Saga of the great earth [poem]


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

Saga of the great earth [poem]
Vega, C. M.
Farming and Cooperatives Volume 1 (Issue No. 3-4) January-February 1946
Philippine poetry
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Selections from Saga of the great Earth a trilogy in verse
ing in this locality. The aim of the N. L. S. A. must be, that within the first fj,•e years everyone of the 100 set.tiers has 5 ha. with one or more perennia l crops under cultivation. By the end of the first year the village has to be laid out , and each half-hectar e lot has to be fenced and a house has to be erected. The house must be uniform and built in such a way t.hat they can be enlarged in one or all directions according to the need and idea of the settler himself. Within 10 years from the start of the settlement all t he 10 ha. must be brought under cultivation. However not more than 8 hectares out of the 10 ha. are to be planted with perennial cr ops. St.atus of the Settler: the word " settler" is in this article always included to mean the whole family and also members who a re counted to this family, and who are accordingly registered with the N.L.S.A. The settler j oins the N.L.S.A. as a member and binds himself by doing so to t he rules of the settlement which lie has chosen. He receives free transportation to the settlement he has chosen, free food-supply for the f irst year, shelter will be provided till individual houses can be built, i. e. when the village is 1aid out. The worldng plan of the N.L.S.A. under the direction oI same is provided for five years. During this time the settler (and his family) have to g ive their best for the progress and success of the settlement. These five years are the foundation for the well-being of the settler in years to follow. During this time .the settler will from time to timeas is necessary-receive clothing. The necessary implements will also be provided by the N . L .S . A. - the exper imental station will take care for plantmaterial. The husbandry r ests in the hands of the N. L. S. A. which will dispose of animals for slaughter from time to time to be distributed among the settlers. The settlers are allowed only ro raise some chicken, ducks, geese, and rabbits, after the village is built up. These are considered only for the "pot". Sunday is a Only the most urgent and necessary work has to be done. Each settler and his family-members have to work on one ·Sunday out of four Sundays, in rotation. Records will be kept of the work of each settler by the director of the N . L . S. A., and each settler has also to keep a diary of h is work on his own. A settler who breaks willfully the rules of the National Land Settlement Administration which he signed, can lose his ri~hts on the land and can be sent back to the place he came from. (Continued on page f6 ) FARMING AND COOPERATIVES Selections From Saga Of The Great Earth A Trilogy lu V crsc For we cnn not tarry here in our squat ni pa houses, The green field s are calling .. , calling, .. calling ... Plough the earth. . . . H arrow the u ptu med earth ... Limber up your limbs .. . . Stretch your muscles . .. We need action a nd plenty of it For our immortality! Do not falt er in your march fa stly progressward, Idle lands await your fortitude, your willing hands ; All these a re the meanings of r ehabilitationHardy men of vision, this is our reconstruction: F rom the flowering fi elds Are our immortality ! Ours is a glorious history: of farmers of the earthPioneers that were of a virile and proud, brave race; Bearers of a great tradition-Mactan, Corregidor, Bataan: They are our proud inspirations for us to go on and on In enriching this legacy For our immortality! C. M. Vega They were not found want>ng-our great grandsire!ii, They had conquered tracts of timberlands and forests Into blooming ricefields and cornfields and gardens, They left us a priceless heirloomswaying, plentifu l harvests : The monument of their industry For our immortality! They were not of the wandering hordes -our ancestors; They were with unconquerable visions and spirits of steel; Pl iant but unbend ing and look at our glorious pastBuilding us a kingdom- the Pearl of the Ori ent Seas; A II for us to love a nd honor For our im mortali ty ! All t hrough the ages and ages it has always been A nation proud and strong, unselfi sh, sturdy, great; It has withered revo'.ution and starvation and wars But remained indivisible and whole and proud and strong Ever in stories of blood and fire, For our immortality! (US!S cut) M eclwnized fnrming vital in new land settlements. 9