My Pets [essay]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

My Pets [essay]
Karoy, Remedios
Young Writers
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 3 (2) March 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
66 YOUNG WRITERS MY PETS have rwo little orphan puppies. When they were ten days old, their mother died. Everybody in our house thought they would die, too. But I fed them milk with a spoon eight times a day. Now t~ey catch it with their mouth. pies. Onr of my puppies is white with brown ears and a long brown tail. 1 call him Brown Spot. The other puppy is also white but has a black star on his heacl and three funny black spots. like finger marks on hi-; back. I call him Black Spot. Both of them have hair as soft as silk. These puppies of mine are both clean and neat. Every day, I bathe them with, soap and wate1. One thing I lik:: best in my puppies is that they know how to play manf funny tricks. One of the funny tricks they sometimes play is rolling the b3ll and sometimes they catch it with their mouth. Everyday when I come home from school, these puppies always meet me at the door. harking and wagging their tails as if greetiitg me "Good morn ing," or "Good afternoon," Master. How I appreciate them. One day when I came home from school. I was surprised to see that my little puppies were not at home. I looked for them in every corner of our house, but they were not there. I cried bitterly, as if my heart would break. But do you know where they were? They were hiding inside our bookcase, because my ( Pleaie tHrn. to page 70) THE YOUNG CIJ'IZEN PEN and ·PENCIL CIRCLE 1890 Juan Luna. Tondo Manila, P. I. February 19, 1937 Dear Aunt Alma, It gives me a great pleasure to write to you because this magazine interests me most. I enjoy reading this magazine because it contains poems. true stories, songs. jokes. letters and other activities that inter~t me. When I read the jokes I always laugh. I al ways try the songs on our piano. -How 'beautiful the songs are! Sometimes there are tricks and I try them, too. When I read the January issue, I read the adventures of Kiko. I learned from that adventure what happened to Kiko when he lighted the firecracker. So I was afraid to light firecrackers that New Year. With best re· gards to you. Yours truly, Dear Ruth. Ruth V illafria VII-B' You are certainly making ,. good use of ''The Young Citizen." Everything in the magazine is worth-white readiRg. Do you tell the. stories before the class? Try singing tht! songs to !JOur classmates. Sin.cerely yours. Aunt Almc1 San Jose, Batangas February 27. 1937 Dear Aunt Alma. I wrote a letter to you b~­ cause I am interested in reading "The Y-oung Citizen." I have read your stories and poems. Our town fiesta is coming. It will be held on March 19, 1937. Will you please giv' me one magazine? I have many visitors and I want them to see it. Please answer my letter and put it on the magazine before our town fiesta comes on March 19, 1Ql7. Affectionately your:,, Adoracion Moralit Dear Adoracion, It certainly is a pleasure 01i my part to hear that you ari: interested in "The Young Citizen." That only goes to prove that you ure a studious student I am sending you the March isSue of "The Young Citizen." Let your friends read it. and I am sure. they. too. will be interested. Sinc~rely yours. Aunt Alma 7o THE YOUNG CITIZEN 'Marek, 1937 ANSWERS TO Tl-IE QUESTIONS ON PAGES 48 and 49 GRADE ONE 3. February 14 1. vegetables 2. milk 3. outdoors 4. clothes 4. December 28 5. November 15· GRADE TWO GRADE FIVE c h eould his let 1. mother 2. late 3. laughing 4. awoke calling hen little eluck her looked GRADE SIX ealled heard looking chickens here 1. she 2. had 3. three 4. hand GRADETHREE page sweep GRADE SEVEN toy swim 1. A pupil. 2. deep He was drowned GRADE FOUR He reads ·He writes He sings He talks 1. Christmas Eve 2. January 1 THIS EARTH OF OURS (Continued from page 58) There are three kinds of lightning. The ordinary lightning is called "zigzag." Lightning in its quick travels from sky to earth takes the easiest path, even if it is not the shortest. So it comes down like long "z's." The second kind is ca11ed "sheet lightning." This is thought to be a reflection in the clouds within our sight of lightning too far for us to see. Th:! third variety of lightning is not often seen. It appears to be just in the form of a b::ill. and then breaks into bits. Are you afraid of lightning? If lightning enters a human body it stimulates the nerves so greatly that it is likely to cause death. The safest place during YOUNG WRITERS (Continued from vaue 66) mother hid them· when I was coming. What a funny joke they played on me. From tha<; time on I consider my puppies my best playmates. Remedios Karroy VIl-B2 an electric storm is in the house. If you are ever caught out of doors it would be better to_ lie down flat in an open field than to stay under a tree. If you are in the house during a storm don't try to telephone. Don·r lean against a screen-door or place yourself near the chimney or between large pieces of metal. Above all don't worry. Lightning is very beautiful. you can enjoy looking at it. MY NAUGHTY BROTHER Have you any brother who is naughty? I have a naughty brother. I will describe him to you. My brother is fou!' years old. He is strong and big for his age. His hair is brown. We call him Junior. He is so naughty that my mother always gives him some .spanking every day. One day he got thr can of milk and poured it into the aquarium. He got also rice and fried fish .and put them into thC aquarium. He said that the 1fish were very hungry and that they were dying. He got also .the soap and put it into the aquarium. He said that the fish were very dirty. When we went to see the fish in aquarium, we found them all dead. Elvira Sabat