Milk The Perfect Food


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Milk The Perfect Food
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
]UNB, 1941 THE· YOUNG CITIZEN 211 HEALTH AND· SAFETY SECTION . MILK. THE PERFECT FOOD EVERY human being lives for a time entirely upon milk. Indeed, milk is the chief food of all the higher animals or mammals during babyhood, for the food clements needed to build and nourish brain, musde, and bone are found in the there are as ma~y children as adults, as much money should be spent for . milk as for meat. The cow furnishes by far the largest share of the milk· supply. Laplanders drink the milk of the reindeer and BedoTh"e P olue of M ilk ar a Produur of Energy ·most easily digested form in milk, the per feet food. There is no substitute for milk in infant feeding, and milk and milk products are most iroportant foods .at all ages. Authorities tell us that in ~amilies where uins ·get their milk from ihe camel. In the Philippines a limited amount of milk . comes from goats and carabaos. The raising of goats for milk is a prominent industry in Switzerland, and is being encouraged in England and the United 212 THE YOUNG CITIZEN JUNE, 19.p States. The freedom of goats from disease makes goat's milk especially safe for feeding infants and invalids. But whatever the source, all milk contains the s~me valuable food elements, pounds of peas; and to six and two-thirds pounds of tomatoes. It is no wonder then that dieticians consider milk the perfect food. though in different proportions. ln good REVIEW cow's milk there is about a quarter of a pound of food solids to every quart-as 1. Why is milk considered a perfect much as in three-quarters of a pound of food? beef. The most important of these solids 2. Wh'at animals produce milk? are: ( 1) butter fat, the chief constituent 3. Do all mammals nee_d milk when of butter; (2) casein or curd; which they are young? forms the body of cheese; (3) milk sugar 4. Name the solids from milk. or lactose, which is less sweet than cane 5. What is the most important product sugar; (4) ash or mineral salts which from milk? build bone. 6. What is condensed milk? In the milk of various mammals these 7. What is evaporated milk? foods occur in the proportion best 8. Tell the amount of some of the food adapted to the needs of the young. which a quart of milk equals. Of the many milk products butter is - 9. Do you drink milk? the most important because it is largely 10. Do you think it benefits you? made up 0f the valuable fats. Pure ice- 11. In what form is most of the milk cream is a valuable food, since it contains used in the Philippines? all the milk solids. 12. What animals in the Philippines Evaporated milk is whole milk with produce milk for human consumption? part of the water removed. Condensed 13. Why is goat's milk considered safe milk is similar, but with sugar added as ·for infant feeding? a preservative. Evaporated and con- 14. What industry is being encouraged densed milk can· be kept indefinitely and in the United States and elsewhere? be shipped long distances. By simply 15. Should more cow's milk be used in adding water, a product is obtained close- the Philippines? ly resembling fresh milk. In the Philip- l6. Why is the number of cows in the pines evaporated and condensed milk are Philippines now limited? used extensively, although the use of fresh milk has increased considerably in 17. Is sour milk of any value? What the last twenty-five years. is the use of it? · Notice the illustration on page 211. 18. What about butter-milk? According to an authority a quart of 19. What is butter-milk? cow's milk is equal to each of the follow- 20. Did you ever drink butter-milk? Is ing: four-fifths of a pound of beefsteak; it healthful? or one and one-fourth pounds of chicken; 21. What is pasteurized milk? (See the or to half a pound of ham; to two and· encyclopedia.) . one-third pounds of codfish; to eight eggs 22. How is milk pasteurized? of average siz:e; to one and one-seventh 23. Can you write a short composition · pounds of beans; to two and two-thirds about milk? .