The Journal of the Philippine Medical Association


Part of The Journal of the Philippine Medical Association

The Journal of the Philippine Medical Association
Issue Date
Vol. XXX (Issue No. 12) December, 1954
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
PROCEEDINGS OF THE BUSINESS SESSIONS OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES, THE FORTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION HELD IN MANILA, APRIL 26 TO 30, 1954 SUPPLEMENT THE JOURNAL OF THE PHILIPI'>INE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION December, 1954, Volume XXX PROCEEDINGS OF THE BUSINESS SESSIONS OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES, THE FORTYSEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION HELD IN MANILA, APRIL 26 TO 30, 1954 CONTENTS BUSINESS SESSIONS: A. Minutes of the First Meeting of the House of Delegates held on April 26, 1954 at the Philippine Columbi:in Clubhouse Report of the - I. Council Appendix "A" - Report of the Editor I! 17 "ll"-Report of the Special Committee on Technical :ind Commercial Exhibits 11! "C" - Report of the Spcci3I Committee on Publicity "D" - Report of the Spcci;i( Committee on Medical Nomenclature "I::" - Report of the Spcci3( Committee on Membership " F" - Report of the Special Committee on Rural Health 18 19 25 26 "G" - Report of the Special Committee on the World. Medicll Association 27 "H" - Report of the S~cial Committee on C:mccr "I" - Report of the Special Committee on Scientific Exhibits "j" - Report of the Special Committee on Medical Ethics 2. Secretary-Treasurer "A" - Report of the Business M:inagcr of the Jou nu! 3. Standing Committees: (:i) Committee on ArrJngements (b) Committee on Legislation ;md Public Relations (c) Committee on Medical Education, Hospit:ils :ind Labor:itories (d) Committee on Priv:ite Medical Practice and Medical Economics (e) Committee on Auditing and Fin:mcc (including the Proposed Budget) (f) Committee on Scientific Assembl y (g) Proposed Amendments to the Const. & By-laws I\. Minutes of the Second Meeting of the House of Delegates held on April 28, 19H C. Minutes of the Meeting of the Presidents and Secrctar)'-Trcasurcrs held on April 28, 1954 :it the Practice House, Far Eastern University 28 29 )0 lO J! H J5 16 )7 49 51 JI n 75 D. Minutes of the General Business Meeting of the House of Delcg:'ltes held on April JO, 1954 80 E. Minutes of the Closing Meeting of the House of Deleg.ates held on April JO, 19J4 F. Minutes of the Meeting of the Far Eastern Confederation of Medical Associ.ations held on April 29, 19H G. list of Officers and Delegates who have registered at the 47th Annuli Meeting H. list of Members who have registered at the 47th Annual Meetini I. list of Registered Guests 8l 88 92 100 104 PROCEEDINGS 47TH ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE FIRST MEETING OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES HEW ON APRIL 26, 1954 AT THE PHILIPPINE COLUMBIAN CLUBHOUSE The meeting was called to order at I :20 p.m. by the President, Dr. Antonio S. Fernando. Dr. Penas, Secretary-Treasurer, read the message of the World Medical Association extending ics best wishes co the Philippine Medical Association. He also said chat he received similar expression of greetings from the following foreign medical associations: I. Dr. Dag Knutson President, Swedish Medical Association Chairman, Council of che World Medical Association 2. The lkacan Dokter Indonesia General Sccrecary, Indonesian Medical Association }. Dr. Rafael 0. Pedraza Secretario General Colegio Medico Nacional Republica de Cuba (Havana) 4. Dr. Pedro C. Rojas Buitrago Secrecario General, Fedeocion Medica Colombiana Bogota 5. Dr. S. C. Sen Secretary for Asia, World Medical Association; President, Indian Medical Association 6. Dr. P. Cibrie Secretary General, Confederation des Syndicacs Mcdicaux Francais, Paris 7. Dr. A. H. Tonkin Secretary, The Medical Association of South Africa Capetown 8. Dr. J. G. Hunter General Secretary, Federal Council of che British Medical Association in Australia, Sydney. 9. Danish Medical Association (a telegram) 10. Dr. Junzo Kurosawa President, The Japan Medical Association Kanda, Tokyo l t. Dr. A. Druyan General Secretary, Medical Association of Israel !2. Dr. P. J. Delancy Medical Secretary, The Irish Medical Association Dr. Penas also announced chat delegates who were not able co register ac che FEU could register ac the entrance, and get their copies of the Agenda. President Fernando informed the House chat the first number is che playing of che "PMA Hymn" and requested che members who m•y wish to have a copy of the record of the hymn co file their order. Votume XXX Number J2 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 3 President Fernando then asked Dr. Rodolfo P. Gonzala, ChJirman of the Far Eastern Confederation of Medical Associations to introduce the distinguished members who have kindly consented to grace the occasion with their presence. Dr. Gonzalez then introduced the following foreign delegates present who stood up as they were introduced: Dr. Smai Chandavimol Council Member Medical Association of Thailand Dr. Raden Soeharto President lkatrn Docter Indonesia Dr. Kuh Ming-Wei Free Chino, Tai"•an Dr. Li Hsu-Chu Secretary General Chinese Medical Association Dr. Wu Ching President China Medical Association Dr. Pyong Tai, Lee Ministry of Health, Republic of Korea President Fernando then invited the delegates to attend the inauguration of the PMA House on Taft Avenue at 5:00 o'clock of the same afternoon. The foreign delegates left the meeting at I :2 5 p.m. Dr. Penas then introduced Dr. Fernando who delivered his remarks before the meeting as follows: DISTINGUISHED GUESTS, WORTHY MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES: le is a great privilege and honor co preside over chis first session of the House of Delegates during our 47ch Annual Meeting. I hope chat I shall be able co perform chis function to your fullest satisfaction. This House is the policy-making body of our Association. Our dclivcralions, therefore, should al all times be characterized 11/ilh calm11ess, earnestness, and /irofo1111d 1111dcrsta11di11g of all the questiom JiroJicrly presented and discusse.I. And I trust that, under the guidance of Divine Providence, our decisions will bring to chis House honor and distinction. I assure you that I shall endeavor co be impartial in all decisions that I may be called upon co make. Before proceeding to our business, allow me to extend co everyone of you my very cordial welcome in behalf of che Association. I am grateful co you for making sacrifices, in money and in time, in order co participJte in the great undertaking of building a useful, unified, vigilant group of physicians, laboring co raise the prestige and dignity of our medical profession and co improve medical caro for our people. Our officers and all the committees have done wonderful work, and they deserve our sincerest and everlasting gratitude. Our Secretary-Treasurer has worked hard in che preparation of our agenda and several important reports, and he merits our highest commendation. I am personally grateful co him for his efforts to make our work efficient, and he has always been with me at several of the meetings of the different committees - our comrnon objectives having been to acquaint ourselves with their decisions, and to render them such assistance as we could offer. I am equally grateful to Dr. Pesigan for his wise handling of our funds. With the fullest cooperation of the members of this august body, I am confident we shall be able to accomplish many things worthy of the traditions of our Association. Before caking up our routine and new business, I suggest that we stand up in silent prayer for those of our colleagues who have passed to the Great Beyond. I \\'Ould particularly commend the excellent work of our Committees on Rural Medicine; on Voluntary _ Health Insurance; and on Medical Education, Hospitals, and Laboratorie>. Their excellent reports arc to be submitted to you for your careful consideration. 4 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M.A. December, 19'5.& In my inaugural address last year I proposed a 12-point program; much of this program, I am satisfied to state, has been completed or on the way to completion. The last point in the program, but undoubtedly not the least, was the construction of the first story of the P.M.A. Building. The Board of Directors of the Philippine Medical Center, Inc., succeeded in raising enough money for this purpose; and I am happy to announce to you that the building will be inaugurated this afternoon. I should like to propose that it be named the P.M.A. House, as it will give similar service to the members of our Association as that given by the British Medical Association House on Tavistock Square, London. The Rural Medicine Committee's Chairman has submitted a very detailed and comprehensive rural-health program, which will synchronize our activities with the rural health project of the Department of Health, aided by the FOAPHILCUSA. To show our interest in these activities, I have suggested that .1 symposium on rural health be held Wedncsd1y morning. And Dr. C. Gatmaitan, the Chairman, h1s prepared a program for the purpose. Our committee on Medical Education h1d several joint meetings with the Director of Private Schools, the Board of Medical Examiners, and the Committee on Medical Education. In this activity, I was able to obtain the assistance of the A.M.A., which gave us pointers on the inspection of medical schools and on the preparation of a questionnaire to be answered by the deans of the medical schools. Because of chat assistance we were able to make, the first ocular inspection of the Manila Central University, che University of Seo. Tomas, and the Far Eastern University Medical Schools 11 March 1954. I c1n not find adequate words to praise the work of che Chairman, Dr. A. G. Sison, generally considered our topmost leader in medical education. Our Association had several other achievements during my term, and these will appear in the reports of the various officers and committees as well as in a summary of these accomplishments I have prepared for the House of Delegates. At its lase two annual meetings, the House of Delegates failed to hold its closing session for lack of quorum. For this reason, I should like to enjoin all che delegates co attend all the sessions, so as co give this House the benefit of their valuable opinions and experience; and so that they can submit to their respective societies first-hand reports on all that tr.inspired in the sessions of the House of Delegates. I wish to thank you all for bearing up with me. With your permission, I am now submitting co the House a brief summary of che accomplishments of the Association during my term, which I will not read any more for lack of time. SUPPLEMENT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT FERNANDO: More detailed information about them may be found in some of the annual reports of the House of Deleg1ces. (I) The first and foremost accomplishment was the completion of the first story of che P.M.A. House, which we will inaugurate this afternoon. ( 2) The first meeting of the Council during this administration was held the day after the annual meeting - an innovation. This allowed the Council to stare its activities early, and to take advantage of the presence of all its members before some of them went back to their respective provinces. I believe we should continue this practice. ( 3) The President-Elect was made a member of the Finance and Auditing Committee, upon my suggestion, to enable him. co get acquainted more fully with the finances of the Association, and co give him an opportunity to participate in the discussions and in preparation of the budget for the ensuing year, to be effective during his term. ( 4) The Rural Medicine Committee was formed to study the role of the Association and of che individual private physicians, particularly in the implementation of President Magsaysay's pet project. The holding of the first SymVolume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 5 posium on Rural Health during chis Annual Meeting, wich speakers well versed on che subject, was also decided upon. ( 5) A serious attempt was made to survey the local medical schools, through questionnaires and ocular inspection, with 3 view to acquiring accurJtc dHa on them - their physical plants, the teaching staffs and student bodies, their laboratory facilities, their methods of teaching, etc. - for the purpose of encouraging them to raise their standards. Also scheduled in connection with che 47ch an· nual meeting is a Symposium on Medical Education and Licensure, co be presided over by Dr. A. G. Sison, chairman of the Committee on Medical Education, Hospitals and Laboratories. ( 6) We have succeeded in arousing public opinion on the merits of voluntary health insurance. As a proof of chis, I have bcon invited by the Manil.t Rotary Club to speak on this subject; the Philippine Federation of Private Medic.ii Practitioners held a symposium on the subject on December 13, 1953, with myself as moderator. Dr. Damaceno J. Ago, Chairman of the Committee, has been asked to speak on the subject before several medical societies; and my humbk self had been honored by the fornrancc and Finance Magazine for " distinction achieved during 1953 for proposing the Institution of health insurance in che Philippines." Also approved has been che organization of che "Philippine Prep.lid Medic.ii Service, Inc.", - a non-stock, non-profit corpoution - to carry out this project. And Dr. H . de Lien of the FOA has promised co us chat he would coy if the FOA could lend us an expert to help us in chis pioneering project. (7) Upon my recommendation, President Quirino issued Proclamation No. 407, on September 2, 1953, declaring the J5ch day of September of every year as Philippine Medicine Day - that date marking the foundation of the Philippine Islands Medical Association. And the day was observed for the first time on 15 September 195 3. ( 8) -a) Upon our recommendation, che Bureau of Posts issued scamps commemorating the Golden Jubilee of our Association. Under the heoding "Medical Association is Honored", this event was mentioned in the December 7, 195 3 issui: of Stamp News (Linn's Weekly) - "America's greatest philatelic newspaper." The issue contained the picture of the stamp, its description, and a shore write-up of the history of our Association. -b) The Philippine Historical Committee has approved our request to place a marker on a wall of our P.M.A. House, in commemoration of the 50ch Anniversary of the P.M.A. (9) To help promote che health education of the masses, I have suggested the publication of Philippine Health, a lay mag.1zine. It is to be published quarterly, and we expect the first issue to come out just before this annual meeting. It is to be edited by our well-known medical editor, Dr. Carmelo Jacinto. ( 10) The Golden Book, which will soon be off che oress, will contain articles on different branches of medical science, writcen bY competent members, reviewing the progress of medicine in chis country during the last 50 years ( 1903195 3) . ( 11) The revised ( 195 3) Constitution md By-Laws of the P.M.A. "'·" publisbed in the August, 195 3 issue of our Journal. ( 12) The 8th edition of the Philippines Medical Directory (Golden Jubilee Edition, 195 3) came out during the ye>r. (The first edition of the Philippine Medical Directory was issued in 1928) . This edition is much more detailed and comprehensive than the previous ones. ( 13) The Association, conscious of the importance of keeping our medical practitioners more or less up-to-d>te in their practice for the welfare of the people, held its First Annual Post-Graduate Assembly, in connection wich its 47th Annual Meeting, at three hospitals in Manila, without charging any fee. I touched on this subject in the "President's Page" of the August, 1953 issue of the /011rnal, under the subject "Postgraduate Continuation Courses." This Postgraduate Conti6 47TH A;\'NUAI, MEETING .?om. P.M A . r>~ceml:l•r, HI,-, .~ nuation Courses were for general medical practitioners and were given April 19 through 24, 1954. The Manila Medical Society made its Post-Graduate Assembly No. I, a verr important feature of its activities last year, starting on October 16, 1953, and lasted until December 8, 1953. The lectures were given in the evenings and did not, therefore, interfere with the clinic hours of the pr>ctitioncrs. ( 14) To secure greater attendance at its opening General Session, the Association will hold it for the first time in the evening, so as not to interfere with the office hours of its members. If found satisfactory, I hope this practice woulJ be incorporated in our By-Laws, as the A.M.A. has done. ( 15) I have attended, by invitation, meetings of component societies in Mindanao, the Visaras, and Luzon; and my personal impression is that our component societies arc steadily becoming stronger, and that they appreciate it if the officer> of the P.M.A. bring the Association closer to their societies and apprise them oi its activities as well as develop genuine fellowship among all the members. ( 16) The Philippine Medical Students' Association, patterned after the American Student Medical Association, has been in the process of organization. It plans to have a chapter in each medical college in the Philippines. Each chapter is to elect its officers and take charge of its scientific program. The U.P. Chapter was organized on February 26, 1954, with Mr. Leland Villadolid as Chairman, and Miss Perla V. Dizon as Secretary-Treasurer. This is ;1n attempt to revive the Philippine Mcdiol Students' Association, organized during the earl)' days of the U.P. College of Medicine, for the purpose of familiarizing the student\ with the importance of organized medicine, and of preparing them for membership in the P.M.A. ( 17) Two specialty societies - Philippine Society of Dermatologists and tho Philippine College of Physicians - were organized during this term and the Council recommended the approval of their affiliation. ( 18) In acknowledging our resolution, endorsing the appointment of Dr. Paulino J. Garcia as Secretary of Health, President Magsay.ay said among other things: "Thank you very much then for your endorsement of my selection and I earnestly hope that the coming days will s~e the new administration and the Philippine Medical Association in a gi\'e-and-take spirit of harmony and cooper.1tion with each other." ( 19) The P.M.A. - with its component societies, affiliated specialty sections. and Women's Auxiliaries - and other medical organizltions g;\\'e a testimonial banquet, on January 26, 195 3, in honor of the new Secretary and the new Undersecretary of Health, the former Secretary and Undersecretary of Health, and the physician-members of Congress. (20) We ha"e maintained close and cordial relations with foreign national associations. The U .S.T. sent our Secrecary-Tre:tsurer, Dr. Peilas, to the First World Conference on Medical Education, in London, August 22 to 29, 1953. He is the Chairman of our Committee on the World Medical A<>ociation. Once more, we have decided co invite delegates from the ocher 'ol!ntries in the Far Ease co organize the Far Eastern Confederation of Medical Associations (FECMA). We have received letters of cordial greetings on, and best wishes for, the 47th Annual Meeting from the Secretary General, the Secretary for Europe, and the Secretary for Asia of the 'World Medical Association and from officers of many foreign medical associations. The A.M.A. has also graciously granted all our requests. All these are incontro\'ertible evidences of the cordial and high esteem in which we are held by important medical associations abroad. (21) We have attempted to encourage interested members to contribute to our P.M.A. Medical Research Fund. Although the drive was started only recently, we already ha\'e 1"350.00. v,)lumt• xxx Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 7 (22) I am planning co give a gold medal award and citation chis year, and every other annual meeting thereafter, co a member who has rendered the most distinguished service co the P.M.A. The manner of selection will be patterned after chat of the A.M.A. (23) The Woman's Auxiliary has donated J>7,885.00 co the P.M.A. for the installation of steel bookscacks in our Library. Every month we have been receiving, on an exchange basis, issues of about 170 well-known medical journals and periodicals from all over the world. This is another proof of the high regard chat foreign associations have for our Association, and for our progress in medical science. The Association now has a full-time Librarian, and a library committee has been appointed. (24) In the campaign to sell shares of stocks of tho Philippine Medical Center, Inc., which started soon after my administration, I hav·e been able co sell p·16,960 worth of shares of stocks, out of a total collection of f>28,020.00, or a percentage of 60.57'/n. I appeal to all chose who have not gotten shares yet to do so and help complete our P.M.A. House, in order that we may be able to give our members more efficient service and to add prestige to our Association. (25) Finally, we have made strong recommendations against the bill enticled "Medical Act of 1954". (26) The last item, but which I consider important, is the creation by the Council of the Office of Medical Information and Public Relations headed by Director Ramon R. Angeles, whose functions arc: " (I) co collect and arrange facts and figures about the medical profession and the pr'1ctice of medicine in the Philippines; (2) co be repository of other medical informations about the local medical profession and that of abroad and ( 3) to be as a clearing house for current medical topics of the day for the enlightenment of the profossion and the public; and (4) to deal on the relations of the Association with the members and che general public. The maintenance of good public relations is essential if the Association is co enjoy the full confidence of the members and the public. le is the business of 'doing good and celling about it.' And now we can proceed co the business at hand. Will che Secretary-Treasurer please read the agenda? The Secretary-Treasurer then informed the House that 103 delegates have registered .ind there were 5 6 delegates present, so a quorum was declared present. He then informed the House of the following reports chat he received which were incorporated in the Agenda: REPORT OF THE COUNCIL: Appendix "A" - Report of che Editor "B" - Report of the Special Committee on Technical and Commercial Exhibits "C" - Report of the Special Committee on Publicity "D" - Report of the Special Committee on Medical Nomenclature "!;:" - Report of the Special Committee on Membership "F" - Report of the Special Committee on Rural Medic ine "G" - Report of the Special Committee on the \\'orld Medical Association " H " - Report of the Special Committee on Cancer "I" - Report of the Special Committee on Scientific Exhibits ".J"- Report on Voluntary or Prepaid Health Insurance "K" - Civilian Medical Emergency Report "L" - Report of the Special Committee on Medical Publication (Popular) "M" - Special Committee on Far Eastern Confederation of Medical Associations 8 47TH ANN/.:Af, MEETING REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER APl'ENDIX "A" REPORT OF THE BUSINESS MANAGER OF THE JOURNAL REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES: a. Arr.ingements b. Legislation and Public Relations c. Medical Education, Hospitals and Laboratories d. Private Medical Practice and Medical Economics c. Auditing and l'inance (including the proposed budget) f. Scientific Assembly Jour. P.M A. December, 19.; ~ PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS: a. From the Council b. From the Standing Committee on Auditing & Finance (1953) c. From the Baguio Medical Society ( 1953) Rf.PORT OF THE SPECIAi. COMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES ON MEDICAL ETHICS Further Remarks of Dr. Pena~: He also reported that: (a) a supplementary report from the special Committee on Scientific Exhibit has just been received which he said would also be mimeographed and included in the Agenda ; (b) that there arc still some committees that have not \'Ct submitted in their reports and informed the House that should their reports be submitted they will also be mimeographed and given to the delegates; and (c) that the same Reference Comn1icrec on the amendments to the Constitution ;rnd By-Laws not :ictcd upon last year ha<1 been re-appoinrcd :lnd will present its recommendations on the amendments. 1\PPOINTMENT OF REFERENCE COMMITTEES: Dr. Peiias then asked the permission of the House to allow him to read the nomes of the different Reference Committees, chosen by the President in consultation with him, to study the different reports of the Standing and Special Committees. He then read the n;uncs oi the following Reference Committees: REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE REPORT OF THE COUNCIL: I. Dr. Francisco Q. Duque (Pangasinan MS), Chairma11 2. Dr. Heraldo del Castillo (Manila MS), Member .1. Dr. Pedro T. Nery (Quezon City MS), Member 4. Dr. Casto Magsaysay (Zambales MS), Member 5. Dr. ldcrlina F. Manuel (Cagayan MS), Member 6. Dr. Pedro P. Villafuerte (Camarincs Sur MS), Member 7. Dr. Jose Cocjin (Iloilo MS), Member 8. Dr. Antonio 0. Gisbcrt (Manila MS), Member 9. Dr. Dominador R. Narvaez (Baguio MS), Member REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE REPORTS OF THE SECRETARYTREASURER, OF THE ST ANDING COMMITTEE ON AUDITING AND FINANCE AND ON THE PROPOSED BUDGET: I. Dr. Manuel Quisumbing, Sr. (San Pablo MS), Chairman 2. Dr. Jose R. Cruz (Manila MS), Member 3. Dr. Eligio Yabyabin (Zamboanga City MS), Member 4. Dr. Trinidad Esguerra (Tarlac MS), Member 5. Dr. Francisco N. Briones (Surigao MS), Member 6. Dr. Braulio M. de Venecia (Pangasinan MS), Member 7. Dr. Pablo 0. Torre (Negros Occidental MS), Member 8. Dr. Romualdo del Rosario (Rizal MS), Member 9. Dr. Mariano D. Bayani (Pampanga MS), Membrr 10. Dr. Ramon Atienza (Manila MS), Member Voluml' XXX Number · 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 9 REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE REPORTS or THE OTHER STANDING COMMITTEES: I. Dr. Antonio M. Samia (Manila MS), Chairnw1 2. Dr. Juan B. Ruiz, Jr. (Cebu MS), Me111ber 3. Dr. Vicente J. Capistrano (Cotabato MS), Mrn1bcr 4. Dr. Jose 0. Nolasco (Culion MS), Membrr 5. Dr. Cresencio B. Azcueta (llocos Sur MS), Mr111bcr 6. Dr. Francisco Infantado (Or. Mindoro MS), Member 7. Dr. Virginia B. Raymundo (Cavite MS), i\Jembrr 8. Dr. Gregorio Reyes (Cagayan MS), Member 9. Dr. Teodoro Rejano, Jr. (Marinduque MS), Member REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: I. Dr. Alejandro S. Gaerlan (Manila MS), Chair111a11 2. Dr. Daniel Ledesma (lloilo MS), Me111ber 3. Dr. Benigno C. Parayno (Pangasinan MS), Member 4. Dr. Leopoldo D. Diaz (Nucva Ecija MS), Meml>er 5. Dr. Zosimo Fernandez (Laguna MS), Memb<'I' 6. Dr. Jose A. Villegas (Laguna MS), Memba 7. Dr. Ramon H . Rabago (Cotabato MS), Me111/w1· 8. Dr. Rufino C. Gutierrez (Sulu MS), Member 9. Dr. Romeo Y. Atienza (Manila MS), Member JO. Dr. Mariano N . Morales (Camarincs Norte MS), 1 \kmhl'r REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS: I. Dr. Antonio Ejercito (Manila MS), Chairman 2. Dr. Timoteo Alday (Batangas MS), Member 3. Dr. Fausto J. Galauran (Rizal MS), Memb<'I' 4. Dr. Jose Purugganan (Abra MS), Mm1ber 5. Dr. Daniel R. Labrador ( Agusan MS), /111'111/Ja 6. Dr. Jose Estevez (Al bay MS), Mrmbn 7. Dr. Jaime Mendoza (Bohol MS), Mem/m· 8. Dr. Tomas Asturias (Capiz MS), Member 9. Dr. Ramon R. Angeles (Manila MS), Member JO. Dr. Eugenio de Jesus (Davao MS), Member Dr. Penas informed the meeting that the Reference Committees will pass judgment on the merits of the reports of the Committees and submit thei1· findings and recommendations during rhe second meeting of the House of Delegates scheduled for April 28, 1954. Dr. Tranquilino Elica1'io then stood up and called rhe attention of the SccrctaryTreasurer on the report of the standing Committee on Private Medical Practice and Medical Economics on Page D.4-1 of the Agenda in which the Board of Medical Examiners is n•entioned. He said that the memorandum of the Board regHding the matter W>S submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer to be included in the Agenda for the information of the members. Dr. Penas replied that the memorandum of the Board has already been mimeographed and would be furnished the delegates. (Sec pp. 57-65). After the reading of the membership of the different Reference Committees, the Chairman asked the approval of the Hou~e, and the same was duly granted by the House. Dr. Peiias called the attention of the House particularly on the two committees just created to facilitate the activities of the election of officers on the last day of the Annual Meeting, namely : the Committees on Nomination and Election. The Secretary-Treasurer then read the following names of the composition of these two bodi°' "'hich the House duly approved: 10 47TH ANNUAL MEETING COMMITTEE ON NOMINATION: ). Dr. \'icente R. de Ocampo (Manila MS), Chairman 2. Dr. Demetrio Belmonte (Manila MS), Member 3. Dr. Rodolfo V. Gonzalez (Manila MS), Member 4. Dr. Pedro C. Rodriguez (Zamboanga City MS), Member 5. Dr. Cipriano Elizaga Que (lsabela MS), Member 6. Dr. Francisco Ranada (Ilocos Norte MS), Member 7. Dr. Teodoro Rejano, Jr. (Marinduque MS), Member 8. Dr. Vicente R. Trinidad (Leyte MS), Member .Jou1-. P.M.A. December, I'(·,, 9. Dr. Apolonio Baytion (Zamboanga del Norte MS), Member COMMITTEE ON ELECTION: I. Dr. Jose L. Santos (Bulacan MS), Chairman 2. Dr. Pablo Anzures (Manila MS), Member 3. Dr. Alfredo Primero (Lanao MS) , Member 4. Dr. Oscar Madamba (La Union MS), Member The SecretJr)'-Treasurer also called the attention of the House regarding the recommendation of the Committee on Scientific Assembly relative to the applications for affiliations to the PMA of the following two scientific societies: I. The Philippine College of Physicians 2. The Philippine Dermatological Society President Fernando inquired from the House whether the Presidents of these two societies were present, namely: Dr. Gonzalo F. Austria of the Philippine College of Physicians and Dr. Perpetuo Gutierrez of the Philippine Dermatological Societ)'. Both Presidents were not present. In spite of this, the House unanimously approved the affiliations of both societies, and the Secretary-Treasurer announced that th.e Presidents of these societies would be allowed to represent their respective societies in the House of Delegates. The Secretary-Treasurer then announced that the next icem in the Agenda is th< report of the Committee on the Code of Ethics. This Committee was created by the House of Delegates last yeu to improve the present Code of Ethics adopted by the PMA. Dr. Vicente R. de Ocampo, Chairman of the Committee then took the floor and read the report of his Committee before the House as follows: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ETHICS OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES, PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES Philippine Associuion Manila Si r s: April 21, 19H I Juve the honor to submit the rl'pOrt of the Committee on Mcdicll Ethics tv the Hou~c of DclcgHcs, Philippine Medical Association. "Since September 1929 the principles of Medical Ethics of the American i\ledic:il Associ:ition WJ5 th.: one :adopted by the Bo:ird of Medic:il Examiners and was :approved by the Hon. Secretary of Interior on January 9, 1930." "Since Februarr IO, 1947 the governing norms .of professional conduct of physicians, adopted b~· the Board of Medical Examiners in the Philippines, "-"ere the principles of Medical Ethics of che Medical Profession of the Philippine Medical Association which was appro\•ed by the then Secretary of Health anJ Public Welfare, Sec. Antonio Vilbrama." This was published in the February issue of the Offici:il Glzetce. The Committee believes thlt these principles of medic3( ethics of the Philippine Medical Association have the effect. more or less of :a law, quoted from the p:iper of "Principles of Medical Fthics ConcernVolunh.' XXX ~urnb<>r 12 47TH A.V.VCAL .llEETl.VG 11 ing ihe Rebtion of Physici;ms to [3ch Other" of Dr. CeS3rco Santa Ana rrc~c,>ntcd and read at th:: meetinE: of Marikina Physicians Association on February 28, I 947 · Your Commiccee suggests the addition of the follo"''ing insertions in Section 3, Article 5: Radio advertisement should be inserted as follows: Announcement ;n newsp3pers or on sign boards and radio and TV should be restricted to the faces abol•t the location of dinics, office hours and limita· tion of practice. Article 6, Section 3: Instead of "patients" it )hould rc;1d "r>;1tc.11s" :ind in .. tead of "prerequisites" it should read "perquisites." These principles of Medical Echics of che Medical Profes .. ion in the Philippines of the Philippine Medical Association is based on the same principles of the Medical Ethics of the Am~rican Medical Associaiion but inspite of these \'cry comprehensive "Principle .. of Medical Ethics" the violations of medical ethics in our countq· arc still rampant and instead oi dccrc.'asing arc increasing day by dly. The Philippine Medical Association should not gi\'e the full responsibilit}' in chc enforcement of these principles to the Medical Board. This responsibility ~hould be shouldered by che Associa1ion if we wane to have a respected medical association and to which the Philippine :\lediCJI A""ociation should si,·e its iull supporc. The enforcement of these principles could be carried out if w~ ha\'C :l strong lnd miliunt lssocia1ion. Nowadlys under the Philippine Medical Association there :arc different specialty societies. Most of •lUr physicians arc aware of the importance of joining an a~sociltion. 1t is. therefore, timely :md proper that the Mother Association must always be alert and must carry l strong policy in combating any infra.:tion of the ~lcdi .. :al Fthics go\'t'rning the Philippine MediCJI Profosiion. RC'spcctfullr. (S,J.) \'. R. DE oc,\~1PO. \1.D. Ch'1irman (S~tl.) CESARlO SANTA ANA, M.D. ,\fcmb.·r TRA:-IQUILINO HICANO. \1.ll. ~lcmhcr After the reading of the report, the Chairman asked the pleasure of the I-louse. Dr. Peiias inquired about the meaning of the "'ords, "strong policy" in the report. Dr. Ocampo explained to him that the medical association carries the name of the members and should always be alert in the enforcement of the principles of the Code of Ethics. He proposed to expel members committing serious violation of the Code of Ethics to uphold the dignity of the Association. Dr. R. P. Gonzalez asked for the proposals to be followed. Dr. Gregorio Reyes said that he .did not share with the opinion of the Chairman of the Committee with regards tc the responsibility to be shouldered by the Association. He believes that responsibility regarding unethical practice of members should be referred to the Board of Medical Examiners. Dr. Elicafio informed the House that in many cases unethical practice of members referred co the Bo:.rd, the witnesses do not ~tppear. He informed the House how he asked thl' various societies during his inspection trips of our country for their opinion on the r~ ·· commendation mentioned by Dr. Ocampo and asked their support. Dr. Ricardo Jar.t took the floor and informed the House that common violation of the practitioners arc on the advertisements in the newspapers and chis is only common in the City where the newspapers abound. He proposed the creation of specialty boards of different specialty societies that will certify to the competence of the specialists regarding their respective lines. Dr. Teresa Cadsawan also informed the House that she supported the remarks of Dr. Gregorio Reyes; she proposed to have the component societies investigate their members and non-members and by the Board of Medical Examiners. Dr. Pablo Anzures informed the House that the question of medical ethics is an old question and mentioned ; factors for which the decision should be based: (I) There should be a good medical Code of Ethics; (2) a good medical law, and (}) good v.·ork of the Board of Medical Examiners, and a thorough analysis of the factors involved one by one. Then he proposed that the PMA should work towards the amendment of the new Medical Act of 19!4 presented by Congressman Tan which he averred 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P . M.A . December. J9;a should be pushed through with amendments by the PMA. With regards to the Code of Ethics, this should be revised he said "'ith the provisions more specific, like the Code of Legal Practitioners. If, he said, we will have a good medical law and good medical ethics, then we will have a good Board of Medical Examiners. Dr. Regino G. Padua informed the House that the contention here is what action or control the PMA has on the private medical practitioners. The Association has no strong control over its members and to non-members. He believes that the society in the province where the members commit the violation should conduct the investigation as to the veracity of the violation of medical ethics, if the doctor who violated would like to submit himself to investigation, and the society will endorse the necessary papers to the Board and submit the c\"idence and. he proposed to accept and approve the report of the Committee. Dr. Gonzalez amended this proposal of Dr. Padua by extending the life of the Committee for one more year to study the matter, and cbrify certain matters that are not clear. Dr. Peiias asked the mover of the motion if in extending the life of the Committee additional members may be appointed by the Council in the future. Dr. Jose L. de Guzman took rhe floor and called the attention of the House on paragraph second to the last regarding the shouldering of the responsibility of the Board of Medical Examiners by the PMA, which he proposed to amend as follows: "The PMA should give its full support to the Boud of Mcdiol Examiners in the enforcement of this principle." Dr. Vicente R. de Ocampo declared that the idea of putting the paragraph is for rhe PM!\. to have its own personality without which the Association will be powerless. Dr. Padua took the floor and informed the House that Dr. Guzman is not amending rhe morion. He explained that the PMA is cooperating with the Board by extending its service in the enforcement of good and ethical medical practice. After further discussion, the amended morion of Dr. Padua was duly seconded and APPROVED. Dr. Pcfias then announced to the House that che reference committees just creatc<l "'ill hold their meetings at the FEU the next day and ga,·c the corre<ponding rooms where they were ro be held. He also announced that the luncheon was offered by President and Mrs. A. S. Fernando. Applause. Adjourn111c11/. - There being no further business on the Agenda, the meeting was adjourned or 3:30 p.m. APPROVED: (Sgd.) ANTONIO S. FERNANDO, M.D. .\TTESED: ~1ANUEL D. PENAS, M.D. Sccrctary-T rcasurcr REPORT OF THE COUNCIL TO THE ~!EMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES 47th Annu.11 Meeting, Philippine Medical Association, M ~ n i I a Gentlemen : President April JO, 19f.f The Council has the honor to submit this report covering the period from April 1, 195) to April 10. 19H, part and pared of which arc the Reports of the Editor Business Manager and Auditor (incorpouted also in the Report of the Sccretary-Trusurcr) Special Committee on Technical and Commercial Exhibits Special Committee on Publicity VoJum<? XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Special Committee on Medic.ii Nomenclature Special Committee on Membership Special Committee on Rural Medicine Special Committee on Cancer Special Committee on World Medical Association Special Committee on Voluntary or Prepaid Health Insurance Special Committee on Scientific Exhibits Special Committee on Medical Publication (Popular) Special Committee on Civilian Medical Emergency Special Committee on Far E.1stern Confederation of Medical Associations. I. MEETINGS' 13 The COUNCIL had a tot:il of eight meetings, the first being held immedi:itely :ifter the· 46th (Golden Jubilee Year) Annual Meeting, on April 26th, 190 :ind the last on April 10th, 1954, ju1t before the 47th Annual Meeting. II. THE JOURNAL The COUNCIL appointed the Sccrcur)'-Tre:isurer to :ict :is Editor of lhc Journ:il for the current )'C,H. Dr. Antonio Fern:indo took the place of Dr. Pcii.3s as Associac.: Editor. Three special issues were released: on Pediatrics, on Cancer ;md on Public He:ilth , respectively. For :1 complete report, ple:tse see :ilso the Report of the Editor. Ill. WORLD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, The Associ:ition was represented at the 7th GenerJI Assembly of the World Medical Associ:ition (August JI to Sept1.mber 6, 1953 at The Hague, Netherlands) by our Secreury-Treasurcr. He :ilso represented the JournJl at the 4th A11nu.1l Meeting of 1'·1edical Editors. IV. SPECIAL COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL' The COUNCIL reuincd the following SPECIAL COMMITTEES from che previous :1dministration1: Membership T echnic:il and Commercial E:i;;hibiu Scientific Exhibits Publicity Medical Nomenclature World Medical Associ:ition Cancer New Special Committees creJtcd by the COUNCIL arc the following: (>) SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON VOLUNTARY OR PREPAID HEALTH INSURANCE ,Because of the ever incre:ising popularity of chc Blue Cross and lllue ShiclJ pbns in the United States and bclic\•ing that it is the duty of the Association to furnish competent low cost medical care to JS wide a segment of the popubtion :ts possible, thi1 committee ~·2s appointed co seek ways :ind me:ins of pro"iJins our people with such 2 pbn. (b) SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON CIVILIAN MEDICAL EMERGENCY,-Conmnt vigilrnco is in order in these uncertain d:iys. le is expected that this committee will furnish re2listic plans in keeping with 2ny medic2I emcrgcncr. A rnb-committce on AlOtnic Warfare w:is also appointed. (c) SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL PUBLICATION (POPULAR) ,-The COUNCIL recognizes the need for a popubr vehicle for mediol topics. Everybody is hc.1hh con... scious nowadays :is can be gleJ.ned from the popubrity of Jrti;,:les on health :tppcarin1;: in the ncwsp:ipcrs :ind mag:izincs. This committee ~·;is ;issigncd the usk of exploring the possibility of turning out such a medical magnine for layman consumption. (d) SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RURAL MEDICINE,-Thc dircci;vc of the House of Delegates to have 2 panel discussion on Rural Hc:ilth has been implemented b}' the creation of chis commiuee. The results of its study c:in best be cv:ilu:tted in the report of it~ chairman :ind the holding of a speciJI Plenary Session on Rural HcJlth Qll April 28th. (e) SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR THE FAR EASTERN CONFEDERATION OF MEDICAi. ASSOCIATIONS (FE CM A ):-To pursue the objccti\•es laid down during the South East Asi.a Conference (1951), this Committee w.u organized to further seek their implementation. 14 ~iTH ANNUAL MEETING .four. P .:M . .A. December, 1954 ({) SPECIAL COM~tlTTEE ON THE LIBRARY:-To study "'a.)'s and me.ans of obtaining and maintaining a first class library service for the benefit of the members of the AS50Ciation. h is hoped that in the future, 2 package libuq· service to the component societies may bt started. Later, a microfilm service ml )' be added. V. REPRESENTATIONS, The COUNCIL appointed the following members of the PMA to represent the Association in difftrtnt .activities: (a) 7th General Assembly, World Medical Asrocinion, The Ha~uc, Ncthcrhnds (Aug. 31 to September 7, 19J3)-Dclcgatc: Dr. Manuel D. Penas. (b) 8th Pacific Science Congress, University of the Philippines, Manila. (Nov. 16-28, J9fl) . Delegates: Dr. Antonio S. Fernando and Dr. Manuel D. Pen:as. (c) Far Eastern Confederation of Medical Associ. uions (Organizational Meeting), April 2,. J9J4 , Manila. Delegates: Dr. Rodolfo P. Gonulez and Dr. Antonio S. Fernando. Alternates: Drs. Juan S. Salcedo Jr. and Manud D. Peiias. Cd) &th General Assembly, Worid Medical Associuion, Rome (September 26-0cc. 2:, 19J4). Delegates: Dr. Heraldo del Castillo, Dr. Romeo Y. Atienza and Dr. Anconio M. Samia. (t) 2nd International Congress on Cardiology, Washington D.C., U.S.A. (September J2· 11, 19H). Representative: Dr. Antonio M. Sami:i and as alcernate, Dr. Jose Barcelona. (f) The Secretary-Treasurer also represented the Association as membtr of the Department of Heal~h Comminees on : (i) Fellowship Selection Board (ii) National Committee on the Leon Bernard Foundation. (iii) Fact-finding Committee on some Government Hospitals (iv) Special Committee for the Revision of the list exempt from 17% tn:. \ 'I. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES, (>) PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION DAY-SEPTEMBER I s.-The Philippine Med· ical Association v.•as founded on September IS , 1903. It was thought fitting that upon completion of its fiftieth }'Car, the date should become remembered as a symbol of the existence of organized medicine in t"Jur country. President l:::lpidio Quirino issued Pro· clamation No. 407 declaring the fiitunth day of &ptembu of nery year as PHIUPPINE MEDICINE DAY. The day was celebrated in Manila v.•ith J sp::cill radio program and in different cities hr the respccti,·e component societies. (b) PMA GOLDEN JUBILEE COMMEMORATIVE STAMPS.-During the 46th Annu,I Meet· ing, a speci~I canceller 'ins used marking the completion of our SOth year. The Commemorati,·e Sumps are of t'9i:o denominations (5-cent.n-o ;and 6-cenuvo, respccth·ely). It sho•:s a phpician examining a patient lying on a t~ble. It shows to one side a reproduction of the membership to the Philippine Mi:dical Association and on the left lower corner, the seal of the Association. At the bottom it belts the inscription 50th Anni,·crsary 1nd the rears J90; and J95; rl!spcccivelr. The denominations are on the upper right corner and the entire picture is underscored br PHILIPPINES. The Sc denomi· nation is purple and the 6c denomination is blue. The first da}" of issue was on December 16. 195.' and a special CJnceller 9.'as used on that day. (c) PUBLICATION OF THE 8th EDITION OF THE PHILIPPINES MEDICAL DIREC· TORY OF THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Publication of this edition was made possible with the cooperation of the Medical Advertising Service. Advance subscription by the registrants of last }'ear's annual meeting helped also in fin.ancing the project. There arc onlr tv.•o hundred and fifty copies left or avaibble at moderate prices (d) GOLDEN BOOK:-This is now nearing completion. This contains the reviews of the progress of the Anociation and tho~ of the different medical specialties in the 1st half of this centurr. (e) PHILJPPINE STUDENTS MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Patterned after the American Stu· dents Medical Association, a constitution was tentatively approved, a chapter has been formed in the Unh·ersity of che Philippines, another chapter is in the process of organization in the University of Santo Tomas, .and it is hoped that the movement will spread. (f) PHILIPPINE HEALTH MAGAZINE: This is intended to represent a medical magazine for h}·man consumption. A promotion group has guaranteed its publication at no cosc to the Association and the first issue is already under preparation. (g) DISTINGUISHED SERVICE TO THE P.M.A. AWARD, The COUNCIL h., •cceptcd the offer of the President, Dr. Antonio S. Fernando. to give an award to the member Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 15 of the PMA (not a member of the Council, not ;in official) who has contributed mott to the advancement of or to the prestige of the Philippine Medical Association. Final choice to be of the House of Delegates. (h) RESEARCJi FUND: Some 'seed money' have been deposited with the P.M.A. The COUNCIL lus requested the Standing Committee on Scientific Assembly to study under what conditions we can use rcseuch funds, to recommend the rules governing the ume for appro\'al by the House of Delegates, and to study hew rese.1.rch funds may be increased. (i) NOMINATIONS FOR MF.MBERSHIP IN THE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS' On cwo separate occasions the COUNCIL. upon request, has submitted its nominees to the Secretuy of Board of Examiners. The Council would like to sponsor .a resolution to dirtct the Standing Committee on Educ:1tion, Hospitals and bbor.atories to establish the criteri3 for qualification :ind formulate rhe manner of selection of the nominees of the Association in the future. (j) SURVEY OF MEDICAL SCHOOLS: The Council. thru the Standing Committee on Medical Education, Hospiuls and Laboratories, and with the cooperJtion of the Bureau of Prince Schools, and the Board of Medical Examiners, uplorcd the feasibili ty of undertaking a sun•ey of mcdir.::11 schools in the Philippines :ind a few weeks ago such 1 survey has been starred. (k) LIBRAR Y:-The completion of the P.~·f.A. Home :1nd the purduse and installation of the library bookstacks through the kindness of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Philippine Medical Association makes it now possible to transfer the books and journals of the Association from the PGH Library to du: new site. From pre-war days to che presenc date, most of our books and journals have been kept at the PGH Library and in recognition of this the Council appro\•ed to e:'ttend to the PGH Staff :md the student body the library facilities of the PMA. To study way~ :md means of extending these facilities to the members of the PMA a special commim:e hu been appointed. (I) FIRST POST GRADUATE REFRESHER COURSE:-Under the management of che Standing Committee on Scientific Assembl r, the first post-gnduate refresher course has been prepared specially for the benefit of members in localities distant from medical centers. This will take pbce from April 19th through April 2-tth. Units participating in che instruction include the staffs of the Philippine General Hospital , Santo Tomas University Hospital and North General Hospital. The program is published in the March, 19S4 issue of the JOURNAL VII. PARTICIPATION IN CIVIC AFFAIRS, (a) Approved to lu\'e the PMA become a susuining member of the Science Foundation of the Philippines. This involves :1n initial contribution of Pso0.00 with .m additional contribution of PS0.00 or more a yeu. (b) Contribution to Philippine National Red Cross (c) Contribution to Anti-Tuberculosis Campaign VIII. SOCIETY ACTIVITIES, COMPOl\iENT MEDICAL SOCIETIES AND AFFILIATED SECTIONS, (a) TESTIMONIAL BANQUET HONORING THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND PHYSICIAN CONGRESSMEN:-The COUNCIL surced the organization of a testimonial banquet honoring our distinguished colleagues, Secretary of Health Paulino J. Garr.:i.1., former Secretuy Juan S. Salcedo Jr., Underser.:reury of H::alth Rafael Tumbokon, former Undersecretary Regino G. Padua, Senator Jose C. Locsin and Congressmen Emilio Corte7., Nicolas G. Escario, Ricardo G:acula, M:neo S. Pecson, Gregorio B. Tan, Pedro G. Trono and Loren7.0 P. Zig.a. This was held at the Fiesta Pa\'ilion, MJnila Hotel in the evening of Jan uary 26th, I 9S4. (b) ORGANIZATION OF THE PHILIPPINE COLLEGE Of PHYSICIANS,-Th, COUNCIL ._ appointed a Special Committee on Internal Medicine composed of the following : Dr. Gonzalo Austria, chairman and Ors. Hermogcncs A. Santos, Ramon Macasaet, Florentino Herrera Jr., Antonio f\'I. Samia, Conrado B. kasiano (who acted :ts secretary for the committee) with Ors. Antonio S. Fernando Jnd Manuel D. Pefus representing the Council. A provisional constitution w:as ratified at a meeting of the charter members. The officers elected are the following: Dr. Gonzalo Austd:1, president; Dr. Hcnno~cnes A. Santos, vice-president; Dr. Conrado B. kasiano, sec retary-treasurer. Members of the Board of Directors arc Drs. Agerico B. l\11. Sison, RJmon Macasact, Agustin Liboro and Mariano M. Alimurung. The application for .1ffiliation with the P.M.A. has been re· ceived. This is rei:ommended for ratific.1.tion by the House. (c) PHILIPPINE DERMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY :-The application for affiliation with the P.M.A. of the Philippine Dcrrnatologir.:al Society has 11so been received and is hereby recommended also for appronl. 16 47TH ANNUAL MEETING .Tour. P.M A . Decem~r. 1954 IX. PROPOSED LEGISLATION:-The COUNCIL held a joint meeting with the Standing Committee on Legislation and Public Relations and the St:mding Committee on Medical Education, Hospitals and Laboratories 2nd discussed the important pending bills in Congress. It is in agrttmcnt with the recommendations given to the House by these two committees as c2n be read from their separate reports. X. THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, INC. AND THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL CENTER:-The COUNCIL has been constantly informed of the progress of the PMA building and would like to congratulate the officers of the Philippine Medical Center, Inc. for having finally accomplished its immediate objccti,•e-thc construction of the P.M.A. House. At the present time, it is 2 one story affair and for the upansion of its scope and services, the COUNCIL strongly urges the membership to purchase their sh:ares of the P. M. Center, Inc. The COUNCIL also endorses for approv.11 the amendment making giving PMA life membership to those with at least five hundred pesos worth of shares in the P. M. Center, Inc. · XI. FINANCE:-The finances of the Association is sound as c:m be seen from the reports of the Secretary Treasurer and checked by the Auditing and Finance Committee. XII. MISCELLANEOUS: (>) INVITATIONS RECEIVED: 1. 8th General Assembly, World ~:ledical Association (Sept. 26 to Oct. 2, 19f4), Rome. 2. 2nd International Congress o:i Cardiology (Sept. 12 to Sept. ts, 19J4) , Washington, D.C., U.S.A. ). 2nd International Congress in Clinical Pathology (Sept. 6 to Sept. 10, 19S4), W:tshington, D.C., U.S.A. 4. 17th International Congress of Ophthalmology (Sept. 12-17, J9fl). L Annual Meeting, British Medical Association (July f co July 9, I 9J4), Glasgow. 6. VI Congrcso Medico Dominic:ano, Dominican Republic. (b) INVITATIONS RECEIVED, LOCAL: The members of the COUNCIL, •nd ,,,.,;,11y the President, recei,•ed numerous invitations to speak before medical societies and civic groups. The President of the Association spoke before the Manil:t Roury Club on Oct. 8. 190 and visited Davao, Legaspi, Laguna, Le}'te and others. (c) The COUNCIL approved many of the recommendation~ appro,·ed at the Conference of Presidents and Secreury-Treasuren of Component :md Affiliated Medical Societies hdd during the last Annual Meeting. (d) It also authorized the re~ording of the P.M.A. H)·mn by Major Bernabe S. G~lang and Major Antonino Buenaventura. Councilors: (Sgd.) TRANQUILINO ELICANO, M.D. (Sgd.) DANIEL LEDESMA, M.D. (Sgd.) RODOLFO P. GONZALEZ, ~l.D. (Sgd.) EUGENIO ALONSO, M.D. (Sgd.) JUAN S. SALCEDO, JR .. ~l . D . Respectfully submitted, THE COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAi. ASSOCIATION (Sgd.) ANTONIO S. FERNANDO, M.D. Prt1iJe11I (Sgd.) MARIANO C. !CASIANO, M.D. PrtsiJertt-Elt rl (Sgd.) PF.ORO RODRIGUEZ, M.D. \'ia.Prtsidtrit for Miru/,111110 (Sgd.) GUARDALINO MOSQUEDA, M.D. Via-PrrsiJeut for Vis.iyas (Sgd.) FERNANDO D. MANALO. ~l.D. Via-President for Lin.011 (Sgd.) MANUEL D. PENAS, M.D. Surctary-Trusurer Volume XXX >lumber 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING APPENDIX "A" REPORT OF THE EDITOR 17 April 10. 191_. The COUNCIL Philippine Medical Association Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit the following report covering the period from April I, 1953 to M:i.rch JI, 1914. Circulation: The toul circulation for the twelve-month period "-'as 29,800 copies with an average monthly issue of 2,48J copies. It was also 2,000 more than last year's toul circulation (27,800 copies with a monchly average of 2,)17). Exchanges: To the previous total of 162, there has been added four new cxch3nge agreements. These were with the following Journals: I. Revista Medica del Hospital Genera.I. (Publicacion Mcnsual de la Socicdad Medio del Ho~piul General, Mexico, 0.F.) 2. Revise:. del Hospital de San Juan de Dios, Columbia, S.A.) }. Czechoslov3kia Physiology and Czechoslovakia Biology, Czechoslo .. ·1kia. 4. Journal of the Faculty of Medicine, Shinshu University, Matumoto City, Japan. Special Ftalflres: I. The Proceedings of the -16th (Golden Jubilee Yeu) Annual Meeting appeared in dlc October, 19J) issue. 2. The Constitution of the World Medical Associ3tion appean:d in the June, 1953 issue. }. The Constitution and By-bv.•s (revised) of the Philippine Medical Association appeared in the August, 19H issue . .f. Three special numbers were dedicated respectively to Pediatrics (October, I 9S 3); Cancer (November, 195;); and Public Health (January, 19S4) . J. As previously announced, we ha,·e published two selected articles under the heading "Critic:i.I Summ<Jries from the U.S.A." These anides were: (a) The Clinical Use of Radioactive Iodine in Thyroid Disease-by Stephen 8enne1 Yo· halem, M.D. (July, 19!3). (b) The Chemotherapy of Cancer-Ezra M. Greenspan, :\l.D. (Nonmber, 19S)). Editorials: Published during the fiscal period reported upon were the following contributions by our Associate Editors. pertinent commenuries on current topics affecting the mediC;11 profr~~ion: J. The 46th (Golden Jubilee Year) Annual Meeting. 2. Something G3ined But let us Ha"e Some More. ) . Industrial Medicine. 4. Taking Stock J. Our President-Elect 6. Scientific Exhibits. 7. Random Thoughts on Trends in hledic.11 Educ;ition 8. An Appe:1l to the Medical Profession. 9. Wh1t September If Means to Us. 10. Perpetu:1tion of Errors in Pediatric Practice. 11. The First World Conference on Medic.:il Education. 12. Apropos of the Current Crusade for C3nccr Consciousness. 1) . Right to Health "Salus populi rnprema lt'x t!.I." 14. Service: To the People-To the Profession. I J. The Philippine Veterans Memorial Hospital. 16. Barrio Medical Service Program. R.t'prcsmta/ion: With your authorization, the undersigned rcprc:sentcd the Journal at the 4th An· nual Meeling of Medic3J Editors at The Hague, Netherlands. The Medical Journalism Meeting was held at the Parlia"2ent Building on September 7th, 1953. This took pbce immediately after the 7th General Auembly of the World Medic31 Association, also at The Hague. At least ; I Journals "'ere rrprcsenud at this Meeting. Ack.nowledgtmmt: I should like to express my gratitude, first to the Council for the confidence it has manifested in me in giving me this temporary assignment. Secondly, to Dr. Fernando, who lent much of his experience to the undersigned, making the total load considerably lighter, and for undertaking the editorill burden during my trip to the conferences above mentioned. Dr. Trinidad P. Pesigan shouldered the business enJ with the usu1I disp1tch. I also 3cknowledse my indebtedness to the Associate Editors, the Copy Editor, the Abstr1ctors and the Book Reviewers. Our clerk, Mr. Ruben J. Ponce, lus bctn very helpful, and finally my thanks also to 2111 others '9.·ith whom I lud had official conucu in the performance of my duties :as Editor. (Sgd.) MANUEL D. PENAS, M.D. F.ditor 18 47TH ANNUAL MEETING APPENDIX "B" Jour. P.M A . December, I9;;t. REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL EXHIBITS 1'brch JI, 19H The Council Philippine McdicJI Associ.ition M :t n i I" S i r s : Your undersigned, Special Committee on Tcchnic;il & Commlrci;i.) Exhibits for the 47th Annual Meeting of the Philippine Medical Association, hcrcbr submits the following report : A mcricnd:t-mccting of all prospccti,·c exhibitors was held on February 16, 195-1 at the Carbungco Restaurant. The skCtch of the floor plan of the Far Eastern University Administr.uion Building (facing Monyt:t street) previously sent to them W:ts presented for discu :>~ ion. After an exchange of opinion and upon motion duly seconded, it w:as dc:ciJcd to classify the booths into three cl:tssc~ : first :it P-100.00, second at P.\00.00 :md third at 'P200.00 each. Afta df.lwing of lots, thirt)' (30) booths were dispos.;:d to twcnty·ninc (29) exhibitors .1s follows: I. l\lodc1 n Pharmacal Products Co. I!. San :\li~uel Bn.•l\'Cry 2. La Enrella del Norte 16. Lex JI bborJtorics _ ;_ The Borden Comp:my Ii. Doc:ors Pharmlceuticals. Inc. 4 . United Dru;; Coinpan}' IS. Winthrop·Stc:Jrm, Inc. '· lnhclder, Inc. 19. Cu Unjicng ln \"estment~ Co. 6. E. R. Squibb &: Sons 20. Leder le Liborltories 7. Abbott Laboratories 21. Schering Corporation 8. Oceanic CommcrciJI, Inc. 22. Cc Taoco & Co. 9. i>fizcr Oversea~. Inc. 2). Marsuun & Company 10. Macondny & Co. H. The Catluy Companr II . F. E. Zudlig, Inc. 25 . Occidental Drug Importer Cv. 12. Philippine American Oru.t.: Co. 26. Kucn: dc & Streiff, Inc. (Botica Boie) 27. l\lc.1J Johnson & Co. 13. Sharp & Doh me (Phil. ) Inc. 28. Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co. 14. Pnke, Da vis & Co. 29. Sopbc Bou ling Plant for these thirty (30) booths due were taken, it is estimated rhat P9,700.00 can be collected. Upon unanimous decision of the Committee, it was decided to recommend co the Council that Diplo· mas be a ~:ardcd to First, Second and Third prizes and Honorable mention to the rest of the participmu. It was further recommended that a resolution be passed by the Council expressin~ the thanks of lhe AssociJtion to the exhibitors for their srlendid support and cooper:ition. Resrcctfull r submitted, (Sgd.) T. P. PESIGAN, M.D. Ch"irma11 (Sgd.) GREGORIO GABR IEL, M. D. Member (Sgd.) RAJAH SINGH, M.D. Mt•mb1·r (SGD.) l·LORENCIO Z. CRUZ, M.D. Member (Sgd.) JESUS). TAN, M.U. Member (Sgd.) JESUS 8 . NOLASCO, M.O. l.frmba APPENDIX "C" THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMM ITTEE ON PUBLICITY The Council Philippine Medical Association Mani I a Gentlemen : April 5, 19H Your Special COMMITTEE ON PUBLICITY has the honor to submit herewith: (I) A Report of its Activities for the period April 7, 19Sl to April 5, 1954, inclusive 3nd (2) A l ist of Recommend· ations and Suggestions for the ensuing }'t':tr 1954· I 95 S :Volume XXX Number J2 47TH ANNUAL MEETING (I) Reporc of Activities covering the period from April 7, 1913 to April 5, 1954: 19 J. We made an ample coverage of the 46th Annual Meeting and Golden Jubilee Year celebration of the Association. Press-releases to all leading newspapers, weeklies :md journah were sent out. Radio Programs were held. 2. We called 2 Press Conferences and enccruined some members of the Pren a few days before the Convention . . \. A Special Radio Program was aired over Station DZFM commemorating the $0th Anniversary of the Philippine Medical Association, and 1st PHILIPPINE MEDICINE DAY, September I 5, 19SJ. 4. Press-Releases were sent out on the Pre-Paid Voluntary Insurance Plan and the PMA Building. J. Press-Releases on our coming 47th Annual Meeting and Far Eastern Medical Conference from April 26-JO, 1954, arc presently being made and sent out to the press, weekJics and journals. 6. We helped in the publication of the 1913 PMA Medical Directory. (2) List of Recommendations lie. Suggestions:1. We wish to reiterate our stand that to be able to push through an adequate :md more effectin~ publicity campaign, the Office of Information and Public Relations of the PMA be given an annual outlay of at least PJ,000 for ad\'ertising purposes, representations, and clerical expenses etc. 2. We recommend that the Committee on Public Relations which is fused with the Committee on Legislations, be dissociated or detached so that it can be fused with the Special Committee on Publicity :ind the Office of Information and Public Relations. We sec no connection between the Legislative Commiuee and the C<:1mmittcc on Public Relations. Publicity work is more intimately connected with Public Relations so th:a the two should come togerher. Anticip.uing chat the abo\'e recommendations and suggestions will receive fa\'orablc rn1hidcution, W( remain Very truly )'Ours, (S~d . ) RAMON R. ANGELES, ~l.D. Ch11irm1w fo, the COMMITTEE ON PUBLICITY (Sgd.) SOFIA BONA-SANTOS, M.D.-Mrmb" (Sgd.) CARMELO P. JACINTO, M.D.-Mnnbn (Sgd.) RAMON ATIENZA, JR.-Mrmba (Sgd.) LUIS S. SANTAYANA-Mrmb" APPENDIX "D" SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL NOMENCLA TURF SECOND REPORT (1953-54) Dr. Fausto J. Galauran, Chair111a11 Dr. Geminiano de Ocampo, J\.fe111bcr Dr. Arturo B. Rotor, Mrmbrr Dr. Jose Dal Estrella, Memba Dr. Domingo Tabian, Mrmbtr PREFACE TO THE SECOND REPORT Our first report was submitted over a year ago to the Council of the Philippine Medical A~sociation and '"" incorporated in the agenda of the Annual Convention held in 19 5 3. Jc was also published in the November issue of the Journal of the Philippine Medical Association, \'ol. XXJX, No. 11. That was a preliminary report and was designed for study, discussion and comment. But up to the present writing, the Committee on Medical Nomenclature is at a loss as to the kind of reception such report met with our medical population. We wish to remind our members that our reporc was not yet final and conclusive, and the committee is waiting for any comment and suggestion on the terms treated. We do not want to entertain any idea that our first preliminary report has met cold '"Appro\'ed at the 2nd meeting of the House of Ddeg:ue~ of the P.M.A. during the 47th Annual ~lccting held on April 28, 19S4, in ~fanila. 20 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M.A. Dttember. 19:;' indifference because of the nlue and import of the subject matter. We do not wish to believe that our in\"itations to the medical profession to participate in this stupendous task fall on deaf ears. It must be remembered that we are not preparing this work for the present generation of medical men alone but for the succeeding ones. It is therefore discouraging to find that up to the present no word, opinion, comments or suggestions especially from our members is received by your committee. The Committee on Medical Nomenclature therefore reirerates its previous appeal to all who, in one way or another, can help in clarifying ambiguous terms. All comments and suggestions will be acknowledged and duly credited. The Committee on Medical Nomenclature devoted the year 1953 to the study of other branches of Medicine ... ·hich are clo•ely related ro medical practice. Careful scrutiny on rhe various medical terms leads us to conclude that not so many as expected are used for bedside explanations. Only those that are needed to clarify ailments so that pJtient can at ]east understand his condition v.·arrant our Jttention and study. It should be remembered thar our ""ork in preparing the medical nomenclature in the Philippine National Language is governed by explicit insrrucrions definitely specified in the resolution as approved by the Council of the Philippine Medical Associarion. '\\ 7 e ha,·e therefore, to confine our "-'Ork in transhting common medical terms that can be used in explaining conditions and diseases to the patients. We can not go over these confines. Isolating common medical terms from a v.1st volume of medical terminologies is not an easy cask. There are terms that convey complex meanings and translating them or coining ne"· ones in the national language may be confusing and difficult. That is why •••e issue a call to member; of our Association who possess kno"l'.·ledge of common medical terms in any localit)' of the Philippines, whether in Ilocano, Pampango, ViSJyan or Malay, to come for"'ard and contact the comrnitree. If in the course of your reading you come across terms which haH a local or native equivalent in any language spoken in the Philippines, your committee is more than welcome to hear from you. Dr. Fausto J. Galauran, Chairman Dr. Geminiano de Ocampo, Member Dr. Arturo B. Rotor, Member Dr. Jose Dal Estrella, Member Dr. Domingo Tabian, Member PART THREE PHYSIOLOGICAL CHE~IISTRY In the terminology of physiological chemistry one finds few words that a physician mar need for bedside use. We are therefore glad to incorporate some terms for our study. absorption (n) absorbed (v) acid (n) acidity (n) albumin (n) alcohol (n) ammonia (n) analysis ( n) bile (n) broth (n) coagulation ( n) Tag. p6sipsiJ> I glucose (n) Tag. sin;psip. absorb- j ed in the intestine, hemoglobin ( n) sinipsip sa bitUka. I Tag. 6sido (en. from hormone (n) Sp) ; a•im I insulin (n) Tag. kaasiman magnesium (n) Tag. alb1lmina (from Sp.) mixture (n) Tag. alk1th6/; agua'1"- mix (n) dyentc I Tag. a1111rniya (coin- oxygen (n) ed> I Tag. pagsusuri pepsin (n) Tag. apdO I Tag. luga1c. 1 i q u i d i percolate (v) broth, am : percolator (n) Tag. pamum1t6 ; coa- ' phenol (n) gulation of blood : precipitate (n) pamumuong-dugo ~ precipitating (adj.) Tag. g/ukosa; 1?lycosuria, tamis.ihi Tag. p1tlago (coined from p1d6 ng dugo) Tag. ormon, (coined\ Tag. insulina (fr. Sp) Tag. magnel'1Ja (from Sp) Tag. halO, lahOk Tag. ihalo, paghalum, vaglahukin. ilahok Tag. oksiheno (from Sp.) Tag. pepsina (from Sp.) Tag. salain Tag. sala6n Tag. pinol (coined) Tag. /a.tak Tag. lmnalatak Volume XXX Number 12 precipitation (n) protein (n) poison (n) poisonous (adj) pulverize (v) saliva (n) salivation (n) salt (n) salty (adj) sodium (n) solvent (n) 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Tag. paglalatak Tag. protayna (coined) Tag. /ason, kamand<ig Tag. nakalalason: poisonous snake, ma,. kamand<ig na ahas Tag. pulbusin Tag. /away Tag. paglalaway Tag. asin, alat Tag. maalat, maasin Tag. soda, sosa Tag. pantunaw; panunaic sulfur (n) test (n) turbid (adj) turbidity ( n) thia.min (n) thick (adj) urea (n) uric (adj) urine (n) urobilin (n) urinalysis (n) vitamin (n) PART FOUR PHYSIOLOGY - PISYOLOHIA Tag. asupre Tag. pagsuri Tag. malabo Tag. kalabuan Tag. tiyamina Tag. makap<il 21 Tag. uri<i (coined) Tag. 1'iriko; u r i c acid, asido Uriko Tag. i hi, urination, pag-ihi Tag. urobilina ( fr . Sp.) Tag. suridng-ihi Tag. bitamina The word physiology is derived from the Gr. physis, meaning nature; and logos, - study or science. Ferne) (1497-1558) was the first to confine physiology to the problems of the functions of the human body as a separate subject from anatomy and other allied branches of medicine. Altho the study of the human structure is closely related to the study of functions of its various parts, medical terminologists of the past decided to give physiology a distinct and independent school. achloridya (n) achylia gastrica (n) acidosis ( n) acromegaly ( n) adjacent (adj) agonizing (adj) appetite (n) attached (adj) anasarca ( n) anasthesia (n) apnea (n) anesthesiology (n) arrythmia (n) asphyxia ( n ). asthenia (n) ataxia (n) bradicardia (n) calory (n) Tag. kawaldng-asi1n Tag. 7> a n n n n - y 0 n g - s i le - nwnt (pagkawala ng katas o pangtunao sa sikmura. Tag. asidosis (coined) Tag. aknoniga/ya (di p a n g k a r a n iwang laki ng kamay at paa) Tag. kalapit Tag. naghihiugalo Tag. sa pagkain Tag. magkakabit Tag. pamamantis Tag. p a w a w a - lang-damdam; local a. p a 1n a m a n - hid: general a. 1>ampatu/og. Tag. di-paghingri Tag. 1>aTtipamanhfran Tag. a1'ihniyti (coined) walang ayos na pa,,;tibok n,,; puso. Tag. aspiksy<i (coined) pagka-inis dabil sa kawalanghangin. Tag. asfinya (coined) panghihinQ. · Tag. at<iks11a (coined) mabuw<iy na paglakad Tag. madalang nu tib6k-puso. · Tag. kaloriya; kailangang init-katawtin coma (n) contraction (n) convulsion (n) cyanosis (n) cyanotic (adj) defecation (n) defecating (v) deglutition (n) diaphoresis (n) diarrhea (n) digestion (n) digest (v) diuresis (n) dyspnea (n) ectopic (adj) energy (n) exhale (v) Tag. koma (coined) kawalciny maloytao Tag. 11ag-igsi Tag. panginginig, or kombulsiy6n Tag. vangingitim vangaugas1(l Tag. 1w11gingitim, 11aJ1gan.qas1H Tag. pagd11111i, pagfac Tag. dunuulumi, t1tmatae Tag. pag/11/611, pag/u116/, Tag. vagpupusan, pagpapawis Tag. pag/rnlrn1's6, pantatae ng mal<tbntiw Tag. pdgtutunaw; indig-estion. - hindi natunawan, hindi nalusawan Tag. tunawin, 1!1110win Tag. pan-iihi Tag. lcahirapang humingti Tag. nasri lalui.~ ; 1Nr1a sa lugti1·. i.e. ectopic pregnancy, - pagbubuntis na labds sa matris. Tag. iwing-/ak<is Tag. humingcing 1>alab<is: inhale: huminatlng papasOk or palo6b. 22 expire (v) expired (v) feces (n) fever (n) feverish (adj) hemophilia In) heart beat (n) hyperchloridia (n) hyperesthesia In) hypoglycemia (n) inhale (v) myasthenia (n) narcolepsy (n) 4iTH A.\"NUAL .llEET/.\'G Tag. lu.mipas, ;~a11as6, l liptis. 1 organ (nJ Tag. namattiy, nala-1 orgasm (nJ gutcin ng hiningci Tag. dumi, in com- . paral)•sis In) mon parlance, tae 1 1 · Tag. lagntit. Tag. sinisinat Tag. emopiliya (coin- peristalsis (n) ed) . Follow with this explanation; perspiration (n) isang sakit na Ju- plasma In) malabnaw ang dugo at hindi mamuomuo. Namamatay ang maysakit sa polyuria (n) pagdanak ng dugo sa Joob at Jabas ng katawan dahil sa hindi maampat-ampat. Tag. tib6k-1m•o Tag. iperk/o,.idiya (coined) kalagayang labis ng asido o pulse (n) respiration (n) Saliva (n) salivation (n) tachycardia ( n) asim sa sikmura. tactile (adj) malabis na pangangasim. Tag. /abis na da111dcim temperature (n) thermometer (n) tic (n) Tag. kataba11gd11 11y dug6 ; pagk11kllla11g tremor In) ug matamis 8<t dugO vasoconstrictor Tag. humingcing mulalim or hum iugang vasodilator (n) pulo6b. I Tag. pangh ihina 11(} I viscosity (n) /amcin; kau:alangla ktis I Ta~. kawalaug-nwlay PART FIVE PATHOLOGY - PALASAKITAN (n) J (.ur . P . )l . A Dt:erm~. 19~ • at pandamd4m Tag. sangkap Tag. kaya m ua11, kalibugan Tag. ["1rali<io: pagka wata og Jaw sa pagkilos o paggaJaw. Tag. galtiv:-bit"ka : kifos-bituk<J Tag. '""'-" is Tag. tubig~ ; habaging walang kulay ng dugO, tubig ng dug6. (coined) Tag. pag-iih i ng 1110 - ra mi. Tag. 1mls6, tib6k-11gat Tag. paghinga Tag. laicay Tag. pag/a/a1niy Tag. 111abilis 11a tib6/;pus0; To coin ; bili.spuso. palpitation: kaba , sikd6, and4p. Ta. hipO, salat, damci . kap,;_ Tag. init Tag. pa11ukat-i11it Tag. tik (coined) kir<lt-kircit Tag. paugiug inig Tag. tagti-ikom na da/uyang dugo. Tag. tagaluwang ng daluyang dugo. Tag. kalaputan, viscid : ma la pot, sticky : madikit, malagkit. Pathology is the subject which introduces the student to the abnormal conditions of the body. Its terminology is closely interreiated with terms in anatomy. English terminologies have common suffixes that denote abnormal processes. such as itis for inflammation, oma for tumor. In the Philippine National Language under study, we still have to find appropriate suffixes to make a general rule for all inflammations and tumorations. This study will be found in part six of our present report. We will therefore, confine ourselves to the common usages which haT'e been used by present practitioners and incorporate them here. ahnor mal (adj) " hscess (n) adcnitis In) adipose (n) amoeba (n) anr.mia (n) ar<"urism Cn) Ta. ditaal ; di-lika• . ' coined from hmdi I tad/, hi11d1 ltkas. antracosis (n) Tag. pigsa Tag. adenitUi (adapted) ; pamamag<i ng I glandulci . Tag. tuba antrax (n) Tag. amiba (coined) arterioscleros (n) Tag. a.nimiya . panw- I mutlci j Tag. Qnyo1·ismo (coin- , atrophy (n) ed): aortic aneu- autopsy In) r i s m ; paglu ng aorta . Tag. a n t r a k o s i s (coined) ; pagkakaroon ng pulbos > abo ng karbon sa baga. Tag. autrtiks Tag. tigcistrriya (coined from: pan iuigas ng a1·terya Ta!?. pa11/iit Tai?. a1l'fopsiya Volume XXX Numbi:r 1:! calculus (n) cancer (n) caries (n) catarrh (n) chlecystitis (n) cholecystitis (n) cholelethiasis (n) consolidation (n) consolidate ( v) cyst (n) dermoid (adj) diabetes (n) diphtheria ( n) dysentery (n) edema (n) emphysema (n) empyema (n) endocarditis (n) enteritis ( n) epithelioma ( n) fistula (n) gangrene (n) goiter (n) hematoma ( n) hemorrhage ( n) hepatitis (n-) hepatomegaly ( n) hyperemia (n) hypertension ( n) icterus (n) icteric (adj) induration (n) indurated (adj) inflammation (n) 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Tag. batci; urinary calculus : bat6 sa pantog Tag. kanser (coined) and most common) Tag. bukbok ; dental caries: b11kb6k sa ngipin. teeth: carious b11kb11ki11g ngipm or ngiping b11kb1tki11: Tag. si1>0n; nasal cattarrh: sip6n sa i long . intestinal catarrh: sipOn sa. bituka. Tag. magangdaauaug-apdO Tag. m a g a n g daanang-apdO. Tag. batO sn d<t<tngapdO. Tag. vamumuU Tag. buuin Tag. kiste (coined) Tag. sa balat: dermoid cyst: k iste sa balat. Tag. clyabetis (coined) Tag. dipteriya Tag. iti, disenfe1'iya (coined) pagdudu.mi ng dugo at uhog. Tag. mantis Tag. vagkakaha11gi11 Tag. vagnanand Tag. m a g 6. n g • loob-puso Tag. magambituka Tag. epiti/yoma (coined) tumor Tag. pistula Tag. kangrena; gangrenous: n a n g a - ngangrena. Tag. bukldw, bosyi> Tag. pamunrnOngdugo Tag. pagdugo, pagdu,.ugO, vagdauak ng du go. Tag. magcing-atciy Tag. 1>aglaking-at6.y Tag. vamumulci Tag. taasprisi611; hypotension : babamp1·isiyon. Tag. }Janinilciw Tag. naninilciw Tag. vaninigcis Tag. naninigcis Tag. 7Jamamagd inflamed (adj) influenza (n) jaundice (n) lymph (n) meningitis (n) myocarditis (n) myositis (n) necrosis (n) nephritis (n) osteitis (n) osteoarthritis ( n) periarteritis ( n) pericarditis (n) perihepatitis (n) periostitis (n) pcrisplenitis ( n) peritonitis ( n) phlebitis (n) pleuritis (n) pneumonia (n) postmortem ( n) pus (n) putrefaction (n) putrid (adj) putrefying (adj) pyelitis (n) pyothorax ( n) regeneration ( n) rheumatism (n) rubor (n) sclerosis ( n) serum (n) splenomegaly ( n) scaly (adj) stenosis ( n) striature ( n) suppuration (n) thrombosis (n) tumescene ( n) ulcer (n) Tag. nauiamagci Tag. trankaso Tag. panini/aw 23 Tag. dug 6 - duguan (coined) or putigo coined from dugong puti. Tag. meninghitis (very common) Tag. magcinglamcing1msO Tag. magang-laman Tag. lamcing-patdy Tag. nipritis (common) magambatO (coined) Tag. magambutO Tag. magambutOngkasilkasuan Tag. magcimpaligidarterya Tag. mag<i.mbambanpuso Tag. mag6.mpaligidatay Tag. maga>11paligidb11t6 Tag. magcimpaligidatay. Tag. magdmbambantiyan Tag. magtimbeua Tag. m .. agdmbambanbagu Tag. pulmonya (common) magamba.gii, (coined) Tag. pagkarnata.y Tag uand Tag. pagkab11/6/c Tag. b11/6k Tag. nabubulok Tag. nagnanang-l.>atO Tag. nagnanang-dibdib Tag. muling-t11bo Tag. rayuma Tag. pamumuhi Tag. paglutong pagtiga• Tag. katasdugo Tag. paglakimg-/apciy Tag. makaliskis Tag. pagkipot Tag. pagsa1·a Tag. pagnanand Tag. tntmbosis (coined) paghalang, paghadlang, pagbabara. Tag. pamumukol Tag. 11/st•rri (from Sp.) 24 47TH ANNUAL MEETING PART SIX SYMPTOMATOLOGY - PALADAMDAMANG-SAKIT Jour. P.M A. December, 19H As previously explained, English terminologies have common suffixes to denote ~bnormal processe~ and conditions. Prominently among them are: -ache -itis -algia -oma - osis - rhagia -ity Ache denotes the feeling of pain. By adding this suffix to numerous medical terms, it describes the symptomatology of conditions. For example, stomach-ache (pain in the stomach), headache, pain in the head, etc. /tis denotes inflammation as in appendicitis, bronchitis, etc. Algia denotes pain on movements as in myalgia, neuralgia, etc. Oma is the suffix for all tumors, as in inyoma, sarl!oma, fibroma, carcinoma, etc. Osis signifies condition as in hyperhidrosis, leucocytosis, ~clerosis, etc. Rhagia is the suffix for anything that breaks causing discharges, as in blenorrhagia, metrorhagia, etc. lty denotes quality of condition as in acidity, rigidity, frigidity, etc. These English medical suffixes have no equivalents in the Philippine National Language. The committee, up to the present study can not come to an agreement as to the proper suffixes which may come closer to the English suffixes. Common local usages for all aches and algias may be well translated into words: sakit, kirot, lutpdi, antcllr. ~;xample: headache ( n) myalgia (n) breastache ( n) Tag. sakit nu 1do Tag. lcirOt ng lamU.n Tag. sakit ng dibdib l:ly the addition of the words sakit ng before any organ of the body you can very well describe all aches and algias as in the English terminologies. Likewise, the Committee Approves the use of the word maga from pamamaga which denotes inflammation as a prefix to translate itis. Using maga, therefore, before any part or organ of the body, •Ve will be able to translate all conditions with ~uffix<'s itis. F:xamplc: tonsilitis (n) myositis (n) hepatitis (n) Tag. mag6.ngto11sil Tag. magdnglmmiu Tag. mngcing-ot<iy The use of 111<1ga.11g follows words which begin with all letters of the alphabet with exception of 1' and b. Terms which begin with !l or b changes to wngnm for their prefixes. Example: carditis, (n) nephritis (n) cystitis ( n) stomatitis (n) Tag. mag<i.mpusO and not magcingpusO Tag. magambatO, not magangbatO Tag. magamvantOg Tag. mogambibfg With the approval of maga11g or magain as prefix to take the place of English suffix itis we can translate a Jong line of ailments in the national language. Exceptions however to this rule will be forthcoming in our next report. The suffix 0111a which denotes tumorations has no literal equivalent in Tagalog. Any mass or tumoration whether inside or outside of the body is generally called "bula•l", pam11111t1kol, btonubukol. We call tumor of the breast as bukol sa bibdib. Any palpable mass is called b11k<1/ in Tagalog. Our next report will deal with the study of this subject. Likewise there is no term to differentiate malignant and benign tumors. In some regions of the Philippines which speak the National Language the word bukol or t.umol' is gt:'nt>rnlJy unde.-stood as beniJ?n growth. At present. due to the t'Ampal1?n on cnncer. all malignant tumors without considerinf'! the pathology are readily called ~·nnrer. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 25 From the foregoing explanations, one will readily admit the existing difficulties in coining Tagalog words to conform with these suffixes and their meaning. To translate all the various forms of suffixes will only becloud the issue. Suffixes therefore, that express condition, like "osis" and iasis can not be translated in one word-term in the National language. They need longer explanations at the bedside. To facilitate explanations we ce>mpile here-under the compounding elements which in themselves denote conditions. ELEMENT algia anteroautobiobrachybrady-ectomy isomacromesomikroneo-oid oligoortho-ostomy -otomy panpolyposteropseudo-rhagia -rhoea tachyCOMPOUNDING ELEMENTS ORIGIN Gr. algos L. anterior Gr. autos Gr. bios Gr. brachys Gr. bradys Gr. ektome Gr. isos Gr. makros Gr. mesos Gr. mikros Gr. neos Gr. eidos Gr. ligos Gr. ortos Gr. stoma Gr. tome Gr. pan Gr. polys L. posterus Gr. pseudos Gr. rhegnynai Gr. rhoia Gr. tachys ENG. EQUIV. pain in front of self life short slow cutting out equal big middle small new resemblance few, scanty straight mouth cutting all many behind false to break thru flow fast APPENDIX "E" TAGALOG EQUIV: kfr6t, anttik, hapdi harap ng sarili buhay maigsi, maiksi madalang, mabagal pag-alis, pagputol kasing malaki gitna, pagitan maliit bago kamukhd, katulad kakaunti, katiting tuwid bibig, hiwa, biyak, baalc panlahdt, lahat marami likuran, lik6d hnw6.d bascig, danak daloy, aqos, a.oas bilis, dalas, tulin REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE 0.'l MHIBERSHIP Philippine Medical Association March 2;, 19H Thi.' Committee on Membership of 11.•hich the undersigned is the Ch:iirm1n, consiscs of the following members Dr. Pedro A. Rodriguez - Membl'r Dr. Guardalino C. Mosqueda - Mrmb.·r Dr. Fernando D. Manalo - Member Dr. ]u\'enal Almcndras - Membn Dr. Dionisio P:irul:in - Mrmber The only meeting held by the committee was immediately after its org:inization in which it has been decided that elch one will "-'Ork in his respective region for the enhancerncnt of the membership of the phrsici:ins in their rcspecti\'e medical societies. As the m.!mbers reside in different pbces at great distances from each other, it was very difficult for the members to meet The undersjgncd has endc1vored to encourage the affiliation of physicians to medic:i.I societies whenever be had a chance to parcticipate in provincial and regional rnedic:il society m~etings which have been scveul during the past year. Whenever new physicians who h:ive just passed the examination given by the Do:ird of Mrdical Examiners take their o:ith, efforts han .also been m1de so th:it during those occ:uions, the new doctors :ire given a chance to affiliate to the medical societ)' of their respective provinces. It is hoped th1t the efforts exerted individually by the members of the committee on membership \\'ill be manifested in a greater membership of the various daughter soci.!ties of the Philippine Medical A ~sociation. Respectfully submitted (Sgd.) T. EL!CAl'IO Chairman Com111illre on Memberjhip 26 47TH ANNUAL MEETING APPENDIX "F" REPORT OF THE SPECIAL CO~IMITTEE o;-; Rt.:RAL HEALTH The Council Philippine Medical Association Ma nil a My dur Dr. Fernando: Jour. P . )I A. Dettmbt-r, .~, Jn compliance with rour imtructions contained in a leuu of the Sccreu.q·-Trca)urtr dated :\hrcb 22, 19H, I ha·H the pleasure to submit hcro.·ith a report of the Committee on Rural :\lcdicioe for the year 19H-J4. lmmediatdy after rccciYing my designation a.s Chiirman of the Committee on RuuJ, I a.t once set to work on a plan wherebr my Committee can fit in our g0Hromen1's rural health program so as to consider the interest of the members of the Philippine Medic.J Associ.iti•Jn most of .-bom were private practitioners. At that time mr counterpart i.n the FOA and myseH, wer~ in the process of preparing a draft of a 6-year Philippine-American Program on rural hea1th i.auodcd to correctly 5Cllvc the m.<1nifold he.<1hh .<1nd saniution problems obtaining in the rural areas. Upon amnn.iog my oeT respon1ibility, I immedi.<1tcl)· inserted in said program sc\·eral guiding principles Thich had to be rdigiously followed by the Medical Heads of Rural Hea1th Units in order th,11 their relationship •·i1h the medical puctitioners m.<1y be harmonious .<1nd in order that the interest of die medic:aJ pr.<1ccition:rs mar be dulr and amply protected. These guiding principles appear on Page H of the Preliminary Docummt on Philippine-American Program for Rural Health, a copy of -.·h1ch is here•:ith submitted as pan of the accomplishments of our Committee. I had the opportunity to present the Jraft of this prcliminu)· document in our first mttting sometime in July of last year v.·hich -.·as attended by the President, the three \'ice-Presidents and the Presidents of the Laguna Medical Society, C.nite Medical Societ)'. Pampanga Medical Societr others. 1 would like to mention that as expected, the main theme of the discussion centered on the fear that government operated rural health units may compete -.·ith and ultimate!)· kill the practice \•i the pril'ate practitioners in the rural areas. Those present took turns in reminding the Cluirman on the poss.ibh~ adverse effects of the Program on the interest of pri,·ate prlCtitioners •·ho ha,·e to depend upon private patients for the successful practice of their profession. It \\'as generallr bruited during thu first meeting that health unit medical heads would offer stiff competiticn co printe practitioners in arus as a result of which the private practitioners •·ould h1"e to lose their patienu. The Chairman iud to explain in detail the v.•orking policies and principles that ha\'C' been adopted by those who drafted the Philippine-American Program in Rural Heald: !Cl as to insure the protection of the interest of prh•ate praccitioners. After a lengthy discussion, the Vice-Chairman and members present were con,·inced that. if the program is rightfully implemented, there need not be .tn)' fear along that line. The undersigned also had the opportunity to ulk before members of the Baguio Medical Societr, the C1\'ite Medical Societ}' and the Bubcan Medical Soci.::y in order to explain the objecti,·es, operations :ind goals of the rural health program and again, during :aJl his talks the same fear that pri\'ate practitioners may be adversely affected in the operation of this program was broached up and successfully defended. It 11.·:u always reiterated that during the one-month pn:-sen·ice training of rural health unit personnel prior to their Jea,·ing for their field as'."ignments, said ht"ahh personnel, particularly che Medic.ti Heads, were reminded that they v.·ere not allowed to engage in private practice, that they ••ere not allov.•ed C\'en to sell their own medicines because by doing so they may be suspected of selling the medicines of the unit, that they should limit their medical services only to those who ue medicall)' indigent; rhat the)' should cultivate the best working relationship with pri,•atc practitioners and that they should allow private practitioners to a\•ail of the facilities of the units in the practice of their profession. In this connection, the undersigned is submitting a self-explanatory certificate of an ex-President of a provincial medic.ii societ)·, one of those who participated in the 1st meeting of the committee as aforementioned 2nd ••ho 1'':U \'err \'Ocal in his fear chat the health units would offer effecci,·e and successful competition to pri\'ate practitioners. This certificate clearly sho"'·ed that after six-months of obserntion and working rel:ition '\\'ith the personnel of the unit invoh·ed, he has come to the conclusion that health units diJ noc only not compete with the private practitioners but also helped them in the practice of their profession b)' making people more health-mindt:d and receptive to modern medicll methods, b)' encouuging those who can ;ifford to p.ty to seek their (private practitioners) scn·ices and lanlr, by in\'iting private practitioners to share in the medjcal facilities of the health uniu. In the second meeting of our Committee which was held in the Philippine General Hospital two months ago with the President of the Philippine Medical Association and the Presidenu of the Manil.t Medical Societ}', Buhcan Medical Society, Rizal Medical So~iety and C.tmarines None Medical Society, and others 3ttending, the undersigned submitted a finished documtnt on Philippine-American Program of Rural Health and .tlso a Manual for the Barrio Medical Kits conuining definict instructions to the barrio health committee which will be in-charge of simple medicines for first aid and emergcncr treatment in the barriis included in the progra_m. I?uring that meeti_ng, the undcrsig~ed also presented the draft of a symposium on Rural Health which will cake place during the forthcoming con\"encioo of che Philippine Medical Association next month. The draft was approved by che Committee "'ith slight modific.uions. Tht speakers and participants of the symposium were already contacted and all of them expressed 11.·illingnes~ to participue in ~aid srmposium at the stated time 3nd place. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 27 The undersigned would also like to report that he lus been dcsign1tcd by the Secrcury of Health u Chairman of a Sub-Committee on Rural Health, composed of the technic:il personnel from the Department of Health, FOA, \'V'HO, UNICEF, PHILCUSA, Institute of Hrgiene, with a panel of expert advisers like the President of the Philippine Medical Association and the Chairm1n of the Committee on Health of both Chambers of Congress. This Committee held three meetings during the yur. The minutes of said meetings ltC duly filed. It may be pertinent to mention in this connection that one of the most important accomplishments of the Committee on Rural Hc1lth was the submiuion of :1 number of rccommend1tions concerning the Rural Health Bill which is at prr.!sent under discussion in Congress. The recommendations which were appro\'cd unanimously during thl· meeting arc :1lso herewith attached. RECOMMENDATIONSo I. That the Philippine-American Rural Health Program and also the ~Lmlnl for die oper:Hion of the Barrio Medical Kits be approved. 2. Thac the guiding principles contained on page J 5 of said Preliminary Document be properly md religiously implemented so as to protect fully the interest of the private practitioners during the operation of said program. J. That in the operation of said program. the Presidents of the provincial medical societies be considered as advisers to the Provincial Medical Officers so th:u the latter can always sec to it that the interest of the private practitioners arc not ignored. 4. That private practitioners be urged to avail of the facilities existing in the health units. S. That provincial medical societies be encouraged co report to the Director of Health any violations of the said guiding principles by any of the members of the health units. 6. That, as much as possible, representations be made such chat tbe health units shall be csublished in places where there arc none or relatively few priv3te practitioners. Respectfully submitted, For the Committee: (Sgd.) CLEMENTE S. GATMAITAN Chair ma,. APPENDIX "G" REPORT Of THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE WORLD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION The Council Philippine Medical Association Manila Gentlemen: April 10, 1954 On behalf of the Special Committee on the World Medical Associ.ltion, I lu\'~ the honor to Jubmit the folJo.,•ing Report on chc \\'orld Mcdic:tl Association. REPORT Of THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE WORLD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION On the fundamenu l principle that " SOCIETY MUST GUARANTEE THE PHYSICIAN INDEPENDENCE IN HIS OWN FIELD," the World Medical Associ:nion was founded in Paris in 1947. The Philippine Medic3J Association has been a member of the World Medic.ii Association since Much 4, 1948, upon invitation through its Honorary, Dr. Charles Hill. The General A5Scmblie; ha,·c been held as follows with the Philippine dclegat..:s in parenthrsis: 1st - 1947 Paris 2nd - 1948 Genen Jrd - 1949 London 4th - New York (Ors. M:iriano kasi:mo, Saturnino Ador L>, Jusc IL R~')'CS :lnd 0 Jnid - Ledesm;1.) Sch - 1951 Stockholm (Dr. Agerico B. M. Sison and Dr. George F. Lull of the A.1'.1.A.) 6th - 19S2 Athens (Dr. George F. Lull of the A.M.A. rcprcscnt~·d the P.M.A. upon our rcqucu and aut hority. ) 7 th ~- 190 (Dr. Manuel D. Penas) Th~r~ .ue 4J member-national org:inizacions and to the general :isscmblics c.\Ch country lll3)' send two official delegates, two alternate delegates and official obser\'ers. The executive officers include a President, a President-Elect, the Treasurer, the Chairman of the Council, the Consultant General, the: Secretary General anJ 4 regional Secrct.uies, the Editor of the Bulletin and a Liaison Officer. There are 10 members of the Council. There are seven Standing Committees; Social Securitv Medinl Education Medical Care lie Allied Subjects, International Pharm:icopoeia, Medical Ethics, Pla~~ing ,mJ Finance an'd MiscelLmeous Business. 28 47TH ANNUAL MEETING A tempor:ary di\·ision into regions is as follows: E11rope_ Austria Belgium Dc::nmark Egypt Ethiopia Finhnd Fr:mcc REGIONS Germany, Wcsurn Great Briuin Greece Iceland Israel July licchccn<>tcin Luxi?mbourg Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzcrl.:ind Turkey Yugoslavia Americ,u Brazil Can.ida ChiJ, Columbia Cuba Dominic~m Rcpublii;: Ecuador Guatemala Haiti PanamJ Peru El S.JlvJdor U. S. A. REGIONES Jour. P.M.A. December, J!\,H Aitslralnsio Ausuali:i India Indonesia jap:in Korea, South Pakistan Philippines South Africa Tluibnd 'Fh1· ;1b GENER1\L 1 \~SEMDLY-Thc Hague (Augmc ; I-September 5, 195.l Till.'.. SETTING: Beautiful Hollrnd, with its C\'Cn countryside, placid canals, flower markets and the bustling harbors of Amsterdam and Rotterdam c1n easily be im1gined. Historic The Hague, the wat of Parliament and the famous Peace Palace is a thrilling site for the 7th General Assemblr. The registration, exhibits and meetings 11.•erc held in the "Binncnhof" Cascle. The meetings were held in the Ridderzaal" (Knight's Hall) where legend tells us that any Knight may speak his piece and rcnuin immune from :trrest or disfavour. Dr. Hulst, President of the AHembly, urged that everybody speak freclr. To this day, parliament meets at diis Hall. TIIE SOCIAL EVENTS, RECEPJ'IONS: The Royal Netherhnds Medical Associations \\'.Is most gracious in its reception of the delegates and guests at this Assembly. There was 3 formal dinner given by the Association at the Hotel Kurhaus at Sch,·eringen, a visi t to the Aalsmeer Flower market and a reception given by the 1-ifayor of Amsterdam. A visit to was sponsored by the Rotterdam Medical Socictr. A separate program was prepared for the ladies. T/-IE BUSINESS MEETING: The Assembly recci\'cd greetings from intcrn.ational organizalions, adopted the manner by v.-liich member associations maybe represented in the General Aisembly by other member associations, rejected German as a 4th official language (too costly), approved the admission of Indonesia, Brazil and Liechtenstein forthwith sc.lting the delegates cif these countries, approved t he auditor's report, urged cooperation with the International Union of Medical Press, instructed the Council to assume publication of "World Medical Periodicals," received the reports of the Region.ii Secretaries, the Editor and the Committee Chairman, confirmed Rome as the site for the 8th General Assembly, received invitations for the 9th and 10th General Assembly, elected Professor Dr. A. Espinclli as President.Elect. While Medic3I Education got plent}' of attention during tile dis· cussion, by far it was Social Security of the Physicians that occupied most of the discussors. flN1\L COMMENTS: \'\'c must continue with our membership in the W"orld Medic.ii AHoci.ation. Re~pcctfullr \ubmin.ctl (Si;d.) Mi\NUH 0. PENAS, M.O. Chairm1m Commillu <m \\;furl,/ I\ktf;,·111 :\H,,. APPENDIX "H" REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON Ci\NCF.R THE COUNCIL Philippine Association Manila Gentlemen: April 10, 19H Your Committee on Cancer for 1954 hereby reports the following activities 3nd rtcommendations : I. The intensive educational campaign directed to the leity has bten carried out with the help Vo)ume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 29 of other civic organizations, private institutions, and the personnel of the Department of He1lth throughout the year all over the country. All the media of information available were utilized and den\onstration~ whenever possible were done. 2. A bill creating the Division of Cancer Control in the Department of Health and endorsed by this Committee was introduced in the last Congress, but v.1 as tabled by the Committee on Health due co lack of time. }. It was also obsen·ed by your Committee that provincial medical societies and ocher specialty societies have put more emphasis on cancer subjects for their monthly scientific meetings. At times, local as well as foreign authorities on Cancer were invited in some of these scientific meetings. In view of these movements with regards to our educational campaign on Cancer, your Commiuee recommends the following: I. To petition the President of the Republic to proclaim a Cancer W~ek in the Philippines. 2. To campaign for the formal organization of a Philippine Cancer Society. }. To create a subcommittee of the Cancer Committee who shall study :lnd report a Cancer SuHcy of the Philippines. A modest sum should be set aside for such a study. 4. To work or lobby for the creation or reopening of The Cancer Institute. S. To prepare for the publication of pamphlets for distribution to the lay public, 9.'ith such title' aJ "Cancer and You, You Can Outwit Cancer, Cancer is curable," etc., such phamplcts co be available or be published by such entity as the Health Education Divisicn, of the Department of Health. 6. To prepare similar pamphets for the use of the general practitioner. The Council , Respcccfully submitted, For the Cancer Committee: (Sgd.) JANUARIO ESTRAUA Chafrma11 APPENDIX "!" REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON SCIENTIFIC EXHIBITS April 20, IJf.4 Philippine Assoc iacion, Manila Gentlemen : I am submitting for the Commitcce on Sci('ntifil.: Exhibits the follolli·ini:; c:xhibitou with their corresponding exhibits for this year's m<'eting of the Associ.llion: Scientific Exhibits (Titles-authors) J. The USTH Well-Baby Clinic : Its Oq;anization and 1:unctions. .R~· Consol.1cion AticnzaSembrano, M.D., Carmelita R. Bclmencc, M.D., and Agnes de Leon, M.D. 2. The Incidence of Heart Disease in the Santo Tomas University Hospital: A Post-War Statistical Study. By Mariano M. Alimurung, M.D. and Maria Z. Grajo, M.D. ). Oral Protoveratrine in the Treatment of Hypertension. By M::iriano M. Alimurunjl:, M.D. anJ Maria Z. Grajo, M.D. 4. Problems and Recent Developments in the Management of Congcstiv.: Heart Failure. By Mariano M. Alimurung, M.D. L Philippine National Red Cross Blood Program. lly R. Y. Atienu, M.D., Din·cror of the ~fedical Service. 6. Misconceptions About Senile C:1taract. (By specimrn, stacistics, clurts and statements of current practices from the Eye Clinic, the different misconceptions about senile cataract still prevalent among the medical profession and laity in the Philippines are shown. These refer mainly to immature cataracts, hypertension, diabetes, old age, cough, visual results and ambubtion. A summ;:iry leaflet v.•ill be distributed.) By De OClmpo Eye Clinic. 7. Scientific Exhibits on Schistosomiasis: I. Relief Map of Leytc showing (a) Topography of the Pilot Arca; (b) Location of Endemic municipalities; (c) Headquarters of the Schistosomiasis Control Pilot Project at Palo. ~I. The Office and Laboratory Building of the Pilot Project at P.-lo in three Dimension.-;. Ill. Transparencies showing vario ... s aspects of and information about lhe Schistosomiasit problem. JV. Map of endemic areas in various parts of the Philippines (in Zip-a-tone) . V. Various charts, posters, tabulated data, etc. VI. Demonstration of fresh and preserved labora.tory materials. 8. Exhibits by Dr. J. Tamesis on Corne;;il Transplanution. 9. Heart Disease-A Public Health Problem-Philippine Hean Association. 10. Eye Bank Exhibit-Philippine Eye Bank for Sight Restoration. I I. Photographs of fundus of the eye. By Jose N. Cruz, M.D., Emmanuel Almeda, M.D., and Antonio S. Fernando, M.D. Jn order to give every member of the Association a better view of the exhibits the corridor on the 4th floor adjoining the Social Hall of the FEU administration building will be utili-zed. 30 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M A . December, 195.i The Committee still expects some more ;1pp)ic;1nts before the annual meeting begins. It is therefore requested Wut the same number of movable stan9s used last year be made available. A meeting of the Committee is being called for next Saturday by the Chairm.m to decide on mutcrs like prizes and the appointment of the Board of Judges. Dr. Alimurung and the chairm;1n have agreed, pending the approval of the rest of the men1bers, th:it the same judges be named ;1g;1in this year; namely, Drs. Antonio G. Sison and Basilio J. Valdes with the Chairm;1n of the Committee to select the fint, second and third from the participants of the Scientific Exhibits. Respectfully submitted, (Sgd.) ALBERTO V. TUPAS, M.D. Cbairm11n APPENDIX "J" REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ETHICS (Sec pages 10-11) REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER April 10, 19J4 To the Members of the House of Delegates 47th Annual Meeting, Philippine Medical Association M1nil a: Dear Sirs: I ha\'e the honor to submit this annual report of the Secretuy-TrcJ!>urer for the period from April I, 195} to March ll, 19$4. As suggl!sted by the members of the Auditing and Finance Committee and of the House of Delegates of the 46th Annual Meeting, I have divided the report into several sections. I. MEMBERSHIP OF THE ASSOCIATION, The registered IJlCmbers as of December 31, 19Sl is shown in Table No. I. Compared with the figures as of December 31, 1952 there has been an increase in the tout membership. I. 2. l. 4. I. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. IJ. 14. II. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2J . 24. 21. 26. 27. 28. 29. JO. JI. )2. JJ. )4. JI. 16. TABLE No. I REGISTERED MEMBERS OF THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION · (As of December JI, 195)) In Goo1l Not In Good Sla,,ding Standing Abra Medical Society 10 8 Agusan Medic:i.I Society 27 10 Alb2y Medical Society 19 29 Antique Medical Societ)' B:i.guio Medic:i.1 Society 22 J7 B:i.tun Medical Society 16 16 Batangas Medical Society 40 ll Dohol Medical Society 26 12 Bulacan Medical Society 102 ll C:i.gayan Medical Society J2 Camarincs Norte Mcdic:i.l Society 20 C:i.marines Sur Medical Societ)' 29 20 Capiz Medical Society 21 27 Cat:i.nduancs Medical Society I Cavite Medic:i.I Societr JO 29 Cebu Medical Socictr ll JOO Medical Society ;2 )4 Cu lion Medical Society ll 2 Davao Medical Society 47 H Ilocos Norte Medical Societr 22 18 llocos Sor Medical Society 19 24 Iloilo Medical Societr 20 Ill Isabel a Medical Society 41 9 Laguna Medical Sociecr 26 72 lanao Medical Society 16 17 L2 Union Medical Society lJ 9 leyte Medic:i.l Society ll JO Manil:i. Medical Society 156 704 Marinduque Medical Society } Masbate Medical Society Mindoro Medical Society 12 7 Misamis Occidental Medical Society 24 ll Misamis Oriental Medical Society J6 18 Negros Occidental Medical Society 46 87 Negros Oriental Medical Society 12 21 Nueva Ecija Medical Society H JS Total 18 J7 48 l "' )? 71 }8 Ill 17 2& 49 12 19 15) 66 I> 91 40 41 Ill 10 98 Jl 42 61 1,260 10 J J9 J7 H IH J7 92 Volume XXX ~7TH Numb<!r 12 ANNUAL MEETING 31 J7. Nueva Vizcap i\ledical Societ y 16 2J JS. Pamp:mga Medical Society 71 l6 127 J9. Pangasinan Medical Society 181 79 260 40. Quezon Medical Society 4 6J 67 41. Quezon City Medical Society lO 2l 7l 42. Rizal Medical Societ)' 81 J7 I 18 0. Rizalian Medical Societv 27 27 H. Romblon Medical Socie.t}' 8 4L Sa mar Medical Society 4 20 24 46. San Pablo City Medical Society 20 14 H 47. Sorsogon Medical Society JO 18 28 48. Sulu Medical Society 14 ll 49. Surigao Medical Society 14 14 28 JO. Tarlac Medical Society 61 52 Ill ". Zam bales Medical Society 25 24 49 12. Zambo.anga City Medical ~ociety 19 14 ll lJ. Zamboanga del Sur Medica Societ}' 22 25 TOTALS 2.085 2,1J2 ~ Figures " of Uccembcr JI, 1952 (I ,965) (I ,798) (l,7l4) II. COMPONENT SOCIETIES, The office of the Secretary-Treasurer is in constant communication with the component medical soc1et1es. We have tried to encourage them to send in items of interest for publication in the Journal. Several newsletters have been sent out containing informative data regarding the tr.msactions of the Council and other agencies of the Association. Pending legislation .affecting health were mimeographed and sent for comment 2nd suggestions by the component medical associations. The minutes of the meeting of the presidents and secretary-treasurers held during the 46th annual meeting was also distributed. At least 1800 membership certificates and 210 past-president certificaus have been issued. Members who do not have tl1ese }'Ct should make their requests thru their secretary-treasurer. Ill. AFFILIATED SPECIALTY SOCIETIF.S, Informative dat2 sent to the component medical societies were also sent to the affiliated spccialtr 5ocieties in charge of the specialty sections of the Association. Pertinent problems were referred to the specialty sections for recommendations. IV. MEDICAL DIRECTORY, The m;iterial for the 8th Edition of the Philippines Medical Directory of the Philippine Medical Association has been collected for more than two }'tars. Howe\.·er, in spite of repeated requests, there were many members who failed to submit their data on time to mak.: the deadline. Also, in spite of our efforts to make it accurate as possible, many mistakes were discovered after printing. We be& the indulgence of the members concerned and hope that they will send in their corrections so that the next edition will be much more accurate. There arc about two hundred and fifty copies left of this edition, available at our office. V. THE GOLDEN BOOK' This compilation of reviews of the progress in the different mt dical specialties i<; ne3ring completion ind when the printing cost is estimated, we shall invite the member~ to secure pre-publication reservations. VI. FINANCES, A ~ part and parcel of this report, I invite you to read: Appendix. A-Report of the Business Manager of the Journal. Appendix B-Report of the Auditor These reports ha,·e been examined by the Standing Committee on Auditing and Finance, not only in its final form, but in quarterly summaries sent to each member of the Standing Committee. The rerort of this body is therefore al so recommended for perusal. One import.ant recommendation which we in tend to implement immediatelr i<; the breakdown of the income and expenditures. (Ste No. 7 of the Report of the Standing Committee on Auditing and Finance). PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, INC. The Philippine Medical Association, Inc., which has been in the process of dissolut·ion since 195 2 had all its assets and liabilities transferred to the Philippine Medical Center, Inc. :is of May 1951. VII. REPRESENTATIONS, The undersigned had the good fortune ;ind rare privilege of ha\'ing been asked to represent the F2culty of Medicine of the Uni,•ersity of Santo Tomas at the First World Conference on Medical Education. He has been authorized by the Council to represent the Philippine Medical Association at the 7th General Assembly of the WORLD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION held at The Hague, Netherl2nds from August 31 to September 5. At the General Assembly, he conveyed the greetings of the PMA to the other medical associations and described loc2I conditions. The undersigned, with the President of the Association, also represented the Philippine ~.fedical Astociation at the 8th Pacific Science Congress. 32 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour . P.M A. Deo:ember. 1964 VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, The undersigned is ,·cry grateful for the p~tience, understanding and cooperation of the members of the Council, the very v:aluable help of Dr. Pcsigan, and the industry of the clerical staff. The financial st:itus of the Association for which the undersigned is accountable is conuined in the Report of the Business of Man1gcr, and wliich the undersigned fully :ipproves, appears below as Appendic<'s "A" :rnd "B" together 1••ith Exhibits "A" and "8". Respectfully submitted, (Sgd.) MANUEL D. PEi'IAS, M.D. Surt111ry-Trtomrtr APPENDIX "A" REPORT OF THE BUSINESS MANAGER OF THE JOURNAL The Council (Thru the Secretary-Treasurer) Philippine Medical Associ:ition Si rs: March ll, 19H ( have the honor to submit the follow ing annual report of the Business MJnagtr covering a period of twelve (12) months from April I. 19H to March )I , 19J4. As in previous years, we have dosed our books of account on March ) I, in order to be able to prepare our Jnnual report on 1.imc. Adnrlisemenls: During the 12-month period under review, n.•clve (12) monthly issues were published (March 195) to Febru3ry 19J4, inclusive) lnd a total of P28,98S.48 was collected from advertisements or 41.2% of the gross income. This amount is less than last yeJr's collection which wa~ P)2,563.00. This decrc:isc c1n be cxpbincd by the fact that this year several regular advertisers decreased the number of their ad\•crtisements due to poor business. There was also a number of new othtr medical journals this year which necesurily took some of the advertisers for our Journal btc1use the same ad\•ertiscrs had the ume appropriations as before. S11bff ri/1/hms: During this )'Car, the Mlnib Medicll Society contributed to the journal the anlount of P2,4?8.00 while the other component societies contributed P8,921.00 or a total of Pll.419.00 with .la as compucd to P9,768.00 of List year. Disb11n cr111·11ts: The biggest espenditure for the period was the printing cost amounting to P21,072.46 to P20,232.4.Z of last yur. It may be pointed out, howe\•er, that there was an increase of circulation from 27,800 to 29,800 this year. Circulotio11: During the 12-month period under review, 3 total of 29,800 copies were published ~~ compared to 27,800 copies of bst )'Car. This shows an increase in th.: 3\'crage of monthly circulation fr.;im 2.317 ro 2,48) for the current yrar. lcXHIBIT "A .. The Council (Thru the ~cr.:t.u)· -Tr~·.1$un• r) Philirpine Medic:i.I Association Manila, Philippines G en ti em en : R.:spectfull)· submitted. (Sgd.) T. P. PESIGAN, M.D. 811s;nC'H M11n11ger M.1nlla, Philippines April ), 1954 I lu \'e examined the 8.1hn..:c Sheet oi the PHILIPPINE MEOICAL ASSOCIATION JS of Much .\I , 1954, .md the sutement of Income and Surplus for the fisc:.l p:ar then tnded, ha\·e revin:ed tht srstem of internal control and the accounting procedure of the :issoci.ltion and, made a det.ailcd audit of the cash transactions and other supporting evidence. Auditing of accounts and records conctrning accounts recei\'lble and inventories have b«n mlde. l-ut I ha\'e not applied the generally accepted auditing procedure of direct communication with debtors. In m)' orinion, subject to the exception sutcd in the foregoing paragraph rdacing to the limitation of the scope of mr csamination, the .a..:comp.anying b.llance sheet and rd:.ted stuement of income and ~urplus present fairlr the position of the PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION on March )I, 19H • .1nd the results of iH opcutions for the year, in conformit)' with generall~· ac..:epted principles. Respcctfullr submitted, (Sgd.) FRANCISCO SANTIAGO Crrli/itJ P•blk /tl'C'O••lnl Yolume XXX Number 12 .47TH ANNUAL MEETING PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION BALANCE .SHEET AS OF MARCH JI, 19H ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS, Petty Cash B:mk of America-Savings Account Philippine N:itional Bank-Current Account Philippine N:ition.11 B:mk-S.nings Account Accounts Receivable Auto Emblems Lapel Pins Auto Stickers Supplies-Postage Stamps in stock Philippine MediC.11 Center, lnc.-Lo;m FIXED ASSETS, Books and Equipment DEFERRED CHARGES, Prcp.iid Expenses-47th Annual Convention Total Assets LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH CURRENT LIABILITIES' Mcdico-Ph.1tmaceutic:il Printing Press SEA Conference-Contribution Women's Auxiliary . ..... . . .. . .... . . .. . . Medical Research Fund Fcrn2ndo Gold Medal Award Fund DEFERRED CREDITS' Unc.lrncd Income-47th Annual Convention NET WORTH' Surplus-M:uch )I, 195} Less-Adjustments Add-Net Income-Per Exhibit B Net Worth p J00.00 7,181.82 18,979.04 J0,747.2S 17,181.6J 16.00 l,J77.00 404.90 200.40 J0,000.00 ·---p 955.00 J,679.4S 9,222.50 450.00 I I0.00 P61,087.77 661.00 P64,426.77 2,202.12 33 Exhibit "A" P86,Jn.o4 4,022.01 671.71 P91,081.H P14,456.91 10,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH 66,628.8' P91 .081.84 Exhibit "B" PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FROM APRIL I, 195J TO MARCH JI, 1954 INCOME' Advertisements Dues-Manila Medical Societr Dues-Provincial Mcdic::il Society Subscriptions lncome-46th Annual Convention Income from Ball Income from Directory Administration Fees Miscellaneous Income Interest Income LESS-EXPENSES, Salaries Office Supplies . .. Postage and Telegraph Printing Transport::ition Total Income TOTAL P28,985.48 2,498.00 8,921.00 256.19 I 8,424.00 J,628.00 2,oJO.IO 7,4J2.00 45 .20 Jll .24 P70,552.0I PIB,480.00 J,4JJ.9J J ,OJJ.6) 2 1,072.46 792.71 34 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Miscellaneous Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. ... E:1penses--46tb Annual Convention .. Auditing F~cs .. . ..... . . . Subsidy to Golden Jubilee Volume ... .. . . . . .• • .. . . . . . . . .... . . .... . . • . Directory Expenses .. . ... . . . • •.. Bi.oding of Journ2ls Total Expenses .. . . . .. . ... . . . NET INCOME-To Exhibit "A" REPORTS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS The Council Philippine Medical Association Thru the Se:crctary-Trea.surcr Sirs: Jour. P.M A . Decembt:r. 19;>' J,142.7) IJ,J9J.67 720.00 )60.00 J,080.70 462.00 P68,J49.89 ~ April 8, 19$4 As Chairman of the Commituc on Acrangcmcnts for the 47rh Annual Meeting of the Philippine Medical Associ:nion, I am submitting for your considcution the report of the v.uious subcommittee• which have been created specifically for the purpose of making this affair a success. S11b.Committu on Co11t.:t11/ion Facilitits Dr. Ricardo Alfonso, Chairman; Dr. Domingo Ampil, Dr. Enrique Araneu and Dr. Jesus Nolasco, members. This sub·commiuee will take charge of the convention site, its dectric;i.I inst3llations, sound systems, decorations, illuminJtions, etc. The three floors of the Administration Building, the Jir·conditioned auditorium and the Social HJ.II of the Far Eastern University arc all a\•ailable. The corridors will be atiliz.ed for commercial exhibits. Sub.Commit/ct <m Finance Dr. Ruben Apclo, chairman; Ors. Heraldo del Castillo, Gloria T. Yambao and Jose Vilhnueva, members, are taking care of a.JI finances involved during the celebration. Major expenses will include the orchestras ;ind refreshments in the Reception and Ball offered by the Manila McdicJI Society at the Main Social Hall of Malaca1iang Park. The amount for this purpose shJll be deri\'ed from the conven· tion fee of PI 0.00 to be collected from each member in good standing. Sub.Commil/ct on Rtgislralion Dr. Hermogenes A. S.:mtos, chairman; Dr. Ruben Apela and Dr. Jose R. Cruz, members. The sub·commiuee shall sec to it that registution is carried out sptem.nically and without tbr least inconvenience to the members attending the meeting. S11b·Commilltt on Aaommod11/io11 anJ Trampor/alion Dr. Jose R. Cruz, Chairman; Ors. Victorino de Dios and R:imon Atienz3, Jr., members. The subcommittee has already made repres: ntations with the various transportHion companies in· duding air, land ;ind sc3 for special rates granted to the conventionisu. lJnd tunsport:'ltion during the convention shall be looked into by Dr. Victorino de Dios. Sub·Commillu on Souvmir Program Dr. Sixto Maceda, Jr., chairman; Ors. Manuel D. Peiias, Ramon R. Angeles and Jose Vilbnuen, members. The souvenir program is present!}' being handled by Mr. Sergio Aguirre of the MO Journal. All activities of the PMA meeting shJll be incorpora[ed in this program which ""c expect to be out two weeks before the convention. A scpJC3tC program for scientific papen is :Jso being prepared. S11b-Commilltt on Pub/icily Dr. Carmelo P. Jacinto, cliairman; Ors. Antonio Gisbert, Saturnina Ador Dionisio, Enrique G:ircia aod Fe dcl Mundo, members. The subcommittee shall issue a press release from time to time regardiog matters pertinent to tho convention. Sub·Comm;llu on Social Aclittilin anJ E11/rrlainme11I Dr. Antonio M. S:imiJ, chairman; Drs. Ramon Angeles, Rodolfo Gonzalez, Adela Planas Paterno and Francisco J. Roman, members. This sub.committee is in charge of all the sociJI ~cti\•ities and entertainment throughout the convention. Through their efforts four luncheons during; the convention will be offered by the Squibb• and Company on April 27 at the Fiesta Pavillion of the M.anila Hotel., the Phil-Americ:'ln lnsur:ince Company on April 28 at the Phil-American Housing Project in Qutzon City, the Speci.alty Socie1ie1 affiliaccd with the Philippine Medical Association on April )0 at the Far Eastern Uni\'ersity Social Hall and the Philippine Pharmaceutical M:inufacturers' Association on April JO :it the Far Eastern University Social H:ill. In addition, the sub·comminee also was able to :irrangc for the following: a cocktail party to be giveo by the F.E.U. Institute of Medicine following the laying of the cornerstone of the F.E.U. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 35 Hospital in the afternoon of April 2i; the mass in the of April 28 "'·hich is to be sponsored by the Catholic Physicians' Guild of the Philippines and the "mcricnda" in the aft<'rnoon nf the same day also offered by the Catholic Physicians• Guild of the Philippines; 2nd the visit to Malac2ii2ng with tea party to be offered by President and Mrs. Magsaysay in the afternoon of April 29. The sub·committee is taking full ch:i.rge of the preparations and the program of the Reception and BaU which the host Society is giving in honor of the delegates and members attending the 47th Annual Meeting. Sub·Commitlu on lntJiltllfon and Rtuption Dr. Heraldo del Castillo, chairmln; Mrs. Quintina Elic:uio, co·chairman; Ors: Jose R. Cruz, Lui' Maninez, Antonio Nubia, Antonio Samia, Benvenuto Diflo, Mrs. Angela Fores ar:.d Mrs. Antonio P. Gabriel. members. The sub·commiuee shall take charge of issuing invitations to spccill guests during the Reception and Ball on April 29 and the other social activities of rhe convention. It sh:oll also make arrangements for the appropriate reception of those guests and foreign ddegatcs at every social function especially ac the Reception and Ball. Resp:cdully submitted (Sgd.) ROMEO Y. ATIENZA, M.D. Chairman ATTESTED: (Sgd.) RUBEN APELO, M.D. Secretary· Tre:i.surer REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS 'io the Memb~rs of the House of Delegates -47th Annual Meeting, Philippine Medical Associ3tion Manila Dclr Sirs: April JU, 19H Your Committee t:ikes cognizance of the large number of bills presented befor~ Congress at the present time. As in the past, most of the bills are appropri:uin~ bills, some of general import and others oi locll interest. We still remember the admonition of our di-;tinguished cotle:i.gue, the Chairman of the Committee on Health of the SenHe, to consider as "'·ell the rnurce of the amounts involved. For this reason, while recognizing the valid reasons for each prop~sed appropri:itin~ lcgisbtion, we c:i.n not in justice endorse them all. So your Committee has chosen what, in its judgement, merits the more careful deliberation of the Association. The Committee also noted that on at least three occasions, the component and affiliated societies have been informed of the proposed bills. The Committee acknowll'dges.tbe contributions from the com· ponent societies but would prefer a still wider response. Some have been very helpful in sending the reasons regarding their respective actions and it is hoped that this practice would spread. It is possible that some bills will be presented :ifter this report, or that other bills may hlve bttn altered - "-'e believe that the joint effort of the members of the House of Delegates and of the Standing Committee will be able to cope with the situ3tion. Immediately following is a list of proposed lcgisl:itions which the Committee endorsed for approval: t. S. No. ll and/or H. No. ;85. An Act Strengthening He:i.lth :ind Dcnul Services in the Rural Areas, and providing funds therefor. 2. H. No. 406. An Act to Pro\·ide Funds for the Establishment of Two Psychopathic Hospitals, one in Cebu Cit}', which shall be called "Dr. Gregorio Singian Memorial Psychopa1hic Hospital,'' and another in Jloilo City, which shlll be c31led "Dr. Luis Guerrero Memorial Psychopathic Hospital," lnd for other purposes. ). H. No. 774. An Act to Amend Section Four of Commonwealth Act Numbered Seven Hundred Four as Amended. (To increase the salacy of puericulture nurses.) 4. H. No. 794. An Act to Further Amend Act Numbered Three Thous1nd One Hundred and Fourteen as Amended by Act numbered Three Thouund one Hundred and Siiuy Eight. (De· signed to impcove the fin3ncing of provincial hospitals in municip.ililies and provincial capitals.) S. H. No. 202. An Act Transfercing the Medical and Dental Services in the Public Schools to the Bureau of Health. 6. H. No. I 970. An Act Regulating the Practice of Medicine :md Allied Professions by Alieru in the Philippines. 7. H. No. 197). An Act to Amend Sections 754 2nd ns of the Administrative Code. (re: Board examination for the puctice of medicine, surgery and midwifery - limiting the number of Board ex:i.minations from focr times a year to twice a year) , 8. H . No. 2080. An Act Providing for an Explnsicn Program on the Activities and Organiza· tion of the Institute of Nutrition :ind Authorizing the Ap.,:ropri3tion of Funds Therefor. We should like to call 1he attention of the members of House of Deleg:stes to the existence of several bills. which vitally affect the future of medical practice in the Philippines. The objectives behind thete b.ills are very budable and c:srries our enthusiastic support. However, because of the far.reaching signi· f1cance of these proposals, we strongly urge the utmost clution and dedication in their deliberation. 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M A . December, 1954 House Dill No. 2001 entitled "An Ace to Convert che Quirino bbor Hospital in Quezon City int<? a Community Hospital for Prc·paid Medical Care otnd Hospiufization of the Lower Income Group of People" proposes to csublish a S)'stcm of pre-paid health insurance similar to the wdl known Blue Cross 3nd Illue Shield plans. House Bill No. 1378 entitled "An Act Giving Subsidies to Ph~·sici:ns, Dentists and Registered Nurses Practicing in the Burios" is 30 effort to encour:igc privm! practitioners to establish themselves in the rur:il uc:is. It is generally agreed that one of tlic most significant bills in Congress today is House Dill No. 1610 entitled "The lvlcdical Act of 19H." There is :a two-fold objective in the introduction of this bill (a) to modify the sptem of giving medical bo.ud examinations and (b) to introduce what i:; called the 'rural internship' or 'rural service' of the medical graduate. Your Committee, in joint session With the Standing Committee on MedicJI Education, Ho!pitals and Laboratories, :ifter an intensive study of die bill, lus decided to propose to the Committel!s on Health of the Senate and House 0£ Rcpresenutive,: ~espectivcly, dut the bill in its present form be not acted upon. If desired, your Committee, again, with the Standing Committee on l\ledical Education, Hospiuls and Laboratories, is re.:idy to propose the removal of the fc:i.tures of the bill with which it is not in :i.ccord, and to secure the implementJtion of the administration's a\'owcd policy of obtaining modern medicJI care to the rur~I areas. Similarly, your Committee is not also in accord with Hou ~e Bill No. 1252 entitled "An Act to Require Every Medical Graduate Who Completed One-Yelr Medical Jnternship either to undergo OueYeu i1micutional or Rural Practice Before Given :i Physici:m''< Licl!nse." Your Committee is similJrly against House Bill No. 976 entitled "An Act Providing for the Aboli· tion of Go"·ernment ~ledical IloJrd Ex:iminations, and R~quiring Internship in the Rural Areas ;:as Prerequisite to Gr;1duation and For Other Purposes." We have also been informed of se\•eral proposed bill~ which ~·e ha\'e studied but, to our bes1 knowledge, to the time of this writing h3ve not ret been introduced. If the following :re introduced. we have agreed to endorse them : (I) An Act !~Amend Sec. 11 of Reriuhlic Act NO. 87J commonly known :is the Ma~n3 C:irta of Labor. (Employees in government hospiuls may not strike - th.: purpose of the bill is tn extend this clause to private hospitals, sanatoria, matrrnities, medical clinics) (2) An Act appropriating funds for the Construction and Equipment of Building~ for the National Orthopedic Hospital. O) An Act appropriating Funds for the Construction, Equipment and Maintcnlnce of 111 Leprosy Research Laboratory and Training Center in the City of Manila. Re'<pectfull>· submitted, (Sgd.) ANTONIO S. FERNANDO, M.D., <hoirmau (Sgd.) REGINO G. PADUA, M.D., memb<r (Sgd.) VICENTE R. DE OCAMPO, M.D., niemb" (Sgd.) FERNANDO D. MANALO, M.D., number (Sgd.) MANUEL D. PENAS, M.D., se<rtt .. y REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL EDUCATION, HOSPITALS AND LABORATORIES To The Houte of Delegates Philippine Medical Association: PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION April I, 19j~ Aside from individual and group studies made by the members of the Committee on Medical Education, Hospitals and Laboratories, your Committee has held during the year a number of meetings in which the pressing problems of medic:al education were discussed either am?ng the members of the Committee themselves alo!le; jointly with the members of the Board of Medical E:uminers: and/or together with the said Body and the representatives of the Ilure3u of Private Schools. During the beginning of the term just ended, the President of the Philippine Medic:1l Association who has whole-heartedly cooper:ued "-'ith your Committee, on the rccommendJtions of )'Our Committ~e, obtained from the American Medic:al Associ:ation ceruin forms employed by the Slid Association for the survey of the te3ching facilities of medical schools in the United States and the areas under the influence of the said Association. The forms had been studied very carefully by your Committee and the rcpresentati\'es of the Boltd of MedicJI Examiners and the Bureau of Private Schools for local adoption after pertinent modification to suit Philippine conditions. Our survey forms having been carefully prcp3red, scver:il medical schools of th.: country were furnished copies of the sJnle in order that the respecti\•e local mcdic3I educational authorities could undert;:ake a self appr3is:il of the condition' under which their system of medic::il instruction operates with a view to securing imprO\'ement thereon. The complete returns of this special study are being compiled in the Bureau of Priv::itc Schools. Thr report of this survey will be made available to the Associ:ation as soon as the compilation is completed. As part of the above mentioned activity, your Committee conducted an occular inspection of the sever.:11 inedieal schools in Manila, accompanied by members of the Board of Medical Examiners and the representatives of the Bureau of Private Schools in order to :acquaint themseh·l·~ personally of the condition of the teaching facilities of these schools. Vatumc XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING ~7 It mly be stated in this connection tlut the responsible authorities of these priv1te . med\cal schools have extended to your Committee their cooperation becJuse they reJlize the import1ncc of such studies as the Committee is underuking more puticuluiy as regards the "content," "organiz;ition" and integr1tion of mcdicJI curriculum" in this country and the improvement of the teaching tools and methods in medicine; and incre1sing full-time faculties in size for better b:ibnccd activities in te::.chinp 1nd reseuch in the interest of our science and art as wcil as institution Jnd nuint:?nancc of a high standard 0£ medical sen·ice for the good of our profession and the public th1t we scn·e. More rigid selection :ind limitation of enrollment in these 111edic:il schools :ippcarl'd to your Committee to be called for if we arc to expc~t ~mmcdiJ!C impronment in our medii.:al instruction. It is realized by )'Our Committee tlut the greatest stumbling block in the improvement of mcdic;tl etluc;ttion in this country is financill bec1use the privately ownrd medical schools here depend only on sp1dent fees for maintenance and operJtion of thes.: schools. Jn the United Sutes after which our medicll e<lucation:il system is p1tterned, the approved medic:il schools, v.•hieh :ire highl)' endol\·ed anJ do not depend on student fees alon~ for m:iintcnancc, the median si1.e of the ~rndent body is ;~>O and the tuition fees cl1;1rged r:inge from SI 00 to S900 with :1 medi:m of $700. It would seem, therefore, logicJl. to your Committee dut our private medical schools not being end'.)wcd, if these ha\'e to m.1int:1in :tn acccpt;ible degree of appro\'ed medical instruction, there would not be strong reason .~ ;1g;1inst their raising the St\lllcnt fees pro\•ided tlut if enrollment be limited to the degree commcr.sur:ite wid1 h::tchinlZ f:icilities thru co trdul ,election of students in the interest of the public good. . Your Committee is gr:itifil•d over the interest :ind enthusi:ism shown by Congress and t,l1e pre~ent ;dministration in sol\'ing the present lack of medic::! service in the ruol districts of the Philippines. Your Committee, howc\•er, believes that in :iddition to the pl.m of sub~idi-ting the rural medical p.r:ictice of new gr;1duatcs, more form of contract scholarship in medical scht"Jol mic;ht b~ considered by tl1e Sovcrnment. Such schobrship shoul<l involn tuition :md living expenses for qualified c:indidate~. Your Committee wishes to reiterate the several rccommend;1tions which this Body previou~ly' rnb1~1ined :is rej;:trds medical education, hospicals and bboratories. Such recommend1tions :ire on recortl in 1he fil.:s of the Philippine MediCll Association. · With regard to House .Bill No. 1610 (Introduced by Congressman T:tn) G. B.), Trono, Cruz (I. S.), Pecson, L:idrido, Gonz1les :ind Congresswoman Cansino), in a meeting hcl.J '9.'ith the Council 0£ the Associ.nion, die prevailing opinion of the members present "tl.'JS that many of the provisions Of the Bill were not :icccpuble to the: Committee bec:iuse such provisions will :tffect ad,·erscly the intCrest of meJic:il education and the st:indard of medicJI prJctice in this country. Your Committee, therefore, recom· mends tlut :in 1hernate proposal be prepJred by a joint .Body of the J\uociation composed of members of the Council, the Committee on Legisbtion, the Committee on ~lcdical Education, Hospitals and LlbOI'· atories, and representati\·es of other Committees of the Associ:ition concerned. Respectfully submitted, {Sgd.) A. G. SISON, Chairm.rn (Sgd.) M. M. ALlMURUNG, M"nb" (Sgd.) C. P. MANAHAN, Member (Sgd.) H. LARA, Member (Sgd.) J. 8. NOLASCO, Memb" REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEDICAi. PRACTICE AND MEDICAL ECONOMICS THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES Philippine Medical Association Gentlemen: M:irch ~o. UH Your Scanding Committee on PRIVA'fE MEDICAL PRACTICE & MEDICAL ECONOMICS, whose members are design_ ated by the Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioners, by virtue of this organization's special affiliation to the Philippine Medical Association, respectfully submits herewith :tn Annual Report covering the period from March I, 1953 to March 1, 19J4, inclusive. as follows: (A) RESOLUTIONS adopted by your Commir~cc (as origin:illy adopted by the Philippine Pcderation of Private Medical Practitioners) - I. Resolution requesting the corresponding authorities to re-examine the problem of Priv:.u Practice of Government Physicians in the charity w:irds of government hospit.ils. (Arpendix A) Resolution for the form:icion of a Spcci;1l Committee to study Ways and Means for the Solution of the Maldiscribution of Physicians in the Philippines. (Appendi:i B) . l. Resolution on ''A Family Physici:m for £,·cry Filipino Family". (Appendix C) (.B) The following MEDICAL LEGISLATJOI\'S dealing on Pri,·ate Medic:;) Practice &: Medical Economics as proposed by the Philippine fe:deration of Private Medical Practitioners are recommended/ or referred by your Committee to the corresponding Sundin~ Committees of the Philippine Medical Associ;Hion, for consider:ition and approval:38 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M /L December. 19S4 l. An Act amending Republic Act No. J46 - to limit the tenure of office of members of the Board of Medical Examiners. wherein there will be no reappointments; to require that members of the Boud should have practiced a<lii'rly for not less than 10 years; they should not ocl.'.upy government positions while acting as Board Members. (Ap· pcndix 0). - To the Committee on Medical Education and the Committee on Legislations & Public Rebcions. 2. An Act eliminating completdy all Pay-Bed Services in Government Hospitals -o.•ich adequate facilities and in localities where private hospitals with adequate facilities are in opera• tion. (Appendix E) - To the Committee on Hospitals and bbor.atories and the Com· miuee on Legisbt1ons :and Public Rebtions. ) . An Act to repell Republic Act No. 46S whuein l Registration Fee of F2.00 is levied each physici:m (and other professionlls) by the Bolrd of Examiners (Appendix f) - To the Committee on Legislatiuns & Public Relations. 4 . An Act Regubting the Practice of Alien Physici:rns in the Philippines. (Appendix G (and G') - To the Committee on Legisbtions lnd Public Rebtions. J . An Act amending cert:iin provisions of the existing l:ibor Laws regarding the employment of physicians in industrial establishments and offices. The ratio of the laborers to be served by each physician should be reduced from 200 to SO only per physician. (Ap· pendix H) - To the Committee on Medical Legisbtions :md Public Rebtions. 6 . Proposed amendment to the Excise law on Surgical Equipm~nt :rnd Supplies. (Appendix I, ~:ith List) - To the Committee on Legisbtions &. Public Relations. (C) Your Special Committee took deep interest in the Case of tbe PFPMP Vs. t he "faith Healer", Rev. Clifton O. Erickson. Your Committee expresses herewith its full accord with the report and action taken by the PFPMP on the Case. (Appendix j) . (D) SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: (to the House of Dcleg,tes) I . That the House of Delegates pass a RESOLUTION recognizing the need of a Pre.Paid Volunt:iry He:ilth lnsur:mce Plan in the Philippines (simibr to the Blue Cross &: Blue Shield Pbns in existence in the U.S.) . 2 . To foster a better cooperation and underst:mding between the go\·ernment hea1th person· ncl and the privlte medical prlctitioners, the unflir practice off~rcd by government phy· sicians in cnglging in private pr:ictice lnd using the fac:ilities of government hospiuls be stopped right away by the proper authorities. thru .t rigid screening of truly indigent patients and by institu ting administ rati\•e lcticn on tbe erring government physicians. Th:it the House of Ddegltes, thru a Resolution, invite the :attentio:i of the Board of Medical Examiners to be always alert, fc3rJ css lnd prompt in the discharge of its duties io the mJintenancc of a high standlrd of medical practice in this country. The apparent in· difference, inaction (or ineptitude?) of the BoJrd of Medical Examiners in che Erickson Case warrants this recomm~·ndation. APPENDIX "A" Respectfully submitted, For the STANDING COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTICE AND MEDICAL ECONOMICS (Sgd.) Ramon R. Angeles, M.D. Cbairruan Mt>mbers (SgJ.) p,blo Anzures, Ll.B., M.D. (Ssd.) Vicente R. de Ocampo, M.D. (Sgd.) Pedro T. Nery, M.D. (Sg<l.) Ramon Aticnz:a, Jr., M.D. THE PHILIPPINE FEDERATION OF PR!\' A TE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CORRESPONDING AUTHORITIES TO REEXAMINE THE PROBLEM OF PRIVATE PRACTICE OF GOVERNMENT PHYSICIANS IN THE CHARITY WARDS OF GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS. WHEREAS, there is inadequate and limited hospiul facilities for the really indigent in this country; WHEREAS, complaints arc still being heard about the pernicious practice of some government physicians of admitting private pay patients in the charity wards or charging indigent patients in the free ward;. WHEREAS, attempts not wholly succes;ful were sponsored by the P.F.P.M.P. in the past to curb this private medical practice. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 39 WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT HEREBY RESOLVES that the P.F.P.M.P. reiterate and request the corresponding authorities of the incoming Administration to look into and reexamine this problem; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Committee on Ethics ond Publicity mlke ottempts to inform the public that this proctice is improper and unlawful for both the patients and the physicians. RESOLVED FURTHER thot copies of this resolution be sent to the press and the corresponding authorities of the incoming administration. (Sgd.) Ramon R. Angeies, M.D. President Attest: (Sgd.) Romon Atienza, Jr., M.D. Secretary-Trearnrer APPENDIX "B" RESOLUTION FOR THE FORMATION or A SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY WAYS AND MEANS FOR THE SOLUTION OF THE MALDISTRIBUTION or PHYSICIANS IN THE PHILIPPINES. Whereas, it has been pointed out repeatedly in medical confabs now ond in the past that one of the medical problems in this country is the maldistribution of physicians; Where•s, this problem offccts directly and indirectly private medical practice and medical service in the Philippines; Whereas, we are all aware of this problem but no successful and practical steps have so far been taken by both the government and medical organizations in this country; Whereas, the problem needs not only fact-finding information about the condition of medical practice prevailing in the rural areas, but also a survey of the motives, desires, difficulties, rewards of why our phy,icians arc reluctant to practice in these places; Whereas, all these considerations should be known and studied before a realistic attempt Jt solving the problem can be proposed; Wherefore be it resolved by the P.F.P.M.P. in it.. 1953 J\nnual Conference that a special Committee be formed, to gather facts and formulate workable plans in cooperation with Government Health Agencies and civic organizations for this particular problem: - The Maldistribution of Physicians in the Philippines. Be it further resolved that this Committee submit a report as soon as feasible to one of the Regular Business Meetings on the P.F.P.M.P. for the coming year or at the Annual Conference in 1954. (Sgd.) Ramon R. Angeles, M.D. President Attest: (Sgd.) Ramon Atienza, Jr., M.D. Secre/ary-Treasttrer APPENDIX "C" RESOLUTION ON "A rAMILY PHYSICIAN FOR EVERY FILIPINO FAMILY." Whereas, at present, majority of Filipinos have no reliable source of information regarding personal health and diseases; 40 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Joiu" P.M A. December, 1954. Whereas, in these times of advancing medical specialization, and radio and newspaper advertisements, often a patient is confronted by the problem of whom or where to consult for his ailment or that of any member of his family; Whereas, on general matters pertaining to diseases and health a family physician acting as a family health counsel is the logical person to be first consulted and not another laym;in or specialist; Whereas, a family physician is the best and most reliable and available source of information on questions of health and disease that confront any citizen or family; Wherefore, be it resolved as it hereby resolves that the Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioner on this its 19 5 3 Annual Conference urge each and every "Filipino Family" to have a ''Familr Phpician" and to consult him first on matters regarding health and disease. APPENDIX "D" Third Congress of the Republic) of the Philippines ) First Session ) Introduced by HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. No. - - EXPLANATORY NOTE There are four main objections to Republic Act No. 5 46. I. Under Republic Act 1111111bered 5 46, any member of the 16 examining boards may be re-appointed any number of times, thus perpetuating said member in the board. Actuallr one member of the existing boards has held his office for several years from the time of his appointment up to date. 2. Under the same Republic Act numbered 5 46, any full time Government or public official may be appointed to hold office either as chairman or member of any of the Board of Examiners. Actually, some of the members of the existing Board of Examiners are full-time Government officials, consequently diminishing and adversely affecting his efficiency in the performance of his official functions. 3. Under the same Republic Act numbered 546, it requires that one of the qualification of the member is that he should have practiced actively for not less than I 0 years. The better legal qualification is that a member to better qualify for the position is that he should have been in active private practice for at least ten years. 4. Under the same Republic Act number 546, the Chief Executi,·e is given an unlimited power to re-appoint any of the 16 members of the Board of Examiners. Hence, he may abuse such powers by keeping political favorites and protegees in office at the pleasure of said Executive to the exclusion of more deserving and more qualified members of the profession. The repeated re-appointment of certain members of the Board give rise to two presumptions, namely: (a) That there is no other professional who could perform the duties of the member of the Board, which is an insult to the intelligence and integrity of the different professional organizations, and (b) That the member so re-appointed may be sticking to the position he is holding for some ulterior and unlawful motive. Besides, board examinations are given to determine whether the candidate is qualified to enter into the private practice of any profession and there is no better qualified. professional to determine this other than ·a priv1te practitioner of each and every profession concerned. Volume XXX: Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 41 It is therefore respectfully recommended that the necessary amendments to Republic Act numbered 546 be approved. Third Congress of the Republic ) of the Philippines ) First Session ) Introduced by HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. No. - - AN ACT AMENDING SECTION TEN OF ACT NUMBERED FOUR THOUSAND AND SEVEN, KNOWN AS THE "RE-ORGANIZATION LAW 01' NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO", AS AMENDED BY REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED FIVE HUNDRED AND l'ORTY-SIX. (Full text of this Bill and subsequent Bills are available at the Secretari.u) APPENDIX "E" Third Congress of the Republic) of the Philippines ) First Session ) Introduced by HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. B. No.-EXPLANATORY NOTE In view of the increase in the number of hospitals supported and financed by private individuals or corporations in the Philippines, it is believed that it is high time that Government public hospitals be devoted entirely and exclusively to the service of our indigent population free of charge. At present, personnel of Government hospitals with pay wards or private rooms are devoting more of their time to private paypatients thus diminishing their attention and the quality of their services to the charity patients. At the same time Government public hospitals with pay accommodations are unfairly competing with privately run hospitals, especially with respect to government employees who arc given certain deductions. It is therefore recommended that all Government public hospitals be devoted to purely charity work except in cities, provincEs or towns where no private hospitals- exist. Third Congress of the Republic) of the Pliilippines ) First Session ) Introduced by HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. No. - - AN ACT CONVER TING ALL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC HOSPITALS INTO CHARITY HOSPITALS 42 47TH ANNUAL MEETING APPENDIX "F" Third Congress of the Republic) of the Philippines First Session Introduced by HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. No. EXPLANATORY NOTE Jour. P.M A. December, 1954 Section 3 of Republic Act No. 465 provides for the payment of an annual Registration Fee of P2.00 by every pCJcticing physician, pharmacist, demist, optometrist, certified pub!ic accountant, m3ster mariner, chief m<lte, major patron, chief and second mate, motor engineer, architect, chemical engineer, civil engineer, profes:ional and associate clccrrical engineer, mechanical engineer, mechanical plant engineer, mining engineer and veterinarian. It further provides for the payment of an annual Registration Fee of P 1.00 for every nurse, second and third and fourth steam and motor engineers, junior mechanical enginc:cr, m3stcr electrician, certified p!ant mechanic and surveyor. The said section further provides that this annual Registration Fee shall be paid in advance not later than the fifteenth of November of every year. It is be'ieved that chis provi.ion constitutes practically a double taxation of the above named professionals. Each of the foregoing professional is required to pay their cerresponding privileges taxes in addition to the payment of income tax and of the Class-B Residence Certificate. Furthermore, Republic Act No. 465 classified this fee as Registration Fee. It i; likewise believed that the moment chat each of the foregoing professional has passed the Board Examination and pay the corresponding Registration Fee in accordance with law, the said registration entitles the professional to practice his respective profession anywhere in the Philippines and throughout hi> life unless suspended or revoked after due investigation. It is therefore proposed that Section 3 of Republic Act No. 46 5 be repealed. APPENDIX "G" AN ACT REGULATING THE PRACTICE OF ALIEN PHYSICIANS IN THE PHILIPPINES BE IT ENACTED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND BY THE SENATE IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED Section I. All alien physicians who are graduates of recognized Colleges of Medicine, shall before being admitted to practice the profession in the Philippines, have at least one year of rotating internship in the Univer.ity Training Hospitals. Section 2. All alien physicians who are graduates of recognized Colleges of Medicine, shall have resided three successive years in the Philippines before admission to the Medical Board of Examination provided that their countries of origin have reciprocity treaties with the Philippines regarding caking Medical Boord Examinations before entering in practice of medicine. Section 3. All aliens referred to in Sec. I and 2 hereof shall specify their lines of practice or specialty before practicing in the Philippines or before accepting positions as retainers of industrial or business concerns. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 43 Section 4. All alien physicians and allied professions who are entitled to practice their profession shall be required to exercise their profession for a period of eight (8) months continuously every year, otherwise, they shall forfeit such right to practice. Section S. All laws, executive orders, proclamations or regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of the Act are hereby repealed, or amended accordingly. Section 6. This Act shall take effect upon approval. (The above is a proposed Act approved by the members of the Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioners at its Annual Metting held February 9, 1954 to be presented to Congress). A Special Committee has been created to study the above Act seriously and its details, so chat it can be presented as a House Bill in the House of Representatives, 3rd Congress of the Philippines. EXHIBIT G' (Report of the Committee on Private Medical Practice and Medical Economics) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. B. No. 1970 Introduced by Congressman MANUEL S. ENVERGA EXPLANATORY NOTE This bill seeks to regulate the practice of medicine and allied professions by aliens in the Philippines. Under this bill, an alien physician must have resided in the Philippines continuously for at least five years before he can be admitted to the Board examination for che practice of medicine in this country. He must also have undergone at least one year of rotating internship in government and private hospitals authorized to train interns. After passing the examination, he must file with the Board of Medical Examiners a sworn statement of his line of practice or specialty before he can engage in the actual pr.ictice of medicine or accept a position as retainer in any industrial, commercial or agricultural enterprise, and shall limit his practice co such line or specialty, except in cases of emergency. The bill also provides that all aliens authorized in the Philippines co practice medicine, and allied profe:sions co be determined by the Secretary of Health, shall devote every year at least 8 months to the continuous practice of their respective professions. Failure to do so or to limit their practice to their respective lines or specialties shall be sufficient cause for the revocation of their registration certificates or license; to practice their profession in the Philippines. One purpose of the bill is to prevent alien physicians from practicing medicine in the Philipeines before they are acquainted, through internship in our hospitals, with the treatment of tropical diseases and other ma'adies peculiar to the Phi'ippines. In many cases, aliens who do not have a good practice in their own countries come to the Philippines to practice their profession. These physicians do not know anything about tropical medicine. Another purpose is to prevent a1ien physicians from advertising or presenting themselves as speciali ts in any branch of medicine, even if they are not. A foreigner who has studied and/or practiced medicine for a short time in America or Europe, for instance, can convincingly pose as 3 !pecialist and easily overshadow Filipino physicians who are graduates of local medical schools. By requiring him to declare under oath his line of practice or specia'.ty and to limit his proccice to such line or specialty, his chances of fooling the pub1ic will be greatly reduced and a sort of protection will be given to Filipino physicians. 44 .i;TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P .fit.A December, Htj-' As· regards the requirement that aliens who may be authorized to practice medicine and allied professions in the Philippines shall have to devote e\'ery year not less than 8 months to the continuous practice of their respective professions, the idea is to discourage their coming to the Philippines unless their m:1in purpose is protection of health in this country. (Sgd.) MANUEL S. EN\'ERGA Congress-man First District, Quezon APPENDIX "H" RESOLUTION OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE OF THE PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF OCCUPATIONAL l\IEDICJNE AND THE PHILIPPINE FEDERATION OF PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS. WHEREAS, Congressman Miguel Cuenco of the 5th District of Cebu presented House Bill No. 3583 in the House of Representatives in the Second Congress of the Republic of the Philippines in its FOURTH SESSION entitled "AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE PROVISIONS OF ACT NUMBERED THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY-ONE, AS AMENDED, RELATIVE TO FREE EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT, and REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE, RELATIVE TO FREE EMERGENCY DENTAL TREATMENT, FOR EMPLOYEES AND LABORERS OF COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENTS, AND TO INCLUDE THE MEMBERS OF STEVEDORING UNIONS AMONG THOSE TO BE FURNISHED FREE EMERGENCY MEDICAL AND DENTAL TREATMENT"; Whereas, the purpose of the bill, according to the explanJtory note, is to "remove inadequ.1cies and extend the benefits of free emergency medical and dental treatment to a larger number of our working population," which includes the medical profession; WHEREAS, in order to extend better the medical service to laborers, the number of laborers stated on page 2, line 11 of the bill should be reduced to FIFTY instead of "TWO HUNDRED"; WHEREAS, by so reducing the number of workers so that the management shall be required obligatorily to employ a physician, it gives benefit to more laborers as con· tcmplated in the bill and also will increase the number of physician employed in industry. BE IT RESOLVED that the PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE and THE PHILIPPINE FEDERATION OF PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS express their dunks and appreciation to Representative Miguel Cuenco for the humanitarian spirit and object of his bill; BE IT RESOLVED THAT Congressman Miguel Cuenco be respectfully requested, as he is herein requested, to change the third and fourth words in line 11 of page 2 of his bill H. No. 3592, to read "FIFTY" instead of "Two hundred." (Sgd.) VICTORINO DE DIOS, M.D. Prcsidmt Philippine Association of Occupational Medicine (Sgd.) RAMON R. ANGELES, M.D. President Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioners Volume XXX Number 12 APPENDIX "!" 47TH ANNUAL MEETING EXCISE TAX ON MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES AMENDED 45 Republic Act No. 601, as amended by Republic Acts Nos. 814 and 871, otherwise known as the Exchange Tax Law, is soon to expire. The financial advisers of the Government have recommended the extension of this law in order to preserve the financial stability of the country. Congressman Godofredo Ramos, Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means in the House of Representatives, is sponsoring as amended Exchange Tax Law. Congressman Ramos llld requested the Secretary of Health to give his suggestions for amendment of this law, especially with reference to Section 2 and the Appendices attached thereto. This Section deals with medical, surgical, and pharmaceutical supplies and equipment. The Secretary of Health then appointed a Special Committee with Dr. J. A. Nolasco as Chairman and the following as members: Dr. Ramon R. Angeles, representing the Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioners; Dr. Manuel D. Penas, of the Philippine Medical Association; Dr. Domingo Antonio of the Philippine Hospital Association; the Director of Hospitals; Dr. Dalmacio Suaco, representing the Philippine Pharmaceutical Manufacturer's Association; and Dr. Pedro Katigbak, representing che Drug Association of the Philippines. The Special Committee held a series of meetings and unanimously recommended to Secretary Paulino Garcia che amendment of Section 2 of the Exchange Tax Law as follows: "Sec. 2. •:·; anaesthetics, antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, AND OTHER DRUGS AND MEDICINES LISTED IN THE A TT ACHED APPENDIX; X-Ray APPARATUS, films, ACCESSORIES, FIXERS AND DEVELOPERS, laboratory SUPPLIES, APPARATUS, reagents, biologicals, INSTRUMENTS, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, FURNITURE AND MEDICINES FOR THE USE OF THE DENTAL, VETERINARY AND OPTOMETRIC PROFESSIONS, (dental supplies) and pharmaceutical drugs, CONTAINERS AND OTHER PACKING MATERIALS necessary for comp<>unding AND MANUFACTURING OF (Medicines) MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS;· MACHINERIES, SPARE PAR TS, ACCESSORIES TO BE CERTIFIED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE PUBLIC HEAL TH RESEARCH LABORATORIES AS ACTUALLY NEEDED FOR THE MANUFAC· TURE OF PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS; medical and hospital supplies listed in the appendix to this Act, LABORATORY SUPPLIES, APPARATUS, RE· AGENTS, BIOLOGICALS, AND SUCH OTHER MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL SUPPLIES, INSTRUMENTS, APPARATUS, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE AND MEDICINES in quantities to be certified FROM TIME TO TIME by the Director of H<>spitals as actually needed (by the Hospitals, applying therefore) FOR THE CARE AND TREATMENT OF PATIENTS IN HOSPITALS, CLINICS, DISPENSARIES AND MEDICAL LABORATORIES; (drugs and medicines listed in the said appendix) and such other drugs and medicines as may be certified by the Secretary of Health from time t<> timt!" to promote and protect the health of the people of the Philippines; * " *" At chis time <>f writing, we understand Congre;sman Ramos has already rep<>rted on the amended provisions <>f the Exchange Tax Law. It is expected co bec<>me a law. The Special C<>mmictee was guided by the foll<>wing principles in recommending the proposed amendment: I. Public health and welfare 2. Protection of local industries ). Protecti<>n <>f established foreign investments. The prop<>sed amendment is a happy solution to various interests which at times were conflicting. However, the urgent and critical requirements of the medical and surgical professions were thoroughly considered and well taken care <>f. 46 47TH ANNUAL MEETING APPENDIX Jour . P.M.A. December, !954 DRUGS, MEDICINES, MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT I. Adrenalin (Epinephrine) Chloride and preparations 2. Alyminum Hydroxide preparations 3. Amebacides except emctine preparations 4. Amino Acid preparations, solutions, parentenl S. Antihelmin prep>rations except calomel, santonin 6. Antihistaminic preparations 7. Antihypcrtension and vasodilator agents 8. Anti-leprosy preparations 9. Antima.'arials except quinine preparations I 0. Antipyrctics not manufactured locally 11. Antisyphylitic preparations 12. Antitetanic serum 13. Aureomycin preparations 14. B-Comp1ex Cap .ulcs 15. Barbiturates and their preparations 16. B'ood testing serums and solutions 17. Cardiac stimulants except aminophylline preparations 18. Castor Oil 19. Cathartic Pills Compound 20. Chenopodium Oil 21. Ch'orazene Tablets and similar preparations 22. Chloromycetin preparations 23. Coagulants 24. Cortisone Acetate preparations 2 5. Curare products and similar preparations 26. Diagnostic Reagents 27. Digitalin and other digitalis preparations 28. Diphtherio Antitoxin and other immunological preparations 29. Diphtheria Toxoid 30. Discoids of Hydrocyanic Acid (HCN) for fumigation work · 31. Drugs (crude or otherwise), chemicals (simp1e or compound for pharmaceutical manufacture.) 32. Drugs and medicines for the use of the dental and veterinary profession 33. Ferrous Sulphote preparations 34. Ergot preparations and derivatives 35. Gas Gangrene Antitoxin 36. Gland products and synthetic substitutes 37. Heparin derivatives 38. Homogenized Baby Foods (vegetables, fruits and meats) 39. Hormone preparauons 40. Hydrogen Peroxide preparations 41. HTH - Commercial 42. In-ulin preparations, all forms 43. Laboratory Stains 44. Liquor Cresolis Compositus and other disinfectants 45. Liver Extract prcplrations 46. Magnesium Hydroxide preparations 47. Magnesium Trisilicate compounds 48. Mercurio! Diuretics 49. Mercurochrome, crystals SO. Merthiolate preparations SI. Multivitamin Capsule< S 2. Neomycin and preparations Volume XXX NumlJ~r 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 47 5 3. Novocain and other anaesthetics for general, spinal, intravenous, local or dental use 54. Opium, its alkaloids and their salts, its derivatives, their preparations and synthetic substitutes 5 5. Pancreatic extracts preparations 56. Plasma 57. Pregnenolon Acetate and preparations 5 8. Protein Solutions, powders and compounds 59. Quarternary Ammonium compounds and other fungicidal agents 60. Saccharine preparations and substitutes 61. Sa1t substitutes 62. Similac, Klim, Lactogen and other dehydrated powdered milk 63. Sulphur 64. Terramycin and preparations 65. Tuberculin Tab1ets PPD, 1st and 2nd Tests 66. Vitamin preparations not manufactured locally in sufficient quantities I. App'icators, wood 2. Bandage, gauze 3. Bandage, specialists, Plaster of Paris 4. Cotton, Absorbent 5. Dental instruments and supplies 6. Diagnostic instruments 7. Droppers, medicine 8. E1ectro Medical equipment 9. Gauze, p!ain I 0. Gauze, sponges 11. Jelly, lubricating, p1ain or anae:thetics 12. Major Operating Table (not examining table) 13. Optometric instruments and supplies 14. Operating lights 15. Optometric instruments and supplies 16. Pads, obstetrical 17. Pla,ters, adhesive, all sizes 18. Steri!izers, autoclaves 19. Surgical, instruments 20. Surgical, crinoline 21. Sutures, all kinds and sizes 22. Syringes, hypo, all sizes 23. X-Ray films, developers and fixers 24. X-Ray equipment and supplies APPENDIX "J" REPORTS ON THE ERICKSON CASE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS PHILIEPINE FEDERATION OF PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS The undersigned, acting by authority of the Board of Directors of the PFPMP, respec.~fully submits the following report on the Erickson Case: CAUSE OF ACTION - In view of the failure on the part of the Board of Medical Examiners to institute any criminal action against the Rev. CLIFTON 0 . ERICKSON, the President of the Federation, Dr. RAMON R. ANGELES, thru the undersigned, filed a complaint for illegal practice of medicine against the aforementioned Rev. Erickson before the Office of the City Fiscal on the morning of Saturday, 20 Feb. 1954 (I. S. 5789) . The comp~aint was based on the second paragraph of Sec. 770 of the revised administrative code, to wit: 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M.A. December, 19St "A person shall be considered to practice medicine within the meaning of this section, who shall, for comp~nsation or reward or even without the same, diagno1ie, treat, operate, prescribe remedies for any hum:tn disease, injury, deformity, physical or mental condition or any ailment, real or supposed, regardless of the nature of the remedy or treatment used or recommended, or who shall, by melns of signs, cards, advercisemcncs, or in any qthcr way either offer or undertake by any means or methods to diagnose, treat, manipulate, adjust, operate, or prescribe for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, physical or condition." THE PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION-Immediately aftor the filing of the complaint, Assistant City Fiscal JOSE B. JIMENEZ sent the following letter to the Commissioner of Immigration: "I have the honor to advise you that the Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioners have this day filed a case against Rev. Clifton 0 . Erickson, who has been holding nightly meetings in the City of Manila in which he claims to perform miracles of helling, for the crime of illegal practice of medicine. The preliminary investigation of the case has been scheduled for February 22nd, 1954, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon before the undersigned at his office at the City of Manila. Pending the result of the said investigation, the cooperation of your Office is earnestly requested with a view to preventing, - should the eventuality occurDr. Erickson's departure from the Philippine shores in order to avoid a possible miscarriage of justice." At 2:00 p.m. on Monday, 22 Feb. 1954, the preliminary investigation was commenced with the testimony of Dr. Ramon R. Angeles who stated that he has read the advertisements appearing in the Manila Times of 23 Jan. 1954, Daily Mirror of 21 Jan. 1954, two news pictures of the Evening News of 25 Jan. 1954 and a news item of the Daily Mirror of 30 Jan. 1954, all marked as Exhibits A, A-1, A-2 , A-3 md A-4. He continued by alleging that he went to the Sunken Gardrns a few dars before the filing of the complaint and witnessed the respondent preaching and calling for all those who were afflicted by disease. The following shows one of the advertisements (Exh. A-1) : "BEGINNING SUNDAY NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT AT 7:00 P.M. CLIPTON 0. ERICKSON SALVATION AND HEALING REV IV AL. BRING YOUR SICK: BLIND, DEAF AND DUMB, CRIPPLED AND AFFLICTEDMIRACLES OF HEALING BEFORE YOUR EYES. FOR ALL PEOPLE - FOR ALL CHURCHES. ROXAS PARK ON TAFT AVE. OPPOSITE CITY HALL EVERY EVENING AT 7:00 P.M. REV. LESTER F. SUMRALL PASTOR, BETHEL TEMPLE - GEN. LUNA, ISAAC PERAL ST." After his testimony, an American acquaintance talked to us and transmitted the apologies and the willingness of the respondent to sign any statement to the satisfaction of the complainant so that the case may be ultimately dropped. The next day, 23 Feb. 1954, the Managers were about to be prc;ented as witnesses but the undersigned discovered that the Rev. Clifton 0. Erickson was not the one who ordered the publication of the said advertisements. However, two other witnesses were about to be presented to testify on the procedure followed by the respondent in the alleged healing miracles, but at this juncture, the respondent and his American companion, assisted by his attorneys, submitted the following signed statement which is an express denill of the claims published in the advertisements and practically an apology for the unintentional violation of our medical law. Without any Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 49 objection on the part of the Assistant City Fiscal, the case was finally dropped. Here arc the contents of the said statement: "REV. CLIFTON 0. ERICKSON HEREBY INFORMS THE MEMBERS or THE PHILIPPINE FEDERATION OF PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS THAT HE DOES NOT CLAIM TO POSSESS THE ABILITY NOR THE POWER TO CURE ANY HUMAN DISEASE. REV. LESTER SUMRALL, BETHEL TEMPLE, WAS IN CHARGE OF ALL PUBLICITY, ADVERTISEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE SALVATION AND DIVINE HEALING HELD AT THE ROXAS PARK, SUNKEN GARDEN, MANILA, P. I. ON JANUARY 24 TO FEBRUARY 21, 1954." (SGD.) CLIHON 0. ERICKSON COMMENTS-Thruout the entire proceedings, the re,pondent and his companions exhibited no evidences of antagonism nor arrogance. On the contrary, they expressed regrets for all that transpired. Evidently they recognized that the advertisement were in violation of our medical law, but as further developments showed that the respondent had no intervention whatsoever with their publication, he cannot be pinned down on that count. As to the procedure of the supposed treatment, nothing has been presented in view of the turn of events already narrated above. Under the circumstances, the undersigned believed that it was but fair and gentlemanly that the case be finally dropped to the satisfaction of all concerned. It was merely our purpose to show that the acts committed by the re·pondent could establish a prima facie case against him. It was never our intention to har3's anybody not to place obstacles to the freedom of any person. We are conscious of our legal duty to cease firing at any person whose hands are already up in the act of surrender. Manila, March 4, 1954 Re;pectfully submitted, (Sgd.) PABLO ANZURES REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON AUDITING AND FINANCE To the House of Delegates Philippine Medical Association 47th Annual Meeting Manila Gentlemen: April 8, t 9f 4 Your Committee met several times during the year, recein·d periodic reports from the Secretary• Treasurer and from the Business Manager of the Journal, w1s frequently consulted by the Council, recommended governing policies affecting the personnel of the Association and scrutinized the financial statements and the budget for the coming fiscal yeH. Committee Actions: (1) Approved unanimously a resolution to limit the giving of bonus to the employees of the Association, the .amount depending on the condition of business C\'ery year and based on the nee profit. (2) App50ved to rellt•ard the extra effort of the business man3ger in the form of a commission and not in the form of a bonus. (l) Approved the supplementary allocation of Pl,200.00 for an additional clerk-typist to implement the recommendation of the House of Delegates of the 46th Annual Meeting regarding transmitt3l of information and other purposes; approved an additional P600.00 for stationary and office supplies for the ume purpose: noted the designation of the secretary-treasurer as editor of the Journal, the latter asking to recei,•e only fifty percent of the approved budget allowance. (4) Approved a further supplementary allocation of P1,;oo.oo for miscellaneous upenses such a' donations, contributions to the Science Foundation of the Philippines, etc. ( J) Instructed the Business Man1ger to make a survey of the drug companies and other business houses, of foreign and local capital, who have not yet advertised in our Journ~I . with the end in view to raise the income of the Journal, and to make a rep~rt on th'! results of this survey. (6) Recommends the deletion of the titles 'cashier' and 'advertising manager' from the Business M1 - nager of the Journal. 50 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P .M.A. December, 1954 (7) Recommends a brc1kdo.,·n of the actu:al income :ind expenditures of the Asso~iation into the following categories: INCOME-to include (a) Du~s (b) Subscripticns (c) Advertising (d) Technical Exhibits of the Annual Meeting (c) Miscellaneous Income; EXPENDITURES-Ca) journal PublicJ.tion (b) Other Scientific Activitic~ (c) Public Information and Public Rcl:ation (d) Administrative (c) Miscclbncous. Your Committee is of the opinion thlt the Association docs business as a whole ;md docs not encourage the comp.uison of one a.cti,·ity with that of :mother. (8) Recommends the proposed budo;ct, ;:as amended by the Committee. (9) Recommends as a gcncr~I principle to obscn•c the utmost economy in all fields, but this observance must not be inconsistent with a prcpcr r:gard to the stature :md prestige of the Association. THE COMMITTEE ON AUDITING AND FINANCE (Sgd.) RODOLFO P. GONZALEZ, Chafrmo" PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL PERIOD APRIL I, !9S4 - MARCH JI, !9SJ (As Recommended by the Auditing and Finance Committee) Budgtl Items I. Salaries: Abstractors and Editorials Secretary-Treasurer Editor ......... . ... . . Business Manager Copy Editor .................. . Clerk-Steno. for tile Sec.-Treasurer Clerk-Steno. for the Business Manager Clerk-Steno. for the Editor ..... Accountant (Part time) .. Messenger-Collector Clerk-Typist for the Sec.-Treasurer Librarian (Part time) Messenger (P:nt time) Janitor-\'.;-" atchman ... 2. Printing of Journ::il and proceedings based on 00 teu p3ges; 24 ad\·ertising pages, 2,200 copies a mon:h ). Postal, telegraph and radio service .... 4. Office supplies and materials S. Travel expenses of clerks and messengers . . .. .. ..... , . 6. Binding of journals 7. Auditing Service 8. 47th Annual Meeting, all expenses, mailing, supplies, postage, trJvcl expenses, sal.aries, etc. 9. Contributions (Red Cross, Anti TB Drive, Etc.) . .... . 10. Miscelbncous (Past presidents, and m:mbership certifi,·ales, membership fee \VMA, legal service, etc.) Estimated Receipts for one )'tar. hem 1. Advcniscment - 20 pages per issue 2. Annual dues & subscriptions, 1,800 members at Pl0.00 ). 47th Annual Meeting (Booths & Registration fees) 4. Miscellaneous SUMMARY Total estimate available for 19H-19H Total estimate proposed budget for 19f4-19H Estimated Surplus before Capital Outlay Capital Outlay (For furniture & Equipments) Estimated Surplus after Capital Outlay ... • Supplementary Budget approved by the Council. Fisc:I Period Apr. 1, 'SlMar. ll, 'H p J00.00 1,800.00) (actuolly 1,200.00) 2,400) 2,400.00 1,680.00 2,H0.00 2,220.00 2,100.00 %0.00 t,91(0.(H) 1,200 (,!!)'> Hio.oo• 720.0U Pl!•,200.00 20,000.00 l,2uO.(ln 1,600.00 7!0.00 60Q.OO 720.0CI 4,500.00 l,J00.00 2.rnc .. 01) Pl2,l70 P26,ooo.oo 18.000.00 12,000.00 J00.00 Pl6,lOO.OO FiscJI Period Apr. I, 'f4M.u. 31. 'SS p J00.00 1,800.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 l,oR0.00 2,.\40.00 2,220.00 2,100.t.10 960.00 1.990.00 1,440.(1() 1,440.00 .. 7211.00 1,440.00"' .... P22,020.JO zo,voo.oo 1.200.00 1,600.00 800.00 600.00 720.00 J,l00.00 l.Q00.00 1.•00.00 PS2,940.00 P26,000.00 18,000.00 11,000.00 J00.00 PH,100.00 12,940.00 p 2,J60.00 900 00 p 1,460.00 •• Librarian to work full-time after completion of building and transfer of the library thereto. •n To work in the PMA Building after transfer of library and office thereto. Volume XXX Number i2 47TH ANNUAL MEETING REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY 61 AprH 17, 1914 To the House of Delegates, Philippine Medical Association 47th Annual Meeting. M a n i I a Sirs : Your Ch:airman of the Committee on Scientific Assembly takes pleasure in submitting its report on its activities during the year and the decisions arrived at during the last meeting held by your Committee on April 14th, 1954. I . There ue 83 papers so !:ar scheduled to be presented in the plenary sessions and section:d scientific meetings. 2 . Three plenary s~ssions h:ave been prepared by your Committee. The first Plenary Session will be a symposium on Medic:il Education. Dr. Antonio G. Sison, former Dean of che College of Medicine of the University of the Philippines. will act :as moderator. The Second Plen:iry Session will be devoted to Rural Health. Or. Clemente G:nm:iiun, Cluirman of the Committee on Rural Medicine will act as moderator. Or. Hor:ice De Lien lias been invited as Guest Speaker. The Third Plenary Session is a symposium on "Bangungut." Dr. Walfrido de Leon will be the moderator. Other topics of general interest complete this program. 3. The Committee also studied the promotion of and the disp::>sition of the P.M.A. Medic:'ll Research Fund. A Subcommittee was assigned to study this problem in detail and to make its report :and recommend:itions subsequently. Composition of subcommittee: Dr. Conrado Dayrit, chairman Dr. Jose Villanueva, member Dr. Manuel D. Peibs, member Dr. Antonio Ejercito, meml:er Dr. Rogelio Rclov:i, member 4. The Committee has also prepared a six-d:iy postgr:idu:ne refresher course to be given by the Association from April 19-24, l 9S4. Three l:trgc hospit:ils in Manil:i, the Philippine General Hospital, the Santo Tomas University Hospiul and the North Gener:il Hospital arc particip:iting. The lectures start from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 2:00-4:00 p.m. The evening sessions start :tt 7:30 p.m. :ind will be held at the P.G.H. Science H:ill. The complete progr:am w:is published in the March, 1954 issue of the Journal. Attendance to these courses is given free of charge to members of the Philippine Medic:al Association in good standing. 1. The Committee recommends the acceptance of the :applications for affili:ition to the Association by the Philippine College of Physicians and the Philippine Society of Derm:itologiscs. Jn ca'e of approv:il the~e Societies will take charge of the Associ:ition's Section on Internal Medicine and Dermatology respectively. Respectfully submitted, (SGD.) JOSE VILLANUEVA, M.D. Chairman Committee on Scientific Assembly PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS I. FROM THE COUNCIL TO THE HQ.USE OF DELEGATES 47th Annu:il Meeting Philippine Medical Association Manila Gentlemen: The Council respectfully submits the following proposed amendmencs: PROPOSED AME:--IDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION ARTICLE IV Mtmbers and Grusts SECTION I. - Re:ads: "Members. The members of this Associ:ition sh:.111 be the members of iu component societies (or 11.ffili11tl'tl sulions) who h:i,•e b:cn certified to the headquarters of this Association, and whose dues and assessments for the current year have been received by the Secretary-Treasurer.'" 52 ~7TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M.A. December, 195-1 AMENDMENT to the above section: DELETE "or aJ/iliateJ sec/ions". To conform with amend· mcnts of 1 .ast year which defines tlut membership shJll be thru component societies onlr. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE BY-LAWS CHAPTER I Membership Proposed New Section 4. "Lifo membership to the AssociMion shall be granted those possessing at least five hundred pesos wonh of shucs of the Philippine Medical Center, InC." Explan:atoq· note: At the present time "life membership" to the Association is held by those who have contributed five hundred pesos to the PMA Building Campaign. When the Philippine Medical Center was organized and the "contributions'' became shucs it was felt that their willingness to sacrifice rn· titled them to retain this life membership. The new section gives an opportunity for members to attain. life membershi9 and at the same time promote contributions or purch.He cf sh:lrcs from the PM Center, Inc. All these arc designed to promote an early realization of all our drelms - the construction of the PMA Building. CHAPTER III House of Delegates New Section 11. - On returning from the Annual Meeting of the Associ3tion, the delegates should doose one from :1mong themselves to report to their respective soci:tics on the proceedings of the meeting. CHAPTER VI Council New Section 7. - The Council shall have power to fill casu3I vacancies ;\mong iu members until the next :mnu:ll meeting by "ad interim" appointrricnt. Distin3uishcd Service Au:artl Committee New Section I I. - Sub·Sc-ction I. - Council to establish Award. - The Council shall arrange for the presentation of the Distinguished Service Award of the Philippinc Medical Association :it the Closing Gencr:ll Session to a member of the Associltion selected as !'rcscribed hercin:lfter and ~hall have a suitable gold medal and cit:;ition prepared each Sub-Section 2. - Committee on Distinguished Service Award. - The Committee on Distinguished Aw:ird of the Philippine Medical Association shall perform the functions hereinafter stlted. It shall consist of 12 Members of the Association, aopointcd by the Council to serve for a term of 3 years, so arr:mgcd that four members sh:lll be appointed each year for :i full term. The Committee, subject to the :ipproval of the Council, sh:ill m:ike its O\Vn rules of procedure not in conflict with these By-Laws with respect to the perform3ncc of its duties. Sub-Scclion }. - Selection of a Recipient. - Any Member of lhe Association may submit to th.: Committee on Distinguished Service Aw:ird not less than two months in :id\'ance of the next :innu:il ses· sion the n:ime of any ?vlcmber except members of the Council or of the Committee on Distinguished Service Award for consideration for the :iwud. The Committee shall consider, on the basis of meritorious services in the science and art of medicine, the eligibility of nominees so submitted, and shall submit findings and recommendations to the Council :innually within a time limit fixed by the Council. If more than fi ve nomin:ltions are received, the Committee shall select therefrom a list of five names and submit same to the Council together with a brief st:itement of its findings with respect to each Member so nam.:d. The Council then sh:i.11 consider the merits of the five nominees for the award recommended by the Committee on Distinguished Senrice A\O:ard and shall select from the list three Members by secret balloting, submitting their names, together with a brief statement of the findings of the Committee with respect to its nominee, to the House of Delegates, keeping the names of the nominees strictly confiaential. The House then shall select the recipient of the Award from the list of nominees so submitted, the selection to be made by secret b31Joting. If none obtains a m:ijority vote then the one obtaining the lowest number of votes shall be eliminated from the list and another balloting is made. The vote shall be taken imme· diately after the nominees are placed before the House by the Council. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 53 CHAPTER Ylll Component Societies New Section l}. - Each component society sh11l keep the Council informed of any C\'ents or develop· mcnts in its locality of interest to the Association. New Section 14. - l:.:u.:h member slull do :ill in his power to promote a knowledge of, 2nd an active interest in the objects :ind work of the Association. Endorsed by the Council br m3jorit}' \'Ote. for the COUNCIL (S;;d.) MANUEL D. PENAS, M.D. Sarrlary·TreaJ1m:r II. FROM THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON AUDITING & FINANCE. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SEC. J CHAPTER VI OF THE BY-LAWS ADOPTED BY THE AUDITING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE DURING ITS ~IEETING HELD JN THE HOME OF DR. RODOLFO GONZALEZ ON MARCH 12, 195J. Delrie thr follou:ing slalemrnls of Sec. J: "The necessary tr1\·cling expenses incurred by such councilors in the line of the duties herein imposed may be allowed by the House of Delegates upon presentation of the properly itemized state· ment, but this sh11l not be construed to include his expenses in attending the annu.11 meeting of the Association." Atnrndmenl, lo replace the above drlrted slalrmenl, "No official of the Association shall be pro\'ided with tr:n·cling expenses by the Association in visiting different component societies, when he is in \'ited by th.: same or when he is attending the meeting of the Council of the Association." (Sgd.) Dr. Rodolfo P. Gonzalez Chairm1m (Sgd.) Dr. Alej1ndro Gaerlan (Sgd.) Dr. Leopoldo Diaz (Sgd.) Dr. Walfrido de Leon (Sgd.) Dr. Victorino de Dios MINUTES OF THE SECOND MEETING OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES HELD ON APRIL 28, 1954 AT THE SOCIAL HALL, FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY I. Call to order. - The meeting was called to order at 8: 15 p.m. by the President, Dr. Antonio S. Fernando. 2. Remarlu by the President. - The President gave a brief remark informing th< meeting char.. the House of Delegotes, being the policy-making body of the Association, should exercise calmness and complete undersc.nding in their deliberations and to try their best to give the best solution to whatever problems that may be presented in order to give honor and dignity to the House. 3. Roll Call. - The President then asked the Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Manuel D. Penas, to call the roll. The Secretary-Treasurer informed the House that a sheet of paper is being passed around for the signatures of the delegates and asked them to sign their names thereon for purposes of record and to be reported to all the component societies in the future. He also announced before the House that before proceeding to the reports of the different Reference Committees, the Chairman of the special Committee on Voluntary Health Insurance, Dr. Damaccno J. Ago, would render the belated brief report of his Committee. 54 47TH ANNUAL MEETING .Jour. P.M.A. December. 1954 4. REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON VOLUNTARY HEALTH INSURANCE. - Dr. Ago, then verbally rendered his report. Firstly, he asked the indulgence of the House for not having submitted hi; report on time. He announced th1t the Committee has been working hard since two weeks after the closing of the last Convention and he was gl>d to report that prepaid medical service p!an has been introduced in the Philippines. After several meetings, they had the chance of getting seve'31 leadin~ medical men, both in Manila and in some parts of the country, to be interested in this movement. The last Annual Convention of the PFPMP aooroved to recommend a prepaid Medical Service Plan to be e·tabli;hed in the Phi!ippin·e;. Secondly, that there is a new Bill, No. 2002, filed in Congress with a provi-ion to convert the Quirino Hospital in Quezon City into a Prepaid Medical Care or Health Insurance for the low income groups. Thirdly, that there are already a few estab'ished prepaid medical care plans that exist in Manila. One is being hand1ed by Dr. Vicente R. de Ocamo~, mother one is a city specialist hospital, and some more groups are p1anning to esublish also. The first 5 months was a period of information ta'ks to the different component societies, and they endorsed the p1an. The last and ultimate work of the Committee was the first formation of the Philippine Prepaid Medical Service. Inc. Jn the name of the Committee, he said, he would like to recommend to the House for its approval, a set of ru•es for this new movement. The Prepaid Medical Service should be estab'i<hed under certain rule< and re~ulations that will be approved by the PMA like in the United St.ces. This, he said, is the recommendation of the Committee. He also informed the Honse that a Committee to formulate these ru1es and regulations mav be formed for the guidance of those who would like to establish this p•an in the different localities. The Secretory-Treasurer announced that the reoort of Dr. Ago will be mimeojtr>phed and ~iven tn the corre<!'~ndin~ Reference Committee that will report during the last meeting of the House of Delegates. !. RFPOlff or. TT-lE REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. -The Chairman of this Committee. Dr. Francisco G. Duque (Pangasinan MS), read the report of the Committee before the House as follows: April 28, 1914 To the House of Dclcgltes 47th Annual Meeting: 5 i r s : The Reference Committee on the Rr!IOrt of chc Council h:i.s chc honor to express its views 3nd rccommendirinns on the different tl"!'')rtS of the Council for your cnnsidt>ration 2nd :>,!lprov:il. After a meeting c:ilkd to order by the Ch:i.irman, :and :dtcr cxch:in~c of views .imong its memh<"rs, we arc cxtremdv h:'!'IPY to inform you th1t in ge:ier:l chis Refrrence Committee is in coni!'lete accord with the rep:>rt submitted bv the Council, txCC'!lt on a few items, on which we would like to express our views and rccommcndltions. J. RepMt of the President of the P.M .A .. 19S3-'f4. a. We recommend th:n the P.M.A. will publish the re~ults of the survey of all tfie local medical schools so chat they will not only be encoura:ed to rlise their standards but :ilso take immediate positive steps to raise their sunduds. JI. Report of the Editor: a. In order to be able to accommodate more loc:il scientific articles, we should 1dd more pages to our monthly medical journal, becausl! .after all the Journ:tl is making profit every year from advertisements. et~., as shown by the rep.,rt of the Business Man.ager. III. Rrport on Medic:al Nomenclature: Suggestions: Forei~n terminologies on mcdic1I terms :already known to the l:iity in the Philippines should be adopted in the absence of :avaihble loc:al nomenclature, e.g., appendicitis, tonsillicis, bursitis, etc. It is also recommended that the same membership of the Committee be appointed to work on the problem. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 55 IV. Report of the Committee on Membership: Sui::gestion: In order to gener:itc and r>romote enthusi:ism for incre:ased membership, closer relations must be encouraged between the mother soci:ty on one h:and and component societies on the other, and among comr>'-inent societies themselves espcci:ally those that :ire neighbors. It is suggested tlut more implemen!ation of the :ilrc3dy approved problems such as visits by the President and/or officers of the Council to the com~ ponent societies must be undertaken ; more region::il meetings, lnd more activities of the component societies such as meetings in rurll areas, the grass roots of cordill practice and thereby give importance to the b:lrrio doctor and peopl'". Rcspccdully submitted: !'RAN CISCO Q. DUQUE, M.D., (Pong,.;nan MS), Ch,;rmon HERALDO DEL CASTILLO, M.D., (M•n;J, MS) , Member AGR!P!NO OCA, M.D., (l>guna MS), Member PEDRO T. NERY, M.D., (Quezon Gty MS), Member CASTO MAGSAYSAY, (Zomb>lcs MS), ~!ember IDERLINA F. MANUEL, (C>g•yan MS), Member PEDRO P. VILLAFUERTE, (Camarines Sur MS), Member JOSE COCJIN, (llo;Io MS). Member ANTONIO 0. GISBERT, (Mon;J, MS) , Member DOMINADOR R. NARVAEZ, (Boguio MS), Member After the reading of the report, Dr. Padua moved, duly seconded, that the report be approved. APPROVED. Dr. Timoteo Alday a·ked if in the report of the Editor there is• definite policy regarding the fixed number of pages of the Journal. Dr. Peiias answered him that the more income in advertisements the more pages in the Journal. Dr. Alday suggested to adjust the number of pages to babnce the budget. Dr. Penas np1ained that expenses in the Journal can be minimized by making the types smaller, less illustr>tiom, getting more ads, etc. After further discussion, Dr. Nery moved for the approval of this part of the report. Seconded by Dr. Atienza, the motion was APPROVED. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON NOMENCLATURE. -The House, on motion which was duly seconded, APPROVED this part of the report. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP. -Dr. Padua suggested that rhis part of the report be adopted. APPROVED. With regards to thi; report, Dr. Fernando D. Manalo suggested the visiting of the Vice-President of component societies in his regions and to furnish him of the dates and p~ace of the meetings of component societies, for his inform:uion and guidance, or to publish this in the Journal. He also suggested to have a definite date for the meetings of component !OCieties. Dr. Ledesma suggested also to furnish the Vice-Presidents in advance of the date; of meetings so that they can prepare. After further deliberation, on motion duly seconded, the House APPROVED to publish in the Journal for the information of the members and others concerned, the dates and places of monthly and regional meetings of component societies. Dr. Ago also suggested that the Vice-President prepare a prosram of his vi:its to component societies and for him to work this out with the component societies and to report during the Convention of the PMA the highlights th>t happened during his visits to component soc1eues. Dr. Agripina Oca promised to do this and communic:ite with the Vice-Presidents. He also exp!ained the difficulty of getting speakers which accounts for the difficulty of setting definite date for the meetings. Dr. Jose O. Nolasco (Culion MS) suggested that the Vice-President communicate with the Society regard. in~ his visit and date of arrival so that the Society may have time to prepare the program. 56 47TH ANNUAL MEETING .Jour. P.M.A . December, 19.>4 6. REPORT OF THE REl'ERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE REPORT or THE SECRETARY-TREASURER. - Dr. l\fanucl Quisumbing was not present so the Secretary-Treasurer informed the House that deliberations on the report of this Committee will be taken up at the next meeting of the House. 7. REPORT OF THE REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE REPORTS OF THE OTHER STANDING COMMITTEES. - Dr. Antonio M. Samia, Chairman of the Reference Committee read the following report of his Committee: The House of Delegates 47th Annual Meeting Philippine Medical Association Gentlemen: April 27, 19H Your Reference Commiucc on the reports of Sunding Committees. other than the Committee on Auditing •ind Finance, of the Philippine Medical Association has the honor to present for your consideration the following report: I. On the report of the St.anding Committee on Arrangements. Your Reference Committee recommends the approval of this report in toto. 2. On the report of the St:i.nding Committee on lc,gisbtion and Public Rcbtions. Your Reference Committee desires to present to the floor of the House of Dcleg:ttes through one of its members, Dr. Gregorio Reyes of C3gayan, some cl:trification of the prop'.>~ed lct?ishtion H. No. 902. AN ACT TRANSFERRING THE MEDICAL AND DENTAL SERVICES IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO THE BUREAU OF HEALTH, whi~h has been endorsed for approval by the Standing Committee on Le~islacion and Public Relations. Your Reference Committee, therefore, lc:1ves co the House of Delegates cite final decision on chis particular legislation after the explanations to be given by Dr. Gregorio Reyes. Your Reference Committee recommends the approv:il of the rest of che report of the Standing Committee on Legislation and Public Relations. J. REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL EDUCATION, HOSP/. TJ\LS AND LADORATORJES. -Your Reference Committee recommends the approval of this report in coco with the recommendation th:tt the House of Dd.:g:ttes instruct 1he Council of the Philippine Medical Associ:icion to implement the ,.recommendations of the St:mding Committee regarding Ho:Jse Bill No. 16l0 to the effect " that an altcrn1ce proposal be prcp.m:d by a joint Body of the Association composed of members of the Council, the Committee on Legislation, thl! Committee on Medical Educ:Hion, Hospitals and Laboratories, and represenuti,·es of ocher Committees of the Association concerned." 4. ltEPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTICE AND AtEDICAL ECONOMICS. - Your Reference Commince recommends the approval of this report except the hst sentence of (D) SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS, No. J (p. D. 4··2). namely, "The 2pparcnt indifference, inaction (or incptiludc?) of the Board of Medical Ex:tm· iners in the Erickson Case warrants this recommend:ition", which your Committee recommends to he deleted. Your Reference ComRlitcee received also from the ChairmJ.n of this Standing Committee on Private Medical Practice otnd Medical Economics, Or. Ramon R. Angeles, through the Secreur1Tre:tsurcr of the P.M.A .• the amendments to this report introduceJ by Dr. Pedro T. Nery, :t meml:iCr of the Standing Committee, but which was subsequentiy disapprov<>d by the other members of the Standing Committee. Your Reference Commiuee feels chat the report of the Standing Committee as presented, without the dis:ipproved amendments introduced by Dr. Nery, is in order, without any prejudice however to Dr. Nery to present his amendments to the floor of the House of Delegates fc.r consideration. Your Reference Committee also recommends the incor:mration to this rer>ort of the memor3nda submitted by the Bo:irJ of Medical Examiners co che Philippine Medical Association concerning the Erickson Case. J. On the report of the Scandi~g Committee on Scientific Assembly. Your Reference Committee recommends the approval of this report in toto. Respectfully submitted, REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE REPORTS OF THE OTHER STANDING COMMITTEES: (Sgd.) ANTONIO M. SAMIA, M.D., (Manila MS) Chairman (Sgd.) JOSE O. NOLASCO, M.D. (Culion MS) Member Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING (Sgd.) JUAN B. RUIZ, M.D. (Cebu MS), Member (Sgd.) GREGORIO REYES, M.D. (C'&'Y'" MS), Member (Sgd.) VICENTE J. CAPISTRANO, M.D. (CotJbato MS), Member (S,d.) FRANCISCO INFANTADO, M.D. (OrientJI Mindoro MS), Member (Sgd.) TEODORO REJANO, JR., M.D. (M,,induque MS), Member (Sgd.) CRESENCIO B. AZCUETA, M.D. ( Ilocos Sur MS), Member (Sgd.) VIRGINIA B. RAYMUNDO, M.D. (C,vitc MS), Member (Sgd.) SIXTO MACEDA, JR .• M.D. (M•nila MS), Member ADDENDUM TO THE REPORT OF THE REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE REPORTS OF THE OTHER ST ANDING COMMITTEES 57 Your Reference Committee also received a copy of the proposed Bill entitled "PHILIPPINE PHYSIOTHERAPY LAW" as prepared and submitted by the Philippine Orthopedic Association for study by the Standing Committee on Medical Legislation and Public Relations of the Philippine Medical Association. Your Reference Committee recommends the submission of this proposed Bill to the coming Standing Committee on Medical Legislation for proper study and recommendations. (Sgd.) ANTONIO M. SAMIA, M.D. (Manila MS) Chairman Exhibit A. Re Proposed Amendments of Dr. Pedro T. Nery to the report of the Standing Committee on PrivJtc Medical Practice and Medical Economics. Exhibjt ''/\." March 29, 1914 Amendments introduced by Dr. PEDRO T. NERY to the Report of the Committee on Private Practice and Medical Economics - Philippine Medical Association - 19 f 4. Under Suggestion and Recommendations after para,sraph (f} and :as parasraph (6) and (7) and paragraph (6) be changed to paragnph (8) . (6) For an efficient public service, social and economic justice for all, the House of Delegates rea.uests proper authorities concerned such as the Sccretari~s of Health, Defense, Educ.uion, Labor and the Pre~ident of the University of the Philippines for the prompt anJ cffccti\·e implementation of :a recent Cabinet ruling of the present ::administration that full time go,·ernment officials slull not be allowed to in gainful occupation during or outside office hour.~; that full time go\'ernmcnt officials allowed co te::ach must teach only I hour a day and that it be outside office hours. Furthermore a rcrolution be sent to the C::abinet stating chat part-time go\'ernment appointml'nts; or those with limited private practice as f'I.00 a year, be discouraged and if it must still tolerate this unnccessaq' e\'il, a spc · cified time of work must be enforced. (7) That the House of Delegates direct this Commictee to check 3nJ audit ::all 1:ommercial and i.ndusuial establishments and schools and colleses whether the bw or regulation 3bout lhc employment of legitimate ph}·sician is not being s:'lbOCl!-:l'J. (Sgd.) PEDRO T. NERY (Printed) PEDRO T. NERY Member, Committee on Pri\',He Pr.1ctice and Medical Ec·m.:unic~ - Philippine Medical Association. Exhibit B. Memoranda of che Board of Medical Examiners re Erickson Case. Exhibit "B" Note: This memorandum has be:n submitted by the Board of f\frdiol Examiners and should be conaidcrcd with Appendix "]" of the Report of the Standing Committee t'n '.\1edical Economics and Private Practice. 68 Dr. Antonio S. Fernando 47TH ANNUAL MEETING REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUREAU OF HOSPITALS Manila Jour. P .M .A. December. 19S.S March JI, J9j<4 President, Philippine Medical Association Sto. Tomas Ur.ivcrsity Hospital Manila Dear Dr. Fernando: In connection with the item in the agenda of the meeting of the Philippine Medical Association Council held l:ncly regarding :a letter sent by Dr. R:imon R. Angeles, Prc~idcnt of the Philippiae Federation of Private Medical Practitioners, and the February issue of hi3 medical publication containing an cditori:al br:mding me with ineptitude, I am enclosing herewith copies of all communications related to the letter and editorial of Dr. Angdes, for your perusal 01nd judgment and for transmitt:il to the Council so that this body can also judge as to whether I, .u a member of the Philippine Medical Association Council, deserve such condemnation from one who is reprcsencing ;10ocher Association of physicians. In case that you believe that I have done the pror>er thing, I would like to ask the Council that appropriate strps be taken to counteract the publication mlde in the journal edited by Dr. Ramon R. Angeles by either asking him to publish my side in his journ3l or in some other form. With ::ippreciation of whatever you can do for me on this matter, I remain Dr. T. Elicaiio Board of Medical EXlminers Bureau of Civil Service Manila Sir: Yours sincerely, REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES City of Manila OFFICE OF THE CITY FISCAL (Sgd.) T. ELICANO (Director of Hospiuls) March 2, 19S• We wish to thank you, most profoundly, for your kind words in your letter of February 26, 19J4. With the withdrawal , however, by the Philippine F!.!deration of Private Medical Practitioners of the catt for illegal practice ag:iinst Rev. Erickson, it becomes, as we ha,•e previously stated, unnecessary for this Office to render further opinion on the case, - including the d~tail discovered during the p;uti11 investigation thereof thlt it was Re\·. Sumrall who had charge of all publicity and advertisements pertain· ing to the salvation and di\'ine healing. However, by way of commcnc, we would like to st:ite that, from a reading and examination of the context of Section 770 of the Revis1:d Administrative Code which defines the acts constituting illes:il rractice of medicine, it ~:ould seem that the person who treau. diagnoses, operates, or, prescribes, mentioned in the first part thereof, shC'luld be thi: same person who offers, or undertakes to cure, etc., humm ailments, by means of advertisements. It is therefore believed chat even in the event that Rev. Sumrall would make the :idmission above imputed to him, still, there would be no case against him unless further evidence is discovered, or presenttd. Mr. Gonzalo S. Robles Secretary, Boards of Examiners Bureau of Civil Service Manila My dear Mr. Robles: (Sgd.) EUGENIO ANGELES City Fiscal By, (Sgd.) JOSE B. JIMENEZ Assis/ant Fisc.1l REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Manila February 27. 19'4 In connection with my letter to the City Fiscal dated February 2. 1'~4 copy of which your Office has been furnished, I would like to furnish you also copy of the letter of Atty. Jose B. Jimenez, A•sistmt Fiscal, together with a copy of my answer to the said letter, for your information and official record of the Boud of Medical Ex:iminers. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 59 I wish to call your ;:i.ttention to the first line of the Fisc;:i.l's letter in which he mentions that he was replying to my letter of the 2Jrd instant. To put matters clearly, 1 wish to state thJ.t the letter re· ferred to is the 2nd tracer which_ I h.1ve sent to th.: City Fiscal's Office. I am enclosing herewith for record purposes also copies of both tracer leners. In looking over my papers regarding the Erickson case, 1 must have O\'er looked to furnish you copy of my memorandum to the members of the Board, Dr. Conrado Lorenzo and Dr. NicJnor Padilla. lo order that your file on this case can be complete, I am enclosing copy of the said memorandum. The Editor The Evening News Republic Super Market Building Manila Dear Sir: Sincerely yours, REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Manila (Sgd.) T. ELICAJ'lO Chofrmon February 26, '"" This is just to tell you t1''0 things. Firstly - my gratitude for publishing my side in the Erickson CJ.Sc which you h:ave given due prominence with an eye-catching lieJding which is vividly descriptive. Secondly - to inform you that I received yesterday afternoon, a letter from the City Fiscal's Office, copy of which I ::im enclosmg herewith, together with ::i copy of my answer to it. The maner being directly connected with the which you hl\'e kindly made, I thought that you may be interested to publish it in subsunce, which I u·ill appreciate highly. Hon. Jose D. Jimenez Office of the City Fiscal Manila Dear Assistant Fiscal Jimenez: Sincerely yours, REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES BUREAU OF CIVIL SER VICE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Manila (Sgd.) T. ELICAl'iO Choirmo" February 26, 19J4 I received this afternoon your letter of February 2J, 19f4 in answer to my query about the preaching of Rev. Clifcon O. Erickson. I appreciate the time that you h:ive spent in the study of the case which I have brought up for opinion and I 'horie that the parties concerned as you stated in your ietter are already satisfied. However, I noticed that in the answer of Rev. Erickson, he said that Rev. Sumr.111 is the one in chuge of all publicity and advertisemenu pcrt:iining to the salvation and divine he:alins and therefore, there is still a point left open for an opinion as to whether the type of advertisement used may be conm·;,ied as violation of the medical law, with this doubt in mind, I ho9e that you will do the BoJ.rd of Medi.:al Examiners the favor of enlightening its members on this point. We wish to assure you that we will highly appreciate the legal opinion which you may hand down to us on this mJ.uer. Again, thanking you for your efforts in helping the Board of Medical Examiners in this case, 1 remain Yours sincerely, (Sgd.) T. ELICAl'lO Choirmon 60 Dr. T. Elicalio Director of Hospitals Bureau of Hospitals Manila Sir: 47TH ANNUAL MEETING REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES CITY OF MANILA OFFICE OF THE CITY FISCAL Jour . :P .M A. December, 1954 February 2S, 19)'4 In reply to your letter of the 2.>rd instant rcqucsling for our opinion in the matter of Rev. Erickson, on whether, or not he may be proceeded against for illegal prJcticc of medicine, I beg to inform you thJ.t after your departure during the last timl! you to our Office, Dr. Ramon Angeles, President of the Philippine Fcder:i.tion of Private Medical Pr;actitoncrs, arrived and after conference with, anJ upon suggestion and advice of the undersigned, decided co file the ca~c in our Office instead of waiting for our opinion considering, ::iccording to reliable sources, that Rev. Erickson _ was supposed to be leaving shortly for abro:i.d and filling the case directly 'to•ith our Office was thought more speedy and expedient in the termina tion of the same. Consequently, the following day, che preliminary investigation of Rev. Erickson was started by the undersigned but :ifter one witness testified, respondent Rev. Erickson a sutement wherein among other things he disclaimed any ability to cure any human disease, copy of which sutement is hereto acuched for rour information. Apparendy saci~fied with the statement, Dr. Pablo An-zures, counsel for the Philippine Fedention of Medical Pr:i.ctitioners withdrew the charges :ig:iinsc the respon<leot. In view of the foregoing de,·clopments in chc case, ic would seem therefore, ;:o be unnecessary for this Office to render an opinion on the matter. Very respectfully (Sgd.) EUGENIO ANGELES City Fim1l B)' : (S&d.) JOSE B. JIMENEZ Assislartt Fhral Rev. Clifton 0. Erickson herebr informs the Members of the Philippine Feder:i.tion of Private Medical Pr:icticioncrs th:it he docs not claim to possess the ability nor the power to cure any human dise:ne. Rev. Lester Sumr:ill, Bethel Temple, was in charge of all publicity, :;.civertisements pertaining to the salvation and divine he:i.ling held at the Rous Park, Sunken Garden, Manila, P.I. on Janu:iry 24 tv Februuy 21 , 19f4. The Editor The Evening News Republic Super Market Bldg. Manila Dc:ir Editor : (Sgd.) CLIFTON 0. ERICKSON February H , 1914 With refercnct' to the article which in your February 24 issue entitled "Doctors After Faith Healer's Scalp Hit Medical Board for Indifference", please publish the following comment: In my humble opinion. there is absolutely no ground for any one to say that the Bo:ird of Medical Examiners is indifferent to the Erickson c:isc. A perusal of che copies oi documents which I am sending you regarding the various steps taken by the Board in this case will show that the Board lus diligendy taken :ill me1sures th3t arc necess:i.ry. When I received a letter from Dr. Angeles c1lling my 3ttention to the meetings of Rev. Erickson 3nd l1is comp3nions, I answered him the Bolrd already took steps by calling the people concerned in a conference. The conference took place and I h3\'C a record of its proceedings. I attended one of their meetings and the very next day. I sent a communication to the City Fiscal describing in detail what I uw and requested his opinion 35 to whether or not the actuations on those conductins: the meeting constitute a violation of the mcdic3l l:iw. I have followed conscientiously this query sent to the City Fiscal "-'ith t"-'O tracer letters and :1 person3l call at the office of the Fisc3I. The Assistan t Fiscal 3ssigned to study the C3SC asked for 1n .?Xtension of few days bec3usc, :according to him, the matter requires research as it de3Js on very dclic3tC m3tter. I had invited Dr. Angeles co be present during my personal cali at the City Fiscal's Office but, un· fortun1tcly, he did not arrive on time and we did not meet. However. he called me up on the night of the umc dar, chat was, February 17, asking me to file the complaint. I told him, pending the Fiscal's opinion, it js pr~mature co go to Court. After 311, it is the fisc3I who will handle che case for the Board of Mcdic3) Examiners should this reach the Court. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 61 On the same nighr, I consulted a member of the Supreme Court ~.; to whether the procedure I have t.aken 'Q.'as correcr. He answered me: "How can vou bring a case to Court when the person whom you arc goins to utilize to handle case has no.t yet arri~·ed at a decision?" Jn \'iew of lhe opinion, I believe that any prem:iture mo\'c m;0y plac: the Doard in an embarrassing po$ition. I leave it to rou and to your readers to judge whcthcr by taking the steps described, the Doard nuy be durged with ineptitude and indifference. I will appreciate it very highly if you c10 publi$h chis comment "-'ith the same prominence as you have gi\'en to the article aforementioned. For the verific:.ition of my statement, I hope that you will have time to peruse the st:.itemenc which I am enclosing. Sincerely yours. (Sgd.) T. El.ICANO ChairmatJ PRESS RELEASE WHICH APPEARED JN THE EVENING NEWS DATED fcbruuy 24 , I9H DOCTORS AFTER FAITH HEALER'S SCALP HIT MEDICAL BOARD FOR INDIFFERENCE The Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioners today bitterly assailed what it called the "inepitude and indifference" of the Board of ! Examinc.-rs toward the illet;;:al practice of medicine by impostors and quacks. Dr. Ramon R. Angdes, president of the Feder:.ition, ~aid the board cluirmaned by Hospit;1ls Director Tranquilino Elicafio shov.•ed "lukewarmness" when the federation called the bo2rd's attention to "a faith healer" who held nightly religious meetings in dov.-nrnwn Manil3. The federation president in an interview with the Enning News stressed that he has nothing personal ag:iinsc the board or its members, saying he wanted only to defend the dignity of the federation and private medical practitioners. Dr. Angeles said matters affecting othe health of the public should ha,·e the attention of the authorities concerned but the board instead, he s1id, was lukewum and indifferent co this m:itter. Most objectionable in the holding of the religious meetings, according to the fed.:ration president, were the advertisements used in attracting people to the meetings :md in the manner of assemblas:e in which the sick, some of whom were afflicted with contagious ailments, mingled 9.'ith the healthy. Because the board failed to act on the case, Dr. Angeles said the federation Saturday filed charges as;ainst the evangelist alleging "illegal practice of Medicine." The board was said not to have acted promptly on the case, pending the opinion of the city fiscal on whether faith healing is prohibited by law. Hon. Jose Jimenez Assistant Cicy Fisc3) City Hall, Manila My dear Assistant Fisc:il Jimenez: Febru:iry 2), 1954 This is to thank you for the promise you gave me when I went to your Office last Thursday, February 18th, that you will render an opinion on my query on the case of Rev. Erickson, details of which were embodied in a letter delivered to your office on February 2, 19H. For our future guidance in the Board of :Medical Examiners, it will be appreciated if the opinion requested can be rendered at the earliest time possible. The City Fiscal Manila Sir: Sincerely yours, REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES BUREAU Of CIVIL SERVICE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Manila (Sgd.) T. ELICAJ'<O Dirtclor of Hospitali February, I J, 1954 With reference to my letter dated February 2, 1914, requesting a:i opinion on the meetings of Re•1. Clifton 0. Erickson, it will be highly appreciated if the lloard of Medical Examiners will be favored with an e3rly reply in view of che vcrb:il comphints that are being filed from sc.verll quarten; 62 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P .M A. December. 19.H particularly from some private pracm1oners and even from the Board of Directors of the Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practfrioncrs. The Board feels that, until we can secure the opinion of your Office, it will not be able to uke :my definite step on the case. So far, we have advised die persons interested in the matter that :is soon as we hear from your Office, we will give them a repl1. Respectfully, Dr. Ramon R. Angeles REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES BUREAU OF CIVIL SER VICE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Manila President, The Philippine Federation of Private Medic1l Practicionen JOO Maria Clara, Sampaloc M:mila Dear Dr. Angeles: (Sgd.) T. ELICAr:lO Chairman February s. Ul4 Jn my bst letter, I promised that I will inform you and thru you, the members of the Federation, about the steps taken by the BoJrd of the MedicJI Examiners with regard to the subject matter of your lerter to which you have kindl)· c:1ll<~d our attention. As I Juve stJted, before we received your letter, we hJve ukcn r.otice .,f the meetings of the preachers mentioned in your letter :ind luve already taken some st:ps towards the clarific:acions of their preachings :and work. The first step t:iken ~.'JS a conference held between the preachers :ind myself in my Office in which I had Jsked for :any written i;uide of their work and preachings and some u.pbnJtion ;i.bout rhe press releases which )'OU h:;.d enclosed in your letter. The result of my conference is em~odied in a memorandum which I madt for the members of the Boud, copy of whi:h is e;1closed. The members of the Uo:ard 11.Jve deliberated and hJve decided that a quer)· be sent to the City Fiscal in order that, should the lloJrd decide to take action :\SJinst the preachers in question including court action; our case would be strengthened by the opinion of the City Fiscal d1ru whom, necess:irily, we w.11 have to institute court action. Copy of the query to the City Fiscal is herewith enclosed also for your informJtion. To this date, we have not received any answer from the City Fiscal, but we will follow it closely for an early rcpl r. Again, in the nJme ot the Board of Medic:al ExJminers, I wish to assure you of our cooperation with the Federation of which you arc the worthy President, in the matter ·~:hich you have brought before us. l'he Ciq· Fi ~..:Jl Man lb !:iir: Sincerely yours, REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES IlUREAU OF CIVIL SER VICE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Manila (Sgd.) T. ELICANO ChtJirmJm February 2, 19H I have the honer to request an opinion as to whether in the light of Scclion 770 of the Revised Administr.:iti\'c Code, Rev. Clifton O. Erickson and his companion preachers who .ue advertising and holding nightly meetings in the City of Manila in which tho:y claim to perform mir.icles of healing, are violating the medical law with regard to practice of medicine. I have attended their meeting last night at the Ro:us Park on P. Burgos Street and observed that Mr Erickson employs the following procedure: After explaining tint disease is the work of SJtan, he asked those suffering from tuberculosis to raise their 11.Jnds. He then exhorted them to have faith in the power of Christ to heal and to drive away from their bodies tuberculosis which is the personification of the devil. After a long u:hortation and shouting as if to scare away the devil, he asked the people as to whc :imong them felt relieved of chest pain or c:in brelthe with more ease. To my surprise, many handi went up, including thu of a man near me who was practically skin and bone. Volurr.e XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 63 Mr. Erickson repeated the same performance after asking those suffering from goiter, cancer or turnor to raise their hands. He even invited an old woman to the stage to ask her if her goiter had disappeared and after examining her, he announced th:J.t the bulging of the neck had become very much •malice, leaving in its place, only louse skin to which the old agreed. It may be mentioned that there was no physician or any one who testified that those who alleged to be sick had been so diagnosed by a physician. It is the consensus that science concedes possible relief or even cures by faith he3.lers of some cases of hysteria, neurasthenia, and similar nervous diseases but it docs not admit the possibility that tuberculosis, cancerous growths, blindness due co org;mic lesions, etc., c:m disappear in thirty minute. which is about the length of time spent by the preacher in his exhortation. From the enclosed clipping v.·hich has been taken from an issue of a Manib daily, it may be 9Cen that there is a request to the reader to "bring your sick, blind, de1f, dumb, crippled :md afflicted." It adds "mir:aclcs of healing before your eyes" and it ahu says "free appointment cards ;ond instructions given away every day." If the method emplored and the instructions gi,•en c:m be considered spiritual in n:i.ture, I would like to re<luest your opinion as to whether the proccduo;e as described and :is :idvertiscd can constitute a 'Violation of the medical law. Allow me to quote Sec. 770, 2nd paragr:iph, and to invite your attention to the words which I h;;ve underlined. "A person sh:i.ll be considered to practice medicine within the me:ining of this section, who shall, for compensation or reward or even without the same, diagnose, trc:i.t, operate, prescribe remedies for any human, injury, deformity, physical or menlal conJition or an}' ailment, re:i.1 or supposed, regardless of the n:iture of the remedy or treatment used or recommended, or "''ho shall by means of signs cards, advcnisemenu, or m any other w:i.y either ofier or underukc by any mc.1ns or metl1ods to di:i.gnose, treat, manipulate, operate, or prescribe for any hum:m disease, pain, injury, deformity, physi1:al or mental condition." The purpose of this query is that in c:lse the opinion of th:i.t Office is th:i.t the preachers mentioned are violating the law, the Board of Medic:il Examiners will t:ake steps to 1to9 the !'r:i.ctice of the uid preachers, including bringing them before a Court of Junie:=, if necess:irr, and at the same time, advise the :luthoritics of the City oi Manila to request thl! cancellation of the permit given them to hold their meetings. Taking into account the big crowd th:i.t is being attr:ictcd by the s:iid f!re:ichers, including sick people who sacrifice to make a long trip from the provinces, on the one h:ind, and of the ocher, the request of the medic:i.l group for an urgent action on the m:i.tter, I will highly appreciuc it if the requested opinion can be given at your very earliest convenience, Respectfully, MEMORANDUM fo, Dr. Conrado E. Lorenzo and Dr. Nicanor Padilla REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS M.mib Members, Board of Medical Examiners Bureau of Civil Senice, Manila (Sgd.) T. ELICANO CbairnJan Janu:i.ry 21, 1914 I received from Dr. Angeles a letter, copy of which is attached, enclosing the clippings which also atuched and copy of my answer to Dr. Angeles, for your information. As a prclimin.:ary step prep:i.ratory to a joint hearing ".,.ith you, I h.ave clllcd for a conference Rev. Erickson thru Re\•. Sumrall who, according to rhe newsp:ipers, h:is been in~trumcnt.:il in bringing him here. The latter, accompanied by Rev. Ruben Candcl:iria and :m American press rebtions officer, came to my Otfice this morning to explain how they conduct their m:e:ings, but Rev. Erickson did not appc:i.r .. ~fter a lengthy questioning, I gathered that they do not use :m}' material, not even W:lter, C~ admmmer to anyone or employ any mechanical or physical method of treatment and much less, diagnose any ailment, but simply invite the people to pray for dcliver:ince from sin and for peace. They ad~ed also th:it in their bclid, ~n .individual cannot have if he has a phy~ical anomaly or abnormality and they only pray and mv1te the people to pray with thl!m so that the people suffering from such anomaly can h:ive peace. It ~eems to me that the sim!Jle action of praying for deliverance from such physic:i.l defects does not fall within the definition of what constitutes medical practice as given in Section 770 of the Administrative Code. As the persons who came to see me stated that they do not h:ive any printed matter from which we may see the basis of their preachings, the only way to learn more :ibout their action would be to attend one of the meetings which is bting held, I understand, every evening at 7:00 o'clock in front of the City Hall. 64 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M A. DecemLr!r, 19~4. With reference to their meetings, I h1vc been informed that they have a license to hold them afccr the City authorities h:wc been appraised of what they are going to do and what they are going to say. They also said that Dr. Ortiz, the Assisunt Dean of the M.C.U. who has attended on~ of their mc:ctings, thinks that their preaching does not h;ive any bearing with the provisions of our medical law with regard to the practice of medicine. I would like to request your opinion on this matter after reading the attached newspaper clippings and, if possible, after attending one of their meetings. As you may notice, in my answer co Dr. Angcl~s, . I have promised to inform him of the result of our 2ction and our opinion on the m3tter in due time. Dr. R3mon R. Angeles Republic of the Philippines Bureau of Civil Service BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Manila President, Philippine Federation of Private Mcdic3l Practitioners J!>O Maria Clara, S:imp.1loc D.::ir Dr. Angeles: (Sgd.) T. ELICANO Chairman Janu:iry 26, 19H I hn•e juH recci\"ed your letter which you Juve signed on behalf of the Philippine Feder:ition of Private Medic::il Practitioners 3s President of the Association. Allow me to congratul:ite you for your alertness in bringing to the attcntioi'.i of the Board of Medical E''3miners the press rcle:ises regarding Rev. Clifton 0. Erickson. However, I mu~t tdl you that the members of the Board arc :already :aware of such aniclcs and the undersigned has :ilready t:ikcn steps to look into the m:aucr. Rev. Erickson h3s been c:alled for a conicrencc thru Rev. Sumrall a~ it is the proper procedure anywhc:re to give a chance to all p:ircics concerned to give their sid.:. The Bo3rd is with you in the desire to Juve this matter thoroughly investig:itcd and "-'C wish to assure you th:it the provisionS of the Administr:itivc Code, Section 770, of the Medic:il Law wi!I be applied strict!}'. You will hear from the Bo:ird in due time about this matter. As this incident h:is not p.issed the Bo:ird of E:u.mi11ers unnoticed, I bcliC\·e tlut your remarks about discinction between foreigners and natives uc unnecesury. Respectfully routs, (Si;d.) T. ELICANO Chairman PHILIPPINE l'EDERATION OF PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS J 00 i\'13.ria Clara, Sampaloc, Tel. J-34-98 ATTENTION' DR. T. ELlCANO Dr. Tranquilino Elic.lilo Ch:iirman, fio.ird of Mcdic:1l Examiners Mani I a Dear Dr. Elicaiio: J:inuary 26, 1954 Reccnl issues of the metropolitan newsrapcrs carry news of the op!!r.ttion of certain "mirade and faith he:ilcrs", (I} ·Rev. Fr. Clifton Erickson, who in•:ites all the blind, de.if :md dumb, crippled and :ifflicted :ind promise to he.ii them of their .lilments :it Rox3s Park on Taft Ave., Manil.1. and (2) Rev. Diamond A. Noble in Tayug, P3nga~in:i.n, who before some 1,000 people enjoins his hearers to thank God. He h:id sent a "brown nun" to rcli.:ve the sick. for your inforinatio1~ and guid3nce I am enclosing herewith "dippings" of the s:imc news. The members of the Philippine Federation of Pri••3te Medical Practitioners, 30 association one of whose main objecti\'eS is "to protect the public from impostors, qu1cks and charlatans'', we wish to bring to your attention the cases mentioned above, if same h:ave escaped the attention of the Board of Medical Examiners and the corresponding health authorities concerned. Don't you think ti13t the s.iid "miracles and faith hc.ilcr,;'' are wortn investispting :md looked into 3S illegal practitioners of medicine? Don't you think th;.t it is our duty as medical men, to bring out the truth in science and protect not only the people from the f3\'ages of <J113cks and chulatans but also the good n:ime of the medical profession? Unlike a similar ca)e of a Filipino "miracle 3nd faith healer" who operated in Geronimo St., Samp.iloc, many months ago and v.·as prosecuted by the authorities, why Volume XXX Number 12. 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 65 do the faith healers we have mentioned above go unnoticed? Is it because they are foreigners and as such enjoy special privileges granted by our laws? Trusting that your good office will do something about these matters, we remain Rev. lester F. Sumrall Pastor, Bethel Temple Gen. Luna, Isaac Peral St. Manila Dear Rev. Sumrall: Very truly yours, THE PHILIPPINE FEDERATION OF PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS BY: (Sgd.) RAMON R. ANGELES REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Manila January 2 51 19$4 I have noticed the prominent news release made regarding the activities of Reverend Clifton 0. Erickson. As according to the newspapers you have been instrumental in his coming to the Philippines, I have addressed this letter to you to request you to ask Rev:rend Erickson to do me the favor of coming to the Bureau of Hospitals, San Lazaro Hospital Compound, for a conference on Wednesday, January 27, between 8 :00 and 12 :0.0 in the morning. This conference is vital in connection with the enforcement of our medical law :ind therefore your coming to sec me is highly appreciated. Sincerely yours, (Sgd.) T. ELICAflO Chairman Exhibit C. Proposed Bill submitted by the Philippine Orthopedic Association. THIRD CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES FIRST SESSION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.B. No.--Introduced by Congrcssm~n EXPLANATORY NOTE The attached bill sctks to regulate the practice of physiotherapy in the Philippines. Physiotherapy is the scientific application of physical therapy methods to the alleviation of human suffering. These methods or modalities consist of massage, diathermy, infr:ired, hydrotherapy, exercises, etc. The physiotherapist is a technician who has been tr~ined in the practice of physiotherapy. He can practice physiotherapy only with the prescription of a duly qualified physician. Since the massage work is only a part of physiotherapy, a masseur is not a physiotherapist. This bill will raise the category of physiotherapy into a profession and will eventually result in the becterment of its profess.ional and ethical scandards. Physical therapy is :1. recognized branch of the medical profession in much the same way as midwifery and nursing. It has enough good points to raise it to the category of a profession. THIRD CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC ) OF THE PHILIPPINES ) FIRST SESSION ) tIOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. B. No. - - - - - Introduced by Congressmen AN ACT TO REGULATE THE PRACTICE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY IN THE PHILIPPINES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Be it rnacteJ by the Smalt anJ House of Reprtstnlatives of tht Philippints in Corsgress auembletl: 66 47TH ANNUAL MEETING ARTICLE I. - Title of Act Jour. P.M: A . December, 1954 SECTION I. Title of Act. - This Act shall be known as the '"PHILIPPINE PHYSIOTHERAPY LAW.'" AR TI CLE II. - Organization of the Board of examiners for Physiotherapists SECTION 2. Name and composition of the Board. - The !Soard shall be known as the Board of Examiners for Physiotherapists and shall be composed of a chairm1n and two members who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines upon the rccommcndnion of rhe Philippine Orthopaedic Association from among registered Physiotherapists and Orthopaedic surgeons and possessing the qualifications prescribed in SECTION 4 of this Act. The Chairman of the Board shall always be a qualified Orthopaedic surgeon, preferably a Fellow of the Philippine Orthopaedic Association. SECTION l. Pou;ers and Duties of the Doard. The Board of examiners for Physiotherapists is vested with authority conformabl y with the provisions of this Act, to issue, suspend, revoke, or reissue certificate of registration of the practice of Physiotherapy. The Board shall study the conditions affecting Physiotherapy education and the practice of Physiotherapy in the Philippines, and shall exercise the powers conferred upon it by this Act with a view to the maintenance of an efficient, ~thical, technical, moral and standard in the practice of Physiotherapy. The Doard shall likewise study and uamine facilities of schools or other institutions seeking permission to offer courses in physiotherapy so as to sec if the essential requirement therefor including qualified faculty and adequate budget arc properly complied with. The authorization to open schools for physiotherapists shall be based upon the written recommendation of the Board and the representative of the Government eiitit y concerned with the granting of school permits or authorization. The Board shall have the power to investigate violations of this Act and for this purpose, it may, under the hand of its chairman and seal of the Board, issue summons, Subpoma J1ues tecum to violators of this Act and witnesses, thereof, and to compel their attendance. The Board shall from time to time look into the conditions affecting the practice of physiotherapy in the Philippines and whenever necessary, recommend or adopt such measures as may be deemed proper for the adv:incemcnt of the profession and for the vigorous enforcement of this Act. SECTION 4. Qualifications of Board Membf'rs. - The members of the Bo;ud shall each, at the time of appointment: (a) Be a citizen of the Philippines; (b) Be a reputable physiotherapist practicing in the Philippines for at lc:m five years prior to his appointment: (c) Be a graduate of a two-year college course and holder of a certificate or diploma from a re· putable school or college of ph}·siotherapy. (d) The first Doard Member shall be composed of three Orthopedic Surgeons, preferably Fellows of the Philippine Orthopaedic Association and they shall hold office for a term of oflice as prescribed in SECTION 5 of this Act. The members of the Board shall be qualified Orthopaedic Surgeons for at least a period of six years, subsequently one or two members of the Doard may be qualified Physiotherapists. SECTION J. T f'rm of Office. - The members of the Board shall hold office for a term of three years or until their successors shall have been appointed and duly qualified provided, That the members of the first Board appointed under this Act shall hold office for the fo1lowing terms: One member for one year, one member for two yeus, and one member for three years. Any vacancy occurring within the term of a member shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term only. Each member of the Doard shall qualify by taking the proper oath of offic.: prior to entering upon the performance of his or her duties. SECTION 6. Exautfrc Office a11d Sartlary of the Boa,.d. -- The Commissioner of Civil Service shall be the Executive Officer of the Board. The Secretary of the Dol rd of Examiners ;ippointed under Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred and Forty Six shall al.~o be the Secretary of the Board of Examiners for Physiotherapists. All records and minutes of the deliberarions of the Do:ud, including examination papers, shall be kept by the Dureau of Civil Service under direct custody of the Secretary. SECTION 7. Compensation of the Board Members. - The members of the Doard shall each receive as compensation a fee not exceeding five pesos per capita of the candidates examined. SECTION 8. R f'moval of Board member. - The President of the Philippines may, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Civil Service. remove :my member of the Board for continued neglect of duty or incompetency, for commission .. or toler: tion or irregularities in the examination, or for unprofessional or dishonor:able conduce, after having been the member concerned :m opportunity to defend himself or herself in a proper administrative in,•cstigation. SECTION 9. Ruff's and Regulations. - The Doard may, subject to approval of the Secretary of He2lth :ind the President of the Philippines, promulgate such rules and res;ulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. SECTION 10. Annual Report. - The Board shall suhmit an annual report to the President of the Philippines, through the Secretary of Health, after the close of each fiscal year, giving a deuiled acc.ount of the proceedings of the Board during the year and embodying such recommendations as the Board may desire to make. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING ARTICLE III. Examination and Registration of Physiotherapists 67 SECTION 11. Inhibition agaiml pra(/ice of Physiotherapy. - No person shall pr:actice or offer to practice physiotherapy in the Philippines as defined in this Act, without, holding 3. valid certificate of registration as physiotherapist issued by the Board of cxamincn for Physiothcr:apists. Members of the medical profession arc exempted from the provisions of this section. SECTION 12. $(ope of Pradicc of Physiotherapy. - A person shall be deemed to be practicing professional physiotherapy, within the mc3ning and intent of this Act, who sh:atl, for a fee, salary, or other reward, or comp:nsation p:rform professional ser\'icc requiring an understanding of the principles :and applications of the procedures :lnd techniques of physiotheupy. SECTION 13. Limilalion lo the Pradke of Physiotherapy. - A ph)'sictherapist shall not practice his profession on any sick individual except upon the recommend:i.tion or prescription of a duly registered physici:m. SECTION 14. Holdhig of ExaminaJion. - Ex:aminltion for candidates desiring to practice physiotherapy in the Philippines shall be given by the Board on the first Saturdly of June and December of each year in Manila or at such other pl.ace as may be deemed necessuy or expedient by the Board subject to the apprm•:il of the Commissioner of Ci\•il Service and ~he President of the Philippines. SECTION 15. Exami11aliott required. - Except or otherwi~e permitted under the provisions of this Act, all applic:mts for registution for the practic¢ of physiotherapy shall be required to undergo an examination as provided for in this Act. SECTION 16. Qualifkalions of applkonls. - In order to be admitted to the physiotherapists' examination, an applicant must, at the time of filing his or her application therefor, establish to the satisfaction of the Board that: (a) He or she is a citizen of the Philippines, or a forcign~r; provided, That the Country of which he or she is a subject or a citizen permits Filipino physiotherapists to practice within its territorial limits on the same basi~ as the subject or citizen of such country. (b) He or she is at least 21 years of age. (c) He or she is of good health and is of good moral character. (d) He or she had finished a standard academic high school course o_r its equivalent in a school, institute, college or university legally established and duly recognized by the Government. (e) He or she has received a certificate or diplom" of physical thcr::py or other title of equivalent standard from a reputo.ble school of physiotherlpy which gives a two-year course in physiotherapy; Provided, however, That such 5chool or c~llegc is not conducting its classes through correspondence courses; and Provided, further, That such educational institution offers at least the following subjects in its physiotherapy, namely Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, Elementary Studies in Pathology, Abnormal Psy· chology, Theory and Practice of Heat Application and Radiation, Theory and Practice of Hydrotherapy, General Survey of Orthopaedics, Therapeutic Exercise, Theory and Practic'! of Massage, Theory and Practice of Electrotherapy, Elementary Psychiatry, Physics Applied to Physical Medicine, Ethics and Institutional Aspects of Physical Therapy, Applied Anatomy and Kinesiolog)', Introduction to Record and Case Work, Anatomy of the Nervous System. Theory and Practice of Relaution, Elementary Neurology, Elementary Swimming, R~creation Techniques for the Disabled, Ph)'sical Therapy Techniques for the Disabled, Bandaging :ind Dressing, Psychosomatic A~pecc of Physical Medicine, Applied Physiology, Practical Application of Physic:il Therapy, Advance Massage, Orienution to Occupational Therapy, Re· habiliution and Acceptance of Handicaps, Principles and Practice of Speech Science and Clinical Practice and Clerkship. SECTION 17. S,ope of Examinotio11. - The examination for the practice of physiotherapy in the Philippines shall consist of a written and practical examination the scope of which shall be determined and prescribed by the Board taking into consideration the telching plan of the school legally constituted in the Philippines. It shall be the duty of the Board to prepare the 5Chcdule of subjects mentioned in Section l 6·e of this Act, as well as a practical and clinical examination of all candidates, and to submit the ume to the President of the Philippines for approval through the Secretary of Health 2nd the Commissioner of Civil Service and to publish the same as approved at least two months before the date of the examination wherein they are to be used. Any :iheration or :imendment that may be made in said schc:dule shall likewise be appro\•ed by the President. SECTION 18. Rali11gs ;,, the Examinalioll. - In order to plss the first examination, a candidate must obtain a general r:iting of not below seventy-five per cent in the written test, with no rating of below sixty per cent, and in the practical or clinical examin:.tion must obtain a rating of not below seventy.five per cent. An applicant who failed in fhe first examination but obtained seventy-five per cent in each of at least five of the subjects may be permiucd to take the second examination within one year from the date of the first. In order to pass in the second examination the euminee must obtain not below seventy-five per cent in each of the repeated subjects; Provided, That an 3pplicant who failed again in the set of subjects repeated in r.hc second examination must take re-examination on all subjects within one year from the date of the second re-examination Provided, further, That should he or she still fail in this second re-examination, the applicant shall be required to pursue a prescribed course of study and to show proof of the completion of such course before he or she will be admitted to a fourth eumination. 68 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M: A . December, 1954 SECTION 19. Report of Rernlts of F.xaminalio'1. - The Board of Examiners for Physiotherapists shall, within one hundred and twenty days after the examination, report the ratings obtained by each candidate to the Commissioner of Civil Service. who shall with his recommendation, submit such ratings to the President for his approval. SECTION 20. lsma11cc of Certificates. - Certificates of registration as physiotherapist shall be issued co any applicant who passes the examination after approval of his or her ratings by the President of the Philippines and upon p:aymcnt of the required fees. Every certificate of registration shall ~how the full name of the registrant, have a serial number, bear the signature of the members of the Board, attested by the Secretary of the Board and duly authenticated by the seal of the Board of Examiners for Physiotherapists. The issuance of a certificate of registration by the Board to the registrant shall be evidence that the person named therein is entitled to all the rights and privileges of a registered physiotherapist un1il said certificate, for just cause, is revoked temporarily or cancelled. SECTION 21. Rcgislra/io11 by Reciprocity. - Certificate registered under the laws of any foreign state or country may be used without examination for physiotherapist; Provided, That the requirements for the registration or licensing of physiotherapists in said foreign state or country are substantially the same as those required and contemplated by this Act: and Provided, further, That the laws of such state o.": country grant the same privileges to registered physiotherapists in the Philippines on the same basis as the subjects or citizens of such foreign state or country. SECTION 22 . fers of Exami11alio11 a11d Rtgislrt1/io11. - Applicants for examination for the profession -0f physiotherapy shall pay :an examination fee of twenty-five pesos. Successful applicants shall pay a registration fee of ten pesos. SECTION 23. Rtfmal lo lsrne Cerlificates in Certaiu Ca1es. - The Board of Examiners for Physiotherapists shall refuse to issue ;i certificate of registration to ;my person ccnvicced by a court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude, and to :my person guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct. The Bo:ird shall give the applicant a ~·ritten statement setting forth the reason or reasons for its action, which statement shall be incorporated in the records of the Board. SECTION 24. Re-imu: of Rei:oked Certificate and Rrplacrm,mt of Lost Certificates. - The Board may, for reasons of equity and justice, 2nd upon proper application therefor, issue another copy of the certificate, original or duplicate, upon payment of ten pesos. A new certificate of registration to replace any lost, destroyed or mutilated certificate may be issued subject to the rules of the Board and upon payment of ten pesos. AR TlCLE IV. Sundry Provisions Relative to the Practice of Ph}•siotherapy SECTION 2S. Professio11al License. - A registered physiothera.,ist shall pay a professional license fee of fifty pesos per annum, payable either annu:ally or semi-annually. SECTION 26. Prohibiliou in the Prac/ice of Physiotherapy Pe,,aJ Provisions. - Any person who shall practice physiotherapy in the Philippines within the meaning of thi~ Act, without a certificate of registration issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act, or :my person presenting or using as his or her own the certificate of registration of another, or any person givinE: any false or forged evidence to the Board in order to obuin a certificate of r:gi~tr2tion or :tdminion to an examination. or any person assuming, using or advertisin~ :as a registered physiotherapist, or any person viohting any provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor <'Ind shall upon conviction, be ~cntcnced to pay a fine of not ll!ss than one thousand pesos nor more than five thousand pesos or to suffer imf)risonmcnt for ., period of not less than one year nor more than five years, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court. SECTION 27. Enforcemml of this Ac/ b>• Officer of the Law. - It sh:ill be the duty of all duly constituted officers of the Law of the N:irional Goveinment or any provincial, city or municipal government particularly health officers, to enforce the provisions of this Act and to prosecute any person violating the same. SECTION 28. Exemption from Examination. - Persons who have been practicing physiotherapy at least five years before the passage of this Act, who .are in good stanJing in the profession <'Ind who can show proof of their competency to the Board of e:oi:aminers for Physiotherapists, may be exempted from taking the Board Examination for Physiotherapists arc a pre-requisite to registration. SECTION 29. All laws, part of laws, orders, ordinances or regulations in conflict with the provisions of chis Act pertaining to physiotherapcucic duty and pr:ictice shal! be, and are hereby, repealed. SECTION JO. This Act sh:all take effect upon its approval. APPROVED, Dr. Gregorio Reyes (Cagayan MS) took the floor and moved for the approval in toto of the report of the Standing Committee on Arrangements. The motion was duly seconded and APPROVED. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 69 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS. - Dr. Gre· gorio Reyes informed the House that Bill No. 902, transferring the Medical and Dental . Services in the Public Schools (0 the Bureau of H eahh envisions to transfer the ~ontrol :ind supervision of 'he dentalmedical service from the Department of Education to the Dep:ntment of Heahh, the Chairmanship also is changed from the Superintendent of City Schools to the OHO, when the transfer was ma<fe. He also reported how this change had been made time and :.gain in the pa5' whenever there was a decrease in the collection of dental and medical fcts among school children. In USO when the dental ;a.od medical service was transferred from the Department of Education (O the DepJ.rtment of Health, he experienced th:1t there was a drastic decrease in the collection of dental and medical sen•ice fees from public school children. He predicts the same thing to happen ag:iin because (eachers will lose interest once the transfer is effected from the Department of Education (O the Department of Health. He said further th:1t the proponent of the Bill wanted to transfer the supervision to the Department of Health in the belief that medical man is more favored to supervise the dental and medical service. But actually it is just the reverse because it can not be Claimed that (he service is proper when it was in the Division of Schools or in the Department of Health. Further discussion ensued in which Drs. Jara, Lupo D. Carlota and others took p:irt. Dr. J:ira proposed to put in the Bill mandatory or obligatory provisions. After further discussion, Dr. Jara moYed postponement of any action on this matter and to table :and submit this to the Committee on Legislation for study of the Bill before the PMA may commit itself. Seconded by Dr. lcasiano, the motion was APPROVED. Dr. Victorino de Dios :ilso suggested to introduce some amendments in the sense that the collection of fees be like the Red Cross in which leaders in the community will do the collection and to make the collection compulsory. Dr. Jar:i also proposed to :mign dentists in accordance with the collection so that if the division superintendent w::in ts to h::ive more dentists more eHorts should be cxened in the collection of fees. With regards to making the collection of fees m::ind::itory, the Ch::i!rm:in called on Congressman Trono to expl::iin further his ,·iews on the matter. Congressm::in Trono then took the floor ::ind informed the House that there is :already a bill regarding the transfer of control of this dent::il :ind mcdic:al service from the Bureau of Education to the Department of Health. The idc:i of the bill is to consolidate all the allied pro\'isions under the Department of Health. The Ch:airman asked Dr. Trono if it can be made mand::itory, which Dr. Trono replied that he dfd not know the legal aspect of the bill. Further discussion followed in which Dr. Jcasiano and others took part. The Chairman declared tha( this could be scudied thoroughly to find out whether it is proper to make it mand:uory. Dr. Trono promised to bring this matter to the Committee on Health. Applause. He also reported, for the infornution of the members, that the Committee on Health has considered on second reading a bill rega rding p:1yment of 2S% overtime to laborers working on Sundays and holidays and the Committee was able to exclude per· sonnel of hospitals. Applause. He also informed the House that the Committee was forced to accept the 17<,ro tax on drugs and medical supplies. After further discussion, the motion of Dr. Jara was, on moti'n duly seconded, APPROVED by the House. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL EDUCATION, HOSPITALS AND LADORA· TORIES. - Dr. read the portion of the report of the Reference Committee, regarding the report of the Committee on Medical Education, Hospitals and Laboratories. After the reading of the report, Dr. Padua moved for its approval. Seconded by Dr. Romeo Y. Atienza, the motion was APPROVED. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTICE AND MEDICAL ECO· NOMICS. - Dr. Ago moved for the approval of the report. Seconded by Dr. Ramos. With reg:ards to this report, Dr. informed the House :about the amendments to the report by Dr. Nery. Dr. Nery then took the floor :ind informed the House that his amendments to the report w:is not accepted by the Chairman of _ the Committee, Dr. Ramon R. Angeles, and deliberated at length on the amendments which he said should be included in the report. Dr. Angeles also spoke and said that the amendmenu of Dr. Nery were submitted Lue and rejected by two memb::rs of the Committee. Dr. Angeles further said that Dr. Nery had been invited to the meetings of the Committee but he did not attend. Dr. Nery then requested that it be put on record that he was not invited. Dr. Nery read his amendment co the report. After the reading of the amendment, the House on motion duly seconded, APPROVED the amendment. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY. - De. Fernando D. Manalo m'lved, seconded by Dr. Pesig:m, that the report be approHd. CARRIED. REPORT OF THE REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. Dr. Alejandro S. Gaerlan, Chairmm, read the report of the Reference Committee as follows: To the House of Dcleg1tes 47th Annual Meeting Philippine Medical Association M .1 n ii a Gentlemen: Your Committee has the honor to submit the following report of iu :iction and recommendations on the diHerent proposed Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Philippine "Medical Association : 70 47TH ANNUAL MEETING From ihc Couni:il: (Page E - 1, 2, &: 3 of the Agenda) Prop6scd Amendment to the Constitution 'Chapter IV -'- Secti9n 1 - Members 2nd Guests - Approval rccommcnd:!d. Propos·cd Amendment to the By.Laws Chapter [ - Membership Propos~d New Section 4 - Approval recommended Chapter III - _ House of Delegates Proposed New Section 11 - Approval recommended. Chapter VI - Council Proposed New Section 7 - Approval recommended. Ch:iptcr VII - Committees Proposed New Section 11 - Distinguished Service AwJrd Committee Sub-Sections I, 2, and J - Approv:1l recommended Chapter VJll---Componcnt societies Proposed New Sections l J and 14 - Approval recommended The above proposed amendments were duly approved :ind endorsed by the Council. Jour. P.M.A. December, 195-l IL From the Standing Commiltce on A"diting and Finance: Proposed Amendment to the By-Laws Chapter VI, Section l - Approval recommended. Ill. From the Baguio Medical Socirl)• (Pages E-4-l I vf the Agenda} Proposed Amendments to the Constitution 1. Amendment to Article II-Purpose of the Association 1. III - Composition of the Association 3. VI - The Council 4. 5. 6. 7. .. " " VII - Sections and District Societies VIII - Annual and SprciJI Meetings IX - Officers XII - The Seal Proposed Ameudments to the By-Laws I. Amendment to Chapter V - Duties of Officers 2. ). 4. VI - Council VII - Committees VIII - Component socirties X - Miscellaneous The Committee reiterates its action and recommendations JS of bst year which W.lS un.lnimou~lr approved by all its members ::md submitted to the House of Delegates but not acted upon due to bck of time. Copies of Committee action and recommend.ltions on the Baguio Medical Society proposals arc herewith. attached. (Exhibit "A") EXHIBIT "A" Respectfully .submitted: (Sgd.) ALEJANDRO S. GAERLAN, M.D. Chairmau Special Committee on Amendments to the Constitution and By-Ln•s REPORT OF THE SPECIAL REFERENCE COMMITTEE ON AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. To the House .of Delegates, Philippine. Medical Association: The Committee di\'idcd for expeditious and thorough study and deliberation the proposed amendmen\:S into two parts:, the am~ndments proposed by the Council of the PMA :ind by the standing Committce ·on Auditing and Finance; and second, the amendments pr.:iposed by th.;? Baguio Medical Society. The following ue the Committee's findings and recommendations: Part I-Amendments proposed by the Council and th~ standing Committee on Auditing :ind Fin.lnce A. Proposed amendments from the Council - I. To the Constitution: a. Article IV-Members and Guests. Approval is recommended. 2. To the By-laws: a. Chapter I - Approval is recommended. b. Chapter III - Approval is recommend.:d. c. Chapter VI - Approval is recommended. d. Chapter VII - Committees - Section 7. - recommended for approval that the President-Elect be made ex-officio member of the Committee on Auditing and Finance. New Section 11 - on Distinguhhed Service Award Committee; Approval is highly recommended. e. Chapter VIII-New Section 1 l and 14. Approval is recommended. B. Proposed amendment from the Standing Committee on Auditing and Finance to replace the deleted statement of Sec. }, Chapter VI of the By-Laws. Appro\·~I is recommended. Volume XXX Number J2 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 71 Part II-Amendments proposed by the Baguio Medical Society. A. In view of the greatness of the responsibility and the far-reaching effect 0£ any action that may be taken on these amendments proposed by the Baguio Medical Society, the Committee wishes to bring to and c:i.11 the attention 0£ the Delegates to the following observations, findings :1.nd procedures before the Committee finally came to a decision: 1. The amendments proposed by the Baguio Medical Society were first presented at the 4Sth Annual Convention of the Philippine Medical Associ:i.tion held in B:i.guio in May 1952. The House 0£ Delegates finding that the amendment wuc very voluminous 2nd requiring more time for study, voted to postpone action on them for the future. The Baguio Medical Society has resubmitted the same amendments for consideration Of the House of Delegates in this Convention. 2. The Council 0£ the PMA included in the membership of this Committee, the ; incumbent vice-presidents 2nd one past president. ; . Before deliberating on the proposed amendments, individual members of the Committee decided, for the interest of the Association, to study them seriously without regard to the official or unofficial stand of th..:ir respective medical societies ·On these proposed amendments. 4. A series of three meeting following the firsc session of th!! House of Delegates Jud to be cOnducted by the Committee to consider these proposed amendments. A quorum wis always escablished in each meeting of the Commitcee. J. In order to get more clarification on these proposed amendments, President Fernando D. Manalo of the Baguio Medical Society was given a hearing by the Committee for solid hours, answering interrogations propounded by the Committee members. 6. The Committee also gave a hearing to as many members of the PMA as possible ":ho were interested and who had divergent ,·icws on these proposed am:ndments, among whom were Dr. Antonio S. Fernando and Dr. R?dolfo P. Gonzalez. 7. The Committee sought the legal advice of Drs. Carmelo Reyes and Pablo Anzures both of whom arc at the same time well-known lawyen and ;ire, therefore, in a better position to interpret laws of nature of man. 8. The Committee sought the legal ad\'icc of Dr. Jovito Salonga, who majored in Constitutional Law at Harvard University and a holder of Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from Yale University. His advice was especially sought on how constitution should be framed 2nd amended, quoting that: 'a constitution should be brief, comprehensive (broad and not to go to the deuils) and clear. It must contain only the basic principles which the details for th~ implementation may be expressed in th!! resolutions or laws adopted by the governing body. 9. Some members of the Committee have made a comparative study of the current constitution and by-laws of the American Medical Association and the British Medical Association. The same members also referred to the preamble of the Philippine C;>nstitution and American Constitution for guidance. 10. The Committee members are unanimous in reporting that these proposed amendments have been promoted by very good intentions on the part of the Baguio Medical Society. 11. The Committee finds that the majority of the proposed amendments arc only elaborating and emphasizing the present provisions 0£ the Constitution and By-Laws by expressini; them in more words than arc necessary, examples of which arc: a. To the origin3( clause in Article II of the Purposes of the Associ3tion "to promote friendly intercourse among physicians" the proposed amendment is "to promoto unity among physicians through friendship, thou~lidulncss of others, fellowship and brotherly relationship." b. To the clause "protect them ag3inst the imi;.osition," the proposed amendment is " to protect chem froril unjust impositions," c. To the purposes of the Association the proponent.> would like to add· the :following: "to encourage, promote, extend :rnd supervise all component societies in the Philippines; to promote close tics and relationships with other medic31 ·and'. scientific societies throughout the world." · · · · All of these are actually being exercised by the members and' officers 0£ the Association at present. r 2. That while the intentions of the proposed amendments arc good, they are confusing and all the new ideas being introduced arc impractic3I and will render the constitution and by-laws unworkable, and, therefore, subject to flagrant violalioru. Ex:amplcs of these are: a. The proposition to divide the Philippines into nine districts in:additioo ~o ~he three regions now in existence. This idea, while intended to .bring cl.oS;c_ r .fcllqwship among the physicians, is not work:ible because the proposition u;pc~t~ i~ .addition to the national convention, regional conventions, district convention$ or conferences on top of the regular component society meetings. It will take out· the physicians, especially the cases elected as officers, of their own places of practice many more times than at present. · 72 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P .M A. December, 1954 b. One of the functions of the President proposed by tbcse amendments, in addition to the present functions, is that "o,fficial visits to component societies, sections and affiliates art made a must." At present there are S3 component societies, excluding sections and affiliates. With 52 wctks in a year, the PMA president, therefore, will be c:r.pccted to be out at least one: a week during the "''hole year to visit the component societies alone. While the intention again is good so that the president can study the problems of each local component society, it is not pr:actical bcc1use it will be impossible for the President to be out :as often as that. B. RECOMMENDATIONS' In view of the above observ.ations and findings, the Committee cannot recommend the proposed amendments of the Baguio Medical Society for approval in toto, BUT it recommends the approval of one of the proposals, that to create a Permanent Sunding Commiuee on Amendments to the Constitution and By·laws which will, from time to time, study and recommend to the House of Delegates such amendments as arc necessary to make our present Constitution and By.Laws functional and meet the demands of the c\'er progressing science of medicine. (Sgd.) ALEJANDRO S. GAERLAN, M.D. (Cebu), Cbafrman (Sgd.)DANIEL LEDESMA, M.D. (llo;Jo), Member (Sgd.) ZOSIMO FERNANDEZ, M.D. (Laguna), J\frmbcr (Sgd.) ROMEO Y. ATIENZA, M.D. (Man;iJ), M'mb" (Sgd.) LEOPOLDO D. DIAZ, M.D. (Nueva Edja) Memb" (Sgd.) BENIGNO C. PARAYNO, M.D. (Pangas;nan), lllcmb" (Sgd.) RAMON H. RABAGO, M.D. (Cotobato), J\lembcr (Sgd.) JOSE R. VILLEGAS, M.D. (Ncgros Odcntal), hfonbcr (Sgd.) RUFINO C. GUTIERREZ, MD. (Sulu), Member Dr. Manalo inquired whether the fiscal year of the Association has already been decided. Dr. Penas said that the fiscal year begins from July 1 to June JO, although this has not yet been decided. llr. Pefias declared that April 1 ·co March JI coincides with the yearly Convention of the Association and believes it should be adopted. The amendment of the special Committee is from July I to June JO, the fisca! year recommended under "Miscellaneous." Dr. Manalo also suggested to appoint six (6) members instead of only three (J) on the Committee on Constitution and By-laws, and a fixed fiscal year. Dr. Pe~igan requested for further clarification about the implementation of fiscal year. Dr. Manalo suggested inclusion of two (2) months preceding year :ind the budget to be effecti\'e July lst. Dr. Penas explained further tbat the fiscal year April l to March JI is not dunged every yeoar :ind the officers elected immediately become responsible upon assuming office and the budget comes into effect, and no difficulty is encouritered in the present sptem. Further discussion followed in which Ors. Duque, Atienza, Pesigan and Manalo took p3tt. Then, Dr. Carlota moved, that the fiscal yeu of the Association be fixed from April 1st to Much J Ist .. The motion was duly seconded by Dr. Duque and APPROVED by the Houseo. The Secretary-Treasurer read the amendmeont on Plge E-1 (A) of th~ Ag:nda and explained the amendment. Dr. Manalo asked whether members of affiliated sections arc also members of the PMA. Dr. Penas answered him that membuship is through component societies. The amendment was. on motilln duly secf)nded, APPROVED by the House. On the proposed new Section, Chapter I, Dr. Ago moved for its appro\·al. seconded by Dr. Atienza, the motion was ADOPTED. On Ch:1ptcr Ill - Dr. Padua moved for its appro\·:il, seconded by Dr. Gregorio Reyes, motion was APPROVED. 0.1 Chapter VI - 7, "Number" should be "Member". Mov:d for :1ppro\'al by Dr. Aticnz:t, seconded by Dr. Manalo. APPROVED. The new section 7 was then duly :approved. On Ch:ipter VII, New SeCtion 11 - Dr. P.ldua moved for apprtwal, seconded by Dr. Rufino Gutierrez. Motion APPROVED. On Chapter VIII, New Section I J - The House on motion duly seconded, APPROVED it. On Section 14 - the House on motion duly seconded, APPROVED it. On Chapter VJ. Section J, the proposed amendment of the Committee on Auditing and Finance was hpproved. The report of the Reference Committee on the proposed Amendment~ by the Baguio Medical Society was also approved. REPORT OP THE COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS. - The Secretary-Treasurer :announced that the next item to be taken up is the report oi the Committee on Resolutions. He then called upon Dr. Antonio Ejercito, Chairm:an of tl1e Committee to render his report. Dr. Ejercito: The Committee on Resolutions has the honor to submit to you tht following resolutions: (The President suggested that the resolutions be acted one by one) Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 73 RESOLUTION NO. I. - RESOLUTION OF PROFOUND GRATITUDE TO ALL OF THOSE CONCERNED JN THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, WHO SUCCESSFULLY BROUGHT ABOUT THE FIRST POSTGRADUATE REFRESHER COURSE, FREE OF CHARGE, AND WHO HAVE BENEFITED QUITE A NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE SAID ASSOCIATION. Moved for approval by Dr. Al varado and seconded by Dr. Gregorio Reyes. APPROVED. RESOLUTION NO. II - RECOMMENDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE JN THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES WHEREAS, extensive advances in Medic3l Science demand spcci3Jized practice of medicine; WHEREAS, it has been and being keenly felt the need of specialized courses in medicine after gra~ duation in the College of Medicine in this country; WHEREAS, because oi these imperative needs, physicians, shortly after graduations from the regular medical colleges, have to go to the United Sutes and orhcr countries for specia.liz:uion studies; WHEREAS, it is only those physicians of suffici~nt financial means who could . 3fford to study abroad, and those who could not do so, altho bright and have the ambition to be specialists. gener31ly turn out to be gcneul practitioners; WHEREAS, we have already quite a numbet of specialisu :along diff.:rcnt medical lines, who ha,•e graduated abroad in highly recognized postgraduate schools, that could be competent members of the faculty of this proposed Graduate School of Medicine; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby tesolved, by the Philippine Medical Association,'in iu 47th Annual Convention to request the proper authorities for the csublishmcnt cf :t Graduate School of Medicine to be under and operated by the University of the Philip!)ines. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be iurnished His Excellency, chc President of the Philippines, the Chairman, Board of Regents, Unh•ersity of the Philippines, the President, University of the Philippines; the Dean, College of Medicine, University of the f'hilippines ; and the Press. ATTESTED, (Sgd.) MANUEL D. PENAS, M.D. Secrtlary-Trtasuur APPROVED. (Sgd.) ANTONIO EJERCJTO, M.D. Chairman Committee on Resolutions APPROVED ' (Sgd.) ANTONIO S. FERNANDO, M.D. Prc1iJenl RESOLUTION NO. JJI. - EXPRESSING THE PROFOUND GRATITUDE OF THE PJ-ULIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, TO HIS EXCELLENCY, RAMON MAGSAYSAY, PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES, FOR HIS INSPIRING ADDRESS TO THE ASSOCIATION IN ITS OPENING GENERAL SESSION, MONDAY, APRIL 26. 1954; FOR THE PARTY AND INSPIRING TALK HE OFFERED AT MALACA1'1ANG TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION JN THE MORNING OF TUESDAY, APRIL 27, AND FOR HIS FRIENDSHIP AND SUPPORT TO THE ASSOCIATION. APPROVED. RESOLUTION NO. IV. - RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE WHOLE-HEARTED SUPPORT OF THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF PRESIDENT RAMON MAGSAYSAY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, JN HIS EFFORTS TO UPLIFT THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE, PARTICULARLY AS REGARDS THE BETTERMENT OF THE LIVING CONDITIONS IN THE RURAL AREAS. APPROVED. RESOLUTION" NO. V. - RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO THE PROPER AUTHORITIES THE CREATION OF A COMMISSION ON MEDICAL EDUCATION PRESCRIBING ITS FUNCTIONS AND POWERS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE DIRECTOR OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS SHALL BE THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY THEREOF. APPROVED. RESOLUTION NO. VJ. - RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO THE PROPER AUTHORITIES AN APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION CREATING (I) A NATIONAL BOARD OF HEALTH TO BE COMPOSED OF FIVE (S) MEMBERS TO BE ELECTED BY THE PHILIPPINE ME· DICAL ASSOCIATION JN REGULAR CONVENTION; AND (2) PROVINCIAL 'BOARDS OF HEALTH, EACH COMPOSING OP THREE (J) MEMBERS TO BE ELECTED BY THE RESPECTIVE PROVINCIAL MEDICAL SOCIETY (COMPONENT SOCIETY OP THE .l'l-ULIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION) . THE MAIN FUNCTIONS OF THIS NATIONAi, BQAl~D . OF HEALTH AND PROVINCIAL BOARDS OF HEALTH ARE ADVISORY AND. CONSULTATIVE FOR THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND FOR THE DISTRICT HEALi·H' OFFICERS, RESPECTIVELY. . 74 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M A . December, 1954 Dr. IC;iSi311o informed the House thH the above resolution is very controversill and moved that it be refured to thC Committee on Legislation and Public Relations for further study. Seconded by Dr. Padu.i, motion APPROVED. Dr. Ejcrcito invited the attention of the delegates regarding the pow~rs given to the medical society in the U.S.A. with regards to health matters of the people. He said that the DHO is selected by the members of the State Medical Society and the Government formally appointing him. Dr. Penas sugg:csted thJt the proponent of the rcsolulion submit a background of the resolution in writing for study by the Committee on Legislation and Public Relations. RESOLUTION NO. VII. - RESOLUTION EXPRESSING PROFOUND THANKS TO THE AUTHORITIES OF THE FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY, FOR THE FACILITIES GRANTED TO THE ASSOCIATION FOR ITS 47TH ANNUAL MEETING. APPROVED. RESOLUTION NO. VIII. - RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE GRATITUDE OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE KIND CONTRIBUTIONS 01' THE DIFFERENT DRUG HOUSES AND OTHER /IGENCIES FOR THE SUCCESSFUL HOLDING OF THE SAID ANNU/IL MEETING. APPROVED. RESOLUTION NO. IX. - RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT ALL THE RESOLUTIONS FILED IN THE PRESENT ANNUAL CONVENTION MUST BE PROPERLY IMPLEMENTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION IN DUE TIME AND THEIR ACTIONS SHOULD BE REPORTED TO ALL THE COMPONENT SOCIETIES AND TO BE PRESENTED IN TOTO NEXT ANNUAL CONVENTION IN THE MEETING OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. THIS IS TO INSURE TH/IT ALL THE RESOLUTIONS FILED WILL DE PROPERLY ATTENDED, GIVEN DUE COURSE, AND THE DISPOSITIONS ARE MADE KNOWN TO THOSE CONCERNED. APPROVED. RESOLUTION NO. X. - RESOLUTION TO CHARGE THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON MEDICA.l EDUCATION, HOSPITALS AND LABORATORIES TO DRAFT THE RULES AND RF.GULATIONS GOVERNING THE CHOICE OF NOMrNEES TO THE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS. /IPPROVED. RESOLUTION NO. XI WHEREAS, it lus been the practice of past administrations of keeping ccruin members of the different Bouds of Examiners in their respective positions by the repeated reappointments to membership therein; WHEREAS, even full-time physicians arc appointed to the different Bouds of Euminers, thereby limiting the time they arc devoting to their official funct ions as sud1 officers :i.nd adversely affecting their efficiency in the performance thereof; WHEREAS, the appointment of full-time public officers to any Board of Examiners is a flagrant violation of the Constitution provision prohibiting double compensation; WHEREAS, Republic Act No. J46 specifically provides that the tenure of office of each member of every Board of Examiners shall be three years, thereby implying the evident intention of the legislature to make cacl1 examiner hold office only for the period therein specified; WHEREAS,· ill view of the absence of :my definite and e:Kpress prohibition in che law of re3ppointing members of the said boards thereby allowing the right of appointment to be abused and utilized in favoring certain political protcgccs; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED By che Philippine Medical Assocbcion as it is hereby resolyed that a Sp~c.ial Committee be created to draft an amendment to Republ ic Act No. 546 ro the effect that no board member shall be reappointed after the ~x pi ration of his tenure of office nor at any subsequent date and that no .full-time physicians in public or prince office ~hall be clisible for appointment as Chairmar:L or member of Board of Examiners. AND BE IT t:URTHER RESOLVED th:it this Special Committee be required to submit the proposed amendment to the Board of Directors of the Philippine Medical Association within twenty days from notice of its creation for its approval and implement.1tion. Copies of this resolution be served the Cong~ss·of the- Philippines, President of the Philippines, the Hon. Sec. of Health, and the lay press. Adopted t"e 30th day of April, the Sch day of the '47th Annual Meeting og the Philippine Medical Association, at Manila·, Philippines. (Sgd.) R.- ATIENZ·A_ , M.D. (Sgd.) RAMON R. ANGELES, M.D. Dr. Padua moved that the resolution be referred to the Committee on Legislation and Public Relations for further study. Dr. Jara suggested discussion of the resolution. He also proposed inclusion in the curriculum of medical schools rural medicine for general practitioners and proposed likewise that the appointing power should pick from candid~r:es suggested by the medical association. Dr. Anzures proposed the creation of a special Committee to draft amendments to Republic Act No. 546 and to include Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 75 tenure of office, subsequent date, etc. He said that when a law provides for a tenuro of office without a definite length of time the intention of the legislator is for the appointee to hold office indefinitely, until replaced. The resolution is intended to. amend Republic Act 546 which is now enforced. A long discussion participated in by Drs. Jara, Nery, Alday, Anzures, Icasiano, Oca and Reyes followed after which the Chairman raised the point of quorum. The Secretary-Treasurer counted SO delegates. He said that there should be l 6 to have a quorum. Dr. Pesigan moved for adjournment of the meeting. The motion was duly seconded and CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 11 :30 p.m. APPROVED' (Sgd.) ANTONIO S. FERNANDO, M.D. President ATTESTED, \Sgd.) MANUEL D. PENAS, M.D. Secrcury· Treasurer MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARYTREASURERS OF COMPONENT SOCIETIES HELD ON APRIL 28, 1954 AT THE PRACTICE HOUSE, FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY The meeting was called to order at 2 :20 p.m. by the President, Dr. Antonio S. Fernando. He expressed his cordial greetings to the officers of the component societies and his hope that their deliberations would be fruitful. Dr. Manuel D. Penas, as Chairman of this special group, informed the meeting that "hile the deliberations do not fall part of the Proceedings of the Medical A5'ociation, he would consider the gathering as very important. In fact the Council had occasion to approve in principle the deliberations during meetings of the Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers of component societies. He cited that matters taken up in Baguio had been carried into effect. The main purpose of the meeting . is a give and take affair on matters that affect the Association. Many problems are caused by lack of understanding. Several complaints have been followed up and solved during the year. He asked the members to present their problems and enjoined others to giv" suggestions to solve these problems. Dr. M. N. Morales, President of Camarines Norte Medical Society declared that one of the important problems according to his experience is how to increJse the membership in order that the Association may be militant and strong. So long as the members of the Association, he said, belong to the minority of the whole medical • profession, this will not be effective. He suggested that Presidents of component societies should be active in practice and to take active parts in the affairs of the locality. They should also be given a position of recognition by the Department of Health so that when questions involving health arise he could be asked. Dr. Icasiano, President-Elect, remarked that he believed that · the PMA and the component societies will not be given due recognition by the public and other organizations unless a positive approach to this objective is undertaken by the President and other leaders of each medical society. He suggested that an intensive public relation program taking advantage of every opportunity or even existing oportunities to be useful to tire public and to be recognized as an important factor in the life of the community. For example, the President should try to be a member of important Committees in the locality which deal with the people's health and welfare. We will make them feel that in this country the medical society plays an important role in these undertakings. The present tendency of public health is a cooperative work between the community and the government, and we should insist on that with the Medical Society taking a leading front. Dr. Pedro T. Nery of Quezon City related how meeting• of the Quezon City MS were conducted. They were held in restaurants with the members of the Council as host; the wives of members are included. He said that attendance was good although rather expensive. Dr. Icasiano asked for definite matters to be taken up. 76 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour . P.M·A". December. 1~54 Dr. Morales suggested to take up how to increase the membership and proposed the solution by giving recognition for the society. Dr. Pedro P. Villafuerte, President of the Ca marines Sur MS said thot he believed chat the medical society should do something tangible to the community like the Rotary Club and the Lion's Club whose works are appreciated by the community. He suggested to give free consultations, so that the people will recognize the society. The members should discuss problems affecting not only the physicians but the public as well and demonstrate tangible results. Dr. Jose P. Cocjin, President of Iloilo MS, related that there was not one publi~ health problem that arose in Iloilo in which the Iloilo MS was not consulted. The City Health Officer; the OHO; the Director of Provincial Hospital were all members of the Iloilo MS and were given choice committee membership, so that they could consult the society in matters of health. He believed that medical societies in the provinces must be considered not only as scientific societies but also as civic societies like the Rotary, Jaycees, Lions, etc. It will not depend only on the PMA, but in the power and force of the provincial chapter. Dr. Pedro N. Mayuga, President of the Bohol MS suggested to advise the governor that in all civic movements to be undertaken in a province, the medical society be given recognition. A member suggested to bring the physician closer to the people by holding meetings in different sections of the province. A member from !locos Sur said that in his province they informed the OHO and the head of the Charity physicians in case of meetings, and <hose require all their subordinates to attend the meeting. The same is true of Presidents of Sanitary Divisions. Dr . .lderlina F. Manuel, President of the Cagayan MS informed the meeting chat the OHO and the chiefs of Hospitals are good members of the Society. They asked their subordinates to attend the meetings, and in fact they attend the meetings more regularly than the private practitioners. The meeting of their society is held once every 4 months and usually coincides with the town fiesta. Dr. Demetrio Lacuna, Secretary-Treasurer of Quezon City MS suggested to reduce the dues, because this is the complaint of their members. Dr. Penas said that the dues of PI0.00 represent the maximum because of the expenses of the Journal. He said that this is in the constitution. He suggested to study the matter. l>r. Dominador Narvaez, President of the Baguio MS said chat in order to bring more members, they have adopted one monthly meeting on the first Monday of the month in one place. The hospital group is taken care of by the Chief of the Hospital; the chief in the Department of Health brings his companions and the physicians of tho industrial establishments are taken care of by Dr. Manalo. Good speakers are invited. He inquired if they could invite speakers thru the PMA. Dr. Penas replied that this is possible if sufficient time is given to invite speakers. Dr. Penas expressed further the belief that such arrangement would result in closer cooperation between the PMA and che component societies, One Secretary-Treasurer said that attendance depends upon the amount of attraction made; if the contribution is big many members will not attend; if reasonable, they will attend. If the scientific papers arc good they will also attend. To have good speakers, however, entails big expenses on the part of the society to cover transportation and lodging allowances of the guest speaker. Specialists from Manila are good because they attract more members as well as patients. He cited Dr. Alimurung who had 5 4 patients in 48 hours, when he visited their society. He also suggested that drug companies offer luncheon. Dr. Bayani C. Fontanilla, Vice-President of Albay MS declared that it would be alright for drug companies to sponsor once, but if many times, it would be unfair and may cause professional jealousies. Dt. Rufino Gutierrez, President of the Sulu MS said that some government doctors are not members of the medical societies and asked whether the administration of the PMA could do something to make membership in the medical societies mandatory co government physicians. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 77 Dr. Penas promised to refer this to authorities concerned. He said also he is in favor of making every government doctor a member. He cited the fact that in Holland 86% of doctors are members of medical societies. Dr. Fernando congratulated the group for their interest in the welfare of the PMA. He said that in the U.S. membership in the society fluctuates depending upon the leadership of the key men in the Society. He noticed that there are times when the society has less members when the President does not show interest. He suggested that the President exert all his energy and see how he can improve the activities of the society and arouse enthusiasm of the physicians. There are many ways, and these ways will depend on local conditions. He reminded the members how in the past the Colegio MedicoFarmaceutico de Filipinas could influence the legislators pass bills improving health matters. When the question of leprosy was being discussed he said, he remembers how the late Dr. Albert said that if leprosy can not be isolated in Culion, the people will not b< able to control it; and because of this 1/3 of the budget of the Bureau of Health during that time was spent for the Culion Leper Colony. He also touched on the Tala Leprosarium; the reorganization of the Department of Health by the late President Roxas; the creation of the Advisory Health Council in which the President of the Association was a member; and the controversy over the Alabang Serum Laboratory, which used to be under the Institute of Hygiene. He also said that he asked Dr. Ejercito, Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, if he could present to the House a resolution for the establishment of a Graduate School of Medicine and another one creating an Advisory Council on Health to be of assistance to the Department of Health as well as to the Congress. He also reported how the Committee on Medical Education, Hospitals and Laboratories of the PMA, the Director of Private Schools, and the Board of Medical Examiners made a survey of the different medical schools patterned after that of the AMA. By means of this survey they found out that there were many things lacking in the medical schools they visited. He also emphasized recognition of medical schools by the PMA. He suggested that the President's duty is to seek the cooperation of government health entities. As a matter of fact, he said, he had seen medical societies that became dormant because the OHO had trouble with the President of a component society. Dr. Icasiano expressed his desire to visit every component society of the PMA, during his incumbency. As it is not materially possible to visit the 52 individual Societies he requested that several societies group together into a regional convention and he promised that he will attend such conventions. Dr. Fernando cited the successful regional conventions held in Mindanao and the Visayas in the past. Dr. lcasiano declared that in order to improve attendance he plans to have a sort of monthly report of every component society to the mother Association stating increase or decrease in membership, attendance, activities, income, etc. This is a way, he said, to find out the most active society. He also revealed that he is planning to donate a trophy to the most active society during the year. Dr. Romeo Y. Atienza, President of the Manila MS remarked that he concurred with the idea of Dr. Fernando in electing officers capable of the job. He also expressed the difficulty of holding regional conventions and brought up the proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws presented by Dr. Fernando D. Manalo which, he said, up to the pruent had not yet been decided. Dr. Icasiano suggested that even a group meeting to thresh out problems would do in lieu of a convention. Dr. Duque, President of the Pangasinan Medical Society proposed to have only 3 days for annual meeting instead of 5 days and more days for the regional meetings. Dr. Atienza proposed to have more vice-presidents for Luzon: one m the North and one in the South. Dr. Penas suggested to have a planning Committee in the future with all districts represented; and to mobilize force. Dr. Agripino R. Oca, Secretary-Treasurer of the Laguna MS aired his views regarding lack of quorum in the House of Delegates during the last Convention and the overlooking of payment of membership dues of members 78 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M.A . December. 1954 to the Society. He declared that if the period of the Convention is shortened many items in the Agenda may not be taken up. He proposed to give more time to transaction of business in the Agenda. Dr. Penas declared that the next subject to be discussed is about the Journal and asked Dr. Pesigan if any problem had arisen regarding the Journal. Dr. Atienza inquired how much a member pays to the Journal. Dr. Peiias replied that the dues of f>J0.00 is divided into J.>6.00 for the Journal and J.>4.00 for the administration. He asked Dr. Pesigan to look the data regarding the matter. Dr. Pedro P. Villafuerte, President of the Camarines Sur MS reported that some members of their Society pay their dues and do not receive the Journal. Dr. Penas informed the meeling that a strong letter has been written by Dr. Villafuerte regarding the matter, but found out in the records that some of the complaining members had not paid their dues, although some had paid. He further informed that no copy of th< Journal is returned to the office of the PMA denoting that they have not been missed because of wrong addresses and that the presumption is that they have been received. Dr. Pesigan requested that collections be forwarded during November and December, because if payment is received in March and the dues were due in December it is possible that the January and February issues of the Journal may not be received by tho member. Dr. Penas said that all component societies will be sent the status of all their membership. Dr. Pesigan informed the meeting that in order to compute the cost of the copy of the journal, the cost of the printing should particularly be considered; also office supplies, postage, salaries of personnel, transportation of messenger, etc. After further explanation he declared that the cost per copy of the Journal is about 1"3.00. Dr. Fernando informed the meeting that although the present printer of the Journal charges a little higher than others the Association is satisfied because of its efficient work and seldom makes typographical error while others commit plenty of typographical errors. If the printer is changed the Journal might lose the high reputation that it already enjoys. He also cited the many free exchanges that the Journal has abroad, which is another reason why we should maintain the good quality of the Journal at all cost. A member suggested to write to different component societies to invest some amount to purchase a linotype for the PMA for the printing of programs, Journal, etc. Dr. Penas declared that this matter had been conceived, but met with disastrous results, bec:i.use of non-enthusiasm among the members. Dr. Pesigan reported less complaints received during the year about the Journal, and also intimated the good results derived from the meeting of the Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers. He likewise reminded the Secretary-Treasurers not to keep for l long time the money they receive. If the Secretary-Treasurer wants to send the monoy all at a time, he may write in advance to the Secretary-Treasurer of the PMA the names of members who had already paid to him and then send the money at the end of the month. He said that such sum '"ill be recorded as paid locally, but not yet received by the P.M.A. APPROVED. Some one suggested that in case a member should pay direct to the Business Manager or to the Secretary-Treasurer of the PMA the latter officials should satisfy themselves that the member in question has already paid his dues to the local society, otherwise they should also collect the dues for the corresponding branch Society and send the same to the Secretary-Treasurer of the said Society. Dr. Pesigan also asked the members to forget the stamp of "This is your last copy" in the envelope if they had already paid their dues. Slips are also sent to members, asid< from the stamp just mentioned which contains notice of expiration of membership dues. If the slip is found in May it means the June issue will be stopped. He requested the recipient of this slip to answer on the detachable portion of the same when he will pay or when he had already paid. If he docs not pay, the sending of the Journal will be stopped. He suggested to encourage members to send complaints to the office of the PMA and promised that they will be promptly acted upon. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 79 Dr. Severo Senen, President of the Ilocos Norte MS suggested chat no one may be admitted member of the provincial societies, unless he is a member in good standin.~ of the PMA, because he said some are utilizing the component societies for political reasons. Dr. Penas replied that membership co the PMA is through component societies only. Dr. Ago suggested chat before a member can be allowed to vote in the PMA he should be in good standing in the local society. He also suggested that the amount of Pl.00 be collected from each member to help the hose society during convention. Dr. Senen further stressed that some members pay their dues just to attend the Convention and will not pay their dues if they do not attend. He proposed to make it a rule also that if one is a member of the mother society, the Secretary-Treasurer of the PMA should collect also the dues for the local society. Dr. Oca cited his experience in which some members pay the PMA only but not the local society. This is one reason why the funds of the local society become drained. He agreed co a previous suggestion that if a member pays direct co the mother society, co collect also the dues for the local society and remit chis co said society. He also proposed that only those in the membership roll of component societies may be allowed co register under that society. He also agreed co a previous suggestion to have two vicepresidents in Luzon, one for the North and another for the South to have better supervision of j>roblems confronting the societies. Dr. Penas suggested co cake time with regards to the resolution concerning the two vice-presidents and requested to have this resolution transmitted to the Committee on the Constitution and By-Laws for next year. Regarding the arrangement for the collection of dues by the mother society and the provincial society, he promised to see chat this is implemented. Dr. Oca also proposed to present a resolution co the effect that an advisory committee co the Secretary of Health, to the OHO and chiefs of hospitals be created. Dr. Penas asked him to transmit this to the Committee on Resolutions headed by Dr. Ejcrcicito for study and discussion at the business meeting. Dr. Atienza suggested that the host society be helped in its finances by the Association, to be taken from the registration fees. He cited that in Bacolod 1"5.00 extra was charged during the registration. Dr. Penas said that according to the Constitution the host society can claim for reasonable expenses and chis may be paid by the mother society. Dr. kasiano gave a brief remark expressing his satisfaction on matters taken up in the meeting and the cordial atmosphere prevailing during the disscusion of che different problems presented and informed the Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers that he would try to communicate with them from time to time. He said that the strength of the Association depends on the strength of the local societies and expressed the hope that he would have less routine work and would be able to devote his time to more fundamental objectives of the Association. He expected to visit the Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers in their respective regions in the future, at least the majority, if not all the provinces, within one year. President Fernando reported that he was glad chat the first story of the PMA House was now completed, with our library, and the office housed in it. This is provided with a phone so that the chief clerk can transmit messages even overseas by long distance. He said he was happy that the office personnel would be concentrated in one office unlike before when the offices of the Association were scattered far apart. Lastly, he appealed to the members to buy more shares of stock for the construction of the second story of the PMA House. Applause. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m., followed by a picture taking. APPROVED: (Sgd.) A. S. FERNANDO, M.D. President ATTESTED: (Sgd.) MANUEL D. PENAS, M.D. Secretary-Treasurer 80 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour . P.M A. December, 1954 Signatures collected during this meeting arc the following: Dr. Antonio S. Fernando, outgoins President, PMA; Dr. Mariano C. Jcasiano, Incoming President, PMA; Dr. Manuel D. Peiias, SccrctaryTreasurer, PMA; Dr. T. P. Pcsigan, Business Manager of the Journal, PMA; Dr. Damaceno J. Ago, Albay MS; Dr. Eribcrto F. Aguilar, San Pablo City MS; Dr. Ramon Atienza, Jr., Sccreury-Trc:asurcr, PFPMP. Dr. Romeo Y. Atienza, President, Manila MS; Dr. Gabino V. Balbin, President, Nucva Vizcaya MS; Dr. Virginia Borromeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Cavitc MS; Dr . . Maxima C. Brillantes, Secretary-Treasurer, Lanao MS; Dr. A. P. Brion, President, Laguna MS; Dr. Godofrcdo Calucn, President Lanao MS; Dr. Jose P. Cocjin, President, Iloilo MS; Dr. Caridad del Fierro-Oruga, Secretary-Treasurer, Z:imbale' MS; Dr. Romualdo del Rosario, President, MS; Dr. Francisco Q. Duque, President, Pangasinan MS; Dr. Tom.:s F.sguerra, President, Tarlac MS; Dr. Florencio FirmC', Sr., Secreury-Trcasurer, Rizal MS; Dr. Bayani A. Fontanilla, Albay MS; Dr. Candido Garcia, Secretary-Treasurer, Alb:11y MS; Dr. Rufino Gutierrez, Pre· sident, Sulu MS; Dr. Esteban F. Hidalgo, Secretary-Treasurer, Camarines Sur MS; Dr. Demetria lacuna, Secretary-Treasurer, Quezon City MS; Dr. Pedro N. Mayuga, Pr:~ident, Bohol MS; Dr. A. C. Montellano, Secretary-Treasurer, Or. Mindoro MS; Dr. M. N . Morales, President, Camarines None MS; Dr. Dominador Narvaez, President, Baguio MS; Dr. Pedro T. Ner)'; President, Quezon City MS; Dr. Agripina R. Oca, Secretary-Treasurer, Laguna MS; Dr. A. C. Oc:11mpo, Secretary-Treasurer, la Union MS; Dr. Tercia) U. Ramirez, President, Isabcla MS; Dr. O. P. Madamba, la Union MS; Dr. Jderlin:11 F. Manuel, President, Cag:11yan MS; Dr. Pablo N. Marquez, Secretary-Treasurer, Marinduquc MS; Dr. G. S. Reyes, President, Jlocos Sur MS; Dr. Gregorio Reyes, President, Cagayan MS; Dr. Pedro A. Rodriguez, President, Zamboanga MS; (Vice-President for Mindanao and Sulu, PMA); Dr. Oscar Y. Romero, Secretary-Treasurer, Cagayan MS; Dr. Juan B. Ruiz, Jr., President, Cebu MS; Dr. Jose L. Santos, President, Bulacan, MS; Dr. Jesus Tamesis, Secretary-Treasurer, POOS; Dr. V. R. Trinidad, President, leytc MS; and Dr. Pedro P. Villafuerte, President, Camarines Sur MS. MINUTES OF THE GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES HELD ON APRIL 30, 1954 AT THE SOCIAL HALL, FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY Call to order. - The meeting was called to order at 2 :00 p.m. by the new President, Dr. Mariano C.' Icasiano. The Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Manuel D. Penas, read the names of the Committee on Nomination requesting them to come forward as follows: Dr. Vicente R. de Ocampo (Manila), Chairman Dr. Demetrio Belmonte (Manila). Member Dr. Rodolfo P. Gonzalez (Manila), Member Dr. Pedro Rodriguez (Zamboanga City), Member Dr. Cipriano Elizaga-Que (Isabel a) , Member Dr. Francisco Ranada (Ilocos Norte), Member Dr. Teodoro Rejano, Jr. (Marinduque), Member Dr. Vicente R. Trinidad (Leyte), Member Dr. Apolonio Baytion (Zamboanga de! Norte), Member Dr. de Ocampo reported the following names received by the Committee: For President .. For Vice-President for Luzon For Vice-President for Visayas . .. .. ..... . . . For Vice-President for Mindanao & Sulu For Councilor . . . Dr. Heraldo de! Castillo Dr. Fe V. de! Mundo .... Dr. Antonio Agcaoili Dr. Damaceno ]. Ago Dr. Jose L. de Guzman ..... Dr. Pedro N. Mayugo Dr. Pablo N. Torres Dr. Gregorio B. Huerto ... . Dr. Victorino de Dios Dr. Antonio S. Fernando Dr. Ago took the floor and requested that his name be withdrawn from the list saying that he has not done yet any service to the Philippine Medical Association to merit the nomination for Vice-President. The request was granted by the Chairman. A member moved for the closing of all the nominations. It was not seconded. The .VoJume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 81 Chairman then called the different positions one by one and as he called them he asked for further nominations. Dr. Icasiano, the presiding officer, declared that there being no other nominee the election of Dr. Huerto as Vice-President for Mindanao & Sulu be considered unanimous. APPROVED Upon motion which was duly seconded, the House likewise APPROVED that all candidates be called to the rostrum. Dr. Ocampo then called the candidates one by one to the rostrum. Applause. Dr. Penas then called the following members of the Committee on Election to come forward and proceed with the election: Dr. Jose L. Santos (Bulacan), Chairman Dr. Pablo Anzures (Manila), Member Dr. Alfredo Primero (Lanao), Member Dr. Oscar Madamba (La Union), Member Dr. Rufino C. Gutierrez (Sulu), Member Dr. Romeo Y. Atienza (Manila) , Member Dr. Muiano N. Morales (Camarines Norte), Member Dr. Santos reported that there were 3 precincts each co be supervised by the following: Precinct No. I. - Dr. Pablo Anzures, Chairma11 Dr. Oscar Madamba, Member 2. -Dr. Gregorio Reyes, Chairman Dr. Alfredo Primero, Member 3. - Dr. Francisco Casanova, Chairman Dr. Laureano Gregorio, Member Dr. Jose L. Santos took the floor and explained the procedure to be followed and the requirement needed in the election. The issuing of the ballots then started and the Chairman announced that voting will be closed at 4:00 p.m. Dr. Penas announced before the House chat the closing meeting of the House of Delegates will take place immediately after the election and requested the delegates to stay. At 4:05 p.m. the counting of the ballots started and ended at 4: 55. Dr. Penas then asked the Chairman of the election Committee to submit the results of the election which he did as follows: For President Dr. Heraldo del Castillo .. Dr. Fe. V. del Mundo .. . For Vice-President for Luzon: Dr. Antonio Agcaoili . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . Dr. Jose L. de Guzman . ... .. . . . . ... . .... . . For Vice-President for Visayas: qr. Pedro N. Mayuga ....... .... .. .. . ... .. . Dr. Pablo Torre . . . . . For Councilor far 5 years: Precinct No. 1 2 3 120 111 119 45 38 35 44 119 79 83 43 43 96 100 82 63 81 67 Dr. Victorino de Dios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 88 52 84 67 Dr. Antonio S. Fernando . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Dr. Santos then declared the following newly-elected officers: President-Elect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Heraldo del Vice-President for Mindanao Total votes 350 118 130 315 242 203 274 183 Castillo and Sulu (Unanimous) . .. . . .. .. . ... .. . . . . Dr. Gregorio B. Huerto Dr. Jose L. de Guzman . .. Dr. Pablo N. Mayuga . . . . . . . . . Dr. Victorino de Dios Vice-President for Luzon . . .... . . .... . Vice-President for Visayas Councilor for 5 . years ... . . . . •.. . .... . 82 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P .M. A. December, 1954 De. Penas announced before the House that after the business meeting everybody would proceed to the House of the new President-Elect, De. Heraldo del Castillo. At 5 :05 p.m. the newly-elected officers took their oath of office before President lcasiano. Applause. After the taking of oath President Icasiano called each elected officer to say a few words before the House. De. De Dios when called upon declared that his election \\'as rather a surprising one. He said he had already served the Association for many years as President and then as Councilor and now he has been prevailed upon by some colleagues to launch his candidacy foe the position of Councilor and accepted the position not for any personal purpose but for the purpose of serving the members of the Association, and expressed his heartfelt thanks and appreciation to everybody. Applause. Dr. Gregorio B. Huerto's remark was as follows: "Officers of the PMA and my fellow doctors: I feel highly honored by the trust you have bestowed upon me to represent Mindanao and Sulu. I am aware of the responsibility that go with this trust. It warms my heart to know that even the least of the rural doctors are given the chance to serve. I can assure you, that I shall carry on and implement to the best of my ability the good work that has been started by those before me. In my own humble way I shall uphold the fine traditions of this organization. I am thanking everyone of you from the bottom of my heart for the trust you have given me. I thank you." Applause. De. Mayuga gave the following remarks when called upon to speak: " I am extremely grateful to you who have chosen me as Vice-President for Visayas of the Philippine Medical Association and I pledge to give my utmost to the service of our organization. I consider my election to this high office in our Association as a recognition of those who, like my humble self, work in the rural areJS. It is encouraging to note that the PMA has started to take concrete steps to implement the rural health development program of the present administration by giving impetus to our physicians to work in those areas. I am confident that under the leade,.hip of the PMA, this year will be another milestone leading to the complete realization of our desire to extend the benefit of medical care to every Filipino. I thank you." Applause Dr. de Guzman when called upon to speak said that he was very happy foe having been given the opportunity to serve the Association in a humble way. He told the members that when Dr. Duque of the Pangasinan MS launched his candidacy for the position of Vice-President for Luzon, he was reluctant to accept the nomination because he might lose in the election. But now that he was elected he was happy to be a humble officer of the Association and to be of help to it. He knows that to be an officer of the Association is to sacrifice. His experience as a Congressman shows that very few have approached members of Congre» regarding passage of health measures. He suggested lobbying in Congress as one way of helping in the passage of health bills. Lastly, he welcomed his colleague. who are going to Pangasinan or Baguio to his residence, and thanked those who supported him in his candidacy. Applause. Dr. Icasiano then introduced the new-President-Elect of the Association whom he dubbed as the most popular man in the room. Dr. del Castillo expressed himself as f~llows: Distinguished officers, my friends: I W'1nt co dedicate a few words to a great man, a man with a big heart, a man with a very understanding nature. He could have been the President-elect of the Philippine Medical Association and could have added honor and glory to our Association. But, because of his magnanimity, he voluntarily withdrew his candidacy from this election and graciously gave way to a less deserving man. I want to make public my sincere thanks to this great man who is no other than Dr. Tranquilino Elicaiio. I would like to thank also each and everyone of you for explicitly showing your trust and confidence by electing me to the position of President-Elect of the Philippine Medical Association. Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 83 Truly, in all candidness, I do not fully deserve this signal honor. However, I will not be human if I do not express publicly my happiness regarding the result of this election, because I know that one year from now I will be able to represent the voice of no less than 4,000 physicians of this country. And I fully believe that with the judicious use of the collective power of this group of physicians, I would venture to say that succes. is almost assured and that the health and welfare of our people and ourselves arc equally assured. I humbly accept therefore, this trust and confidence that you have so generously given to me and I hope that you will give me your full-hearted cooperation and that I would be expecting suggestions and advices from each and everyone of you, so that wo can insure the success of our medical association. Thank you." Applause. Mabuhay! Adjournment. - There being no further business on the table, President Icasiano declared the meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. ATTESTED: (Sgd.) MANUEL D. PENAS Secretary-Treasurer APPROVED: (Sgd.) MARIANO C. !CASIANO, M.D. President MINUTES OF THE CLOSING MEETING OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES HELD ON APRIL 30, 1954 AT THE SOCIAL HALL, FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY. Call lo order. - The meeting was convoked by the President, Dr. Mariano C. Icasiano, at 5 :21 p.m. The Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Manuel D. Penas announced that the first order of business of the meeting is about the report of the Reference Committee on the Report of the Auditing and Finance Committee, Secretary-Treasurer and on the Proposed Budget. He then called on Dr. Manuel Quisumbing, Chairman of the Reference Committee, to render his report before the House. Dr. Quisumbing then read th, report of his Committee as follows : The Council Philippine Medical Association Manila (Thru the Secreury·Treasurer) Gentlemen: April 30, 19H This Committee has the honor to endorse hvorably the reports of the Secrecary·Tre3surcr and the Auditing and Finance Committee with the following recommendation: A c:arcful investigation of the members reported to be "not in good sunding" (See T3ble I of the report of the Secretary·Tre:isurer) so as to verify whether their being so is because of change of residence or change of assignment, or that some memb::rs have died, or other possible causes, which will justify their being stricken of the list. Also an intensification in the drive to make these members "in good standing ... The Reference Committee also recommends the approul of the prepared budget for the fiscal period from April 1, 1954 to March H, USS. Respectfully yours, (Sgd.) MANUEL QUISUMBING, M.D., Chai•man (Sgd.) JOSE R. CRUZ, Member (Sgd.) TRINIDAD ESGUERRA. M.D., Men•btr (Sgd.) ROMUALDO DEL ROSARIO, M.D., Membr,. (Sgd.) PABLO 0. TORRE, M.D., Membtr 84 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jou.r. P.M A. December, 1934. After the reading of the report, Dr. Icasiano asked for the pleasure of the House. Dr. Padua moved, duly seconded by Dr. Vicente R. de Ocampo, that the report be approved. APPROVED Place of next Annual Meeting. - Dr. Penas again informed the House that the next item to be taken up is about the determination of the place of the next Annual Meeting, and reported that he has just received a letter from the Baguio Medical Society, Pangasinan Medical Society and others, inviting the Association to hold its next Annual Meeting in Baguio. He called upon Dr. Dominador Narvaez, President of the Baguio Medical Society, to come forward and read the letter before the House. Dr. Narvaez then read the letter as follows: To the House of Delegates 47th Annual Convention Philippine Medical Association Manila, Philippines Gentlemen: April ;o, 19S4 We, of the Pang:asinan, Baguio, La Union, :md Jlocos Sur Medical Societies extend our invitation for the next Annual Convention of the Philippine Medical Association to hkc place at Baguio City, Philippines. Y<'ry respectfullr. (Sgd.) FRANCISCO Q. DUQUE, Pmi<lcnl, P.M.S. (Sgd. ) DOMINADOR ll. NARVAEZ, Pm;dcnl, B.M.S. (Sgd.) MARCELINO T. VIDUY A, Pm;Jcnl, L.M.S. (Sgd.) GODOFREDO S. REYES, l'miJcnl, l.S.M.S. Dr. Jesus Valdes moved that further invitations be closed. The motion was duly seconded and carried. Dr. Romeo Y. Atienza moved that the invitation just read be accepted by the House. The motion was duly seconded and ACCEPTED by the House. Dr. Penas announced that further communications with the Baguio Medical Society regarding the coming Annual Meeting will be made in the future. Appointment of Standing Committees. - The Secretary-Treasurer then announced that the next item in the Agenda to be taken up is about the appointment of the standing Committees of the House of Delegates for the ensuing year. He reported the standing committees which membership will be appointed and read the names of the Committees one by one, a follows: COMMITTEE ON SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTICE AND MEDICAL ECONOMICS COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL EDUCATION, HOSPITALS AND LABORATORIES COMMITTEE ON AUDITING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Dr. Romeo Y. Atienza moved that due to lack of time, the House give full confidence to the Council in appointing the members of the different Committees and to advise the House later on such choices. The motion was duly seconded and CARRIED. Report of the Committee on Resol1ttions. - The Secretary-Treasurer announced that the next business to be taken up is about the continuation of the report of the Committee on Resolutions. Dr. Ejercito, Chairman, then took the floor and informed the meeting about the resolution presented by Dr. Ramon R. Angeles and others, re. garding the creation of a special Committee amending Republic Act No. 546. A member from the Leyte MS moved, which was duly seconded, that in view of lack of time the resolution be read by titles by the Chairman, Dr. Ejercito. The motion was duly seconded and carried. Dr. Ejercito explained that the resolution debars physicians working full time in government as well as private offices from holding membership in the Board of Medical Examiners, and suggested that this be Volwue XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 85 brought to the attention of the Council. Dr. Lupo D. Carlota declared that in view of the seriousness of the resolution, he moved that it be laid on the table for further study. The motion was duly seconded. Dr. Anzures took the floor and further explained the contents of the resolution citing that time element is very important to the members of the Board in the correction of papers that is why the resolution proposed to limit the members of the Board to physicians not working on full time basis and asked the House to decide the matter whether to approve it or not. Dr. Alday informed the House that the resolution has already been presented to the House during its second meeting but was not discussed thoroughly. The resolution he said is presented in order to hear the views of the House whether they favor it or not and to decide once and for all the resolution. He maintained that government physicians working full time can not leave their position while the private practitioner like him can leave his position any time because he has assistants to attend to his patients. He also cited that he attends annual meetings every year without any prejudice to his practice. Dr. Carlota declared that he is not in favor or against government physician or any physician. He remarked that in view of the seriousness of the resolution it was important to raise the point of quorum. Further discussion followed in which Dr. Nery spoke urging the members of the House to decide the resolution inasmuch as they are the leaders of the chapters of the Association. Dr. Gregorio Reyes also spoke and urged action on the resolution. Dr. Padua reminded the House thJt the motion calls for the laying of the resolution on the table but the House is discussing the resolution which should not be the case. A member declared that to lay the resolution on the table would be a delaying tactic. After further discussion a member moved for the division of the House. President Icasiano then declared that it has been moved and seconded that in order to give further study to the proposed resolution presented by the Chairman of the Committee on resolution, said resolution be tabled. The motion was duly seconded and a division of the House was called for the purpose, as follows: In favor to table the resolution . . Against putting the resolution on the table The House then resumed the deliberations on the resolution. 34 votes 40 votes Dr. Ejercito informed the House that the resolution calls for two points. One point is against the re-appointment of members of the Board. Upon motion which was duly seconded, the House APPROVED this point. Another point, he declared, is that no full time government physician will be appointed member of the Board. This was further explained to include full time physicians in private institutions. Dr. Anzures took the floor and explained further that the resolution has the intention of prohibiting the appointment of physicians working in any institution on full time basis whether government or private. Dr. Jose 0. Nolasco remarked that talking of full time he is a pathologist of the Culion Leper Colony and full time and hi. assistant is doing his work there and he is still on government time. So, he believes, he said, that this full time basis can not be considered seriously. Dr. Anzures declared that the work of the physicians whether government or private is heavy and he believes that they should not be given additional burden. Dr. Ejercito maintained that government physicians are given vacation and sick leave and they can ask when their services are needed in the board and enjoined the members not to have any distinction in the board membership. Dr. Lacuna remarked that from time immemorial it has been the policy of the government to appoint full time not only those with intellectual capacity but also those with integrity and honesty. He said now-a-days it is not easy to select or to find them and cited the examining boards like the dentists, pharmacists, optometrists and others whose members also include those working full time, the passage of the resolution might gather criticisms from 86 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P .M.A. December, !9;; I the brothers in the profession, because it will affect also ochers. In case, he said, there is no other remedy but to pass the resolution, he suggested that it take effect after the term of the office of the present members of the Board in 1956. Dr. Angeles clarified the remark of Dr. Ejercito regarding the vacation and sick leave given to government physicians which he said arc given only once a year while the board examinations are given 4 times a year. Another member declared that passage of the resolution would be bad beginning and destroy the good relation between private practicioners and government physicians. Dr. Atienza remarked that the same resolution was presented during the second meeting of the House of Delegates and again the same resolution is presented for discussion. He therefore, suggested for the division of the House. Dr. Penas asked Dr. Anzures to explain further the resolution which he did by citing amendments co Republic Act No. 546. Dr. de Guzman called chc attention of che House regarding the creation of a special Committee to make amendments to Republic Ace 546. So, he said, what should be approved is the creation of a special Committee to propose amendments to Republic Act No. 546, and read that portion of the resolution. He cited chat when he was in Congress and approved chis act the medical and dental groups were not represented. This he said was approved because of the lobbying of the dental group. The resolution he said is asking appointment of a special Committee and will submit recommendations after 30 days. He therefore proposed to approve this and see what amendments can be presented. The proposition of Dr. de Guzman when put co votation was APPROVED by the House. Dr. Ejercito informed the House that the next resolution is the one concerning the Business Manager of the Journal which reads as follows: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it has been noted that since 19S2 there is a continuous decrease in the number of ad \·cniscmcnts in the Journal of the Philippine Medical AHociation. WHEREAS, due co the decrease in the number of ads, the income from advertisements was m:arkcdly reduced every ycu and the printing of the journal is mainly made possible thru the fees of the members and the income from the convention. WHEREAS, the other medical journals arc self-supporting, :md therefore there is no reason why the journal of the Pliilippine Medical Association cannot be also sclf-suppc rting ; WHER EAS, if the Business Manager is a full time employee of the government or :in}' private firm there is no more time for him to go out and contact pcrsanally the different 1dvertisers; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as it is resolved, that the Business Manager of the Journal should be under contract on pa.rt time basis and should devote at least four hours .1 da.y for the Journ al; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order that the Journal be self-supporting, the Business Manager should be required to spend more time in going out ; rnd contacting the managers of different establishments; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be presented in the meeting of the House of Delegates during the 47th Annual Convention of the Philippine : Medical Association for approval. (Sgd.) CASTO J. PINEDA, M.D. (M,nit. MS) (Sgd.) DOLORES G. ADEVA (M,.;Ja MS) SIGNATURE ILLEGIBLE SIGNATURE ILLEGIBLE After the reading of the resolution, Dr. Padua moved, that the resolution be approved. Dr. Alday took the floor and informed the House that in justice to the present Business Manager, the chair should ask him to explain whether he could do the work before giving decision on the matter. After some discussion, Dr. Atienza moved that the resolution be referred to the Council to decide on the matter. The motion was duly seconded and APPROVED. Dr. Ejercito then announced that the next resolution filed by some members calls for the donation of 50% or no less than l"l,000 from the registration of members during the Convention co the host Society. The resolution reads as follows : Volume XXX Number '2 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 87 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it is a good policy to rotate the site of the Annual Meeting of the Philippine Medical Association so that the members may be able to see and \'isit different places in our beautiful country; WHEREAS, many of the pro\'incial clllptcrs arc willing to play hose to their mother society but are dettered by financial stringency; WHEREAS, a component medical society, in playing host to an annual meeting of the Philippine Medical Association, has to incur much expenses; WHEREAS, the Philippine Medical Associati~m nets a good amount of income from registration fees and from exhibits in holding its annual meeting; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED as it is hereby resolwd by the Ddcgucs here assembled at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Philippine Medical Association to approve the grant of .SO% of the rcgis· tration fee at every annual meeting co the host society to help defray expenses incurred by the host society in connection with the annual meeting of the Philippine Medical Association but in no case sh3ll the amount be less than PI,000. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this rcsoluti9n, if approved, takes effect this 47th Annual Meeting of the Philippine Medical Association. Adopted the )0th day of April 19S4, the .sth da)' of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Philippine Medical Association at Manila, Philippines. (Sgd.) ROMEO Y. ATIENZA, M.D. (Sgd.) DAMACENO J. AGO, M.D. (Sgd.) JOSE N. ROSAL, M.D. (Sgd.) ANTONIO M. SAMIA, M.D. (Sgd.) GREGORIO M. REYES, M.D. (Sgd.) EMILIO L. ALVARADO, M.D. (Sgd.) R. U. ZALAMEA, M.D. (Sgd.) J. R. CRUZ, M.D. (Sgd.) SIXTO MACEDA, JR., M.D. (Sgd.) RUFINO GUTIERREZ, M.D. (Sgd.) RAMON R. ANGELES, M.D. (Sgd.) P. G. GARCIA, M.D. (Sgd.) P. B. VILLAFUERTE, M.D. (Sgd.) F. Q. DUQUE, M.D. Dr. Penas suggested that the resolution be referred to the Auditing and Finance Committee of the Association to study t~e matter. Dr. Atienza suggested to pas• judgment on the resolution. Dr. de Dios when asked about the resolution declared that he favors 50% of the registration fee. Dr. Padua inquired about the average amount of the registration which the Secretary-Treasurer estimated to be around f>?00.00. Dr. Padua then moved that the resolution be adopted. Dr. Peiias asked Dr. Padua to include in his motion just stated that the budget be corrected in the future. The amendment was accepted by Dr. Padua. Dr. Icasiano suggested that the office of the Secretary-Treasurer be authorized to send the resolutions to all concerned. This was ACCEPTED by the House. Dr. Padua suggested that all past officers of the Association from the President down be sent resolution of congratulations and appreciation, as follows: RESOLUTION THANKING THE OUTGOING OFFICERS OF THE PHILIPPINE MED - ICAL ASSOCIATION FOR SERVICES RENDERED TO THE ASSOCIATION. APPROVED. Dr. Ledesma announced to the House that the first floor of the PMA House i' already completed, and the second floor has to be constructed. He appealed to the members to buy more shares so that construction of the second story may be started. Adjournment. - There being no further business on the table, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. APPROVED: (Sgd.) MARIANO C. !CASIANO, M.D. President ATTESTED: MANUEL D. PENAS, M.D. Secretary-Treasurer 88 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M.A . l>ecembu. 195 I MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE FAR EASTERN CONFEDERATION OF MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS HELD ON APRIL 29, 195'1 AT THE LIBRARY, PHILIPPINE COLUMBIAN CLUBHOUSE, TAFT A VENUE, MANILA, PHILIPPINES. DELEGATES PRESENT: I. Dr. Smai Chandavimol, delegate from Thailand 2. Dr. Pyong Tai Lee, delegate from Korea }. Dr. Wu, Ching, delegate from Nationalist China 4. Dr. Li Hsu-Chu, delegate from Nationalist China 5. Dr. Raden Soeharto, delegate from Indonesia 6. Dr. Rodolfo P. Gonzalez, delegate from the Philippines 7. Dr. Antonio S. Fernando, delegate from the Philippines 8. Dr. Manuel D. Penas, alternate delegate from the Philippines. OBSERVERS PRESENT: I. Dr. Mariano C. Icasiano 2. Dr. Pedro Rodriguez }. Dr. Fernando D. Manalo 4. Dr. Daniel Ledesma 5. Dr. T ranquilino Elicano 6. Dr. Romeo Atienza 7. Dr. Victorino de Dios The meeting was called to order by the Temporary Chairman, Dr. Rodolfo P. Gonulez, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the FECMA. What ensued next W3' the introduction of the delegates and observers by the Temporary Chairman. A tentative agenda was approved. Temporary rules of procedure to guide the meeting based on Robert"s Rules of Procedure were then considered by the body and was subsequently adopted. Dr. Rodolfo P. Gonzalez was elected unanimously as Interim Chairman while Dr. Manuel D. Penas Acting Secretary. After thanking the delegates for according him the distinct honor, Dr. Gonzalez stressed the manifold advantages and benefits that a Far Eastern Confederation of Medical Associations will bring to the individual members. A Committee on Organization was then formed composed of all the delegates present. The draft of the Constitution (Exhibit "A") was then read by Dr. Gonzalez and was extensively discussed point by point by the delegates. A motion was made by Dr. Raden Soeharto of Indonesia before the body to consider the advisability of changing the name of the association from that of Far Eastern Confederation of Medical Associations to Asian Confederation of Medical Associations. After a careful >tudy of the matter, the motion was approved. The delegates recessed for luncheon at noon at the Philippine Columbian Clubhouse, with the Philippine Delegation as host. The meeting was then resumed at 2:00 P.M. After having finished discussing the proposed draft of the constitution and by-laws and with its concomitant changes, the body proceeded to take up the appointment of Standing, Special or Interim Committees. The body, however, agreed to defer the appointment of the different committees in the meantime. Dr. Soeharto proposed that the next meeting be held in Djakarta, Indonesia. He also lauded the hospitality and efforts of the Officers and Members of the PMA and expressed high hopes for the success of the ACMA. Dr. Gonzalez responded in the name of the PMA, thanking all the delegates present for the unstinted cooperation and efforts that they all exerted in making the meeting a fruitful one. Adjournment. APPROVED: (Sgd.) RODOLFO P. GONZALEZ, M.D. ATTESTED: Chairman (Sgd.) MANUEL D. PENAS, M.D. Executive Secretary Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING EXHIBIT "A" "ASIAN CONFEDERATION OF MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS" DRAFT CONSTITUTION AND EY-LAW (Approved by Organization <;:omminee April 29, 1914) 89 I. NAME - The Association shall be known as the Asian Confederation of Medical Associations. (ACMA) II. OBJECTIVES - (a) To promote doser ties among the national medical organizations and among physicians in countries of Asia io particular and of the world in general by personal contact and all other means available. (b) To organize an exchange of information on matters of interest to the medical profession in Asia. (c) To mainuin the honor and protect the interest of the medical profession. (d) To study and report on the professional problems which confront the medical profession in Asia. (e) To assist all peoples in Asia to attain the highest possible level of health. (f) To establish relations with and to present the views of the medical profession in the Far East to the World Health Organization, World Medical Association, UNESCO, and other appropriate bodies. Ill. MEMDERSHJPS - The unit of membership shall be the national medical :mociation of any country or medical association in any territory located in Asia which can be recognized by the General Am:mbly as the representative of the Medical profession of that country or territory. IV. TERMINATJON - A member-association shall cease to be a member in any of the following ways; (a) By nsignation, subject to the conditions prescribed by the By-laws. (b) By default of payment of fees for membership as may be prescribed by the By-laws. V. FEES - Each member-associ:i.tion shall pay to the ACMA an annu:il membership fee, the amoun1 of which shall be prescribed by the General Assembly. VI. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, ITS PO\VERS - It shall be composed of the offam of the ACMA, uofficio, the members of the Council, :and delegates from the Member-associations. It shall exercise general control and direction of the policy and affairs of the associa.tion. VII. DELEGATES AND ALTERN 11TES - Each Member-association sh:ill be entitled to appoint tWo delegates who shall ipso facto be members of the General Assembly. Member-association 1hall also be entitled to appoint Alternate Delegates, who may atrend meetings of the General Assembly and may :also act :u Delcg.1tes, provided that a Member-:mociation is not represented in the Assembly at any time by more than two speaking :1.nd \"Oting delegates. VIII. MEETING. - The General Assembly shall meet at least once in two years. IX. The MODE OF CONVENING meetings of the General Assembly and th;! proceedings therc1t and relating thereto shall be such as may from time to time be prescribed by the By-laws. X. DECISIONS - Resolutions carried in accordance with the following provisions shall be deemed to be decisions of the ACMA: (•) Notice to submit to the General Assembly 1 resolution relating to any amendment of or addition to the Articles shall be given to thl! Secreuriat not less than six months before the meeting at which it is to be considered. Such resolution shall be deemed 1 decision of the ACMA if it is carried by 1 m1jority of not le!s than two-thirds of the votes given thereoo in the manner prescribed by the (b) Notice to submit to the General Assembly a resolution rebting to any amendment of or addition to the By-Laws shall be given to the Sccreuriat not less than one day before the meeting or session at which it is to be c.,nsidered. Such a resolution shall be deemed a decision of the Association if carried by a simple majority of the votes given thereon in the manner prescribed by the By-laws. XI. OFFICERS - There shall be the following officers of the Association: A President, a PresidentElect, a Chairman of Council, and a Treasurer. The officers shall be elected in such manner and shall hold office for such term and shall have and enjoy such duties, powers, and privileges as may be determined from time to time by the By-laws. XII. OFFICIALS - There shall be a Secreuriat and such officials 1s may be determined by the General Assembly. XIII. COUNCIL - The General Assembly shall appoint at each regular meeting a Council which shall be composed of the President, the President-Elect, and the T re1surer, all ex-officio and 4 members of the General Assembly elected in the manner and for the period prescribed in the By-laws. XIV. It shall be the duty of the Council to carry into execution the resolutions passed by the General Assembly and to administer the affairs of the Association in accordance with the Articles and By-Laws. XV. COMMITTEES - Committees may be appointed in such manner and have such powers as may be prescribed by the By-laws or as the General Assembly or the Council may think proper. XVI. LANGUAGE - The English language shall be the official language of the Confederation. 90 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M.A. December, 1954 XVII. JOURNAL - A journal (or Bulletin) under the title of the Journal (or Bulletin) of the ACMA may be published periodic:illy. XVIII. ANNUAL AND FINANCIAL REPORTS - The Council shall publish and submit to the General Assembly when this body meets, for adoption and approval a report on the general state and proceedings of the Association for the interim period between meetings, a balance sheet and financial sutement for the put year audited by a professional accountant, and an estimate of the probable income and expenditure of the Association for the coming year. XIX. DISSOLUTION - A decision to dissolve the Association shall require the consent of at leut twothirds of the Member-associations. It shall be taken at a meeting of th~ General Assembly specially called for the purpose. If two-thirds of the Member-associations are not rcfresented at that meeting a referendum of Member-association shall be taken on the question of dissolution and on the method of dealing with the funds of the Association in the event of dissolution. BY-LAWS MEMBERSHIP 1. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION - An ;:issociation desiring to become a constituent member of the ACMA shall apply for election in writing to the Council which, after ;:ippropriate inquiry, shall make recommendations for the admission or rejection of the application to the next meeting of the General Assembly. 2. Only one national medical associ;:ition shall be recognized in each country or territory. 3. REGISTER - A register of Member-association shall be maintained by the Council at the Association's Office. 4. OBLIGATIONS - Each Member-association sh;ill: (a) do all in its power to promote a knowledge of, and an active interest in , the objectives and work of the ACMA. (b) reply to all inquiries and questionaires from the Council as quickly as possible or within the time limit specified by the Council. (c) keep the Council informed of any events or de,•clopments in its country of interest to the ACMA. L DUES - Dues shall be due in advance on the first day of January in e.:ich ye;:ir, or, in the case of members joianing during the year, from the date of joining. They shall be paid promptly by all Member-association to the Tre;isurer in the currency to be determined by the General Assembly. 6. ARREARS - If the dues of a Member-association for any ye:;.r shall not ha\'e been paid on or before 3 lst December of that year, it shall ipso facro, but without prejudice to its liability to the Association, cease to be .a member as from the date, pro"ided that upon payment before the 3 Jst M<1rch in the succeeding year of all subscription due from it, it shlll. if eligible, be restored to membership without re-election. 7. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP - No Member·a$sociation shall exc!!pt in the case of default in payment of dues, cease to be a member without having given six months' previous notice in writing of its intention to the Council ;:ind without having paid <111 arre<'.lrs of subscription, if <1ny, due from it. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 8. GENERAL ASSEMBLY - The General Assemb1y shall determine the pbce and time for each succeeding meeting. The annua1 meeting shall as far as possible be held in a diffnent country each yeu. 9. SPECIAL MEETINGS - A speci~I meeting of the Genera1 Assembly shall be convened <'.It any time by the President on the request of the Council or on the request of not less than 4 Member-associ:aions or as subsequently determined by the General Assembly. 10. At least three months' notice of special meetings shall b:! given to the members of the General Assembly. The notice sh:lll state the place and purpose of the meeting. 11. No business shall be dealt with by a special mectins:: of the Gener:il Assembly other than that for which it is specially convened. 12. OBSERVERS - Member-Association shall have the right to senJ observers, without pril'ileges of speaking or voting, to meetings of the General Assembly. The Council shall have power to invite, at its discretion, other organizations interested in the practice of medicine in Asia to send observers. 13. BUSINESS - The Business of the regular meeting of the G~neral Assembly shall be: (1) To elect or install a President of the Associacion; (b) To elect a. President-Elect, a Treasurer. and such other officers as by the Articles or the By-Laws may require to be so elected; (c) To appoint, when necessary, such officials of the Association as may be detl:rmined under Article XII of the Constitution and fix their remuneration; (d) To elect members of the Council as required by By-Laws 29 and in accordance with procedure laid down in Standing Orders; (e) To appoint a place and time at which the next regul:ir meeting !>hall be held; (f) To consider and determine applic;uions for membership; (g) To fix the annual dues; (h) To consider the Annual Financial Statement and the Balance Sheet presented by the Council and to arrange for such action to be taken' thereon as may seem :-ppropriace; Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 91 (i) To instruct the Council concerning investig. JCions to be taken in the pursuit of rhe objects of the Association; (j) To consider such resolutions as can be properly considered by the General Assembly having regard to the objectives of the Association and as have been submitted by Member-associations with the appropriate period of notice as laid down in Article 10; (k) To appQint an auditor and to fix his remuneration. 14. AGENDA - The Agenda for the General Assembly shall be prepared by the Council, which shall have power to decide whed1er or not a resolution submitted b}' a Member-association falls within the objective of the ACMA. JS". N01"1CE OF MOTIONS - Resolutions requiring a period of notice as laid down in Article 12 (a) and (b) shall be circulated by the Council ,before the meetine to all Member-associations for their consideration. 16. PRESIDING OFFICER - The president of the Association shall preside at meetings of the General Assembly. In the absence of the President the meeting slull appoint a. presiding officer from its own number. 17. VOTING - All members of the Geneul Assembly shall be entit!cd to \'Ote at meetings of the Assembly provided that, except in the election of officers, a member of the Council shall not be entitled to vote in the Assembly unless he is a Delegate. Each Delegate shall have one vote, provided that if a Member-association is represented in a meeting vf the General Assembly by only one Delegate that the Delegate shall ha\'e two votes. JS. Voting shall be by show of hands, unless, before the \•ote, is taken, 4 members present request that the vote be uken by secret ballot. 19. In speaking and voting ~pon •my mltter, the Delegate of a Member-association shall have regard to the preponde_ rance of opinion of the association he represents. 20. The presiding officer shall in the c:ue of equ3(ity of \'Oting have 3 Yote, but shall not otherwise be entitled to vote. 21. REFERENDUM - If one-third of the Member-associations, whether represented or not at the meeting, request within two months of the d:ue of the meeting that a decision of meeting of the General Assembly which was carried by a simple majority and less than two-thirds of the Member-associations shall be submitted to a referendum of :1ll Member-associltions, the Council shall cake steps to obtain by correspondence the votes of each Member-association. 22. A decision \\'hich is the subject of 3 referendum shall lu.\•e no operation unles~ and until it shall have been approved on the referendum by at least three-quarters of the Member-associations who have answered the referendum, provided that in no c:1se shall the operation of the decision be delayed for more than eight months from the date of the meeting. 23. LANGUAGE - The discussions at the meetings of the General Assembly shall be conducted in English and if a Delegate wishes to speak in the Assembly in any other language he shall be permitted to do so provided that he arr.angcs for its immediate tr.tnslation into English. 24. MINUTES - The Secretariat shall keep Minutes of each me~ting of the General Assembly, which shall, after confirm.ation by the presiding officer, be tr.ansmiued to the Council. U. ADJOURNMENT - The presiding officer slull have power to adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to pbce. - HIE COUNCIL - 26. COUNCIL - Each elected member of the Council appointed by the General Assembly sh:ill hold office for four years and .at the end of that term shall be eligible for re-election. Members shall retire in rotation. At the first annual meeting two members sliall be elected for four years and two for two years. 27. Each term of office shall be calcubted from the close of the annud meeting of the General Assembly at which the election is made. 28. CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN - The Council shall elect a Chairm:m and a Vice-Chairman from its own number. The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman shall preside over meetings of the Council. Jf the Chairm:1n and Vice-Chairman :arc both absent the members of the Council shall elect one of their number to preside over the meeting. 29. MEETINGS - The Council shall meet at least once a year and 3t such other times as it may deem necessary. Meetings shall be held at such place and upon such notice as the Chairman may appoint. JO. QUORUM - No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Council unless at least four members be present or as may be subsequently directed by the Gener:1I Assembly. JI. DUSI NESS DY CORRESPONDENCE -- The Chairman sh:1ll have the po.,·er to decide what business may be conducted by correspondence and what by meetings of the Council. 32. SPECIAL MEETINGS - The Chairman of the Council may if he thinks fie and shall upon receiving. 2 request signed by not less than four members of the Council and '>pecifying the business for which a special meetiog is required call together a special meetir.g of the Council. The place at which the special meeting shall be held and its purpos.; shall be specified in the notice calling the meeting. At least two months notice of such meetings shall be given to the members of the Council. H. No business shall be transacted lt a special n:ieeting other than that for ..,,·hich such meeting is c:1lled. 92 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M .A. Decembu, 195434. VACANCIES - The Council shall have power to fill casual vacancies lmong its number until the next election of members of the Council . .)J. VOTING - Voting shall be by show of hands, and a simple majority shall be sufficient to carry a re.solution. )6. MINUTES - The Secretariat shall keep Minutes of the proceedings of each meeting of the Council. DELEGATES )7. DELEGATES - Each Mcmber-1ssociation shall notify the Secretuiat of the names o md :addresses of its delegates and alternate delegates appointed in accordance with Article 9, and shall also notify any subsequent changes. JS, QUALIFICATIONS - A Delegate shall be 3 person who is medic:i.lly qualified and a member of the association he represents. J9. DUTIES - On returning from a meeting of the General Assembly, Delegates shalt report to their respective associ2tions on the proceedings of the meeting. The Council may from time to time issue innructions to Delegates. 40. EXPENSES - The expenses of Delegates attending meetings of the General Assembly shall not be chugcd upon the funds of the ACMA. 41. FTNANCE - The Treasurer shall receive all moneys payable to the Association, discharge all accounts which have been ordered by the Council to be paid and keep accounts and submit them to the Council at each of its meetings. 42. The accounts of the Association shall be kc!"t at the Office of the Treasurer. Any Membcr-;1ssociation, through its Delegates, may inspect the accounts. 43. The financial }'Car of the Association shall be the calendar- year. - SECRETARIAT - 44. SECRETARIAT - The expenses of the Secretariat sh:i.11 be defrayed out of the general funds of the Association on the periodical production to the Treasurer of vouchers stating the expenses incurred. 4 S. OFFICERS - President, President-Elect, - The President of che Association shall be elected at che regubr meeting of chc general assembly and shall enter upon the duties of his office at che ner.t regular meeting, and until then shall be.u cide of President-Elect. 46. CHATRMAN OF COUNCIL - The Chairman of the Council dcctcd under By-Laws 13 shall be eligible for re-election from year to year. For one yc;1r after the end of his period of office he shall be a member of che Council ex-officio. 47. TREASURER - The Treasurer shall be elected at the regular meecing of the General Assembly. He shall hold office for 4 years and be eligibie for re-election. During his term of office he shall be member of the Council ex-officio. 48. VACANCIES - Jn the event of the death or resignation of an officer during his term of office the Council shall make such appoincment or other provision as it may deem expedient for the discharge of the duties of the office concerned until the next regular meeting of the General Assembly. 49. OFFICIALS - Officials of the Association appointed by the General Assembly under Article 12 of the Constitution shall be medically qualified. They shall hold office for such periods and receive such remuneration as the General Assembly m;1y from time to time determine and may be dismissed by the General Assembl}'. LIST OF OFFICERS AND DELEGATES OF THE 47TH ANNUAL MEETING (Attendance gathered during the meeting) OFFICERS of the House of Delegates (The Council of the Philippine Medical Association) PRESIDENT Dr. Antonio S. Fernando PRESIDENT-ELECT Dr. Mariano C. Icasiano VICE-PRESIDENT, Mindanao & Sulu 1st Meeting PRESENT PRESENT Dr. Pedro Rodriguez PRESENT Znd Meeting PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT 3rd Meeting PRESENT (As member) PRESENT (As President) ABSENT (As member) VoJume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 93 1st Meeting 2na Meeting JrJ Meeting VICE-PRESIDENT, Visayas Dr. Guardalino Mosqueda PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT (As member) VICE-PRESIDENT, Luzon ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Dr. Fernando D. Manalo (As member) SECRETARY-TREASURER Dr. Manuel D. Penas PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT COUNCILORS: Dr. Tranquilino Elicano PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT (As member) Dr. Daniel Ledesma PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Dr. Rodolfo P. Gonzalez PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Dr. Eugenio Alonso ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT Dr. Juan Salcedo, Jr. PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS (Past Presidents of the PMA) Dr. Rufino Abrial ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT Dr. Miguel Canizares ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Dr. Victorino de Dios PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT (As Councilor) Dr. Liborio Gomez ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT Dr. Jose C. Locsin ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Dr. Carmelo Reyes ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Dr. Guillermo Rustia ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT Dr. Antonio G. Sison ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT Dr. Herminio Velarde, Sr. PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT CHAIRMAN of Standing Committees Committee on Scientific Assembly Dr. Jose Villanueva ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Committee on Private Medical Practice and Medical Economics Dr. Ramon R. Angeles PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT DELEGATES: ABRA MEDICAL SOCIETY Paterno Millare PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Jose Purugganan PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Genoveva B. Barras ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT AGUSAN MEDICAL SOCIETY Benjamin Zapanta ABSENT PRtSENT PRESENT Daniel Labrador ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Jose C. Resureccion ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT ALBA Y MEDICAL SOCIETY Bayani C. Fontanilla PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Candido Garcia PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT ANTIQUE MEDICAL SOCIETY BAGUIO MEDICAL SOCIETY Dominador Narvaez PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Justo Rosales ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT BATAAN MEDICAL SOCIETY BAT AN GAS MEDICAL SOCIETY Timoteo Alday PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose P. Caedo, Sr. ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT 94 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M A. December, 19ii4 1st Meeting 2nd Meeting 3rd Meeting Leonardo H. Ona ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Salvador Ramos ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Clemente K. Silva ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT BOHOL MEDICAL SOCIETY Jaime Mendoza PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Jesus Ceballos ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Cipriano Garcia ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Pedro N. Mayuga PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT (As VicePresident for Visayas) BULACAN MEDICAL SOCIETY Martin Santiago ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Juliana M. Flaviano PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Constancia P. Baltazlr PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Salvador Santiago ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Mario Valenzuela ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose L. Santos PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Peregrino Sauco ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Fclino Ch. Fernando ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Clemente Hizon ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT CAGAYAN MEDICAL SOCIETY Gregorio M. Reyes PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Pio Lauengco PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Iderlina F. Manuel PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Oscar Y. Romero PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Briccio Pobre PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Emilio L. Alvarado ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Emilio Perez ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT CAMARINES NORTE Mariano N. Morales ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Jose Atencio ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Jose Liza ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT CAMARINES SUR MEDICAL SOCIETY Pedro P. Villafuerte PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT Damaceno Ago ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Remedios F. Samson ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT CAPIZ MEDICAL SOCIETY Tomas J. Asturias ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Jesus Ortiz ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT CATANDUANES MEDICAL SOCIETY CA VITE MEDICAL SOCIETY Jesus C. Tranquilino PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Virginia Borromeo ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT CEBU MEDICAL SOCIETY Manuel Bernardo PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Juan B. Ruiz, Jr. ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Ignacio Cortez ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Nicomedes Laborte ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Lorenzo Dimataga ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Artemio Anselmo ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 95 J,t Meeting 2nd Meeting Jrd Meeting COT ABATO MEDICAL SOCIETY Ramon H. Rabago ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Leonardo C. de Guzman ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT Vicente Capistrano ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT Bernabe de la Fuente ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT CULION MEDICAL SOCIETY Tomas de Mayuga PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Jose Nolasco PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT DAVAO MEDICAL SOCIETY Federico Lacsamana PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Eugenio de Dios ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT I LOCOS NOR TE MEDICAL SOCIETY Agustin R. Rubio PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Roman de la Cuesta PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT Severo P. Senen PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jesus C. Valdez ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Francisco Ranada ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT ILOCOS SUR MEDICAL SOCIETY Cresencio Azcueta PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose Florendo ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT JLOILO MEDICAL SOCIETY Ma. Teresa Cadsawan y Martinez PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose Cocjin PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT Jose V. Valero ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Carlos Guadarrama ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Lourdes S. Trono ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose M. Facultad ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Virgilio Mauricio ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT ISABELA MEDICAL SOCIETY Tercial Ramirez ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT LAGUNA MEDICAL SOCIETY Fernando Manas PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Agripino R. Oca PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose T. Kamatoy PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Jose A. Villegas PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT Zosimo Fernandez PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT LANAO MEDICAL SOCIETY Alfredo Primero ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Leonida Cueto-Buendia PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose C. Cueto ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Rodolfo B. Santos ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT LA UNION MEDICAL SOCIETY Rodolfo Pinzon ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Fidel Lopez PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Oscar P. Madamba PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Asuncion Ocampo ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT LEYTE MEDICAL SOCIETY Vicente Trinidad PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Carlos V. Matriano ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Mariano Legaspi ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Reginaldo Pascual ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Arcadio Ortiz ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT 96 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M A. December. 1954. 1st Meeting 2nd Meeti11g Jrd Meeting ;VIANILA MEDICAL SOCIETY Ricardo Alfonso PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Mariano Alimurung PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Domingo Antonio, Jr. PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Ruben Apelo PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Gloria Aragon ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Romeo Y. Atienza PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose Barcelona PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Demetrio Belmonte PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Heraldo del Castillo PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Jose R. Celis ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Paterno Chikiamco PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT Manuel Chua Chiaco ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Florencio Z. Cruz PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Jose R. Cruz PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Conrado Dayrit ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Benvenuto Dino ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Saturnino Ador Dionisio ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Fernando Duran ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Antonio Ejercito PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose A. Fernandez ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Felisa Nicolas Fernando PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose Fores ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Gregorio Gabriel ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Alejandro Gaerlan PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Elpidio Gamboa ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Enrique Garcia ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Antonio Gisbert ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Fortunato Guerrero ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Renato Ma. Guerrero PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Francisco C. Guzman ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Florentino Herrera ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Nelly Herrera ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Conrado lcasiano ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Carmelo Jacinto ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Six to Maceda, Jr. PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Fe V. de! Mundo ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Jesus B. Nolasco PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Antonio Nubia ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Alfredo L. Ortiz ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Nicanor Padilla ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Regino G. Padua PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Ramon Paterno ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Trinidad P. Pesigan PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Ramon Quesada PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Pedro Ramirez ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Augusto Ramos ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Virgilio Ramos ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Jose M. Reyes, Jr. ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose R. Reyes ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Victor A. Reyes ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Francisco J. Roman PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT Hector de los Santos ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Volume XXX Number 1:! 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 97 /st Meetillg 2nd Meeting 3rd Meeting Hermogenes A. Santos ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Sofia Bona Santos ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Juan Z. Sta. Cruz ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Dalmacio M. Suaco PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT Luis F. Torres, Jr. ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT MARINDUQUE Teodoro Rejano, Jr. ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT MASBA TE MEDICAL SOCIETY Vicente Gahol ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Artemio M. Cabrera ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT MINDORO MEDICAL SOCIETY Francisco S. Infantado PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Alberto C. Montellano PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jacinto Leviste ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT MISAMIS OCCIDENT AL MEDICAL SOCIETY Iluminado A. Almonte PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Silvino Clarete ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Francisco Luansing ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT MISAMIS ORIENT AL MEDICAL SOCIETY Gregorio B. Huerto PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT (As VicePresident for Mindanao and Sulu) NEGROS OCCIDENT AL Pablo 0. Torre PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Ramon D. Misa PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Ricardo Jara PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Ramon Hinojalcs ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Marcial M. Galeon ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Alfredo Hermano ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT NEG ROS ORIENT AL MEDICAL SOCIETY Onesimo de Mira ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT NUEVA ECIJA MEDICAL SOCIETY Potenciano Garcia PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Teresa Camena PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Guillermo P. Ortiz ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT NUEV A VIZCAYA MEDICAL SOCIETY Gabino Balbin PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Honora to Mendoza PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Gaudencio Valiiio ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT PAMPANGA MEDICAL SOCIETY Angel de! Corro PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Primitivo Pineda ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Mariano D. Bayani ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT 98 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour . P .M A. December, 1~:>4 1st Meeting 211d Meeli11g 3rd Meeting PANGASINAN MEDICAL SOCIETY Gerardo Sison ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Juan L. Itchon PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Eriberto Corpuz Ulep PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT Braulio M. de Venecia ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT Francisco Duque PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Arturo Reyes PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Pedro E. Sevidal PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Angel Domagas PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Melquiades Bravo PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Ignacio de Guzman PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Jose L. de Guzman PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose Tandoc ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Vivencio Villaflor ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Rodolfo V. Guiang ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Vicente Samson ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Jose Villamil ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Luis R. Acosta ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Jeremias Vinluan ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Guillermo Tuazon ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT Benigno Parayno ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT QUEZON CITY MEDICAL SOCIETY Pedro Nery PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Demetria Lacun:t PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Pedro Ramirez PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Homero Angelo PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT QUEZON MEDICAL SOCIETY Teodoro N ad res ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT RIZAL MEDICAL SOCIETY Romualdo del Rosario PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Antonio C. de Santos PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Salvador Sampedro PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Florencio Fir me, Sr. PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Fausto J. Galauran ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Ricardo Sanchez PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Isaac Eustaquio PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Bernabe Villapando PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Antonio G. de Santos ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Ricardo Sanchez ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Benjamin Antonio ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT ROMBLON MEDICAL SOCIETY SAMAR MEDICAL SOCIETY Jose D. Mei\ez PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT SAN PABLO CITY MEDICAL SOCIETY Manuel Quisumbing, Sr. ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Archimedes Brion ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Recaredo Aguilar PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Cesar Reyes ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT SORSOGON MEDICAL SOCIETY Patricio Rigonan PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Juan Amanse ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Volume XXX Numb(>r J~ 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 99 Isl Meeli11g 2nd Merling 3rd Meeting SULU MEDICAL SOCIETY Rufino Gutierrez ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Jose Salazar ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT SURIGAO MEDICAL SOCIETY Lu po D. Carlota PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Francisco N. Briones ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT T ARLAC MEDICAL SOCIETY Trinidad Esguern PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT Juan Talon ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Constante Quirino ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Fausto Pineda ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT ZAMBALES MEDICAL SOCIETY Aquilino Edaiio ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Avelino Villamor ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Caridad del Fierro-Ortega PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Casto Magsaysay ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Pedro Guerrero ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT ZAMBOANGA CITY MEDICAL SOCIETY Ricardo Climaco ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Eligio Y abyabin ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE MEDICAL SOCIETY Virgilio Molina PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Apolonio Baytion ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT Casiano Frias ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT AFFILIATED SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES: PHIL. OPHTHALMOLOGICAL & OTOLAR YNGOLOGICAL SOCIETY Dr. Carlos P. Yambao ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PHIL. OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY Dr. Alfonso Ayesa ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PHIL. SOCIETY OF PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGY Dr. Romeo Gustilo ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT PHIL. RADIOLOGICAL SOCIETY Dr. Daniel Ledesma PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT AERO MEDlCAL SOCIETY Dr. Pelagio G. Potenciano PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT PHIL. SOCIETY OF VENEREOLOGISTS Dr. Leonilo Flores ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PHIL. SOCIETY OF PATHOLOGISTS Dr. Walfrido de Leon ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PHILIPPINE HEART ASSOCIATION Dr. Antonio M. Samia PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT 100 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jou.- . P .M A December, 1~7>' PHILIPPINE LEPROSY SOCIETY Dr. Casimiro B. Lara PHIL. SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS Dr. Quintin Gomez PHIL. ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATION Dr. Augusto S. Besa PHIL. FED. OF PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS Dr. Ramon R. Angeles Dr. Pablo Anzures Dr. Ramon Atienza Dr. Geminiano de Ocampo Dr. Vicente R. de Ocampo 1st Meeting ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT * * * 2nd Meeting ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT 3rd Meeting ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT LIST OF MEMBERS WHO HAVE REGISTERED AT THE 47TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION HELD IN MANILA, APRIL 26-30, 1954 I. Abacan, Jacinto 3 I. Aralas, Pedro 2. Abad, Moises 32 Arciga!, Felipe M. 3. Abella, Carlos A. 33. Arenas, Gregoria 4. Abes, Francisco 34. Arzadon, Justiniano 5. Abragan, Ramon R. 35. Aseron, Felipe 6. Adeva, Dolores 36. Asuncion, Cesar L. 7. Afable, Miguel 37. A tendido, Segundo, F. 8. Afable, Pilar 38. Balangue, Lorenzo D. 9. Agatep-Reyes, Dedicacion 39. Balaoing, Eduardo F. 10. Agbulos, Lourdes D. 40. Balaoing, Soledad 1 I. Agcaoli, Antonio 41. Bansil, Andres M. 12. Aguilar, Ricardo 42. Banez, Guillermo 13. Alano, Amado 43. Baquiran, Corazon 14. Alaras, Emilia 44. Baquiran, Tomas S. 15. Aiava, Teodoro 45. Barboso, Victor 16. Albano, Antonio 46. Barcelon-Guevara, Aniceta 17. Albano, Cesareo F. 47. Barrios, Jesusa 18. Albano, Paulino E. 48. Barrios, Pablo M. 19. Albano, Pilar Valdes 49. Basa, Generoso 20. Alcantara, Eladio 50. Basa, Gregorio 2 I. Alda, Crisostomo 5 I. Battad, Demosthenes 22. Almario, Ricardo 52. Bautista, Consorcia G. 23. Almeda, Emmanuel 5 3. Bautista, Elisea 24. AJtarejos, Francisco C. 54. Bautista, Perfecta 25. Andaya, Luisa 55. Baviera, Adolfo 26. Andres, Gregorio 56. Bernardino, Anselmo D. 27. Anolin, Hermelinda 57. Bernardino, Jaime 28. Apostol, Cenon 5 8. Bognot-Galang, Marciana 29. Aquino, Donato I. 59. Bordador, Fortunata de Guzman 30. Aquino, Mariano 60. Borja, Crisanto de Volwne XXX NumhE-r 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 101 61. Brillances, Primo 118. Degala, Jesus A. 62. Brillances, Maxima c. 119. Delgado, Rafael E. 63 . Brion, Ernesto 120. Denoga, Jose 64. Bulanlang, Emmanuel 121. Diapo, Bernardo 65. Busuego, Salvador 122. Diaz Leus, Corazon 66. Bucalid, Victor B. 123 . Dilag, Norberto L. 67. Cabebe, Castor C. 124. Dimalanta, Emiliano 68. Cabatu, Moises 12 5. Dimanlig, Jose A. 69. Caces, Ma. Luz 126. Dimanlig, Leonor 70. Calangi, Felixberto 127. Dimataga, Lorenzo 71. Calma, Clemente R. 128. Dioso, Daniel V. 72. Caluen, Godofredo 129. Dizon-Gonzalez, Luz 73 . Camacho San Agustin, B. 130. Dominguez, Victorio 74. Campomanes, Guillermo 131. Duran, Fernando 75. Camomot, Constantino 132. Duque, Juanico 76. Camus, Manrique 133. Edades, Zacarias 77. Canlas, Bienvenido R. 134. Encarnacion, Antonio L. 78. Canicosa, Librado 135. Engracia, Gregorio 79. Caiiiza, Antonio P. 136. Enrile, Rafael 80. Carreon, Marciano 137. Esguerra, Emiliano 81. Casals, Leon V. 138. Esguerra, Pablo 82. Casanova, Francisco 139. Estacio, Francisco 83. Castaneda, Jaime 140. Estacio, Juanita Santos 84. Castelo, Perfecto 141. Estanislao, Angel 85. Castillo, Antonio del 142. Esteban David 86. Castillo, Jones 143. Estella, Faustino 87. Castillo, Pedro 144. Estrada, Juan 88. Castro, Esperanza de 145. Eusebio, Jesus 89. Catubay, Benjamin S. 146. Favis, Rodolfo L. 90. Cava, Antonio 147. Felices, Bello, Eduarda 91. Centeno, Teodoro B. 148. Feliciano, Angel 92. Ce reno, Juan 149. Felipe-Angelo, Priscilla M. 93. Chan, Jose 0. 150. Fernandez, Crispulo 94. Cillan, Moises 151. Fernandez, Elisa 95. Cipriaso, Cipriano J. 152. Fernandez, Juan 96. Calingo, Primo 15 3. Fernandez, Luciano 97. Clarin, Jose M. 154. Fernandez-Tengsico, Rosario 98. Clavecilla, Sigberto 15 5. Fernando, Hipolito 99. Clutario, Lillian 156. Fernando, Juan 100. Concepcion, Felix Ira 157. Ferrer, N•lhaniel IOI. Conde, Montano P. 15 8. Ferrer, Ramon V. 102. Cornejo, Jr., Miguel 159. Ferrer-Franco, Isabel 103. Coronel, Tirso 160. Figueroa, Ramon 104. Cortez, Jr., Ramon 161. Firme, Jr., Florencio 105. Costa, Francisco R. 162. Florentino, Jose 106. Cruz, Cesar 163. Flores, Rodolfo 107. Cruz, Cirilo 164. Flores, Sergio 108. Cruz, Felisa 165. Francia, Arturo 109. Cruz, Gorgonio 166. Frauendorff, Ramon I IO. Cruz, Jose N. 167. Fronda, Rodrigo I I I. Cruz, Serafin 168. Fuente, Victorino de la I 12. Cuerpo Cruz, Macario 169. Fulgencio, Cristeta V. 113. Cueva, Manuel D. 170. Galang, Pedro G. 114. Cunanan, Rafael 171. Galvez, Jr., Francisco 115. Dario, Herminio 172. Galvez, Jr., Jose I 16. Delfin, Vicente 173. Galvez, Valentin I 17. Delfin-Mariano, Leonida 174. Gamboa, Elpidio 102 175 . 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 18 5. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201 . 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218 . 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 23 I. 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Jour. P.M A. December, 1954. Garcia, Augusto T. Garcia, Carlos Garcia, Delfin Garcia, Faustino Garcia, Jr., Rafael A. Garcia, Rafael E. Garcia, Santiago Ga. Garduno, Dominador Gatchalian, Emmanuel Gatmaitan, Alejandro Ga~maican, Clemente S. Genato, Vicente German, Oscar Geronimo, Soledad Gestuvo, Arsenio Gochingco, Paulino Goduco-Aguilar, Cesaria Gongon, Benedicto Gonzaga, Julio Gonzales, Antonio R. Gonzales, Basilia Gonzales, Cirilo Gonzales, Francisco Gorospc, Alfredo Guanco, Maximiano R. Guardiano, Concepcion E. Guerra, Benjamin Guerrero, Felisa A. Guevara, Romulo Guevarra, Rosa Guia, Jose Y. de Guia, Porfirio D. de Gustilo, Felix Gustilo, Nestor Ma. Gutierrez, Alvaro Gutierrez, Aureo Guzman, Concepcion N . de Halili, Tomasa Harn, Charles Hebron, Desiderio Hernandez, Lourdes D. Hernando, Hilario Hidalgo, Esteban Hidalgo, Hermenegilda R. Hipolito, Florentino Hiquiana, Adoracion M. Hiquiana, Jesus Horilleno, Fe Huerto, Gregorio Ibanez, Salvador Icasiano, Conrado Ignacio, Vicente lnfantado, Angelica Jacinto, Dominador Jalandoni, Cesar Jao, Segundino G. Japson, Vicente 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243 . 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 2 51. 252. 25 3. 254. 2 5 5. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. Jaranillo, Jovita Jardiolin, Juan Javier, Melchor Jesus, Ismael de Jesus, Juan T. de Joson, Toribio Jovellanos, Antonio Juico, Ricardo Justo, Manuel Kamatoy, Roman Katigbak, Pedro L. Katigbak, Raymundo Lacdao, Santiago D. Lacson-Yusay, Trinidad Lapitan, Romulo Lara, Francisco S. de Lara, Irineo Laserna, Raymundo Laure;mo, Gregorio Laureola-Lopez, Purita Lavadia, Jr., Pedro Lee, Pedro Legarda, Alejandro Legaspi, Alfredo Legaspi, Brigida Lejano, Panfilo Leon, Esteban de Leon, Juan de Lerma, Luis Libongco, Carlos Liborio, Angel Lim, Gregorio Lim, Lino Ed. Lim, Nicolas G. Lim, Rizalina Z. Trinidad Limjoco, Constantino Lino, Nicanor E. Llamas, Rosendo Lobrin, Lauro M. Locsin, Jose Lopez, Leon R. Lopez, Jr., Saturnino Lopez, Severino Lopez, Virgilio Lorenzo, Conrado Lucinda, Antonieta M. Mabanta, Fausto Mabutas, Juan Macasaec, Ramon Macatangay, Galicano Macatangay, Jose Magat, Francisca Magboo, Manuel Manalang, Juan Manansala, Rafael Mandap, Cresenciano Mangibin-Tolentino, Visitacion Volume XXX Number 12 47TH ANNUAL MEETING 103 289. Marella, Mariano 346. Pintakasi, Guadalupe M. 290. Marquez, Pablo 347. Prospero, Jr., Dulcisimo 291. Mariano, Cesar M. 348. Punsalan, Bonifacio 292. Martinez, Lilia M. 349. Quesada, Ernesto 293. Mata, Socorro 350. Quintos, Florencio N. 294. Mayuga, Pedro J 5 I. Quintos. Jose 295. Medina Cue, Ernesto 352. Ramos. Leopoldo H. 296. Mejia, Mariano 35 3 Ramos, Manuel Merceci 297. Mendiola, Jose 354. Ramoso, Jose B. 298. Mendoza, Emilio 35 5. Ranoy, Orisonia 299. Mendoza, Justiniano 356. Realica, Buenaventura 300. Mendoza, Perfecto 357. Recio, Porfirio 30 I. Mendoza, Renato 358. Relova, Rogelio 302. Mercado, Amparo 359. Reyes, Amalia L. 303. Mercado, Jesus 360. Reyes, Aurora 304. Mercado, Jr., Jose 361. Reyes, Avelino 305. Mirasol, Estrella 362. Reyes, Bonifacio 306. Misoles, Vicente 363. Reyes, Godofredo 307. Modales, Domingo 364. Reyes, Juan L. 308. Monsod, Petronio 365. Reyes, Lorenzo C. 309. Montalbo, Soledad 366. Reyes, Luciana 310. Montano, Andres 367. Reyes, Mario M. 311. Montano, Consolacion 368. Reyes, Ponciano S. 312. Morales, Arsenio 369. Reyes, Priscilla 313. Morales, Mauricio 370. Reyes, Procopio 314. Nacu, Pilar 371. Reyes, Reynaldo 315. Najera, Manuel Pl. 372. Reyes, Rodolfo 316. Nazareno, Natividad 373 . Reyes Jara, Alicia 317. Nazario, Tomas 374. Rivera, Angel 318. Obando, Vicente 375. Rivera, Antonio Lopez 319. Oca, Mario S. 376. Rivera, Cenon 320. Ochoa, Enrique 377. Rivera, Jaime 321. Olaco, Julio 378. Rivera-Ramirez, Rosita 322. Olivares, Florentino 379. Rivera, Francisco M. 323. Olympia, Avelina B. 380. Roa, Nilo 324. Ona, Sebastian 0 . 381. Rodriguez, Antonio M. 325. Ong, Vicente L. 382. Rodriguez, Jose 326. Ordona-Guevarra, Ampuo 383. Roldan, Erlinda 327. Ordoiiez, Delfin 384. Romero, Petra 328. Orosa, Sixto Y. 3 8 5. Roque, Jr., Rufino 329. Ortaiiez, Jovencio 386. Rosal, Jose 330. Pablo, Mario 387. Rosario, Celestino del 331. Padua, Rodolfo 388. Rosario, Tirso del 332. Paguia, Leonides 389. Roxas, Benjamin 333. Palinao, Severo 390. Roy, Catalina L. 334. Pa11Jan-Gonzalez, Lourdes 391. Ruiz, Juan Ortiz 335. Pangilinan, Florencio 392. Rumbawa, Faustino 336. Pascua, Filoteo 393. Rufiez, Artemio F. 337. Pasetes, Emmanuel 394. Salcedo, Arturo 338. Paulino, Peregrino H. 395. Salgado-Ora, Carmen 339. Paz-Gucia, Alejandra i96. Salvador, Guillermo 340. Paz, Gonzalo C. de la )97. Salvo, Atilano 341. Paz, Perfecto C. de la 398. Samia, Rogelio M. 342. Peiia, Isaac R. 399. San Miguel, Paz T. 343 . Perez, Alfredo 400. San Agustina, Macaraeg 344. Pilar, Jose del 40 I. San Juan, Sergio 345. Pineda, Casto 402. Santiago, Ciriaco 104 403 . 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 41 I. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 42 I. 422. 423. 424. 42 5. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 43 I. 432. 43 3. 434. 435. 436. 437. 43 8. 439. 440. 44 I. 442. 443 . 444. 47TH ANNUAL MEETING Santiago, Cristobal Santiago, Gavino Santiago lbaviosa, Herminia Santiago, Nestor M. Santillan, Jose S. Santos, Apolinar A. Santos, Aurelio R. Santos, Cirilo Santos, Florentino Santos, Jose Antonio G. Santos-Roque, Elena Saqui, Peregrino Sembrano, Caridad Sena, Carmen T. Serapio, Mariano Serapio, Vicente B. Siasoco, Severo Simpliciano, Genoveva C. Singh, Rajah Singian, Evelyn B. Sison, Buenaventura Sison, Manuel Smith, Floyd 0. Solomon, Jaime Soriano, Augusto M. Soriano, Corazon Tiongson, Agapito Tiongson, Gregorio Tizon, Benjamin C. Tolentino, Juliana Tomaneng, Roman Tong::o, Jose Torrechante, Vicente Torres, Petronila Trinidad, Romulo S. T rono, Pedro Tupas, Alberto Udasco, Lazaro Umadhay, Manuel Urgena, Lydia Valencia, Paul Valenzuela, Francisco Valera, Julio P. Valmonte, Eliseo Velarde, Jr., Herminia Veloso, Virgilio Velasquez, Isidro Ventanilla, Elias Ventura, Francisco Vemura, Sabas P. Venturanza, Gregorio Vergara, Clemente Joul". P.M.A. Decembn, l9:i4 Soriano, Filomeno Soriano, Jose Sta. Ana, Jr., Ccsarco Sta. An:.t, Sr., Cesareo Sta. Ana, Desiderio Suanico, Hernando Sunga, Eriberto G. Surla, Magno Sytamco, Jose Reyes Tamayo, Luis R. Tamesis, Jesus 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 45 I. 452. 45 3. 454. 45 5. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 48 5. Vicente, Carlos Villacorta-Agoncillo, Anacleta Villafuerte, Cesar Tan, Francisco Tan, Gregorio B. Tan Jesus Villafuerte, Orlino Villanueva, Guillermo Villarica, Ismael Villarin, Alfredo Villaroman, Felipe R. Villegas, Pedro Villena, Pedro Tengsico, Conrado Tinio, foaquin Vi tug, W cnccslao Yago, Restituto Yusi, Honesto Zalamea, Alberto Zaragoza, Eduardo * * * REGISTERED GUESTS I. Dr. Pyong Tai, Lee-Korea 2. Dr. Prof. Wu, Ching-Free China 3. Dr. Li Hsu-chu-Free China 4. Dr. Ku Ming-Wei-Free China 5. Dr. R. Soeharto--lndonesia 6. Dr. Smai Chandavimol-Thailand 7. Dr. M. G. Zarraga-OTSG, AFP