Landless given lands


Part of The Manila Guardian

Landless given lands
Uy, Conrado
Land utilization
Philippines -- Land grants
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article discusses the government's land settlement program for the landless people. During that time, Social Welfare Administration recruited 877 persons who are mostly farmers, evacuees, refugees and landless people in Luzon]
JULY, 1951 THE )VIANILA .GUARDIAN PAGE 11 LAN D L (SS GI V ( N LAN D S ~•xx+;;:x+xx+::.6:c,;xc<:;:+xi<c<:<+:<X+>n~~xx+xx+x:;:+>rn+:;:x+Y;~ C d 1 ~ Anything electrical? ~ By onra o Uy · ~ Everybody's talking about the HOTPOINT Brand! ~ TH~ government's policy or pro- take care of the ~ick, a market to ~ tf viding land to the landless peo· sell their products and buy their ·~ HOT~~f~~'!';at~~:l~c~c~a~~~e!~f i~tssi~:.,n~~s sfx~i~~g~~s':~~ ~ .. c~t~Jbi~·:~:\.u~~'. ~ pie was initiated a yellr ago when needs and a schoolhouse where the 3 ~~::!~~ (~f:~zr~~~!:"~~~-~~~clc'~-~~~1 uo~o-::,r Fi:c;'g~~~·~f;~ket~~!~~ ~~ the first group of .settlers tecruited children can continue their educa~ lation), Flat Irons (hou•ewives' favoi-ites), Radios (five and s.even tube ~ by the Soci&l Welfare Administra- tion have been established .by the ;:~ ~'::t~), ~~'dct~hte~~ns, Waff!e Irons Sandwich Grilli (or combination of a tion under its l~nd settlement pro- government. ~ , Complete your shopping with our other items like GE's radio console model, ~ gram settled in Koronadal Valley, New roads will be opened in the ~ ~~;~~;'..!y I~~';.!.';~· t!':.J: !~;,~, L•en~P~lh~r~~ster-Ove nand .Air Circulator, ex- ' Cotabato community by the bureau of pubhc I , 126 T p M 1 ~~ Smee then, other migrants follow- works Transporta~on facihttes will ~~ The HQTPQJNT STORE Tel. 1;~1;:36 am a ~ ed suit Recently, the fourth batch be mcreased to meet \the demands of ~ [~ of settlers arrived m Mmdanao to the people ~ Owned and Ooerated by ~ ..$yrt }ife anew, away from the m- The needs and desires of the set-1 CU UNJIENG SONS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ~) sec~e conditions and agrarian trouble tiers are taken care Of by the social ,. f ' ~ m uzon workers of the SWA branch office f.,, <x+::O.»>~~::oa::~~~w._.,..~X~~~ ·-. There are at present 177 fam1hes ""' consisting of 877 persons in Calauag. ::n~he LASEDECO offici~ls in La~ Complimezits of _ . ~ These pioneers are mostly tenant , I. i.'_latmers, evacue~a, refugeeg and land- Calauag is peaceful, and the p~o- ~ ~ less people from - Luzon. Calauag ple feel happy and contented. The I ~~is fest becomin1 a rrtodel community settlers are optimist!c of their fut ure ~ 0 L y M p I A N ~ In the Promised Land. Homes are in this new community where they t~ f) already constructed in the settle- could find home~ and land io call · i * it their own. M · ~~ :~:~sp~~~ce~e~u~;f t~hee ~~~~~~~gr:: The lands ar~ so ferti1e and suited ~ RUBBER PRODU1 CTS CO., J'N1 C. ~ th b f t d th t · l to the crops they are planted with ~~ V ai: ;::: ~o ~~:~s b:n the ;oc7:. :~~and the favorab le climate adds much ~ ~ ~.~E::::~·~E ~?~~[~!~·C:~;~ i;'. :,~·~F:~7r~;· ':'..i;~~~\7: !.~.:.: .. tare lots for each familly to culti- them in the planting and harvesting ,.~ ~ vate and within which to plant pa- of foadcrops. During their leisure ~»X~<CO:+ X?> Xx+:::~~ +!!~ 'Y/ J:~!JR,~~@~~G'<C?".;;.j.X e~ ~~~ :~l~t:~o;::~sf:: ~:~r~::·al~::~; ~;~io:hseyli::g::t::e::~~:~~~:k:~~ ~ SIN HAP SENG KAPOK . FACTORY i been cleared by the Land Settlement weaving and sewing to increase their ~ • ~:~ Development Company (LASEDE- income. Even the children do their (") ~ CO ) (another entity incharge of sher~ by sel.ling homema?e cakes and ~ WE MAKE ALL KINDS OF MATTRESS }~ land clearance and distribution) the helpmg their elders dunng the har- ~~ • * setlers do not find much difficulty vest season. ~ ~ in cultivating them. When Social Welfare Administra- ~ CUSHION & PILLOW ~ The plows, harrow9 and carabaOs tor Asuncion A. Perez visited them t·~ ~j that tfiey brought with modern ma- last April, she expressed satisfaction I as chineries handled by the technical upon seeing the improved conditions ~! ~:1 ~:: :~e~eth~~~~:~0~;-0f ~f:e:et~ of the settlement project. ~ Office : Factory: .~ ' tiers are producing crops, the governth;a!:~:=i~~ a oiiabno~ies~t ~:::~: f;~ ~- 4i O Nueva, Mo'nila 2nd Ave., Grace Park ~ lnent will give them the title to the" own land. It u a fast-producing ~ . Tel. 2-92-23 Caloocan, Rizal ~ fend. community due to the initiative of r1 • . ~ pr~~~~:gt~~esei::l~rsm;:~~c~:a~~e~ ~oen ~~nt~: :;::~::~ tr~u~~e ~~ ::~~ §~~>!C{x+'/ .,X+::~Y MO.:.ZX+x~.:::K}W ..f'"L><C--~~~XXGTu!+!:JI :;0!'~0:~~!": :,:~. • ~tt~:,;,7.~"~; ~:~;,.~'L:~:n '0 """" ••peoially in ~ Greetings on the 5th Anniversary' of the I C 0 N S I D . ER rr H I S ~. ·~ ... REf UBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ~ .',' Since liberation, the expenditure maintain hospitals, sanitariums, jails ~ (?; !:a::c~;~~el!:r~4~~ f!;c~:te:nt~:~ :::d i::~t:~:~s ~:.:l~h=e 0~:~::s staa:~ ~ .,';.i ~-~-• expenditure. It mean sthat only 1/3 dard of living and contentment ~ PHJL. MMJLA CHJ.NESE S ARJ •.SARI STO RE "!':. of a centavo out of every peso spent among the masses. ~ k? by the government goes to promote too'. ASSOClA TJON ' ~ the social well-being of 20 million In U. S., social welfare expendi~ (i 'ilil'>" ture exceeds all other expenses ex· ~·i ~ ~~~~=~~~;~:§~~;~~-=:!