Enlarging your vocabulary


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Enlarging your vocabulary
Eugenio, Paz J.
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 5 (11) November 1939
English language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
412 THE YOUNG CITIZEN November, 1939 A CROSS· WORD PUZZLE FOR FIFTH GRADERS By BENITO GO DRAW a square. Divide it into 16 s ma 11 er squares. Number the small squares across the top and along the side as shown in t h e illustration. Think of the required words and write one letter of the word in eac)l small square. ACROSS I. A word which is the name of a slender piece of metal with a head, and which, when used, is driven into wood. 2. The name of a measure of land common in the United States. 3. The name of a well-known flowering plant of Japan, America, and Europe. It has long, sword-shaped leaves, and large, handsome flowers. 4. A word meaning a smaller part or quantity. DOWNWARD I. A word which is the name of a .slender piece of metal with a head, and which, when used, is driven into wood. 2. The name of a measure of land common in the Cnited States. 3. The name of a well-known flowering plant of Japan, America, -and Europe. It has long, sword-shaped leaves, and large, handsome flowers. . 4. A word meaning a smaller part or quantity. (A11swers on page 417) ENLARGING YOUR VOCABULARY By MRS. PAZ f EUGENIO• Underline the wotd in parenthesis that has the same meaning as the word printed in Italics. I. . Pedro is cou,-teous to his teachers. (rude, good, respectful) 2. Pablo was giyen a nice fddfe. (violin, book, toy) 3. Mother prepared wholesome food. (delicious, expensive, poor) 4. The pupils were bot/ze,-ing the teacher. (joking, disturbing, listening to) 5. The crackers are in the box. (pies, cookies, biscuits) 6. He was astonished to see a bear. (happy, surprised, glad) 7 .. When the lightning flashed, we were sca,-ed· (overjoyed, afraid, excited) 8. Aunt Julia is an affectionate woman. (loving, cross, wicked) 9. The tired traveller had an excellent appetite. (poor, good, fair) 10. Father locked the door. (repaired, fastened" with a key, opened) 11. The man l"escued the drowning ,.i1ors. (fed, saved, ignored) 12. The dog is an intelligent- animal. (stµ pid, clever, fierce) *"Teacher, Cecilio Apostol, Elementary School, l\lanil:i..