Toward peace and order


Part of The Manila Guardian

Toward peace and order
Magsaysay, Ramon
Magsaysay, Ramon
Philippines (Republic) Department of National Defense
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article contains the message of Ramon Magsaysay as Secretary of National Defense on maintaining peace and order in the Philippines in 1951.]
JULY, 195'1 THE MANILA GUARDIAN PAGE 5 TOWARD PEACE AND ORDER ' By RAMON MAGSAYSA ~ Sec. of National Defense o~ndt:;enf~:~ce~~::::r:~r:r;~ s:~~ :r:~:~yo~s~!:r~~:v:i~t~~~r:u;~:r:; ~:~s ::a~,2t~; ~::u::e~~os!~ ina:g::~ ~a:a:.:~:r,~i:::c::~;:;:n:c~:: ma~es up the government's basic the Republic coupled with tact, ~·di- gate of ,5,(269 men, as follows: Kmea plish is probably for the public to policy in its fight for existence. p\omacy and human understanding. ~2,794; Capfured-1,4S8i Surren- say. ' I shall merely add that in this' Twebty-four battalion combat teams 1 h 1 . 1 • f h' h derees~l,017. Duri~ the same pe- campaign we have not Confined our now bear the brunt of communist- the nd:~:r~::n: :g;:rs:i:g 8~~~; P~:- riod, the HMB_ has likewiSe Io's,t. a ,work to engaging the HMBs in cominspir~d and communist-led depreda- gressive· intensity, we have reached. total o~ 3,137 firearms~ all of. which bat. We have, as the pe~ple ~ow tiqns in our towns and barrios. The the pe;ple not only through the press were either· captured or confiscated today, also conduct~ a dr:ive agai~st -lfoth J3:CT, which is now of interna- and the radio. We ha'le als~ one by, or surrendered to the Armed the. loca~ Communtst ... ~ohtb~ro_ and uonal reknown, and the 20tl1 BCT, direct to · the veople through :om- Force.s. • _ agamst t~e country's economic sabo- 1 which is scheduled to relieve the nl.unity assemblies held even in re- ·. The !udge Advocate General's Of- ~eurs which has resulted in t~e bustPhilippine Expeditionary Force, ~ake mote towns and out of the way bar- flee, bemg the legal arm o! the .arm- mg of the huge dollar smugghng s.yn- . up the contribction of the Republic . W ed forces and servaift of the people, dicates and the breaking of organized to the strug'gle abroad for. the per~~: gov:rn~::t':0~0~:~~:::n th;;;~ has been vigorously championing the eri:ns s~Uggljng rings. ~:r::~0:s::mop~:0:a~/!h~f:.esp~~~~ ject of collecting loose firearms is ;;0u:e0c°!h:h;0_~e;ac::~-~~a~~: ;::~:~ ou~:a~i:i:s~t i;~:da::v::~::e:~~:, bility to maintain peace and order ~i::alinauft~~r~;:nt~ ;~;:~::e :~:;;~scy law. Representatives from this has been masquerading as a campaign in the countr)') there had been state- office in cooperation with Civil Af- for agrarian reforms has been comments that the "situation is under The Armed F:rces of the Phil- fairs Officers in the field rend'er the pletely unmarked by our•Armed Forcontrol.'' • Those declarations .were ippines has undergone radical changes maximum - assistafice within · the ces. Our peopl~ now realize that it from the military point of view, • in what ro.any consider is a sweep- boun9s of law· to all tenants w·ho are is a movement that must be stopped sound but premature. ing reorganization. The --purpose aggrieved, one way or another; by if our freedom is to be preserved. Since the first of April, last year, should be"obvious: to eliminate dead- their landlords. Complaints of the With every Filipino citizen who we have followed a two-pronged at;:t~:s·~~~ro;0~;:;e:~:r.a~:: ~~oen:;~ ~::~l~nav::~7::t:ie :;eed~t::~:~; 1::~ :;a;:~::sh~: 1!~=~~::::i:~ ~:,:ar:~ tack which did not leave the problem rea-d)r to give up everything they no attempts at ''whitewash." The and order, We can "expect to con.~! !~~::r;~:n::~erW~is~~:~b~:o;~~~ have in defense of the democratiC guilty parties have been punished to dude the military phase ~f Jbe two general principles: the. poli cy of ~;:~ts:~f l!~e~e;:! :~e s;:~~~=nc:v:~ to the 'fullest extent oi the la~. problem in one course . . ::::~;:~t~· i~~:e!e t~o~:!n!f ~~:k ;:~~ ~he people in the Armed Forces and i::~::+X~~::+;~;:::~::+~z~::+;~~:x+;~i~::+X'X+K~~+XX+>;:~~~~~r+!*!:Pi...~z;;::c~;;J,~~;:::~i':'l ernment; and the policy to meet force 10 the government. (·j · ~ with force, aimed to _destroy the By its organization and training, ~ - HMB diehards who, unyielding, seek the Armed Forces of the Philippines t) C Ompl, imentS Of ~.~ to overthrow the government by arm- is primarily for stabV,ized warfare. ~ ~ ed means. To adopt it. for the type of enemy ~-:l • ;·) , it \s -engaged with, we have resorted ~ It is pursuant to the policy of at· to various tactic's, including the un- ~ · .. ·traction that we founded the ED- orthodox, and had to organize such N i ·~~~.i .. <~~~";;;:.m.n~·;,~;;~:~' ;;::~:.~.~~~';,,:~.~:,~;"7":·;:.~;: ~ UV l· l,T · .& "0,M · · PA,,N·v· , l·NC ~ :~gn:~u toas gi;:e;;p;::~:esdi; In the aerial phase of our operations, ~ I lJ . I ~ . . we likewise have ; found it necessary ~ * ft~ed r~gio~s an opportumty ~o de- to resort to the employment of na- ~ I V:o1;j_the1r ti~e and prO-''palm bombs of our own manufac- ~~~ HAR'D· W.A;R·E MERC· ffAI N'J' ~ .dctive pursmts and to acquire lands ture. ' ~ ~ ·..._. , can call their own and cultivate. I ' k~ I 10,...supp)ement this project, we have N n the naval phase, the Philippine ~ established a carpentry shop where- av~ has formed the nucleus of a * - in ex-Huks with optitude in this ~a~me Combat Battalion to fight the ~- ~ craft are induced into productive ef- d1ss1dents and at the same time our i I fort. Now in operation, the shop has ~aval patrols actively gu~rd our coast- ~} ··~ become the source of tables, chairs, ~1:::, a:i~h::a ~;~:;n~~:~::~ thg:::u:~ ~ .• · _ · .·:: and other office equipment of the - I Armed Forces. It is manned entire· aliens. ~ ly by former dissidents, among whom Sometime ago, the Department of ~ · ·li are former high-ranking Huks. I am National Defense purchased and is~ ' glad to observe that they, like those sued to the AFP's combat units a ~ - ·.li now engaged in our land project in total of 2,000 cameras for the pur(~ · ·. "<:apatagan, L.anao, are happy in their pose of documenting the Huk ca. J 458·460 Dasmarinas St. Tels.: 1· ·. ,....vork and are -becoming useful citi- sualties inflicted by our forces. Of- ~ "" zens. We have been helping the fa- ficial records compiled by the Armed t·i Manila, P. I. _ 2 .. 68 .. )3-3·22·81 ~ '""'lilies of captured Huks by giving Fprces with the help in many ini ~ '\m food, clothing, money and me- stances of these cameras show that ~"< ·. /'e. In fact we are following the... from April 11 19501 up ~o June 22, ~:;:+;c:~::GtXC•tx~;~:.>.!+X'.KC~?.::+!4:.. "<+x;(C"~:C6....,~"-~Z<::§ ·· . .: