Scenes in the Morning, Scenes in the Afternoon


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Scenes in the Morning, Scenes in the Afternoon
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
April 1.<JJti THE YOUNG CITIZEN Tanjay, Or. :'.'-Jegros marbles to Totoy. 69 return it but he cried and cried. So his Iola bought him one. He was so spoiled that he wanted everything he saw. When his "Iola" could not afford to give him what he wanted, he began b steal. His parents became very unhappy. By Preciosa Inna Pineda VI-A, Emilio Jacinto Elementary School March 22, .19;;,:; \Vhen it was lunch time, Totoy SCENES IN THE MORNING Dea1· Aunt Alma: did not eat. He only asked fol' AND SCENES IN THE I cannot write yet but I told some money. When he was AFTERNOON my mother to write this for me. given a centavo he ran and It was early in _the morning I told her what to write. searched for the ciga1·ette can, \Vhen I was awakened by the I am a boy. I am four years where his grandmother kept her crowing of the roosters. I went old. I like to hear stories. Some- money. \Vhen he found it he hurriedly to our bathroom to times my father gets angry when got the handkerchief in which take a bath. After bathing I I make him tell me stories for the money was tieri and ran went to our garden. The sun hours. Now I make him tell me away. His Iola saw him anrl was beginning its daily work the stories in The"Youno Citizen asked for the money. Totoy and saluting the new day. The as I point to the pictures. I threw the handkerchief. It hit flowers we·re in bloom and there like all the stories there but I his "Iola" on the face. He was a great difference between like best "The Dog That Jose laughed only and ran to his yeSterday and today. Did Not Like" because the·re is playmate. It was also that afternoon a policeman in that story. Oh, when I put down my books and I like policemen very much'. huJ"J'iedly went to the Luneta. I I am sending you my piCture sat on a big rock. The sun was with two of my cousins. I am setting and finishing its work. the boy at the right of the pie- The sun was throwing its rays ture. The picture was taken to be the pathway of the angels last year. I am also sending to the gate of heaven. you the song which my mother Adela B. Fu_qoso, VI-A used to sing to me when I was small yet. Please publish both. Thank .\'OU. Your young friend, Jaime M11fwz. I held the penholder \\·hen my mother signed my name. THE SPOILED CHILD Emilio Jacinto Elementary School Manila FATE As I have learned, in the day::. of old, Great men prosper, while others fall, "Lola, Lola," was the shout \\'hile rich men rejoice, the poor coming from the sala. It wrn:> ones toil, Totoy crying. He said, "Lola, Sinners repent to clean their Lola, Brother does not like to The other boy was holding a soul. give me that magazine." Then whistle. Totoy liked it very Poor was the rich man as time his "Iola" came and dried his much so he asked for it. went on tears with her "tapis," got the He said, "Lend me your His riches· perished, his power magazine from Jose, and gave whistle and then we will go to was gone, · it to Totoy. the seashore." He no longer could laugh at misTotoy stopped crying; but \Vhen it was given to him he chance of the poor, afterward he saw Jose playing went home and hid under the Great are the things that fate with a marble. So he cried \Jed. has done. aloud for he wanted to get the The buy ran after him and Jose C. Reyes, VI-A marble too. His grandmother told his Iola that Totoy had the Emilio Jacinto Elem. School heard him and gave one of the whistle. His Iola told him to Manila