Schoolroom Beautiful


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Schoolroom Beautiful
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
]UNE, 1941 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 219 [jSfilm!J~~ Our School Bank By ISIDRO GANO (11 YEARS OLD) AT OUR SCHOOL we have a school bank, It was started by the principal of our school because there seemed to be a need for it. Sometimes boys and girls have to bring some money to school so that they can go to a store or to the market after school and buy something for. their parents. In orde.r that they would not lose their money, , they would ask their teacher to take care of it. So now we have a school bank to look after such money. If any pupil wants his money to ·be cared for, he takes it to the principal. She receives the money, writes the pupil's name in a little pook, and the amount of money. Then she writes the pupil's name on a small card, and the amount of money deposited. This card is given to the pupil. When the pupil wants to draw out the money from the school bank, he takes the card to the principal (Please /urn to page 221.) CLUB . .... Music Demonstration Schoolroom Beautiful By FELY TANABE By NORBERTO TEVEZ ( 15 YEARS OLD) ( IJ YEARS OLD) THE PUPILS in the school I AM in the sixth grade of a which I attend do very nice school in southern Luzon. music work, and they are The school room for this all very proud of it. So our grad'e used to be quite ugly music teacher decided to and uninviting. Now it is have a "music demor..~tra- the ''schoolroom beautiful," tion." She got the idea and we are all very happy from a private ~chool in the about it. Philippines where they do This is how we made our good mmic work. schoolroom to be beautiful Each grade was permit- and attractive. Our teacher ted to take part in the music read in a teache~s' magademonstration. We have zine of a company which an orchestra at our sc.hool, sells very cheaply pictures and this organization for the schoolroom. ·These played selections at various ire good copies of famous times during the program. paintings. So we started a The primary grades sang picture fund. Each pupil a group of nice songs which contributed a small sum of they had learned. Some of money-two or three centhese were action songs, and tavos, or five or ten cenwhile they were being sung, tavos, or more. Some of a group of other pupils per- the parents heard of our formed the action suggested picture fund, and sent peso by the words. bills and two peso bills. The upper grades sang That was the beginning. more difficult songs includ- Then some of the girls ing some part-songs. Some made candy which was sold. of these were Filipino We got the candy recipes in songs, and everybody liked THE YOUNG CITIZEN. At to hear them. Christmas we made nice The pride of the school Christmas cards which (Please turn to page 221.) (Please ~urn to page 221.) }UNE, 19.p SCHOOL BANK (Continued from page 219) and the money is given him. The principal writes the word "withdrawn" across the card and after the pupil's name in tl'le deposit book; also the amount withdrawn. Drawing out time is during the thirty minutes each day after the dismissal of classes. If a pupil loses his deposit card, be can draw 011t his money just the. same, but has to pay. a fine of one centavo. The fines are put in our athletic equipment fund. Hardly any one ever loses the deposit card. Our school bank is very useful, because before it was started a number of pupils lost small sums of money given them by their parents. Now no one ever loses any money. SCHOOLROOM THE YOUNG CITIZE:-1 221 MUSIC DEMONSTRATION (Continued from page 219) FEATHERS (Continued from page 20.8) is the rhythm band, in QUESTIONS which variou.s percussion I. How is a feather proinstruments are played to duced by _a bird? keep time with music which 2. Name the· parts. of a is played on the piano. The feather. members · of the rhvthm 3. Why is a feather "one band have uniforms: and of the most beautiful things th~ leader wears a tall hat in nature"? and keeps time with a 4. How are feathers baton. used? Some of the older pupils 5. Why are birds above told about some of the great reptiles in intelligence? composers of music. We 6. What is a "soft" got this information from feather? different issues of -THE 7. What· birds have YOUNG CITIZEN. Our music "soft" feathers? teacher ·illustrated each of 8. What is these musicai biography feather? "hard" talks by playing on the 9. What birds have phonograph a composition "hard" feathers? by that composer. 10. If you live in or near Everybody was v er Y Manila, go to the Aquarium much pleased with our if possible, and look at the music demonstration, and feathers of different birds said that it showed that our there. school does good music work. It was so successful ----------. h Each week we study one ·(Continued from page 219) that our music teac er ~ays h h of these pictures. Our were sold. The money we may ave anot er next teacher has a book which . . year. Now we all will went mto our picture fund. work hard at our music in tells about many great Finally our teacher had . • ; paintings, so she tells us enough money in the fund, sc?ool, so yv_e wi_ll have nice about some picture which so that she ordered. many thm?s 10 give m_ our next is described in her book. beautiful pictures of differ- music demonstratwn. We learn something about ent sizes. We mounted · · the painters of the pictures. these on colored paper and pictures. ·on the side walls Many parents come to put them up in our room. we had mounted groups of see our "schoolroom beautiAcross the front of the room smaller pictures-many of ful" as we call it. So it is we made a frieze of fairly which were colored. In all having an influence in the large sized copies of famous we have more than a hun- community toward creating paintings. Above these dred different pictures in a love for beautiful picwe had two large framed our room. lures.