Daily Leassons


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Daily Leassons
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
72 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Mat·rh, 19.:; MY DAILY LESSONS The school year is soon over. During the school year my teacher has assigned many lessons for me to study. Some of these lessons I didn't like so I did not study them; some I studied well because I liked them. Now the school year is almost ove1·; perhaps I shall be promoted, or I may remain in the same grade, or I may be demoted. I cannot now change what might happen because my daily lessons that have gone by could not be made to come back. My teacher often tells me that my promotion to the next higher grade depends entirely upon my mastering my daily lessons. Now that the school is about to close I am a little bit afraid because I may not be promoted. Even if I study hard now it is too late to make up for lost time. I must study my lessons every day because in so doing I make myself ready not only for the periodical examinations during the school year but also for the higher grade to which I expect to be promoted next school year. If my teachel" promotes me next year my lessons would be more difficult since I did not study my lessons well this year. And what I learn now will help me understand my lessons. That is, if I learned well my daily lessons in Grade IV my lessons in Grade V would be easier to understand; if I learned my daily lessons in Grade V my work in Grade VI would be easier, and so oh. To-day I am preparing myself for what I may become when I grow to be a man. -Dr. I. Panlasigui i -----------------·-~