Vacation Plans [drama]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Vacation Plans [drama]
Tensuan, Dolores
Character Education
The Young Citizen: the magazine for young people3 (2) March 1937
Drama in education
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
50 THE YOUNG CITIZEN March, J.937 Scene-In the schoolroom (A group of girls are happily conversing. ff' who has just arnVC'd joins the group.) Fe-Hello, girls. you all look glad and excited. What .is the big news of the day? Corazon-0. Fe, we a~e all happy because we .are eagerly looking forward to the enjoyments \Ye shall have this vacation. Consolacion-Yes, vacation is fast approaching and we have been discussing as to how we shall spend it. Pilar-We have built such wonderful air castles that we feel as if we could hardly wail for vacation to come. Fe-It's fun to build air castles but be sure they are strong enough. otherwise, you"ll be disappointed if they crumble to ruins. Loreto-You should have heard our plans, Fe. Fe-Well. I suppose, it is not yet too late to know them. May I not hear your vacation plans? Corazon-Let me begin then. You sec, mother and I '""ill go up to Baguio immediately .:1fter the closing of school. Father is working there and he wants us to spend the entire vacation with him. Fe-That's wonderful. Corazon-At last my long-time dream of '"'Teacher, Washington Elementary School. CHARACTER EDU VACATION MISS DOLORES seeing the summer capital. with its cool breeze, world famous terraces, majestic_ pine tre:es, and quaint lgorots, will be realized. Fe-You have every reason to long for vacation. How about you, Consolacion? Consolacion-I shall go to my grandmother's home in Tayabas. My cousins there assure me of a jolly time throughout vacation. They sa} that we -shall go fishing, boat ·riding, hiking. and picnicking. Oh, I can almost picture the fun we shall have. Grandpa says that I can have as milch young coconuts as I desire, but what I long most to experience is riding in a cart pulled by a carabao. Don't you think that would be fun? Fe-Well, well, I should say you will indeed have a thrilling time. How about you, Pilar? l understand that you have no relatives in the province, am I right? Pilar-You are right. I won't go to the province, and so with Loreto and Rizalina, but even then. we have made plans to make the most of our vacation in the city, haven't we, girls? Rizalina-Of course, we have. Loreto, please tell them about our agreement. Loreto-Well. girls, we three have decided to play every afternoon in the Dapitan Park. which is very near our homes. Every Saturday we shall go to Pilar' s home and put to a test our cooking ability by preparing some delicacies. Then we shall invite some of our dose friends and enjoy by having programs. Every Sunday we shall go to the Luneta and afterwards to tbr show. Fe-That's equally interesting. hope you'll enjoy just as much as Consolacion and Corazon. How does our quiet· candidate for valedictorian, Lourdes, intend to spend her vacation? lUnrdt, 1937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 51 CATION SECTION PLANS TENSUAN * Girls-0, she hasn't told ~s her plans. Fe-Always the silent Lourdes. isn't she? Corazon-I'm sure she will give us an idea of her air castles, won't you, Lourdes? Pilar-Yes. Lourdes. do tell us something. Lourdes-There is nothing wonderful and exciting in my plans. because I have to stay home most of the time. Rizalina-Why, Lourdes, didn't you tell me a week ago that your cousins in Manila are inviting you to stay with them during vacation~ Lourdes-Yes, but I declined their invitation. much as I desire to experience life in the province. Pilar--But why did you decline it? Imagine how silly it is of you to give up such a rare opportunity. What is the cause? Does your mother not want to permit you? Lourdes-Far from it. Mother, is in fact, very eager that I go there and mjoy. Corazon-Why then, don't you go? I can·~ 1.rnderstand you at all. You are a puzzle. aren't you? Lourdes-Not at all. You see. the reason is this. I feel that it is my duty to help my mother do the household work during vacation. \Ve have no maid and throughout the school year mother does all the marketing. cooking. cleaning, washing. and ironing of clothes, taking care of the babies, and a thousand and onr other chores in the home. She has never complained of her work. but I can see and feel that her health is foiling. 1 have inade a firm resolution to relieve her of most. if not all, of the work this vacation. She deserves a good rest, don't you think so? Fe--Lourdes, I'm very glad to hear your nob!!? plans of helping your mother. We have similar projects. I'll not only help mother in the household work but I'll try my best to earn some money by sewing baby. dresses. We are poor and. I realized only too well that mother has much difficulty in trying to make both ends of oui:; meager income meet. I'll be saving her a lot of worry if I earn enough to pay for mr matriculation and book rentals. Pilar-Well. girls, isn't it a shame that while we have planned of nothing else except personal recreation and enjoyment, Fe and Lourdes have planned just the reverse? Rizalina-Certainly. When 1 heard their noble plans. I feel as if I can't go on keeping up with our worthless agreement. I realize, that I. too, must help my mother. Loreto-You said it, Rizalina. Our plans are really selfish ones. We have thought of nothing but fun and pleasure for ourselves but we have not thought of our mothers. Let us give up what we planned. Rizalina and Pilar-Agreed, Loreto. Consolacion-Girls. you surely opened my eyei.. I believe that is the very reason, mother seems a little bit sad. every time I rave about th~ glorious time I shall have with grandma during vacation. Perhaps she wishes me to stay and help her, but she is too kind. too considerate, and too loving to disappoint me. Now that you have awakened my sleeping mind, nothing ever can induce me to leave poor mother. No, Sir, not even the jolliest boat ride and carloads of young coconuts can make me go to Tayabas. (Please turn to page 69) THE YOUNG CITIZEN 69 UNTIL WE: ME:E:T AGAIN! Lyric rmd music ln1 I. Al_1m1 . ..;11 I$ ill: r r rlr rlr rl r<>lr JI ~o you.dear friends, ferct-well.To you a. All +hrou.\"h ~he year 1va. worked and lctat'ned. \Va. did ~~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ who are to me so kind, our- b .. st-, th¢. hon-o,.'s qainctd. J J I J >' J .,.J I leave be- hind ' rare-well riori time ,., he,.e, le rit rlJ:ll r r r.I r a-l(ain . fare-well un -·l--111 VACATION PLANS (Continued f1·om 'Pftge 51) (Miss Reyes. the teacher, enters unobserved bl/ the girls.) Miss Rcye:.-Good morning. girls. Girls-Good morning, Mis!: Reyes. Miss Reyes-Forgive me, girls, for listening to your conversation. I was outside thl:' door watching the boys in their military drill. and I couldn't help but hear your interesting talk. I' ITi very glad I heard everything. I admire your spirit of service and conside~ation in gi\•ing up your personal enjoy· ment for the comfort of you: mothers. That is a noble deed. girls. I'm very proud at you all. Corazon- (In a very fotv voice) Not me, Miss Reyes, I'm sorry I can't give up my plan but I've to go with mother to Baguio. Miss Reyes-It is perfectly all right in your case. Your parents need you with chem in Baguio and you have to go. Girls-We are glad to know that you are pleased with our plans of being as much service I ~ I ~ *~ ~ Mr. thou~ hts for yo<.1 At lcwt Va - caJ F r L.ln - till we --r.i---l;J~lg-11 as possible at home during vacation. Miss Reyes-How I wisl1 all the school boys and girls who are big enough to b-..· oi help at home. will follow your worthy examples. Girls-Miss Reyes. chat gives us 1 an idea. Suppose we all acl as a campaign committee to induce as many classmates as possible to follow our vacation plans, won't that be better? . Miss Reyes-That's an excellent project. In the name of our patient, hard-working, loving mothers. I wish you success.