Some savory Philippine dishes


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Some savory Philippine dishes
Montano, Angela T.
The Young Citizen Pantry
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 5 (11) November 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
"THE shortest way to a man's heart is through his stomach." There is much truth in this saying. It should therefore be the aim of every girl or woman to learn the proper ways of
cooking, because all women want to please the members of their household by good, palatable, wholesome cookery.
We offer in this issue of The Young Citizen some more savory Philippine dishes.
These are the different menus that you can cook, Crabs with Mongo Sprouts, Bola-bola Special, Carne a la Nepa, Pinangat and Boiled Rice. Filipino love
Not•emlier, 1939 THE YOUNG CITIZEN THE YOUNG CITIZEN PANTRY 413 SOME SAVORY PHILIPPINE DISHES By ~IRS. ANGELA T. MONTANO* "THE shortest way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Tliere is much truth in this saying. It should therefore be the aim of every girl or woman to learn the proper ways of cooking, because all women want to plea~e the members of their household by good, palatable, whole.some cookery. We offer in this issue of The Young Citizen some more savory Philippine dishes. Crabs with Mon go Sprouts Get three medium-sized crabs, 2 cups of mango sprouts, 2 tablespoons of fat, 4 cups of hot water, one onion, 2 cloves of garlic, pepper and salt. Wash and sort the mango sprouts. Fry quickly with little grease the mango sprouts, onions, and garlic. Cover and cook until the mango sprouts are nearly done. Wash and clean the crabs very well. Divide each ineluding the shell and drop into the boiling mixture. Cook until the crabs turn brick red. Season to taste. Bola-bola Special Get 10 medium -sized. shrimps, 5 cups of shrimp juice, one-third of a Cup of chopped pork, 4 bundles of misua, one egg, 2 tablespoons of fat, one-half of an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, one stalk of fresh . garlic leaves. Wash· and shell the shrimps and chop the me~t fine. Mix the· pork and chopped· meat of shrimps together with a little salt. Fry quickly with little grease the garlic and the onions, and when brown, add the shrimp juice. Stir until it boils. Drop into this the garlic leaves cut into pieces one-half of an inch long. Beat the egg, and mix the chopped meat of shrimps and pork together. Drop by teaspoonfuls into the boiling mixture. Cook until the balls float on the top. Thicken with misua cut into short pieces. Sea. son with pepper and serve hot. Came a la Nepa G et one - fourth o f a pound of tender cut meat, 2 red ripe tomatoes, 2 stalks oJ cochay, one-half of a cup of bread crumbs, 4 tablespoons of fat, one young cucumber, one head of lettuce, and a little salt. Slice the meat thinly as for. tapa. Sprinkle a little salt on it. Chop the tomatoes and cochay fine, and coat both sides of each slice of meat. Dip into bread· crumbs and fry in hot fat until gol~en brown. Arrange on a platter. edged with lettuce leaves and garnished with rings of cucumber. Pinaiigat· Pinaiigat is fish boiled with a small amount of water and salt. Get as many fish as desired. Clean and (Please turn to page 419.) *Teacher of Home Economics, Gregorio del Pilar Elementary School, lVlanila. November, 1939 SAVORY DISHES (Co11tin1ud from page 413) wash the fish. If they are sma11, it is better to wrap them in pieces of banana leaf. Place the fish wrapped in banana leaf in a clay or a porcela;n pot. Add a small amount of salt water -just enough to prevent the fish from burning and to have a few tablespoonfuls left after cooking. Cover the pot. Cook slowly from 15 to 20 minutes. Serve with calamansi. Camias or green tamarind may. be placed in the pot and boiled with the fish. This adds flavor and produces an acid taste to the fish. THE YOUNG CITIZEN GOOD YOUNG CITIZEN (Co11ti11ued from page +04) YOUNG CITlzEN Is ORDERLY. Amando does not take things which do not belong to him. He returns anything left on a desk. He does not copy the work of his neighbors in school. In examinatioris he does not cheat in order to secure high grades. A GooD YOUNG CmzEN Is HONEST. If Amando is asked a question, he always tells the truth. Sometimes it is hard to do this, but he will not lie. A GOOD YOUNG CITIZEN Is TRUTHF.UL. One day after the class Boiled Rice was dismissed, as Amando Get one cup of rice and was going home. he passed three-fourths of a cup of a tienda. He put his ·hand water. in his pocket to get some Wash the rice two times money; he thou_ght he with cold water. Drain and would buy candy. But put in a pot. Add three- he said to himself, "Mothfourths of a cup of cold er has cooked a nice dinner water. Cover and bring to . for me. I will not eat a boil. When boiling, low- between· meals." So he er the fire and let it cook very slowly until the rice is .saved his money. A GOOD well cooked. From 10 to YOUNG CITiz.EN Is 12 minutes is required. It is better to cook the rice without washing it, because Vitamin B, minerals, proteins, and fat ·are washed away during the process of washing. THRIFTY. These are some of the things which a good young citizen does. Any boy or girl can do such things as these, and· be classed as a good young citizen. Try LARGEST INSTRUMENT (Contittued from page 407) 9. What can you say qf improvements _in modern pipe organs? 10. Is the pipe qrgan a d i ff i cu 1 t instrument to play?' Why? 11. What did Dr. Eliot say about a. performer on a pipe organ? 12. The playing of a pipe organ compares with the possible performance of what group of musicia,ns? 13. What use is made of electricity in a. modern pipe organ? 14. Tell how the pipes of an organ are arranged. Where may they be placed? 15. Have you heard a large pipe organ? 16. Have you seen one? 17. Would you like to learn to play a pipe organ? to be like Amando, Perhaps you can do even better. SO:V!ETHING TO 00 AND TO THINK ABOUT I. Make. a list of the statements in this article about a good young citizen. Memorize those statements. 2. What can you do io observe each of those statements? Think about what Amando 4id.