Chats with the editor


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Chats with the editor
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
22~ THE YOUNG CITIZEN Here, then, is my answer to the teacher who wrote me: The next East African animal story is entitled Capturing Leopards. Have the members of your new club read about the leopard in the encyclopedia. Also, look up Nairobi, East AfriI JUST FINISHED reading mailed to me personally. ca-the town near the. scene the three articles chosen for "Dear Mr. Editor," the let- of the leopard hunt. Then the page this month for The ter begins. "I am going to your club will be quite What - A1·e - You - Doing? organize an East Africa ready for the story when it ·Club. They all are about Animal Club in my geog- appea~s in the next number "our school"-the school ·raphy class. Won't you let of the magazine. bank, the music demonstra- me know a little ways ahead And now let us look tion nf a school, and the what the next story will be ahead a bit: Your Editor schoolroom beautiful. ·1 which tells of that intrepid desires to have an unusually suppose your Editor. chose young traveler's adventures good Christmas number in those articles because he among wild animals? If the 1941 volume of THE has been a teacher for many you will do this, we shall YOUNG CITIZEN. I wish years. Therefore, w)len a study about the animals in you would begin to prepare letter comes to the editorial advance, and then we'll be some Christmas material desk describing some good all ready for the story." and send it in. Good Christschool plan or project, it is When I received this let- mas stories are always acalmost sure to find space- ter, I got out the folder of ceptable. And I'd like to at least a little space-in East African· ariimal stories have some interesting arTHE YOUNG CITIZEN. -just six more, to be exact tides ab o u.t Christmas. And so, boys and girls -to see which one I shall Don't wait until the last of and teachers' too' if y"ou N b d h nd use in the July issue of THE ovem er an t en se have done anything at your YOUNG CITIZEN. After something in, expecting to school unusually nice, or checking them over care- ·see it in print in two or three unusually interesting, or k I · 't b done fully, I have decided to use wee s. t JUS_t can . e - very much worth while, one in which the author If you have a Christmas why not write to the Editor T y tells of capturing leopards article for HE OUNG about it? Pass it along, so N 1 for an American zoo. There CITIZEN, send it in- OW· it can be done somewhere b \Vere to be four of them- Of course, I am always else. And not only oys . full-grown leopards, alive, wanting good stories of any and girls, but adults, to~, are invited to write. And unharmed, and in good kind. that's that. condition. And just such Well, it looks as if I have Now, let me see. What else did I have in mind to chat about this month? Oh, yes! Here it is-a letter animals were captured. used up all my space for How? Well wait and read editorial chats. So, until the story to fi~d out the way another month, Goodbye. in which it was done.' -THE EDITOR.