Plants About Us : Leaves and Their Uses


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Plants About Us : Leaves and Their Uses
True Stories
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 3 (2) March 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.1!tJ'l'(;/i, 1937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,. TRUE STORIES ;• :1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLANTS ABOUT US LEAVES AND THEIR USES wash the sores in boiled water with guava leaves. Perhaps when you were a baby, your mother often heated a leaf of the tuba plant to place on your stomach before you slept. And when little brother had running ears, she heated the leaf of a soro-soro and squeezed it into his ears. Ask your mother or grandmother what other leaves she has used for medicine. Leaves are also used for decoration at· home During the Christmas season, the gay poinsetti<.1 leaves help to give the home a festive air. Our windows are incomplete without the dapo or the mah•arosa. In the provinces when peopie give parties out of doors, they use the leaves of the coconut and the banana to· give then'l shade Can you think of other ways leaves have been useful to you? What 'do you call the leaf some women chew with betel-nµt and lime? Market-. Are you fond of eating ieaves? Perhaps you sellers use the banana leaf to wrap up fish think of a goat or a carabao but you forget shrimps, lard and other things they sell. We your fresh fumpia z11 d the sinigang that your clean our tables at homz with the aid of the moC.ler co6ks. 'Leaves help make them delicious. isis. And most of you must live in housc-s We eat some kinds of leaves which have great food value and help the body grow. They give color and taste -to our foods. We use th~ lettuce for salads. The pechay, the.cabbage, th.: young leaves of the sweet potato, kan_qkong, anrl squash have at one time or another been cooke,.d with fish or meat. llocanos are fond of saluyot leaves. The leaves of the malungay plant are fed to nursing mothers to increase their milk. The leaves of the pepper plant improvr thatched with nipa 1 leives. Some women use the taste of fish and chicken. Can you think papaya leaves with soap and water ~hen they of other leaves you have used for food? wash clothes with mildew stains. Some leaves have medicinal value. When Below is a list of plants. Give the use of their you have ~tomachache boil the leaves of the leaves: pandan, gabi. tamarind, dahong maric<, sambong and drink it. If you have itches, bunaba.