Chats with Editor


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Chats with Editor
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WITH the June issue we shall publish four pages as supplement for a Tagalog section. Mr. Quirico Cruz, one of our, contributing editors, is editing the new section. We are giving a section to Tagalog because this dialect will be taught in the public schools next school year and because, as President Quezon stated very recently, Tagalog. will replace English as the medium of instruction in all elementary schools beginning with 1946. Always having the public in mind, The Young Citizen, in conducting the new section, aims to help the teachers and young readers who do not know Tagalog to get a little acquaintance with this dialect * IN THIS issue we are printing a collection of poems the authors of most of which are still in short pants and pigtails. We have been gratified to note that many of the poems that have come to our desk THE YOUNG CITIZEN have been written by youngsters whose ages range from ten to fourteen years. We have a good cause to believe that The Young Citizen has greatly h e 1 p e d i n encouraging these young boys and girls from different parts of the country to do creative work. If these youngsters would keep on writing and at the same time be given proper encouragement, we won't ·be surprised to know that some of them shall have made names for themselves in the literary' field some day. The Young Citizen will of course be proud· for having given them the start a n d the encouragement, which they could not get from any other national magazine. Mr. Hugo Miller, the author of "Oh, Little Boat", accompanied , his lovely little piece with the illustration which you see on page 167. * IN the inside back cover we are printing a complimentary letter from one of May, 1940 our readers. If there is anything that should increase still more the circulation of The Young Citizen, it is letters such as those which Miss Galena . and the rest have sent us. We can as~ sure our readers a corr-esponding improvement in the quality of the magazine (The magazine is already good, as it is, so our readers think) with its increase in circulation. * SUMMER is still with us. We in the office still feel the high temperature. -We envy you, people out i_n the province, where the breeze is cooler and where you have cool springs and seas to swim in. We have one more month to go, and then another school year will be ushered in. Our young readers, boys and girls, will have stepped one ladder higher, and the teachers gaining more experience in their ' profession. We in The Young Citizen office will keep up with your stride. You will yet have to catch us napping! The vacation days seem to fly so fast; everyone who spends his time in the most profitable, most wholesome manner will feel that way. Time to end our chat, and so-A dios!