I Am Music


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

I Am Music
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
2o6 THE YOUNG CITIZEN JUNE, 1941 GROUP MUSIC A PIECE of music is called a duet when it is sung by two persons, or when it is ·played on two instruments. A duet may also be played by two persons on a piano. When three persons sing at one time, or .play at one time, the music is called a lrio. When four persons sing or play together at one time, the composition which they sing or play is called a quartet. A String Quartet is made up of four musicians ·who play, at one time, music ·with a part written separately for each of these instruments: · First violin, wflich plays the soprano part. Second violin, which plays the alto · part. Viola, which piays the te~or part. 'Cello, which plays the bass part. There" is no difference in the instruments which play first O( second violin. The only difference is in the "part" or the music which each instrument plays. When you listen to a string quartet, try to hear the part which each instrument is playing. · A Famous String Quartet I AM MUSIC SERVANT and inaster am I; servant of those dead, and master of those living. Through me spirits immortal speak the message that makes the world weep, and laugh, and wonder, and worship. ' I tell .the story of love, the story of hate, the story that saves, and the story that damns. I am the incense upon which prayers float to heaven. . I am close to· the marriage altar, and when the grave opens I stand near by. I call the wanderer home, I rescue the soul from the depths, I open the lips of lovers, and through me the dead whisper to the · living. · · One I serve as I serve all; and the king I make my slave as easily as I subject his slave. I speak Jhrough the birds of the air, the insects of the field, the crash of waters on rock-ribbed shores, the sighing of wind in the trees, and I am .even heard by the soul that knows me in the clatter of wheels on the city streets. I know no brother, yet all men are my brothers; I am the father of the best that is in them, and they are fathers of the best that is in me; I am of them, and they are of me, for I am the instrument of God. I AM MUSIC! QUESTIONS 1. What is a duet? 2. What is a trio? 3. What is a quartet? 4. Which instrument plays the soprano part? 5. Which plays the alto 'part? 6. Which plays the tenor part? 7. What part does the 'cello play?