Our first five years


Part of The Manila Guardian

Our first five years
Quirino, Elpidio
Quirino, Elpidio
Quirino, Elpidio. Speeches, addresses, etc.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article refers to the Address of former Pres. Elpidio Quirino, on the occasion of the celebration of the Fifth Anniversary of the Independence of the Philippines, on July 4, 1951, at the New Luneta, Manila]
PAGE. 4 THE MANILA GUARD_I_A_N ____________ J:_u_L_v~, _19_51 / By Pres. ELPIDIO QUIRINO This is an entirely new afternoon value ~nd for which we want to sur- pride about this fact, nor· feeling of not merely providing our peopl~ with of our Glorious Day as a nation. As vive, we must continually commit sub.serviency to a friend who unsel- a life of substance and contentment we watched.,in proud rJview the mas- ollrselves in daily thought and action fishly recognized our right to be free and a guarantee to the preservation sive power of the twin basic supports to the duty of maintaining th9 and stay free. America and the Phil-· of our freedom. We are creating the of the nation - ·the soldier an<l the healthy exercise of our civil rights ippines have a common objective condition of our country's growth and worker - a .sense of security crept and liberties, of upholding the dignity which we now J"egard as a mission - continuance. A_ high living standard into our being. We have been made and worth of the human person, of to extend the borders of democracy is, of course, not enough. Man will to feel that there is added strength restoring the full sense of community everywhere. want more tha1:1 bread to live by. in our sinews. And our hearts beat life among neighbors and among n•- In a shrunken and shrinking world, The future of a free social order to one rhythm of faith. tions. people have to get used to the fact, in this country depends on the kind In this beautiful spot symbolic of F9rtunately, our Republic has won not so much of independence abao- of men it produces. Judging by ~ ocr new endeavors. overlooking the a respected place however modest in lute and complete, as of inter-de- cent events reflecting .social convul-·' hallowed grounds made rich, with the the family of nations. It is known al- pendence and mutual assistance that sions, there can be no telling whether holiest memories ' of heroic deeds and ways to have responded to its com- nourishes human dignity and .self-res- tyranny l'J\ilY not enter upon this ;::~: 8~:rofs:~;~d:,Ou~~:~~;g ::~ ;~:::ts o;si: ::~~:n;~b~:mm::n~:;: :~~t. a~~v~ t~se~b::y 07\~:e ~!::e~ :0~:~:· b~:i:rlyr:s:u;:a:~tLit is happy attendance here affinns the it has identified its voice with every Nations. lt is the greatest challenge and opvalidity and vigor of the Republic argument for self-detennination of We have ooked upon the battle portunity of our times to continue we established five years ago, and the small peoples, for resistance to ag- in K"orea aS a struggle for peace, producing that large resolute ·breed, free institutions that give it substance gression, for broad hum~ rights. the peace of the world, and the peace by _ whose consistent practice of deand force. • Knowing that there can be no half- of mankind. ,Our world commui1ity mocracy our senje of the value of We can now tell the world that in way house between slavery and free- life can only be maintained in an the individual can l:ie kept alive and the fint five years of its life, our dom, it has ranged itself on the side atmospherde of universal· tranquility; strong, by whose loyalt-y to it our Repubic has succeufully stood the of the free w9rld and is contributing and as long as one group of f\&tions relation to our kind c~n remain doubts of by<ltanders and the untruths its share of the .sacrifice to keep- it disturbs that tranquility for any mo- square and fruitful and rich. of its enemies. And the reason lies free. This is w'hy our boys are tive, economic, military, c:ir ideolo- We are determined that our citiin the intrinsic integrity of- the na- fighting in Korea. gical our individual life as a nation zeru will not be deprived of thei; ,.... tion. This integrity has been iri ma- ·We have no pretentions to impose will always be menaced. meaningful role in our social orde( ny instances misrepresented, but we on our neighbors by claiming any We long for the day, the arrival We are detennined to d~mocrati&! have shown its indestructibility be· special wisdom. We tell no one how of that ~moment, when once and for the benefits of our free institutions, cause it h89 been buift of ample and to run his own house; we just see all, in th; battlefields !of' Korea, the lifting those below to the level of devoted investment in blood, tears to our own, set it in order and seek belligerent9 may ceme to an honest prosperous civilized life. Democracy and treasure of all our generations to show thereby the merits of our understanding - with the interests being a process, not a conclusion we past. democratic sy.stem in which we hope of peace safeguarded and the unifi- accept our commitments to it as a It is curiou!. that we have been to grow, developing our potentialities cation and liberation of the Korean continuing, endless e1tperience. Thus able to testify to the vigor of our to the limit. We sponsor no hate people assured. ' We are, therefore, our program of action .. is of long. Republic close on the heels of recent drives. We organize no smear cam- for the immediate cessation of hos· range, requiring resolute men of vidogmatic predictions of its rapid de- paigns, We have always endeavored tilities and the honest setlement of s,ion to carry it to fulfillment. terioration and early collapse. In- to maintain the friendliest under- the issues that have made our present D~ has often been taken sfead of discouraging us, those dire standing and cooperation. We take world one of turmoil and senseless by its enemies as another name for pedictions exercised a potent effect the chance when we can to form a loss of life, prcperty ·and human va- division. Indeed, a frequent thre~t in reinforcing our people's determina- positive basis for increasing com- lues. to democracy is division, We cannot tion to prove the contrary. It aim- mon counsel on problems easier to We want to live a life of substance 1 deny , that in our national life we ply reveals one peculiarity o( our , resolve by common action. This is so that we may be never a liability, have had and undoubtedly will have, people, that we do not discover our why we invited our neighbors to the b:.it an asset to world prosperity and moment's o~ disconcertin~ divi!tion1 _. latent reserves of strength and stay- Baguio Conferen~e of 1950. advancement. This is why we are But 1t is also the virtue of our ing power until we al"e faced with the In desiring to achieve peace for engaged in total economic mobilize- order \hat such moments of division challenge to survive, ounelves and with our neighbors, we tion. Our initial efforh are bearing -are more apparent than ,;:al, and •Day by day, we now ~ealize that are resolved to make our 111Pcial order sufficient fruit to show we are on that,• fn the perilous hour, it is the there is ·net special virtue in survival a direct expression of the peace in the right path in attacking poverty free consideration pf a generous difor its own sake, Thus we do not our spirit, which we distinguish from by organized yroducti~n. The gra- versity of outlook that-best prepares struggle just to survive; we seek to mere insensibility and coilsequent dual conquest of poverty along with us for decision and united action. We · survive f'or the opportunity to remain stagnation. This mearu a continuing more equitable sharing of the fruits have shown our maturity in this refree - free to fulfill our genius as effort, a continuing conflict even - of pro,duction strikes at the root of gard. individuals and as a people. but a conflict productive of cr;ative social discontent. Wherever democracy is a fighting And the fact that we have sur-. change, of creative peace. Our efforts for the mobilization of creed, such div~of outlook antivived so far makes - it pertinent to Destiny has thrown us into a spe: our prorluctive resources will continue cipates its m!;_lst historic resolutions affirm anew why we should continue cial relation with the United States. to be planned, the state using its· and decisive victories. to want to do so. An anniversary We can say for today that that re- main strength to determine indirectly And so it is a part of our commitlike tliis today therefore calls for a lation has had something to do, in ad- the broad level and conditions of eco- ment to democracy that· we constan~ fresh statement of our long run out- dition tO our , own efforts, with the nomic activity end to make a success ly practice patience and tolerahcf look. large measure of' our recovery from of projects clearly its own responsi· with its seemingly .slow processe1 We -.Jpire to Jive not for this age the war, with the security of our free- bility. arising from differences• of opinion, alone, nor by ourselv9 alone. If we dom and stability of our democratic In striving to create plenty as a conflicts to individual aspiration$, are to retain the freedom that we institutions. There can be no false means to roo~ out discontant, we are (Continued on paae 13) JULY, 195•! OUR FIRST FIVE YEARS ~x+x~Ji3>:i:X+x'.li:cr::~.;!:cic»»!i'X+::<x+;<x+:w;•:ci:xc;rn•~rn:c;:x , -...._ (Continued from page 4) ~ Established: April 13, 1918 . Cab1e Address: UYHOOCO ~ clashes ' of personal or g.-oup moti- dition has even enhanced our credit ~ Greetings· for the FIFTH ANNIVERSARY I vation9• abroad. ~j REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES I We want to establi-sh that our1 uni- Of course, we- can not a'ttribute ~ U Y H Q Q & C Q M P A N Y Q :~d asfr:e:::l:i:;y:~t tobed~:;:~:;~ ~~ist~:: :r:~lu•!;:'~n:h~nd:;;!::\• :: I ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES & •GENERAL MERCHANDISE M by those diversities and differances. •.my pirticular gt"oup of individual! ~ ~~1Q.3-~~592732 ~ ~n~~al Avenue ~ They may seem 1:0 obstruct quicfc can claim that our 'nation's recovery ~, , '·~ action, but in effect they allow a and progre:s since independence ar~ ~g~!+};~~<.-!{:!~X('.<+Xl:i::+!~>!CX)i .. 'Ci-'i'X;C:<>3&0(~x;wA;<+!~'"'+}a~::{~ wide margin for a just decision that ~~~:P.dsp;~~~ar:o~~ g~:~n~hei'or h::: ~ Compliments of - · i ::e~om;::: i~:s::st~a~~~1::t~=:~1 national achievement. _ This is the ~ R E P U B L I C B A K 1 E R Y ~ -lsciplim1, the enlightened obedience achievement of our people as whole { .~.: MAKERS OF FINE BREAD, WE SPECIALIZE IN COOKIES, ~ .~ the will of the greater number in by reason, and irrespective, of the u BISCUITS, ETC. .. th ·u f If 1 d diversities of outlook and approach a 1337 Juan Luna Mr. PEDRO ROSALES ~ :.Z~st to e wi 0 a se -e ecte · which must of necessity be peculiar ;·J Tondo, Manila Proprietor & ManaAer ~ to a de~ocracy like ours. Q M We have just witnessed a show of the .urned might of our young Republic. Disciplined and-.devoted to democracy, these men are gallant: ·7 doing their part in our nation~building. They have a leadership today that has .strengthened the trust and security of our people. They are building upon a tradition of racial heroism whose loyalty to liberty is finding 'fresh affirmation wherever it is in extreme peril. We are proud of their predecessors. Wa are equally pr~ud,. of them who now are holding up the standard. -~eace is not easily to be restored to , ~ .• :. :~::.":::<+x.x+::{;;<+;o::.:;>::.z;;:::<+:::c <+!c<+x;..<+:::<;;.~:.x~:.:::<+xx+::;c~:.x;<+x**~a .. What we haye heretofore accom- •.. , t} pli~hed is the manifestation of that ·~ Compliments of - , ~ national instinct which has ince9Sant- r..<i ~ ly pr-0dded our people to face da·n~ I gm, to <ebuild om oount.y evocy S . DELUXE CONSTRUCTION SUPPL y ~~ ;~:e e:~:~-a;m~nva::r ~=~1~ro~: it,fe:~ ~ ~1 stronger every time we rise, never ~j 744.746 Sol~r St. Manila ft :~ss;a~~~;;d~f ::v;:hi:~~m~:::e ~:v:~ ~-~::+xxco.::x+:r.:x+::o.:::::-.::s::m:,;;<e>z}!'.+:l'~'"!+::s::~:.x~«<X+xc>::co.::_x+x:~::+J<::<•~ Un•een H•nd thot •ubtly guid" and t'( G Q • K I A 0 H A R D W A R E ~ directs our national c~nscience in ~ & CEMENT TILES FACTORY • ~ moments of peril and adversity. We (; Dealers in: I only need to appeal to It in all fer~ • Paint Oil • Construction .., Cement Bricks f.~ vor and sincerity so that It may ~~ •. Plumbi~g ~.Supplies . ·~ Marmolizado ~ lpui;:h and raise our long-~uffering ~ Electrical Cement Ptpes • · Hallow Blocks N ~:y :_u:::~~~:· weB~:v . ~t t~ses:n m~n~ people with Its magic wand. That >~ . • Hardware • ., Cement Tiles el Etc. . . . ~ is the secret of our national strength ~ 605 Q'.lezon. Blvd., Manila . Tel. 3-27-09 ~ ~~:~:.:::~:::~~:~.:~:::·:;::~~:i:: ;:::o~::~:~::.::h:~:'::'n,:;,:~~: :.rx·:;,::;~x·;;:~::7y~~»>;;::;~:;;:o:c,~ ~t~~o~'.l~:il::a~: ~:~ ~:~l~:~:~s n;; Our prayer today must be that we ·~ ~~ keep up that spirit and the good I ( I 1 · the landless on our virgin plains. ~ 0 nc work. We can do th~t because we .~···~.. • t • · .. · Certainly, the local atmosphere has have a Republk that has a living .. : •. ~::~ed ;::a::: o~:~e :::1or~e~ ~;:: ~;:~:l~~ rig~~k:o ~~= ~~=g::! u:; ~ 415 Muelle de Binondo, ~ o ·eal protectors and defenders. Agri- God, that faith and democracy lie in ~ Manila, Philippines k' <:ulture, industry and commerce are our hearts. ~-:~ ~ receiving the proper incentives be- My beloved countrymen, again I ~ - o O o - ~ ;:s:a~o~=~s:t;!s;~:~:~ty .;::v:~:: ~:;;e:~n:C:~y ~:\e:; s~:au:y. hands ~ 8 ; ' ~ f'-''''''''~''''''''''''''''''''l ~ . Telephones: 2-70-93 - 2-66-65 - ,jl! E?ITOR'S NOT£ : Because the_ Fflipi· 4 ~ ~ I~ ;::i;;';~~l=~~1:.; I:E~, 1~€:~::~ • ~ r;~7~w;;~•xx+~t:-1~c;rn:+:oaxx+x:-<:;;:c< . ~ requested by the Anlerican Her1taAe ~ W E X P 0 R T ~ Foundation to print in conection with ~ ; ·~ I~ the year o/ rededication which inde~ . Greetinqs on the 5th Anniversary ol the ~ pendence day inauaurates. ~ ~2 . ~ ~ ~ REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ~ · 1 "I:~~~=:~:>~er::~DGE ~ ~ ONG CHI & COMPANY ~ ~ "Free to speak - without fear, I! ~ Auto Spare Parts & Accessories ~ i "Free to worship God in my own way, ~ Q ~ ' < "Free to stand for what I thmk nght, jl! ~ General Hardware, Tools & Equipment ~ "- "Free to oppose what I believe wrong, jl! {) S ~ "Free to choose those who govern my country. ~ ~ Sl l G d S ~ ,.;.! "This heritage of freedom I pledged to uphold for ~ ~ M .0 1 " "r'"1 t. T I N 2-66-34 ~ I! myself and all mankind." ~ t·~ an1 a, · · e · ~· ~ ~'''''"-'''''''''''''""-""-''''''''~ ~+X~+!<Y..+:::<>-3>X>'3>::0~"<+::<::.<+X.${+x'.*'..c<~~~~~tXCi~J
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