Some riddles for the fourth grader [riddles]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Some riddles for the fourth grader [riddles]
Marquez, Eliza
Work and Play Section
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 5 (11) November 1939
Riddles, Juvenile
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
410 THE YOUNG CITIZEN November, 1939 WORK AND PLAY SECTION YOU CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES l. FIRST, you see in the above picture the Reversible Staircase. Look at it. Cse a steady gaze. Hold the paper still and move your head up and down. One, two-o-o, three-e-e ! Over it goes I The harder you look, the sooner it reverses. Squint again. The staircase is back in its original form! How's that for a prestidigitorial masterpiece? 2. Quick, now, look next at the Shaded Cubes, an amazing conjuration which is the triumph of the occult arts! Count the cu~es. One on top; two below; three at the bottom. Six in all. Now, let us produce an exira cube, making seven. Again use the steady gaze. See the cubes reassemble themselves before your eyes.· Look again. Have . the cubes moved or haven't they? Count them. There are seven. You can1 t believe your eyes. And SOME RIDDLES, FOR FOURTH GRADERS By ELIZA MARQUEZ* I. My home is in a bottle. I am red, or blue, or black, or green. Children who want to use me get me with their pens. What am I? 2. Farmers raise many of us in their back yards. We make good food. We have two legs, two wings, and a comb when we are grown. What are we? 3. I am made of paper and sticks. I can fly hut I have no wings. The wind keeps me up in the air. I am tied to a long string. What am I? 4. I am very useful. I arri made of paper, and have figures printed on me: I hang on the wall. You look at me to know when you wi.II celebrate your birthday. You look at me when you want to write a letter. What am I? ·5. You cannot see me, but you can feel. me. You like to have me come near you when you are feeling warm. Sometimes I am strong. Sometimes I am very gentle. I come from dif, ferent directions. What am I? (Answers 011 page 418) •Teacher, San Miguel Elementary School, Manila. I don't have to prove it-you are proving it yourself. 3. Next, we have the baffling Arrow Mystery. Look at the two lines. Decide for yourself which is the longer 1ir.e. Then measure them. You can't believe your eyes!