

Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
JUNE, 1941 THE YOUNG CITIZEN II THE 11 't UEBJ LPi:lNTRY II VEGETABLES 217 BEFORE they are cooked or Raw potatoes are sliced spoonful of pepper. Cover served, vegetables of all kind and put into cold water. the bottom of a shallow should be thoroughly Then they are dried ~m a baking dish with a thin picked over, and all the cloth and immersed in hot layer of bread crumbs. decayed or unripe parts fat until done. Fry them Pour the tomatoes into the thrown out. They should to an amber color and serve baking dish, and sprinkle be well washed several at once. over them a tablespoonful times with a different clean Baked Sweet Potatoes of sugar and a few drops of water each time. Most or Ca.motq onion juice. Cover the top vegetables are better when Wash and scrub the pdta- with a cupful of bread laid in cold water a short crumbs which have been toes without b. reaking the bl time before cooking. · They skin. Bake them until ·soft. moistened with a ta eare better when freshly Then break the skin in one spoonful of melted butter. gathered and cooked as soon place, and· serve at once. Bake in a hot oven for fifas possible. teen minutes. Serve in the Baked Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes same dish. Select large potatoes of If fresh tomatoes are Baked Onions uniform size and shape. used, remove the skins by Cook the onions in two ·Wash and scrub them with placing them in boiling waters until tender. The , a small brush. Then bake water for a few minutes. second water should be them in a hot oven for about The skins will then peel off salted and boiling. Drain an hour. Press them to see easily. Cut the tomatoes well. Press each onion in if they are done, but do not into pieces and stew in a a coarse cloth, gently so as stick them with a fork. granite-ware saucepan un- not to break it. When they When they are soft, serve ti! tender. To one quart <if are all dry, lay them all toat once. They become tomatoes add one teaspoon- gether, side by side, in a watery if kept. ful of pepper and a table- bake-pan. Add pepper, salt, Fried Potato., spoonful of butter. Then and butter, and a cupful of Slice cold boiled pota- add one-half cupful of stock (a thick soup). Brown toes. Put them into a skillet cracker or bread crumbs. in a hot oven. Take out the with butter, and cook until Scalloped Tomatoes onions and ke~p them hot in browned on both sides. If Season a can of tomatoes a deep dish while you thickrolled in flour they will with one teaspoonful of salt en the gravy left in tlie pan form a crisp crust. and one-fourth of a tea- (Please turn to page 220.) 220 THE YOUNG CITIZEN }UNE, 1941 OBEDIENCE VEGETABLES a small egg. Serve it hot (Continued from page 213) (Continued from page 217) with any roast meat or who did not obey the laws with browned flour. Pour poultry. of the land. the gravy over the onions, Cab b a g·e is delicious If early in life one learns set in the oven for two min- when cooked with butter to obey, it will not be a dif- utes, and serve. and flour. Put the cabbage ficult task to be obedient in Rice Croquettes in a frying pan. 'Add a later life. But the child . heaping tablespoonful of who is permitted to have Put th_ree:fourths of a butter and a level tablehis own way, to be ·dis- cup of milk In _a sauce-pan spoonful of flour. Cook obedient to those in author- over the fire with a gener- it until tender. ity, is learning to do that ous tablespoonful of butter, h · Boiled Beets which will bring sorrow a eapmg teaspoonful of and sufferrng to himself and sugar' and when it comes to others. a boil, add a cup and a half .Wash and cook the beets Boys and girls, make this of boiled rice, some powyour rule and never break dered cinnamon or nutmeg it: I will always obey my (if desired), and salt to parents and my. teachers, taste. Mix ~ell; then let it and those. who have right- come to a boil. Add a beatful authority. en egg, remove from the in hot, salted water from two to three hours, according to age ~nd size. When done, throw at once into cold water to loosen the skins. Peel them quickly and slice them thin. Pour over them a sauce made of three tablespoonfuls of scalding vinegar, a tabkspoonful of butter, and a little pepper and. salt. Serve hot. fire, turn into a plate to get SOMETHING TO THINK cold, form into cylinders, and fry in hot butter. ABOUT I. Are you obedient? 2 . .Must your paren.ts obey the laws? 3. Must the president of the Philippines obey the laws? · 4. Must the president of the United States obey the laws? 5. Why is obedience necessary? 6. When should· one learn to be obedient? 7. Read the rule in the last paragraph of this article. Then memorize it. 8. Why will disobedience. bring sorrow? 9. What is a criminal? Ways of Cooking Cabbages S~lect firm; crisp heads of cabbage. Boil the cabbage briskly in plenty of Stuffed Green Peppers wate_r, keeping it closely Cut the tops offthe sweet covered, Or if possible, green peppers and careremove the hard core, and i fully remove the seeds. then steam it. This will I Chop together very fine avoid the odor of cooking. I two peppers, orie smal) When perfectly tender,' onion, and one large peeled chop in a wooden bowl., tomato. Add an e qua 1 Have a white sauce ready amount of stale bread of milk well thickened with crumbs, one teaspoonful of cornstarch and flavored salt, and sufficient melted with nutmeg. Into this stir butter to moisten the mixthe chopped soft cabbage ture. Fill the peppers with Beat it vigorously until it the mixture, replace the becomes pulpy. Add a tops, and bake for half an lump of butter the size of hour in a moderate oven.