Why we have thanksgiving day [essay]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Why we have thanksgiving day [essay]
Campoy, Angel V.
The Young Citizen : the magazine for young people 5 (11) November 1939
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day--History
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Miss Cordova told his pupils the reason why to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. She told hem that Thanksgiving Day is thanking God for the blessings He has given to them. That night, when they were at home, many of the pupils of Miss Cordova remembered what their teacher had told them. When they said their prayers they. thanked God for the things that made them happy.
THE YOUNG CITIZEN November, 1939 WHY WE HAVE THANKSGIVING DAY By ANGEL V. CAMPOY* THANKSGIVING DAY was coming. The pupils of Miss Cordova's room were talking about it.· "Tomorrow,'1 said- Miss Cordova to the class, "will be Thanksgiving Day. We shall have no school. You may all ~tay at home to enjoy the day and have a big dinner with your fathers and mothers." "Why dp we have Thanksgiving Day, Miss. Cordova?" Juan asked. Miss Cgrdova turned to the class. "Who can answer that ql!estion ?" she asked. "I can, Miss Cordova." Maria stood. up to answer the question. "We have Thanksgiving Day so we can thank God for the things He has given us." "We thank God for keeping us healthy and strong," Rosa added. "Should we thank anyone else?" Miss Cordova asked. "We should thank our fath•ers and mothers for taking care of us and sending us to school," Felisa replied. . '"We should thank our friends for their kindness and for the things they do for us," Luis added. "We should also thank our brothers and sisters for taking care of us," Rita said. "And we should thank our teacher for being kind and patient with us in class," Juan added. Miss Cordova smiled. "Yes, we should give thanks for all these things. We should thank God for our food, our clothes, our homes, and all the many useful things that make our *Head Teacher, Maslog Primary School, Sibulan, Oriental N egros. . lives happy. We should also thank Him for the trees and for the birds and flowers that make the world we live in a beautiful place. Just think of the many things God has given us to make our lives happy and useful, said Rosa. "We should also thank·our faihers and mothers, our friends, and everyone for making us happy. That is why, on .the last Thursday of N overnber each year, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. On that day we offer our thanks to God for His .m'any blessings, . and pray that we · may be able to continue to enjoy the many things which have been given us," said Juan: "Tonight," continued Miss Cordova, "before you say your prayers, think of the many things God has done for you, and thank Him. for all those things." That night, when they were at home, many of the pupils of Miss ·cordova remembered what their teacher had told them. When they said their prayers they. thanked God for the things that made them happy. This is what Ana said that night: "God, you make me happy all the day, You watch o'er me in work and play; The food I eat, the Clothes I wear, And other things· I cannot tell, You gave them all to me. For all these things, 0 Father dear, I thank Thee, Amen." QUESTIONS 1. Has your class talked about Thanksgiving Day? 2. Can you make a list of things for which you should be thankful?