Antonio [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Antonio [short story]
Canova, Bill A.
The Young Citizen : magazine for the young people 3 (8) September 1937
Short stories
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
254 THE YOUNG CITIZEN September, 1937 HEAL TH SECTION ANTONIO By B. HILL CANOVA Once Antonio read in a book "All work and no play, .makes Jack a d,ull boy." Now this put _ the boy to thinking. He asked his mother. ··If all work and no pla}'. makes Jack a dull bo}'; will all play and no work make a dull boy, too?" "To be healthy and happy every one should have a program with work and play in it." ad\'ised his mother. So it is, our litcle friend Antonio working away in the garden. His appetite for fresh vegetables. too. makes him enjoy gardening. What motto put Antonio to thinking? How did he change the saying? Say ir. Give two reasons why he enjoys gardening. Do you hlve an appetite for vegetables? Name other things for which you have an appetite. A Doctor's St~ry MISS ELISA MARQUEZ * Ben had been sick in bed for more than two weeks. He was at first a victim of typhoid fever but complications had set in and his condition proved se riou~. Days passed. With the careful vigilance of Ben's mother and the careful treatment· of the doctor. the boy's condition greatly improved. The doctor declared that Ben was already ouc of danger but of course should be careful not to gee a relapse. He was to stay in bed for ~bout two weeks more. One morning as Ben was being examined by the doctor. he asked in a faint voice," Doctor. shall I never get well? I have stayed in i.his bed for ever so long · and I am getting tired." · "Have patience, my boy," consoled the doctor as he held Ben's hands. "Your mother and I <'!re trying hard to make you well. Remember, however, that our effort would prove in vain unless you help us. " "Help you? What do }'OU mean. Doctor?" ~sked Ben. "Well. B~n. you remind me of a story I once rCad in a magazine," responded the doctor. "What is the story about? Please tell it. Doctor," begged Ben . .. The story is short and I chink I'll tell it. " and the doctor released Ben's hands. His mother sat on a chair near the bed. ·~A iittle boy, probably as young as you. once fc:!l into a great subway in New Yor~ ... began the doctor. "He was badly bruised and was taken to a near-by hospital. Upon reaching the hospital. the doctor began to examine the boy. The boy's face twitched with pain. He ,drew > long, deep breath and said. 'I wish I <ould :>mg. " 'If you think you can sing, then you may.' said the doctor. "Before the doctor had fully finished his senunce. t.he boy began to sing. The boy's voice was so sweet and brave and when the song came •Teacher, San Miguel Elementary School, Manila.