The selfish little tree [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The selfish little tree [short story]
Pineda, Dolores
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 6 (5) May 1940
Conduct of life
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The selfish tree asked the man to cut down all the tall trees behind him. So the man cut the trees as requested by the selfish tree. The next day, there were no kind trees to give cool shade, no kind trees to keep the wind away, and the wind cut the selfish in into two. The selfish tree felt sorry for what he did.
THE Y<!>UNG CITIZEN May, 1940 THE SELFIS~ LITnE TREE By DO"ORES PINEDA THERE was once a selfish little tree which lived in the great woods. Many fine trees grew near it. One da·y a man came walking into the w~ods. "Oh, kind man," said the selfish little tree, "come and cut down all these other trees." "Why do you want me to cut down all the other trees?" asked the man. "Because they are so big," said the selfish little tree. "I want more room. I want to see the sun. I want to grow tall and big. I should like to be the tallest tree in the woods." So the man cut down all the other trees. The little tree now stood all alone. "How happy I shall be!" said the selfish little tree." Now I can have all the room I w:i/nt." B~t the next day the sun came out, and 1t was very hot. There were '10 kind trees to give cool shade. "I am so hot and thirsty," said the selfish tree. Then the cruel strong wind began to blow. Then were no kind trees to keep the wind away. "I am afraid," said the selfish little tree. ''I wish the kind big trees were here beside me. What am I to do?" Just then th·e strong w'ind blew again. It blew, and it blew, and it blew, and at last. it broke the selfish tree in two. "Snap!" it went. "What a foolish tree!" said all the birds. "Now you will be sorry you asked the man to cut down all the big trees. They , ,wer·e your best friends. They hid you from the hot sun. They kept the strong wind away from you." "Oh, what a foolish, 'selffish little tree!" SOME QUESTIONS I. What is a selfish person? 2. What did the selfish little tree ask the man to do? 3. Why did the little tree want the other trees cut down? 4. Why was the little tree foolish? 5. Are you ever selfish?