A Skillful Swimmer [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

A Skillful Swimmer [short story]
Cruz, Quirico A.
Safety Section
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 3 (2) March 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE YOUNG CITIZEN 61 SAFETY SECTION A Skillful Swimmer By QUIRICO A. CRUZ • "Andoy has disappeared. Where could he be?" asked one of the five boys bathing in Sampalok Lake. "He is ju11t hiding underwater. He is ou1· best swimmer and champion diver. He can star long under water. What is your worry?" replied Pedrito. And the boys continued swimming, diving, and chasing one another in water. When they were about to go home, Andoy was still missing. The boys suspected somethin~ wrong. They turned pale when the horrible thought of Andoy's being drowned came into their minds. Angel, who was the biggest of them all, ran at once to some nearby houses and called for help. Three fishermen came and asked where they last saw Andoy. The boys pointed to the place. The fishermen dived into the lake and after a long tideous search they· found Andoy practically lifeless. They took him ashore and without a moment's delay administered artificial respiration. It took them a long while to revive Andoy. They brought him to a hut; gave him some hot coffee, and wrapped him in a thick blanket. Andoy's companions were only too glad to see that he was safe. In spite of this, they still .; Teacher, Gregorio de! Pila1· Elementary School. were silent. They were so badly shock~d by the accident that they didn't know what to. do or say. "Have you ever gone swimming in this lake before?" asked one of the fishermen. "No, sir. This is our firi;t time to bathe here," replied Cosme. "Well, boys. Next time never attempt to take a bath in a place you do not know anything about. Do you see this wound?" the fisherman asked, pointing to a wound on Andoy's forehead. "In this lake there are big sharp rocks. Your friend bumped his head ·on one of them and lost consciousness. However skillful a swimmer you are you can not do anything when y0ou lo Se consciousness.'' Andoy was taken to his home when he fulh came to himself again. He thanked the fishermen who saved his life and assured thein tha~ he would always remember their advice. Do you suppose the boys ever attempted to bathe in unfamiliar swimming places again?