Give Us Men


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Give Us Men
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
jUNf, ~9·P THE YOUNG CITIZEN A POEM FOR THIS MONTH GIVE US MEN! GIVE us men! Men from every rank, Fresl;l and free and frank; Men of thought and reading, Men of light and leading, Men of loyal breeding, The nation's welfare speeding; Men of faith and not of fiction, Men of lofty aim in action. Give us men! I say again, Give us men! Give us men! Strong and stalwart ones: Men whom highest h o p e inspires, Men' who never shame their mothers, Men who never fail their brothers, True however false all others. Give us men! I say again, Give us men! ; Give us men! Men who, when · the tempest gathers, Grasp the standard of their fathers In the thickest fight; Men who strike for home and altarLet the coward cringe and falter. God defend the right! Men whom purest h o n o r DR .. JosE R1zAL Born June 19, t861 True as truth, though low and lonely, ~ fires, · L Men who trample self beneath J them, · ] Men who make .their ·country Q;. wreathe them As her noble sons, ,Worthy of their . sires; Tender as the brave are only; Men who tread where saints have trod; Men for country, home, and God. Give us men! I say again, Give us men!