Our wise owl club [essay]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Our wise owl club [essay]
Babiera, Jose
The What-Are-You-Doing? Club
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 5 (11) November 1939
Readers for new literates
English language--Readers for new literates
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Sea -Side Vacation By PILAR CAPARROS ( r 1 rear~ old) LAST vacation l visited my aunt who lives near the ocean. Many times I went to the beach looking for interesting things. · Once the tide went out and left a big pond of water. Different kinds of fish were trapped in the pond. Some of the fish were of different colors-green, yellow, red, and blue. People caught them and used them for food. At another place when the tide was low I saw different kinds of co r a 1 s. These were so- interesting t_hat I took pieces for my collection. During the vacation I collected a basketful of different kinds of sea-shells. They were of beautiful shapes and markings. I got some kinds of shells which I had never seen before. When I returned home I took several baskets of interesting things. THE YOUNG CITIZEN Our Wise Owl Club By JOSE BAB!ERA ( 13 yearS old) IN our seventh grade at school we organized a Wise Owl Club. First, each pupil made a booklet shaped and colored brown like an owl. On a large p i e c e of cardboard we painted a picture of a tree which we fastened to the wall. On the top limb of our tree we drew a picture of an owl with ·spectacles on; the owl was reading a book. In large letters were the words BE WISE; READ GOOD BOOKS. Each pupil fastened to the tree his owl booklet on which was written his name. Whene'ver any one in the Wise Owl Club read a book-even a short book with easy words-he wrote the name of the book in his owl booklet. Then that pupil gave to the class an oral report of an interesting part of the book he had read. In order to be a member of the Wise Owl Club a 423 Poultry Raisinc;r By VIRGILIO BALAGOT ( 14 years old) IN June I began to raise poultry. As~ start I bought seven hens and two roosters. Every day I feed them and give them water to drink. Once a week I clean the poultry yard which is the place for the chickens to get exercise. I set some of my hens, and after a while I had twenty little chicks. I did not succeed so well with them, because seventeen little chicks died. Also three of my hens died and one rooster, but I shall continue and will be more successful when I have had more experience in poultry ·raising which I find very interesting. pupil had to read at least one book every six weeks. If he did not, he lost membership in the club, and his QWl booklet was removed from the tree.