The Unknown Citizen [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Unknown Citizen [short story]
Asuncion, Fortunato
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 3 (2) March 1937
Short stories
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Jfp1"Ch, 1937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 63 CITIZENSHIP THE UNKNOWN CITIZEN By FORTUNATO ASUNCION There was a hot discussion going on. Sug- "There is nothing funny about what i said. gestion after suggestion was turned down by -nor is there anything foolish about it. Yes, the teacher. Finally Clarita who was quietly seated near the wall timidly raised her hand. "Clarita," called the te2cher. all of you know him as a dirty. bald-headed bc:ggar who approaches everybody to ask for a Slowly she stood up and thought for a mo- centavo. That alone blinded you to realize the mcnc. ··r .-hink Zumboanga is a good example good he docs for you and for me. Why. on his of an unknown citizen th:i.t way home he picks up all thl' should be given credit.'· dirty rubbish which lies on The class was thunder- his path and carefully put it struck. Zamboanga to b...: included in the Hall of Fame for unknown citizens? That dirty, old, bald-headed beg gar whom everybody mocks~ That pest who annoys every one he meets by asking for a centavo? Clarita must be fooling or she must be crazy After the shock was over, the class burst into laughter. Whisper of mockery filled in the garbage can. Is there anyone of you who has ever thought of doing that? He runs errand for those who are in need and all he expects in return is but a centavo. H~ brings home firewood and things to eat for the poor people with whom he sleeps. Has anyone of you ever been as thoughtful? If you were the room. The class made fun of Clarita who laughing at me and mocking me because of the was now blushing from head to foot. She looked around. There was not a friendly fan• at that instant. All were mocking her. With eyes beseeching for sympathy she turned to the teacher who just smiled at her. Did the teacher J!so think that what she had said was funny? She could bear it no longer. The hurt was worthy traits I admire in him, then I do not care whether you all burst laughing." The hostile attitud1 e of the class was changed. The room rang with whispers of approval. Finally the class pledged never to ~ock nor play more than she could endure. 'With a much _ioke on Zamboanga. In like mlnner they clearer voice she silenczd the class. rromised never to make fun of any old beggar