Healthy Mario [essay]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Healthy Mario [essay]
Health Section
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 3 (2) March 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
62 THE YOUNG CITIZEN March, 1.937 HEAL TH SECTION HEAL THY MARIO Mario was voted the healthiest boy in school. He was giwn by th~ Parent· Teacher Association a prize of but before _I tell you what he received, let me tell you why he deserved it. As a bJby, Mario was a little, sickly chilcL His arms and legs were small and soft. When he first went to school. nobody noticed him ex" cept the teacher. Before long. however, M a r i o started growing! Growing taller, heavier, and stronger. La.St March, when he completed the primary course, he was pronounced the healthiest pupil. \\'hen asked how he made himself grow, he answer;d. "I just remembered what my first teacher taught me. Then I practiced it throughout. ·'We are poor and I cannot have plenty of milk and eggs. But I ate plenty of vegetables including the bitter. ampalaya. I cannot have a variety of fruit l:lut I can have bananas at every meal. Instead of meat, I eat some mongo every day. I eat it with shrimps and pork. For breakfast, I eat bread and butter and a bowl of boiled mongo with sugar and cream. "Every afternoon when school is over, I polish the floor and rub it with coconut husk. It is fun to slide over the slippery floor. When my work is done. my mother permits me to play with other children in the back yard from five o'clock until six. I eat with a keen appetite and I sleep sound I y till morn mg. Can you guess what prize Mario got~ It was a fine garden swing. J 0 KE S Children playing visiting the dentist. Some one suddenly shouted with pain. Teacher-What is wrong? Jose-He pulled Teacher-That is all right. He did not mean to hurt you. Jose-But, sir, he pulled my tongue very hard. Teacher-Use neighbor in a sentence. Eriberto (sudly)-My neighbor died last night. Teacher-Is it true? Eriberto--Aba ! no sir. Teachef-Then give us a sentence that is true Eriberto--My neighbor is like a phonograph. T eacher--Why? Eriberto-Because he shouts from morn till night. --Do you know of anybody who hates corn? -Yes. -Who? -My father. -Why! -Because he cahoot wear his new shoes. Paz-I can tell if Alberto is coming even if I am blindfolded. Dolores-Impossible! Paz-No fooling. Dolores-How? . Paz-By his smell.