Trick to do With


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Trick to do With
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
214 THE YOUNG CITIZEN WORK AND PLAY SECTION TRICKS TO DO WITH A PIECE OF STRING that of tying a knot on the left wrist without letting the right hand get near it. We take a piece of fairly thick string; we hold one end between the finger and thumb of the left hand; we take the other end of the string in the right hand, and, with a rapid jerk, throw a loop ·toward the left hand a.s shown in picture 2. The _ loop can, with a little practice, be made ·to fall over the left wrist, as in picture 3. If, at the moment this happens, the right hand pulls back the end that it is holding, the string will be tied tightly around the left wrist. HERE is an excellent trick that is quite easy to perform, and needs no other apparatus than a fairly thick string about· five or six meters long. We tie the ends together, and then pass the doubled string through a buttonhole of our clothing. We then· put our thumbs through the looped ends, one at one end and the other at the other, and, having done this, hook our little fingers into the upper strings of the: opposite hands. If we draw our hands outward, the appearance will be seen as in picture 1, and the string will look so entangled as to suggest that it will be a task of some difficulty and will take some time to release it from the buttonhole. But, as a matter of fact, the release may ·be made almost instantaneously by simply disengaging the right thumb and left finger, and pulling the hands apart. If this is done quickly, it will appear to those looking. on that the string has torn the buttonhole. Their astonishment on finding that. the buttonhole has not been torn will be quite worth the trouble it takes to practice this clever little trick. Another trick with string that can be done quite easily afte~ a little practice is Here is another trick. Take a piece of string about one meter or a meter and a half long, and join the ends. Then, placing one hand through each end, give the string a complete twist, and put into the left hand the end that was in the right hand. The string is now as in picture 4. Passing the right hand quickly along · ·the double string, we hold the place where the string crosses, so as to conceal it, as in picture 5, and we ask a friend to cut the string through at the part we are holding between our two hands. The friend does this, and there are four ends, showing that the string must now be in two pieces. Then we offer to join twci ends with our teeth and pull the string out in one long piece. The explanation of this trick is, that owing to the twisting of the string and the particular way in which we hold it, so that the friend must cut it somewhere near our right hand, the string is cut into a long piece and a very short piece. We put the four ends into our mouth and with our tongue remove the small piece.