Activities of the local government


Part of The Local Government Review

Activities of the local government
Local government. Philippines.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Resolutions of the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors held in the City of Manila on January 21 - 27, 1948 (Continuation from 2nd issue)
Resolutions of the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors held in the City of Manila on January 21-21, 1948. (Cont. from 2nd issue.) No. 19. sanitatiion and beautification; WJHE:REAS, this Young Republic of WHEREAS, -the provincial and city ours, affor it so creditably and nobly governments are also financed out of earned and obtained. its independence, their own res:pective revenrnes and inhas been admitted as mE:mber of the come; association of Sister Nations, known WHEREAS, in order to work out and as the United Nations Organization; dnitiate new ways and means to imWHEREAS, being a Member of said prove the present method of urbaniza~rganization, the Philippines has been tion, sanitation, beautiification and to broughb up in the lime-light through !increase revenues and income raising the able representations of Honorable projects for the improvement and best Carlos P. Romulo, permanent repre- interest of. the provinces and cities; sentative of the Philippines to the Unit- The Provincial Governors and City ea Nations Organization in ·all the con- Mayors now in convention in the City ferences and meetings of that grand of Mani1 la, with the foregoing considand august body by aibly working, de- nations, pending and fighting for lthe improve- RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, ment and best interest of the smaller to request His Excellency, the Presindependent nations; ident of the Philippines, to appoint 3 WHEREAS, the probl~ms and mat- City Mayors and 3 Provincial Governters affecting the world today may also ors from Luzon, Visayas· and M1 indaaffect this young Republic of ours ei- nao for the .purpose of. sending them ther directly or indirectly; · abroad to study and report on ways and WHEREFORE, this Body of Gov- means of improving urbanization, sanernors and City Mayors, with the fore- litation and beautification in the provgoing consid'eraitiions and desfrous of inces and cities and that of initiating knowing events obtaining in the world ways and means of increasr ing income today for the information and guidance and revenues to the benefits of the of al'! concerned provinces and cities. RESOLVED, as it hereby resolved, RESOLVED FURTHER, that the that the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman Members of. this Committee should renand the Secretary are hereby charged -... aer their reports about their findings with inviting Honorable Carlos P. Ro- .. to the Governors and City Mayors mulo, Ambassador of the Phi.Ji:ppines upon· their return to the United Nations Organization, to RESOLVED FDNALLY, to forward speak before this Convention, to ap- this resolution to His Excellency, the prise us of events obtaining in the President of the ·Philippines, Manila. world tocl'ay, as he, more than any- for his information and favornble conbody else, is in a position to .give the sideratiion. much needed information. Carried RESOLV.EU :FURTHER, to- furnish a copy of this resolutiion to the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of this Convention for their information and guidance. Carried. '. No. 20. 'WHEREAS, the provincial and city governments are run almost independently of the National Government specially with respect to urbanization, Page 192 No. 21 WHEREAS, the By-Laws and ConJtitution is the mos:t important document that any group, partnership or association must possess wherein its aims, purposes, functions, program of activitlies, .Jlimitaitiions of action, etc., are set forth, definedl and stressed; WHEREAS, this conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors now in Manila, si·nce its opening, has not THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW . · -' ' ~\S yet and is still without any by-laws and constitution along which it must work and funobion; WHEREAS, it is imp:eratdve that this B'ody of Provincial Governors and City Mayors must have by-laws and constitution for the purpose stated above, WHEREFORE, BE lT UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, that the Board of Directors, which membership had been increased from i;even to eleven, is hereby des.ignaited to draft the constitution and by-laws of the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors . along. which this Body must necessarily work and function. RESOLVED ;FURTHER, that the By-Laws and Constitution herein pro~ posed to be draf• ted by said Board of Directors must be submitted tio the conference for approval and ratificat ion. . Carried unanimous,ly. No. 22 WHEREAS, in prewar days, in the year 1940 or 1941, there was a junket ()f Governors aimed at fostering mutual and better u. nderstanding among urovincial executives for ,the best in·terest and welfare of. their respective -provinces; • WHEREAS, in .Jine with the aims and purposes for which this convention has been called, that of promoting better understanding among Governors and City Mayors and working solidly for the ·improvement and best interest of the various provinces and cities, lt is necessary that governors and city mayors should set on an 'im:rpection tour t hroughout the Islands to see and get first hand informrution of good things obtaining in the different places for introduction to their respective prov°inces and cities; WH.E:RE-FORE; this Conference of 1'rovincial Governors and City Mayors, with the foregoing ·considerations unanimously ' RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, MARCH, 1949 to request the Honorable, ,the Secretary of the Interior,. Manila, to fix a day for an educational, observation and inspection tour to be ·undert~ken by 'Provincial Governors and City Mayors throughout the Philippines for '.he purpose above stated. I,t is however suggested that the month of April is the most convenient t>ime, it being a stormless month. . RESOLVED !FURTHER, that the "xpenses to be incu.rred incidernt thereto· win be taken from the appropria'dons for the offkes of governors provided with discretionary funds and the .'.'otal expenses. to be divided among the governors and C 'ity mayors pro rata. RESOLVED FIN\A.LLY, to forward this resolution to ~he. Honorable, .the Secretary of the Interior, Manila, for his information and favorable' cons>ideration. · Carried unanimously. , No. 23 WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 175, series of 1938, of the President of the Philippines, provides that provincial governors and city mayors are responsible for the efficiency of police forces and the execution of, laws; WHE:REAS, provincial governors do not exercis·e direct supervision over police forces in 1.hat the power of appointing members of said police forces resides with. the respective municipal mayors, hence the former are directly respons>ible and foya:l to the latter; and in the sense tha-b the power of inrvestigating members thereof for any offense or misconduct, which was previ~ ously entrusted in the municipal coun· cils, was transferred to the provincial . commander following the organization of the state police ; WHEREAS, in line with the policy provided in said execut>ive order ,No. 175, ib is necessary that provincial governors be given a more direct control a!1d sui;>ervision over police forces, .s>pfcially m matters of appointing and inves· tigating the members therElof; WHERE1 FORE, this Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors Page 193 now in convention • in the City of Manila, with the foregoing considerations• , unanimous.Jy RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, to request His Excellency, the President of ithe Philippines, to amend Executive Order No. 175, in the sense that Provi.ncial Governors should be given a more direct control and supervision over po1'ice forces specially in matters of and investigating members thereof. RESOLVlE:D FURTHER, to forward this lJesolution to His Excellency, the PFesident of the Philippines, Manila, for -his information and favorable conllider).tion. Carried unanimously. . No. 24 WHEREAS, it has bee'n observed that long delay has been caused by securing the approval of the Department Heads concerned on the Provincial and Munici• pal Budgets already approved by the Provincial Board and Municipal Councils, respectively, thus giving rise to paralyzation of impor1tant government activities, and WHEIREAS, there are laws· and regulations promulgated governing the preparation of ·Provincial and Municipal 1 Budgets which should be complied with, Upon motion by Honorable Perfecto 'Faypon, Governor of Bbcos Sur, the Provincial Governors and City Mayars in convention today, RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, to eliminat• e the approval of the Departmernt Heads on the Provincial and Munidpal Budgets once they are approved by the resipective Provincial Boards and Municipal Councils and duly approved by the Provincial Treasurer with respect to the Municipal Budgets in accordance with the laws :>.nd regulations governing the prepar:>.tion and approval' of Provincial and Municipal Budgets to give immediate effects to the 01peration of said budgets. In case of appea.I with respect to Municipal Budgets, ithe action of the ;provincial Board shall be final. Carried. No. 25 WHEREAS, the granting of more Page 194' aufonomy to provincial and city governments is one of the primary aims for which this converntion has been , called; IWHEIREAS, r there are several bills which will be introduced in Congress the purposes of which is to grant provincial government more autonomy; WHEREAS, there had been created ::t legislative committee, the function of which is to work for tihe passage in Congress of ihiH:s introduced in this Body for the purpose; WHERE.AS, the grarnting to provincial executives broader power of a;ppointing · provincial employees irrespective of funds to which the salaries. for the positions to be filled are charged, whether general, road and bridge, school, agricultural or health fund, is in a large measure towards the realization of granting more autonomy to nrovincial governmeuts; . WHEREFORE, this !Body of Provincial Governors and City Mayors now in convention, with the foregoing con~ siderabions and believing in the wisdom of ·granting the provincial governors the power of a.ppoin.ting provincial' employees irrespective of the funds to· which the salaries for the posiitions to be filled are chargeable, for the better functioning and coordination of the different offices under the provinciar governments, RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, that the legislative committee works for the passage in Congress of bills proposed by this Body with regard to t.he granting of more local autonomy, specially in that which treats in the granting to Provincial Governors of the power of appointing provincial employees, which power is present1 ly not grl'.nted to them, for the better functioning and coordination of the different offices under the provincial governments:. ~ ............................................................ 1 ~ DE LUXE BAZAR & ~: ~ CHIN TAY TRADING ~ ~ I ~ Lega'Wi City ~· ~ ..................................... ~ ................................... ~ THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW RESOLV,EU ·FURTHER, to furrnish copies of this resolution to the . Cha;irman and Members of the Leg1slatrve Committee for their information, guidance and appropriate action. Carried unanimously. No. 26 WHEREAS ,there had' :been created and organized fo, this Body a legislative committee, the func:;tion of which is to follow up and ·work for the passage in Congress of biUs and measures aimed at the improvement and for the bes:t interests of the provinc·as and cities·; WHEREAS, ·the work erntrusted to this committee is such that it requires the atbendance of the chairman and members thereof in every sessiou- of Congres·s in order that it can with suc.cess accomplish its work; l\VHEREAS, in order to insure 1 bhe attendance always of a chairman and in order not to overwork the ipresent chairman of this committee, ib is necessary that a co-chn:irman be designated so that this important committee may with success ably work for the pas·sage in Congress of bills which are of paramount importance to the provinces and cities; This Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors now in converntion, with <the foregoing considerations, unanimously RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, to designate as it hereby designates ihe City Mayor of Manila as Co-Chairman of the Legislative Committee herein for the best interest of the provinces and cities; RESOLVE:D FURTHER, to furnish copies of this resolution to the Chairman, Legislative Committee of this Convention and to the Mayor of. the City of Manila, for their information and g'Uidance. Carried unanimously. No. 27. WHEREAS, the help. assistance and facilities extended to rthis Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors by the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior and all the officials u.nd employees of the Department of the Interior had been instrumental in FEBRUARY, 1949 bringing this convention to a successful end; · WHEREAS, this Body of Provincial Governors and Cilty Mayors in convention assembled is fully aware of the fact that the outcome of this conference would have been otherwise had it not been for the invaluable ser;vices anid assistance extended to this Body by said officials and employees; WHEREFORE, this Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors, with the foregoing considerations, and helieving that credit must go where it is due, unanimously RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, to extend by means of this resolution this Convention's most profound gratitude to the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, Manila, and' aH his officials and employees, in due cognizance for their invaluable services, help and assistance in bringing this conference to a successful end. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary and the Undersecretary of t.he Iinlberior, Manila, for their information and to all Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs of Divisions of the Department of the Interior, for their information, requesting that the conternts hereof be transmitted to the empl'oyees under them for their information also. Carried unanimously. No. 28 . WHE.;REAS, any partnership, entiiy, cor>poration, or associrut.ion can only be expected to stand' on its feet an_d continue to function if. and when it is financiall'Y sound; WHEREAS, the financial stability always deserves priority considerat.ion i;1 the organizrut.ion of any such entity, corporation or associaton if it is to be expected to render efficient service without which nothing could be done or accomplished; WHEREAS, this Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors bein~ an association which seeks to work for the improvement and welfare of ~he ivarious provinces and cities: WHEREAS, such being the case, this Body must necessarily be provided with funds to finance its various activ'Page 195 " OFFICE OS: THE PRESIDENT OS: THE PHILIPPllU.\> MALA.CANAN PHILIPPINES HERALDRY COMMITTEE' ACTUAL SIZE 4PPROVEO av AUTHOl\ITY OF TM£ PRUIO&Ni CJ.GOLD • ~!..U1:. ~~l\!il Rl:.1>1\H §i ~fo·flA~! ~&.~l.'Ut FOR ,.K! PHILIP ~TA -uicuiivE.-~CRETARY- ( T~CHMICAL. CON&UL.TAH AND ACTIMS SECliU!.T~Y 'jk;{)/~1 .... >.·;. Page 196 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW ities and undertakings rt:o insure successful and beneficial results.; WHERElAS, since the operning of this conV'ention nothing has been said or considered with respect to its finances-how it would be provided with funds to take care of its essential needs; WHEREAS, this Conference of Provincial Governors · and City Mayors with the foregoing considerations and Jknowing the absolute necessity of rproviding this as·socirut.ion with sufficien: funds to finance its various activities and undertakings so as to achieve fruitful and beneficial results, unanimously RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, that each and every me.mber must pay an initial fee of 1'10.00 and a monthly fee of P5.00, the same to be paid out of funds as the individual member deems wise. RESOLVED 'FURTHER, to furnish copies of this resolution to the Treasurer and Auditor of this Association for their information, guidance and appropriate action. Carried unanimously. No. 29 WHEREAS, under Executive Order No. 92, current series, of • the President of. the Philippines, provincial, chartered city and municipal governments are authorized to grant living bonus to their officials and employees for the fiscal year ending June 30 1948 not in excess of rates fixed by the' National Government for its officers and employees; and WHEREAS, the spirit behind this executive order is to ameliorate the living conditions of the low-salaried officials and employees, and WHEREAS, the conditions which required or necessita"ted the issuance of thi.s executive order still exist in the provinces, chartered cities and municipalities and will continue to exist for some time because, on account of the serious disruption and disfocation of ;their financal structur1es as: a consequence of the last war, very few, MARCH, 1949 if any, could well afford to stand on their feet to finance, out of their ordinary income, the essential' activitie.q of their resrpective governments, much less ~he payment of bonus to their officerR and employees, without national aid, and WHEREAS, it is 'imperatively necessary to give adequate compensation to all government officials and employees (National, provincial, chartered city and municipal) in order, not only to maintain good efficiency in, but also to enhance the morale of, the service, and WHEREAS, to enabJ.e the province:::, chartered cities, municipalities and/ or municipal diRtricts to carry out their essential operational activities du-ring· .:these trying days of economic recovery and rehabilitation, and to help in th~ .social, moral and material rehabilita·cion of their resrpective officials ·and employees, it is necessary that they 8hou! ld be aided somehow by the National Government until complete nor;nalcy is regained, now, therefore, Upon motion by Honorable Perfecto .Faypon, Provincial Governor of Ilocos Sur, the Provincial Governors and .City Mayors in convention, with the foregoing considerations, unanimously RESOLVED, to petition, as it hereby petitions, His Excellency, the President of the Philippines, to . authorize the grant and immediate relearn ot'. sufficient amount of National Aid to aJ.I provinces, chartered cities municipalities an·d municipal districls in ,,rd'er to heJ.p them build from the ruins of the war and to enable their respective governments extend the benefits of. bonus to their low-salaried officials and employees in the same way as the Na:tiional Government is doing to its own ·officials and empl'oyees. RESOLVED FURTHER, to create a committee of three from the Governors and City Mayors irn Conwntion, to r.,resent this petition to His Excellency, ~.he President of the Philippines, and to request favorable and early consideration. Carried unanimously. Page 197 No. 30. WHEREAS, since the operation of Fishery Act No. 4003, as amended by Comrionwealth Act No. 471, the income of the municipalities along the sea coast suitable for fishing purposes hi.s been greatly reduced due to the fact that the fees collected from fishing l"Lstruments are very much less than when said waters ·are leased to the highest bidders, and WHEREAS, it has been found out t.hat. the fishermen prefer to pay certain per cent Qf their catch than to pay fees for their fishing instruments which they considered high; Upon motion by Honorable Perfecto Faypon. Governor of Ilocos Sur, the Provincial Governors and City Mayors :n convention, knowing that such :neasure is for 1he common advantage of both the Municipal GoV'ernments and the fisherman, RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, to petition the Congress of the Philippines, thru the Honorable, the President of the Senate and the Honorable, rthe Speaker of the House of Representatives, Manila, recommending favorable consideration. RESOLVED FURTHE1 R, to forward -.this resolution to the Congress of the J>hilippines', thru the Secretarlies of ·.the Senate and the House of Repres•entatives, Manila, earnestly r<equesting :appropriate action. . parried. No. 31 WHERE;AS. the Congress of the Philippines knew the necessity of improving the lot of the low-salari·ed municipal officials and employees when 1t passed Republic Acts Nos. 103 and 168 increasing the salaries of said officials and employees; and r·~::;;~:n~~:;············~·~···1 ~ LOY'S BAKERY ~ ~ & GROCERY ~ City of Naga Philippines ~ ~··~···················· .................. ~ WHEREAS, the great majority of i:he municipalities in the Philirppines cannot gi·ve the full rates fixed in the e.bove-mentioned Acts in view of Section 2299 of the Revised Administrative Code which limits the amount expendable for salaries and wages to the mjustice and disappointment of the municipal officials and employees. affected; . WHEREFORE, the Provincial Gov~ ernors and City Mayors now in convention, with the foregoing considerations unanimously ' RESOIJVE<D, as it hereby resolves, to petition the Congress of the Philippines to pass a law repealing Section 2299 of <the Revised Administrative Code so that the poorly paid municipal officials and employees may be able to enjoy the full benefits granted by Republic Acts Nos. 103 and 168. While it is true that, with the approval of the Depat'tment Head, the Provincial Board may authorize every municipality in the province to exceed the percentage under such limitations as may be prescribed by resolution of snid Board, this step will' bring a Jong delay as it will have to pass thru several channels bdore final action can be taken, necessitating several months or sometimes a year before said officials and employees can get the increases of their salaries. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution thru the Secretaries of the Lower and Upper Houses, to the Congress of the Philippines, Manila, recommending favorable consideraUon. Carried unanimously. No. 32 WHEREAS, it has been experienced that deservfog officials an'1 employee' of the government service who were tendered promotional appointments had to wait until the time they received their appoi•ntments duly approved by the Departmnit Heads concerned, and ihe Commissioner of Civil Service, before they could receive their salary increases; and Page 198 " ,.-- - THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW ·Our Local ... Activities ... WHEREAS, said appointment had to go thru various stages of action before they are finally aipproved and released and sent back to the offices of origin ; and WHEREAS, the • PN!sent siystem of waiting to get incN!ases of salaries and wages until the promotional appointments are aipproved has been found to be long and sometimes it takes several months or a year until said appointments are approYed and in some cases promotional appointments are lost thereby making the anicious official or employee disappointed: Upon motion by Honorable Perfecto Faypon, Governor of Ilocos Sur, The Provincial Governors and City Mayors in convention, today RESOLVED, as it hereby resol·ves, to petition the Congress of • the Philippin•es, to pass a law authorizing immediate payment of salary increases once an appointment is issued, prov'ded there are appropriations and funds for the • purpose and provided further that copies of said appointmenrt.s ar? MARCH, 1949 RAMON. DE DIOS Mayor of Tayug, ·Pangasirw..n Personal Circumstances: Born in Asingan, Pangasinan, on June 3, 1891; married; son of a member of the early Cabeza de Barangay. Educational Attainments: 3rd Yr., Normal Course; A,ttended summer classes in Lingayen, Pangasinan, Manila, and Baguio. Experiences and Activities: Municipal Teacher, 1910-1931; Employed in Hda. Hnas. Nable Jose in 1931; Notary Public in Tayug; Leader of the Labor Union of the Tenants of Hda. "El iPorvenir", Tayug; E'1ected Vice-Mayor, 1940. furnished to the Department Heads concerned and the Commissioner of Civil Service. This shall also hole' true to newly created positions in the sense that it can l:;e immedia1tely filled 0nce said positions are created and approved and there are appropriations therefor. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution thru the respective Secretaries to both Houses of. Congress, Manila, earnestly recommending favora bl'e consideration. Carried unanimously. No. 33 WHEREAS, Section 79-D of the Administrative Code provides among other things, the followin: g: "The Department Head, upon the recommendation of the Chief of thf Bureau or office concerned, shall' appoint all subordinate officers and employees whose appointment is not expressly vested by law in the (Governor GJneral) Presid'ent of the Philip:pines, and may remove or punish them except as specially provided otherwise, in accordance with the Civil Service Law." Page 199 WHEREAS, the said provisions are also made applicable .to Chartered Citieti; · 1 WHEREAS, more often than not, City. employees whose appoh1tments are made by Department Heads do not have any sense of-foyalty and dependence to the loca1' administration and in most cases show a foelirng of. false ipride and arrogance hr holding positions ;which they do not owe to local administration resulting in conflicts of policies; and often times in exhibition of conduct unbecoming a public servant, borderfog on insubordination and disrespect to local officers; . WHERELAS, His ExcelJency, President Manuel A. Roxas, in his address before this convention, has urged for more autonomy to provincial and city governments, calling atten.tion to all Governors and city mayors that 1 they represent the National Government in their respective jurisdictionl'3, and that they are responsible for the success· or failure of the local administration; Page 200 WHEREAS, such a delegation of responsjbiJity would be difficult of compliance unless impl'emented with a correspoi:iding delegation of authority; WHEREAS, all City Mayors under their respectiive Charters are authorized to appoint all other employees and laborers of the City whose appoitment is not vested in the ·President of the Philippines, and therefore, there is' no plausible reason why any official, employee, or laborer under any depar.tment of the National Government may not also be so appointed by the Mayo1· inasmuch as upon their work depends in a large measure the success of the J'ocal administration, in cooperation with the policies of the Mayors.; WHEREAS, to secure loyalty and cooperation of City employees to and with the local administration, i1 t is imperative and absolutely necessary with "All subordinate officers and employees whose appointments are not expressly vested by law in the President of the Philippines", be appointed by the City Mayor; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved to request the Philippine Congress to amend Section 79-D of the Admin~s­ irative Code by providing that Chartered Cities are and should be excluded from the operation and effect of said 8ection. R,EiSOLVED !FURTHER, ito forward this resol'ution to His Excellency, the President of the Philiippines', Manila, to the President of the Senate and' to the Speaker of the House of Representati.ves, Manila, for their information and favorable action. Carried unanimously. There being no more business, the meeting adjourned. I hereby ·certify to the correctness of the above-quoted minute8. (Sgd.) PERFECTO FIA YPON Secretur'!} ATTESTED : (Sgd.) MANUEL CUENCO President THE LOCAL GOVERNM~NT REVIEW