The one right


Part of Espana Boletin Informativo

The one right
Great Britain--Foreign relations
Spain-Foreign relations
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE ONE RIGHT lo Octobn IRth. 1944 the. Spuni:sh Chid uf Stil te wrntr a l~Ht':r to the British Pre:mier re:Ierring the: relations betwce:n Spain and England (lf th<H time. Exaniining the ínlernationai .situalion, Franco s.aid: "Since we cannot believe in the gootl foith of Communist R.ussie1. and sine.e we know the in~idious powcr of Bolshe\·i:sm. \\"C: must t.nke: <tccount of the la et that the: weakening or destruction of her neighbour"will great!y increase Russia's .-mbition and power!'>. making neccssary more than ever an intelligent and understanding atlitude on the part of lhe western countries." "Once Gcrm~ny is destroyed ancl Russia has consolidated her prepondecant position in Euope and once che United 5tatcs ha~ cons.oli<l.ued her po.silion in rhe Atlantk and the P.:icific. thu.s becorn ing ch~ mos.t powerful n.;:¡.1ton in the u11i,·c:rse. Europei\n inlercst.s will sufíer their most serious and -daogerous cri~is in a sh.1t1ered Europe. 1 understand quite we 11 that mílitary re.:isons of "'" immedi;ite cha.r3c.ter will not permit Englishme11 in positions or res.pon.'\iblli1y to make any comments on this aspect of the \\'orJd s.truggPe. but the reality uil'ts ;,md the menace rem.:i ins. Aher the terr;fic test Europe has gone through. those u:ho· hav~ sho\l . .'11 the-mseh·es stron~ and \'irile among the nations great in popufation and rtsources Me En~land. Spain an<l Gernrnny "But once Gcrmany is dc:stroyc:d. Engbnd will have only one councry Jeft Ln Europe towards wh1ch she can turn her eyes.-Sp<'tin. The French and Italmn defe.[1.IS. and the ~1'ternal decornpos1t1on o( thosc counlries. ~-¡JI pwb;:ibly not allow aI\ythtng solid 10 be built upon them Ior ma.ny ro come ... The i'!nswer of the Englis.h Prime was less realistic and th\Js he answered Franco: ··r should Jet youc Exc:ellency foil in to seríous error H ( did not remove Irom your mind the iclea that hi'.'i Majes.ty"s Governrnent would be ready to consid-er any bJoc:. of Powers based on hosttlity to our Russian .allill!s.. or on any a.ssumed 11eeJ of ddense agilinst them. His Majesty's Governmenfs policy is lirm1y b;;ised on the Anglo.Soviet Treaty of 1912. m1d considers permanent Ang?o-Russian collaboratk>n within thc framev. .. ork o{ the future world organi:!:atlon as esential. not only to her own interests. but also to thc Íuture pe.ace (l.nd prosperity of Europe as a whollf.':." , The text books come froin the lihe:l oí Rt. Hon. Sir S~ue! Hoare O. C. L. L.L.D.O. Litt. Viscount Templev.'ood entitled "Ambassadeir on Spéci~I Mission" CoJlins. London. 1946. lp-'gé:s 300. ~01 , .306}.
Date Issued
(No. 57) October 1953