 (1935) (5) Banerjee, H. N. Chemical and Physiological Investigations on the Chemical Abstracts vol. 32, p. 5036 (1938) Presence of Vitamin C in certain Substances in Plants. Trans. Bose Res, Institute, Calcutta vol. 10, p. 145 (1934-1935) (6) Salmon, W. D. and Goodman, J. G. Alleviation of Vita­ min B Deficiency in the Rat by Certain Natural Fats and Symthetic Esters J. Nutrition vol. 13, p. All (1937) many. Italy likewise has not been getting any of these raw materials since her entry in the war. Then came the export control program, which is perhaps so far the best weapon of America against Germany’s junior partner in the Orient. Applica­ tion of the control schedule resulted in the cessa­ tion of shipment of copra and oil to Japan and Russia. The Soviet Union, being now on the side of the Democratic Allies, can undoubtedly have ac­ cess to these raw materials; but not so in the case of Japan. Japan particularly bought heavily this year before the setting up of the export control machinery. Statistics gathered by Dean Benitez show that for the first half of this year Japan purchased Pl,632,758 worth of copra and P299,lll worth of co­ conut oil; there was no importation of copra for the same period of last year and only P156 worth of oil. Russia imported P760,240 worth of copra for the first half of 1940, the first shipment to that country since the first world war; but for the corresponding period of this year, her purchases dropped to P261,000. Provided bottoms are avail­ able and Russia should stay in the war indefinite­ ly, there is a good possibility of that country im­ proving her importation of this product from the Philippines. The experience of the first world war shows that Russia needs copra in wartime. While suffering from the closing of the Europ­ ean market, therefore, the Philippine coconut in­ dustry has, on the other hand, found new opportun­ ities and new horizons. But the revolutionary changes in the industry that are foreseen for the near future are to come from the current indus­ trialization program which is already bearing re­ sults and which is expected to further better the lot of the coconut planters and producers and give employment to more people. PAGE 22 NOVEMBER, 1941 WITH OUR CORRESPONDENTS ... (Continued from page 19) Nos. 1 to 4 of the Journal. Will you be good enough to send us the missing numbers? Sincerely yours, (Sgd.) BERNABE AFRICA Chairman Pinamalayan, Mindoro October 14, 1941 The Editor, Coconut Journal P. O. Box 290, Manila Sir: This is to inform you that the undersigned has received copies of the Coconut Journal for the months of March, April, July, and September, 1941 respectively, and found it to be one of the most helpful magazines in print at the present time, es­ pecially to the coconut growers. In this connection, as I don’t wish to lose a single copy that you have already printed, and in­ asmuch as my subscription begins from the time this journal comes to print, may I therefore request that I be supplied with the following issues: Jan­ uary, February, May, June and August, 1941. Thanking you for this favor, I am Very sincerely, (Sgd.) MATEO RIEGO “REMURE” GREGORY ROAD. Colombo, August 15, 1941 The Editor, Coconut Journal P. O. Box 290 Manila, Philippines Dear sir'. I enclose herewith draft for two (American) dollars in your favor as subscription for the Coco­ nut Journal for the year 1941. Please send me the past numbers forthwith and the future ones as they are published. I am a coconut planter myself and am a mem­ ber of the Board fo Coconut Research of Ceylon. I must congratulate you on your excellent pub­ lication. Yours faithfully A. F. R. GOONEWARDENE Catholic Rectory Sumilao, Bukidnon Mindanao, Philippines The National Coconut Corporation Banco Hipotecario Bldg,, Manila. Gentlemen : Along with our remittance for a year’s subscrip­ tion to your Journal, I include P0.04 stamps to cover mailing of the pamphlet with recipes for use of green as well as mature coconuts, as announced in COPRA AND COCONUT... (Continued from page 2) P10.54 3.02 6.88 5.52 8.94 14.25 8.66 5.50 COPRA ARRIVALS IN MANILA . This month .......................... 758,407 bags Previous month ................... 839,794 ” October, 1940 ....................... 582,229 ” COCONUT OIL.—After featuring a lead of 1/2 centavo to PO.22-1/2 per kilo in mid-October, in­ fluenced largely by developments in copra, the ear­ ly gain was erased in the second half of the month. When copra weakened nominally to P10.00-P10.25, offerings of coconut oil in Manila dropped on the 22nd to 21-1/2 centavos for a net loss of 1/2 centa­ vo during the month. In the American market, va­ lues improved 1/4 cent earlier in the month, with few scattered sales made on the Pacific Coast at 6-3/4 cents, f. o. b. tank cars. Later, in sympathy with other markets, coconut oil gradually shaded to lower grounds, touching by mid-month at 6-1/2 cents, the trade apparently upset by the Argentine Trade Pact which lowered the U. S. duty on tallow, linseed oil, and sunflower oil. With lard futures and cottonseed oil staging sharp declines, coconut oil offerings dipped further to 6-3/8 cents on the Pacific Coast, recovering later to 6-1/2 as the mar­ kets firmed up on the Japanese Cabinet change. At the end of the month, there were buyers at 6-1/4 cent as against sellers at 6-1/2 cents, Pacific Coast. Manila, sellers, per kilo, delivered in drums: Opening Low High Closing P0.22 0.21-1/2 0.22-1/2 0.21-1/2 COPRA MEAL.—Nothing of importance de­ veloped abroad. In the overseas markets, the main consideration still hinged on the shipping situation. On the Pacific Coast, quotations were nominal at $35.00 per ton. Locally, offers dropped slightly to P17.50 per ton, ex-warehouse, for a 50-centavo loss compared with the previous month. DESICCATED COCONUT.—While concern over the shipping situation continued, the base price in the American market was revised for an increase of 1/2 cent to 8-1/2 cents, the new price list taking ef­ fect on Monday, October 13th. Sales at the new level were slow, heavy purchases being made prior to the increase in prices. Little activity is expect­ ed by the trade until the end of the year. the interesting article of Miss Orosa on “Coconut as Food” in your September issue. Though we have hardly any coconut trees on this high Bukidnon territory, we are interested in your ideas and in your accomplishments for the gen­ eral good! Please'send us a year’s subscription of THE COCONUT JOURNAL. Enclosed is a money order for TWO PESOS (P2.00) in payment of the same. With thanks for this pamphlet and with best wishes for the further success of your work, I am, Very sincerely yours, C. HAUSMANN, S. J. Director Little Flower School PAGE 23 Tablones ,,Cocotex,/ Fabricados Del Bonote Por ANGEL B. ABAD Técnico Auxiliar Corporación Nacional del Coco Traducido al Castellano LA utilización de los desperdicios como materia prima para convertirlos en artículos de valor económico, ha atraído gran atención estos úl­ timos años. La disposición de estos desperdicios, hasta ahora considerados de ningún valor, y cuya acumulación muchas veces causa un aspecto desa­ gradable, ha intrigado a nuestros hombres de cien­ cia. Sin embargo, ahora, gracias a sus esfuerzos, un gran número de tales productos desperdiciados son transformados en artículos de valor y utilidad sorprendentes. En estos dias, casi todos los residuos, ya sean de origen industrial ó agrícola, son sometidos a cui­ dadosos escudriñamientos. Uno de esos materiales es la estructura leñosa y fibrosa de las plantas. Es­ to es notable particularmente en la industria de ta­ blones de fibras para tabiques y tablones aislado­ ras, también de fibras, que utilizan como materia prima el exceso de bagazo en las fabricas, troncos de maiz, pajas, hierba marina conocida por “eel grass” (hierba anguila), y desperdicios de la ma­ dera. De hecho, casi cualquier residuo fibroso que se podría obtener en bastantes cantidades y bajo un aprovisionamiento constante, se está industria­ lizándose estos dias. De acuerdo con el progreso de la ciencia para descubrir formas propias y mercantilizables, por medio de la cual se podría disponer de los productos accesorios de la industria cocalera, se han buscado medios para el empleo del bonote como matèria pri­ ma para la fabricación de tablones de fibras. La necesidad del establecimiento de nuestra propia in­ dustria de tablones de fibras, se hace mas impera­ tivo cuando nos damos cuenta que nuestra importa­ ción de este producto, clasificado como tablones pa­ ra tabiques y tablones de corcho, ascienden a cen­ tenares de miles de pesos cada año. Los siguientes datos dará mejor idea del flujo de este material en los mercados locales: Año | Tablon/tabique | Tablón de Corcho | Total 19351 P 98,869 ¡ P 19,780 | P118,649 19361 207,017 | 6,233 | 213,250 1937 | 327,319 1 18,848 11 346,167 1938 298,734' 11 29,525 1 328,259 1939 1 421,328 12,944 434,272 1940 297,566 11 33,086 324,652 Las cifras arriba acotadas demuestran que las importaciones de estos productos que podrían fabri­ carse enteramente en el país por medio de nuestros materiales primas en abundancia, está en su curso ascendente excepto en tiempos anormales como los del año de 1940. La rapidéz con que adopta Filipi­ nas las comodidades modernas, tales como la protec­ ción contra el frío, el calor y el ruido, da lugar a una demanda correspondiente de estos materiales insuladores. El desarrollo, por tanto, de esta indus­ tria de tablones de fibras tiene un futuro halagador. LO QUE ES UN TABLON DE FIBRAS Antes de hacer un estudio concienzudo de la utilidad de las fibras y de las pulpas de bonote co­ mo materia prima para la fabricación de tablones, un conocimiento completo de este material y de la industria misma es esencial. El tablón de fibra no es de papel, ni tampoco puede denominarse un tablón puro de madera de construcción, aunque se parece a los tablones de madera en varios aspectos. Es un tablón compues­ to fabricado principalmente de la madera ó cuales­ quiera otras fibras vegetales por medio de un pro­ cedimiento con el cual se forma una greña de innu­ merables fibras formando un producto rígido. En otras palabras, es un madera sintética que encierra propiedades aisladoras y acústicas además de las cualidades de resistencia contra la humedad y el fuego y la solidéz que lo hace resistente. Es un material nuevo, una madera aisladora, y es mas que un mero sustituto a la madera ordinaria. Millones de pies cuadrados de este material son fabricados anualmente para satisfacer demandas que sus originadores nunca previeron. Este mate­ rial se ha fabricado en diferentes calidades, con in­ numerable variedad de combinaciones para ser uti­ lizados a usos específicos. Entra principalmente en la confección de gabinetes, compartimientos maPAGE 24 NOVEMBER, 1941 Por M. R. QUINTO QUE las hojas de las palmas de coco tienen usos interesantes y variados? * que los tallos de las palmas son utilizados para combustible? * que las lacinias secas sirven de antorchas para los peatones por la noche? * que las venas de las lacinas son atadas en manojos y son utilizadas como escoba en la casa así como también en el jardín para barrer las hojas caídas? * que las venas de las lacinias son utilizadas en la confección de mobiliarios ligeros de fan­ tasía, tales como taburetes, cestas, bandejas y mu­ chos artículos de fantasía? * que las .venas de las lacinias son también atadas en forma singular que sirven de armadijos eficaces para los peces y langostinos? * que las hojas del coco se usan en la con­ fección de las bardas para albergues? Para este fin, las lacinias son partidas en medio por donde esta la vena de las lacinias, y estas tirillas son te­ jidas pulida y ceñidamente y luego colocadas de dos sobres los cabrios, cada par traslapando al otro formando una cubierta a prueba de las inclemencias del tiempo. rinos, coches ferroviarios, juguetes, coches de re­ molque (trailer) y vehículos de motor, y también entra en las instalaciones de aprovisionamiento de aire fresco (air-conditioning), instalaciones frigo­ ríficas, teatros, etc. Como material de construcción los tablones de fibras se destacan por la facilidad de su manejo y aplicación. No presenta desperdi­ cios, por lo mismo que se sirven en tamaños espe­ cíficos y no contienen nudos, partes resinosas ó ve­ tas atravesadas. Además, la solidéz de su contex­ tura lo hace resistente a los ataques de los insectos y sabandijas. Dos objetivos distintos de suprema importancia se resuelven en la industria de los tablones de fi­ bras, a saber: (1) la fabricación de un sustituto de tablones de madera para construcciones que abarca mayor area superficial por cada unidad que consi­ guientemente reduce el costo de la manipulación é instalación, y (2) la utilización de los desperdicios de productos fibrosos. Los tablones de fibras pueden clasificarse en dos diferentes grupos — (1) el homogéneo y (2) el laminado. Bajo la clase anterior, algunas veces co­ nocido por tablones de consistencia uniforme, se hallan los tablones aisladores y acústicos. La clase posterior que es un tablón fabricado por medio de varias capas para dar resistencia, incluye los tablo­ nes compuestos utilizados para el piso, los gabine­ tes, coches ferroviarios, etc. Ue T^uestro Buzón ___________________________________________ Manila, Octubre 30, 1941. Sr. Editor Thé Coconut Journal Manila Muy Señor mió: He leído con singular interés el artículo del Sr. Pedro Aunario, reproducido en la Sección Cas­ tellana de vuestra Revista en su numero de este mes. Hablando de la utilización de la Copra Cake, yo no se si Vds. saben que este producto derivado del coco también es útil como combustible. Esto es un hecho que ya ha pasado de un mero experimento, pero que, debido a la falta de publicidad, muchos todavía lo desconocen. Pues se sabe que varias com­ pañías, entre ellas la Meralco, la Philippine Match Co. y otras, utilizan actualmente la copra cake co­ mo combustible para alimentar sus calderas. De los datos recogidos por el que suscribe so­ bre este extremo se demuestra que la copra cake puede desarrollar 4,313 kilogramos de calorío equi­ valentes a 7,763 libras de unidades termales ingleses (British Termal Units), y contiene mas de 70% de materia inflamable, 16% de carbón y 5% de ceniza. La copra cake, por tanto, no es tan solo útil como alimento de animales, y como materia prima para la fabricación de abonos, sino también como combustible barato y de fácil adquisición en el pais. Es de esperar que, si su uso llega a generalizarse con el tiempo, contriburiá grandemente a la elimi­ nación de la cantidad considerable que pagamos anualmente por el carbón mineral importado, en be­ neficio de la industria cocalera en particular y de otras industrias en general. Soy de Vd. atto. y s. s. (Fdo.) G. LITTAUA P. O. B. 2383, Manila. PROCEDIMIENTO DE FABRICACION El procedimiento de la fabricación de tablones tal como se practica hoy, está basado sobre el prin­ cipio de la greña ó sea la producción de tablones rí­ gidos de fibras entrelazadas. El tratamiento, sin embargo, es a veces modificado según la clase de la materia prima utilizada y los productos deseados. Generalmente, la materia prima es sometida a tratamiento mecánico ó químico, lo suficiente para desligar el material que incrusta y encaja la fibra, pero que no reduce en pulpa las fibras sueltas. Las fibras son recobradas, lavadas, refinadas y final­ mente conducidas por medio de una bomba (pumped) en una camara de abastecimiento que ali­ menta a la maquina para moldear. Desde la maquina que forma los tablones, la pieza formada pasa al través de una serie de rodiPAGE 25 THE COCONUT JOURNAL líos, camaras de succión, y al ultimo bajo prensas poderosas y desdé alli puesta dentro de un deseca­ dor. Algunas veces, sin embargo, en vez de un lar­ go y extendido resecamiento la pieza mojada es cor­ tada en determinados tamaños y colocados en una platina, variando las planchas según el numero de tablones prensados en un mismo tiempo. Los ta­ blones salen del resecador casi enteramente secos, y por tanto, ó son metidos a tratamiento a través del humedecedor ó son simplemente rociados con agua para equilibrar su humedad con la humedad de la' atmósfera, asegurando de este modo una expansión y contracción mínima. Las piezas acabadas son al­ macenadas para su distribución, después de una inspección rígida. BASE DE ESTUDIO La técnica envuelta en la fabricación de este producto fibroso aislador, es entrelazar (felt) las fibras y someterlas a presión hasta cierto punto que enrede células pequeñísimas de aire las cuales producen la cualidad aisladora como también la cua­ lidad de peso reducido. La idea es encerrar en ca­ da pie cuadrado del tablón millones de células sella­ das que son tenidas cautivas en las mismas fibras y en los intersticios formados entre las fibras. Son estas células de aire las que inhiben la propiedad aisladora de elevada eficiencia. Anteriormente, es­ pacios de aire entre muros eran considerados como los mejores aisladores de calor ó del frío (teniendo en cuenta que el aire tiene un contante de conduc­ tividad termal de 0.24 B.T.U. — Unidad Termal Británica — por cada libra mucho mas eficiente que el corcho). La ciencia tiene probado, sin em­ bargo, que esto podría ser cierto si se podría con­ finar el aire en una forma segura ó tenerlo “muer­ to”. PROCEDIMIENTO EXPERIMENTAL Y RESULTADOS Tomando por guia lo que antecede juntamente con los hallazgos recientes en el sentido de que la pulpa ó polvo del bonote exhibe propiedades simi­ lares al corcho, esto es, que ello revela excelentes cualidades aisladoras, es suave, liviano y es com­ presible, mas la ventaja de la fibra del bonote de ser larga, resistente y flexible, se ha llevado expe­ rimentos para determinar la adaptabilidad de estos desperdicios para la fabricación de tablones de fi­ bras. Desafortunadamente, el trabajo no era tan fácil como fué pronosticado. Estaba enchido de dificul­ tades. De hecho apenas comenzado los experimen­ tos, se presentaban también problemas. Por ejem­ plo, se ha hallado que, a diferencia de las fibras del bagazo que tienen la superficie dentellada a modo de sierra y la presencia de ganchitos microscópicos que proporcionan su habilidad tenaz de adherir en­ tre sí unas a las otras, las cuales cualidades facili­ tan en gran parte su greñamiento, las fibras de bo­ note por otra parte están desprovistas de estos si­ mulados ganchitos (hook—like structures), tienen una superficie liza, y son decididamente redondas en su sección transversal (cross-section). Además a diferencia del abacá que se puede deshilar (shredded) hacia una fibra fina, membranosa, y peque­ ñísima, las fibras de bonote, una vez desfibradas, ya no se pueden deshilar mas. Esto es, cada una de las fibras, ya son en si sus respectivas ultimas fibras. En su estructura, se asemeja a un pedazo ordinario de alambre corto y ninguna trituración podría reducirla en fibras mas finas. En vez de reducirlas ulterior trituración solamente aplasta­ rían las fibras redondas. Era, por tanto, necesario un estudio cuidadoso para salvar estos inconvenien­ tes asi como para desenvolver, si es posible, un pro­ cedimiento de fabricación de tablones adaptables pa­ ra las fibras de bonote como materia prima. La preparación mecánica de las fibras era el primer paso en la utilización de las fibras cortas de bonote. Esta consistió primeramente, en cortar las fibras en una maquina cortadora del tipo cor­ tador con filos (blade type) reduciendo de este mo­ do la longitud de las fibras a un cuarto ó a unos PAGE 26 Tablones cocotex de la Nacoco. NOVEMBER, 1941 NOTICIAS DEL EXTRANJEROS por Ricardo B. Bonilla JAVA Y MADURA Se calcula que la producción anual en Java y Madura ascendió a 6,908,209 cocos y 3,494 to­ neladas métricas de copra en 1939. Existen unos 44 fabricas de aceite con una producción anual de 154,053 toneladas métricas de aceite. estableció por 600,000 pesos y tiene una ca­ pacidad de 40,000 a 50,000 toneladas. Comen­ zó sus operaciones desde el 27 de Mayo, 1941. Es mantenido con copra de primera clase pro­ cedente de los territorios australianos, de Fijí y las Islas del Sur. INDIAS HOLANDESAS Según noticias recibidas, los cocos recolecta­ dos en las Indias Holandesas correspondientes al año de 1939 asciende a 11,872,232 y la co­ pra producida es de 37,674 toneladas métricas. Las fabricas de aceite se aumentaron a 69 den­ tro de dos años con una producción de 182,594 toneladas métricas de aceite. NUEVA GUINEA La Junta de Gobierno para la Copra En Nue­ va Guinea ha sido creada por el gobierno del Commonwealth de Australia. Sus funciones son distintas de las funciones de la Corpora­ ción Nacional del Coco en Filipinas. Su pro­ posito principal es la compra, combinación mancomunada, y disposición en el mercado pa­ ra un mejor precio de la copra producida en la Pacifico del Sur. Los miembros reciente­ mente elegidos de la Junta de Gobierno de la Copra consisten de los Sres. G. Hogan, Presi­ dente, J. C. Archer, miembro ejecutivo y F. J. McKenzie, miembro finaciero. Aparece que hay buena perspectiva para la industria cocalera en Nueva Guinea. CANADA Sir Walter Carpenter debe ser felicitado. Se ha sabido que él es el creador y fundador c|el Nuevo Molino de Copra Carpenter que es el primero y único molino de copra en el Domi­ nio. Canadá cuenta con 12,000,000 de habitan­ tes. El molino está situado en la ribera de Vancouver, parte occidental del Canadá. Se NUEVA ZELANDIA Sir H. B. Gibson, Miembro por la División Oriental, Concejo Legislativo de Fijí, abogó recientemente que la copra debe ser utilizada en la producción de la mejor carne de cerdo y tocino. Fue hallado eficaz durante los expe­ rimentos llevados a cabo por los plantadores de coco en Auckland. También se ha visto en la granja de Tikorangi, que los cerdos alimen­ tados con copra gozan de inmejorable salud. Es utilizado como alimento de caballos, cerdos, y del ganado. También en Filipinas los agri­ cultores deben hacer mayor uso de la copra como alimento para cerdos y ganados. CEYLON La industria del coco en Ceylon afronta pro­ blemas similares a los que afronta los pro­ ductores de copra en Filipinas. Los miembros de la Junta del Coco del gobierno están pro­ curando aumentar el consumo local del coco asi como también la fabricación de los produc­ tos accesorios. La propaganda de la Junta del Coco alienta el consumo del coco fresco como articulo de primera necesidad en el alimento por parte del pueblo labriego. Este es el mis­ mo “GRITO DE COMBATE” lanzado por la Corporación Nacional del Coco: “Comed Mas Cocos”. En Ceylon pusieron en el camino una caravana motorizada como una exposición am­ bulante y visitaba aldeas y ferias con el pro­ posito de popularizar el uso del aceite para el cabello, aceite para la cocina, jabón, marga­ rina, dulces, y otros productos accesorios del coco. tres cuartos de una pulgada. Para compensar la au­ sencia de los pelillos en formas de ganchitos {hairlike hooks) y para neutralizar el efecto objeccionable de la superficie liza de las fibras redondas, las fibras cortadas fueron rizadas permanentemente, u ondeadas en otra maquina del tipo de martillo (hammer type) que también deshacia cualquier bul­ to de fibras que pudiera haberse quedado. En vir­ tud de la acción del martilleo de esta maquina, el efecto deseado fue producido, el cual evidentemente ayudó en el entrelazamiento y entretejimiento de las fibras en un grado mayor que cuando las fibras se dejaban cortas y rectas. La mezcla de las fibras utilizadas se componía de fibras primarias de (1/2 hasta 3/4 de pulgada de largo) que se intercalaban para formar el armazón y de fibras secundarias (fibras cortas) que produ­ cían rigidez. El espacio entre las fibras era enton­ ces atestado con pulpas de bonote ó sea las partí­ culas parecidas al meollo (pithlike particles) para aumentar la cualidad aisladora. Finalmente un po­ co de pulpa de papel tomada de periódicos viejos, PAGE 27 THE COCONUT JOURNAL previamente batida en un batidor separado se ha agregado para sujetar la pulpa de bonote y otras fi­ bras, ademas de proporcionar los agregados finos que fueren necesarios. La mixtura mencionada fue introducida en un batidor en proporciones exactas. En este punto se mezcla agua adicional y materialxes impermeables compuestos de resina y alumbre, asi como también insecticidas para hacerla resistente al deterioro en seco y a los ataques del anay. Dos efectos desea­ bles fueron obtenidos en el procedimiento del ba­ tido : 1. La reducción de la longitud de las fibras para facilitar la distribución uniforme. Esto era puramente un procedimiento mecánico que refina mas la mezcla de las fibras en el conjunto. 2. Un cambio en el carácter de las fibras resul­ tante de la densidad y resistencia tensora aumen­ tadas (increased density and tensile strength). Es­ ta propiedad apareció al tiempo en que el tacto y la apariencia del material resultó mas suave y vis­ coso, un efecto producido por la restregadura y por la acción del batidor. Después de 30 ó 45 minutos en los batidores ó después de un tiempo, cuando se convierte viscoso al tacto y cada fibra individual estaba completa­ mente cubierta con el material impermeable y con el material que la reduce a prueba de anay, la mez­ cla fue trasladada a los moldes de presión hechas de madera. En este punto se tomaba la precaución para que la mixtura fuese bien distribuida. La mayor parte del agua fue extraída experimiendola por medio de una criba de tela metálica dejando una masa mojada (wet lap). Esta fue prensada fi­ nalmente, por medio de una plancha de madera, al espesor deseado. Después de que el tablón se ha­ ya asentado, por lo general de 4 á 7 horas, es lle­ vado a la prensa para secar. El procedimiento de la resecación (en este caso por medio del aire) duró de 3 á 6 dias. Esto era lo mejor que se podía hacer bajo las condiciones ac­ tuales, aunque el procedimiento de la resecación podría ser facilitado mas, por medio del uso de las prensas platinas hidráulicas calentadas por medio del vapor tal como se menciona mas arriba. Este aparato tiene la ventaja de efectuar dos pasos del procedimiento en una sola operación, a saber, la operación del prensado y la operación de la reseca­ ción, además de impartir brillo en la superficie del tablón. Los tablones confeccionados por medio del pro­ cedimiento desarrollado mencionado mas arriba, tiene una superficie liza que constituye un adelan­ to decidido sobre los tablones confeccionados pre­ viamente por medio del método en seco que emplea­ ba diferentes clases de ingredientes incorporadores (binders). Posee la cualidad deseable de absor­ ber pintura económicamente, y puede ser aserrado ó clavado, tal como se hace con las maderas ordi­ narias. El hecho de que el mencionado procedi­ miento al mojado no emplea ninguna clase de ad­ hesivo, reduce grandemente el costo de su produc­ ción. RECONOCIMIENTO El .autor agradece sinceramente la cooperación prestada por la Industrial Engineering Division y la Wallboard Section de la Division de Pruebas y Medidas del Buró de Ciencias, y por los Sres. F. D. Maramba, Jefe de la Industrial Engineering Divi­ sion. Es asimismo agradecido al Sr. Moises Lucas y al Sr. R. Aguilar por sus valiosas y oportunas su­ gestiones y por sus consejos constructivos respec­ tivamente. El Sr. Aguilar es el Jefe de la Wallboard Section del Buró de Ciencias. Cocaleros! Lean y Suscriban al “COCONUT JOURNAL” Se Tublica una vez al ¿%Ces por la NATIONAL COCONUT CORPORATION P2.00 al año E.U. $2.00 PACE 28 “Mabe While Copra Only By Nineteen Forty-Three” With a Modern Copra Dryer A modern copra dryer has the following great advantages: • It produces white copra and therefore commands much better prices. • The copra is dried uniformly and overheating and scorching which are injurious to its production are eliminated. • The moisture content is low, varying from 6 to 8%, as compared to 17% in the old “tapaban” method. WE ARE READY TO INSTALL FOR YOU ANY OF THE MODERN TYPES OF DRYERS ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS SPREAD OVER TEN YEARS. Let this our slogan be the slogan of all Philippine copra producers: “Make White Copra Only By Nineteen Forty-Three” National Coconut Corporation 201 Banco Hipotecario Bldg. Manila, Philippines An Opportunity In The Philippines COURSES offered by the CENTRAL COL­ LEGES & SCHOOLS, through the Cen­ tral Extension Division, have been designed to enable ambitious men and women in the provinces to start or continue a part of their university education while they attend to their respective jobs in the provinces. The plan of study as approved by the Government permits the student to complete as many as 50% of the required units for a regular uni­ versity degree or title. Enrollment is open any time of the academic year. Subjects Offered this Quarter English — History — Political Science — Sosial Science — English Literature — Educa­ tion — Psychology — Spanish — Child Study — Tagalog — Economics — Philosophy — Health Education — Character Education — — Accounting — Mathematics — Sociology — Short-Story Writing — News Writing — Re­ tail Merchandising — Junior Normal Courses. (SELECT ANY THREE SUBJECTS AT A TIME!) Not Too Late “It is too late!” Ah, nothing is too late— Cato learned Greek at eighty; Sophocles Wrote his grand ‘Oedipus', and Simonides Bore off the prize of verse from his compeers, When each had numbered more than four score years; And Theophratus at four score and ten Had begun his ‘Character of Men.’ Chaucer at Woodstock, with the nightingales, Goethe at Weimar, toiling to the last, At sixty wrote the ‘Canterbury Tales’, Completed ‘Faust’ when eighty years were past. What then, Shall we sit idly down and say, The night hath come; it is no longer day? -—For age is opportunity no less Than youth itself, tho in another dress. And as the evening tzvilight fades away, The sky is filled with stars invisible by day.” —LONGFELLOW. FOR the information of public school teachers, we are quoting hereunder the self-explanatory letter of the acting Director of Education to the Director of Education: September 13, 1941 The Director of Education Manila Sir: With reference to an indorsment of this Office dated July 26, 1941, relative to the status of the correspondence courses offered in the Central Colleges and Schools, it is desired to state that on August 4, 1941, the said Central Colleges and Schools was given government authority to operate an Extension Division and offer by correspondence, aided by radio, courses in liberal arts, commerce and education. Very respectfully, (Sgd.) D. M. SALCEDO Acting Director of Private Educa­ tion Hon. MAXIMO M. KALAW A.B., LL.B., Ph. D. President Dean GABINO TABUnAR, B.S.E., M.A. Director, Extesion Courses Prof. ADEUDATO J. AGBAYANI, B.S. Foreign Service, M.A., Ph.D. Ass’t. Director, Extension Courses Prof. HOMOBONO A. AGUILING, B.S.E., B.D., A.B., M.A. Registrar ALL COURSES AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT CENTRAL COLLEGES & SCHOOLS The Professors’ “University” of the Far East and Malaysia Operated under Government Permit by the Central University, Inc. 232 FLORIDA ST., MANILA Listen to Radio KZRH station on Tuesday evenings, 9:00-9:15 o’clock for announcements